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[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] permittere, [Latin] concedere, [French] admettre, [French] catapulter, [French] dispenser, [French] jeter, [French] lancer: to turn over, to allow, to permit, to suffer, to entrust; Mt.8:21,31, Mt.19:8, Mk.5:13-14, Mk.10:4, Lk.8:32, Lk.59,61, Jn.19:38, Acts 21:39-40, Acts 26:1, Acts 28:16, 1Cor.14:34, 1Cor.16:7, 1Tim.2:12, Heb.6:3

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to convert, to turn, to transfer, to bequeath, to abide to, to rely upon, to indulge, and to indulge.

Herodotus’ The Histories 3.36: “Do not sacrifice everything to youth and temper, but restrain and control yourself; prudence is a good thing.”

Polybius’ Histories 30.6: “They were unable to convert the citizens of their own states or the members of their race to their sentiments.”

Homer’s Odyssey 2.226: “To Mentor, Odysseus had given all his house in charge.”

Homer’s Odyssey 22.289: “But leave the matter to the gods, since they are far mightier.”

Plato’s Laws 6.784c: “They will abide by the regulation the law wardens will permit.”

Homer’s Iliad 21.473: “And to Poseidon you have utterly yielded the victory, and given him glory for naught!”

Aristophanes’ Plutus 1079: “With anyone but you I should not be so easy.”

Old Testament: This term meant to loosen, to relinquish, to permit, to forsake, and to abandon.

New Testament: This term means to permit and to allow. A disciple asked Jesus if He would allow him to bury his father. The demons asked Jesus to send them into a herd of swine. Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of their hearts. Pilate permitted Joseph of Arimethea to bury Jesus’ body. Paul was given permission to speak for himself. Paul was allowed to live by himself in prison. The women were not allowed to speak in places where men held authority.


“Another of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, let me go first and bury my father.’ But Jesus answered him, ‘Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.” Mt.8:21-22

Jesus states that one’s priority should be with following Him, rather than following family obligations. The spiritually dead are those who do not follow Him.

“The demons pleaded with Him. ‘If you drive us out, send [permit] us into the herd of swine.’” Mt.8:31

Even the demons recognized the authority of Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus acquiesces in allowing the demon to be sent into the swine.

“Jesus said to them, ‘Because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.” Mt. 19:8

It was God’s original command that a man is to be joined to his wife and the two become one flesh.

Etymology: The Greek verb epitrepo consists of (epi-) to and (-trepo) turn. The Latin verb permittere means to allow or to pass through (-per). The related Latin verb admittere means to send to (ad-). The Latin verb concedere means to yield, to give precedence, and to consent. The Latin verb cedere means to grant or give way. The related Latin verb suferre means to permit, to bear, to tolerate. The Latin verb suferre consists of  (sub-) up, under and (-ferre) to carry, to bear (to undergo).


Permit, admit, catapult, lance, reject, eject disperse, concede,

In addition to the simple act of allowing (permitting), this term takes on the emotional and psychological sense of discipline, restraint, and character. It was thought that the gods often controlled one’s fate and destiny.

Following Jesus first rather than your family obligation can be a difficult command for most people to accept.

Moses essentially had to “lower the bar” in the standard of conduct for people before Jesus comes. It is as if God had viewed His people like adolescents. Then Jesus comes along and He says, ‘You need to act like grown-ups and act accordingly’. There existed a patriarchal system in the early Church where the man presided in society. The women convened by themselves or in the homes.

It is always important to remember that God will not allow us to bear more struggles than we can handle.

God will always find ways to produce a greater good from these struggles. (Jesus dying on the cross (redeeming humanity) is a perfect illustration of this.)

Update: Many political leaders permitted (signed off on) the radical notion of equity justice in releasing criminals and no bail. Now we are all enduring increase crime in many cities.

In this cancel culture, many of us are not allowed to voice own dissenting opinions (colleges, media, and society).

Each of us must control ourselves in what we put on social media. Otherwise, we could be cancelled. 

This election is becoming a referendum of convincing citizens to choose the status quo or a change in our nation.

In these times of struggles, we all need to leave our fears and worries in the hands of God. (However, easier said than done).

Many industries (and individuals) have been forced to abide by numerous and heavy-handed regulations and policies.

Our culture has yielded great authority (content-moderation, disinformation, and censorship) to the the mainstream media and social media.

The media and politicians have been yielded great authority in labeling others as hateful, extreme, semi-fascists, neo-fascist, etc.

Many Americans have had to endure media narratives stating that this election is a referendum on Trump (and his supporters) rather than on Biden.

God will allow a greater good to come from difficulties caused by hurricane Ian. Some will be moved to help others, will begin to believe in God, will pray more, will focus less on (earthly) material things, will realize we live a short period of time compared to eternity, etc.

If you permit me to explain, this next post may help provide some perspective in how one can find a way out of difficulties (suffering). God can provide an exit strategy if you will turn over your faith and trust in Him. Being entrusted with this knowledge can help one better endure and reach your outcome. Yet, we all must admit (me included!), this is often easier said than done.

Next post: providing a way out

[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] permittere, [Latin] concedere, [French] admettre, [French] catapulter, [French] dispenser, [French] jeter, [French] lancer

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