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[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep hidden; Mt.5:14, Mt.13:35,44, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36, Jn.19:38, Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23

Pope Paul VI even acknowledged that Satan has entered into the Church. In his efforts to undermine and destroy the Church, Satan HIDES among many in influencing both clergy and laity (AND YOU WONDER WHY WE HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE CHURCH!)

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to hide, to retreat, to be an exile, to bury, to entomb, to keep secret, and to cover.

Homer’s Odyssey 8.272: “When Hephaestus heard the grievous tale, he went away to his pondering evil in the deep of his heart.”

Sophocles’ Ajax 246: “The time has come for each of us to veil his head and steal away on foot.”

Sophocles’ Philoctetes 588: “You must not hide from us any part of their plans that you have heard.”

Sophocles’ Electra 957: “There, I can have not more secrets from you anymore.”

Old Testament: This term means to hide, to cover, and to bury.

  1. God is hidden from man.
  2. Nothing is hidden from God.
  3. Sinful man often hides from God.
  4. The righteous man does not hide from God.
  5. God reveals Himself to us as He sees fit. This is God’s revelation.
  6. What God says and does is not meant to be hidden.

New Testament: This term means being hidden, hiding, being buried, being ignored, being misunderstood, and escaping.


Mt.5:14: “You are the light of the world. A city set on the mountain cannot be hidden.” (Just like a city on a hill that can be seen, Christ’s followers must shine forth their light to others. Our actions influence the world. If one fails in good works, he is as useless as flavorless salt.)

Mt.13:44: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field.” (The kingdom of heaven is the offer of eternal life. The gospel is more valuable than such a treasure. It is often hidden from most people.)

Lk.18:34: “They understood nothing of this; the word remained hidden from them and failed to understand. They failed to comprehend what He said.” (Their prejudices, dimmed perceptions, unwillingness, and ignorance hindered their understanding of Jesus.)

Lk.19:42: “If this day you only knew what makes for peace-but now it is hidden from you.” (This alludes to the Romans’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. By not accepting Jesus, Jerusalem will not find peace. The Jews had not listened to or cared about what Jesus had told them.) 

1Tim.5:24: “Some people sins are public, preceding them to judgment. But other people are followed by their sins.” (Their hidden sins come later.)

Peoples’ sins, preceding them to judgment:

  1. These sins are already known and public.
  2. One can already see these peoples’ character.
  3. These people are to be rejected and to be subject to human judgment.

Peoples’ conduct, followed by their sins:

  1. Their conduct is fully not understood.
  2. They practice deception and conceal their plans.
  3. Their character will be later discovered.
  4. Their sins are made manifest (present) by their judgment).

1Tim.5:25: “Good works are also public; and even those works (not public) cannot remain hidden.”

Good works cannot remain hidden:

  1. These acts may be accomplished by those who are modest, retiring, obscure, and unknown.
  2. These people’s good character may be eventually made known.
  3. Divine providence may allow these peoples’ character, actions, and deeds to be made known.


 St. Padre Pio: “The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.” 

Pope Pius IX: “In this age some men are found who, moved and excited by the spirit of Satan, have reached to that degree of impiety from denying our Ruler and Lord.” 

Fr. Gabrielle Amorth: “Satan is always hidden and what he wants most is for us not to believe in his existence.” 

Cardinal Gregory: “Tradition dies a slow death, sometimes a bloody death.” (Cardinal Gregory does not hide his disdain for Tradition!)


Cryptic, abscond, cache, simulate, mete, meticulous, occult

In the Old Testament, God is more intentional in His hiddenness, while the Greek gods were more fickle and capricious (flighty).

Update: Unfortunately there are too many silent and cowardly clergy (cardinals, bishops, and priests) who hide from speaking out against important issues. They have become like bland and useless salt.

Silent and cowardly clergy only seek to undermine the Church. One can only imagine that Satan is grinning, giving this a “thumbs up”! REALITY CHECK: these clergy are unintentionally or intentionally serving Satan’s cause! ==> to undermine the Church and to dis-illusion the faithful. These silent and cowardly will also be held accountable for their actions and inactions!

Pope Francis’ synodal Church has continued to pay lip service, ignore, or hide mention of the Church’s teachings against homosexuality. As a result, they are failing in their serious responsibilities to bring souls into heaven. Many eternal mortal souls are at stake.

Ever since Vatican II, the Modernists’ ideology has sought to transform Jesus’ divine Church into a worldly conciliar Church. The Modernists wanted to bring “fresh air” into the Church. So “fresh air” and the “smoke of Satan” has both entered into the Church!

THE SYNODALISTS ARE ACTUALLY SEEKING TO DOUBLE DOWN ON WHAT VATICAN II IS CAUSING! The Synodalists have nowhere to hide about their intentions to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences.)

Cardinal McElroy’s priestly history is not be hidden any more. There is much opposition to his appointment in Washington D.C.

It is also been revealed that Cardinal was allegedly complicit in the rape of Rachel Mastrogiacomo. This is not being hidden.

Clergy who pay lip service to Church teachings will ultimately be held accountable for their actions (and inactions) at their judgement. They are held more accountable for their actions. They cannot hide this from God.

The Trump administration has recently arrested Mahmoud Khalil for protesting at Columbia University. Not surprisingly, the media networks have hidden his pro-Hamas views from the public.

Pope Francis’ and his inner circle also do not hide their disdain for Tradition. 

The workings of crypto-currency financing still remains hidden to me. ☺☺☺

Pope Francis to continues to hide and to protect Fr. Rupnik who is accused of sexually abusing religious nuns. What does this say about the character of Pope Francis.

The Church sexual abuse crisis has brought to light some of the sexual sins, abuses, silence, and the hidden homosexual lifestyle of many clergy over the years

The Modernists and Synodalists are not hiding the fact that they want to remove the Traditional Latin Mass through Traditiones Custodes.

But the Modernists and Synodalists also want to hide the fact the Traditional Latin Mass brings in more Mass attendees. Evidently, the Modernists and Synodalists believe that the Church  ecclesiology has changed. Therefore, no more having the TLM.

“We must fight the great error of modern times, the enthronement of man in the place of God. The solution of this, as of all problems, lies in the Church and in Her teachings.” Pope Pius X

Next post: “The devil made me do it!”


[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler

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