CORRUPTION OF MINDS IS SATANIC ACTIVITY! As the serpent deceived Eve in the garden, Paul points out to the Corinthians that their thoughts might be corrupted. (2Cor.4:2)
Background information:
Old Testament: This term mean deceit, deception, dishonesty, treachery, guile, secrecy, and hypocrite.
New Testament: This term means treachery, deceit, trickery, duplicity, wickedness, and deception.
Conspiring against Jesus with trickery:
Mt.26:4: “The chief priests and the elders consulted together to arrest Jesus by treachery and put Him to death.” (The Passover festival was soon approaching. But the chief priests and elders delayed these actions because it would cause a riot among the people. Just before this, Jesus had predicted, ‘In two days the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.’)
What comes from with defiles:
Mk. 7:20-22: “But what comes from within, that is what defiles. From within people come evil, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, and folly.”
The Pharisees and scribes asked Jesus why His disciples do not follow the tradition of the elders (observing purification rituals) but instead eat meals with unclean hands.
Jesus points out prophecy [Isa.29:13] about hypocrites who hearts are far from God and who teach human doctrines.
They disregard God’s commandment but cling to human traditions.
Jesus states that nothing enters one from outside can defile that person, but that things come out from within are what defile.
Jesus declared all foods clean.
The son of Satan, full of deceit:
Acts 13:10: “Paul said to Elymas the magician, ‘You son of the devil, you enemy of all that is right, full of every sort of deceit and fraud. Will you not stop twisting the straight paths of the Lord?'”
Satan is considered the author of deceit and father of lies.
Elymas attempted to turn the proconsul away from the faith. He attempted to resist the truth of the gospel.
In contrast, Paul makes reference to a voice proclaiming preparing the way of the Lord, making straight a way to the Lord.
False prophets and false teachers who will introduce destructive heresies:
2Pet.2:1: “There were also false prophets and false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who ransomed them, bring swift destruction on themselves.”
Many will follow their licentious ways and the way of truth will be reviled.
They will exploit you with fabrications. Their destruction does not sleep.
They revile things that they do not understand. In their destruction, they will be destroyed.
Their eyes are full of adultery and insatiable for sin. They seduce unstable people.
They have gone astray, following the road of Balaam who loved payment for wrongdoing.
1Cor.3:19: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God.” (Paul states that one can be truly wise if he recognizes the foolishness in the world. Likewise, God’s wisdom is also seen as foolish by the world.)
2Cor.11:3: “As the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts may be corrupted from a sincere and pure commitment to Christ.” Corruption of minds is satanic activity. Adam was also culpable in failing to help Eve.)
Eph.4:14: “So that we may not longer be infants, tossed by waves and swept along by every wind of teaching arising from human trickery, from their cunning in the interests of deceitful scheming.”
Spiritual infants: childish, naive, impressionable, impulsive, unthinking, led astray, ignorant, lacking in faith, indulgent, easily influenced
Human actions: (silence, cowardice, tolerance, false compassion, failing to uphold or ignoring Church teachings, getting along with others): May lead to scandal, division, heresy, permitting of sin, scandal, and eternal peril to souls.
False Compassion: “A person in authority who deprives his subject of the truth when he says, even with the best intention of helping them, ‘You may ignore the teachings of the Magisterium: God’s laws are too hard for you.’ By that he says in effect, ‘You are not and never will be strong and good enough to adhere to these laws.” Catholic psychiatrist Conrad Baars
Does this sound like the Vatican’s LGBTQ “outreach”?
This is how the clergy fail to act like clergy.
These clergy are failing in their duty to clearly state Church teachings against sin.
This becomes false compassion of the worst kind for the LGBTQ community.
This is clergy failing in their duty to bring souls into heaven.
Pope Francis: “It is a mistake for the Church to try to hold onto old traditions or to have clear answers for everything.”
God forbid that the Church would have answers for everything!
This quote essentially embodies Pope Francis’ papacy and new synodal Church: worldliness, moving with the world, paying lip service to Church teachings, being “two-sided” in speaking about the faith, watered-down teachings, confusion, division, chaos, and heresy.
Pope Francis again illustrates his disdain for Tradition.
CHATGPT: Someone asked CHATGPT “If you were the devil, what would you do to keep God away from the people as far as possible WITHOUT THEM REALIZING IT?
It would be too obvious to explicitly say that God does not exist. I would use more subtle distractions.
I would start with small shifts in focus that would seem harmless. But over time, I would create a massive distance from God.
I would corrupt mainstream religion, turning it into a tool for control, hypocrisy, and division.
I would make people feel obsessed with their life, ambitions, and their status. I would make them too busy for their faith.
I would fill their time with constant noise, social media, endless entertainment, and mindless consumption.
I would make them feel that silence is uncomfortable and that self-reflection feels impossible.
I would make instant gratification the ultimate goal. I would make them believe that sin can be a form of self-expression and freedom.
I would reframe obedience to God as repression and rebellion.
I would make worship feel like a burden, rather than a refuge.
I would make them see acts of worship as outdated.
Further quotes by Dietrich Bonhoffer:
“The devil does not fill us with hatred for God, but forgetfulness of God.”
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
“The time is short. Eternity is long. It is the time of decision.”
“Christianity without the living Christ is inevitably Christianity without discipleship. Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.”
One doesn’t need to be full-blown possessed by Satan to be influenced by him. Satan works in more subtle and sneaky ways: distraction, busyness, temptation, worldliness, fame, and riches, and noise.
