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[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre: to know, to recognize, to be aware, to realize, to learn; 43 scriptures

Pope Pius X prophetically identifies how Tradition clashes with Modernism. Tradition: Jesus’ Church already has doctrine applicable to all times. Modernism: doctrine must be adapted to different times and different places.

Greek Hellenism: This term means to experience, to perceive again, to come to know, and to become aware.

Greek understanding of knowledge:

  1. It takes place with man’s dealing with his world.
  2. It involves a close acquaintance with something.
  3. It relates to acquired knowledge in good and bad experiences.
  4. It is achieved by objectively seeing, hearing, experiencing, and reflecting.
  5. It is involved with personal acquaintances and friendships with people.

Old Testament: This term means to know, to reveal, to be made aware, to recognize, and to make known.

Old Testament understanding of knowledge:

  1. Detecting, feeling, learning, and experience are much more important than objective verification.
  2. Knowledge is understood more as a way of hearing than of seeing.
  3. Knowledge (events) are defined by God actions and man’s relationship with God.
  4. Exercise of information is more important than possession of information.
  5. Knowledge involves emotion, movement of the will, ignorance, guilt, and error.
  6. Knowledge involves doing what is right and just.

New Testament: This term means to know about, to understand, to learn about, to acknowledge, and to recognize. For purposes of brevity, ordinary (mundane) uses of this term will be excluded.

Knowing and perceiving others:

Mt.7:16: “By their [false prophets] fruits, you will know them.” (As in the Old Testament, there were both true and false prophets in the New Testament Church. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, these prophets will be known by their deeds (fruits).

Mk.5:30: “Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who has touched My clothes?'” (Jesus wanted the afflicted woman to approach Him. Jesus had already known that this person’s faith has saved and healed her.)

Lk.5:22: “Jesus knew their [scribes and Pharisees] thoughts and said to them in reply, ‘What are you thinking in your hearts?'” (Jesus had already forgiven the paralytic’s sins. The scribes and Pharisees accuse Jesus of blasphemy for having the audacity to forgive sins (like God). Jesus perceives the evil, disbelief, and unbelief of the scribes and Pharisees.)

Examining oneself:

2Cor.13:5: “Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? –unless, of course, you fail the test.”

2Pet.2:21: “For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment handed down to them.” (It would have been better (less disastrous [sinful]) not to have known righteous than to turn away from it. To have loved Jesus Christ and and lost Him is to make a shipwreck of a life.)

Knowing God:

Mt.11:27: “No one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal.” (While the wise scribes and Pharisees rejected Jesus’ preaching, the childlike have accepted them. Acceptance of this revelation is dependent on those who are open to receive it. What has been handed over to Him is revealed only to those to whom He wishes.)

Lk.1:3-4: “I too have decided, after investigating everything accurately anew, to write it down in an orderly sequence for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received.” (Luke was a 2nd or 3rd generation Christian. Luke is interested in Jesus’ birth, words and deeds, ministry, death, and resurrection. Luke acknowledges earlier eyewitnesses and ministers of the word.)

Lk.24:16: “But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.” (The risen Jesus was different and initially unrecognizable to Cleopas and his fellow traveler.)

Lk.24:31: “With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight.” (When the resurrected Jesus blessed, broke, and gave the Bread to them, their eyes were opened and they recognized as the risen Jesus. Then Jesus vanished from their sight.)

Rom.1:32: “Although they know the just decree of God that all practice such things deserve death, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” (The Gentiles, already having a moral sense of knowing God’s will, yet engage in sin, idolatry, immorality, and evil. They continue to engage and have pleasure in this sinful activity. God’s wrath goes into action at each present moment, rather than at the end of the world.)

Vital (religious) immanence: How Modernists seek God, faith, religion, doctrine, and theology***

  1. Anything (objective supernatural truths) not perceptible to the senses cannot be known. (This is agnosticism.)
  2. The explanation for God, religion, doctrine, and theology must be found inside oneself (one’s mind, lived experiences, and perceptions). (This is religious immanence.)
  3. Religious sentiment is a movement of the heart [in the person] which seeks an explanation for revelation and religion.
  4. This religious sentiment produces dogma.

What roles do Modernists take on?***

  1. Philosopher: Modernists limit their human reason to what is only perceptible to the sense. It is not possible that human reason can comprehend God’s transcendent nature.
  2. Believer: The experience of the individual believer must take precedence over Church teachings.
  3. Theologian: Faith must be equal or subservient to science.
  4. Historian
  5. Critic: Tradition and traditional teaching may be considered rigid and must be subject to change if necessary.
  6. Apologist
  7. Reformer: Church ecclesiology must be open to change according to the times. Church authority must be democratized.

