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[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references

The Vatican’s updated norms for discerning supernatural apparitions not intentionally made the Marian prophecy of Akita more difficult to accept.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to wander, to go astray, to lead astray, to be mistaken, to lie, to seduce, to doubt, and to be at a loss.

Old Testament: This term means to lead astray, to confuse, to wander, to vacillate spiritually. This generally refers more to faith, belief, and philosophy rather than profane deceiving. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on intentional or unintentional deception.


Mt.22:29: Jesus said to the Sadducees, ‘You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.’” (The Sadducees were attempting to trick Jesus about marriage relationships in reference to heaven. Instead, Jesus points out that sexual relationships of this world will be transcended (will no longer exist in heaven).

Mt.24:11: “Many false prophets [Christians] will arise and deceive many.” (The disciples will have to endure. There will be worse affliction within the Church itself. Many will be led in sin and be scandalized. Many will fall away.)

Mk.12:24: “Jesus said to them, ‘Are you not misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God?'” (This alludes the Sadducees refusal to accept the message from the burning bush to Moses in Ex.3:6. God stated that he is the God of the living. Jesus points out the Sadducees ignorance of this scripture.)

Jn.7:12: “And there was considerable murmuring about Him in the crowds. Some said, ‘He is a good man,’ while others said, ‘No; on the contrary, He misleads the crowd.'” (Some Jews were seeing a different Jesus who was misleading [drawing others away] from the law of Moses, breaking the Sabbath, and proclaiming to be the Messiah.)

1Cor.6:9: “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters, nor adulterers.” (There was a great danger of minimizing such pagan sins. Paul cautions against the teachings (opinions) of false teachers. Idolaters were likened to adulterers. Abandoning the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. A spiritual harlot prostitutes oneself with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, evil, and sin.)

1Cor.15:32-33: “If at Ephesus I fought with beasts. Do not be led astray. Bad company corrupts good morals.” (Paul was perhaps speaking metaphorically about beasts: adversaries, evil spirits, idolater, and demon-possessed.)

Gal.6:7: “Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap what he sows.” (Paul warns us not to be led astray by false teachers (false teaching). God already knows our character and actions. God will then judge us accordingly. The one sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh.)

Tit.3:3: We ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, deluded, slaves to various desires and pleasures. (We can find ourselves walking through ignorance, illusion, falsity (lack of true light). We can be often be oblivious to the deceitfulness of sin.)

Jas.5:19-20: “If anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sin.” (When a Christian is instrumental in the conversion of a sinner, the results are forgiveness of sins and a reinstatement of the sinner to the life of grace.)

1Jn.1:8: “If we say, ‘We are without sin’, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” (Denial of the condition of sin is self-deception and even contradictory to divine revelation. There is aloso a continual possibility of sin’s recurrence. Forgiveness and deliverance of sin through Christ are assured through acknowledgement of them and repentance.)

Vatican updated norms for discerning Marian apparitions: At first glance, these conditions seem reasonable. However, the criteria causing division in the Church is subject to debate. This ignores or denies the historical prophetic, and apocalyptic messages of many Marian apparitions which call attention to the problems of the Church. One wonders if the Vatican is intentionally trying to protect or insulate itself from the Marian prophecies from Akita,

Positive criteria:

  1. The recipient must be of good reputation and credibility
  2. The phenomena must have doctrinal orthodoxy related to it.
  3. The phenomena must not be cause by the recipient.
  4. Most have positive fruits: good Christian life, spirit of prayer, conversions, vocations to religious life, acts of charity, sound and abundant devotion

Negative criteria:

  1. This must not have manifest errors and doctrinal errors.
  2. This must not breed division in the Church.
  3. There must not be pursuit of power, fame, social recognition, personal interest with the phenomena.
  4. There must not be grave immoral actions committed by the recipient
  5. There must not be any psychological or psychopathic tendencies caused by the recipient on the phenomena

Marian prophesies:

Akita prophecy (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops opposing bishops. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.” [Approved by the diocese of Niigata, Japan, uncertain approval status from the Vatican]

(Cardinals and bishops are opposing each other in matters of doctrine and theology concerning traditional Catholic teaching and Modernist teachings. Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, compromise, toleration, and inclusion of sin and worldly values.) 

Our Lady of Good Success (1635): “The sacred sacrament of holy order will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised. These corrupted priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will incite the hatred of bad Christians, enemies. The apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings to the good pastors of the Church.” [Approved by the Vatican]

(Liturgical sacrileges, diminished vocations, clerical sexual abuse, priestly homosexuality, and corruption have been present in the Church for many years.) 