It is also very important to be reminded that Satan has been often been referred to as “ruler of this world”.
Polycarp, a disciple of John, called Marcion, the “firstborn of Satan” for stating the heresy of two different Gods: an evil Old Testament God and a benevolent New Testament God.
Paul rightly points out that corruption of mind is satanic activity.
Update: Silent and cowardly clergy may unintentionally or intentionally further Satan’s purposes in undermining the Church and turning people away from God. These silent and cowardly clergy will have much to account for themselves before God.
The Synodalists continue to elevate synodality as an idol. The Synodalists continue to cling to their human traditions.
The Synod of Synodality coordinators would often invoked the Holy Spirit as justification for their agenda. This is deceitful and dangerous in that the Holy Spirit can only stand for Truth!
The synodal Church seeks to remake Jesus’s divine Church into the image of man (and his lived experiences). This synodal Church continues to be seduced by the world.
Modernism and synodality can lead to subjective human errors ==> heresies ==> atheism (paying lip service to God).
There is a relationship between Satan, heretics, and deceit. Satan would only be very happy to encourage a heretic.
Toleration, indifferentism (“can’t we just all get along?”), false compassion, “mercy above all else”, and relaxation of Church doctrine (teachings) can be a slippery slope to heresy and heretical teachings (documents).
The Vatican continues to pay lip service to Church teachings against homosexuality. The Vatican’s LGBTQ’s “outreach” continues to increase. This has led to clergy failing to state Church teachings and permitting a sinful lifestyle for many. These clergy are failing in their responsibilities to bring souls into heaven.
“The synodal Church is controlled by old homosexual men.” Fr. Heimerl (This illustrates the homosexual proclivities of the older clergy.) This is contrast to the more conservative younger priests and seminarians.)
The USCCB and other Catholic charities continue to show their fixation for money as they continue their legal battles to keep the money supply going from the US government.
Pope Francis and other Modernists (Synodalists) have shown disdain for Tradition, the TLM, and “Trads” (traditional Catholics). Traditional Catholics have been called rigid and backward looking.
Bishop Georg Batzing, head of the German bishops’ conference, laments dwindling faith. German Catholics are leaving the faith in large numbers in response to the most radical form of synodality. Bishop Batzing is deceiving himself if he doesn’t know why this is happening!
Unfortunately what CHATGPT would try to do as devil is already happening: sin becoming rights, getting caught up in the world, people leaving the faith, too much noise, busyness, and distractions.
“The greatest deception and the deepest source of unhappiness is the illusion of finding life by excluding God.” St. John Paul II
Greek Hellenism: This term means to behold, to look at, to consider, to contemplate, to observe, to theorize, to ponder, to speculate, and to be a spectator.
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.59: “This Hippocrates was still a private man when a great marvel happened to him when he was at Olympia to see the games.”
Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 304: “It is that you have to come gaze upon my state and join your grief to my distress?”
Aeschines’ Against Ctesiphon 3.168: “If now you attend only to the plausible sounds of his words, you will be deceived. But if you look at his character and the truth, you will not be deceived.”
Old Testament: This term means to perceive, to experience, to consider, to devise, to behold, to seek, and to look.
[Greek] ἀπειθέω (apeitheō), [Latin] incredulus, [Latin] adsumentum, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] adquiescere, [Latin] infidelis: to disobey, to reject, to disbelieve, to conspire; 17 scriptures
Pope Pius X speaks to both the clergy’s and laity’s silence, cowardice, apathy, indifference, and disobedience to Church teachings and theological crises.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to disobey, to reject, and to not abide.
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 3.5.5: “For confidence breads carelessness, lackness and disobedience; fear makes men more attentive, more amenable to discipline.”
Aeschylus’ Agamemnon 1049: “Since you are in the toils of destiny, perhaps you will obey; if you are so inclined, but perhaps you will not.”
Euripides’ Orestes 31: “Still it was his obedience to the god that made him kill her.”
Old Testament: This term denotes the sinful attitude (disobedience) of the people.
New Testament: This term means to disobey, to disbelieve, and to reject.
Jn.3:36: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.” (Having faith means being subject to the will of the Son. The one who does not believe lives and dies in a state of impenitence and unbelief.)
Acts 14:2-3: “Paul and Barnabas spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks came to believe, although the disbelieving Jews stirred up and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against the brothers.” (The Jews were greatly provoked by the growing success of the gospel. The Jews were disobedient, unbelieving, and showing ill will.)
Acts 19:9: “But when some in their obstinacy and disbelief disparaged the Way before the assembly, Paul withdrew and too his disciples with him and began to hold daily discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” (The unbelieving Jews sought to wreak their hatred against Paul by stirring up suspicion among the Gentiles. The Way becomes synonymous with the gospel. The Christians were still perceived as a sect by the Jews.)
1Pet.2:7-8: “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. A stone that will make people stumble, a rock that will make them fall.” (To unbelievers, Christ is an obstacle and stumbling block. Jesus is a stumbling stone for the disobedient.)
1Pet.4:17: “For it is time for the judgement to begin with the household of God; it it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God?”
Trial of persecution (1Pet.4:12-19):
You should not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you.
You should rejoice that you may share in the sufferings of Christ (so that you may also rejoice in the glory that is revealed.)
If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.
Whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God.
It is time for judgment to begin for the household of God.
It the judgment begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God?
Those who suffer in accord with God’s will hand their souls over to a faithful creator.
