[Greek] μίγνυμι (mignymi), [Latin] miscere, [German] mischen, [French] mélange, [French] meler: to mix, to mingle; Mt.27:34, Lk.13:1, Rev.8:7, Rev.15:2
Background information:
Old Testament: This term means to salt, to disperse, to pulverize, to mix, to engage, and to place.
Spiritual harlotry: This is an intercourse of the mixing of Old Testament values with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, and sin. Abandoning the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. Against God, the harlot prostitutes oneself with idolatry, paganism, and sin. Interestingly, the related Greek word is porneia ===> pornography, porn! Not a good look!
New Testament:
Mt.27:34: “They gave Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall. But when He had tasted it, He refused to drink.” (Wine is drugged with the narcotic myrrh. This alludes to Psa.69:22, in which a persecuted just man prays for deliverance in the midst of great suffering.)
Lk.13:1 “At that same time some people who were present there told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.” (Luke provides a timely reminder of the need for all to repent, for the victims of these tragedies should not be considered as sinners who were singled out for punishment.)
Modern-day syncretism (harlotry) of Christianity with worldly values, paganism, and sin in the Church:
- Remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church (in the image of man)
- A Panchamama idol at Mass at the Vatican and other pagan rituals in Mass
- Allowing Anglican services in Vatican cathedrals
- Pope seeks to focus more on mercy rather than judgment concerning sin. Situational morality must be allowed.
- Appointing a Vatican doctrinal chief with a questionable past: (works of hard-core theological porn, accusations of heresy)
- Overlooking and minimizing sin under the guise of “mercy above all else”
- Bringing worldly values, laity decision-making, “lived experiences”, and sin into the Church (Synods)
- Allowing sacrilegious gatherings in Church (St. Patrick’s Cathedral)
- Cardinals supporting Fiducia Supplicans
- The Vatican wants to create a new Maya rite Mass. There is already a Zaire rite Mass.
- The Synod of Synodalities seeks allow for clergy to share decision-making authority with doctrine in their efforts to decentralize Church authority.
“Hate what the world seeks and seek what it avoids.” St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Strive to preserve your heart in peace. Let no event of the world disturb it.” St. John of the Cross
“God orders all things mercifully mingles us with sweetness and bitterness.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
“The goal of the intelligent man is a character in which the will to believe of the saint and the will to doubt of the scientist meet and mingle.” Glenn Frank
Mix, mess, messy, melee
Update: The Modernists, in their efforts to create a synodal Church, continue to mix and mingle faith with worldly values, secularism, situational moralities, sin, and evil.
This synodal Church is essentially moving with the world, rather than being Jesus’ original Church being in the world but part of the world.
This synodal Church is seeking to share decision-making doctrinal with the laity. The laity is actually being involved in determining Church doctrine and authority.
This synodal Church is essentially becoming a new Church mixed and mingled with the world. This is done all in the name reform and renewal.