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[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis), [Latin] secta: religious party, division, false teaching; Acts 5:17, Acts 15:5, Acts 24:5, Acts 24:14, Acts 26:5, Acts 28:22, 1Cor.11:19, Gal.5:20, 2Pet.2:1

The battle lines are clearly being defined in the schism between Modernist Catholics and traditional (conservative) Catholics in the Church. As the Modernists continue to “reform” and “renew” the Church, one wonders if these Modernists should still be called Catholic? 

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means a taking of, choice, inclination, purpose, principles, faction, and course of action.

Schools of thought:

  1. Sophism: People should use knowledge to improve themselves. The art of public speaking and debate is highly praised.
  2. Socratism: There is no absolute right or wrong. The Socratic method involves learning new things by asking questions and considering different options.
  3. Epicureanism: Happiness is the goal in life. One must seek out physical pleasures.
  4. Stoicism: Happiness comes from reason, not emotions. Embrace the suck.

Old Testament: This term means choice. Philo and Josephus view this term as a philosophical school of thought (Essenes, Sadducees, and Pharisees). When straying from orthodoxy, this term refers to being heretical. At the end of the 2nd century, this term refers to adherents of other faiths outside of Judaism.

New Testament: This term means party, sect, faction, and heresy.

Acts 5:17: the Sadducees’ party (They demanded that the Apostles abandon their prophetic ways. They put the Apostles in jail.)

Acts 15:5: [At the Jerusalem Council] the converted Pharisaic Christians claimed it was necessary for the Gentiles to observe the Mosaic law. (This council sought to settle the matter of circumcision.)

Acts 24:5: We find Paul to be a pest. He creates dissensions among the Jews and is a ringleader of the sect of the Nazoreans. (The Christians were both viewed contemptuously by the Jews and Romans. Nazareth was also negatively viewed by Jews and Galileans.)

1Cor.11:19: There must be factions among you in order that those among you (who are approved) may be known. (There are times when God’s providence allows for divisions. Both authentic and inauthentic teachings are to be made known to others.)

False Teachers: 2Pet.2:1-3

  1. There will be false prophets and false teachers among you who will introduce destructive heresies. (confusing, ambiguous, and evil statements and documents)
  2. They will deny the Master’s teachings and bring destruction down upon them. (leading people into confusion, sin, and eternal moral peril)
  3. Many will follow their licentious ways. The way of truth may be revealed. (More will see and understand the truth and error [heresy, confusion, and evil]. More will learn about their faith.)
  4. They will exploit you with fabrications, human traditions, and innovations. (human doctrines, novelties, innovations, new teachings)
  5. Their destruction will not sleep. (More will be led into a sin and eternal moral peril)

What problems did Paul see in Corinth? Paul saw schism, divided parties, open sexual immorality, doctrinal heresy, liturgical abuses, problems with the state of marriage, and Christians settling disputes in pagan courts.

Early Church: This term denotes hostile societies within Christianity.


Heresy, heretical, sect

In the Jewish culture, this term later refers to adherents of other faiths.

Update: Heresy by its very definition is straying from orthodoxy (right belief).

Paganism: Introducing pagan idols (Panchamama), Indian rituals, and other cultural practices into the Mass.

Indifferentism: All religions lead to the same divine truth. (Pope Francis: “God willed the the plurality of religions.”)

Marcionism: The Old Testament God must be viewed differently from the New Testament God. (Father James Martin: “St. Paul was wrong on homosexuality” In today’s culture, homosexuality must be now be re-evaluated as an acceptable non-sinful lifestyle.)

Hyper-papalism: The pope, like an oracle of God, has a special knowledge. (Cardinal Fernandez makes reference to the ‘Doctrine of the Holy Father’. If you don’t  follow Pope Francis, you are “divisive”.)

Freemasonry: This is a false ecumenism which denies religious truth. (Pope Francis’ inner circle just recently engaged in discussions with Freemasons.)

Violation of the 6th Commandment: All need to acquire the virtue of Chastity. (Pope Francis: “The virtue of chastity is an option.”)

Relativism: All religions are on the same level. (The Vatican allows Anglican services in the cathedrals in Rome.)

Universalism: The belief that all humankind will be eventually saved. (Pope Francis: “The Good Lord will save everyone.”)

Rejection of the divine law of marriage between a man and woman: (Fiducia Supplican provides for blessings for same-sex couples.)

Rejection of the avoidance of sin: (Fiducia Supplicans has NO provisions for forgiveness and conversion of heart.)

Causing sacrilege against the reception of the Eucharist: (Pope Francis allowed  pro-abortion politicians President Biden and Nancy Pelosi to receive the Eucharist)

Heretical errors coming from Pope Francis’ Dignitas Infinata:

Hyper-papalism: “You must defer to the intellect and will of Pope Francis.” (Cardinal Fernandez pre-emptively states this in order to avoid the catastrophic public reception of Fiducia Supplicans.)

Pelagiansim: “The good done to every being is single criterion for judgment.” (We can be saved by good works without grace.)

Right to follow a false-religion: “One must reaffirm the fundamental right to religious freedom.” (There is no right to pursue a false religion.)

Freemasonry: “Man has an infinite dignity” equal to Christ. (Then Christ sacrifice and atonement becomes unnecessary.)

Rejecting the death penalty: “We must recognize the firm rejection of the death penalty to recognize….the inalienable dignity of every human being.” (Every pope and Council before 1950 infallibly promoted the death penalty as an aspect of justice in any civilized society.)

Unfortunately, there are many more heretical examples!

The German bishops have been “reforming” and “renewing” their German Church into full-blown doctrinal heresy and error.

Pope Francis, rather than criticizing the German bishops for their doctrinal heresy, criticizes them for moving too fast in their “reform” and “renewal” of the German Church. POPE FRANCIS TYPICALLY SEEKS TO “SLOW-WALK” HIS EFFORTS IN ORDER TO “REFORM” AND “RENEW” THE CHURCH, MAKING HIMSELF LOOK MODERATE IN COMPARISON TO OTHERS.

How does Pope Francis respond to the German bishops “fully” blessing same-sex couples? (by slow-walking this process!)

  1. Allow for “non-liturgical” blessings” for same-sex couples.
  2. Must now refer to same-sex unions as “irregular couples” (to remove the social stigma of sin)
  3. Must have time and new Catholic social theology to allow “irregular couples” to be recognized as a new valid marriage relationship
  4. Once these “irregular couples” are recognized, then liturgical blessings can be allowed

Quotes from Popes Pius IX and Pope Pius X:

“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” Pope Pius IX

“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic faith, do not follow him” Pope Pius IX

“Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies.” Pope Pius X

[Greek] αἵρεσις (hairesis),[Latin] secta

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