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[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer: to be patient with, to put with, to bear, to endure, to tolerate; Mt.17:17, Mk.9:19, Lk.9:41, Acts 18:14, 1Cor.4:12, 2Cor.11:1,4,19, Eph.4:2, Col.3:13, 2Thess.1:4, 2Tim.4:3, Heb.13:22

It can often be challenging in bearing with and forgiving one another (Col.3:13).

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to endure, to bear, and to abide.

Plato’s Phaedo 109e: “If his nature were strong enough to bear the sight, he would recognize that this is the real heaven.”

Sophocles’ Ajax 660: “Ever since I took into my hand this gift from Hector, my greatest enemy, I have gotten no good from the Greeks. The gifts of enemies are not gifts and bring no good.”

Homer’s Iliad 1.586: “Be patient, my mother, and endure for all your grief.”

Old Testament: This term means to endure, to bear, to put up with, to restrain oneself, and to receive (accept) something or someone.

New Testament: This term means to endure, to accept (tolerate) and to forbear (be patient with). If you bear with me, I will illustrate notable scriptural passages regarding questionable human behavior.

Mt.17:17: Jesus disappointingly puts up with the disciples’ lack of faith.

Acts 18:14: The Roman consul would only consider [bear] hearing serious crimes rather than with Jewish doctrinal issues

2Cor.11:1: Paul asks for the Corinthians to put with his foolishness

2Cor.11:4: Paul points out the Corinthians’ tolerance for immorality, corruption, and satanic influences

2Cor.11:19: Paul points out that the Corinthians put up with fools because they are ‘wise’

2Tim.4:3: The time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, follow their own desires and curiosity, and accumulate teachers.

Etymology: The Greek verb anechomai derives from (ana-) up and (-echo) to hold. The Latin verb subportare means to carry (-portare) under (sub-). The Latin verb pati means to suffer, to endure, and to permit. The related Latin noun passionem means suffering. Patient means capable of enduring misfortune and suffering. The Latin verb suffere means to carry (-ferre) under under (sub-). The Latin verb sustinere means to hold (-tenere) under (sub-).


Patient, patience, suffer, suffering, passion, sustain, endure, endurance, support

Sophocles makes reference to the notion of accepting gifts (beware of Greeks offering gifts).

It goes without saying that God has been putting up with man’s sinful and fallen nature. Moses makes reference to a twisted and perverse generation worshipping idols, devoid of reason, lacking in understanding, forgetting God, and being foolish.

Because of their lack of faith, the disciples were unable to heal the possessed boy.

Paul ironically compares his suffering to the Corinthians’ illusion of wisdom, satisfaction (“we are good here, move along-“), glory, and power. When Christians are persecuted, they endure.

Paul points out the Corinthians’ tolerance for heresy, immorality, and corruption.

Paul provides prophetic and timeless insight of those not accepting, refusing, and following different beliefs.

Update: A greater tolerance for releasing criminals and reduced bail has resulted in an intolerable crime situation.

We are already now living in a time (post-Christian world) where many do not tolerate sound doctrine and follow their own desires.

Our culture, in its ‘wisdom’, has now redefined the notion of traditional marriage, established by God.

Our culture, in its ‘wisdom’ has determined that there can be more than two genders.

Our, culture, in its ‘wisdom’ states that a person can be any gender he/she wants.

Some believe that puberty blockers and sex reassignment surgery should be permissible.

Some ‘experts’ claim that men can get pregnant???

Gender studies have contributed in confusing our traditional understanding of gender.

We all need to be mindful of all those who are bearing persecution, terrorism, war, and political opposition.

Many are opposing traditional moral teachings regarding the sanctity of life. Therefore, only the woman’s right to choose must be considered.

Many mistakenly think that tolerance means acceptance and approval of their lifestyle (and pronouns). Otherwise, one may be accused of being hateful or intolerant.

Many have lost sight that Jesus came to heal and forgive sinners, not to accept (or tolerate) their choices, and actions, and lifestyles. Jesus went to sinners but did not tolerate their sinful behavior. He said to sin no more!

Election aftermath:

It seems that many voters were OK with putting up with or tolerating failed crime policies, failed immigrations policies, and inflation in choosing their candidate. They voted political ideology over addressing the problems before their very eyes.

It seems many young voters were enticed about student loans being paid off before the election. (Beware of the govt. promising to cancel your student loans).

I think it can be said that from persuasion, it can become a very slippery slope from toleration to ridicule. Instead of living in a culture where we could take criticism and not take ourselves seriously, we have now entered into a cancel culture where many get offended and upset.  It is now often difficult to be patient and to put up with others. Now many get upset and want to do away with anything that does not meet their preconceived and simplistic notions. If you do not accept them or their assumptions, you can be cancelled or be rejected for failing to meet their ideals. Instead of respecting our perspectives, you are accused of being intolerant and hateful. Many have set aside traditional beliefs for human traditions. They claim to be wise but are really seen as foolish by God and many of us.

Next post : being intolerant

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer

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