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[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus: evil, wicked, bad men, bad things, wickedness, ugly, to do harm; 51 scriptures

Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, division, scandal, sacrilege, human traditions, changing Church teachings and practices, acceptance of sin, and syncretic intercourse (mixing and diluting Church teachings with the worldly values). Yet many clergy remain silent and cowardly in responding to this evil. The most insidious aspect of evil presents itself through subtle UNDERMINING and UPENDING of Church teachings.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means evil, ugly, mean, unskilled, pernicious, doing harm, ill, and to have trouble in store.

Old Testament: This term means evil, foolishness, folly, wickedness, idolatry, vanity, confusion, contention, strife, and controversy.

Deception, confusion, and evil in the Garden of Eden:

Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden (where the Serpent tricked Adam and Eve):

Serpent: Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat from any of the trees in the garden?” (The serpent is already planting seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind.)

Serpent: “You certainly will not die! Therefore, you shouldn’t believe what God is saying. You can do whatever you want”! (The serpent is already calling God a liar!)

Serpent: “God well knows that when you eat of the fruit, your eyes will be opened and you will be like the gods, who know good and evil.” (The serpent is telling Eve: ‘God is holding you back from understanding wisdom’. ‘God doesn’t want you to know this! Don’t you want to be like God’ and [have infinite dignity]?)

New Testament: This term means wretched, evil, bad things, to speak wrongly, wickedness, wrong, harm, and reckoning the bad.

Being accused of being evil (doing evil): Mt.27.23, Jn.18:23, Acts 23:9

  1. [Pilate]: What evil has He done?
  2. [Jesus]: If I have spoken rightly, why did you strike Me?
  3. We find nothing wrong with this man [Paul]

Evil comes from within: Mk.7:21, Rom.7:19, Jas.1:13, 3Jn.1:11, Col.3:5

  1. From within people, from the hearts, come evil thoughts
  2. [Paul]: I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do want
  3. No one should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for He tempts no one
  4. Do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does what is good is of God; whoever does what is evil has never seen God
  5. Put to death the parts of you that are earthy: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed, idolatry

Receiving judgment from the Lord: 2Cor.5:10, 2Tim.4:14, Rom.2:9

  1. We must all appear before the judgment seat, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what one did, whether good or bad
  2. The Lord will repay Alexander according to his deeds
  3. Affliction and distress will come upon every human being who does evil

Being aware of evil and evil-doers: Acts 9:13, Rom.1:30, Rom.16:19, 1Cor.15:33

  1. I have heard what evil things Saul has done to your holy ones in Jerusalem
  2. They are ingenious in their wickedness
  3. [Against those factions] I want you to be wise as to what is good and simple as to what is evil
  4. Do not be led astray. Bad company corrupts good morals

Those who live in the flesh: Rom.8:5-13

  1. Are only concerned with things of the flesh
  2. The concern of the flesh is death
  3. The concern of the flesh is hostility toward God
  4. The concern of the flesh does not submit to the law of God
  5. Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him

Evil in the Church: Satan’s evil influence now continues to show itself in SUBTLE, CONFUSING, and MISLEADING ways. Satan also tempted Peter to defy and impede Jesus. Satan’s influence continues to makes it presence known in the Church today. (It would be naïve to say otherwise in light of what is currently happening in the Church. We must also not forget that Pope Paul VI stated, “The smoke of Satan has entered into a crack in the Church.”)

“Peter took Jesus and began to rebuke Him, ‘God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.’” Mt.16:22 (At first glance, this sounds like a reasonable statement: Peter does not want Jesus to die. However, under the “inspiration” of Satan, Peter was actually making a satanic and evil statement in order to UNDERMINE Jesus’ mission to die on the cross and redeem humanity.)

“Jesus said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are an obstacle to Me. You are thinking not as God does, but as humans do.” Mt.16:23 (Satan was using clever subterfuge through Peter to undermine Jesus. Even seemingly human motivations may be satanically inspired. It is naïve to think that this could never happen to Church leaders in later (modern) times.)

Quotes about the Synod of Synodalities:

“Hatred for the Church, doctrine for the faith. A DEMONIC force has been unleashed.” Archbishop Vigano

“The synod leads to an implicit APPROVAL OF SIN and to a FALSE TOLERANCE that sympathizes with sin.” Archbishop Aguer

“I clearly see a whole plan of manipulation.” Cardinal Zen

“[In the synodal process]…there is not a single word about the obedience due to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit that are always consistent with truth of the perennial doctrine.” Cardinal Burke


Malevolent, malevolence

Update : The Christian teacher Enoch Burke has been held in prison so far for 442 days for opposing transgender ideology. THIS WOKE MIND VIRUS IS EVIL!

Pope Francis’ troublesome statements about salvation UNDERMINE the Church’s teaching that Jesus and the Church are the only means for salvation.

The human traditions of the Modernists are UNDERMINGING AND DESPISING TRADITION.

Mercy above all else (under the guide of “false compassion”): Some Church leaders are seeking to REDEFINE OBJECTIVE MORAL TRUTHS into subjective situational morality (Adapting objective morality to the world.)

