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[Greek] δέω (deō), [Latin] alligare, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] ligare [Latin] carcerare, [Latin] ducere, [German] binden, [French] attacher, [French] enchainer [French] guider, [French] rassembler, [German] fuhren: to implore, to bind, to prohibit, to compel, to restrict; 44 scriptures

Background information:

Old Testament: This term means to declare forbidden (or permitted), to impose or remove an obligation.

New Testament: This term means to tie up, to arrest, to bind, to restrain, to tether, to seize, to imprison, to knit. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude literal binding, restraining, and imprisoning.


Mt.12:29: “How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and steal his property, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder the house.” (The strong man is Satan, whom Jesus has tied up. The house is the world, Satan’s domain, demons, and, man’s impulses and desires. Satan’s property is those who are possessed and controlled by him.)

Mt. 13:30: “Let them [wheat and weeds] grow together until harvest; then at harvest time I will say to the harvesters, ‘First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning; but gather the wheat into my barn.'” (The harvest is a common biblical metaphor for the time of God’s judgment. Good works will separated by evil works.)

Mt.16:19: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Peter was given primary authority with the keys to lead the apostles. Peter was given authority to lift, to impose, to forgive, and to ban.  It is inferred that this authority is also given to Peter’s successors.)

Mt.18:18: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed on heaven. (Jesus was granting Peter and the disciples the authority of retaining and forgiving sins.)

Lk.13:16: “This daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound for eighteen years now, ought she not to have been set free on the sabbath day from this bondage.?” (Jesus seeks to free this woman from her being controlled by Satan. Jesus was criticized for freeing this woman from her affliction on the sabbath. The opponents were more concerned by Sabbath law than the woman’s welfare.)

Acts 20:22: “Compelled by the Spirit, I [Paul] am going to Jerusalem. What will happen to me there I do not know.” (Paul was courageously following in his own apostolic mission in spite of uncertainties and difficulties.)

Rom.7:2: “Thus a married woman is bound by law to her living husband; but if her husband dies, she is released from the law in respect to her husband.” (Paul reflects that Christians have a different understanding of the law because of their faith in Christ. Law binds the living, not the dead. Marriage is dissolved through death.)

Catholic understanding of the papacy:

What are the significance of the keys? Jesus has essentially given the keys of authority in the kingdom of heaven on earth. This notion makes reference to King David giving keys of authority to his prime minister Eliakim who is in charge of his palace. (Isa.22:20-22)

Why was it necessary for Jesus to select Simon (Peter) to be the rock of His Church? Jesus intended to have ONE everlasting Church in which neither the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. As a result, many have opposed this idea. Therefore, we now have chaos: over 33,000 churches and denominations.

What is this power to bind and loose? These are powers to refuse, to forbid, to allow, to hold, and to forgive. This binding and loosing extends to Catholic clergy forgiving sin in the sacrament of reconciliation. This binding and loosing partially finds its roots in rabbis forbidding and permitting.

How does this relate to the sacrament of reconciliation (confession)? The Catholic bishops are successors to the Apostles. Priest receive the ordination from the bishop. Priests, acting in the person of Christ, can bestow forgiveness to those who confess their sins. These priests must first hear from the penitent as to which sins must be forgiven.

Etymology: The Latin verb alligare means to bind and to detain. The Latin verb congregare means to collect and to group. The Latin verb ligare means to bind, to to tie, to fasten, and  to unite. The Latin verb carcerare means to incarcerate, and to imprison. The Latin verb ducere means to lead and to command.


Alligation, ligation, congregate, congregation, attach, attachment, chain, chained, assemble, bind, incarcerate, incarceration, guide, guidance, furhrer, educate

Old Testament: Rabbis had the power to forbid, to permit, and to impose or remove and obligation by a doctrinal decision. Yet, one is not be called a rabbi, but a disciple. There is only one rabbi (teacher) who is Jesus.

Update:  There can be potentially many ways where Satan can tie up a person. This could be sin (being enslaved or addicted to sin), being attached to worldliness, busyness, distractedness, spiritual dryness, hatred, attachment to “gods”, fame, power, etc. This could be anything that draws a person away from God.

It must be acknowledge that it could be often be difficult to clearly separate the good from the bad (evil). At the end of our lives, each one of us will be held accountable before God. Our good works will be separated by our bad works.

Jesus intended to have one Church which will last forever. Jesus made provisions that would be made possible through the protection of the Holy Spirit. On a practical level, provisions must also be made for successors to Peter’s position of primacy.

It is precisely because of others’ opposition to this notion, that we currently have over 33,000 churches and denominations today.

The bestowing of keys indicates authority to control access to a king’s palace and the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Synagogue officials (like Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes) are often closed-minded and petty in their objections to Jesus healing on the Sabbath. They focus on trivialities, rather on important matters.

The too many cowardly and silent cardinals, bishops, and priests must be reminded by Paul to courageously proclaim the gospel and to speak out against errors and evil that occur in the Church and the world.

Catholics and Christians also must have a different understanding of the law as it pertains to abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, same-sex unions, and other issues that contradict God’s teachings and moral laws.

Faithful Catholics must continue to persevere and pray for the Church even while Pope further marginalize faithful Catholics as he seeks to further restrict the Traditional Latin Mass.

Just like a Modernist, Pope Francis seeks to further bind the authority and status of the Papacy. Pope Francis seeks to diminish the papacy in order to make it more acceptable to other faiths.

I implore to hear some words of wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eebBRsm7Pxc

[Greek] δέω (deō), [Latin] alligare, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] ligare [Latin] carcerare, [Latin] ducere, [German] binden, [French] attacher, [French] enchainer [French] guider, [French] rassembler, [German] fuhren

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