[Greek] παρακολουθέω (parakoloutheō), [Latin] sequere, [Latin] diligere, [French] accompagner, [French] aimer, [French] honorer, [French] atteindre

[Greek] παρακολουθέω (parakoloutheō), [Latin] sequere, [Latin] diligere, [French] accompagner, [French] aimer, [French] honorer, [French] atteindre: to follow closely, to investigate carefully, and to accompany; Mt.16:17, Lk.1:3, 1Tim.4:6, 2Tim.3:10 [Greek] συνοδία (synodia), [Latin] comitatus: group of travelers, caravan, wayfarers; Lk.2:44 Now…

[Greek] παραιτέομαι (paraiteomai), [Latin] excusare, [Latin] viduare, [Latin] evitare, [French] decliner, [French] refuser, [French] disculper

[Greek] παραιτέομαι (paraiteomai), [Latin] excusare, [Latin] viduare, [Latin] evitare, [French] decliner, [French] refuser, [French] disculper: to make excuses, to beg off, to excuse, to refuse, to decline; Lk.14:18-19, Acts 25:11, 1Tim.4:7, 1Tim.5:11, 2Tim.2:23, Tit.3:10, Heb.12:19,25 Pope Francis’ inner circle, in…

[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] perseverare, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patiens, [Latin] sufferere, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] maintenir, [French] endurant

[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] perseverare, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patiens, [Latin] sufferere, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] maintenir, [French] endurant: to resist, to endure, continue, to stay behind, 18 scriptures At the beginning of the Great Western…

[Greek] μετάνοια (metanoia), [Latin] paenitentia, [Latin] peccatores metanoian (sinners into a change of mind)

[Greek] μετάνοια (metanoia), [Latin] paenitentia, [Latin] peccatores metanoian (sinners into a change of mind): change of mind, repentance, change of beliefs; Mt.3:8-11, Mt.9:13, Mk.1:4, Mk.2:17, Lk.3:3,8, Lk.5:32, Lk.15:7, Lk.24:47, Acts 5:31, Acts 11:18, Acts.13:24, Acts 19:4, Acts 20:21, Acts 26:20,…

[Greek] ὑπερήφανος (hyperēphanos), [Latin] superbus, [French] magnifique, [French] insolent

[Greek] ὑπερήφανος (hyperēphanos), [Latin] superbus, [French] magnifique, [French] insolent: pride, arrogant, proud, superiority, haughtiness, evil; Lk.1:51, Rom.1:30, 2Tim.3:2, Jas.4:36, 1Pet.5:5 Not surprisingly, the LGBTQ community “prides” itself on its behavior (even if it is offensive). Background information: Greek Hellenism: This…

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir, [French] soutenir

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir, [French] soutenir: to tolerate, to put up with, to bear, to endure, to be patient with; Mt.17:17, Mk.9:19, Lk.9:41, Acts 18:14, 1Cor.4:12, 2Cor.11:1,4,19, Eph.4:2, Col.3:13,…

[Greek] χωρέω (chōreō), [Latin] intrare, [Latin] capere, [Latin] revertere, [French] prendre, [French] saisir, [French] renverser, [French] retourner, [German] zuruckkommen

[Greek] χωρέω (chōreō), [Latin] intrare, [Latin] capere, [Latin] revertere, [French] prendre, [French] saisir, [French] renverser, [French] retourner, [German] zuruckkommen: to make room for, to accept, to admit, to obtain full measure of; Mt.15:17, Mt.19:11-12, Mk.2:2, Jn.2:6, Jn.8:37, Jn.21:25, 2Cor.7:2, 2Pet.3:9…

[Greek] γαμέω (gameō), [Latin] ducere, [Latin] nubere, [Latin] iungere matrimonium, ,[French] guider, [French] diriger, [French] espouser, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir, [French] joinder, [German] verbinden

