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[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] adsumentum, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] adquiescere, [Latin] infidelis: to disobey, to reject, to disbelieve, to conspire; 17 scriptures

Pope Pius X speaks to both the clergy’s and laity’s silence, cowardice, apathy, indifference, and disobedience to Church teachings and theological crises.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to disobey, to reject, and to not abide.

Xenophon’s Memorabilia 3.5.5: “For confidence breads carelessness, lackness and disobedience; fear makes men more attentive, more amenable to discipline.”

Aeschylus’ Agamemnon 1049: “Since you are in the toils of destiny, perhaps you will obey; if you are so inclined, but perhaps you will not.”

Euripides’ Orestes 31: “Still it was his obedience to the god that made him kill her.”

Old Testament: This term denotes the sinful attitude (disobedience) of the people.

New Testament: This term means to disobey, to disbelieve, and to reject.

Jn.3:36: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.” (Having faith means being subject to the will of the Son. The one who does not believe lives and dies in a state of impenitence and unbelief.)

Acts 14:2-3: “Paul and Barnabas spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks came to believe, although the disbelieving Jews stirred up and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against the brothers.” (The Jews were greatly provoked by the growing success of the gospel. The Jews were disobedient, unbelieving, and showing ill will.)

Acts 19:9: “But when some in their obstinacy and disbelief disparaged the Way before the assembly, Paul withdrew and too his disciples with him and began to hold daily discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” (The unbelieving Jews sought to wreak their hatred against Paul by stirring up suspicion among the Gentiles. The Way becomes synonymous with the gospel. The Christians were still perceived as a sect by the Jews.)

1Pet.2:7-8: “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. A stone that will make people stumble, a rock that will make them fall.” (To unbelievers, Christ is an obstacle and stumbling block. Jesus is a stumbling stone for the disobedient.)

1Pet.4:17: “For it is time for the judgement to begin with the household of God; it it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God?”

Trial of persecution (1Pet.4:12-19):

  1. You should not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you. 
  2. You should rejoice that you may share in the sufferings of Christ (so that you may also rejoice in the glory that is revealed.)
  3. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.
  4. Whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God.
  5. It is time for judgment to begin for the household of God.
  6. It the judgment begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God?
  7. Those who suffer in accord with God’s will hand their souls over to a faithful creator. 

[Greek] ἀπείθεια (apeitheia), [Latin] incredulitatem, [Latin] diffidentia: disobedience, unbelief, obstinancy

Eph.2:1-2: “You were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you live following the age of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the disobedient.” (The ruler of the world is Satan. Many live following the wishes and impulses of the flesh. The ‘disobedient’ is Semitism for the ‘sons of disobedience’.)

Eph.5:6: “Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.” (Empty arguments pertain to vain words, deceits, falsehoods, human philosophies, and human traditions. These things pertain to uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, fornication, and foolish talking.)

Col.3:6: “Because of these the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.” (We are called to put to death the parts of us that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed that is idolatry.)

Further quotes from Pope Pius X:

“Whilst Jesus was kind to sinners and those who went astray. He did not respect their false ideas.” (Jesus did not accept and accommodate peoples’ lifestyles and lived experiences.)

“The primary duty of charity does not lie in toleration of false ideas.” (Jesus said: ‘Sin no more. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness.’)

“I am completely opposed to the error of the Modernists who hold that there is nothing divine in sacred tradition.” (Jesus’s teachings and the Church’s must not be subject or adapted to man’s lived experiences or society conditions.)

“All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to easygoing weakness of Catholics.” (Silence, cowardice, indifference, apathy all service to undermine faith and destroy Church. Satan couldn’t be more happy about this.)

“It is an error to believe that Christ did not teach a determined body of doctrine applicable to all times and all men, but rather inaugurated a religious movement adapted or to be adapted to different times and places.” (Jesus’ teachings and the Church’s teachings are timeless and constant throughout time.)

Practical atheism: Cardinal Sarah and Pope Benedict XVI warned us about moral relativism and practical atheism (paying lip-service to God and Church teachings). (This is disobedience to Church teachings.)

Indifferentism: This is the belief that differences of religious belief are not important. It means “can’t we just get along.” This results from questionable and naive ecumenical efforts with heretical faiths. As a result, Pope Francis has made several problematic and heretical statements about ecumenism. (This is also disobedience to Church teachings.)


Apathy, apathetic, incredible, incredulous, indifferent, indifference, acquiescent, acquiescence, infidel, infidelity, assumption

God’s mercy is much more than one’s disobedience. The age of this world is filled with many forms of disobedience.

Update: The Vatican continues to ignore (not actively enforce and pay lip service) to the Church’s teachings against homosexuality. As a result, there continues to be a large LGBTQ “outreach”.

IF the Church was SERIOUS about enforcing teachings against homosexuality: ==> more conversions AWAY from the homosexual lifestyle ==> less need for the LGBTQ “outreach”. But instead: ==> the LGBTQ “outreach” continually expands! (This is essentially paying lip service to Church teachings!)

 Pope Francis’s synodal Church has continued to marginalize many Catholics and disobey and reject Tradition, traditional teachings, and the TLM.

Many Catholics (Christians) continue to be luke-warm and indifferent in their faith. Some continue to be “cafeteria” Catholics.

Nones (having no religious affiliation) continue to grow.

For many years, there continues to be low Catholic religious affliliation, low mass attendance and a lack of belief in the Eucharist.

The USCCB were indifferent, silent, and cowardly in response to Bishop Strickland’s warning about the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” and synodality. Perhaps they were fearful of the Vatican and LGBTQ lobby.

The USCCB, more curiously concerned with immigration issues, are perhaps are more fearful and afraid of speaking about abortion and  pro-life issues

The installation Mass of Archbishop Magri invited an woman Anglican priests to “con-celebrate” the Mass. This is disobedience against Canon law, liturgical norms, and Church teachings.

It appears that Pope Francis’ death becomes imminent. At this time, we all need to set aside our differences with Pope Francis and pray for his mortal soul. Pope Francis will have to answer much (to God) for his disobedience and indifference against Church teachings and for changing the Church ecclesiology.

Fr. Calvin Robinson claims that weak bishops are what is keeping him from becoming Roman Catholic.

Quote by St. Mother Teresa:

“A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things, provided that you believe much more in His love and in your weakness.” (Mother Teresa states that we must not be silent and cowardly if we are to serve God. There will sometimes be real costs, challenges, and hardships in order to do this. We must have courage. One’s actions or inactions may influence one’s salvation.)

Next post: needing to return the Church to the “business” of saving souls

[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] adsumentum, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] adquiescere, [Latin] infidelis

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