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[Greek] μυκτηρίζω (myktērizō), [Latin] muccare, [Latin] inridere: to mock, to ridicule, to treat with contempt, to sneer at, to turn up one’s nose: Gal.6:7

If you do not accept, approve, or tolerate others’ behavior, you are often deemed intolerant, hateful, or extreme.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means to abhor, to treat contemptuously, to mock, to turn up one’s nose, and to suffer from nose bleeding.

Lysias’ Against Philon 24:14: “He comes to challenge the validity of my misfortune (nose bleed), and he is trying to persuade you that I am not the kind of person that all of you are seeing. You, however, ought to trust your own eyes rather than my opponent’s words.”

Old Testament: This term essentially means to mock, to despise, to hold in contempt, to belittle, to deceive, to ridicule, to laugh at, and to imitate a foreigner.

New Testament: This term, occurring only once in Galatians, is used for despising God, who will not be mocked. This person will reap the consequences of his actions. The one who sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh. The one who sows for the spirit will reap eternal life from the spirit. God will not allow His will and grace be treated with contempt. This scoffing is essentially a whole manner of life despising God.


“Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap only what he sows.” Gal.6:7

One will ultimately face consequences (be judged) for his actions in despising God.

Related Greek term:

[Greek] ἐκμυκτηρίζω (ekmyktērizō), [Latin] deridere: to sneer at, to ridicule; Lk.16:14, Lk.23:35

Lk.16:14: Pharisees, who loved money, sneered at Jesus

Lk.23:35: The rulers sneered at the crucified Jesus

Etymology: The Greek verb mukterizo literally means to turn up one’s nose. The Greek noun mukter means nose. The Latin verb inridere means to ridicule and to laugh at.

It all begins with a thought:

“Sow a thought, and you reap an act:

Sow an act, and you reap a habit;

Sow a habit, and you reap a character;

Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.” (by Samuel Smiles)


Mock, mockery, deride, derision, ridicule, ridiculous

In Lysias’ Against Philon, this term was specifically used to mock and undermine a prosecutor’s legal arguments. These legal proceedings most likely occurred at the Aeropagus before a legal consul. Paul will later speak here, appealing to the Athenians’ religiosity in believing in an “Unknown God.”

In the New Testament, The Greek terms mukterizo and ekmukterizo both make reference to mocking God and Jesus.

Update: The drag queen group ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ motto is to “go and sin some more.

The ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ performance shows a drag queen pole dance on the crucifix and the crucified Lord in drag.

The ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ accuse Pope Francis of being “anti-Catholic” for criticizing their group. (What a mockery!)

The Los Angeles Dodgers organization, in re-inviting this group, has just mocked its Catholic and Christian fans.

Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass was evidently forced to apologize for supporting boycotts of Bud Light and Target. This is a mockery in that this woke organization exerted pressure on its employee.

Some left-wing Catholics, accusing others of transphobia, are actually defending the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

A transgender activist, identifying as a “woman”, vandalized St. Louise Church in Bellevue, Washington.

Nikole Hannah Jones mocks the true history of the United States with the 1619 Project, creating a false narrative of a racist USA.

Bud Light mockingly keeps running different commercials thinking this will change customer attitudes. Bud Light still refuses to apologize, digging itself deeper in financial difficulty.  

Bud Light and Planned Parenthood will be sponsoring the Cincinnati Pride Parade.

Participants in gay pride parades typically show nudity, morally offensive behavior, and indecency toward children. (They are essentially ‘proud’ of their behavior.)

Cardinal Cupich, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, claims that the church sex abuse and eucharistic adoration are ‘distractions’ (Really speaks to his priorities).

It is very revealing that the Modernist-minded Vatican would chastise Bishop Strickland for ‘stoking division’ when he made comments about the deposit of faith. (This begs the questions: “Why is talking about the deposit of faith divisive? “Is there another deposit of faith that Pope Francis is referring to?”)

After the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, abortion activists have become more energetic, forceful, and militant in the efforts to support abortion rights.

The FBI and other govt. organizations continue to identify Catholics and Christians as potential terror threats.

Target has created a “tuck-friendly” swimsuit line and a Satan clothing line for adults and children. (Double the mockery!).

Target has donated millions to GLSEN, an organization promoting gender ideology into education. (Do you again notice the intersection with Satan and gender ideology?)

Disney mockingly targets children when a guy with a mustache dresses up as a godmother apprentice who helps little girls pick a princess dress at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at Disneyland.

Conclusion: This post illustrates some examples of general ordinary mocking, mocking religion, mocking the sanctity of life, mocking traditional gender roles, mocking traditional moral values, mocking people, and mocking authority. Yet, in some situations, this is much more serious than in saying that “the devil made them do it”. Rather, the devil would be very proud (of their behavior) in saying to them: ‘keep up the good work!’ 

Here is an example of the gross mockery of the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence  https://twitter.com/i/status/1661962682667511808

Next post: pride

[Greek] μυκτηρίζω (myktērizō), [Latin] muccare, [Latin] inridere

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