[Greek] γαμέω (gameō), [Latin] ducere, [Latin] nubere, [Latin] iungere matrimonium, [French] guider, [French] diriger, [French] espouser, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir, [French] joinder, [German] verbinden: to wed, to marry, to give into marriage; 29 scriptures This is what God intends for…

[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas

[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas: to be subject to, to submit, to be obedient, to bring under control, to put oneself under; 49 scriptures Pope John Paul II’s Theology of…

[Greek] παράδοσις (paradosis), [Latin] traditio

[Greek] παράδοσις (paradosis), [Latin] traditio: a handing down, tradition, transmission, delivery, teaching; Mt.15:2-3,6, Mk.7:3,5,8-9,13, 1Cor.11:2, Gal.1:14, 2Thess.2:15, 2Thess.3:6 Scott Hahn, formerly a Presbyterian pastor, has become one of today’s most important Catholic professors/apologists. Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means…

[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] exire, [French] sortir, [French] partir, [Latin] permittere, [Latin] dimittere, [French] dispenser [French] admettre, [Latin] mittere, [French] jeter, [French] catapulter

[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] exire, [French] sortir, [French] partir, [Latin] permittere, [Latin] dimittere, [French] dispenser [French] admettre, [Latin] mittere, [French] jeter, [French] catapulter: to allow, to permit, to entrust, to let; 22 scriptures We now currently live in a post-Christian…

[Greek] τελέω (teleō), [Latin] consummare, [Latin] solvere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] implere, [French] detacher, [German] losen, [French] acquitter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever

[Greek] τελέω (teleō), [Latin] consummare, [Latin] solvere, [Latin] perficere, [Latin] implere, [French] detacher, [German] losen, [French] acquitter, [French] accomplir, [French] achever: to complete, to fulfill, to end, to pay, to bring to an end; 30 scriptures Background information: Greek Hellenism:…

[Greek] παρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] denegare, [Latin] reprobare, [French] nier, [French] refuser absolument

[Greek] παρνέομαι (aparneomai), [Latin] abnegare, [Latin] negare, [Latin] denegare, [Latin] reprobare, [French] nier, [French] refuser absolument: to deny, to disown, to reject, to refuse, to abstain; Mt.16:24, Mt.26:34-35,75, Mk.8:34, Mk.14:30-31, Lk.9:23, Lk.12:9, Lk.22:34,61, Jn.13:38 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…

[Greek] ὑπομιμνῄσκομαι (hypomimnēskō), [Latin] recordare, [Latin] suggerere, [Latin] testificans, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] subvenire, [French] souvenir, [French] rappeler, [French] exhorter

[Greek] ὑπομιμνῄσκομαι (hypomimnēskō), [Latin] recordare, [Latin] suggerere, [Latin] testificans, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] subvenire, [French] souvenir, [French] rappeler, [French] exhorter: to remember, to recall, to recollect, to remind, to call to mind; Lk.22:61, Jn.14:26, 2Tim.2:14, Tit.3:1, 2Pet.1:12, 3Jn.1:10, Jd.1:5 Archbishop Fulton Sheen…

[Greek] νηστεύω (nēsteuō), [Latin] orare, [German] fasten, [French] reciter, [French] plaider, [French] parler

[Greek] νηστεύω (nēsteuō), [Latin] orare, [German] fasten, [French] reciter, [French] plaider, [French] parler: to fast, to go without food, to abstain from food; Mt.4:2, Mt.6:16-18, Mk.9:14-15, Mk.2:18-20, Lk.5:33-35, Lk.1:12, Acts 13:2-3 Background information: Greco-Roman era: Fasting was necessary for mourning…

[Greek] φρονέω (phroneō), [Latin] sapere, [German] weise, [Latin sentire, [French] percevoir, [German] empfinden, [Latin] cogitare, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [Latin] consolare

