[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria, [French] conquerer, [German] seigen: to conquer, to overcome, to prevail, to overpower; Lk.11:22, Jn.16:33, Rom.3:4, Rom.12:21, 1Jn.2:13-14, 1Jn.4:4, 1Jn.5:4-5
Christ states that He hates the works of the Nicolaitans who subdue and conquer the people with their sinful activity. The Nicolaitans believed that there was nothing wrong in serving Christ and participating in paganism.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to surpass, to prevail, to conquer, to be victorious, to carry the majority, to appeal to the mob, and to yield to excellence.
Sophocles’ Ajax 1357: “I yield to his excellence much more than his hostility.”
Plato’s Phaedrus 56b: “For they have truly conquered the Olympic contests.”
Aeschylus’ Eumenides 88: “Remember, do not let fear overpower your heart.”
Sophocles’ Antigone 233: “The view prevailed that I should come to you.”
Euripides’ Orestis 944: “The villain spoke and gained his point by appealing to the mob.”
Mythology: Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. Throughout history mortals (man) have called upon the gods to seek favor, fortune, and victory. The Greeks worshipped Nike, believing that she could grant them the strength and speed to be victorious. The related Roman goddess is named Victoria.
Old Testament: This term means to excel, to be pre-eminent, to be permanent, to be innocent, and to be clean.
New Testament: This term means to overcome, to conquer, and to be victorious. Victories and defeats may be temporary in life, but Christ has the ultimate victory. One must conquer evil with good. The victory that conquers the world is our faith. The victor is the Christian who holds fast to his faith, and does God’s will in face of persecution.
“But when one stronger than he attacks and overcomes him, He takes away the armor on which he relied and distributes the spoils.” Lk.11:22
The unrepentant sinner resides in the devil’s palace. The devil is a strong man who arms and secures the sinner in his sinful state. Christ’s casting out the devil destroys his power. Christ destroys the palace and takes away this armor. Christ’s conversion and restoration of a soul to God becomes Christ’s victory over the devil.
“I have told you this so that you might have peace in Me. In the world, you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” Jn.16:33
Jesus attains the ultimate power over evil.
“For by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head. Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.” Rom.12:20-21
Conquering others with kindness is like heap burning coals on someone. This act can produce a pain of shame, remorse, and embarrassment, leading one to reflection or conversion.
Nicolaitans: This term comes from nikao (to conquer) and laos (people). The Nicolaitans practiced a mixture of Christianity, paganism, and the occult. The Nicolaitans’ teachings and deeds ultimately conquered or subdued the people.
Where did the Nicolaitans congregate? In Ephesus and Pergamum
Acts 20:29: savage wolves will come among you
Acts 20:30: some will come forward perverting the truth to draw the disciples away
Acts 20:33: I have never wanted anyone’s silver or gold (pagan worship of Artemis)
What is Nicolaitanism? This heretical doctrine appealed to younger Christians. This doctrine asserted that there was nothing wrong with serving both Christ and participating in pagan practices. This was a doctrine of toleration and compromise.
“But you have this in your favor; you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.” Rev.2:7
Why did Jesus hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans? Their doctrine was a doctrine of compromise. Jesus called followers to live a life of separation from sin and paganism. Christ was disgusted and outraged by their compromising teachings and their effects on others.
What are examples of modern Nicolaitanism?
- Spiritual leaders who seek a truth with the world under the guise of tolerance, inclusion, and compromise
- No emphasis on holy living and separation from the world
- No emphasis on the doctrinal teaching of the Bible
- No emphasis on absolute truth or absolute biblical authority
- No exclusionary belief that Christ alone is the way to heaven
What is the end result of Nicolaitanism? The end result produces a weakened from of Christianity where sin is tolerated, separation is ignored, and repentance is disregarded. (Does this sound familiar today?) This is why Christ hated this doctrine.
Potential examples of Nicolaitanism from Pope Francis and his inner circle:
- Pope Francis and his inner circle in their outreach to the LGBTQ community are tolerating, overlooking, and denying sin under the name of “inclusion”.
- Pope Francis claims that the traditional priest seeks “spiritual worldliness” and “clericalism” that falsely gives the impression that are separated from the rest of God’s people.
- Pope Francis warns Catholic bishops against sticking too rigidly to doctrine. The Church must be a synodal Church.
- Pope Francis claims that it is a mistake to try to hold onto old traditions or to have clear answers to everything.
- Pope Francis claims that we can accomplish miraculous things in the world by merging our faiths. The time for this movement is now.
Victory, victorious, conquer, conquering, siege, invincible, laity
It is interesting to note that even Plato acknowledges that one can live a harmonious and virtuous life, yet one may succumb to evil influences.
In the Old Testament, this term makes reference to the Maccabeeans who overcame temptation, persecution, even to the point of martyrdom in remaining faithful to their faith. Innocence and cleanliness can make reference to one’s faithfulness.
Update: Gov. DeSantis and Gov. Youngkin has carried the day in how a governor should confront social issues.
Emboldened criminal activity without consequences have permitted fear to overcome many people.
The LGBTQ community and Modern (progressive) church leaders have become the new Nicolaitans. As a result, the culture and the Church has acquiesced to the LGBTQ community. (Both are advocating for tolerance and inclusion. Many in the Church seek to compromise, overlook, or ignore stated Church teachings on sinful behavior.
God’s laws and moral creation principles are continually being undermined and redefined through abortion, gay marriage, and gender ideology. This has been directly and indirectly influenced by Satan. If it serves to upend and destroy God’s moral order, then Satan would say, “Keep up the ‘good’ work. I support your efforts.”
Gender ideology and transgenderism have encouraged the notion of stating one’s own personal truth (gender) about oneself. This undermines the idea of God creating only male and female.
Pope Francis and his inner circle have been making a concerted effort to accommodate the LGBTQ community. Vatican leadership is actively seeking to compromise on the sinful nature of homosexuality. They are seeking to de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality.
Many people are poorly catechized, having a little or a luke-warm faith. Many have left the Church. Many more have become “nones”, unaffiliated with any organized religion.
Few Catholic bishops and priest stood up and protested against sacrilege (Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence). This is either to due to cowardice or to not in believing anymore in traditional Catholic teachings.
Some Catholics claim they believe in Church teachings yet support abortion. Abortion has become like a pagan sacrament.
Paul was evidently onto something truth: You can often “kill” someone with kindness.
This modern secular post-Christian world often makes it very difficult for one to separate one Christian values from the world’s values.
This secular post-Christian culture’s denial of sin has become greatly contrasted with Jesus’ command to sin no more.
In a sense, many of us are like “little pagans” bowing our heads down to our electronic devices or to other gods (money, fame, power, possessions, stuff, etc).
Why did Jesus hate the Nicolatians’ doctrine? Because Jesus calls one to separate himself from the world to fully follow Him. The Nicolatians were luke-warm in faith, compromising, and paganistic. The Nicolaitans made a mockery of their faith.
Conclusion: I think many of us in this post-Christian secular world are acting like modern Nicolaitans. I suggest that you discover this yourselves. Just do it! (This post has not been brought to you by Nike).