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Greek] πέτρα (petra), [Aramaic] kephas, [German] rocher: rock, stone, bedrock; Mt.74:24-25, Mt.16:18, Mt.27:51,60, Mk.15:46, Lk.6:48, Lk.8:6,13, Rom.9:33, 1Cor.10:4, 1Pet.2:8

The Parable of the Sower: painting by Peter Bruegel (1557). The seed (word of God) fell on rocky ground. When the seed grew, it withered for lack of moisture.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means rock, cliff, firmness, and  immovability.

Homer’s Odyssey 17.463: “But he stood firm as a rock, nor did the missile of Artinous make him reel.”

Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 244: “Iron-hearted and made of stone, Prometheus is he who feels no compassion at your miseries.”

Old Testament: This term means rock, cliff, unyielding character, hardened mind, and strong.

Ex.17:6: “I: [God] will be standing there in front of you on the rock of Horeb. Strike the rock and the water will flow from it for the people to drink.”

Num. 20:8: “Take the staff and command the rock to yield its waters. You will bring forth water from the rock for them [Israelites], and supply the community and their livestock with water.”

New Testament: This term means rock and stumbling stone.

Mt.7:24-25: “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. But the house did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.” (A secure standing on rock can pertain to a firm foundation of faith, obedience, and repentance. The winds can refer to persecution, sufferings, and temptations.)

Mt.16:18: “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of hell of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” (Against the backdrop of the huge cave, called the Gates of Hades, Jesus names Peter as the foundation rock of His church. Church refers to whole community He will gather into. The Greek masculine noun petros refers to Peter. The Greek feminine noun petra refers to Peter as the foundation stone of His church.)

Lk.8:6: “Some seed feel on rocky ground, when it grew, it withered for lack of moisture.” (In the Parable of the Sower, the seed represents the Word of God. Those on the path are the ones who have heard the Word of God. They hear the Word with joy for a time, but they fall away in time of trial.)

1Cor.10:4: “All drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them [Israelites], and the rock was the Christ.” (Yahweh is the Rock that accompanies His people. Water sprang from the rock for the Israelites. Paul alludes to Christ as the source of this living water. This living water provides for everlasting life.)

God’s house and His people (1Pet.2:1-8):

  1. One must rid oneself of all malice, deceit, insincerity, envy, and slander.
  2. One, like a newborn, must long for pure spiritual milk so that you may grown into salvation.
  3. One must come to Him, a living stone, rejected by human beings, but precious to God.
  4. One must be like living stones built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ
  5. Jesus is the cornerstone. Whoever believes in it will not be put to shame.
  6. The builders have rejected this cornerstone.
  7. This cornerstone (rock) will make people stumble and fall.
  8. They will stumble by disobeying the word, as is their destiny

[Greek] σκάνδαλον: scandalon ==> scandal:

  1. This can be a snare, trap, occasion of misfortune, stumbling block (stone), or obstacle.
  2. Old Testament: this can be source of destruction or transgression.
  3. New Testament: this can be an obstacle in coming to faith, a straying away in faith, and stumbling block.


Peter, rock

Old Testament: this term takes on a much serious nature in one’s relationship with God.

Ever since Vatican II, we have many generations of poorly catechized laity, “cafeteria” (pick and choose what to believe) Catholics, indifferent Catholics, and “nones”.

Many liberal Catholics continue to practice immoral teachings (abortion, euthanasia, IVF, homosexuality, and gay marriage). Their actions and beliefs are potentially great stumbling blocks for their eternal mortal souls. They will be damned by their actions.

It was Jesus’ intention to establish a foundation leader (rock) to lead His one and only Church, not thousands of churches and denominations. It goes without saying, Jesus made provisions for successors in replacing Peter’s office of authority.

Jesus was intentional in establishing a spiritual foundation rock in contrast to the Cave of Hades.

Faith, like a seed, must take root in order to growth. A rocky foundation will not allow the faith to grow.

The Old Testament foreshadows that the rock of Christ will provide living water. In the New Testament, Jesus offers living water for everlasting life.

Traditional Church teaching can often become a great obstacle or stumbling block for many Catholics and Christians. As a result, many will stumble or leave the faith.

In Modernist ideology, vital immanence allows one to find God and religion in one’s own mind and experience. This allows and permits one to change Church teachings, doctrines, dogma, and practices.  Ex. The TLM must go because Church theology has changed.

These subjective Modernist beliefs will ultimately lead to a “practical atheism” where God’s original teachings will become irrelevant (as you continue to change Church teachings.)

Offering up spiritual sacrifices: We are called to offer up our prayers, intentions, needs, time and talents, and our pains and sorrows up to the Lord.


[Greek] πέτρα (petra), [Aramaic] kephas, [German] rocher

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