[Greek] φρονέω (phroneō), [Latin] sapere, [German] weise, [Latin sentire, [French] percevoir, [German] empfinden, [Latin] cogitare, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [Latin] consolare: to be like minded, to understand, to set one’s mind on; 37 scriptures Think of what is above, not…

[Greek] καταστροφή (katastrophē), [Latin] subversio, [Latin] eversio

[Greek] καταστροφή (katastrophē), [Latin] subversio, [Latin] eversio: overturning, destruction, ruin, apostasy, subverting; 2Tim.2:14, 2Pet.2:6 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means overturning, subjugation, end, and conclusion. Aeschynes’ Eumenides 490: “Here is the overturning of new laws.” Herodotus’ The Histories 1.6:…

[Greek] ἀπώλεια (apōleia), [Latin] perditio, [Latin] destructio, [Latin] devastatio, [Latin] luxurius

[Greek] ἀπώλεια (apōleia), [Latin] perditio, [Latin] destructio, [Latin] devastatio, [Latin] luxurius: loss, destruction, waste, ruin, disaster, squander; Mt.7:13, Mt.26:8, Mk.14:4, Jn.17:12, Acts 8:20, Acts 25:16, Rom.8:22, Php.1:28, Php.3:19, 2Thess.2:3, 1Tim.6:9, Heb.10:39, 2Pet.2:1-3, 2Pet.3:7,16 The Narrow Gate to Heaven and the…

[Greek] ἀκαταστασία (akatastasia), [Latin] seditio, [Latin] dissensio, [Latin] opus pravis

[Greek] ἀκαταστασία (akatastasia), [Latin] seditio, [Latin] dissensio, [Latin] opus pravis: instability, confusion, disorder, disturbance, rebellion; Lk.21:9, 1Cor.14:33, 2Cor.6:5, 2Cor.12:20, Jas.3:16 Confusion and disorder occurs when is out of step with the God of peace Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…

[Greek] παράκλησις (paraklēsis), [Latin] exhortatio, [Latin] exhortare, [Latin] solacium

[Greek] παράκλησις (paraklēsis), [Latin] exhortatio, [Latin] exhortare, [Latin] solacium: consolation, encouragement, comfort, earnest request, appeal; 29 scriptures Simeon the Godreceiver: painting by Alexei Yegorov (1830) Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term refers to the act of calling someone to oneself.…

διάφορος (diaphoros), [Latin] differens, [Latin] varia, [Latin] melior

διάφορος (diaphoros), [Latin] differens, [Latin] varia, [Latin] melior: varying, excellent, differing, distinction; Rom.12:6, Heb.1:4, Heb.8:6, Heb.9:10 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means different, unlike, disagreeing with, excellent, distinguishable, and profitable. Euripides’ Medea 579”: “I realize I have far different…

[Greek] τηρέω (tēreō), [Latin] servare, [Latin] custodiens, [Latin] custodire, [Latin] mandare, [Latin] conservare, [Latin] reservare, [Latin] observare

[Greek] τηρέω (tēreō), [Latin] servare, [Latin] custodiens, [Latin] custodire, [Latin] mandare, [Latin] conservare, [Latin] reservare, [Latin] observare: to keep, to obey, to observe, to watch over, to guard, to preserve; 75 scriptures Other meanings: [French] garder, [German] bewachen, [French] proteger,…

[Greek] παραμένω (paramenō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] perseverare, [French] subsister, [French] perpetuer, [French] persister

[Greek] παραμένω (paramenō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] perseverare, [French] subsister, [French] perpetuer, [French] persister

[Greek] παραμένω (paramenō), [Latin] manere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] perseverare, [French] subsister, [French] perpetuer, [French] persister: to remain besides, to stay near; 1Cor.16:6, Heb.7:23, Jas.1:25 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to abide, to stay near, to stand, to remain…

[Greek] συμβουλεύω (symbouleuō), [Latin] facere consilium, [Latin] cogitare interficere, [Latin] dedare consilium, [Latin] suadare, [French] convaincre, [French] remettere, [French] donner