Eph.2:1-2: “You were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you live following the age of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the disobedient.” (The ruler of the world is Satan. Many live following the wishes and impulses of the flesh. The ‘disobedient’ is Semitism for the ‘sons of disobedience’.)
Eph.5:6: “Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.” (Empty arguments pertain to vain words, deceits, falsehoods, human philosophies, and human traditions. These things pertain to uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, fornication, and foolish talking.)
Col.3:6: “Because of these the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.” (We are called to put to death the parts of us that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed that is idolatry.)
Further quotes from Pope Pius X:
“Whilst Jesus was kind to sinners and those who went astray. He did not respect their false ideas.” (Jesus did not accept and accommodate peoples’ lifestyles and lived experiences.)
“The primary duty of charity does not lie in toleration of false ideas.” (Jesus said: ‘Sin no more. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness.’)
“I am completely opposed to the error of the Modernists who hold that there is nothing divine in sacred tradition.” (Jesus’s teachings and the Church’s must not be subject or adapted to man’s lived experiences or society conditions.)
“All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to easygoing weakness of Catholics.” (Silence, cowardice, indifference, apathy all service to undermine faith and destroy Church. Satan couldn’t be more happy about this.)
“It is an error to believe that Christ did not teach a determined body of doctrine applicable to all times and all men, but rather inaugurated a religious movement adapted or to be adapted to different times and places.” (Jesus’ teachings and the Church’s teachings are timeless and constant throughout time.)
Practical atheism: Cardinal Sarah and Pope Benedict XVI warned us about moral relativism and practical atheism (paying lip-service to God and Church teachings). (This is disobedience to Church teachings.)
Indifferentism: This is the belief that differences of religious belief are not important. It means “can’t we just get along.” This results from questionable and naive ecumenical efforts with heretical faiths. As a result, Pope Francis has made several problematic and heretical statements about ecumenism. (This is also disobedience to Church teachings.)
God’s mercy is much more than one’s disobedience. The age of this world is filled with many forms of disobedience.
Update: The Vatican continues to ignore (not actively enforce and pay lip service) to the Church’s teachings against homosexuality. As a result, there continues to be a large LGBTQ “outreach”.
IF the Church was SERIOUS about enforcing teachings against homosexuality: ==> more conversions AWAY from the homosexual lifestyle ==> less need for the LGBTQ “outreach”. But instead: ==> the LGBTQ “outreach” continually expands! (This is essentially paying lip service to Church teachings!)
Pope Francis’s synodal Church has continued to marginalize many Catholics and disobey and reject Tradition, traditional teachings, and the TLM.
Many Catholics (Christians) continue to be luke-warm and indifferent in their faith. Some continue to be “cafeteria” Catholics.
Nones (having no religious affiliation) continue to grow.
For many years, there continues to be low Catholic religious affliliation, low mass attendance and a lack of belief in the Eucharist.
The USCCB were indifferent, silent, and cowardly in response to Bishop Strickland’s warning about the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” and synodality. Perhaps they were fearful of the Vatican and LGBTQ lobby.
The USCCB, more curiously concerned with immigration issues, are perhaps are more fearful and afraid of speaking about abortion and pro-life issues.
The installation Mass of Archbishop Magri invited an woman Anglican priests to “con-celebrate” the Mass. This is disobedience against Canon law, liturgical norms, and Church teachings.
It appears that Pope Francis’ death becomes imminent. At this time, we all need to set aside our differences with Pope Francis and pray for his mortal soul. Pope Francis will have to answer much (to God) for his disobedience and indifference against Church teachings and for changing the Church ecclesiology.
Fr. Calvin Robinson claims that weak bishops are what is keeping him from becoming Roman Catholic.
Quote by St. Mother Teresa:
“A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things, provided that you believe much more in His love and in your weakness.” (Mother Teresa states that we must not be silent and cowardly if we are to serve God. There will sometimes be real costs, challenges, and hardships in order to do this. We must have courage. One’s actions or inactions may influence one’s salvation.)
Next post: needing to return the Church to the “business” of saving souls
[Greek] τυφλός (typhlos), [Latin] caecus, [German] blind: blind, not able to understand, short-sighted, opaque; 53 scriptural references
The Blind Leading the Blind: painting by Danish Renaissance painter Peter Bruegel (1568).
Background information:
The blind leading the blind:
This painting reflects Bruegel’s mastery of observation. This painting is based on Mt.15:14: the blind leading the blind.
Each figure has a different eye affliction. They hold their heads aloft to make better use of their other senses.
The first blind man falls into a pit. The leader of the group has fallen on his back into a ditch.
Falling into the pit means falling into destruction and ruin.
Because they are linked by their staffs, the leader seems to drag his companions down with him.
They pass along a path bordered by a river on one side and a village with a church on the other.
St. Anna’s Church, built around 1250, is depicted in the painting.
Greek Hellenism: This term means blind (unable to see), who walks away, blind to the future, intestines (caecum), blind alley (cul-de-sac), in the dark, inescapable, spiritual blindness, and choked with mud.
Man, wealth, power, ignorance, and pride all can be potential sources (causes) of blindness.
The blind man is often associated with comparisons and proverbial expressions.
Such proverbial expressions include ‘the blind leading the blind’ and ‘ignorance is likened to a blind man walking in the dark’.
Spiritual blindness is often juxtaposed with physical sight.
Physical blindness is often juxtaposed with intellectual understanding.
Gnosticism make references to those unable to receive gnosis as spiritually blind.
Old Testament: This term means blindness and to make blind (literally, figuratively, and metaphorically).
