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[Greek] συνοδεύω (synodeuō), [Latin] comitare, [French] accompagner, [German] begleiten: to travel with, to accompany; Acts 9:7

Arrival of a Caravan Outside the City of Morocco: painting by Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to accompany, to travel in company, and to have fellowship with.

Plutarch’s Pompey 40: “Cato marched on foot. But his friends who journeyed with him were on horseback.”

Old Testament: This term means to walk (literally and figuratively), to travel, and to live a manner of life. Walking with God (in being faithful to Him) was very important to the Hellenized Jew who lived outside Jerusalem.

New Testament: This term means to travel with and walk with. This is derived from (syn-) with and (-hodos) way/path.

Acts 9:7: “The men who were traveling with Paul stood speechless, for they heard the voice but could see not one.”

  1. The rabid Pharisee Saul went to the high priest and asked if he could find any more men and women who belonged to the Way.
  2. On his journey toward Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around Saul.
  3. Saul fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? Jesus responded, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.’
  4. Jesus told Saul to go into the city and told him what to do. The men with Saul stood speechless, for they heard but did not see Jesus.
  5. Saul got up from the ground, be he could not see anything.
  6. The men led Saul by the hand and brought him to Damascus. For three days Saul was unable to see and he neither ate nor drink.

[Greek]συνοδία (synodia): travelers, a company of wayfarers, a caravan; Lk 2:44

Lk.2:44: “Thinking that He was in the caravan, Joseph and Mary journeyed for a day and looked for Him among their relatives and acquaintances.”

  1. Each year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover.
  2. When He was twelve years old, they went up according to festival customs.
  3. The boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, but His parents did not know it.
  4. Thinking that He was in the caravan, they journeyed for a day and looked for Him among their relatives and acquaintances.
  5. After no finding Him, they returned to Jerusalem to look for Him.
  6. After three days they found Him in temple, sitting among the teachers who were astounded by Jesus’ understanding and answers.
  7. Joseph and Mary asked Jesus why has He done this to His parents.
  8. Jesus responded, ‘Why were you looking for Me. Did you not know that I must be in My Father’s house?’
  9. Joseph and Mary did not understand what Jesus had said to them.
  10. Jesus went down with His parents and came to Nazareth.

The new synodal Church: Walking with the world (lived experiences) takes on greater importance than deference to God and Church doctrine (teachings) There is less importance on the reality of sin (“mercy above all else”). This can essentially push God to the side ==> practical (implicit) atheism (paying “lip-service” to God).

Pope Benedict XVI understood firsthand the dangers of explicit and implicit atheism [a summation of main points of quotes].

  1. The truths of religious rites are not denied but merely deemed irrelevant and pointless to daily life.
  2. Many people often believe in God in a superficial manner as though God does not exist.
  3. This leads to indifference to faith and the question of God. There is a lack of faith within the Church.
  4. There are many pagans who still call themselves pagans, but actually have become pagans.
  5. Being Catholic is more of a cultural identification rather than a profession of faith.
  6. A faith we can decide for ourselves is not faith at all (cafeteria Catholicism). Either the faith and its practice come to us from the Lord or there is no such thing. This approach to faith leads to confusion and instability.
  7. A Church based on human resolutions merely becomes a human church. Opinion and consensus replaces faith.
  8. It is not Catholic to define the faith as we see it. False freedom and conformism become bad ecclesiology and a source of confusion.
  9. The Church’s authority becomes based on democratic vote rather than on Christ.

St. Ignatius Church in San Juan: The Panchamama idol was brought in the Church. This is spiritual syncretism: the mixing of religion with pagan worship.


In Pope Francis’s synodal Church, these pagan idols are now being used in culture-influenced Masses. This occurs despite Paul’s warnings: They [Gentiles] sacrifice their idols to demons. (1Cor.10:20). This is essentially Panchamama 2.0.

Comitatus: This refers to a armed escort (retinue), elite army commanders, authority, protection arrangement, and authority (posse comitatus).


