[Greek] ἐπιστομίζω (epistomizō), [Latin] silere, [Latin] refrenare, [Latin] prohibere, [Latin] desistere: to bridle, to silence, to curb; Tit.1:11
Remnants of Agius Titus Basilica in Gortys, Crete. St. Titus was the first archbishop of Crete
Background information:
Hellenism: This term means bridle, crib, covering one’s mouth, and putting to silence. Aristophanes’ Knights 845 states “I have done a sufficiently brilliant deed to shut the mouth of all enemies, so long as one of the bucklers of Pylos remains.” Aeschines’ On The Embassy 2.110 states “To the account he added a conclusion like this: that he had been the first to put a curb on those who were trying to block the peace.” Demosthenes’ On the Halonnesus 7.33 states ” Such is the shamelessness of the man who stated in his letter, that if peace was made he would confer such benefits on you as would stop the mouths of us.”
New Testament: This term means to put to silence. Paul appointed Titus to set things right in Crete and appoint bishops and presbyters. These bishops and presbyters must be of good moral standing and character. There are rebels, idle talkers, and deceivers, especially Jewish Christians, that must be silenced. They are upsetting families with sordid teaching.
“It is imperative to silence them, as they are upsetting whole families by teaching for sordid gain what they should not.” Tit.1:11
Titus was responsible in setting up the church structure in Crete. It was imperative to silence these deceivers and dissenters.
Stomach: A stoma is a mouth or opening associated with the stomach. Interestingly, the Latin passive verb stomachare originally meant to be angry (or to be resentful). In the 1570’s this verb later means to tolerate or to put up with.
Stomach , silence, prohibit, refrain, desist
It is interesting to note that this term literally means to put something over (epi-) one’s mouth (stoma). This Greek verb has several Latin equivalent terms. This term essentially means to silence or to suppress.
In the New Testament, Titus was put in charge of the Church in Crete. Titus needed to address and silence the false teachers, rebels, and Jewish Christians (who advocate Jewish purity regulations).
A Cretan is simply someone from Crete. A cretin is a person having a congenital disease (deficient thyroid secretion) associated with deformity, dwarfism, and mental retardation. Yet, in past history, the Cretans have been associated with moral decadence. However, over time these perceptions have spread by word of mouth.
Yet it is now important to silence any notion that Cretan and cretin are somehow related. Sometimes these perceptions are still hard to stomach.