[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas: to be subject to, to submit, to be obedient, to bring under control, to put oneself under; 49 scriptures
It seems that Pope Leo XIII could be prophetically talking about Pope Francis. The liturgical confusion, uncertainty, chaos, and heresies in Pope Francis’ papacy have given many Catholics cause to believe that Pope Francis has engaged in questionable and heretical activity.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to place under, to subordinate, to subdue, to be obedient, to underlie, to put after.
Polybius’ Histories 3.36.7: “The next is to arrange the several parts of the globe according to these points, and always to refer in thought, any place mentioned to one or other of them.”
Polybius’ Histories 3.13.8: “By a liberal treatment of the forces under his command, he established an excellent feeling toward himself in the army.”
Old Testament: This term means to subdue, to threaten, to subject, to keep, to serve, to revere, to lay open, and to conquer.
Next Testament: This term means to obedient, to be subject, to submit, and to subject. Examples include: Jesus being obedient, demons being subject to God, creation subject to God, Israel not subject to righteousness, respecting higher authorities, and marriage relationships. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on human relationships.
Rom.8:7-8: “For the concern of the flesh is hostility toward God; it does not submit to the law of God, nor can it; and those who are in flesh cannot please God.” (Holiness was impossible so long as the flesh frustrates the divine objectives. At the cross God, broke the power of sin. Holiness can be found in the life of the Holy Spirit.)
Rom.10:3: “For, in the unawareness of the righteousness that comes from God and their attempt to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to the righteousness of God.” (The Jews were ignorant or unaware that Christ fulfilled the law. Not willing to submit to Christ, the Jews remain pridefully confident in their own righteousness.)
Rom.13:1: “Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God.” (Paul builds on the traditional instruction that kings and magistrates rule by the consent of God. Believers should render proper obedience to authorities based on their proper station in life. The secular (earthly) authorities have the responsibility to must just ordinances. Caesar is not entitled to be obedience when such obedience nullifies God’s prior claim.)
Tit.3:1: “Remind them to be under the control of magistrates and authorities to be obedient, to be open to every good enterprise.” (The Christians were called to respectful to the pagan rulers and authorities in Crete. The Christians were called to continue to be good Christians citizens, while still giving these authorities the respect the accorded to them. The Christian were not required to submit to the paganism of the authorities.)
Jas.4:7: “So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James alludes to origin of conflicts in the Christian community. Submission to God often requires humility. Pride can often become a stumbling block in being humble and submissive to God. It is important to remember that pride is often associated with the devil. Submission to God is often a great deterrent against the devil.)
1Pet.2:13: “Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether it to be the king or supreme.” (Christians are called to have respect for human authority. Christians are also called to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against the soul.)
Eph.5:21-22,24: “Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Paul states that the marriage relationship (between a wife and a husband) mirrors the marriage relationship (between Christ and the Church).
- Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as husbands should be subordinate to the Lord.
- The husband is the head of his wife just as Christ is head of the Church
- As the Church is subordinate to Christ, the wife should be subordinate to her husband.
- Husbands are called to love their wives, even as Christ loved the Church
Bishop Athanatius Schneider: Obedience has limits: (One cannot be compelled to evil things)
When is obedience not blind or unconditional? This situation exists when sin or mortal situations apply. This is a time when one must disobey. This is a situation where one is commanded to do something harmful to the integrity of the Catholic Faith or sacredness of Liturgy.
What is an example of this? When a bishop, episcopal conference, council, or even a Pope pronounced errors in the their non-infallible Magisterium.
What does St. Thomas say about when faith is at risk? It is lawful, even proper, to resist a papal decision publicly. St. Paul publicly rebuked St. Peter because of an imminent risk of scandal in a matter of faith. St. Paul’s resistance was shown in a public correction of St. Peter. If there is a danger to the faith, subjects are bound to rebuke their prelates, including the pope.
Quotes on obedience:
“Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“The pope is not an absolute monarch whose thoughts and desires are law. On the contrary, the pope’s ministry is a guarantee of obedience to Christ and His word.”
“The first degree of humility is prompt obedience.” St. Benedict
“The man of the true religious tradition understand two things: liberty and obedience. The first means knowing what you really want. The second means knowing what you really trust.” GK Chesterton
Subdue, subject, subjection, temper, temperate, temperature, humility, humiliation, submit, submission, obey
Update: It is very important to reminded that the devil has dominion over the natural and secular world. Christians are called to live in this world, but are also called not to assume the cultural values of the world. Ultimately, Jesus attained victory over sin in the world.
The Modernists, in their ignorance, have claimed that Jesus’ Church has changed into a synodal Church in the image of man and his lived experience.
The Modernists have a disdain for Tradition and traditional teachings as they continue to renew and remake Jesus’ Church. Modernists pridefully believe that the Church must walk with the world.
Catholic and Christians are called to respect their secular authorities, but must uphold their Catholic (and Christian values) in effecting the culture. This is part of the person’ desire to evangelize.
Many Catholic have often question Pope Francis’ actions. Catholics are called to respect and obey the pope. However, there are time when this obedience must not absolute regard to serious matters of doctrinal error and heretical teachings.
Submission to God will cause the devil to flee from you.
The devil seeks to influence others through undermining one’s faith, busyness, distraction, causing scandal, spiritual dryness, undermining laity and clergy, and encouraging sinful and carnal behavior.
Paul restates that the marriage relationship between a husband and wife mirrors Jesus’ marriage relationship to this Bride (the Church).
“It is right to submit to a higher authority whenever a command of God would be violated.” St. Basil