[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references
Pope Francis’ synodal Church’s elevation of lived experiences over sinning no more (Jn.8:11) and warnings about walking in darkness (Jn.8:12) have become a new human innovation straying from Catholic teachings. It is as if synodality (lived experiences) is becoming like an idol!
Greek Hellenism: This term means to wander, to go astray, to lead astray, to be mistaken, to vacillate, to lie, to seduce, to doubt, to be at a loss.
Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 473: “You have lost your wits and have gone astray.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 2.115: “Alexandrus was evasive in his story and did not tell the truth.”
Plato’s Statesman 263a: “We have already strayed away from our subject more than we ought, and you wish us to wander still further afield.”
Plato’s Protagoras 256d: “Is it not the power of appearance that leads us astray. Many a time causes us to have to change our minds in both our conduct and in our choice.”
Old Testament: This term means to lead astray, to confuse, to wander, and to vacillate spiritually. This term generally refers more to faith, belief, and philosophy rather than profane deceiving.
New Testament: This term means to go astray, to spiritually vacillate, to be misled, to deviate (from the correct path), to err, to be deceived, and to be mistaken. For purposes of brevity, the Parable of the Good Shepherd will be excluded.
Mt.22:29: Jesus said to the Sadducees, ‘You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.’” (The Sadducees were attempting to trick Jesus about marriage relationships in reference to heaven. Instead, Jesus points out that sexual relationships of this world will be transcended [will no longer exist in heaven]).
Mt.24:11: “Many false prophets [Christians] will arise and deceive many.” (The disciples will have to endure. There will be worse afflictions within the Church itself. Many will be led into sin and be scandalized. Many will fall away.)
Jn.7:12: Some said Jesus is a good man. Others said He misleads the crowd. (Some Jews were seeing a different Jesus who was misleading [drawing others away] from the law of Moses, breaking the Sabbath, and proclaiming to be Messiah.)
Jn.7:47: “The Pharisees responded to the guards, ‘Have you also been deceived?'” (The Pharisees believed that they were the source of authority. It was the Jews’ “duty” to obey the Pharisees. Jesus is an imposter and deceiver.)
1Cor.6:9: Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor sodomites will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Do not be deceived: Are people now just taking this scripture metaphorically?? There was a great danger of minimizing such pagan sins. Paul cautions against the teachings (opinions) of the false teachers. The soul is of infinite value for not be given entrance into heaven.
Idolaters/adulterers: The idolaters are likened to adulterers. Abandoning the the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. A spiritual harlot prostitutes oneself with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, and sin.
Sexual immorality: Paul points that what is legal does NOT mean it is beneficial for you. Paul also warns about being enslaved (dominated) by sinful activity. Sexual immorality, rampant in Corinth, has become mundane [commonplace] as food for the stomach. The body is not for immorality but for the Lord.
1Cor.15:32-33: “If at Ephesus I fought with beasts…Do not be lead astray; bad company corrupts good morals.” (Beasts: adversaries, evil spirits, idolaters, sorcerers, demon-possessed)
Gal.6:7: “Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap what he sows, because the one who sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows for Spirit will reap eternal from the Spirit.” (Paul warns us not to be led astray by false teachers (false teaching). God already knows our character and actions. God will then judge us accordingly.)
1Jn.1:8: If we say, ‘we are without sin’, we deceive ourselves. (Denial of the condition of sin is self-deception and contrary to God. This allows for recurrence of sin.)
- The Greek noun planetes (planet) means wanderer.
- The Latin verb errare means to wander, to go astray, and to deceive.
- The Latin verb seducere means to lead away. The Latin noun seductio refers to the act of seducing someone to error.
- The Latin verb inducere means to lead and to bring into.
- The German verb betrugen means to betray.
