Greek] ἄτοπος (atopos), [Latin] malus: weird, out of place, bad, amiss, criminal, improper, perverse; Lk.23:41, Acts 25:5, Acts 28:6, 2Thess.3:2
St. Lawrence certainly makes an unusual but bold statement at his martyrdom.
Greek Hellenism: This term means out of place, out of world, strange, paradoxical, unusual, and absurd.
Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris 842: “I have come upon things that are beyond wonder far from speech.”
Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War 3.38: “You are excellent men for one to deceive with a speech, slaves to strange things, contemptuous persons of things unsaid.”
Plato’s Theaetetus 175a: “The pettiness of their ideas seem absurd to him; he laughs at them because they cannot free their silly minds of vanity.”
Old Testament: This term means wickedness, trouble, idolatry, perversion, violation, falsity, and falsehood.
New Testament: This term means criminal, amiss, perverse, improper, and unusual.
Lk.23:41: “And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man [Jesus] has done nothing criminal.” (One of the criminals [at the Crucifixion] acknowledges Jesus’ innocence. This criminal’s opinion was perhaps based on Pilate’s declaration of Jesus’ innocence or Jesus’ life and character. Jesus states that this criminal will be with Him in paradise.)
Acts 25:5: “Festus said, ‘Let your authorities come down with me, and if this man [Paul] has done something improper, let them accuse him.'” (Paul was held in captivity in Caesarea. The Jews were requesting that Paul be brought back to Jerusalem. Festus tells them to come with him to Caesarea to accuse Paul if he has done something illegal. As a Roman citizen, Paul was entitled to certain rights.)
Acts 28:6: “They were expecting him [Paul] to swell up or suddenly to fall down dead but, after waiting for a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and begun to say that he was a god.” (The idolatrous Maltans perceived Paul as a murderer, destined to be punished (killed) by a snake. Then these natives perceived Paul, healed from a snake bite, was like a god who subdues serpents.)
2Thess.3:2: “And that we may be delivered from perverse and wicked people, for not all have faith.” (Paul refers to those who oppose the gospel, who distort the truth (false teachers), who promote other ideas (Mosaic law), who are wicked and monstrous, and who do not have faith.)
Funny and weird quotes:
“Try to laugh a lot, because life is funny, and everyday today is too serious. The only tragedy in the world, my friend, is sin.” Mother Angelica
“Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.” St. John Cantius
“Serve the Lord with laughter.” St. Padre Pio
“A saint can be defined as one who has a divine sense of humor. For a saint never take this world seriously as the lasting city.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
“Hearing nuns’ confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Etymology: The Greek adjective atopos essentially means out (a-) of place (-topos).
Malevolent, topography
It seems that St. Lawrence certainly handled his martyrdom like a “boss.” Quite a “badass” statement!
Paul is calling those who oppose the gospel, who distort the truth (being false teachers), and who promote other ideas as PERVERSE! Let that sink in. Other biblical translations state unreasonable (which sounds very generous.)
Update: The latest Democratic/media talking points coming from their political “bat signal” is REPUBLICANS ARE WEIRD!” This slogan was allegedly started by Gov. Tim Walz.
What would St. Paul say about Pope Francis’ papacy? Just think about that.
What does this say about Fr. James Martin, part of Pope Francis inner circle? Fr. James Martin claims that St. Paul got it wrong about homosexuality! Let that sink in!
Pope Francis’ papacy has been defined by traditional and conservative Catholics and Christians feeling OUT OF PLACE in the Church.
Traditional and conservative Catholics and Christians often feel OUT OF PLACE in this post Christian secular world.
We certainly live in a post-Christian secular world when Catholics and Christians are often called hateful. Does that also mean that God is hateful?? Let that sink in!
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists, saying that the Church has changed, are seeking to remake Jesus Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. It is as if the Modernists think they know better and say that Jesus did not get His Church right! That’s weird!
Isn’t it weird that the Democrat establishment’s weird talking points are backfiring on them?
“No, truly, there is no road which leads so directly and so quickly to Modernism as pride.” Pope Pius X
Next post: being hard-hearted