[Greek] πορνεία (porneia), [Latin] fornicatio, [Latin] prostitutio: unchastity, dishonoring, profaning, immorality, whoredom, idolatry; 26 scriptures
St. Peter Damian (1007-1072) already saw the problems with immorality, homosexual predatory behavior, laxity, moral relativity, and silence within the clergy. (Sound familiar?) St. Peter Damian is essentially asking, “IS IT TOO MUCH TO HOPE FOR TO HAVE GOOD PRIESTS?” Feb. 21 is the feast day for St. Peter Damian.
Background information:
New Testament: This term means unlawful marriage, unchastity, homosexuality, and immorality. Immorality can include fornication, evil, harlotry, and licentiousness.
Unlawful marriage: Mt.5:32, Mt.19:9, Acts 21:25
- Involves serious sexual sin, incest, adultery, and annulment grounds.
- Marriages involving Mosaic law violations and sanctions.
- Jesus’ admonitions apply only to valid marriages.
- Paul asks Gentiles to abstain from unlawful marriages.
Immorality: Mt.15:19, Cor.5:1, 1Cor.6:13,18, 1Cor.7:2, 2Cor.12:21, Col.3:5, 1Thess.4:3
- Evil thoughts and deeds, coming inside from the heart, defile the person.
- There is a need for separation from the unholy.
- Sexual satisfaction becomes as commonplace as food.
- The immoral person sins against his own body.
- One must have an understanding of one’s own limitations.
- You [Corinth] have not repented of your impurity, immorality, and licentiousness.
- Put away parts of you that are earthly (worldly).
- God wills that you refrain from immorality.
Born of fornication: Jn.8:41
- If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works of Abraham.
- You are trying to kill me [Jesus] who has told you the truth.
- You are doing the works of your “worldly” father [the devil].
- Your father is the father of lies.
- You do not belong to God (priests and laity prostituting themselves to other idols).
Prostitution in Corinth:
- Corinth was considered the “Amsterdam of the ancient world”.
- Aphrodite was the patron goddess of Corinth.
- Women slaves, prostitutes, and courtesans were sold into prostitution.
- [Paul]: any woman unveiled brings shame upon her.
- Adulterous women’s hair was cut short (so others may see their shame).
- Prostitutes and lesbians were thought to have to short hair.
Church in Pergamum: (Jesus hated the works of the Nicolaitans [Rev.2:6])
- The Nicolaitans practiced a mixture of Christianity, paganism, and the occult (which becomes a mockery of their faith).
- The Nicolaitans had a shallow “dumbed down” faith.
- The Nicolaitans practiced eating of meat sacrificed to idols.
- The Nicolaitans practiced free sexual intercourse.
- The Nicolaitans followed the doctrine of the cult of Balaam (abortion).
- The Nicolaitans valued tolerance and compromise.
The Harlot of Rome (Babylon):
- The greatest seducer of nations and their kings.
- The kings of the earth have syncretic “intercourse” with this harlot. (exchanging worldly values and sin with the Church).
- This harlot is the center of paganism and apostasy from God.
- This harlot mixed idolatry, lusts, religion, worldly ways, and philosophies
- Babylon is filled with fornication and pleasures.
- Babylon is contrasted with the pure community of God.
Rev.14:8: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon, the great that made all nations drink the wine of her licentious passion (fornication).” (This harlot seduces and intoxicates the nations (and leaders) with idolatry, paganism, superstition, worldly ways (human traditions), fornication, and lusts.)
Rev.17:2: “The kings of the earth have intercourse with her, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk on the wine of her harlotry.” (The kings of the earth commit spiritual adultery with this harlot. The great harlot seduces them with unfaithfulness, idolatry, passions, and corruption.)
Homosexuality (fornication) in the Church:
Who was St. Peter Damian (1007-1072)? He was an Italian cardinal and Doctor of the Church. He had shed a spotlight on the sexual immorality, laxity, clerical homosexuality, and moral relativity among the clergy.
What does St. Peter Damian say about homosexuality in the clergy?
- Homosexuality is incompatible with the dignity of the priest.
- There is a correlation between liturgical abuse and an indifference to the moral demands of the gospel.
- Fundamental disorientation regarding the natural complementarity of the sexes.
- Devastating psychological and spiritual effects of homosexuality.
- This can lead to a continuum of sins that depart from the nature of the sexual act.
- The tendency to recruit others into their lifestyle.
Quotes by St. Peter Damian:
“Sodomy raging like a cruel beast within the sheepfold of Christ” (Peter Damian observed homosexuality rapidly spreading within the clergy.)
“Why do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with burning passion?” (Peter Damian observed self-seeking promotion of this deviant lifestyle within the clergy.)
“Undoubtedly, those who turn a blind eye to the sins of their subjects that they are obliged to correct.” (Peter Damian observed the secrecy, silence, and lax disclosure of homosexuality within the clergy.)
“If such a priest is barely permitted to enter the church pray, how is it that he can approach the altar to intercede for others” (Peter Damian states homosexuality is deeply related to the dignity of the priest.) Questionable behavior==> questionable priesthood
“What do you seek in a man, that you are unable to find yourself, you seek in vain in another body?” (Peter Damian sees that the priest has a disorientation about the natural complimentarity of the sexes.)
