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[Greek] ὑγιαίνω (hygiainō), [Latin] sanus, [Latin] salvus, [Latin] prosper, [German] gesund, [French] raisonnable, [French] favorable: to be in harmony, to be healthy, to be accurate, to be in agreement, to have balance; Lk.5:31, Lk.7:10, Lk.15:27, 1Tim.1:10, 1Tim.6:3, 2Tim.4:2, Tit.1:9,13, Tit.2:1-2, 3Jn.1:2

Sound doctrine is being given up for “inclusion”, tolerance, acceptance in this synodal path. Instead of moving the world, the Church is moving with the world.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to be healthy, rational thought, truth, reliability, and balance. Best wishes for the health for the other becomes a Hellenistic greeting in letters. Hygeia was the Greek goddess for health.

Homer’s Iliad 8.512: “Even as I proclaim, of counsel, good and sound for the moment for this present, be this enough.”

Plato’s Phaedo 69b: “True virtue exists only in wisdom.”

Aristophanes’ Clouds 1275: “You can’t be in your senses yourself.”

Aristophanes’ Birds 1214: “Did you present yourself to the officers in command of the jays?”

Stoicism: Virtue follows from a healthy soul. Vice follows from a “sick” soul.

Old Testament: This term means peace, completeness, safeness, health, satisfaction, friend, and blessing. In Sirach, God has created the physician whose works come through the means of healing given by God. Health is a part of life, which is a divine gift. Sin and sickness are interconnected.

New Testament: This term means healthy, safe and sound, and sound (correct).

Lk.5:31: Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick (sinners) do

Lk.7:10: They found the slave in good health

Lk.15:27: The father has his lost son back safe and sound

1Tim.1:10: Sound teaching

1Tim.6:3: Whoever does not agree with sound teaching is conceited, understands nothing, and predisposed to arguments and disputes

2Tim.4:3: The time will come when some will not tolerate sound teaching

Tit.1:9: A bishop must be able to exhort with sound doctrine and to refute opponents

Hellenistic letter: Best wishes for the health of the other becomes a Hellenistic greeting in a letter. The letter consists of a greeting, thanksgiving prayer, body of letter, and conclusion.

Quotes about sound doctrine (teachings):

It is easy to find truth; it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it.” Archbishop Sheen

“Sound doctrine does not enter into the hard and disobedient heart.” St. Justin Martyr

“Sound doctrine, the divine teachings are the grass and plants that feed God’s flock, the people whom He shepherds, the keeping of the commandments is the fruit, borne by the trees.” St. Gregory of Nyssa

“You can judge the quality of their faith from the way they behave. Disciple is an index to doctrine.” Tertullian

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.” Unknown

“A church devoid of sound doctrine is a breeding ground for lukewarm believers.” Unknown

“If standing up for sound doctrine burns a bridge, I have matches. We ride at dawn.” Unknown


Sane, sanity, sound, reasonable, salve, salvation, prosper, favorable

It is interesting to discover that Hellenism equates health with harmony and balance. Stoicism illustrates that a ‘sick’ soul can produce sickness (vice or sin).

Lk.5:31: The scribes and Pharisees, believing that they were free of sin, did not need to be healed.

Lk.7:10: It was the centurion’s faith that allowed Jesus to heal his servant.

Lk.7:7: The centurion said he was not worthy for Jesus to enter under his roof. In Mass, the congregation restates a variation from this when we will soon receive the Eucharist: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.”

Lk.15:27: The father’s love for his son is a metaphor for God’s mercy for all of us.

1Tim.1:10: Sound doctrine is contrasted with the unhealthy teaching of false teachers

1Tim.6:3: False teachers are defined by their pride, arrogance, quarrelsomeness, and political or ideological agenda.

Update: Bishop Strickland has become of the few bishops who is willing to stand up for the Church teachings and to refute Pope Francis and his inner circle’s agenda to change Church teachings. Other bishops and priests have been reassigned or banished for going against the Vatican’s agenda.

Archbishop Sheen states that it is up to the laity to remind priests to be priests, and our bishops to be bishops.

Many (laity and clergy) who live in a homosexual lifestyle, do not believe that they are in a sinful state.

Many (both laity and clergy) seem to rationalize, tolerate, forget, ignore, or overlook sin. The scripture passage “And from now on do not sin any more” (Jn. 8:10) seems to be ignored.

Pope Francis and inner circle, in their outreach (theological agenda) to the LGBTQ community, are making efforts to destigmatize and normalize homosexuality. They do not believe homosexuality is sinful. They are using “verbal gymnastics” in their efforts to make their case.

Many Catholics and Christians do not want to be subject to authority when it comes to Church teachings.

Catholics and Christians quite often are accused of being hateful, bigoted, and extreme. Taking this argument to its inevitable conclusion, then one would have to conclude that God must be hateful! (We seem to be living in bizarro upside-down world!)

It is not very encouraging when future Cardinal Aguiar, head of World Youth Day 2023, states “We do not want to covert the young people of Christ or to the Catholic Church or anything like that at all.” (What is the point of World Youth Day if there is no conversion and evangelization!)

Pope Francis and his inner circle have claimed that the Church has changed. Tradition must go by the way side. The question must be asked: “Is this heresy?”

It seems that Pope Francis and his inner circle do not tolerate sound doctrine and tradition. Pope Francis is using the synodal process to change and adapt the Church to the world.

Catholic membership, affiliation, and attendance continue to decline all over the world. This is in part from the “fruits” of Vatican II. Yet Pope Francis continues to double down on these efforts to modernize the Church. Instead of inspiring Catholics, Pope Francis is alarming, confusing, disappointing, disenfranchising, and turning away Catholics (because of heretical creep). (This does not sound like a healthy Church!)

We do not want a Church that moves with the world. We want a Church that moves the world.” GK Chesterton.

[Latin] salve! (Be well!)


[Greek] ὑγιαίνω (hygiainō), [Latin] sanus, [Latin] salvus, [Latin] prosper, [German] gesund, [French] raisonnable, [French] favorable

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