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[Greek] ἱεροσυλέω (hierosyleō), [German] tempelraub: to cause sacrilege, to rob temples; Rom.2:22

[Greek] ἱερόσυλος (hierosylos), [French] provoquer un sacrilege: desecrater, temple robber; Acts 19:37

The Catholic faithful are calling for that we may not rob God of His due!

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to rob a temple, to commit sacrilege, to steal, and to plunder.

Aristophanes’ Wasps 845: “Did you steal it from a shrine?”

Plato’s Phaedo 113e: “They, because they have committed many great deeds of sacrilege, or wicked and abominable murders, are cast by their fitting destiny into Tartaris.”

Plato’s Republic 575b: “What kinds of evils do you mean? They just steal, break into houses, cut purses, strip men of their garment, plunder temples, and kidnap.”

Xenophon’s Memorabilia 1.1.1: “Socrates is guilty of rejecting the gods acknowledged by the state and of bringing in strange deities. He is also guilty of corrupting the youth.”

Old Testament: This term means to have idols. The desecrator is grouped along with murderers and adulterers.

New Testament: The Greek verb hierosyleo means to rob temples and to commit sacrilege. The Greek noun hierosylos means temple robber and desecrater. These terms refer to violating (profaning) sacred things or misappropriating sacred things. Although still harmful and problematic, desecration is not as serious as idolatry.


“You who forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You who detest idols, do you rob temples?” Rom.2:22

  1. Paul shows restraint in not yet accusing them of the serious sin of idolatry.
  2. Yet Paul cautions that they might potentially have the inclination for the spirit of idolatry.
  3. This spirit consists of not giving God His due and bestowing affections upon something else. (Robbing God of His due!)
  4. This spirit may result in improper, defiled, and deficient offerings (sacrifices). [Mal.1:18]

“The men you brought here are not temple robbers, nor have they insulted our goddess.” Acts 19:37

  1. Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis.
  2. Paul and his followers preached the truth against idols and idol worship, but did not desecrate the temple.
  3. Severe penalties were given for robbing temples.
  4. Paul and his followers could not be charged with desecration (temple robbing).

Other plundering: Paul mentions that he had “plundered” (received support and provisions) from other cities in order to carry out his apostolic mission. (2Cor.11:8)

APPROVED Marian prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success (1594-1634) [More properly known as our Lady of  the Good Event of the Purification]:

  1. This prophetically predicted a “spiritual catastrophe” for the Church for middle 20th century to the present.
  2. Widespread moral corruption.
  3. Profanation of the sacrament of matrimony.
  4. Unbridled lust will ensnare many souls.
  5. Loss of innocence among children. Loss of modesty among women.
  6. Depraved priests will scandalize the priesthood.
  7. Lack of priestly religious vocations.
  8. A period of catastrophe followed by a period of restoration.

Vatican II: As many Modernists would have you to believe, Vatican II has NOT led to revitalizing the Church. Rather, this has led to a spiritual and pastoral disaster. There are decreased vocations, liturgical confusion, questionable clergy, poor catechesis, increased sacrilege in the Church, declining church attendance at Novus Order Masses, closed churches, and decreased reverence for sacraments. The exception is the Traditional Latin Mass (increasing church attendance). However, the Bergoglian Reign of Terror is making its presence known in ending the TLM.


  1. In ancient Greece/Rome, temples were places of refuge for slaves, criminals, and debtors.
  2. The temple of Asylaeus was built on the hills of Rome.
  3. The god Asylaeus was the patron of vagabonds and fugitives.
  4. The Lord said to Joshua to designate cities of refuge.
  5. In ancient Christianity, many recognized a right of asylum.
  6. The practice of churches offering sanctuary is still observed in the modern era.

“Sacrilege is defined as taking something that belongs to God and using it profanely. But the worst kind of sacrilege is taking something and giving it to God when it means absolutely nothing to you.” G. Campbell Morgan.


Asylum, temple, rob, robber, sacrilege, provoke, provocation

G. Campbell Morgan succintly illustrates what sacrilege is. At some point, we are all guilty of giving God His due.

Old Testament: It think it is instructive to be reminded that that desecraters (“temple robbers”) are lumped with adulterers and murderers. This just illustrates the serious nature of sacrilege.

A sinful, immoral, indifferent, corrupt, or scandalous clergy who profanes his position: may be perhaps the WORST KIND OF SACRILEGE!

Update: Unfortunately, there are so many examples of sacrilege to illustrate.

Fiducia Supplicans has opened the door to sacrileges in churches by LGBTQ activists.

Funeral service for a transgender activist at St. Patrick’s:

  1. There was a great failure in vetting the appropriateness of this event.
  2. Numerous blasphemies, and sacrileges of the Catholic faith occurred.
  3. A saint was mocked.
  4. The priest chuckled that that they had a great turnout.
  5. Cardinal Dolan privately, not publicly, authorized a Mass of Reparations for fear of offending the LGBTQ community

Liberal Catholics supporting abortion who sacrilegiously receive the Eucharist at the very least should be publicly scandalized. Whether they can be banned from receiving the Eucharist may be difficult to enforce. We unfortunately hear of this much too often. (I think Pope Pius X was right all the long about liberal Catholics!)

More than a dozen Catholic bishops recently attended a closed-door “pro-transgender” conference organized by the heretical New Ways Ministry.

The French people just voted for to make abortion a constitutional right! Where are the French cardinals, bishops, and priests in this? Are they indifferent? Are they not stating Church teachings? Do they still believe in the Church’s teachings!

The Vatican has permitted Anglican services in the cathedrals in Rome. We must not be naive in thinking that ecumenical events cannot be sacrilegious!

American bishops have since 1968 have called the the National Catholic Report to not to be called Catholic for its progressive views.

The Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute report that Catholic Relief Services has promoted contraception through the use of condoms.

In a Novus Order in Germany, people are receiving Holy Communion in the hands in the tune of a chicken dance! In Germany, are you really surprised?

Canterbury Cathedral in Kent is being hired out for a rave. They call it the ‘Rave in the Nave’!

Novus Order Catholics at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress were transporting the Blessed Sacrament on what looks like a Home Depot transport dolly behind processing altar servers!

It seems that the Vatican is very much enamored with Fr. Rupnik’s grotesque artwork. Known to have sexually abused nuns, Fr. Rupnik is allowed to continue his art! This is grotesque on so many levels! This says a lot about the moral character of those in the Vatican!

Disgraced homosexual priest Fr. Wolfgang Rother attends the  ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag “ordination” in Germany!

Pay no heed [do not ignore, discount, or overlook] the derision and mockery of the wicked. Have courage; you must never yield. You must go into the attack wholeheartedly, not in secret, but in public, not behind barred doors, but in the open in the view of all.” Pope St. Pius X

Sacrilegious abuse of the Blessed Sacrament at World Youth Day in Lisbon. The Eucharist was stored in plastic containers inside a tent!  https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/sacrilege-world-youth-day-has-highlighted-widespread-abuse-of-the-blessed-sacrament/?utm_source=twitter

(Here is a thought: schedule World Youth Day each time in Rome. Make use of the many churches in Rome!

[Greek] ἱεροσυλέω (hierosyleō), [German] tempelraub

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