Comitatus, accompany, accompaniment, lead

Update: Throughout history, the Church has gathered together into various councils and synods. Vatican II is unique in that Church begins to distribute MORE authority and decision making authority to the clergy (Cardinals and bishops). This has significantly changed Church dynamics. Pope John XXII, promulgator of  Vatican II, sought to bring “fresh air” into the Church.

Not surprisingly, this has also led to the many problems in the Church today. Pope Paul VI has even stated, “the smoke of Satan has entered into a crack in the Church.

Pope Francis and his fellow Modernist are actually seeking to double down on the results of Vatican II. Not surprisingly, we have the Synod of Synodalities. The Modernists continue to present this romantic notion of “a new way of being Church”. However, this has produced very harmful consequences to the Church. Does this also imply that Jesus did not get it right in how to lead His Church??

What are some of these harmful consequences? Lack of vocations, liturgical sacrilege, liturgical confusion and chaos, decreasing belief in the Real Presence, Church sexual abuse, closing Churches, decreasing Catholic affiliation, undermining Tradition and traditional Church practices, marginalizing Traditional Catholics, and banning the Traditional Latin Mass.

The synodal Church seeks to move with the world. Many cannot see or do not want to see adherence to Church teachings. As a result, these efforts are seeking to redefine, remake and undermine Jesus’ Church.

The Synod of Synodalities is seeking to democratize Jesus’ Church by delegating more Church authority/decision-making authority to the local bishops, by sharing Church decision-making authority with the laity. The Modernists are seeking to have the people define the Church they want. This sounds very Protestant, like creating a new Church!

The Synod of Synodalities insidiously seek to use the name of the “Holy Spirit of surprises” to justify changes in how to become Church. This is evil in that the Holy Spirit can only stand for truth. So which spirit are they referring to? Is this the spirit of the age (worldly values, secularism, situational morality, evil, sin, mercy above all else, or ignoring sin?

Yet, if the Vatican actually would have enforced the Church’s teachings against homosexuality, then the Vatican wouldn’t have such a large LGBTQ+ “outreach”. But instead, we get Fiducia Supplicans. What more needs to be said when the Vatican clearly focuses more on “lived experiences” rather than on Church teachings against homosexuality.

Cardinal Cupich states that one must end kneeling before receiving Holy Communion out of respect for those who receive Holy Communion in the hand. Why is Cardinal Cupich seeking to favor lived experiences (peoples’ feelings) over showing reverence to God?

As a result of the TLM restrictions, Mass attendance and collections have declined. Shocker. It seems that the Modernists will not hear what the congregations want: the Latin Mass! It has been reported that the Washington DC diocese is experiencing up to a $10 million deficit.

Newly made Cardinal Jean-Paul Vesco states that denying Holy Communion to the divorced and the re-married as a huge enormous injustice. Why is Cardinal Vesco seeking to favor peoples’ feelings over Church teachings? Sound familiar? This cardinal sounds very much like to Pope Francis. In other words, mercy above all else should only matter.

Pope Pius X was VERY PROPHETIC in pointing out that Modernists would look for an explanation for religion INSIDE THEMSELVES (sentiments and lived experiences). Sound familiar? This comes from Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis. This is found on my pinned post on Twitter/X.

How can we address the Catholics’ continued lack of belief in the Real Presence?

  1. More greatly encourage receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. Phase out receiving the Eucharist on the hand.
  2. Bring back kneeling rails for receiving Holy Communion. Allow people to show reverence upon receiving the Eucharist.
  3. Make “extraordinary” Eucharist ministers” actually extraordinary for rare situations. Utilize the clergy (priests and deacons) to distribute the Eucharist.
  4. Build Eucharist adoration chapels in every Church. This is how you find vocations.

How can we solve these problems? We must re-evaluate Vatican II’s purpose and the consequences of its implementation (impact) on the Church.


Quotes by GK Chesterton:

“We do not want a Church that will move with the world. We want a Church that will move the world.” 

“Right is right even if nobody does it. Wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong about it.” 

“What is wrong is that we do not ask what is right”

[Greek] συνοδεύω (synodeuō), [Latin] comitare, [French] accompagner, [German] begleiten

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