Fr. Heimerl: “Francis’ synodal church is controlled by old homosexual men”
- The synodal Church no longer teaches the traditional faith (about homosexuality).
- The bishops’ failure (silence and cowardice) in criticizing the synodal Church indicates a “new normality.”
- Where does this silence and indifference come from? From Satan, the father of lies (1Jn.3:8)
- Fiducia Supplicans: permitting of blessings of “irregular couples” [homosexuals and adulterers]
- The clergy has historically been infiltrated by homosexuals. Serious estimates: over 60%
- There is little opposition because the Church has fallen into the hands of older homosexual men.
- There is now a belief by some people that homosexuality is “willed by God and is by no mean a sin” (This is contrary to Church teachings and very concerning!)
- The Church is in the Babylonian captivity of homosexual senior clergy.
- Pope Francis is associating himself with these older homosexual clergy!
- The workings of Satan has now been exposed [for all to see] in the Church. This is perhaps God’s providence in allowing for a true reform of clergy in the Church.
- It is now all the more important to listen to voices like Bishop Strickland! (“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”) Mt.11:14)
Prostitution, prostitute, fornication, fornicate, porn, pornographic
It is important to note that the New Testament makes references to unchastity, unfaithfulness, and unlawful marriage.
In the New Testament, it can be inferred that an unlawful marriage is in contrast to God’s laws for marriage and procreation [man and woman]. (Yet, Fiducia Supplicans is a result of the Vatican’ acquiescence to pressure from the German bishops’ curious “concern” about homosexuality.)
Jesus overrules the Old Testament’s allowances for divorce. Jesus reaffirms God’s original designs for marriage (man and woman become one flesh. (It is as if Jesus is going to treat the New Testament folks like adults in talking about the original purpose for marriage.)
The New Testament reaffirms that immorality comes from within (the heart).
It is significant to note that fornication, immorality, disobedience, pride, and the devil are all tied together. Really not surprising, since the devil also seeks to undermine, upend, and destroy God’s laws and creation. “We are not illegitimate (born of fornication)” Jn.8:41
The Nicolaitans had overcome the culture the Christian culture by its introduction of paganism, occult, and “tolerance”. Jesus HATED their lukewarm mockery of the Christian faith.
How did Pope Leo IX respond to homosexuality in the priesthood? He approved a canon decreeing excommunication for those guilty of sodomy.
Update: It seems like the Nicolaitans and Modernists and Synodalists have much in common: watered-down faith and teachings, tolerance, compromise, and human traditions, and adapting to the world. This synodal Church is becoming a new Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Pope Francis follows the German bishops in doctrinally go off the rails into heresy and schism.
- The German bishops now affirm that homosexuality is normal!!
- Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to follow after the German bishops in “piece-meal” fashion.
- Fiducia Supplicans: allowing “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex unions, while stating Church teachings. This is paying lip service to Church teachings.
- Church leaders are engaging in spiritual harlotry. Clergy are questioning, ignoring Church teachings. Some clergy are de-stigmatizing and normalizing homosexuality.
- Church leaders do not mentions Jn.8:11 (“Sin no more!), Jn.8:12: (“Whoever does not follow Me will walk in darkness”)
- Church leaders stress inclusion, false tolerance, and mercy above all else. Sin, true compassion, repentance, conversion, and the salvation of souls are excluded.
- Pope Francis continues to be two-sided. Pope Francis champions Fr. James Martin’s LGBTQ outreach efforts and then also states the Church’s teachings against homosexuality.
- There unfortunately seems to be a current trend of self-absorbed clergy “coming out” with their homosexuality. A noble priest would keep this inclination secret for the sake of the kingdom.
- The German bishops state that the Church must accept the reality of homosexuality. The Church must get with the times!
- If the Church was serious in teaching against homosexuality, there would be more conversions away from the homosexual lifestyle and less need for the LGBTQ “outreach”. Yet, the Church continues to increase its LGBTQ “outreach”. (Paying lip service to Church teachings!)
- If homosexuality in the clergy is not a problem, then what caused the Church sex abuse scandal?? St. Peter Damian was right all along: “IS IT TOO MUCH TO HOPE TO HAVE GOOD PRIESTS?”
The Church has reached a pivotal “millstone movement” as a result of Fiducia Supplicans’ caving in to the LGBTQ lobby. This has now created an inflection point in the Church: Do we want a Church that blesses sin and evil?
A female Anglican presbyter was invited to “concelebrate” at Archbishop Magri’s installation Mass. It was more important to be “inclusive” with other religions than following proper liturgical norms. Archbishop Magri later published a letter stating that this was “inadvertent” and was committed to liturgical orthopraxy. Shocker! This is just another example of spiritual harlotry.
Feb.21: Today is the feast day of St. Peter Damian. I hope all clergy will take to heart what this saint says about their moral character in being a priest.
“Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in hell than else, because this is the worst sin there is.” St. Bernadine of Siena
Next post: looking up (recover lost sight)