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[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] perseverare, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patiens, [Latin] sufferere, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] maintenir, [French] endurant: to resist, to endure, continue, to stay behind, 18 scriptures

St. Catherine called upon Pope Gregory XI to return back to Rome on Jan. 17, 1377. We all can call upon her to also intercede for us that the Church will again return back to traditional ways.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to stay behind, to hold out, to wait, to be patient, to stand firm, to bear, and to suffer. This term involves an active and energetic resistance to hostile powers.

Plato’s Laws 9.879c: “An old man should quietly endure his anger, and thus store up honor for the time of his own old age.”

Homer’s Iliad 24.549: “Bear thou up, neither wail ever ceaselessly in thy heart.”

Plato’s Laches 194a: “Let us too be steadfast and enduring in our inquiry. Might we perchance find that this very endurance is courage.”

Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.1.3: “And to which shall we give the habit of not shirking a task, but undertaking it willingly? And to which would the knowledge needful for overcoming enemies be more appropriately given?”

Old Testament: This term means to wait on God, to cleave to God, and to have hope (confidence) in God. Attention is directed to God. The righteous person endures on God, rather than on one’s own courage and steadfastness.

New Testament: This term means to endure, to bear, to remain behind, and to persevere. I will leave behind the less noteworthy scriptural examples. ☺☺☺


2Tim.2:12: But if we persevere, we shall also reign with Him

Heb.10:32: After you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering

Heb.12:2: Jesus endured the cross, despising its shame

Heb.12:3: Jesus endured opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart

Heb.12:7: Endure your trials as discipline

Jas.1:12: Blessed is the one who perseveres in temptation, for when he has been proved, he will receive the crown of life

Temptation to sin: In the commission of a sinful act, no one is tempted by God. One is tempted by his own passion. When consent is given by one’s passion, the sinful act occurs.

1Pet.2:20: If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God.

This is what faithful and traditional Catholics (Christians) are facing:

Vatican II: Although perhaps well intended, Vatican II’s efforts in response to the culture has turned into a disaster. (Loss of vocations, church abuses, church sacrilege, declining Catholic identification, poor Mass attendance, and poor catechesis, etc). It has been even said that Vatican II was sabotaged by Pope Paul IV’s “gate keeper” Archbishop Bugnini’s efforts to “Protestantize” Vatican II.

Current situation: We have now a Modernist Catholic Church leadership fully embracing (“doubling down”) on Vatican II’s efforts. Accompanying has now replaced conversion and upholding traditional ways. The Vatican, drawing the proverbial line in the sand, claims that the Church theology has changed. False compassion, tolerance and “inclusion” have replaced true compassion (telling it like it really is). The Church, rather than changing the culture, is being changed by the culture.

“We do not want a Church that will move with the world. We want a Church that will move the world.” GK Chesterton


Persevere, perseverance, sustain, permanent, permanence, suffer, suffering, maintain, maintenance, remain, endure, endurance, patient, patience, continue, continuance, persist, persistence

The Old Testament culture reminds us that we all must put our confidence in God and not just rely on ourselves. This confidence allows one to have perseverance during difficulties.

Heb.10:32: Enlightenment is a metaphor for baptism. The cup of suffering relates to contention, combat, struggles against false teachers, heresy, sin, evil, and satanic activity.

Heb.12:2-3: Reflection on Jesus’ struggles can give followers the courage to endure difficulties

Heb.12:7: Some may be called to endure (struggle) for one’s growth or strengthening

1Pet.2:20: Patient suffering (for good) is compared to that of Jesus. (This provides another perspective for one’s suffering).

We all have had to endure with these confusing and alarming statements from Pope Francis and his inner circle:

Pope Francis has called Catholics supporting traditional practices as those who have a disease of nostalgia.

I want a mess. We knew that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the dioceses!” Pope Francis (Vatican scandals keep piling up. Pope Francis has received what he wanted!)

We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or to the Catholic Church or anything like that at all”. Archbishop Aguilar, head of WYD Lisbon 2023 (Again, accompanying is more important than conversion and evangelization).

Cardinal Cupich has argued that an emphasis on eucharist adoration is a distraction. (This illustrates his priorities.)

Fr. James Martin argues that the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is complementary to celebrating Pride Month. (So Fr. Martin seems to be OK with affirming sinful behavior?)

Cardinal McElroy believes that we should have radical inclusion for the LGBTQ community. (Does this also mean ignoring Church teachings and affirming sinful behavior?)

Update: Pope Francis’ papacy continues to leave behind a legacy of confusion, restrictions, syncretism, liturgical sacrilege, heretical “creep”, and synodal walking on spiritual “land mines”.

Not only are God’s laws and moral order being undermined (gay marriage, abortion, gender ideology, etc.), but also we have Pope Francis and his inner circle changing and redefining Church teachings.

Many faithful Catholics and Christians have become very disappointed, confused, disconcerted, and marginalized by Pope Francis’ actions.

For all of us, this is a somber reminder that disappointing popes continue to exist, even in current times.

The Vatican again prepares another Synod with a hand-picked group to ratify its agenda. (An already pre-determined outcome!)

Bishops and priests get cancelled, “talked down to”, or banished for having the audacity to speak the truth about church teachings. (Fr. James Altman, Bishop Strickand, Bishop Athanatius Schneider)

These synods are like stepping on theological “land mines”, creating more controversy and confusion.

Faithful Catholics and Christian will take comfort and solace in remaining faithful to traditional ways.

Instead of bringing more people in the Church, more and more are leaving the Church. How is that German synod working out for you?

It can be very discouraging for many faithful Catholics (and Christians) in seeing what is happening with the Church.

Personal note: I get the sense that God’s Providence is allowing this eventual clash between Traditional teaching and Modernist teaching to come to a head. Modernist teaching will be eventually exposed for what it is: an accommodation to the secular world. Hopefully, this will bring back the call for traditional ways. (Our future is our past!)

Who is going to save our Church? Do not look to the priests or bishops. It’s up to you, the laity, to remind the priests to be priests, and our bishops to be bishops.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Next posts:

7/23: denying and disregarding

7/26: making excuses and excusing


[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] perseverare, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patiens, [Latin] sufferere, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] maintenir, [French] endurant

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