[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere, [Latin] contemptus, [French] dedaigner, [French] mepriser: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10
St. Augustine criticizes the errors of both “Cafeteria Catholicism” (choosing what you want to believe) and Synodalilty (remaking and undermining Jesus’ Church through lived experiences.)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to look down upon, to think slightly of, to despise, to think contemptuously, and to presume.
Herodotus’ The Histories 4.134: “Darius asked about the clamor among the enemy; he said to those who he was accustomed to speak, ‘These mean hold us in deep contempt.'”
Isocrates’ Archidamus 6.108: “Let us therefore challenge one another to pay back to our fatherland the price of our nurture, and not suffer to be outraged or contemned.”
Euripides’ Bacchae 199: “Having been mortal, I do not scorn the gods.”
Plato’s Euthydemus 273d: “I saw they despised me for it, and they both laughed.”
Lysias’ Against Eratosthenes 12.78: “Twice over did he enslave you, despising what was present, and longing for what was absent, setting himself as instructor in most monstrous acts.”
Mammon: Mammon is considered the Syrian god of riches, wealth, and the greedy pursuit of gain. This word may have been present throughout the Canaanite languages. Devotees would kneel down on their knees at this statue. Mammon is an Aramaic word meaning weealth or property. Abundantia is the Roman god of riches. Plutus is the Greek god of riches.
Old Testament: This term means to act treacherously, to offend, to despise, to take advantage, to hold in contempt, to be vile, and to ridicule.
- Hos.6:7: Adam violates the covenant and betrays God.
- Hab.1:13: the wicked devour those more just than themselves
- Gen.27:12: [Jacob] I will bring on myself a curse instead of a blessing
- Prov.19:16: those despise these [commands] ways will die
- Prov.18:3: with wickedness comes contempt, disgrace, and scorn
- Wis.14:30: they thought perversely of God by devoting themselves to idols
New Testament: This term means to despise, to hate, to hold in low esteem, to show contempt, and to disdain.
Mt.6:24: “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Jesus states that it is not possible to be devoted to both masters (God and wealth). One may even become a slave (enslaved) to this master. This could also be applicable to sin. Spiritual treasures are much longer lasting than material treasures.)
Mt.18:10: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always looks upon the face of My heavenly Father.” (Disciples must seek out fellow disciples who have gone astray. Not only must no one cause a fellow disciple to sin, but also they must also be brought back to the community. This also further points out the responsibility of the shepherd (cardinal, bishop, and priest). But one must also first recognize what sin is.)
Abuse and neglect regarding the Lord’s Supper (1Cor.11:17-22):
- [Paul]: your meetings are doing more more than good (liturgical abuses and womens’ head covering issues)
- There are divisions and factions among you
- There has to be factions among you so that others may know who are approved may become known
- You often abandon togetherness, form cliques, do not share, and engage in drunkenness
- Why do you show contempt for the Church with your disorderly conduct?
Heb.12:2: “For the sake of the joy that lay before Him, He endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken His seat at the right of the throne of God.” (Jesus humbly accepted the shameful act of crucifixion to redeem humanity.)
False teachers (and false prophets) denounced (2Pet.2:1-12):
- They will introduce destructive heresies
- They will even deny the Master who ransom them, bringing swift destruction on themselves
- Many will follow their licentious ways. And because of them, the way of truth will be reviled.
- They will exploit you with fabrications. Their destruction does not sleep.
- Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to revile glorious beings.
- They revile things that they do not understand.
- In their destruction, they will also be destroyed.
- They seduce unstable people.
- Abandoning the straight road, they have gone astray, following the road of Balaam.
“Holding onto resentment is letting a person, who you despise, occupy and portion in your mind forever.” Unknown
“Before the sin, Satan assures us that is of no consequence; after the sin, he persuades us that is unforgivable.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
“Jesus points out our mission, which is to despise what the world loves and seeks.” St. Padre Pio
“It is that in the same affliction the wicked detest and blaspheme God, while the good pray and praise.” St. Augustine
“We are ensnared by the ‘wisdom’ of the serpent. We are set free by the foolishness of God.” St. Augustine
“The good man, though a slave, is free. The wicked man, though he reigns, is a slave.” St. Augustine
“Wicked men obey from fear, good mean obey from love.” St. Augustine
Contempt, contemptible, condemn, disdain, reprise, reprisal
Isocrates points out that it is good to have respect for one’s country.
Update: Many of us act like “little pagans” bowing down to our electronic devices. Many others pay homage to fame, wealth, celebrity, notoriety, “likes”, and convenience.
Many have unfortunately “bowed down” on the altar of convenience in obtaining an abortion. In our society, this has essentially become an “evil sacrament”.
It is important to be reminded that we all should strive to attain spiritual (heavenly) treasures rather than earthly treasures. Heavenly treasures are long lasting while earthly treasures are temporary and fleeting.
This new synodal Church, moving with the world, are remaking and undermining Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Many faithful, traditional, and conservative Catholics, seeking to uphold Tradition, are understandably alarmed by what the Modernists are doing. These Modernists continue to marginalize, castigate, and despise faithful Catholics.
The Modernists are more concerned with lived experiences than fidelity to Christ, doctrine, and Church teachings. Modernists focus less on the reality of sin, but more on toleration, false compassion, inclusion, and “mercy above all else”.
Pope Francis’ papacy is continually being defined by liturgical chaos and confusion, heretical statements and documents, laxity, and synodality (moving with the world.)
At the Synod of Synodalities, German Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck stated that Apostolic Tradition must be abandoned.
Pope Francis (and the Vatican) has recently asked Bishop Rey of Frejus-Toulon diocese to “resign” because he was too friendly to Tradition and having too many religious communities. This is another example of the priority of implementing Modernist ideology on the Church. In other words, Tradition must go.
Ever since Vatican II, the Church has been beset by many liturgical, pastoral, and spiritual problem. Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists seek to double down on what Vatican II has caused.
It seems that the Modernists have a singular-minded focus on synodality. It is as if the Modernists are viewing synodality like an idol (god). In their ideological hard-heartedness, these Modernists are seeking to implement synodality despite the consequences of marginalizing Catholics and undermining and remaking Jesus’ Church.
Rather than focusing its efforts in the salvation of souls, Pope Francis’ papacy is more interested in moving with the world and engaging living experiences.
As a part of God’s providence, more and more of us are seeing the consequences of Modernism and synodalism in Jesus’ Church. This is already causing opposition and backlash. The Holy Spirit is already at work restoring the Church. The younger priests and seminarians are now more-conservative minded, while the older Modernist and progressive clergy are retiring and dying out.
“The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant minds.” St. Padre Pio
“You are priests, not social or political leaders. Let us not be under the illusion that we are serving the gospel through an exaggerated interests in the wide field of temporal problems.” (This is precisely what this new synodal Church is doing: moving with the world.)