[Greek] συμβουλεύω (symbouleuō), [Latin] facere consilium, [Latin] cogitare interficere, [Latin] dedare consilium, [Latin] suadare, [French] convaincre, [French] remettere, [French] donner: to plan against, to plot, take counsel, to deliberate, to conspire; Mt.26:4, Jn.11:53, Jn.18:14, Acts 9:23 In a sense God,…

[Greek] ἐκπλήσσω (ekplēssō), [Latin] mirare, [Latin] admirare, [Latin] stupere, [German] wundern

[Greek] ἐκπλήσσω (ekplēssō), [Latin] mirare, [Latin] admirare, [Latin] stupere, [German] wundern: to amaze, to astonish, to astound, to strike with panic, to frighten, to surprise; Mt.7:28, Mt.13:54. Mt.19:25, Mt.22:33, Mk.1:22, Mk.6:2, Mk.7:37, Mk.10:26, Mk.11:18, Lk.2:48, Lk.4:32, Lk.9:43, Acts 13:12 Background…

[Greek] ἀνακρίνω (anakrinō), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] diiudicare, [Latin] invenire, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] scrutare, [Latin] examinare, [Latin] iudicare

[Greek] ἀνακρίνω (anakrinō), [Latin] interrogare, [Latin] diiudicare, [Latin] invenire, [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] scrutare, [Latin] examinare, [Latin] iudicare: to examine, to investigate, to scrutinize, to ask, to study; Lk.23:14, Acts 4:9, Acts 12:19, Acts 17:11, Acts 24:8, Acts 28:18, 1Cor.2:14-15, 1Cor.4:3-4,…

[Greek] ἡγέομαι (hēgeomai), [Latin] praecessor, [Latin] dux, [Latin] rex, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] superior, [Latin] aestimare, [Latin] primos, [Latin] arbitrari, [Latin] praepositos, [Latin] credere

[Greek] ἡγέομαι (hēgeomai), [Latin] praecessor, [Latin] dux, [Latin] rex, [Latin] existimare, [Latin] superior, [Latin] aestimare, [Latin] primos, [Latin] arbitrari, [Latin] praepositos, [Latin] credere: to command, to rule, to lead, to consider, to govern; 29 scriptures Background information: Greek Hellenism: This…

[Greek] προσδοκάω (prosdokaō), [Latin] expectare, [Latin] sperare, [Latin] existimare, [French] attendre, [French] apprecier

[Greek] προσδοκάω (prosdokaō), [Latin] expectare, [Latin] sperare, [Latin] existimare, [French] attendre, [French] apprecier: to watch, to expect, to anticipate, to look forward to, to hope; Mt.11:3k, Mt.24:50, Lk.1:21, Lk.3:15, Lk.7:19-20, Lk.8:40, Lk.12:46, Acts 3:5, Acts 10:24, Acts 27:33, Acts 28:6,…

[Greek] ἑτοιμάζω (hetoimazō), [Latin] parare, [Latin] praepare, [Latin} praecingere [French] arranger, [French] acquerir, [French] predisposer

[Greek] ἑτοιμάζω (hetoimazō), [Latin] parare, [Latin] praepare, [Latin} praecingere [French] arranger, [French] acquerir, [French] predisposer: to prepare, to make ready, to make arrangements (for an event), to furnish; 41 scriptures John the Baptist is the voice in the desert preparing…

[Greek] συνέρχομαι (synerchomai), [Latin] convenire, [Latin] venire, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] concurrere, [Latin] advenire, [Latin] praevenire, [German] kommen, [French] rassembler, [French] coincider, [French] arriver, [French] accompagner

[Greek] συνέρχομαι (synerchomai), [Latin] convenire, [Latin] venire, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] concurrere, [Latin] advenire, [Latin] praevenire, [German] kommen, [French] rassembler, [French] coincider, [French] arriver, [French] accompagner: to come together, to go with, to have sexual intercourse, to associate with, 33 scriptures…

