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St. Pius X (1903-1914)     259th Pope

He wanted to first spread Eucharistic devotions among the faithful. At this time reception of Communion was received only around Easter

He began a campaign to revive frequent or daily communion

He encouraged frequent confession to receive the sacrament worthily

Young people had generally made their First Communion only after being confirmed. He changed the law, urging children to receive Communion

He encouraged devotions to the Virgin Mary

The struggle with Modernism was the major spiritual problem of his papacy

Many believed that the Church’s government and doctrines had to evolve to the current times. Doctrines were watered down, downplayed, dismissed as not true (Modernism)

Modernism has continued to persist

He concluded codification of canon law

He decreed elevation of the Host and chalice

Benedict XV (1914-1922)     260th Pope

Opponents of the Modernists appeared

WWI took up a large part of his papacy

He sent huge sums of war relief to afflicted on both sides of the war

The Russian revolution and others occurred

Three Portuguese claimed to have a vision of Our Lady at Fatima

He beautified Joan of Arc


Pius XI (1922-1939)     261st Pope

He faced many problems brought about by WWI

There were no Christian emperors or powers

Russia was exporting revolution

He initiated relief efforts

Power vacuum by the destruction of Austria-Hungarian empire and creation of the Weimar republic created instability

Poorly established democratic regimes were followed by totalitarian regimes

Abortion and artificial contraception came to the forefront

The Soviet Union was the first nation to legalize abortion, in keeping with their view that the human individual is subordinate to the state

There was a general lowering of standard of modesty of dress

Freud linked every human endeavor to repressed sexuality

The rise of nationalism appeared in Europe

There was a literary revival all over the Catholic world

There were resurgences in devotions and evangelization

He called for the general recognition of the Kingship of Christ over people

He declared against the Fascists and Communists that the parents were the primary educators, in terms of Christian education

The papacy was on the verge of bankruptcy

Pius XII (1939-1958)     262nd Pope

He aided the Jews in WWII

He used the Vatican to take in Jewish refugees

He also has been accused of being a nazi collaborator

He labored to help the many Catholics were persecuted in Russia and China

He saw the US as the protector of the free world

He was very concerned about the modernist theologians

The liturgical movement sought to restore liturgical rites

Missals in Latin and the vernacular were in the hands of the faithful

He proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

He forbade bishops from using titles of nobility they may have born with

He discovered the tomb of St. Peter

Blessed John XXIII (1958-1963)     263rd Pope

He was to provide quiet stopgap leadership between the traditionalist and progressives

He convened Vatican II. Its purpose was to renew the Church to make her more holy

Soon after his death, the cause for his canonization was opened

He sought to safeguard what is essential in Catholicism by adapting to current needs


Paul VI (1963-1978)      264th Pope

He had a desire to be a “modern” to streamline the Church

His first interest was to continue the work of Vatican II

It was declared that the vernacular should be given a larger role

He issued his new Mass, which had so many variations

He permitted Communion in the hand in areas where it would increase devotion to the Blessed Sacrament

A sort of anarchy appeared to descend upon the Church at all levels outside the Vatican

Whenever one spoke of liturgical or doctrinal abuses, no one seemed responsible

Liturgy, architecture, statues were torn out with new Mass

The wild alteration of sexual mores appeared in the West

He spoke out against the legalization of contraception

He issued Humanae vitae, foretelling the evils of contraception

From 1968 on, He did not really assert his authority against dissent within the Church

For all practical purposes, he abdicated control of most of the local hierarchies

John Paul I (1978)      265th Pope

He was the first pope to choose a double name

The Papacy: (1900-1978 A.D.) Part 20

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