Fatima (1917): “There will be a wicked council planed and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the faith. Confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for the shepherds in vain. A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. The Church will bleed from Her wounds.” [Approved by the Vatican]

(Confusion permeates throughout Pope Francis’ papacy. There is schism and heresy in the German Church. There is already a defacto schism in the larger Church between faithful Catholics and the Modernists. Synods are introducing worldly and evil ideas, remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man. One can only speculate as to which council (or councils) does this prophecy refer to.)

Garabandal (1965): Many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.”[Uncertain status by the diocese and Vatican]

(This “unofficially unapproved” prophecy clearly illustrates the situation in the Church. Evidently, this also indicates that a prophecy does not necessarily need to be deemed “approved” in order to become true. We are now experiencing that “millstone moment” with Fiducia Supplicans.)

Medujugorje: (The Catholic Church has approved pilgrimages to Medjugorje, but has not declared the reported apparitions to be authentic.)

Etymology: The Greek noun planetes (planet) means wanderer. The Latin verb errare means to wander, to go astray, and to deceive. The Latin verb seducere means to lead away. The Latin noun seductio refers to the act of seducing someone to error. The Latin verb inducere means to lead and to bring into. The German verb betrugen means to betray. The Greek very mukterizo means to turn up the nose (mukter) in scorn, to mock, to deride, and to insult


Planet, planetary, err, error, seduce, seduction, induce, fraud, betray

1Cor.15:32-33: Philosopher Heroclitus: the morals of the Temple of Artemis (Diana) crowd were worse than the morals of beasts. (Evidently, this was a permissive culture of idolatry, vice, and sexual immorality.)

Update: When Jesus associated with sinners, He told them to sin no more, not to accept and permit their sinful behavior.

Fr. James Martin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, is already excitedly blessing same-sex unions (blessing evil). Fr. James Martin seems to be Pope Francis’ point man for their ‘outreach to the LGBTQ community. It seems that Pope Francis is already OK with this! Otherwise, Fr. Martin would not be doing this.

Fiducia Supplicans is setting the stage for transforming same-sex unions as a new “irregular marriage relationship” Non-liturgical blessings are now being restored. This is another example of “slow walking” society’s acceptance of a new marriage relationship.

The LGBTQ community claims that they are disenfranchised because the Church and society will not accept their sinful behavior. They seek to ignore the Church’s teaching about homosexuality.

According to the Vatican, many of these Marian apparitions would be disqualifying. However, it is clearly seen that the Vatican will not acknowledge the reality problems and division in the Church prophesied by these Marian apparitions.

In actuality, it really does not required an official approval of the Marian apparitions to see how clearly these message prophetically allude to the problems and issues in the Church.

The Modernists within the Catholic Church are creating liturgical confusion, chaos, and scandal. These Modernists are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.

Pope Francis’ synodal Church continues to engage in spiritual harlotry (exchanging worldly values, secularism, sin, and evil with the Church). This synodal process is just another human tradition enacted by the Modernists.

The Modernists are presenting a Jesus who says nothing about sinning no more. Mercy above all else, false compassion, and tolerance has replaced sinning no more and true compassion.

Instead of CONDEMNING THE heresies of the German bishops blessing same-sex unions, the Vatican says the German bishops are “moving too fast”. As a result, we get “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex [irregular] unions. Pope Francis seems to be “slow-walking” this process to eventually get to where the German bishops are. 

Pope Francis’ new synodal Church is presenting a different Jesus who walks and accepts one’s lived experiences. This is a Jesus who ignores sin and bestows mercy above all else. 

In a typical Modernist fashion, Pope Francis and his inner circle reject and avoid the hard truths for fornicators, idolaters, and adulterers entering into heaven. Rather, Modernists see people marginalized by rigid teachings. Therefore, these rigid teachings must be reformed and changed.

Just as with Paul’s time, our post-Christian secular society is beset with sexual immorality, vice, and idolatry. Our society is faced with demonic influences in uprooting and undermining the culture and the Church. The devil has already sown division within the Church.

In a bold and courageous move, Bishop demands that the other bishops declare that Pope Francis no longer teaches the Catholic faith. Bishop Strickland is correctly rebuking the silent bishops (for failing to speak out) and those bishops who have gone astray in teaching the faith. 

The bishops’ silence and cowardice: this failure to speak out and teach about out sinful activity will lead to many souls (both clergy and laity) in mortal danger.

Make no mistake God is already aware of the division, heresy, schism, and confusion in the Church. God will inevitably make his response known in reaction to these problems.

Many of us go astray, already aware of our sin and sinful actions. Yet, there are many who May NOT KNOW that they are going astray (engaging in sinful activity). They may not have not been properly catechized.

Pope Francis and his inner circle are also compromising and prostituting their divine office in their efforts to bring the LGBTQ community’s “lived experiences” into the Church. Many souls could be put in eternal mortal peril. 

“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic faith, do not follow him.” Pope Pius IX


[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen

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