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[Greek] συσχηματίζω (syschēmatizō), [Latin] conformare, [Latin] configuare, [German] bilden, [French] fabriquer, [French] forme: to mold, to shape one’s behavior; Rom.12:2, 1Pet.1:14


Background information:

New Testament:  This term means to conform with, to mold, to shape one’s behavior.

Rom.12:2: “Do not conform yourselves to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Paul calls upon the Gentiles to offer themselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. We are called to exercise good judgment and to not be fashioned to this world when we face decisions.)


A high level “bird’s eye view” of the issues involving salvation:

How as the Church (and Catholics) view salvation?

  1. Before Vatican II, the Catholics believed that salvation is obtained solely through Jesus Christ and His Church.
  2. After Vatican II, the Catholic Church accepted that non-Catholic practices could have value. However, not all Catholics subscribe to this view.

What are the challenges of ecumenism?

  1. Jesus prayed for unity. Yet Christians remained divided
  2. Christians have a serious obligation to resolve this grave obstacle.
  3. There may continue to be barriers to prevent ecumenism.

How does Vatican II approach ecumenism?

  1. By building positive relationships to eradicate antagonism and conflict
  2. By achieving unity by focusing on doctrinal agreement
  3. Doctrinal agreement should explore different forms of expression
  4. The Church subsists (has “sort-of Church membership) in the Roman Catholic Church.
  5. Vatican II takes a more nuanced approach toward ecumenism with other faiths.

What are the objections to Vatican II’ ecumenical approach?

  1. This opposes traditional Church teaching salvation can only be attained though Jesus and His Church.
  2. The ides of “being “sort of” in the Church is a new development of doctrine pertaining to ecumenism.
  3. This implies that non-Catholic faiths could be “salvific”.
  4. This makes missionary activity irrelevant. If people can be saved outside the Church, what is point of preaching the gospel and urging conversion?



[Greek] συσχηματίζω (syschēmatizō), [Latin] conformare, [Latin] configuare, [German] bilden, [French] fabriquer, [French] forme

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