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[Greek] ἀποδοκιμάζω (apodokimazō), [Latin] reprobare, [French] condemner, [French] rejeter: to reject, to disapprove, to repudiate, to regard as unworthy; Mt.21:42, Mk.8:31, Mk.12:10, Lk.9:22, Lk.17:25, Lk.20:17, Heb.12:17, 1Pet.2:4,7


Greek Hellenism: This term means to reject, to throw out, and to find unworthy.

Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.2.13: “The indictment against Socrates was to this effect. He is guilty of rejecting the gods acknowledged by the state and of bringing in strange deities.”

Plato’s Theaetetus 181b: “But if we find that neither part has anything reasonable to say, we shall be ridiculous if we think that we say anything worthwhile after having rejected the doctrines of ancient and very wise men.”

Old Testament: This term means to spurn, to reject, to despise, and to refuse.

New Testament: This term means to reject.

  1. The landowner planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it, an built a tower.
  2. The landowner leased a vineyard to tenants and went on a journey.
  3. The landowner sent his servants to obtain his produce.
  4. The tenants seized and killed the landowner’s servants.
  5. The landowner sent his son, thinking the tenants will respect him.
  6. The tenants seized his son, through him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
  7. [Jesus]: the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
  8. [Jesus]: the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.
  9. [Jesus]: the one who falls on this stone will be dashed to pieces; and it will crush anyone on whom it falls.

Mt.21:42: “Jesus said to them, ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.'” (The chief priests and Pharisees knew that Jesus was speaking about them. They attempted to arrest Him. But they feared the crowds, for they perceived Him as a prophet. The Pharisees were not being fruitful.) 

Lk.17:25: “But first the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation.” (Generations will treat the Son of Man with scorn and contempt.)

  1. Lk.17:26-27: In the days of Noah: stupidity, ignorance and refusal of Noah’s warnings, pursuing of pleasures, lack of righteousness, careless disregard of God, irregular marriage with Canaans, worldliness, paganism, indifference, wickedness, unbelief
  2. Lk.17:28-29: In the days of Lot: wickedness, worldliness, unbelief, indifference, unpreparedness, debauchery, sin, sodomy, sexual gratification, homosexuality, immorality, fornication

1Pet.2:7: “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (This stone will make people stumble. They stumble (an occasion of sin) by disobeying the word. Christ is an a obstacle and stumbling block for some people.)


Reprobate, reject, rejection, condemn, condemnation

Parable of the Tenants: the landowner want his servants to be fruitful (producing fruit). Those who are not fruitful will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Etymology: The Greek verb skandalizo means to scandalize (offend) and to be scandalized (offended). The Greek noun skandalon means stumbling stone, obstacle, and offense.

Update: Pope Francis and his Modernist continue to resist the traditions of Jesus’ Church.

The younger generations of priests and seminarians (even in Germany) are resisting the Modernists and Pope Francis synodal efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into the image of man.  The existing clergy in authority are unsettled by this trend. This indicates that the Holy Spirit is at work to right the Church to its traditions.

The resurgence of more conservative younger priests responding to the older progressive and Modernist priests is but a small part of the begging of a slow and sometimes clandestine renewal of traditional. These younger more conservative priest will eventually overtake to older and retiring liberal priests in the Church.

Harrison Bukter offers a faithful countercultural response to the problems of the culture. It can be said that he is both receiving great resistance and great support (depending where you align with the culture.

It is also interesting to note that some opposing or criticizing Harrison Butker, are having projects cancelled for criticizing him.

Oh my! Actor George Takai is getting slammed for criticizing Harrison Butker’ right to speak. George Takai is appearing as a intolerant bully.

Pope Francis Modernist documents, teachings, human inventions, and novelties are not causing unity in the Church.  Traditional and conservative Catholics are resisting Pope Francis.

There are many “pope-splainers” who believe that those who resist and oppose Pope Francis are divisive.

Fiducia Supplicans has cause an inflection point in what type of Church we will have: whether or not we will have a Church that blesses sin, ignores sin, minimizes sin, or even normalize sin.

It is the beauty of Church tradition and ancient Churches that attracts the young people. Sterile and uninspiring modern liturgy and church turn people off.

How is our secular post-Christian world any much different than the days of Noah and Lot? Unfortunately, I would say that there is not much difference. The same worldly, sinful, and evil human behavior remains.

Here is an example of ugly and sterile Modernist Church architecture. This was one of the winners of the 2022 Pontifical Academy Award for Sacred Architecture. (I guess we must not have any more beautiful cathedrals. Yes, this is really going to bring people in the Church!)


[Greek] ἀποδοκιμάζω (apodokimazō), [Latin] reprobare, [French] condemner, [French] rejeter

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