- The Greek very mukterizo means to turn up the nose (mukter) in scorn, to mock, to deride, and to insult
Planet, planetary, err, error, seduce, seduction, induce, fraud, betray
1Cor.15:32-33: Philosopher Heroclitus: the morals of the Temple of Artemis (Diana) crowd were worse than the morals of beasts. (Evidently, this was a permissive culture of idolatry, vice, and sexual immorality.)
Update: When Jesus associated with sinners, He told them to sin no more [Jn.8:11] and to not walk in darkness [Jn.8:12]. Jesus did not come to accept and accommodate peoples’ lived experiences and behavior.
This new synodal Church is now presenting Jesus who walks with and accepts one’s lived experiences. This is a Jesus who ignores sin and ignores warning others about walking in darkness. Mercy above all else, false compassion, and tolerance replaces sinning no more and true compassion.
This new synodal Church is now focusing so much on lived experiences to the exclusion of Church teachings. It is as if lived experiences has become an idol.
In typical Modernists’ fashion, the LGBTQ community is now being “marginalized and disenfranchised” by the Church’s harsh and rigid teachings”. Therefore, these “rigid” Church teachings must be reformed and changed.
Fiducia Supplicans is setting the stage for transforming same-sex unions as a new “irregular marriage relationship” Non-liturgical blessings are now being restored. This is another example of “slow walking” society’s acceptance of a new marriage relationship.
Instead of criticizing the German bishops’ obsession with homosexuality, Pope Francis criticizes them for moving too fast, not for their heresy!
In response to the German bishops, Pope Francis produces Fiducia Supplicans, paying lip service to Church teachings. In addition, this document creates “non-liturgical blessings for same-sex “irregular unions”. Pope Francis is seeking to “slow-walk” the culture’s acceptance of same-sex unions as acceptable marriage relationship.
Cardinal Roche, claiming to be the primary source of authority, claims that the ecclesiology of the Church has changed. The TLM must go!
The Modernists within the Catholic Church are creating liturgical confusion, chaos, and scandal. These Modernists are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Pope Francis’ synodal Church continues to engage in spiritual harlotry (exchanging worldly values, secularism, sin, and evil with the Church). This synodal process is just another human tradition enacted by the Modernists. Masses are now being enculturated with pagan practices. Ex. Panchamama fertility idol
Just as with Paul’s time, our post-Christian secular society is beset with sexual immorality, vice, and idolatry. Our society is faced with demonic influences in uprooting and undermining the culture and the Church. The devil has already sown division within the Church. Pope Paul VI warned that the “smoke of satan” has entered through a crack in the Church.”
The bishops’ silence and cowardice: this failure to speak out and teach about out sinful activity will lead to many souls (both clergy and laity) in mortal danger.
Make no mistake God is already aware of the division, heresy, schism, and confusion in the Church. God will inevitably make His response known in reaction to these problems. There is already beginning an organic counter-movement, inspired by the Holy Spirit movement toward Tradition, reverence and piety.
- Skewed priorities: 90% of its budget is for immigration and refugee settlement. They have gone astray with their priorities!
- 1% of its budget is for pro-life causes. Why is this so small? Is this not a priority? Are they afraid to talk and advocate for this?
- Continued lack of proper vetting of money from the government: some funds when to illegal immigration and human trafficking. The government money spigot has now been turned off.
- The USCCB’s response to Bishop Strickland’s pleas of “What will it take” (to address the problems of synodality) were silent.
- Why isn’t there a great need for Eucharistic adoration chapels in kneelers to receive the Eucharist to encourage greater reverence? Again, misplaced priorities.
“The primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas.” Pope Pius X
“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic faith, do not follow him.” Pope Pius IX
Feb 5: the memorial of St. Agatha
True freedom comes from serving Christ. Many of us often STRAY in pursuit of worldly freedom, becoming enslaved to worldly values, desires, and sin. We often serve false gods who demand our devotion but do not offer salvation.
Next post: Shame from doing or saying something wrong
Next post: Shame from withdrawing oneself (“I need to hide”)
(It is a shame that I cannot include all this in one post)