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What is the Assumption of Mary? I will provide a “Reader’s Digest” version and touch upon the major points that are important for this subject matter. I will provide a question/answer format.

No scripture passage explicitly states the Assumption of Mary: In a perfect world, it would have been wonderful if this was explicitly stated in scripture. However, it is not explicitly stated. It can be inferred from scripture why Mary would be assumed. Through no direct action of her own, Mary was given a special grace from God at her conception. Mary also needed to be saved. She was protected from sin at the onset of her life. This protection from sin continued throughout the rest of her life. It would make sense that Mary would provide a sinless womb to give birth to Jesus. Mary would have not needed the traditional form of burial, which is associated with sin. Instead, God would have used another means for bringing Mary to heaven. Besides, Mary would have no need for purgatory.

What other topics are not explicitly stated in the bible? Such example includes the Trinity, which all Christians believe. Interestingly, many non-Catholics (Christians) also believe in Sola Fide and Sola Scripture, which are also not stated in the bible.

Is assumption possible? Yes. There are scriptural references of Elijah and Enoch being assumed in heaven. In a sense, nothing is impossible with God.

Did the early Christians celebrate the Assumption of Mary? Yes. From the 5th century forward, Christians did celebrate this event.

Are there any relics of Mary? No. At this time of early Christianity, there was a high demand for gathering or stealing relics. Yet, the evidence indicates that there is no known grave for Mary nor any relics.

Mary is the New Eve: Interestingly, Eve was originally born without sin. Well, we all know how that later turned out. Mary was also born without sin. St. Irenaeus said that the knot of Eve’s disobedience was untied by Mary’s obedience.

Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant: The Ark of the Covenant contained the manna, staff, and the tablets. Likewise, Mary contains the Bread of Life, the High Priest, and the Word of God.

When was the Assumption of Mary officially proclaimed? Pope Pius XII, in his encyclical Munificentissimus (Nov. 1, 1950). In his official capacity as pope, he stated official Catholic dogma that Mary was assumed up into heaven. Through the Holy Spirit, the pope, protected with papal infallibility, is prevented from stating doctrinal error. However, this does not mean that the pope has all-knowing knowledge regarding doctrinal and faith matters.

Why is Mary the first Christian? She was the first human creature to say “yes” to Christ.

Eva is the Latin name for Eve: Interestingly, ave is the reverse of the spelling of Eva. Mary’s “yes” reverses the actions and consequences of Eve (and Adam). Essentially, Mary turns Eve inside out.

What is the significance of the Greek meaning of grace in Lk. 1:28?

“And coming to her he said, ‘Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” Lk. 1:28

The Greek kecharitomene means highly favored. Kechararitomene is the perfect passive participle of charitoo and means endowed with grace. The perfect passive participle indicates the perfection of grace bestowed on Mary.

Assumption of Mary (Aug. 15)

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