Blindness was a very severe handicap in Israel. The blind were specially protected by the laws of Israel.
It was implied that one, who misleads a blind mean, is to be cursed.
Spiritual blindness is not necessarily tied to physical blindness.
God sometimes uses blindness as a punishment for sin.
Old testament prophets make metaphorical and figurative references to blindness regarding judgment and salvation.
The curing of blindness is an important theme of eschatological hope. Blind watchers are without knowledge.
God Himself will be a guide on the way for those who seek to see.
New Testament: This term essentially means to be blind and unable to understand. Examples include literal blindness, inability (or refusal) to believe, blindness by God’s providence, blindness through God’s punishment, Gentiles, and spiritual blindness. For purposes of brevity, literal blindness will be excluded.
Lk.6:39: Jesus told them a parable, ‘Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?'” (If the master is ignorant, foolish, and wicked, will the disciple be any different? One must be perfected by Christ. Falling into a pit means falling into destruction and ruin. Blind leaders can lead their followers into ruin.)
Mt.15:14: “Let them alone; they are blind guides (of the blind). If a blind person leads a blind person, both will fall into a pit.” (Jesus was seeking to uproot the Pharisees’ tradition of washing one’s hands before eating. Jesus stated that what comes out of the person is what defiles. The Pharisees are breaking God’s commandments for the sake of their traditions. The Pharisees are blind guides.)
Mt.23:16: “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘If one swears by the temple, it means nothing, but if one swears by the gold of the temple, one is obligated.” (The Pharisees have inverted importance of oaths, revealing themselves to be blind guides. The Pharisees hold less meaningful oaths (gold) to be more important. They hold more meaningful oaths (temple) to be less important).
Mt.23:24: “Blind guides, who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel.” (The Pharisees expend great efforts on minor things. The Pharisees also neglect what is important.)
Mt.23:26: “Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may be clean.” (The Pharisees are more concerned for outer appearances while inner purity is ignored.)
Jn.9:39: I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.” (Christ came into the world to give sight to those who are spiritually blind. To spiritually see is to discern the truth. The truth may seek to soften the heart of those who believe. The truth may also seek to harden the hearts of those who are spiritually blind, becoming more prideful, conceitful, blind, and ignorant, and obstinate.)
Jn.9:41: Jesus said to the Pharisees, ‘If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see’, so your sin remains.” (If the Pharisees were truly blind, they would have GENUINE CONSCIOUSNESS of their blindness. They would not be guilty of sin. Instead, the Pharisees have WILLFUL IGNORANCE AND CONCEIT. Because of their obstinance and hardness of heart, their sin remains.)
Peter’s blindness: “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall happen to you.”Mt.16:23 At first glance, Peter’s statement to Jesus sounds like a very reasonable statement. Peter is concerned about Jesus’ welfare. Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan!” Jesus stated that Peter was briefly possessed bySatan, who wanted to obstruct Jesus’ mission [in dying on the cross]. Peter was not aware of (or blind) to what he was actually saying to Jesus!
Cecum: The cecum is a pouch at the beginning of the large intestine. This term comes the Latin intestum caecum, meaning blind intestine. The related Greek term is typhlon (enteron). Typhlitis is the inflammation of the large intestine. In a sense, this is the ‘blind gut’ or ‘cul de sac’ (bottom of the bag). The cul de sac, frequently found in subdivisions, is also called a blind alley, dead end, and road with no exit.
Satan’s influences: “pushing our buttons” by inserting into our minds seemingly reasonable ideas such as “I can do whatever I want”, “I know better”, “I can refuse”, “I have the right to do that”, “I can look at that”, “Everyone is doing that”. We do NOT need to be full-blown possessed to be subtly influenced by Satan!
The US government’s USAID massive govt spending programs and policieshave been hidden from the American people since the Kennedy administration. DOGE is now shedding a light on this wasteful spending.
The questionable relationshipsof the US government programs, NGO’s, and charitable programs are now coming to light. Some of these expenditures have been use for questionable immoral and evil purposes.
The Trump administration and DOGE is now shutting the money supply to all these NGO’s and government agencies. Layoffs and firings are already happening.
The USCCB, focusing primarily on immigration issues, have lost sight of focusing on salvation of souls, abortion, pro-life causes, and the Eucharist.
As of late, Catholic and Christian donors have not been adequately informed by these charitable NGO’s of how this money is actually being used.
Many are not told or unaware of St. Augustine’s Ordo Amoris: the proper ordering of love within one’s sphere of influence.
Some seem to invert Ordo Amoris to elevate the immigrant (alien) importance to the person.
One does not have to be blind to see why these NGO’s, charitable organizations, USCCB are in an uproar. The money spigot has been turned off.
Cecum, blind, blindness
In the New Testament, there is a lot of physical healing going on. The scribes and Pharisees were often spiritually blind. God may use blindness to demonstrate His providence or His punishment. Since the Gentiles did not follow the Law, the Jews often perceived the Gentiles as blind or ignorant.
Then I am talking about intestines and cul de sacs. I didn’t see that coming! ☺☺☺
Update: In recent times, our society now seems to be less influenced by the cultural blindness of wokeness and cancel culture.
Many woke people still naively judge the past by current moral standards. They fail to see (understand) that cultural moral attitudes necessarily change over time.
Many abortion supporters, only seeing that they have the legal “right” to have an abortion, are often blind to the moral consequences of killing the unborn. One wonders if they are also unaware or blind to the fact that they will have to answer to God.
