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[Greek] ὑπερηφανία (hyperēphania), [Latin] superbus, [French] magnifique, [French] insolent: pride, arrogant, proud, superiority, haughtiness, evil; Lk.1:51, Rom.1:30, 2Tim.3:2, Jas.4:36, 1Pet.5:5

Interestingly, the LGBTQ community “prides” itself on its behavior.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term means arrogance, presumptuous, insolence, and contemptuous. Paganism in every age have been associated with disobedience (disrespect) to others. The Greek and Stoics have been associated with pride and conceit. The Romans have been associated with vices (debauchery, indulgence, sport, violence, entertainment, and lust).

Plato’s Gorgias 511d: “And at the same time, it is plain-fashioned and orderly, not giving itself grand airs in a pretense of some transcendent feat.”

Plato’s Laws 691a: “As we affirm, the height of ignorance, owing to its grating dissonance and lack of harmony, brought the Greek world to ruin.”

Demosthenes Philippic 1 4.9: “For observe, the height to which the fellow’s insolence has soared; he blushes and talks big.”

Plato’s Theaetetus 175b: “The philosopher is derided partly. He seems to be contemptuous, partly because he is ignorant of common things.”

Old Testament: God opposes pride. The righteous pray and trust that God will destroy the proud. All the Gentiles, foreign kings and leaders are insolent. The arrogant are enemies of the righteous. Humility is an abomination to the proud. Wisdom is far distant from arrogance. Arrogance is traced by to a spirit of error, to the spirit of hate or to Satan himself.

New Testament: This term means arrogant (of heart and mind), haughty, and the proud.

Lk.1:51: [Canticle of Mary]: He has dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart

Jas.4:6: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble

“They are gossips and scandalmongers and they hate God. They are insolent, haughty, boastful, ingenious in their wickedness, and rebellious to their parents.” Rom.1:29-30

Scandalmongers (back-biters): those who slander or speak ill of those who are absent

Haters of God: those who show sins of malice

Insolence: those who show rude and offensive behavior

Pride: those who show self-conceit and self-superiority

Boasting: those who proclaim about their actions

Wickedness: those who find way to practice evils (lust, gratification, passions)

Disobedience: those who disrespect (devalue) elders

Quotes about pride:

 “The devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices. The devil is also afraid when we are humble and good. He is especially afraid when we love Jesus very much. He runs away when we make the sign of the cross” St. Anthony of the desert

Humility is dependence on God as pride is independence of Him. The humble soul is always the thankful soul.” Fulton Sheen

“One of the awful things about pride is that it deceives us; we may think we are serving God and others, but in reality we are serving ourselves only.” Alexander Strauch

“Make no mistake about it; pride is the great sin. It is the devil’s most effective and destructive tool.” C.S. Lewis

“Pride is the master sin of the devil, and the devil is the father of lies.” Edwin Hubbel Chapin

“Through pride the devil became the devil. Pride leads to every vice, it’s the complete anti-God state of mind.” C.S. Lewis


Superb, magnificence, insolence, insolent

The Old Testament develops the notion that pride in antithetical to God’s designs. Righteousness, trust, humility, and submission are countermeasures against pride.

Lk: 1:52: God has thrown down Gentile leaders and lifted up the lowly

2Tim.3:2: moral depravity and false teaching will be rampant

Jas.4:6: Love of the world becomes a source of enmity (hatred) toward God.

Update: It is very important to make the distinction between good pride and bad pride.

It goes without saying that we all should have pride in our abilities and capabilities which come from God. (This is where humbleness and thankfulness come in.) 

We can be proud in our relationship with God. (This is where humility comes in.)

The devil (Satan) can influence our society in both direct and indirect ways.

The devil (Satan) prides himself in opposing, undermining, and destroying God’s creation, laws, and natural designs every step of the way. The devil will happily encourage anyone to do this if it will serve his purposes.

Traditional marriage, Catholicism (and Christianity), the sanctity of life, traditional understandings of gender (male and female), moral teachings and doctrine, and traditional parents’ authority are all under attack.

We can clearly see a direct intersection of the devil with the entertainment industry (Sam Smith) which was sponsored by Pfizer. Target, a supporter of transgender indoctrination in schools, sells a Satan clothing line for adults and children.

Gender Ideology carries with itself both an intentional and unintentional rebellion (often through personal expression) against traditional gender norms established by God.

Gay pride parades and drag queen shows often exhibit indecency and offensive behavior in the presence of young kids. (And they are ‘proud’ of this behavior.)

Sexual indoctrination in schools, transgender targeting of minors, and encouraging gender reassignment surgery all seek to undermine parents’ authority.

In this culture of death (the secular world) and in the satanic community, abortion has become a kind of pagan “sacrament”, where the unborn are devalued.

The ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’, even under the playful veneer of drag queen attire, are satanic in intentionally mocking Catholicism. Don’t let their ‘playful drag queen garb’ fool you! Their motto is “to sin some more”, explicitly contradicting Jesus. (And the devil would be proud!)

What can we do to help ward off the devil: Make the sign of the cross, make sacrifices, show humility, being good, and loving Jesus

Cardinal Gregory has restricted the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) yet has given permission for a Pride Mass.

The Church naively involves itself with Pride events, seeking to be “inclusive” yet confusing the faithful in not following traditional teachings. To some, this could be perceived as a tacit acceptance of their lifestyle.

The LGBTQ community “prides” and identifies itself by its disordered lifestyle. Not surprisingly, the devil insists on calling us by our sins. In contrast, the Father in heaven calls us by our names.

The White House hosts a Pride Event where TikTok transgender woman Rosa Montoya, appears topless while covering her nipples. “Real classy, President Biden”!

A “family” parade in West Hollywood. (They are also very “proud” of their behavior.)


Next post: boasting (and doubling-down)

[Greek] ὑπερηφανία (hyperēphania), [Latin] superbus, [French] magnifique, [French] insolent

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