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[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus, [German] dumm: dull, insipid, foolish, stupid, unwise, dull-witted; Mt.5:22, Mt.7:26, Mt.23:17,19, Mt.25:2,3,8, 1Cor.1:25,27, 1Cor.3:18, 1Cor.4:10, 2Tim.2:23, Tit.3:9

We are foolish to think that we can fool God. God will not be mocked!

Background information:

Greek Hellenism:

Intellect: dullness, lack of judgment, spiritual deficiency

Medicine: slackness, fatigue, dulling of the nerves

Animals: animals in hibernation

Folly: lack of understanding, condemnation, naivety, confusion, impulsiveness, being controlled by an outside force or power

Xenophon’s Anabasis 7.6.21: “Are you not ashamed of being so stupidly deceived? But to be deceived seems to be more shameful than to be deceived.”

Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae 474: “It’s and old saying that our absurdist and maddest decrees always somehow turn out for our own good.”

Euripides’ Medea 614: “You would be a fool not to accept this offer. Forget your anger and it will be better for you.”

Demosthenes’ Phillipic 3 9.54: “But you have reached such a height of folly or madness. I know not what to call it.”

Sophocles’ Antigone 469: “And if my present actions are foolish in your sight, it may be that it is a fool who accuses me of folly.”

Old Testament: This term means foolish, folly, arrogant, senseless, stupid, quarrelsome, and wicked.

Foolishness (folly):

  1. Folly is the unintentional and intentional lack of knowledge of God.
  2. Having eyes that do not see and having ears that do not hear. Foolishness can involve arrogance, religious indifference, and lack of understanding.
  3. Folly can be condemned as apostasy from God. Foolishness and wickedness can ruin and destroy one’s relationships with God.
  4. Evil and corrupt leaders/rulers are often perceived as fools.
  5. Devotion to idols is seen as foolish and scandalous.
  6. The wisdom of Sirach is seen as a rule of life (warning) against human foolishness.

New Testament: This term means being foolish, foolishness, simplemindedness, and God’s ‘foolishness’ (wisdom).


Mt.5:22: “But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raqa’, will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, whoever says, ‘you fool’ will be liable to the fiery Gehenna.” (Anger is the motive behind murder. It is important to settle these disputes. Otherwise, you may be subject to a judge’s severe judgment. This alludes to the unrepentant sinner in the coming judgment of God. 

Raqa: This name is an Aramaic term meaning imbecile or blockhead.

Gehenna: This name refers to the center of an idolatrous cult in which children were offered in sacrifice. Children were aborted in honor of Molech.)

Mt. 7:26:“And everyone who listens to these words of Mine but does not act on them be like a fool who built his house on sand.” (Jesus states that a wise man is one who HEARS His words and ACTS on them. The person who only hear His words are foolish who lack a strong foundation of faith.)  

Mt.25:2: “The foolish ones [virgins] when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them.” (The Parable of the Ten Virgins illustrates the foolish Christian who is not prepared and ready to receive Jesus, the Bridegroom. This Christian is not prepared to enter into the kingdom of heaven.)

1Cor.1:25: “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” (Wisdom and power are found to be paradoxical in the relationship with God and man. The folly of the cross is often seen foolish contrary to all human reasoning. God’s wisdom and truth are often seen foolish by human reasoning. Likewise, man’s ‘wisdom’ is often seen foolish by God. The wisdom of this world is foolishness in the ‘eyes’ of God [1Cor.3:18]).

1Cor.1:27: “Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong.” (The weak and lowly, who have the riches of faith, confound those who have have riches (rank, knowledge, wealth, and power) in the world. This scripture illustrates the great differences of values.)

1Cor.10: “We are fools on Christ’s account, but you are wise in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are held in honor, but we are in disrepute.” (The faithful Christian often finds himself in a world opposed to Christian values. Again, this illustrates the dichotomy between the heavenly values and worldly values.)

Other related term:

[Greek] μωραίνω (mōrainō): to be foolish

Mt.5:13: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” (Like useless salt, the faithless or indifferent Christian is ineffective in living a Christian life and in promoting the gospel.)

