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[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 120 scriptural passages

Point of clarification: This quote actually comes from St. Anthony of the desert, not St. Anthony of Padua. I had to hand over a fuzzy picture (with the right name) for a clear picture (with the wrong name). However, the wrong name does not betray the meaning of this quote. ☺☺☺ Pope Francis’s synodal Church has unfortunately become the fulfilment of this prophet statement.

Herodotus’ The Histories 1.45: “The murderer stood before the body and gave himself up to Croesus.”

Euripides’ Phoenissae 1393: “Polyneices, seeing a chance of dealing him a blow, aimed at him.”

Herodotus’ The Histories 5.37: “Iatragoras handed the banished tyrants over to their respective cities, which he wished to please.”

Old Testament: This term means to give (be given), to cause, to put, to place, to produce, to allow, to appoint, to pay, to buy, and to hang. The more nuanced meanings are to marry (to be taken in marriage), to slander (to take abuse), to have sexual relations (to take someone), to dominate (to take advantage), to sit (to take a seat), to avenge (to take retribution), and to be stubborn (to turn the back).

New Testament: This term, used quite extensively, means to hand over (to punish, to arrest, to crucify), to betray, to entrust, to bring forth, to abandon, and to be devoted to. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude the many examples of Jesus being handed over. In my first post on this term, I will bring forth other examples of betraying, arresting, handing over. The second post will include scriptural examples of entrusting, handing down, and bringing forth.

Handing over/arresting:

Mt.4:12: When He heard that John had been arrested, He withdrew to Galilee

Mt.10:17-21: Coming persecutions: when they hand you over, do not worry about what to say

Mt.18:34: The master handed him over to torturers until he could pay back his debt

Mk.13:12: Brother will hand over brother to his death

Lk.20:20: They tried to trap Him in speech to hand Him over to the authorities

Acts 8:3: Saul handed them over for imprisonment

Acts 12:4: King Herod had James taken into custody and put him in prison

Acts 27:1: They handed Paul over to in prison

Handing over/betray:

Mt.26:21: Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me

Handing over/giving up one’s life:

2Cor.4:11: We who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus

Gal.2:20: I live by the faith in the Son of God who has given Himself up for me

Eph.5:25: Husbands: love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and handed Himself over to her

Handing over/abandoning:

Acts 7:42: God turned and handed them over to worship the host of heaven

Rom.1:24: God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of the hearts for the degradation of their bodies. God handed them over to degrading passions

Rom. 8:32: God did not spare His own Son but handed Him over for us

Eph.4:19: They have become callous and have handed themselves to licentiousness

False teachers: 2Pet.2:1-14

  1. Who will introduce destructive heresies
  2. Who deny the Master who ransomed them
  3. Who will bring swift destruction upon themselves
  4. Many will follow their lasciviousness
  5. Because of them the way of truth will be reviled
  6. Who will exploit you with fabrications
  7. Their destruction does not sleep
  8. Who will be punished just as surely as the fallen angels
  9. Who are bold and arrogant
  10. Who seduce unstable people

2Pet.2:4: God handed them [false teachers] over to kept for judgment


“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust when all hope seems gone.” Pope John Paul II

“The more we surrender to God, the greater our ability to see Him in our life.” Unknown

“Jesus gives all to those who surrender all.” St. Bernadette Souubirous

Traditores: The Traditores refer to those bishops and Christians who willingly turned over their scriptures and betrayed their Christians to the Roman authorities under the threat of persecution. The Lapsi were apostates who renounced their faith under persecution by the Roman authorities. This also term refers to those those who have lapsed or fallen from the faith, only to return to it later.


Trade, treason traitor, tradition, remit, aperture, produce, bring, lapse

Mt.10:20: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will provide the words for you when you are persecuted.

Mt.18:34-35: The Father’s forgiveness will be contingent on whether or not one show forgiveness to others.

Mk.13:12: During persecution and struggles, others may betray you for your faith in His name.

Lk.20:20: The religious were using trickery (and verbal gymnastics) to trap Jesus in speech so that He could be handed over to the authorities.

Eph.5:25: Paul points out that the husband/wife relationship should emulate Jesus’ relationship with His Bride (the Church).

Acts 7:42: God allowed and permitted the people to act on their own desires

Eph.4:18-9: Paul points out those who have lasciviousness (lack of restraint and excessive indulgence), darkened understanding, alienation from God, and hardness of heart.

Update: The Supreme Court soon later rule on whether the government had violated the law in censor information and redefining media content.

The Supreme Court has essentially handed down the issue of abortion rights to the state. Now these abortion issues are occurring at the state level.

Governments are now even arresting abortion supporters for praying and reciting scripture. Praying is now grounds for prosecution. Scripture is now becoming “hate speech”.

Pro-Gaza and Pro-Hamas are ironically being betrayed by their ignorance of politics, history, and racism.

Many voters are abandoning their support for President Biden.

In its naive attempt to “bringing in some fresh air into the Church,”(surrendering to the current age), Vatican II has lead to liturgical, theological, and pastoral problems.

Surrendering to the current age: (I could go on and on with such examples from Pope Francis’ papacy)

Pope Francis and his inner circle have intentionally created more liturgical chaos and confusion in the Church.

Pope Francis and his inner circle are remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man.

Pope Francis’ encyclicals continue to push the envelope in changing Church teachings.

Pope Pope VI made reference to the “smoke of Satan entering into the Church”==> liturgical chaos and confusion

False teachers:

  1. Destructive heresies: blessings for same sex couples, watering down access to sacraments, inserting pagan images in Mass, normalizing homosexuality
  2. Deny the Master: ignore and deny Jesus command to sin no more (Jn.8:11), focusing on “mercy above else”, synodal path: bringing in sin and worldly values into the Church
  3. Bringing swift destruction upon themselves: failing to state to others the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions 
  4. Many will follow their lasciviousness: Some clergy remain in the homosexual lifestyle, financial scandals, hiding and protecting sexual abuse and sexual predators in the Church
  5. The truth will be reviled: Morally corrupt clergy in positions of authority in Vatican, opposition to Fiducia Supplicans, scandalous encyclicals and publications by clergy
  6. Exploiting with fabrications: Fiducia Supplicans: confusing terminology and “verbal gymnastics”, cottage industry of pope-splainers
  7. Will be eventually punished and judged by God: Clergy misleading others about what is sinful or not sinful 
  8. Seducing unstable people: many will believe that blessings for same-sex unions will be possible, many will think that homosexuality and same-sex unions are not sinful, many will ask for same-sex blessings

“You will never be happy if your happiness depends on soley what you want. Change the focus. Get a new center. Will what God wills, and your joy no man shall take from you.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen  (Archbishop Fulton Sheen taps into the notion that true joy can be found in what God wills for that person. This ties to the notion that God has “hard-wired us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him.)

Next post: Paradidomi: entrusting, handing down, and bringing forth



[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen

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