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[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] peregrinus, [Latin] morare, [German] pilgerin, [French] rester, [German] sich aufhalten: to dwell temporarily, to live as a foreigner, to migrate; Lk.24:18, Heb.11:9

World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.  Unfortunately, following Jesus and evangelization has been replaced by encounter and fraternity.

Background information:

Greek Hellenism: This term, meaning to dwell beside and to lie near, refers to strangers (resident aliens). Resident aliens were often perceived as barbarians with few civic rights.

Isocrates’ Panegyricus 4.162: “For since the barbarians are unequal to small divisions of the Hellenes, it is not hard to forsee what their plight if they should be forced into a war against our united forces.”

Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War 3.93: “The Thessalians were afraid that it might prove a very powerful neighbor and continually harassed and made war upon the settlers.”

Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War. 6.82: “Our kinfolk came against their mother country and chose to be slaves themselves.”

Old Testament: This term means to dwell as an alien and to dwell together. The Hebrews (Israelites) themselves experienced exile and captivity. The Jews of the Diaspora, while retaining their Jewish ways, became resident aliens in foreign lands.

New Testament: This term means to dwell temporarily (being a visitor), to live as a foreigner, and to migrate.


“Cleopas said to Him in reply, ‘Are you the only visitor in Jerusalem who does not know of the things that have taken place there in these days?’” Lk.24:18

Jesus appears a stranger to the two travelers on the road to Emmaus. The despondent travelers realized that the stranger was Jesus. The two travelers became energized in their faith.

“By faith Abraham sojourned in the promised land as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the same promise.” Heb.11:9

Abraham was called out by God to go out to a pace that he was to receive an inheritance.

Etymology: This term means to dwell (-oikeo) beside (para-). The Latin noun peregrinus means to be away (peri-) from the field (-ager). The Latin verb morare means to delay and to stay behind. A pilgrim is one who travels to a destination. A parish is a district with its own church. A moratorium is a delay, postponement, or suspension.

A watered-down and confusing Catholicism for the youth: Catholic universities celebrating Pride Month teach a confusing strain of teaching opposed to traditional Catholicism. Many young adults are seeking true and authentic Catholic teachings. Rather than focusing on Jesus and conversion, World Youth day focuses on encounter and fraternity. Young people are leaving the faith and Church because they do not see authenticity. Pope Francis’ papacy seeks to modernize the Church by minimizing traditional teachings and by becoming a synodal Church. 

World Youth day’s mission has changed from following Jesus and evangelization to encountering and fraternity:

Dear young people, follow Jesus. Do not be afraid to draw near to Him, to cross the threshold of His dwelling to speak with Him, face to face, as you talk with a friend.” Pope John Paull II (12th World Youth Day in Paris, France) 

We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or the Catholic Church or anything like that at all.” Cardinal Carlos Aguiar (World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal)


Peregrine, pilgrim, pilgrimage, rest, halt, parochial, parish, moratorium

Resident aliens were often perceived in the Greco-Roman culture as barbarians.

By the early part of the 4th century, the diocese was a well-established term for an ecclesiastical district. The Roman empire was also organized by dioceses. Although part of the Church, Christians are still considered sojourners on the way to heaven.

Life is tough, pilgrim. It is even tougher if you’re stupid.” John Wayne

“We are travelers; not yet in our native land.” St. Augustine

Update: Young people are now heading on a spiritual pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day 2023.

Young people can often become energized by their experience from World Youth Day. But can these young people remain energized by their faith from good and authentic catechesis?

Hopefully, conversion will again come beside encounter with Christ at World Youth Day.

The Biden administration, in not securing the border, has allowed millions of illegal aliens into our country.

We are learning from the congressional hearings, that President Biden was beside Hunter Biden in exerting pressure on business associates.

It appears that money sojourned (traveled) to several banks, holding companies, and Biden family members in this Biden family criminal enterprise.

[Greek] παροικέω (paroikeō), [Latin] peregrinus, [Latin] morare, [German] pilgerin, [French] rester, [German] sich aufhalten

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