We have some blind Modernist and synodal clergy, adapting to the culture, seeking to change doctrine, introducing heretical ideas, and restricting traditional practices.
The Synodalists, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, have become blind guides in paying lip service to Church teachings. They are more concerned with the outward appearances of inclusion, tolerance, and false compassion. They have also lost sight of the inner aspects of sin, true compassion, and the salvation of souls.
Paying lip service to Church teachings: If the Synodalists were truly following Church teachings, there would be MORE conversions away from the homosexual lifestyle (and less need for the LGBTQ “outreach.) But instead, this LGBTQ “outreach” increases! Then you have a pope who continually makes confusing statements, and clergy who question, ignore, or who seek to change these Church teachings.
Democrats and progressives are now protesting against efforts to stop wasteful and ideological government spending programs. These politicians evidently cannot see that this is a “bad look” for the American people.
Activist lawyers are now ruling that government heads to do not have the right to control spending. These lawyers are evidently blinded by their politics and desire for further political money laundering.
DOGE is also looking at other governmental agencies. The American people now seeing more wasteful spending hidden from the public for many years.
Democrats and progressives fail to see that Elon Musk has been officially appointed as a government official. These politicians’ efforts to claim a constitutional crisis is also a “bad look”.
The USCCB are creating new traditions when they engage in political ideology rather engaging in the salvation of souls.
How do Modernists respond to problems caused by Modernists policies ever since Vatican II? By implementing more Modernist “renewing” and “reforming” ==> more problems ==> more “renewing” and “reforming” ==> more problems ==> rinse and repeat. It is the blind (Modernists and Synodalists) further leading the blind (the most poorly catechized laity in generations). It is as if the Modernists and Synodalists are managing the decline of Jesus’ Church.
The Modernists are blindly seeking to further prop up an often lackluster or uninspiring Novus Order Mass by removing the TLM. Blinded by their Modernistic and synodal ideology, they seek to remove a liturgical worship that has existed for most of the Church’s existence.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Hellen Keller
Next posts:
Spiritual harlotry part 1: having syncretic “intercourse” with the world ancient history ==> Old Testament
Spiritual harlotry part 2: having syncretic “intercourse” with the world New Testament ==> present
[Greek] πάσχω (paschō), [Latin] patere, [Latin] miserere, [Latin] passio, [Latin] sufferre, [French] endurer, [Latin] avoir pitie (have pity): to suffer, to undergo an experience (passion), to experience suffering, to endure, to feel in some measure, to suffer pain (hardship); 46 scriptural references
We all must pray for and support all those who have suffered, losing loved ones and/or their homes. Although these are material treasures, we also must be mindful of their meaning to them.
Background Information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to suffer, to experience something, to suffer misfortune, to suffer from an illness, to suffer evil, and to undergo.
Seneca: “Misfortune is virtue’s opportunity.”
Homer’s Odyssey 5.223: “For this I have suffered much and toiled amid the war.”
Sophocles’ Antigone: “For death is gain to him, whose life like mine, is full of misery.”
Sophocles: “You must remember that no one lives a life free from pain and suffering.”
Sophocles: “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is love.”
Old Testament: This term means to suffer under, to be oppressed by, to become weak (sick), to be punished, and to be grieved (sorry). Suffering occurs with Israel’s enemies and the people of Israel. The sufferings of Israel are due in part to divine punishment for their sinful deeds and actions. Although there could be some overlap with Maccabees, this term generally does not directly apply to the willing martyrdom theology developed in 2 Maccabees.
New Testament: Essentially, this term refers to Christ’s sufferings and Christians’ suffering for His sake. For purposes of brevity, scriptural references of Jesus’ suffering will be excluded.
Mt.17:15: “Lord, have pity on my son, for he is a lunatic [epileptic] and suffers severely; often falls into a fire, and often into water.” (At this time in history, epilepsy was not fully known or understood. It was thought that the moon caused epilepsy. The Latin noun lunatic was one who was “moon-struck”.)
Mt.27:19: “While Pilate was seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, ‘Have nothing to do with this righteous man. I have suffered much in a dream because of Him.'” (Jesus’ innocence was declared by a Gentile women in a dream. This dream evokes guilt and alarm in Pilate’s wife. Matthew often utilizes dreams as a means of divine communication.)
Mk.5:26: “The hemorraghic woman had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse.” (This woman approached Jesus and touched His cloak, believing that she would be healed. Jesus, aware that power had gone out of Him, stated that her faith had saved her.)
Lk.13:2: “Jesus said to them in reply, ‘Do you think that because the Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans?'” (Some Gentiles were deliberately killed by Pilates’s hand. Some Gentiles were killed because a tower had fallen down. Jesus seeks to dispel the notion that victims of tragedies are NOT necessarily singled out for punishment. However, Jesus reminds them of the need for all of them to repent.)
1Cor.12:26: “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.” (Christ’s relationship with the Church consists of one body with many parts.)
Gal.3:4: “Did you experience so many things in vain?– if indeed it was in vain.” (Paul calls the Galatians stupid for being morally lacking and easily led astray by false teachers. The Galatians have become conformed to the world. Paul asks the Galatians if it is all in vain after suffering so much to only lose their salvation. Were the Galatians’ efforts all in vain?)
Php.1:19: “For to you has been granted, for the sake of Christ, not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for Him.”
Steadfastness in faith:
One must conduct oneself in a way worthy of the gospel. (Conducting oneself with a clear conscience before God.)
One must have theological unity in the midst of suffering. (The community’s minds are striving together in one faith, leading the soul [desire and emotions] to follow.)
One must not be intimidated by one’s opponents. (The Christian must be likened to a discipline athlete or well-armed soldier.)
This steadfastness will lead to your salvation. (Perseverance and strength will be richly rewarded in heaven.)
1Pet.2:19: “For whenever anyone bears unjust suffering because of God, that is a grace.”
If you are patient when suffering for doing what is good, that is a grace and blessing
For you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you. Christ leaves you and example that you should follow in His footsteps.
In our culture which avoids and fears suffering, this notion of suffering becomes counter-intuitive and difficult.
[Greek] συμπάσχω (sympaschō), [Latin] compatior:
Rom.8:17: “If children of God, then heirs of God and joint heir with Christ, if only we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” (We suffer and are glorified with Him. Christians, with the Spirit’s presence, share new life in relationship with God. Christians share in BOTH SUFFERINGS AND GLORY in Christ.)
Rom.8:18: ” [Paul]: I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared to the glory to be revealed to us.” (The glory that believers are destined to share FAR EXCEEDS the sufferings of the present life. This earthly life is just a blink of time (or drop in the bucket) in comparison to eternity.)
Perspectives on Suffering:
“Don’t waste your suffering.” St. John Paul II
“The greater you suffer, the greater God’s love for you.” St. Padre Pio
“If you really want to love Jesus, first learn to suffer, because suffering teaches you love.” St. Gemma Galgani
“Let us understand that God is a physician, and that suffering is medicine for salvation, not a punishment for damnation.” St. Augustine.
“Trials are nothing else but the forge that purifies the soul of all its imperfections.” St. Maria Magdalen de Pazzi
“You will be consoled according to the greatness of your sorrow and affliction. The greater the suffering, the greater will be the reward.” St. Maria Magdalen de Pazzi
“The greatest good suffering can do for me is increase my capacity for God.” Joni Eareckson Tada
10 Reasons to Believe in a God Who Allows Suffering
Suffering comes with the freedom to choose.
Pain can warn us of danger.
Suffering reveals what is in our hearts—
It has a way of revealing what is in our own hearts. Capacities for love, mercy, anger and pride can lie dormant until awakened by circumstances. Strength and weakness of heart is found not when everything is going our way by when suffering and trials test our character. The human heart is revealed and developed by enduring the pressure and heat of time and circumstance. Strength of character is shown not when all is well with our world but in the presence of human pain and suffering.
Suffering takes us to the edge of eternity—
If death is the end of everything, then a life filled with suffering isn’t fair. But if the end of this life brings us to the threshold of eternity, the most fortunate people in the universe are those who discover, through suffering, that this life is not all we have to live for. Those who find themselves and their eternal God through suffering have not wasted their pain. They have let their poverty, grief, and hunger drive them to the Lord of eternity. They are the ones who will discover to their own never-ending joy when Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Pain looses our grip on this life—
In time, our work and our opinions are sought less and less. Our bodies become increasingly worse for the wear. Problems loom larger and larger while options narrow. Each new pain makes this world less inviting and the next life more appealing. In its own way, pain paves the way for a graceful departure.
Suffering gives us an opportunity to trust God.
God suffers with us in our suffering.
God’s comfort is greater than our suffering.
In times of crisis, we find one another—
Natural disasters and times of crises have a way of bring us together. Suddenly we remember our own mortality and that people are more important than things. Each time we discover God’s comfort in our own suffering, our capacity to help others is increased.
God can turn suffering around for our good.
Paschal, passion, patient, endure, perpetuate (to endure to the full), perpetual
Greek tragedies often provided a social commentary on the moral issues (human condition) of the day. This in turn may have provided one with personal self-discovery or insight about these cultural issues.
The Old Testament culture perceives that the meaning of suffering is for salvation’s sake and readiness for God. There could perhaps be a gray area between fidelity to God, vicarious suffering, persecution, and willing martyrdom. As you know, the books of Maccabees referred to the Zealots (Jews who sought to overthrow the Romans).
Update: We all should offer our prayers for the victims of Los Angeles wildfires, and recent hurricanes Helene and Milton and those impacted by war and violence. Sometimes we often lose sight of that there are always others who may be in far more difficult situations that we are in.
Inevitably, investigations will be started in determining the human causes and/or natural causes of these wildfires. Officials must look into arson, lack of water supply, fire dept. governmental malfeasance, inadequate resources, forest management, and even global warming. Unfortunately, many victims have suffered as a result of this.
Not surprisingly, we are already hearing stories of neighbors courageously helping each other.
Unfortunately, many Traditional and conservative Catholics are becoming very alarmed by how this Synodal path is undermining Jesus’ Church. Jesus’ Church is being transformed into a synodal church in the image of man (and his lived experiences) conforming to the world. It is actually becoming a nightmare!
In this synodal Church, lived experiences [in the world] seem to be more valued than fidelity to Christ and Church teachings (doctrine). This inevitably leads to a practical atheism, where only “lip-service” is given to Christ.
We all should learn from the hemorraghic woman in having faith and trust that Jesus will heal and help us.
It is an unfortunate reality that we live in a dangerous world filled with disease, suffering, war, violence, and racism. Many people die from natural causes, accidents, and from intentional causes. Jesus reminds each of us that we must get our salvation (spiritual affairs) in order before we face judgment. Life is often very fleeting and short. We need to make the most of our lives on earth!
In this synodal Church, it seems that bringing souls into heaven (TALKING ABOUT WHAT IS SINFUL) is overshadowed by tolerance, mercy above all else, inclusion, and situational morality. Many people’s eternal souls could be in peril. This is what inevitably happens when you have a synodal Church (made in the image of man and his lived experiences).
We are also reminded in that we may experience opposition, persecution, and even martyrdom. Bishop Strickland has essentially become a white martyr in standing up for the faith in this post Christian secular world. One may be called rigid, intolerant, and hateful by the world and Modernists.
Unfortunately, Bishop Strickland’s pleas to his brother bishops are falling on deaf ears. Many bishops remain silent, cowardly, and complicit about dangers, doctrinal errors, and heresy of this synodal movement. Many clergy are fearful of opposition, excommunication, laicization, removal during this Bergoglian Reign of Terror. Other clergy keep quiet for hope of potential advancement in the Church hierarchy.
Many are often unaware that come are called to suffer whether they realize it or not. This is often part of God’s will for some people. This suffering can be efficacious and redemptive when we can offer up our salvation for the salvation of souls. This suffering can be a grace according to God.
Another aspect of redemptive suffering: this may allowone to become all the more closer to Jesus.
“God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.” St. Francis de Sales
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere, [Latin] contemptus, [French] dedaigner, [French] mepriser: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10
St. Augustine criticizes the errors of both “Cafeteria Catholicism” (choosing what you want to believe) and Synodalilty (remaking and undermining Jesus’ Church through lived experiences.)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to look down upon, to think slightly of, to despise, to think contemptuously, and to presume.
Herodotus’ The Histories 4.134: “Darius asked about the clamor among the enemy; he said to those who he was accustomed to speak, ‘These mean hold us in deep contempt.'”
Isocrates’ Archidamus 6.108: “Let us therefore challenge one another to pay back to our fatherland the price of our nurture, and not suffer to be outraged or contemned.”
Euripides’ Bacchae 199: “Having been mortal, I do not scorn the gods.”
Plato’s Euthydemus 273d: “I saw they despised me for it, and they both laughed.”
Lysias’ Against Eratosthenes 12.78: “Twice over did he enslave you, despising what was present, and longing for what was absent, setting himself as instructor in most monstrous acts.”
Mammon: Mammon is considered the Syrian god of riches, wealth, and the greedy pursuit of gain. This word may have been present throughout the Canaanite languages. Devotees would kneel down on their knees at this statue. Mammon is an Aramaic word meaning weealth or property. Abundantia is the Roman god of riches. Plutus is the Greek god of riches.
Old Testament: This term means to act treacherously, to offend, to despise, to take advantage, to hold in contempt, to be vile, and to ridicule.
Hos.6:7: Adam violates the covenant and betrays God.
Hab.1:13: the wicked devour those more just than themselves
Gen.27:12: [Jacob] I will bring on myself a curse instead of a blessing
Prov.19:16: those despise these [commands] ways will die
Prov.18:3: with wickedness comes contempt, disgrace, and scorn
Wis.14:30: they thought perversely of God by devoting themselves to idols
New Testament: This term means to despise, to hate, to hold in low esteem, to show contempt, and to disdain.
Mt.6:24: “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Jesus states that it is not possible to be devoted to both masters (God and wealth). One may even become a slave (enslaved) to this master. This could also be applicable to sin. Spiritual treasures are much longer lasting than material treasures.)
Mt.18:10: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always looks upon the face of My heavenly Father.” (Disciples must seek out fellow disciples who have gone astray. Not only must no one cause a fellow disciple to sin, but also they must also be brought back to the community. This also further points out the responsibility of the shepherd (cardinal, bishop, and priest). But one must also first recognize what sin is.)
Abuse and neglect regarding the Lord’s Supper (1Cor.11:17-22):
[Paul]: your meetings are doing more more than good (liturgical abuses and womens’ head covering issues)
There are divisions and factions among you
There has to be factions among you so that others may know who are approved may become known
You often abandon togetherness, form cliques, do not share, and engage in drunkenness
Why do you show contempt for the Church with your disorderly conduct?
Heb.12:2: “For the sake of the joy that lay before Him, He endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken His seat at the right of the throne of God.” (Jesus humbly accepted the shameful act of crucifixion to redeem humanity.)
Isocrates points out that it is good to have respect for one’s country.
Update: Many of us act like “little pagans” bowing down to our electronic devices. Many others pay homage to fame, wealth, celebrity, notoriety, “likes”, and convenience.
Many have unfortunately “bowed down” on the altar of convenience in obtaining an abortion. In our society, this has essentially become an “evil sacrament”.
It is important to be reminded that we all should strive to attain spiritual (heavenly) treasures rather than earthly treasures. Heavenly treasures are long lasting while earthly treasures are temporary and fleeting.
This new synodal Church, moving with the world, are remaking and undermining Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Many faithful, traditional, and conservative Catholics, seeking to uphold Tradition, are understandably alarmed by what the Modernists are doing. These Modernists continue to marginalize, castigate, and despise faithful Catholics.
The Modernists are more concerned with lived experiences than fidelity to Christ, doctrine, and Church teachings. Modernists focus less on the reality of sin, but more on toleration, false compassion, inclusion, and “mercy above all else”.
Pope Francis’ papacy is continually being defined by liturgical chaos and confusion, heretical statements and documents, laxity, and synodality (moving with the world.)
At the Synod of Synodalities, German Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck stated that Apostolic Tradition must be abandoned.
Pope Francis (and the Vatican) has recently asked Bishop Rey of Frejus-Toulon diocese to “resign” because he was too friendly to Tradition and having too many religious communities. This is another example of the priority of implementing Modernist ideology on the Church. In other words, Tradition must go.
Ever since Vatican II, the Church has been beset by many liturgical, pastoral, and spiritual problem. Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists seek to double down on what Vatican II has caused.
It seems that the Modernists have a singular-minded focus on synodality. It is as if the Modernists are viewing synodality like an idol (god). In their ideological hard-heartedness, these Modernists are seeking to implement synodality despite the consequences of marginalizing Catholics and undermining and remaking Jesus’ Church.
Rather than focusing its efforts in the salvation of souls, Pope Francis’ papacy is more interested in moving with the world and engaging living experiences.
As a part of God’s providence, more and more of us are seeing the consequences of Modernism and synodalism in Jesus’ Church. This is already causing opposition and backlash. The Holy Spirit is already at work restoring the Church. The younger priests and seminarians are now more-conservative minded, while the older Modernist and progressive clergy are retiring and dying out.
“The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant minds.” St. Padre Pio
“You are priests, not social or political leaders. Let us not be under the illusion that we are serving the gospel through an exaggerated interests in the wide field of temporal problems.” (This is precisely what this new synodal Church is doing: moving with the world.)
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9
Because of the restrictions set forth by Traditionis Custodes, the Chartres pilgrimage celebrated the Tradition Latin Mass outdoors.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to set against, to match with, to withstand, to hold out, and to hinder.
Plutarch’s Theseus 1: “With such a warrior who will dare to fight? When I shall I set against him?”
Homer’s Iliad 16.305: “They still sought to withstand him.”
Sophocles Ajax 1231: “So it is you, they tell me, who dared open your mouth wide to make fierce threats against us–and are you still unpunished?”
Sophocles’ Tracking Satyrs 256: “I won’t put up with your loud quarrelsome words.”
Old Testament: This term means to be alert, to be courageous, to cause strife, to take a stand, to resist, to rebel, to contend, to be strong, to be insolent, to deceive, and to be hardened.
Lk.21:15: “I shall give you a wisdom in speaking [from the Holy Spirit] that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute.” (This scripture appears in light of Jesus’ foretelling a coming persecution. Some will be persecuted, imprisoned, and brought before authorities (synagogues and prisons). You will be handed over by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. You will be hated by My name but by your perseverance, you will secure your lives.)
Acts 6:10: “But they could not not withstand the wisdom and Spirit with which Stephen spoke.” (Stephen’s defense provides an indictment of the Jews opposing the prophets and the Holy Spirit. Stephen diminishes the temple of Mosaic law and elevates Jesus’ stature. The differences between Judaism and Christianity become more apparent. The major impetus of the Christian movement shifts from Jerusalem to Antioch.)
Acts 13:8: “Elymas the magician opposed them in an attempt to turn the proconsul away from the faith.” (Paul calls Elymas the son of the devil, an enemy of all that is right, full of every deceit and fraud.
Who is a son of the devil?
One who is an enemy to the doctrine of Jesus and all righteousness.
One who does not cease to do evil, mischief, and deceit.
One who follows Satan, the author of deceit and father of lies.
One who seeks to pervert the right way of the Lord.
One who is an enemy of the Gospel.
One who resists the truth of the Gospel and substitutes his own falsehoods.
“The firstborn of Satan”:
This is a Jewish phrase describing someone who is acute, sharp, and subtle and abiding by his doctrine.
Polycarp (69-155 AD), disciple of the Apostle John, called Marcion, he “first-born of Satan” for promoting the gnostic heresy of Marcionism (that the evil Old Testament God was different from the God revealed in Jesus Christ.
Rom.9:19: “You will say to me then, ‘Why then does He still find fault? For who can oppose His will?'” (Paul responds to the objection that if God already has a plan for everybody, then God cannot accuse unbelievers of sin. But this objection is a sign of human insolence [placing humanity on a level with God]. God grants us free will to do as we choose. Yet, God grants mercy upon whom He wills and hardens whom He wills.)
Gal.2:11: “I [Paul] opposed Peter to his face because he clearly was wrong.” (Paul criticized Peter for improper table fellowship with the Gentiles. Kosher food regulation had not yet been settled.”)
Eph.6:13: “Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and to hold your ground.” (Paul alludes to the Christian who must be a battle-prepared soldier in fighting against evil. The evil day is the period of time of Satan’s evil works.)
Jas.4:7: “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (The devil is associated with disobedience, PRIDE, and rebellion.”)
1Pet.4:7: “Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.” (Satan hates submission to God.”)
Update: As the Modernists seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man and his lived experiences), many conservative and Traditional Catholics are being marginalized and cancelled.
As a result of the many synodal innovations, confusion, chaos, worldliness, and evil, many are more clearly seeing the damage being done by the Modernists in the Church.
Bishop Strickland had asked his fellow bishops what will it take to respond to the false messages from the Vatican. A diabolically inspired Synodality is essentially dismantling Jesus’ Church. Very few if any bishops have responded to Bishop Strickland’s pleas and warnings.
Bishop Strickland has stated that Pope Francis has denied and resisted the Truth that Jesus incarnate. These Synodalists are shaping this truth in the image of man (and his lived experiences).
Resisting (remaking) the truth in the image of man: many clergy (Synodalists) are refusing to follow Jesus’ commands to sin no more. Lived experiences take on more importance than Jesus’ commands and Church doctrine! And you wonder why the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions are publicly stated. Rather, non liturgical blessings have been given for “irregular couples” (same-sex unions). