[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9
Because of the restrictions set forth by Traditionis Custodes, the Chartres pilgrimage celebrated the Tradition Latin Mass outdoors.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to set against, to match with, to withstand, to hold out, and to hinder.
Plutarch’s Theseus 1: “With such a warrior who will dare to fight? When I shall I set against him?”
Homer’s Iliad 16.305: “They still sought to withstand him.”
Sophocles Ajax 1231: “So it is you, they tell me, who dared open your mouth wide to make fierce threats against us–and are you still unpunished?”
Sophocles’ Tracking Satyrs 256: “I won’t put up with your loud quarrelsome words.”
Old Testament: This term means to be alert, to be courageous, to cause strife, to take a stand, to resist, to rebel, to contend, to be strong, to be insolent, to deceive, and to be hardened.
New Testament: This term means to resist (oppose), to offer no resistance, and to be unable to resist. For purposes of brevity, Jesus’ teachings on turning the other check (Mt.5:39) is mentioned in another post. https://resoundingthefaith.com/2020/11/16/greek-%e1%bc%80%ce%bd%ce%b8%ce%af%cf%83%cf%84%ce%b7%ce%bc%ce%b9-anthistemi-latin-contendere-latin-resistere/ (How can I resist being able to promote another post! ☺☺☺
Lk.21:15: “I shall give you a wisdom in speaking [from the Holy Spirit] that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute.” (This scripture appears in light of Jesus’ foretelling a coming persecution. Some will be persecuted, imprisoned, and brought before authorities (synagogues and prisons). You will be handed over by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. You will be hated by My name but by your perseverance, you will secure your lives.)
Acts 6:10: “But they could not not withstand the wisdom and Spirit with which Stephen spoke.” (Stephen’s defense provides an indictment of the Jews opposing the prophets and the Holy Spirit. Stephen diminishes the temple of Mosaic law and elevates Jesus’ stature. The differences between Judaism and Christianity become more apparent. The major impetus of the Christian movement shifts from Jerusalem to Antioch.)
Acts 13:8: “Elymas the magician opposed them in an attempt to turn the proconsul away from the faith.” (Paul calls Elymas the son of the devil, an enemy of all that is right, full of every deceit and fraud.
Who is a son of the devil?
- One who is an enemy to the doctrine of Jesus and all righteousness.
- One who does not cease to do evil, mischief, and deceit.
- One who follows Satan, the author of deceit and father of lies.
- One who seeks to pervert the right way of the Lord.
- One who is an enemy of the Gospel.
- One who resists the truth of the Gospel and substitutes his own falsehoods.
“The firstborn of Satan”:
- This is a Jewish phrase describing someone who is acute, sharp, and subtle and abiding by his doctrine.
- Polycarp (69-155 AD), disciple of the Apostle John, called Marcion, he “first-born of Satan” for promoting the gnostic heresy of Marcionism (that the evil Old Testament God was different from the God revealed in Jesus Christ.
Rom.9:19: “You will say to me then, ‘Why then does He still find fault? For who can oppose His will?'” (Paul responds to the objection that if God already has a plan for everybody, then God cannot accuse unbelievers of sin. But this objection is a sign of human insolence [placing humanity on a level with God]. God grants us free will to do as we choose. Yet, God grants mercy upon whom He wills and hardens whom He wills.)
Gal.2:11: “I [Paul] opposed Peter to his face because he clearly was wrong.” (Paul criticized Peter for improper table fellowship with the Gentiles. Kosher food regulation had not yet been settled.”)
Eph.6:13: “Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and to hold your ground.” (Paul alludes to the Christian who must be a battle-prepared soldier in fighting against evil. The evil day is the period of time of Satan’s evil works.)
Jas.4:7: “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (The devil is associated with disobedience, PRIDE, and rebellion.”)
1Pet.4:7: “Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.” (Satan hates submission to God.”)
Antihistamine, histamine, resist, resistance, contend, contention, detour
Update: As the Modernists seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man and his lived experiences), many conservative and Traditional Catholics are being marginalized and cancelled.
As a result of the many synodal innovations, confusion, chaos, worldliness, and evil, many are more clearly seeing the damage being done by the Modernists in the Church.
Bishop Strickland had asked his fellow bishops what will it take to respond to the false messages from the Vatican. A diabolically inspired Synodality is essentially dismantling Jesus’ Church. Very few if any bishops have responded to Bishop Strickland’s pleas and warnings.
Bishop Strickland has stated that Pope Francis has denied and resisted the Truth that Jesus incarnate. These Synodalists are shaping this truth in the image of man (and his lived experiences).
Resisting (remaking) the truth in the image of man: many clergy (Synodalists) are refusing to follow Jesus’ commands to sin no more. Lived experiences take on more importance than Jesus’ commands and Church doctrine! And you wonder why the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions are publicly stated. Rather, non liturgical blessings have been given for “irregular couples” (same-sex unions). Church authorities are even trying to minimize the social stigma of such “couples”.
Resisting (remaking) the truth in image of man: the many clergy (Synodalists) are calling upon the “the holy spirit of surprises” to rationalize justify any new changes or innovations. The Holy Spirit can only stand for the Truth. It is essentially evil to use or manipulate the Holy Spirit for man-made purposes!
Like Elymas, the Vatican (and the Synodalists) are intentionally using sophistry (word games) and verbal gymnastics in their statements and documents. The “pope-splainers” are out in full force defending the Vatican. Yet, many of us can see through their efforts.
The Modernists, like hard-hearted believers “true belieivers” are all in their efforts to adapt Jesus’ Church to a synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences. These Modernists have become blinded by their ideology. Yet, perhaps God’s providence is allowing this, in order for all to see their intentions. As a result, the Church will eventually resist and correct itself.
What this resistance to the synodalists? Traditional Catholics are growing. The Traditional Latin Mass (where allowed) are thriving. The younger priests and seminarians are more conservative-minded, while the older generations of liberal, progress, and Modern priests are retiring and dying out.
One does not have to be fully-possessed to be influenced by Satan? Satan can “inspire” rebellion, heresy, apostasy, division, liturgical chaos and confusion, busyness, distraction, pride, worldliness, spiritual dryness, secularlism, and increased vulnerability to sin. One must remember that Satan rules the secular and material world. Satan will do anything he must to undermine the Church.
Satan is the epitome of pride and rebellion. Faithfulness and obedience to Christ, the Church’s teachings, and God’s laws will drive Satan away. But Satan hope that you do otherwise.
Fr. James Martin, a great confidant of Pope Francis, claims that St. Paul got it wrong about homosexuality? What does this say about Fr. James Martin? Can he also be called a son of Satan?
I like to think, in my very small way, that I am seeking to proclaim the truth about this new Synodal Church.
It is also important to remember that even God will also some people to remain “hard-hearted” in their ideological cause. This can refer to the Modernists and Synodalists.
I think we all should take some inspiration by the example of Bishop Strickland in calling out the Vatican synodalists and the silent and cowardly clergy who refuse to speak out (in fear of being cancelled, expelled, laicized, and excommunicated) against evil. We are now in battle of traditional Catholicism versus synodality.