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[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to surrender, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 120 scriptural passages

This monk made this prophetic statement in the 5th century. He reminds all of us that heresies undermine, divide, and ruin the Church. He also reminds us to reject heresies and cling to Tradition (antiquity).

Greek Hellenism: This term means to hand over, to transmit, to hand down, to surrender, to entrust, to teach, to send, to receive, and to betray.

Plato’s Timaeus 42d: “He delivered over to the young gods the task of molding mortal bodies.”

Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 8.6.17: “He has the proper official appointed to receive the letters that were delivered to and to forward the on.”

Euripides’ Orestis 64: “Hermione was entrusted to my mother’s keeping.”

Plato’s Philebus 16c: “The ancients handed down the tradition that all the things which ever said to exit are sprung from one.”

Old Testament: This term means to give (be given), to cause, to put, to place, to produce, to allow, to appoint, to pay, to buy, and to hang. The more nuanced meanings include:

  1. to marry (to be taken in marriage)
  2. to slander (to take abuse)
  3. to have sexual relations (to take someone)
  4. to avenge (to take advantage)
  5. to sit (to take a seat)
  6. to give retribution (to take revenge)
  7. to be stubborn (to turn the back)

New Testament: This term, used quite exclusively, means to hand over (to punish, to arrest, to crucify), to betray, to entrust, to bring forth, to abandon, and to be devoted to. For purposes of brevity, I have excluded the many examples of Jesus being handed over.

Handing over/entrusting:

Mt.11:27: “All things have been handed over to Me by My Father. No one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.” (There is a perfect reciprocity of knowledge between Jesus and the Father.)

Mt.25:14: “It will be as when a man who was going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them”. (Pertaining to the kingdom of heaven, faithful use of one’s gifts will lead to participation in the fullness of heaven. Lazy inactivity leads to exclusion from it.)

Lk.4:6: “The devil said to Him, I shall give to you all this power and glory (kingdoms of the world); for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.” (Satan has been given authority over the values of the material (secular) world [in contrast the heavenly values of the kingdom].)

Rom.8:32: “He who did not spare His Son but handed Him over for us all, how will He not also give us everything else along with Him?” (The Father literally hands over (sacrifices) His Son for our redemption. This illustrates the Father’s and Jesus’ infinite love for all of us.)

Handing down/delivering:

Mk.7:13: “You nullify the word of God in favor of your tradition that have handed down. And you do many such things.” (The Pharisees and scribes, like hypocrites, nullify and disregard God’s commandments when they introduce human tradition and novelties.)

Lk.1:2: “Just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed down to us.” (Luke, a 2nd or 3rd generation Christian, acknowledges the trustworthiness of the eyewitnesses and ministers who provide a complete and accurate account [oral tradition].)

Jn.19:30: “When He had taken the wine, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ Bowing down His head, He handed over the Spirit.” (Jesus gives us His last breath and passes on the Holy Spirit.)

Acts 6:14: “For we have heard him [Stephen] claim that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.” (These oral customs and traditions were handed down to subsequent generations over time.)

1Cor.11:2: “I [Paul] praise you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.” (Paul calls upon his congregation to follow the oral instructions and traditions given to them. 

2Cor.4:11: “For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.'” (There some times when we are called to suffer unjustly or for His sake. We can join our sufferings with Him and offer them up for others.)

More quotes from St. Vincent of Lerins:

“All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.”

“Resist heresies and cling to ancient tradition.”

“When a foulness invades the whole Church, we must return to the Church of the past.”

“Hold fast that faith which has been believe everywhere, always, by all.”

Etymology: The Greek verb paradidomai means to  give (didomi) beside (para-). The Latin verb tradere means to hand over, to surrender, or to deliver. The Latin verb aperire means to open, to disclose, and to reveal. The Latin verb producere means to bring out, to promote, and to induce.

Early Church history:

  1. Traditores were those bishops and Christians who willingly turned over their scriptures and betrayed their fellow Christians to the Roman authorities.
  2. Lapsi were those apostates who renounced their faith under persecution by the Roman authorities.


Trade, treason, traitor, tradition, remit, aperture, produce, bring, discover, lapse

Catholic perspective: Jesus’ Church has been bestowed with a teaching authority (magisterium). The Catholic faith stands on three legs (pillars): sacred scripture, apostolic Tradition, and the living Magisterium (teaching authority of the Church).

Update: Pope Francis, in his efforts to continually “renew” and “reform” the Church, continues to betray, tear down, and destroy Church Traditions. These Modernists, surrendering to the world’s values, continue to cause ruin to Jesus’ Church.

Pope Francis and his inner circle of Modernists are introducing new human traditions (novelties) in remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man).

One does NOT need to be fully possessed by Satan to be controlled by him. Satan works in more subtle ways: he encourages to be self-absorbed with our world. He also seeks to make us forget about God.==> sin, busy, distractedness, noise, fame, idols, worldliness, celebrity, temptation, and spiritual dryness.

Pope Francis, by seemingly appearing more moderate in comparison to others (German Church), sneakily engages in a “piece-meal” manner to attain large scale change to the Church and Church teachings. 

Fiducia Supplicans introduces the novelty of offering blessings to same-sex couples. This is essentially blessing evil! The Vatican is encouraging a new paradigm in Catholic teaching to make homosexuality acceptable.

Traditiones Custodes is essentially throwing away (setting aside) the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) which has been in existence throughout the Church’s history.

The Synod of Synodalities seeks to have SHARED CLERGY/LAITY DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY. This brings in worldly values, sin, and changing and deciding doctrine (teachings) [by the laity] in the Church.

The Synodalists are essentially doubling down on what Vatican II has caused.

It has to be said that some evil clergy may NOT enter into heaven. Some may even find themselves in eternal damnation for their actions or (lack of actions).

Young people (priests, seminarians, and laity) are continually drawn being to the the richness, beauty, and depth of Traditional Catholicism. These young people sense something deeper. This is in great contrast to the older liberal and progressive priests since Vatican II.

Protestants are also seeking to find more meaning in their faith. More and more Protestants are becoming Catholic.

Bishop Strickland, faithful to traditional Catholic teachings, have been persecuted and deposed by the Bergoglian Reign of terror for being divisive to the synodal Church. Bishop Strickland has become a white martyr for Jesus.

Pope Pius X: “Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators, they are traditionalists.”

Archbishop Lefebvre: “Our future is our past.”


[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen

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