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[Greek] σοφίζω (sophizō), [Latin] instrurere, [Latin] intellectus: to make wise, to render wise, to give wisdom, to know how to contrive cleverly, to devise cleverly; 2Tim.3:15, 2Pet.1:16

Protagoras of Abdera: Painting by Jose de Ribera (1637). Protagoras originally developed the philosophy of relativism.

Background Information

Greek Hellenism: This term means to become clever, to be skilled, to be wise, to speculate, to deal craftily, to be subtle, to meddle, to gain, to deceive.

Sophist: This was a specific kind of teacher who used the tools of philosophy and rhetoric. A sophist is one who does wisdom. These sophists focused on general wisdom, human affairs, and the betterment of life. The sophists held relativist views of knowledge, authority, and truth. The Sophists were criticized for charging money, seeking power, speaking in specious and deceptive ways, and emphasizing rhetoric. Lucian of Samosate (born 125 AD), a Syrian satirist and rhetorician, referred to Jesus as a “crucified Sophist” who taught that His followers would attain immortality.

Protagoras the Sophist: Considered the greatest of the Sophists of ancient Greece, he was the first to promote the philosophy of subjectivism (relativism). Subjectivism states that the interpretation of reality is relative to the individual. Protagoras made his living by coaching the wealthy youth in rhetoric. In relativism, there is no objective truth. Protagoras is best known for the claim, “Of all thing the measure is man” (everything is relative). Protagoras even questioned the existence of the gods. Protagoras’ philosophy of relativism continues to resonate and intrigue people in the present day.

Old Testament: This term essentially means to make someone wise or to understand something. This term can mean to distinguish, to understand, to be intelligent, to be skillful, and to teach wisdom. The Wisdom books play a predominant role regarding the use of this term. However, there are several cautious references to the overusing, flaunting, and the lacking of wisdom. This term relates to overriding theme that knowledge of the Law makes men wise.

New Testament: This term is only found twice in 1st Timothy and 2nd Peter. The Jewish adage in seeking wisdom from the Law continues in the New Testament. This idea is adopted for Christian instruction for seeking salvation in faith through Christ. This alludes to that all scripture inspired by God is useful for teaching, refutation, correction, and training in righteousness.


“And that from infancy you have known the sacred scripture, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 2Tim.3:15

Paul calls upon Timothy to remain steadfast to what he has been taught and to be steadfast to scripture.

“We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 2.Pet.1:16

The apostles calls for one to witness to the truth. Christians are called be watchful against myths and false doctrines.

Current crisis of relativism: Our Christian and secular culture is having a crisis in understanding objective moral truths. It is a sad state when one has great difficulty in defining what a woman is. Many also think that they can become any sex and gender they want. Therefore, one may become offended when one feels being “mis-gendered.” It now seems that only having two genders (male and female) seems old-fashioned.

 Supplicans: a document of sophistry, ignorance, and intellectual dishonesty

  1. While claiming that the Church’s teachings on marriage has not yet changed, this blessing on “irregular relationships” undermines this teaching.
  2. This blesses the individuals (in the irregular relationship) but not the union.  (This is just word gymnastics.)
  3. Irregular relationships must not be called immoral or sinful relationships. (Because that would be judgmental!)
  4. Catholic moral principles need not apply to these irregular relationships. (So we now have two different standards of morality?)
  5. This blessing undermines the notion of blessings which are in accordance with God.
  6. General blessings already exist for people in their sinful nature.
  7. Same-sex couples will perceive this blessing as the Church’s affirmation of their relationship.
  8. This puts the bishop (and priest) in the untenable position of acting against the Church’s teachings.
  9. This expands the definition of blessings.
  10. There is no mention for forgiveness and conversion in leaving this sinful relationship. (This is a huge red flag!)
  11. Already same-sex couples are calling upon the Vatican to issue blessings. (We all knew would be happening. No surprise!)
  12. Some priests are now being forced by their superiors to give blessings to same-sex unions. (Some bishops mistakenly believe that this is infallible teaching.)

Etymology: In the 1680’s a student in the second year of study would undertake rhetorical excercises (sophom). This student would become a sophumer. Interestingly, sophos means wise. Moros means foolish (dull). A sophomore may be likened to one intellectually pretentious but immature. Sounds like many sophomores.


Sophisticated, sophistry, sophomore, sophomoric, instruction, intellect

Protagoras has become one of history’s original “wise guys”. Protagoras unfortunately has become a very important precursor to the occurrence of relativism in our current culture.

The Old Testament develops the important idea that wisdom comes from learning the Law.

This ideas becomes very important for the Christian in learning from scripture in attaining salvation. It is important to note that scriptures referred only to the Old Testament. The New Testament canon was not yet developed. Therefore, oral tradition was very important for early Christians. 1st Peter makes reference to cleverly devised myths (Sophist and Gnostic influences).

Update: There is an increasing belief that there are many more genders than the genders (male and female) created by God. One can now decide which ever gender what one wants. This is a by-product of relativism. (“I can be any gender I want!”)

Parents are now fighting back against teachers who encourage their own children to transition. There are now legal disputes about this in the courts. What a concept: for the parents to have the right to instruct and guide their children!

Fiducia Supplicans provides the innovation (novelty) of providing blessings to same-sex couples. This document confusingly affirms the Church teachings on marriage. Then this document undermines this teaching by providing blessings on same-sex unions.

Fiducia Supplicans also intentionally muddles the meanings of individuals, union, and couple. This is word salad.

The Vatican is now already sending Fr. James Martin to Ireland to start the process to implement these blessings. What has happened to the Irish clergy??)

In an interview with Rome journalist Diane Montagna, Pope Francis stated, “Nobody is scandalized if I give a blessing to a businessman who may be exploiting people. That is a very serious sin. Whereas they are scandalized if I give it to a homosexual… This is hypocricsy.” (Pope Francis is not only flailing, but also gaslighting in his response. This is a very SOPHOMORIC (FOOLISH) response in his attempt to equate general blessings with this blessing intended for same-sex couples. It seems that Pope Francis is both surprised and confounded by the universal opposition against Fiducia Supplicans.)


Next post:  “Speaking of gaslighting….”
‎[Greek] σοφίζω (sophizō), [Latin] instruere, [Latin] intellectus

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