[Greek] ἀθετέω (atheteō), [Latin] contristare, [Latin] facere irritum, [Latin] spernere, [Latin] reprobare, [Latin] abicere, [French] abandoner, [French] desoler, [French] rejeter, [French] condemner

[Greek] ἀθετέω (atheteō), [Latin] contristare, [Latin] facere irritum, [Latin] spernere, [Latin] reprobare, [Latin] abicere, [French] abandoner, [French] desoler, [French] rejeter, [French] condemner: to do away with, to set aside, to nullify, to reject, to despise, to make void; Mk.6:26, Mk.7:9,…

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer

[Greek] ἀνέχομαι (anechomai), [Latin] pati, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] subportare, [Latin] suffere, [French] endurer: to be patient with, to put with, to bear, to endure, to tolerate; Mt.17:17, Mk.9:19, Lk.9:41, Acts 18:14, 1Cor.4:12, 2Cor.11:1,4,19, Eph.4:2, Col.3:13, 2Thess.1:4, 2Tim.4:3, Heb.13:22 It can…

[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin] oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmir

[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin] oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmir: to influence, to persuade, to convince, to rely, to trust, to make confident; 62 scriptures Background information:…

[Greek] ἔκστασις (ekstasis), [Latin] stupor, [Latin] extasis, [Latin] mentis excessus, [Latin] invaserat pavor, [Latin] adprehendere stupor, [Latin] stupore, [Latin] mentis excessus, [Latin] mentis visionem

[Greek] ἔκστασις (ekstasis), [Latin] stupor, [Latin] extasis, [Latin] mentis excessus, [Lation] invaserat pavor, [Latin] adprehendere stupor, [Latin] stupore, [Latin] mentis excessus, [Latin] mentis visionem: amazement, astonishment, bewilderment, ecstatic vision; Mk.5:42, Mk.16:8, Lk.5:26, Acts 3:10, Acts 10:10, Acts 11:5, Acts 22:17…

[Greek] θησαυρίζω (thēsaurizō), [Latin] thesaurizare, [Latin] thesaurus, [Latin] recondere, [Latin] repositus, [French] cacher

[Greek] θησαυρίζω (thēsaurizō), [Latin] thesaurizare, [Latin] thesaurus, [Latin] recondere, [Latin] repositus, [French] cacher: to store up, to lay up, to keep in store, to gather up, to reserve; Mt.6:19-20, Lk.12:21, Rom.2:5, 1Cor.16:2, 2Cor.12:14, Jas.5:3, 2Pet.3:7 Accumulating spiritual treasures Background information:…

[Greek] ἔκβασις (ekbasis), [Latin] posse sustinere, [French] maintenir, [Latin] exitus, [German] konnen, [German] ende

[Greek] ἔκβασις (ekbasis), [Latin] posse sustinere, [French] maintenir, [Latin] exitus, [German] konnen, [German] ende: exit, outcome, way of escape, endpoint of duration, result; 1Cor.10:13, Heb.13: Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means departure, way out of, embarkation, disembarkation, escape from,…

[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] permittere, [Latin] concedere, [French] admettre, [French] catapulter, [French] dispenser, [French] jeter, [French] lancer

[Greek] ἐπιτρέπω (epitrepō), [Latin] permittere, [Latin] concedere, [French] admettre, [French] catapulter, [French] dispenser, [French] jeter, [French] lancer: to turn over, to allow, to permit, to suffer, to entrust; Mt.8:21,31, Mt.19:8, Mk.5:13-14, Mk.10:4, Lk.8:32, Lk.59,61, Jn.19:38, Acts 21:39-40, Acts 26:1, Acts…

[Greek] φωτίζω (phōtizō), [Latin] inluminare, [Latin] lucerna, [Latin] manifestare, [German] lampe, [French] divulger

