[Greek] χρηματίζω (chrēmatizō), [Latin] acceptare responsum, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] vocare, [Latin] consummare, [French] recevoir, [French] souvenir, [French] avertir, [French] inviter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever: to warn, to reveal, to call; Mt.2:12, Mt.2:22, Lk.2:26, Acts 10:22, Acts 11:26, Rom.7:3, Heb.8:5, Heb.11:7, Heb.12:25
This 1973 Marian prophecy is just one of many warnings (and prophecies) which are becoming true in the Church. There continues to be battle of ideas (among clergy and laity) as to what type of Church should we have: A divine Church based on Tradition or a worldly synodal Church based on one’s lived experiences.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to deliberate, to negotiate, to give a response to, to receive an answer to, and to call.
Old Testament: This term means to speak, to declare, to command, and to reveal. A deity becomes the answering authority.
New Testament: This term means to warn (through a dream), to reveal (by the Holy Spirit), to be directed (by an angel), and to call out.
Mt.2:12: The magi had been warned in a dream not to return to Herod. (This sets the stage for Israel’s rejection and the Gentiles’ acceptance of Jesus. Magi were perceived as having more than human knowledge.)
Mt.2:22: Joseph had been warned in a dream to depart to a region in Galilee.
Lk.2:26: It had been revealed to Simeon by the Holy Spirit that he had seen the Messiah. (Simeon was awaiting the consolation of Israel. Jesus’ birth brings to fulfillment the hopes and expectations of the restoration of God’s rule in Israel.)
Acts 10:22: Cornelius was directed by an angel to summon Peter. (Peter is prepared to admit that Gentiles, previously considered unclean, into the Christian community.)
Acts 11:26: It was in Antioch where Jesus’ disciples were first called Christians. (These Gentiles are now able to distinguish themselves from the Jews.)
Heb.11:7: By faith Noah warned about what was not yet seen, with reverence, built an ark, for the salvation of his household. (In faith Noah acts in response to God’s impending divine warning. Noah was obedient to God’s divine warning.)
Heb.12:25: If they did not escape when they refused Moses on earth, how much serious it is for one to turn away from the one who warns from heaven. (They could not reject and escape from the one who warned you on earth. How much more difficult it is to reject and escape from the one in heaven!)
Marian prophesies:
Akita (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops opposing bishops. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”
(Cardinals and bishops are opposing each other in matters of doctrine and theology concerning traditional Catholic teaching and Modernist teachings. Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, compromise, toleration, and inclusion of sin and worldly values.)
Our Lady of Good Success (1635): “The sacred sacrament of holy order will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised. These corrupted priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will incite the hatred of bad Christians, enemies. The apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings to the good pastors of the Church.”
(Liturgical sacrileges, faithful priests removed from office, diminished vocations, clerical sexual abuse, priestly homosexuality, clergy paying lip service [ignoring, questioning, ignoring] to Church teachings against homosexuality.)
Our Lady of Good Success (1635): “The clergy will become careless in their sacred duties, will stray from the road traced by God for their priestly ministry. They will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will duly strive to obtain.”
(Priests having huge multi-media companies, priests involved with NGO’s, questionable business relationships between NGO’s, charitable organizations, government agencies, and the Vatican, greater emphasis in social justice and political ideology)
Fatima (1917): “There will be a wicked council planed and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the faith. Confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for the shepherds in vain. A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. The Church will bleed from Her wounds.”
(Confusion permeates throughout Pope Francis’ papacy. There is schism and heresy in the German Church. There is already a defacto schism in the larger Church between faithful Catholics and the Modernists. Synods are introducing worldly and evil ideas, remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man. One can only speculate as to which council (or councils) does this prophecy refer to.)
Garabandal (1965): “Many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.”
(This “unofficially unapproved” prophecy clearly illustrates the situation in the Church. Evidently, this also indicates that a prophecy does not necessarily need to be deemed “approved” in order to become true. We are now experiencing that “millstone moment” with Fiducia Supplicans.)
Synod of Synodality:
Agenda item: Synod organizers asked for discernment on the “possibility for women with adequate training to preach in parish settings and a female diaconate.”
Desired end goal: Non-ordained deaconesses (installed in a specific “liturgical” ceremony, given a special “liturgical” garb to wear) ==> will be perceived as an ordination ==> some bishop will “ordain” this deaconess ==> “woman priest.” (Don’t be surprised. It could happen this way! See the link below.)
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Modernists’ doctrine towards the Church Magisterium): [refer to my pinned post on X (Twitter) @mikeszcz]
- The Magisterium must be under the dominion of the State.
- Magisterial authority must be internalized.
- Magisterial authority must be democratized. (deaconesses and possible woman priests??)
- This common mind (individual consciences) must exercise authority.
- An explanation for religion inside themselves (sentiment, perceptions, and experiences) produces dogma.
Accept, response, receive, admonish, admonition, souvenir, vocal, vocation, invite, invitation, consummate, consummation, accomplish, accomplishment, achievement, achieve
You will see that the Vatican may need to create another “non-liturgical blessing” for a deaconess! Then they will “slow-walk” this process to get to where they want to go: a woman priest! A PRECEDENT HAS ALREADY BEEN SET TO CREATE A “NON-LITURGICAL BLESSING”.
One must be aware that Cardinal Hollerich intends to be a major advocate for women deaconesses!
Do not forget that the Vatican has already recently met with Anglican woman priests for advice on women deacons and women priests??
Worldly influences and political rights are infringing on the Church. There continues to be a clamor for women priests and deacons. Vocations are now being deemed as positions. Therefore, women deserve the right to become priests and deacons because of justice and social equity.
It seems that Pope Pius X encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis pretty much nailed it when he foresaw that the Modernists would bring in “lived experiences” into the Church!
Expect to hear this common sentiment by those who are supporting a woman deaconess: “She does all this work helping and serving the Church. Why can you not just recognize her as a deacon?”
The Vatican is now redefining the criteria for the justification and legitimacy for Marian apparitions: if it does not cause division in the Church? This becomes a non-starter as past Marian apparitions have historically been pronouncing chastisement and judgment against the Church. Approving such Marian apparitions will force the Church to acknowledge problems in the Church. Therefore, these Marian apparitions will never be approved. Shocker!
Are you surprised that these prophecies are coming true?