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[Greek]καταργέω (katargeō), [Latin] occupare, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] destrurere, [Latin] abolere, [Latin] solver, [Latin] evacuare, [German] uberfallen, [French] demolir, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter: to make inactive, to abolish, to make useless, to cease; 31 scriptures

The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl: loss of power, downed power lines and trees and idle businesses. Yet, neighborly concern and generosity were not idle.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to render inactive, to put out of use, to hinder, to make useless, and to abolish.

Euripides’ Phoenissae 753: “To tell each one’s name is a great waste of time, when the enemy is camped beneath our very walls.”

Old Testament: This term means to destroy, to stop, and to cease.

New Testament: This term means to render useless, to nullify, to void, to do away with, to release from, to reduce to nothing, to pass away, to destroy, and to fade.


Lk.13:7: “So cut the barren fig tree down. Why should it exhaust (render useless) the ground around it?” (Parable of the fig tree: the fig tree represents the Jews’ lack of faith. God represents the man who comes in search of fruit [that they should produce good works]. This parable conveys that God will still have continuing patience for His people.)

Rom.3:3: “What if some were unfaithful? Will their infidelity nullify the fidelity of God?” (Paul responds to the objection that his teaching on sin will detract from Israel’s religious prerogatives. If the Jews are equally exposed to condemnation with the Gentiles, then what advantage do the Jews have? The Mosaic law becomes lacking.)

Rom.6:6: “We know that our old self was crucified with Him, so that our sinful body might be done away with, that we might be no longer in slavery to sin.” (If we grown in union with Christ, we can become dead to sin. Jesus conquers sin and death. One may become a slave [addicted] to sin.)

1Cor.1:28: “God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something.” (God will find opportunities to shame and humble the wise and proud. Boasting about oneself pertains to one’s claim to “wisdom”. Boasting in the Lord pertains to acknowledging we live from and for God.)

1Cor.6:13: “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will do away with both the one and the other.” (The Corinthians considered sexual activity as mundane (commonplace) as food. The Corinthians were becoming morally indifferent to sexuality. Paul alludes that not everything legal is beneficial for one. Behavior (acts) considered legal and culturally acceptable may not be beneficial.)

1Cor.15:24: ” Then comes the end (climax of history), when Jesus hands over the kingdom of His God and Father, when Jesus has destroyed every sovereignty and every authority and power.” (Christ defeats death everywhere it prevails. Destruction of death is the coming to life in Jesus.)

Old Testament (Mosaic law):

Rom.3:31: “Are we annulling the law by this faith? Of course not! We are supporting the law.” (God seeks not to abolish but to fulfill the law.)

Rom.4:14: “For if those who adhere to the law are the heir, faith is null and the promise is void,” (Faith has no place if one follows the legal obligations of the Law. If so, the promise made to Abraham becomes null and void.)

2Cor.3:7: “The ministry of death was so glorious that the Israelites that the Israelites could not look intently at Moses’ face because of its glory was going to fade.” (Paul asserts that Christians have a glory of their own that far surpasses that of Moses.)

Etymology: This Greek term katargeo essentially means to idle (-argeo) down (kata-).


Occupy, occupation, fall, destroy, destruction, demolish, abolish, solvent, detach, acquit, evacuate, evacuation

Update: Vatican II was initiated because of the naive idea of “bringing fresh air into the Church”. As a result, the Church has been infected by Modernism which has sought to undermine the foundation (roots) of the Church. Because of Vatican II, the Church has become lacking from Modernist policies and the “smoke of Satan” [liturgical confusion and chaos] entering inside the Church. 

The Church continues to wither under the leadership of Pope Francis who boasts that Jesus’ Church must become a synodal Church made in the image of man. Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to undermine the hierarchical structure of Jesus’ Church.

Modernism has become a poisonous mindset where doctrine and Church teachings are now DEFINED BY ONE’S SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS rather than by objective divine reality. And you wonder why Church teachings and doctrine are often subject to change. Modernism arrogantly believes that Jesus’ Church must move with the world. Why does Jesus’ Church need to change? Do the Modernists actually believe that Jesus got it wrong??  Shameless plug on my post on Pope Pius X’s prophetic warnings about the  Modernists ! ☺☺☺ https://resoundingthefaith.com/2024/01/29/17119/

Modernism arrogantly believes that Jesus’ Church must change according to the times. As a result, there continues to be a tension between traditional (conservative)-minded Catholics and Modernists within the Church.

The Modernists evidently believe that the Church’s teachings against homosexuality has become a distraction to the Vatican’s outreach to the LGBTQ community. The Church is falling to state and teach Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). This teaching is NEVER discussed. The Church is failing in its responsibility in bringing souls into heaven. As a result, many souls will be put into eternal moral peril.

These priests who bestow non-liturgical blessings to same-sex couples will also be exposed to condemnation in not stating the Church’s official teachings on homosexuality. Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle (like Fr. James Martin) are encouraging this sinful activity. This has caused an inflection within the Church: where do you stand on blessing sin (evil)? This has already caused great division in the Church.

The Modernists arrogantly believe that Jesus’ Church must change. They seek to do away with the Traditional Latin Mass. This also greatly marginalized many Catholics. These Modernists arrogantly believe that the Novus Order Mass is more beneficial than the Traditional Latin Mass.

The Modernists state the Novus Order Mass “rejuvenates”, yet there remains a very tepid Mass attendance. Yet, younger Catholics are flocking to the overflowing Traditional Latin Mass (where it still is allowed). In their arrogance and “wisdom”, the Modernists are actually gaslighting Catholics in making these claims.

More and more of the younger seminarians and priests are becoming more traditional and conservative minded. This is in contrast to the older and retiring Modernist clergy who are dying out. Fortunately, this is a continuing movement, inspired by the Holy Spirt, in which the Modernists are not able to stop.

More and more Catholics are seeing the problems caused created by Vatican II and the Modernists. The Modernists are seeking to finish what Vatican II started. Many Catholics are waking up to this. Hopefully, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we all can hope this poisonous Modernism will die out so that Jesus’ Church can again become fruitful.

In our post-Christian secular culture, the value of sex (and sexuality) has been trivialized and minimalized. Sex has become as commonplace as food. What may be culturally legal or acceptable (abortion, sexual behavior) may not be acceptable to God. In our society we value rights more than the moral consequences of such decisions.

Personal note: Our house was out of power for six days. Because of several neighbors’ help, we were able to have partial power through their generator. Their generosity to us did not idle!

“Love does not stay idle” St. Catherine of Siena

[Greek]καταργέω (katargeō), [Latin] occupare, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] destrurere, [Latin] abolere, [Latin] solver, [Latin] evacuare, [German] uberfallen, [French] demolir, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter

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