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[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren: to offend, to scandalize, to cause to sin, to stumble, to trip up, to trap; 45 scriptural references

Yet Pope Francis and his inner circle are “honoring” same-sex couples with “non-liturgical blessings”! No wonder this has become a scandal and stumbling block for many people!

Background information:

Skandalon: A skandalon can be a dead-fall trap, snare, obstacle, and stumbling block.

Greek Hellenism: This term means to set traps, to cause to stumble, to give offense, to take offense, and to stumble.

Aristophanes’ Archarnians 687: “The accuser, desirous of conciliating the younger men, overrules us with his ready rhetoric; he drags us before the judge, presses us with questions, and lays verbal traps for us.”

Epictetus: “If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in this provocation.”

Old Testament: This term means to stumble, to slip, to be trapped (in a spiritual context). The action of falling always takes on a more serious sense than the stumbling block. This action of falling results in a ruined relationship with God.

Spiritual harlotry: This is an intercourse of the mixing of Old Testament values with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, and sin. Abandoning the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. Against God, the harlot prostitutes oneself with idolatry, paganism, and sin. Interestingly, the related Greek word is porneia ===> pornography, porn!  Not a good look!

New Testament: This term means to cause one to sin, to take offense, and to fall away. No offense, but I will just mention some noteworthy scriptural examples. ☺☺☺

Causing one to sin:

Mt.18:6: Whoever cause one of these little ones to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone around his neck and be drowned in the sea. (The gravity of this sin is so great that it would be better to have been drowned. A MILLSTONE MOMENT! See the very end of this post!)

To take offense:

Mt.11:6: Blessed is the one who takes no offense at Me

Mt.13:57: They took offense at Him. A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house. (Seeing Jesus as only carpenter, the Nazoreans rejected Jesus as being pretentious.)

Mt.15:12: [Disciples]: do you know that the Pharisees took offense when they heard what You said. (The Pharisees were scandalized about what Jesus said about their vain worship, empty hearts, and human traditions.)

Jn.6:61: The disciples were offended (shocked) that Jesus would tell the disciples they must eat His flesh and drink His blood to have eternal life. (Jesus did not try to convince His disciples to come back by saying, “I was only speaking figuratively!” The GREAT AND SAD IRONY is that the Jews were forbidden to drink the blood because of Jewish customs (the life is in the blood [Deut.12:23]. This Jewish restriction prohibited the Jew from partaking of the blood. But partaking of Jesus’ Body and Blood gives us life everlasting!)

To fall away:

Mt.13:21: The seed sown on rocky ground is like one whose faith falls away during worldly anxiety and the lure of riches.

Mt.26:31: This night all of you will have your faith shaken.

Rom.14:21: It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes someone to stumble. (There are serious consequences to cause others to sin (stumble.)

Monsignor Nicola Bux’s thoughts on Fiducia Supplicans:

  1. There are no non-liturgical blessings.
  2. A blessing is a formula of approval from above, that is, from God.
  3. The good shepherd does not bless the lost sheep because it has gone astray. But rather the good shepherd brings it back to the fold.
  4. No prayer can be made to God to confirm the state of sin into which one has fallen.
  5. Healing prayers are called liturgical if they are found in approved liturgical books. Otherwise, they are spontaneous prayers.
  6. These prayers are not effective if the believer does not want to abandon the state of sin.
  7. A blessing is not compatible with a state of sin.

Literature: The Catholic Douay-Rhims translation of the New Testament, published in 1582, caused quite a stir when it replaced the words “offend” and “stumbling block” with “scandalize” and “scandal.” Despite initial criticism, this terminology was accepted in the European continent accustomed to scandals in many aspects of life. Medieval and Renaissance writers, including Shakespeare, quickly adopted these terms. Interestingly, Shakespeare’s play Hamlet makes references to mousetraps and scandals.

