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[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio, [French] incriminer: accusation, criminal charge, complaint; Lk.67, Jn.8.29, 1Tim.5:9, Tit.1:6

Pope Pius XII foresaw Catholic critics (clergy and laity) who would claim that conservative (traditional) Catholics are “rigid” in their faith. Yet, this really speaks more about the Modernists’ disdain for Tradition and traditional teachings.

Background information:


Agora: the central public gathering place or assembly

Agoreuo: this Greek verb means to speak in the public assembly

Kategoreo: this Greek verb means to accuse (-agoreuo) against (kata-) someone in the public assembly

Kategoria: this Greek noun means accusation. In a sense, the one accused is often categorized or labeled by that accusation. (Crime ==> criminal)


  1. This term means “fig-revealer” (sykos: fig, phaneroo: to reveal).
  2. Folklore suggests that sycophants would shake down trees to reveal the figs.
  3. Private individuals were often hired to make false prosecutions and accusations (“shake-down artists”).
  4. Fig farmers would often hire informants (fig revealers) to spy on their competitors who engaged in criminal activity.
  5. In current times, a sycophant is a “yes-man/woman” or one who “sucks up” to someone.
  6. In current times, a sycophant is a “pope-splainer” who explains, defends, or employs “verbal gymnastics”.

Greek Hellenism: This term means to accuse, to betray, to make known, to speak against (before judges), and to inform.

Plato’s Euthyphro 2c: “What sort of indictment has been brought against you?”

Demosthenes’ On the Crown 18.266: “You have already the reputation of an informer. And the question is whether you still to continue in that trade.”

Plato’s Apology 18a: “Then it is right for me to defend myself against the false accusations brought against me.”

Sophocles’ Ajax 907: “But by whose hand can the ill-fated man have contrived this end? He did it with his own hand; it is obvious.”

Old Testament: The Hebrew noun satan means accuser. The Greek noun diabolos means one who accuses or cast through. The Greek verb diaballo means to slander, to throw across, and to accuse. The accuser hates (Psa.38:20), attacks with contempt and scorn (Psa.71:13), slanders (Psa.109.4), speaks evil (Psa.109.20), adversary (prosecuting attorney) in Lord’s heavenly courtroom (Zech.3:1).

New Testament: This term means to accuse, to bring charges against, and to trap (catch).

“The scribes and the Pharisees watched Him closely to see if He would cure on the sabbath so that they might discover a reason to accuse Him.” Lk.6:7

The scribes and Pharisees, acting like the ancient sycophants, were essentially looking for evidence to incriminate Jesus. The scribes and Pharisees were seeking to find evidence of blasphemy (acting like God) in charging Jesus as ==> a blasphemer.

“So Pilate came out to them and said, ‘What charge do you bring against this man [Jesus]’?” Jn.18:29

  1. The Jews hoped that Pilate would order the execution of Jesus.
  2. Pilate felt that Jesus could be not be charged for such a serious nature.
  3. Yet, the Romans, not the Jews, were legally able to exact the punishment of crucifixion.
  4. Crucifixion was a Roman punishment exacted for slaves and criminals.
  5. Pilate, yielding to public pressure, authorized the crucifixion of Jesus.

“Do not accept an accusation against a presbyter unless it is supported by two or three witnesses.” 1Tim.5:19

The public position of a presbyter subjects them to criticism, whether warranted or not. Multiple (two or three) witnesses were needed to ascertain the validity of any such accusations against presbyters. This notion alludes to Deut.19:15 (committing sins and iniquities) and Deut.17:6 (punishment deserving of death). This provides the basis for “where two or three are gathered…”

Tit: 1:5-6: Appoint presbyters who are not accused of licentiousness or rebellious. (licentiousness, self-indulgence, recklessness, wastefulness, extravagance, disobedience, negligence)

Quotes by Pope Francis:

“One must abandon your ecclesial ideologies.” (As a Modernist, Pope Francis sincerely believes that the LGBTQ community is being marginalized by “RIGID” Church teachings. In other words, your ideology is making you rigid!). Yet, not surprisingly, Fiducia Supplicans, has no mention for forgiveness and conversion of heart.)

