[Greek] σκοτία (skotia), [Latin] tenebris, [French] eclipser, [French] sombre, [French] obscurite, [French] nuite, [German] dust: dark, darkness, obscurity, shadow, lack of light; 16 scriptures
It is significant to note that Jesus makes this statement after telling the adulterous woman to sin no more (as He forgives her.) Not following Jesus’ command to sin more ==> walking in darkness. Unfortunately, this notion is often overlooked by many our clergy and culture.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means darkness, gloom, and shadow.
Plato’s Republic 7.518: “There are two disturbances affecting the eyes; the shift from light to darkness or from darkness to light. The same happens to the soul.”
Homer’s Iliad 13.672: “Hateful darkness got hold of him.”
Old Testament: This term means darkness, gloom, spiritual unreceptivity, and calamity.
New Testament: This term means dark, darkness, and evil world. This can refer to literal and spiritual darkness.
Mt.10:27: “What I say to you in darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.” (Some of the faith was presented “darkly” through parables, proverbs, whispered hints, secret gatherings [because of persecution], and whispered hints. Now this faith must be presently boldly and courageously throughout and everywhere. This means not shrinking in fear of speaking out.)
John. 1:5: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (This illustrates the ethical dualism of light and darkness. Jesus is the light of the world. It is also important to remember that Satan’s kingdom belongs to the world. The darkness can not also comprehend the light.)
John. 8:11-12: “Jesus said to the adulterous woman, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, from now on do not sin any more. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” (Jesus told the adulterous woman to sin no more. Jesus calls other to follow this teaching. To do otherwise (not to identify and not to call out sin) is to walk in darkness.)
John. 12:35: “Walk while you have the light, so that darkness may not overcome you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where he is going.” (Walking while you have the light means making good use of your faith and trust in God and not taking your faith for granted. Darkness refers to ignorance, blindness, persecution, secular influences, worldliness, spiritual relativism, and synodalism.)
1John.1:5: “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” (Light is truth and goodness. Darkness is error and depravity. To walk in light is to live morally and ethically according to truth. To walk in darkness is to live morally and ethically according to error, depravity, and falsity.)
1John.2:11: “Whoever hates his brother is in darkness; he walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” (Christ’s commandment of love becomes the light defeating the darkness of evil in this new age. All hatred is darkness which is imcompatible with the light and Christian life.)
Useless word alert:
Tenebrous ==> full of darkness
Tenebrism: a style of painting inspired by Caravaggio in which extreme contrasts of light and shade were used by inserting intense and revealing characters against a dark background. Caravaggio’s painting John the Baptist in the Wilderness (1604) employs tenebrism.
Eclipse, dust, night somber, obscure, obscurity
Old Testament: it is very noteworthy that this term can refer to spiritual unreceptivity. This continues to be relevant in current times.
Update: Many Catholics and Christians have been alarmed that the Modernists have been seeking to transform Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences).
Many see this synodal Church as a Church moving with the world. This is essentially becoming a new Church unrecognizable from Jesus’ Church. Even some Modernists have stated that the Church’s ecclesiology has changed.
Pius X prophecized vital immanence: that man would find an explanation for religion with themselves (sentiments, perceptions, and experiences). Many can perceive this that darkness which secularizes, humanizes, and relativizes faith and doctrine.
This synodal Church continues to move with the world. This essentially becomes a form of practical atheism, often just paying lip service to Jesus.
Television Espanola blatantly mocked the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In response, Bishop Demetrio Fernandez claimed that Christians’ religious feeling have been attacked by the blasphemous mockery. What about the mockery against Jesus. Why is this bishop’s response more concerned about the people and not Jesus! This sounds like practical atheism.
The Synodal Church’s refusal to call out the sin the homosexual lifestyle. As a result, we have Fiducia Supplicans allowing non-liturgical blessings for “irregular couples”. Pope Francis has become a great supporter of Fr. James Martin’s ‘outreach” to the LGBTQ community. What about acknowledging sin? The clergy who refuse to do this will be ultimately judged by God for their actions.
It goes with saying that terrorism, antisemitism, war, the refusal to recognize and acknowledge sin have become forms of darkness in this world.
Another form of darkness (cowardice) among priests who remain silent and cowardly in speaking out against grave issues (sin, synodalism, liturgical confusion and chaos, and sacrilege.