[Greek] κοινός (koinos), [Latin] comminus, [French] accessible a tous: common, shared, unclean, worthless, mutual, and impure; Mk.7:2, Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32, Acts 10:14,28, Acts 11:8, Rom.14:14, Tit.1:4, Heb.10:29, Jd.1:3
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means shared in common, shared with others, public, ordinary, popular, profane, and by common consent
Old Testament: This term means one, united, shared, society, association, and company.
New Testament: This term means common, profane, shared, defiled, unclean, and mutual.
Mk.7:2: “The Pharisees and scribes observed that some of His disciples [commonly] at their means with unclean unwashed hands.” (The Pharisees and scribes were more concerned with purification rituals. These disciples did not keep the tradition of the elders.)
Acts 4:32: “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.” (Sharing of material possessions was an important culturally shared value.)
Acts 10:28: “[Peter]: You know that it is unlawful for a Jewish man to associate with, or visit a Gentile, but God has shown me that I should not call any person profane or unclean.” (Peter fully understands the meaning of his vision. Peter is prepared to admit Gentiles, who were considered enemies, into the Christian community.)
Fr. Heimerl: Pope Francis’ synodal Church is controlled by old homosexual men ==> The synodal Church’ explicit and implicit common acceptance of homosexuality.
- Pope Francis has chosen to associate himself with these homosexual clergy. Pope Francis has become Fr. James Martin’s greatest supporter for this LGBTQ “outreach”.
- Bishop Strickland has become a lone voice in the wilderness in criticizing the Synod of Synodality is no longer Catholic and must be reject. His fellow bishops have been silent.
- The bishops’ silence has become an apostasy and new normal. These bishops’ indifference comes from not serving God, but from Satan, “the father of lies”.
- This apostasy becomes clearly visible when Pope Francis Fiducia Supplicans’ permitting the blessing of “irregular couples (homosexuals and adulterers).
- It is no secret that the clergy has been infiltrated by homosexuals, even if they are reluctant to speak about it.
- The homosexual lobby in the clergy are acting pushing for a new way forward for acceptance of this lifestyle.
- There is unfortunately little concern about the blessing of sin and apostasy from God. Most of these advocates are already identified with this lifestyle.
- The gay heresy has hijacked the Church with Pope Francis’ arrival and approval.
- More clergy are hypocritically claiming that a new “synodal process of listening ” by the gay heresy means that homosexuality is willed and allowed by God.
- God’s providence is now allowing this stain on the Church to be made visible for all to see.
- It remains important to hear the voices of the righteous (Bishop Strickland) to help bring the Church back to God.
German bishop Ludger Schepers states that the Church’s teachings on sexuality has to change. (This is a common view among many homosexual clergy.)
- He stated that the Catechism must say different things than it does now.
- He criticizes Catholic teachings for assuming there is only one man and only woman.
- He demanded that the Church change its infallible doctrine on sexuality.
- He stated that no one can say exactly what is entirely male and what is entirely female.
- He stated that upholding the reality of the two sexes is denying queer people their humanity which is unacceptable.
- He stated that the Church’s teaching can be altered if the Church gains a different understanding of sexuality. Sexuality is not only there to produce offspring.
- He stated that Fiducia Supplicans is a first step.
- It now seems that pastoral care can now mean homosexual blessings.
Update: The Synod of Synodality is committing sings against the Holy Spirit by overthrowing Catholic teaching in favor of woke ideology and globalist programs. It is a serious sin to use the Holy Spirit to change Church teaching. The Holy Spirit cannot state error or heresy.
The Church has failed to teach supernatural faith from the past decades. This started with Vatican II. There unfortunately continues to be a high percentage of people who do not believe in the Real Presence.
German Bishop Schepers is officially advocating for normalizing homosexuality, homosexual blessings, and a potential ratification of homosexual marriage.
German Bishop Schepers is officially going against the Church teachings on human sexuality.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are seeking to undermine and upend Jesus’ Church and Tradition by creating synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences. The Modernists are creating new human traditions.
Yet, Traditional and conservative Catholics are often accused of being Pharisees holding on to Tradition. Pope Francis and his Modernists have often referred to Tradition as fossilized.
Unfortunately, many older and progressive clergy have shared homosexual inclinations. They are seeking for the Church to accept and normalize this behavior.
These Modernists want the Church to welcome homosexuals, homosexual behavior, and homosexual marriage into the Church. However, this is against the Church’s infallible teachings against sexuality and marriage.