Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner: to destroy, to overthrow, to lodge, to dissolve, to tear down; 16 scripture references
Pope Francis’ and his fellow Modernists are actually tearing down Jesus’ Church and creating a new synodal Church in the image of man (and his lived experiences). This is a novel human innovation (tradition) which Pope Pius X prophesized that the Modernists would implement.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to put down, to destroy, to dissolve, to dismiss, to abolish, to render useless, to neglect, to bring to an end, and to lodge.
Euripides’ The Trojan Women 1080: “It is this that fills me with anxious thought whether you care at all that my city is destroyed.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.104: “The Medes met the Scythians, who defeated them in battle, deprived them of their rule, and made themselves masters of all Asia.”
Demosthenes’ On The Crown 18.82: “For the ambassador who came here from Cleitarchus and Phillistides lodged at your house and you entertained him.”
Old Testament: This term means to invade, to lodge, to abide, to tear down, and to destroy.
New Testament: This term means to disintegrate, to abolish, to throw down, to destroy, and to lodge.
The destruction of the Temple foretold:
- The reconstructed temple began under Herod the Great in 20 B.C.
- Two Jews came forward with a charge that Jesus would destroy this temple [made with human hands] and build another temple [not made with human hands] within three days.
- The Jews questioned how could anyone remake a temple which takes many years to build.
- Jesus may have also probably alluded to the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. at the hands of the Romans.
Mt. 5:17: “Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but but to fulfill.” (Jesus states that the New Covenant surpasses the law.)
Acts 6:14: “For we have heard him [Stephen] claim that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.” (Stephen diminishes the temple’s importance and elevates Jesus’ importance. The differences between Judaism and Christianity become more clearly defined. The Christian movement passes from Jerusalem to Antioch.)
Acts 5:38-39: “For if this endeavor or activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself. But if it comes from God, you will NOT be able to destroy them’ you may even find yourselves fighting against God.” (The rabbi Gamaliel surprisingly offers this wisdom. Perhaps Gamaliel had some sense about God’s influence on these Christians. Perhaps this was also based on God’s influence on the Jews. Oftentimes, human-inspired movements will inevitably fail.)
2Cor.5:1: “For we know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent, should be destroyed, we have a building from God, a dwelling, not made from human hands, eternal in heaven.” (Our earthly life can become temporary, fleeting, fragile, perilous, and uncertain. But in heaven, we are assured of everlasting life in heaven.)
Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical promulgated on Sept. 8, 1907, exposes the tactics used by Modernists to tear down Jesus’ Church. Modernists seek to:
- Hide (escape notice) in the Church
- Present themselves as reformers yet undermine and tear down the Church
- Create and define religion, doctrine, and Church teachings INSIDE THEMSELVES (through their lived experiences). They begin with an agnostic perspective.
- Seek to democratize and decentralize Church teachings and Church authority. At the Synod, Non-Catholics and laity are involved in this decision making process. Let that sink in!
- Stray from objective moral teachings. Successive human decisions and actions potentially lead to questionable and heretical results. Situational morality is now being considered.
- Continually seek to reform and to renew: ==> novelties, human traditions, and innovations ==> rinse and repeat
- Seek to adapt Church and Church teachings to the world. Tradition and traditional practices are diminished, excluded, ignored, or changed.
Etymology: The Greek verb kataluo essentially means to loosen (-luo) down (kata-). Loosening down can also refer to resting and lodging. The Latin verb solvere means to loosen and to pay. The Latin verb destruere means to demolish, to tear down, and to destroy. The Latin verb dissolvere means to dissolve and to pay. The Latin verb devertere means to turn away, to detour, and to lodge.
Solve, detach, acquit, destroy, dissolve, divert, diversion, denounce, demolish
In Greek Hellenism, it was interesting to discover the more nuanced meanings of this term: rendering useless, neglecting, bringing to an end, retiring, disbanding, and dismissing.
Mt.24:2: When Jesus says “Amen, I say to you”, Jesus will soon later state something very important.
Update: Pope Francis’s three problematic (and heretical) statements about salvation tear down and undermine the notion that the Catholic Church is the sole means for salvation. Evidently, Pope Francis was trying to make nice with the other religions and faith. Just trying to get along with the world
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to accompany, lodge, and cater to the LGBTQ community. As a result, the Vatican is allowing “non-liturgical blessings” and “situational morality”.
The Synod’s efforts to decentralize Church authority and Church doctrine to the local bishops are tearing down the traditional understanding of the papacy. Yet, Pope Francis is cool with this! Sounds very Protestant!
Many are becoming alarmed by Pope Francis’ efforts to move the Church with the world. His human-inspired efforts will inevitably be undone by the Holy Spirit-inspired efforts to truly restore the Church. These human-inspired efforts will inevitably fail (Acts.5:38-39).
Although perhaps well and naively intentioned, Vatican II have caused a pastoral and spiritual disaster for the Church. Pope Francis is essentially doubling-down on the consequences of Vatican II.
Pope Francis’ decision to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass has caused great harm, discontentment, and anger in the Church. So much for Church unity!
Pope Francis and his inner circle is building up false compassion [ignoring sin], accompaniment, “inclusion” and tolerance, and tearing down true compassion [mentioning sin], conversion, sacrifice, and repentance.
In his encyclical documents (like Amoris Laetitia), Pope Francis continues to lower (water down) standards for receiving the sacraments.
The Vatican is now signing off on a Mayan (pagan) inspired Mass rite. This is just another example of spiritual syncretism (mixing secularism and paganism with Church teachings). What’s next? a German rite? American rite? African rite? (we probably have this one already).
1Cor.10:20: many have conveniently forgotten or ignored Paul’s warnings about about idols, pagan rituals, paganism, and demons. In other words, the Gentiles’ gods are demons. Yet we are now having enculturated Masses. But Modernists have no problem with this. Again just going along with the world!
“All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.” St. Vincent of Lerins
“We do not want a church that MOVES WITH THE WORLD. We a want a church that MOVES THE WORLD.” GK Chesterton
“Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision. Instead, were are always changing the vision.” GK Chesterton
Next post: To be [silent], or not to be [silent]: that is the question!