***Extracted from Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominci Gregis (Sept. 8, 1907)  https://resoundingthefaith.com/2024/01/29/17119/

Pope Pius X ultimately concluded that MODERNISM IS A SYNTHESIS OF ALL HERESIES. This cumulative embracing of human subjective errors ultimately leads to atheism.


Cognition, recognition, remark, remarkable, perceive, reveal, revelation, pensive, acknowledge, acknowledgement, reconnnoiter

Greek world: There is a much greater focus on objective experiences.

Old Testament: There is a much greater focus on one’s psychological and moral experiences in one’s relationship with God.

Tradition: Jesus made provisions for His Church to last forever to provide answers (solutions) for all life issues.

  1. Mt.16:18: “I will build my Church and the gates of the hell shall not prevail against it.”
  2. Jn.14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the light.”

Modernism: “Doctrine, theology, and faith must be adapted to different places and times. We must have a synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences. In their arrogance, Modernists are essentially saying that Jesus did not get it (His Church) right! Let that sink in!

  1. We need a living theology (re-making Church, dogma, and faith [inside one’s mind]) .
  2. We need to “re-launch” the faith in today’s cultural transformations.
  3. We need synodal discernment to change the faith and Church.
  4. We need to “reform” and “renew” the Church  ==> rinse and repeat.
  5. This is a series of continual human subjective errors ultimately leading to atheism.

Update: Liturgical confusion (chaos), tolerance, false compassion, allowance for sin, suppression of the TLM have become the fruits (results) of Modernism.

We are seeing more and more clergy being removed, deposed, and canceled for having the audacity to remain faithful to traditional Catholic teachings. It seems we are living under the Bergoglian Reign of Terror when you are deemed schismatic when criticize Pope Francis. Many are in disbelief in how this could happen.

Many of us are already aware of the legions of ‘pope-splainers” often need to use “verbal gymnastics” and “word salad” to defend Pope Francis. Examples include “living theology”, “synodal discernment”, ecclesial dialogue”, “the doctrine of the Holy Father” [actually a modern day version of Montanism], etc.

We unfortunately have several generations of luke-warm and uneducated Catholics and Christians now leaving the Church and the faith. This is in part due to poor catechesis. Shocker!

It is very encouraging that younger Catholic are become more conservative and traditionally minded. They are flocking to the Traditional Latin Mass. These young people seeking to find something deeper.

The younger priests and seminarians are becoming more conservative and traditionally minded. They are turned off by Modernism.

Isn’t ironic that generations of peasants over time created magnificent and beautiful cathedrals and churches throughout history==> burning faith (reaching for God). Yet, Modernists and architectural experts have been creating sterile and modern churches ==> sterile faith (Modernism and practical atheism). The church buildings are apt metaphors for their type of faith.

Unlike Luke view Tradition with diligence and reverence, Modernists view Tradition and traditional practices as “rigid” and “nostalgic”.

Those Catholic and Christian churches which do not have a crucifix [in their church] often cannot find or relate to the crucified Christ in their midst.

In many churches today, many cannot find that Christ who said, “your sins are forgiven and sin nor more.” This Jesus is not being taught to the faithful.

Many of us continue to act like little pagans bowing down to our electronic devices. Many of us continue to “worship” such gods as power, money, fame, social media, sin, evil, and indulgence.

Many of us continue to engage in spiritual harlotry (world values, sin, and evil) creeping in the Church and our lives.

Pope Pius X prophetically calls out and warns us about the Modernists who seek to create and find doctrine, religion, and faith (inside themselves and their lived experiences)!

The New Amazon rite of the Mass is to enter 3 year ‘experimental phase’. The Vatican’s Amazon synod began in 2019, What are the problems with this?

  1. The schismatic German bishops have been heavily involved in this process.
  2. The coordinator of the Amazon rite advocates for the ordination of women to the diaconate and the priesthood.
  3. The coordinator of the Amazon advocates for married priests.
  4. They want to make the Church more appealing to Catholics in the region.
  5. They seek to create a rite based on their worldview, traditions, symbols, and ecological dimensions.
  6. The Vatican is mulling a pagan-linked inculturated rite.


Quotes by Pope Pius X:

“Progress of dogmas is, in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas.”

“I reject the heretical doctrine of the evolution of dogma, as passing from one meaning to another, and different from the sense in which the Church originally held it.”



[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre

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