“God is love and the one who loves does not remain RIGID. They do not remain rigid in their own positions, but allow themselves to be moved and touched.” (At the Synod of Synodalities, Pope Francis suggested the notion of the “Holy Spirit of Surprises”. BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT CONDONE SIN! Pope Francis is seeking a “new morality” that would accommodate ‘irregular relationships’ as an acceptable marriage relationship. In this new morality, this behavior should not be called sinful!) 

“Beware of RIGIDITY, it is a perversion. Behind the rigidity there is no holy spirit.” (Pope Francis evidently is more concerned about mercy than following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). What is more compassionate is being MORE CONCERNED about one’s eternal mortal soul!)


Accuse, accusation, accuser, incriminate, incrimination, category, categorize

The agora was essentially the central public square for commercial, social, religious, political, and judicial activities.

Jesus loved us so much that He would be willing to be crucified like a slave or criminal.

I can categorically say that is a very interesting term. ☺☺☺It was interesting to discover the nuanced meanings which are still applicable today. To this day we still have informants and sycophants (“yes-men”, “yes-women, “pope-splainers”).

And now you know why informants are sometimes called “shake-down artists” or extortionists.

In the Old Testament, the devil is an accuser, adversary, and slanderer who seeks to undermine God, the Church, God’s moral laws, and man.

Update: The Vatican “pope-splainers” (papal sycophants) have been in full crisis- mode defending Fiducia Supplicans and Cardinal Fernandez’s “hard-core porno” theology. These “pope-splainers” have become well versed in verbal gymnastics.

If you oppose Fiducia Supplicans, you may be deemed as a hater, mean-spirited, or intolerant to those who are “marginalized by rigid Catholic teachings”.

Pope Francis continues to hide Fr. Rupnik, accused of sexually abusing nuns. Fr. Rupnik unfortunately continues to produce grotesque artwork.

Evidently, one can accuse the Vatican for having bad taste in artwork. The Vatican continues to promote Fr. Rupnik’s grotesque artwork in various cathedrals and churches.

Bishop Strickland was greatly criticized for protesting against the scandalous ‘Sisters of the Perpetual Indulgence’ being honored at ‘Pride Night’ at Los Angeles. Bishop Strickland had the audacity to stand up for traditional Church teachings.

Bishop Strickland was later accused of not being a “team-player” for not towing the Modernist line. As a result, he was removed from his office.

Many cardinals, bishops, and priests can be rightly be accused of being cowards in not supporting Bishop Strickland and in not speaking out against Fiducia Supplicans.

Cardinal Fernandez has a history of being accused of heresy and writing scandalous books about kissing and theological porn. Yet, this did NOT stop Pope Francis from appointing him as the Vatican’s doctrinal chief. This is criminal and scandalous in itself.

Cardinal Sarah was accused of heresy by Pope Francis’ biographer for criticizing Fudicia Supplicans.

Pope Francis calls it a scandal to see young priests and seminarians wearing cassocks, hats or lacey albs. (So it is scandalous to see a priest look like a priest??)

Fr. JesusMary Missigbeto, documenting Pope Francis’ actions and documents, has accused Pope Francis of ten heresies. This suspended priest now expects to be expelled (for being too Catholic??)

Pope Francis has accused traditional Catholics for having a nostalgic disease of backwardness. Pope Francis says that this is a Traditional disease (indietrismo) for restoration.

Because of Pope Francis’ ‘great mercy’, more and more clergy are being removed or cancelled. We continue to live during the Bergoglian Reign of Terror.

Pope Francis and his inner circle are preaching a new morality by creating a worldly Church in the image of man (with worldly values, “lived experiences”, paganism, and sin.)

Katholishe.de , the official news arm of the German bishops conference, claims that “the Chrism Mass is a breeding ground for clericalism.” (There is just too much clericalism!)

Pope Francis at the Chrism Mass: “We must not fall into clerical hypocrisy. We need to be set free from harshness, recrimination,…rigidity.”

Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the cunning statements of those who persistently claim to be with the Church and to love the Church. But judge them by their works.” Pope Pius X

[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio, [French] incriminer

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