[Greek] παραλογίζομαι (paralogizomai), [Latin] decipere, [Latin] fallere, [German] ertappen: to miscalculate, to delude, to deceive, to reason falsely, to lead astray, to reckon wrong; Col.2:4, Jas.1:22
This is Luce, the Vatican’s official cringy anime mascot of the Holy Year 2025. This is another example in which the Modernists seek to make Jesus’ Church hip with the world (young people). Modernists believe that an anime character would be more inspiring than an actual saint! The Modernists are already failing in their efforts to bring people into the Church. One can only wonder if these Modernists are unintentionally deluded and/or deceptive/gaslighting in their efforts.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to defraud, to cheat, to reason falsely, and to mislead.
Isocrates’ Ad Filios Jasonis 6.12: “For they do not examine from all sides the real nature of the equation, but in many ways deceive themselves.”
Demosthenes’ Against Aphobus 1 41.30: “I have yet set forth to you all my charges, while my opponent evaded coming before those acquainted with the facts.”
Demosthenes’ Against Aphobus 1 27.29: “Is this is a trifling sum drawn, which might have easily been miscalculated?”
Socrates: “To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.”
Aeschines’ Against Timarchus 1.117: “I fear that the man who professed to teach the young the tricks of speaking may mislead you by some artifice.
Old Testament: This term means to change, to come against, to transgress, to cover, to delude, to be betray, to carry, and to throw.
New Testament: This term means to delude and to deceive.
Col.2:4: “I say this so that no one may deceive you by specious arguments.” (Paul has concerns that the false teachers have been deceptive about Christ’s true nature in detracting from the person and work of Christ. They must reject religious teaching originating from sources outside the gospel. The Colossians are admonished to adhere to the gospel as it was first preached to them.)
Col.2:8: “See to it that no one captivate you with an empty, seductive philosophy according to human tradition, according to the elemental powers of the world and not according to Christ.” (Paul is concerned that the Colossians are being influenced by false teachers who are emphasizing Christ’s relationship with the universe (cosmos). Paul calls the Colossians to reject religious teaching that does not come from the gospel. Paul warns others to reject human traditions.)
Jas.1:22: “Be doers of the Word and not hearers, only deluding yourselves.” (One must both hear and follow (do) the Word in order to be conformed to the gospel message. Intellectual faith is not enough. Actions are also needed.)
Hearers of the Word:
- This is a person who deludes himself.
- This is like a person who looks at his own face in a mirror and promptly forget what he looks like.
- The perfect law is the gospel (of Jesus) which brings freedom.
Doers of the Word:
- This person is one who peers in the perfect law of freedom and perseveres.
- This person is one who acts.
- This person shall be blessed in what he does.
Guiding principles of Modernists’ thinking:
- Agnosticism: human reason is confined entirely within the person’s perceptions (only what is perceptible to human senses and reason).
- Vital Immanence: man finds within himself (sentiment, perceptions, and experiences) an explanation for God, religious, faith, and doctrine. External objective supernatural reality is excluded or diminished.
- Modernism is a synthesis of all heresies (cumulative embracing of human subjective views ultimately leading to [secularism] and atheism (further away from God.)
Modernists’ view of the Church in the world (adapting to the world and culture) ==> moving further away from God ==> practical atheism:
- Pope John XXII invoked Vatican II based on the naive idea that “fresh air” must be brought into the Church.
- Pope Paul VI later acknowledged that the “smoke of Satan” has entered into the Church (which has undermined the Church).
- Vatican II has resulted in a spiritual and pastoral disaster: decreased vocations, increased sacrilege, decrease Catholic membership, closing churches, poor catechesis, watered down teachings, etc.
- Worldly values, secularism, evil, sin, and Modernism have also contributed to further liturgical confusion and chaos. All the popes following Pope John XXII have willingly or inadvertently allowed this.
- Pope Francis states that he will continue Vatican II’s efforts to “reform and renew” the Church. Pope Francis is doubling down on the consequences of Vatican II!
- The Modernists today have arrogantly stated that the ecclesiology of the Church has changed. Essentially, they are creating a new synodal Church.
- The Synod’s coordinators are seeking to decentralize church doctrine and church authority. This sounds very Protestant!
- The Synod’s coordinators make mention of “lay governance.” Why is the laity being involved in determining Church doctrine and Church authority???
Modernists’ antipathy and opposition against Tradition: (adapting to the world and culture):
- There needs to be a new paradigm shift in Catholic theology toward the LGBT community. (A new situational morality is needed. What a clever way to get around sin!)
- Share decision making authority between clergy and laity. (Giving poorly catechized laity decision-making authority? What could ever possibly go wrong with this??)