The German bishops’ efforts to UPEND and UNDERMINE Jesus’ Church: Blessing same-sex unions, ending clerical celibacy, allowing laity to choose bishops, allowing the laity to preach homilies, allowing woman priests and deacons, redefining (permitting) homosexuality, and allowing the laity to govern the German dioceses.

How does Pope Francis respond to the German Bishops’ demand for blessing same-sex unions?

  1. Instead of criticizing the German bishops for their heresy, Pope Francis tells them that they are moving too fast. (Does this mean heretical teachings can become more palatable over time? What does say about Pope Francis slow-walking heretical teachings??)
  2. Pope Francis “slow-walks” this process in allowing for “non-liturgical blessings for “irregular couples.(They must no longer be called same-sex unions [to remove any social stigma].)
  3. Therefore new Catholic social teaching (for new situational morality) must be developed to allow for acceptance of liturgical blessings for “irregular couples”.
  4. Then liturgical blessings for “irregular couples” would be necessarily the next logical step in validating a new accepted marriage relationship. (You know some progressive bishop will eventually start this.)
  5. A Catholic exorcist has recently referred to Fiducia Supplicans as the Church’s “millstone moment.”

The is the Synod of Synodality’s efforts to UNDERMINE  and UPEND Jesus’ Church:

  1. Redefining, de-stigmatizing, and normalizing homosexuality. (Father James Martin, a very close confident of Pope Francis, is leading this LGBTQ “outreach”. Fr. James Martin actually believes that St. Paul got it wrong about homosexuality. Let that sink in!)
  2. Ignoring Jesus’ command to sin no more [Jn.8:11]. (They are allowing and permitting sinful behavior! There is hardly any mention of the salvation of souls. Many people’s eternal mortal souls could be in peril!)
  3. Accepting sinners (and their sinful lifestyle) without repentance under the guise of “inclusion”, “mercy”, tolerance, and outreach. (Mercy, false compassion, and lack of repentance are excusing or rationalizing this sinful behavior [because of a new subjective situational morality]).
  4. Welcoming the laity’s world1y values and morals into the Church under the guise of “listening”. (Rebuilding the Church into man’s image [including the world’s wants and desires!])
  5. Accepting and allowing sinful behavior because the ‘Holy Spirit of surprises’ ratifies it. (This becomes a DEVIOUS means and rationale for accepting, approving, ratifying, and blessing anything! THE HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT BLESS SIN! This is an offense against the Holy Spirit.)
  6. Looking at other ways to potentially consider woman priests and women deacons. (After completely shutting down the idea of women priests and women deacons, efforts are now being made to find ecclesiological work-arounds of ordinations.)
  7. Creating “non-liturgical blessings” for same sex couples. (This becomes a DEVIOUS means in allowing for the next step in eventually recognizing and blessing same sex “marriages”! This is where establishing “new” Catholic social teachings to open the door for this. This is how you would “slow-walk” this process.)
  8. This synod structure more easily provides the framework for introducing, immorality, worldly values, heresy, and evil into the Church. (Satan and the Modernists are actually achieving the same end result! To REFORM, TO RENEW, TO UPEND, to REMAKE, and to UNDERMINE the Church that Jesus established. In other words, create a new Church. LET THAT SINK IN! Even Archbishop Sheen makes mention of the “Ape of the Church.”)
  9. Seeking to democratize the Church. (This involves sharing decision-making authority between the Magisterium and the most poorly catechized laity in generations. Letting the laity having a voice in determining doctrine!! Why should the laity have a voice in determining doctrine? What could ever go possibly wrong with this?)
  10. Seeking to downgrade the papacy’s authority. (There are now efforts to make the papacy more ecumenical, likeable, and shareable with other faiths. This totally UNDERMINES the notion that salvation is obtained only through Jesus and His Church!)
  11. Opening the door to new forms of situational morality. (At the next consistory, one shudders to think about what could happen next about Fiducia Supplicans and transgenderism. This is a very sobering and troubling reality!)

What is the mission of Jesus’ Church?

  1. To make us perfect (Mt.5:48). To shape us into His image (NOT in man’s image and lived experiences).
  2. To call us to penance, sacrifice, and hardship.
  3. All that matters is what Jesus wants. Our wants are irrelevant.
  4. Did the Apostles ask the Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes what they wanted in the Church? No!
  5. Did St. Augustine ask the pagans what they wanted in the Church? No!
  6. Did past Catholic cardinals and bishops (councils) ask the Protestants what they wanted in the Church? No!
  7. Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle claim that we now have a “listening Church” ASKING THE CULTURE FOR WHAT IT WANTS in the Church! They seek to REFORM and RENEW Jesus’ Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.

Someone created a ChatGPT program in a scenario where the pontificate was in the hands of Satan. What would this look like? How would this look like in comparison to current times? Something to ponder. 


“All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.” Pope Pius V

“All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics.” Pope Pius X

“The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Next post: the road leading to atheism

[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus

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