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[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulitas, [Latin] diffidentia: disobedience, unbelief, obstinancy; Rom.11:30,32, Eph.2:2, Eph.5:6, Col.3:6, Heb.4:6,11

Pope Pius V lead the Catholic Church from 1566-1572. He resided during the important Council of Trent. Pope Pius prophetically warned us about the consequences of the actions of luke-warm Catholics.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means disobedience.

Xenophon’s Memorabilia 3.5.5: “Ah, I am aware of that. For confidence breeds carelessness, lackness and disobedience; fear makes men mor attentive, more obedient, and more amenable to discipline.”

Old Testament: This term denotes disobedience and a sinful attitude toward God.

Isa.6:52: Who walks in evil paths and follow their own thoughts

Prv.1:25: Who disdains My counsel and ignore My reproof

New Testament: This term means disobedience and rejection of belief.

Rom.11:25-29: In God’s design, Israel’s unbelief is being used to grant the light of faith to the Gentiles

Rom.11:30: Just as you [Gentiles] have disobeyed God, but now have received mercy because of Israel’s disobedience

Rom.11:32: Where sin increases, mercy increase ever more

Eph.2:1-2: You are dead in sins living in the age of this world, following the spirit (ruler) that is now at work in the disobedient

Eph.5:6: Let no one deceive you with arguments. The wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.


“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” Pope Pius IX

“The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.” Pope Pius X

“Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep’s clothing. You will be called clerical, retrograde, intolerant. But pay no heed to the derision and mockery of the wicked.” Pope Pius X

“I have always condemned liberal Catholicism and I will condemn it forty times over if it be necessary.” Pope Pius IX

Etymology: The Latin noun incredulitas originally meant disbelief or unbelief. Now this term means unbelievable, surpassing belief, and extraordinary. The Latin noun diffidentia means distrustful and not confident. The Greek noun apathea means unbelief, indifference, freedom from suffering, and without feeling. After 1733, this term means indifferent, disengaged, and luke-warm.


Apathy, diffidence, diffident, incredible, incredulous

This term can essentially mean disobedient in any time in history.

God’s mercy is much more than one’s disobedience. The age of this world (including modern times) is filled with disobedience in many forms.

Update: Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to ignore Jesus’s command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). By not stating this Church teaching, many souls (living in the homosexual lifestyle)are in eternal danger.

Instead, Pope Francis’ inner circle is seeking to de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality.

For so many years, many Catholics (and Christians) have been luke-warm, indifferent in their faith. There continues a trend of decreasing church attendance.

“Nones” (those who have religious affiliation) continue to grow.

For many years under Pope Francis’s papacy, many Catholics have grown indifferent, helpless, and unsettled about what is happening to Jesus’ Church.

Interestingly, the public’s reaction (both clergy and laity) are becoming more energized and vocal about the evils of Pope Francis’ document Fiducia Supplicans. They are no longer staying quiet!

Rather than being indifferent to the minutae of papal documents, the people are being energized and very concerned on the notions of blessing sin. Quite understandable.

Pope Francis continues to show his disdain and disobedience regarding faithfulness to Tradition and traditional Church teachings.

Pope Francis, in his arrogance and disobedience to Jesus, has taken upon himself to remake Jesus’ Church in a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man).

In his disobedience, Pope Francis continues to flout Tradition in order to change Church teachings.

Not surprisingly, Pope Francis has called Traditional (conservative) Catholics as rigid or backward-looking.

Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis warned us about Modernists who would seek to undermine the Church from within.

[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulitas, [Latin] diffidentia

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