[Greek] φωτίζω (phōtizō), [Latin] inluminare, [Latin] lucerna, [Latin] manifestare, [German] lampe, [French] divulger: to give light, to bring to light, to illuminate, to make to see, to shine, to enlighten; Lk.11:36, Jn.1:9, 1Cor.4:5, Eph.1:18, Eph.3:9, 2Tim.1:10, Heb.6:4, Heb.10:32 Background information:…

[Greek] ἀναστρέφω (anastrephō), [Latin] conversare, [Latin] revertere, [Latin] subvertere, [French] tourner, [French] expulser

[Greek] ἀναστρέφω (anastrephō), [Latin] conversare, [Latin] revertere, [Latin] subvertere, [French] tourner, [French] expulser: to turn back, to overturn, to conduct oneself, to bide, to return; Mt.17:22, Jn.2:15, Acts 5:22, Acts 15:16, 2Cor.1:12, Eph.2:3, 1Tim.3:15, Heb.10:33, Heb.13:18, 1Pet.1:17, 2Pet.2:18 Yoda, the…

[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] scandalum, [Latin] offendiculum

[Greek] σκάνδαλον (skandalon), [Latin] scandalum, [Latin] offendiculum: stumbling stone, obstacle, cause for stumbling, occasion to fall, sin, offense, trap, impediment; Mt.13:41, Mt.16:23, Lk.17:1, Rom.9:33, Rom.11:9, Rom.16:17, 1Cor.1:23, Gal.5:11, 1Pet.2:8, 1Jn.2:10 Background information: Original meaning: snare, trap, movable stick (with bait)…

[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio, [French] incriminer

[Greek] κατηγορία (katēgoria), [Latin] accusare, [Latin] accusatio, [French] incriminer: accusation, criminal charge, complaint; Lk.6:7, Jn.18:29, 1Tim.5:19, Tit.1:6 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means accusation, charge, and complaint. The agora was the central public space in ancient Greece. This is…

[Greek] ἀπάτη (apatē), [Latin] deceptio, [Latin] seductio, [Latin] fallacia, [Latin] desideria error

[Greek] ἀπάτη (apatē), [Latin] deceptio, [Latin] seductio, [Latin] fallacia, [Latin] desideria error: deception, delusion, deceit, enticement, illusion; Mt. 13:22, Mk.4:19, Eph.4:22, Col.2:8, 2Thess.2:10, Heb.3:13, 2Pet.2:13 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means delusion, fraud, deceit, treachery, and cheating. Polybius’ Histories…

[Greek] παραιτέομαι (paraiteomai), [Latin] excusare, [Latin] recusare, [Latin] viduare, [Latin] evitare, [French] decliner, [French] refuser, [French] disculper

[Greek] παραιτέομαι (paraiteomai), [Latin] excusare, [Latin] recusare, [Latin] viduare, [Latin] evitare, [French] decliner, [French] refuser, [French] disculper: to make excuses, to beg off, to excuse, to refuse, to reject, to excuse, to decline; Lk.14:18,19, Acts 25:11, 1Tim.4:7, 1Tim.5:11, 2Tim.2:23, Tit.3:10,…

[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō), [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] absconditus, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler

[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō), [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] absconditus, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep things hidden; Mt.5:14. Mt.13:35,44, Mt.25:25, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36. Jn.19:38. Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23, Rev.2:17, Rev.6:15-16 Background…

[Greek] παρακολουθέω (parakoloutheō), [Latin] sequi, [Latin] diligere, [French] accompagner, [French] aimer, [French] honorer

[Greek] παρακολουθέω (parakoloutheō), [Latin] sequi, [Latin] diligere, [French] accompagner, [French] aimer, [French] honorer: to follow closely, to investigate, to accompany, to conform to; Mk.16:17, Lk.1:3, 1Tim.4:6, 2Tim.3:10 Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to follow, to attend to, to…