Rom.1:22: “While claiming to be wise, they [idolaters] become fools.” (God’s wrath will be revealed against very impiety and wickedness. These idolaters exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of an image of man.)

Pope Francis’ foolish statements:

“Nuns who gossip are terrorists.” (Even using such metaphorical language for nuns (and sisters) is irresponsible, foolish, and inflammatory.)

“It is a mistake for the Church to try to hold onto old tradition or to have clear answers for everything.” (Quite an indictment against Jesus’ Church! This statement clearly illustrates Pope Francis’ Modernist arrogant animosity toward Tradition and traditional teachings. IS POPE FRANCIS SAYING THAT JESUS DID NOT GET IT [THE CHURCH] RIGHT???)

“What is it that I expect as a consequence of World Youth Day? I want a mess. We know that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the dioceses!” (In addition to Rio, Pope Francis is actually CAUSING GREAT LITURGICAL CONFUSION AND CHAOS throughout the Church! This has been intentional on his part!)

Etymology: The Latin verb infaturare means to make stupid and fatuous. Fatuous means foolish and stupid but self-satisfied. Stultify and stultification come from the Latin verb stultificare meaning to turn into foolishness. Imprudent means not foreseeing or being unaware. Stupid comes form the Latin verb stupere, meaning to be stunned, amazed, or confounded.


Moron, moronic, imprudent, stupid, stupidity, infatuate, infatuation, dumb.

In the Old Testament, foolishness (and wickedness) take on a more serious nature in potentially ruining or destroying one’s relationship with God. This culture develops the notion of God’s wisdom (actions) surpassing all human reason.

New Testament: The parable of a house on rock illustrates the importance of acting on what one hears of the gospel. God’s ‘foolishness’ (wisdom) is wiser than any human wisdom and reason. IF ANYONE WHO CONSIDERS HIMSELF WISE (KNOWING BETTER THAN GOD???) WILL BECOME FOOLISH TO ALL. Paul points out the foolishness of Corinthians’ prideful thinking that they know better.

We are are called to be disciples full of flavor [seasoned], not those lacking in flavor [bland].

Update: Many Catholics and Christians foolishly believe that they will not face any moral consequences for their “right” to have an abortion. It is as if their “right to do whatever they want” is more important than any moral considerations. Each one of us will have to account for ourselves before God.

The Vatican continues its outreach to the LGBTQ community. Rather than stating the sinful nature of homosexuality and same-sex unions, the Vatican is bestowing “non-liturgical blessings” to same sex unions. This is essentially blessing sin. This is evil!

Those clergy, who fail to state the sinful nature of homosexuality, will be held more accountable in their position as clergy. The Church’s primary duty is to bring souls to heaven.

It is often important to remember that Satan’s kingdom is of this world. Unfortunately, many (clergy and laity) have been seduced by: fear, busyness, indifference, spiritual dryness, sin, pride, worldly values [fame, wealth, power, etc.]).

The secular culture often seeks to mock Christian values and morals. The Olympics Opening Ceremonies mocked the Last Supper. The secular world does this either intentionally or unintentionally. The organizers claim that this presentation was a depiction of a Bacchanal feast.

More and more Americans are not foolishly believing that Kamala Harris can continue to hide and avoid reporters and press conferences while running for president of the United States.

Modernists foolishly seek to CONTINUALLY remake religion, doctrine, faith, etc. IN THEIR OWN MINDS. This is called vital immanence.*** That is why there are endless “reforms” and “renewals” of the Church! Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists believe that Jesus’ Church must be remade into a synodal Church made in the image of man’s “lived experiences”. 

Modernists foolishly believe that Jesus’ Church must remove its “rigid” Tradition and traditional practices.

Pope Pius X”: “On Tradition, the Modernists engage unrelenting war.”

Padre Pio: “People are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother.”

Pope Pius X: “Kindness is for fools!” (On Modernism: on having the need to remain vigilant against the dangers of  Modernism and Modernists)

Next post: being luke-warm

*** From Pope Pius X’s encyclical Domenici Pascendi Gregis (Sept. 8, 1907): The Doctrine of the Modernists


Attached is my catechetical analysis of St. Pius X’s prophetic warnings about Modernism and Modernists


[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus, [German] dumm

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