Quotes on scandal:

“It is better that scandals arise than the truth be suppressed.” Pope St. Gregory the Great

“We should even go beyond doing what is required in order to avoid scandal.” St. Basil

“Those who commit these types of scandal are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of murder.” St. Francis De Sales

“Those who take scandal-who allow scandals to destroy their faith are guilty of spiritual suicide.” St. Francis De Sales

“It is not the sinner, but the wicked who should despair; it is not the magnitude of one’s crime, but contempt of God that dashes one’s hopes.” St. Peter Damian

“God has not given man liberty in order to carry out a moral evil (sin) or an intellectual evil. The more we live in accord with God’s will, the more our freedom grows.” Bishop Athanasius Schneider


Scandal, scandalize, indignant, shock, shocking hurt, offend, offensive

It is quite interesting that Epictetus already understood the notion of someone “living rent-free” in another person’s head. (Trump Derangement Syndrome perhaps?)

Jesus often speaks in purposely exaggerated terms (cutting off limbs and eyes) to illustrate the more serious consequences of sin.

Update: It is unfortunately scandalous (but not surprising) that the Vatican has recently restricted the Traditional Latin Mass in seminaries in France. Are you surprised?

It is scandalous that Pope Francis protects and hides Fr. Rupnik (accused of sexual crimes), while deposing Bishop Strickland and Cardinal Burke for upholding traditional Church teachings. This is a real example of clericalism.

It is also scandalous that too many Cardinals, bishops, and priests are still remaining silent because they are FEARFUL AND AFRAID OF OFFENDING their superiors, the Vatican, the laity, and the LGBQT community!

By failing to catechize the faithful about the sinful nature of the the homosexual lifestyle, Cardinals, bishops, and priests are putting many immortal souls in a grave moral situation. This is a serious and grave matter!

Because of Fudicia Supplicans, some same-sex couples will perceive this as the Church’s affirmation of this union. Same-sex couples are already calling upon the Vatican for such “blessings”. Fr. James Martin is already doing this!  Some priests are being forced by their superiors to bestow these “blessings”.

However, Pope Francis states that Africa is a “special case because homosexuality is something bad from a cultural point of view. They don’t tolerate it.” (Why should this apply only to Africa? Why is this acceptable in other parts of the world? This is the scandal, which is more so an indictment on our culture, values, and society.)

It is very significant to note that Fiducia Supplicans has NO mention for forgiveness and conversion of heart from this homosexual lifestyle. The Vatican hopes that African bishops and others will eventually recognize this “teaching”. Are they setting the stage for same-sex unions to be later recognized as an acceptable marriage relationship?? That is the scandal in all of this!  

It was St. Peter Damian in the 11th century who had shed light on the scandal of homosexuality in the priesthood (promotion of this lifestyle, sexual abuse, silence, and covering up). Sound familiar?

Pope Francis continues to despise Tradition and traditional Church teachings.

Traditiones Custodes scandalously seeks to eventually do away with the Traditional Latin Mass.

Cardinal McElroy claims you are a “hater” if you oppose Fiducia Supplicans. (The cardinal essentially claims that Church teachings (Deposit of Faith) can be changed due to evolving moral conditions. Just another Modernist in Pope Francis’ inner circle.)

Modern-day syncretism (harlotry) of Christianity with worldly values, paganism, and sin in the Church:

  1. Remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church (in the image of man)
  2. A Panchamama idol at Mass at the Vatican and other pagan rituals in Mass
  3. Allowing Anglican services in Vatican cathedrals
  4. Dialog with Freemasons
  5. Appointing a Vatican doctrinal chief with a questionable past: (works of hard-core theological porn, accusations of heresy) 
  6. Overlooking, ignoring, and normalizing sin
  7. Bringing worldly values, laity decision-making, “lived experiences”, and sin into the Church (Synods)
  8. Allowing sacrilegious gatherings in Church (St. Patrick’s Cathedral)
  9. Cardinals supporting Fiducia Supplicans

Kyle Clement, assistant to exorcist priest Fr. Ripperger, warned that blessing homosexual couples flings the door open to the demonic. (This is a grave scandal which affirms the soul in mortal sin!  Very interesting! A MILLSTONE MOMENT!)


Next post: don’t be deceived…

[Greek] σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren

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