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[Greek] χλιαρός (chliaros), [Latin] tepidus, [German] lauwarm: tepid, lukewarm; Rev.3:16

“Pope Pius V was a soldier of Christ in a time of insurrection and rebellion, when, in a spiritual sense, martial law was proclaimed.” Cardinal John Henry Newman


Pope Pius V:

  1. The Protestant ideas of Luther and Calvin were dissolving Catholic unity in Europe.
  2. He became Pope Pius V in 1566. He was stern and rigorous in the enforcement of laws and morality.
  3. He urged his cardinals to shun luxury and ambition to lead exemplary Christian lives.
  4. He order his bishops to pray to end the heresies of the Protestant revolt.
  5. He continue to require priestly celibacy. He insisted that the clergy wear clerical dress and religious habits.
  6. He continued to battle against the crime and loose morals prevalent in Rome.
  7. He successfully lead a victorious campaign against the movement of Islam into Europe.

Why does the Lord wish that we are either “hot” or “cold”?

  1. A hot soul is on whose soul is blazing to do God’s will.
  2. A cold soul typically “draws a line in the sand” in his opposition toward God.
  3. A cold soul is more like to “reach rock bottom”, being more likely being open to conversion to the Lord.
  4. A cold soul does little to influence hot souls.

Why are warm (luke-warm) souls more dangerous?

  1. Luke-warm souls are models for “fake” Catholics.
  2. Luke-warm souls continue to betray the Lord at every turn.
  3. Luke-warm souls have allowed their faith to diminish to a minimal form.
  4. Luke-warm souls will often use their “Catholic” faith to promote their own interests and objectives. They are most likely to advocate for evil policies.
  5. Luke-warm souls convince themselves that God will extend mercy allowing to themselves for every kind of sin.
  6. Luke-warm souls often rarely go to communal celebrations.
  7. Luke-warm souls are more likely to commit unforgiveable sins against the Holy Spirit.
  8. Luke-warm souls have convinced themselves that they don’t need to prove their love for God.
  9. Luke-warm souls are more likely to advocate issues of law, policies, and moral contrary to God’s will.
  10. Luke-warm Catholicism avoids or alters Church teaching on any “hot-button issue.

New Testament: This term means tepid, warm, and lukewarm. This was written to the Laodicean Church.

Rev.3:16: “So, because you are luke-warm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (This letter reprimands the community for being luke-warm in their faith. Their material prosperity is contrasted with their spiritual poverty.)

Laodicean Church:

  1. Laodicea was located 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia and 80 miles of Ephesus, a wealthy industrial and commercial center.
  2. Laodicia was located south of Hieropolis (healthy hot springs) and located north of cold springs (Colossae).
  3. Laodicia had perpetual problems with its water supply. The water then becomes luke-warm when it reached Laodicia.
  4. This kind of water that makes you might spit out and vomit.
  5. Half-hearted and spiritually luke-warm faith was sickening to Christ.
  6. The luke-warm Church was compromised by the status quo ways of the Roman Empire.

Why did Jesus HATE the Nicolatians’ deeds?

  1. They were an early Christian sect who resided in Ephesus and Pergamum (Rev.2:17).
  2. Their beliefs consisted of a luke-warm faith and DOCTRINE OF TOLERANCE, COMPROMISE, FALSE COMPASSION, PAGANISM, AND SIN.
  3. They made a mockery of their faith and IGNORED, NORMALIZED, AND BLESSED SIN. They ADAPTED TO THE WORLD’S VALUES.
  4. Holy living and separation were not encouraged. They REMOVED THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY.
  6. There was no exclusionary belief that Christ is the way to heaven. They ENGAGED IN QUESTIONALBE ECUMENISM WITH OTHER “FAITHS”.


Warm, luke-warm, tepid

Update: Vatican II’s naive intention to “BRING FRESH AIR INTO THE CHURCH” ==> A SPIRITUAL AND PASTORAL DISASTER (luke-warm faith, loss of vocations, poor catechesis, declining Catholic church affiliation, sex abuse scandals and cover-ups, questionable ecumenism, priestly homosexual behavior, spiritual idolatry, closing churches, watered-down Church teachings, liturgical sacrilege, synodalism, [etc.]) 

Pope Paul VI famously claimed that the “smoke of Satan” has entered into a crack of the Church. The consequences are now being reaffirmed by the Marian prophetic messages of Fatima, Akita, La Salette, and others.

Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists want to double down on what Vatican II is accomplishing. LET THAT SINK IN!

Pope Francis gave a very weak and tepid response to the blasphemy and mockery at the Paris Olympics. Evidently, he did not want to criticize or offend his allies in the LGBTQ community. Yet, so predictable!

Embracing the values of the world: The Vatican is bowing down to women’s rights and political pressure about opening the deaconate to women. This is also illustrated by the ignorance of the understanding of vocations and political rights.

Pope Francis’ Modernist papacy embodies the Nicolaitan notion of toleration, inclusion, “false compassion” ,changing teachings, criticism of Tradition and traditional practices, and diminishment of sin, diminishment of the papacy, alteration of vocations, etc

Spiritual idolatry: Allowing paganism: [allowing a Panchamama idol in the Mass], worldly values: [questionable ecumenism, Amoris Laetitia], and sin (evil): [non-liturgical blessings for same-sex unions] into the Church.

Synodality: The Vatican is embarking on A PLAN TO SHARE DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY WITH THE MOST POORLY CATECHIZED LAITY. This synodal path seeks to REMOVE THE DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY! Just imagine the laity making decisions about Church doctrine! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY EVER GO WRONG WITH THIS??

Reducing faith and doctrine to mere social work and just giving “lip service” to Jesus become a new form of “practical atheism.”  (Cardinal Sarah)

Many clergy are either actively and tacitly silent in responding to heresy, scandal, and concerning issues. These clergy are often fearful of being cancelled or accused of criticizing certain identity groups.

Too many laity are luke-warm, indifferent, or poorly catechized (theologically incapable) in not responding to serious Church matters. This has allowed opponents to further harm and scandalize Catholicism and Catholics.

Pope Francis unfortunately but not surprisingly puts on a “master-class” on luke-warmness and inclusion in Indonesia. Pope Francis states, “We are from different religions but we have only 1 god.” (Pope Francis just denied Jesus and failed to do the sign of the cross. Catholics and Christians do not believe in the same god as Allah. This is a Modernist pope for you!)

One has to ask: “How are the Modernists any different from the Laodiceans and Nicolaitans?? What does this say about Vatican II?? (How history seems to repeat!!)

Quotes by Pope Pius X:

“All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics.”

“In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men.”

Next post: being weird

[Greek] χλιαρός (chliaros), [Latin] tepidus, [German] lauwarm

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