- Ignoring and diminishing the importance of Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11): focusing on “mercy above all else”
- Synodal path: remaking Jesus’ Church in a synodal Church (in the image of man and his lived experiences).
- They are “keeping the door open on” women deacons: women’s right’s have been disenfranchised because of the male Church Magisterium.
- Reform and renewal must be “slow-walked” in order for it to be accepted. Pope Francis criticizes the German Church not because of their heresy, but because they are moving too fast.
- The Synod conveniently calls upon the “holy spirit of surprises” to justify and ratify anything. (The Holy Spirit cannot affirm sin!)
- The Tradition Latin Mass (TLM) is now considered as divisive because it competes the Novus Order Mass (and new Church ecclesiology). Therefore, the TLM must go!
- Despite of the inconvenient reality that the Traditional Latin Mass has been thriving (where currently allowed), the Modernist agenda must continue for the Church.
- Modernist delusional and circular thinking: “reform” and “renewal” of the the Church ==> creates new problems ==> need more “reform” and “renewal” ==> rinse, repeat, etc. (Modernists cannot acknowledge the reality that the Church is not truly growing and thriving.
- Cardinal Cupic believes that the Traditional Latin Mass impoverishes the church?? He says this while the Novus Order Masses attendance is dwindling and churches are closing.
- Modernists believe that an anime character would be more effective than an actual saint in inspiring young people. Let that sink in!
Paralogism: A piece of illogical or fallacious reasoning, especially one which appears superficially logical or which the reasoner believes to be logical. This is related to the Greek paralogos, meaning unreasonable.
Etymology: The Greek verb paralogizomai essentially means to reason (-logizomai) alongsude (para-). The German verb entrappen is itself very telling.The Latin verb decipere is derived from the Latin verb capere, meaning to capture.
When you fall for something:
- One may be faced with deception, obstruction, subterfuge, treachery or deceit.
- One may not know what what he is dealing with.
- This erroneous information presented becomes falsum (deceit).
- One must fall or be brought to a fall for what is presented to him.
- Therefore he falls down or fell for it.
Deceive, deception, deceptive, fall, paralogism, trap
Demosthenes points out that those who do not face the facts themselves mistakenly think they can persuade others. Isocrates points that some can easily deceive themselves, being close-minded and being unable to see the problem from other sides. Plato states in practical terms what it means to act foolishly and recklessly.
In the Old Testament, this term conveys the sense of going against, covering, and throwing. Perhaps this develops the notion of casting doubt and covering up.
In the New Testament, Paul warns that the false teachers in Colossae are creating false narratives about Jesus’ true nature. James states one must be hearers and doers of the gospel. To do otherwise, you are deluding yourself.
These scriptures allude to the notion of doing anything one wants. The “freedom” to do something (sinful) may in fact become another form of slavery (or addiction) to sin. This becomes another form of self-deception. In contrast, doing God’s will (in being controlled by God) gives you freedom!!!! [#MindBlown, #GodIsInControl] ☺☺☺
Update: The Modernists are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in a Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Unfortunately, many cardinals, bishops, and priests are remaining cowardly and silent in speaking out against heresies, sin, and evil. They will have to answer for themselves at the judgment.
It is very evident that continuing the Modernists’ ideology is more important than actually truly revitalizing and renewing the Church.
Pope Francis’ papacy has been consistently identified with liturgical confusion (chaos), scandal, heresies, and evil.
Many heresies in the Church have appeared during Pope Francis’ papacy (and from from Modernism). Shocker!
Archbishop Fisichella states that this mascot was inspired by the Church’s desire “to live within the pop culture so beloved by the youth”. (Again, the Church moving with the world.)
The Catholic Church could have utilized St. Joan of Arc, St. Maria Goretti, or St. Therese of Lisieux as a role model for young people. But instead, the Modernists created an anime character Luce. Because Modernists must NOT have anything to do with tradition!
The Vatican is making these efforts in response to the young people being drawn to Tradition. Yet the Modernists really have no answer to this movement.
The Modernists continually seek to adapt the Church to the world. Yet, they wonder why the Church remains in trouble. Modernists cannot and will not recognize that Jesus’ Church is timeless.
Jesus’ Church will only succeed when it gets back to Tradition and its timeless doctrine.
“People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love more than the truth. They love truth when it shines warmly on them, and hate it when it rebukes them.” St. Augustine.
Pope Pius X: “Modernism leads to atheism and to the annihilation of all religion.”
Pope Pius X: “No, truly, there is no road which leads so directly to Modernism as pride.”
Next post: within a stone’s throw of the end of this political silly season