[Greek] διαφέρω (diapherō), [Latin] melior, [Latin] transferre, [Latin] disseminare, [Latin] supervenire, [Latin] differtus, [French] transporter, [French] reporter, [French] transcrire, [French] agresser

[Greek] διαφέρω (diapherō), [Latin] melior, [Latin] transferre, [Latin] disseminare, [Latin] supervenire, [Latin] differtus, [French] transporter, [French] reporter, [French] transcrire, [French] agresser: to transmit, to divide,  to distinguish, to spread, to carry through, to differ, to bear apart, to be better;…

[Greek] ὑπερβολή (hyperbolē), [Latin] supra, [Latin] excelentoriem, [Latin] sublimitas, [Latin] magnitudo

[Greek] ὑπερβολή (hyperbolē), [Latin] supra, [Latin] excelentoriem, [Latin] sublimitas, [Latin] magnitudo: a throwing beyond the ordinary, excess, excellence, exaggeration, abundance, beyond measure; Rom.7:13, 1Cor.12:31, 2Cor.1:8, 2Cor.4:7,17, 2Cor.12:7, Gal.1:13 Background information Greek Hellenism: This term means a throwing beyond, overshooting, excess,…

[Greek] κωλύω (kōluō), [Latin] prohibere, [Latin] adversus, [Latin] vetare, [Latin] contemnere, [German] hinder, [French] interdire

[Greek] κωλύω (kōluō), [Latin] prohibere, [Latin] adversus, [Latin] vetare, [Latin] contemnere, [German] hinder, [French] interdire: to forbid, to hinder, to keep from, to withstand, to prohibit; 23 scriptural references Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term means to hinder, to keep…

[Greek] μεταμορφόω (metamorphoō), [Latin] transfiguare, [Latin] reformare, [Latin] transformare, [French] restauer

[Greek] μεταμορφόω (metamorphoō), [Latin] transfiguare, [Latin] reformare, [Latin] transformare, [French] restauer: to transform to transfigure, to change; Mt.17:2, Mk.9:2, Rom.12:2, 2Cor.3:18 The question is: “Do we become transformed to God’s will or do we conform to the present age?” Background…

[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus, [German] dumm

[Greek] μωρός (mōros), [Latin] fatuus, [Latin] stultus, [Latin] imprudens, [Latin] stupidus, [German] dumm: dull, insipid, foolish, stupid, unwise, dull-witted; Mt.5:22, Mt.7:26, Mt.23:17,19, Mt.25:2,3,8, 1Cor.1:25,27, 1Cor.3:18, 1Cor.4:10, 2Tim.2:23, Tit.3:9 We are foolish to think that we can fool God. God will…

[Greek] διαστρέφω (diastrephō), [Latin] pervertere, [Latin] perversus, [Latin] subvertere, [Latin] avertere, [French] ruiner, [French] detourner

[Greek] διαστρέφω (diastrephō), [Latin] pervertere, [Latin] perversus, [Latin] subvertere, [Latin] avertere, [French] ruiner, [French] detourner: to distort, to misinterpret, to corrupt, to turn away, to subvert, to mislead; Mt.17:17, Lk.9:41. Lk.23:2, Acts 13:8,10, Acts 20:30. Php. 2:15 Background: Greek Hellenism:…

[Greek] ἀλλάσσω (allassō), [Latin] mutare, [French] changer, [French] deplacer

[Greek] ἀλλάσσω (allassō), [Latin] mutare, [French] changer, [French] deplacer:  to change, to exchange, to alter, to make different; Acts 6:14, Rom. 1:23, 1Cor.15:51-52, Gal.4:20, Heb.1:12 [Greek] μεταλλάσσω (metallassō), [Latin] commutare, [Latin] immutare, [French] alterer, [French] changer, [French] modifier, [French] varier:…

[Greek] κατηχέω (katēcheō), [Latin] erudire, [Latin] edocere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] catecizare, [French] instruire, [French] entendre, [German] einrichten, [German] unterweissen

[Greek] κατηχέω (katēcheō), [Latin] erudire, [Latin] edocere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] instruere, [Latin] catecizare, [French] instruire, [French] entendre, [German] einrichten, [German] unterweissen: Lk.1:4, Acts 18:25, Acts 21:21,24, Rom.2:18, 1Cor.14:19, Gal.6:6; to teach by word of mouth, to instruct, to sound down…

[Greek] ἐξίστημι (existēmi), [Latin] stupere, [Latin] admire, [Latin] terrare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] excedere, [French] partir, [French] separer

[Greek] ἐξίστημι (existēmi), [Latin] stupere, [Latin] admire, [Latin] terrare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] excedere, [French] partir, [French] separer: to displace, to stand aside from, to astonish, to astound, to amaze, to lose one’s senses: Mt.13:23, Mk.2:12, Mk.3:21, Mk.5:42, Mk.6:51, Lk.2:47, Lk.8:56,…

[Greek] κατανοέω (katanoeō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] considerare, [German] sehen, [French] voir, [French] examiner

[Greek] κατανοέω (katanoeō), [Latin] videre, [Latin] considerare, [German] sehen, [French] voir, [French] examiner: to consider carefully, to be concerned about, to fully observe, to perceive, to discern, to understand completely, to notice; Mt.7:3, Lk.6:41, Lk.12:24,27, Lk.20:23, Acts 7:31-32, Acts 11:6,…

[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] definere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere

[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] definere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere: to control (someone or something), to hold fast, to hold back, to restrain, to prevent, to hinder, to occupy; Mt.21:38, Lk.4:42, Lk.8:15, Lk.14:9,…

[Greek] διακρίνω (diakrinō), [Latin] discernere, [Latin] dijudicare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] haesitare, [Latin] dubitare, [Latin] advertere, [Latin] iudicare

[Greek] διακρίνω (diakrinō), [Latin] discernere,  [Latin] dijudicare, [Latin] ostendere,  [Latin] haesitare, [Latin] dubitare, [Latin] advertere, [Latin] iudicare: to judge, to evaluate, to distinguish, to discern, to separate, to discriminate, to make a distinction; Mt.16:3, Mt.21:21, Mk.11:23, Acts 10:20, Acts 11:2,12,…

[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducere, [Latin] inducere, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen

[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducere, [Latin] inducere, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to deceive, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references Background information: Greek Hellenism: This term…

[Greek] συλλαμβάνω (syllambanō), [Latin] conprehendere, [Latin] concipere, [Latin] implere, [Latin] capere, [Latin] adprehendere, [Latin] adiuvare, [French] incarcerer, [French] absorber, [French] travailler, [German] anfullen

[Greek] συλλαμβάνω (syllambanō), [Latin] conprehendere, [Latin] concipere, [Latin] implere, [Latin] capere, [Latin] adprehendere, [Latin] adiuvare, [French] incarcerer, [French] absorber, [French] travailler, [German] anfullen: to arrest, to conceive, to help, to seize; Mt.26:55, Mk.14:48, Lk.1:24,31,36, Lk.2:21, Lk.5:7,9, Lk.22:54, Jn.18:12, Acts 1:16,…

[Greek] ἀναμιμνῄσκω (anamimnēskō), [Latin] reminiscere, [Latin] recordare, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] rememorari, [French] exhorter, [French] souvenir

[Greek] ἀναμιμνῄσκω (anamimnēskō), [Latin] reminiscere, [Latin] recordare, [Latin] admonere, [Latin] rememorari, [French] exhorter, [French] souvenir: to remind, to call to mind, to remember, to cause to remember, to recollect, to reminisce; Mk.11:21, Mk.14:72, 1Cor.4:17, 2Cor.7:15, 2Tim.1:6, Heb.10:32 Memorial Day: On…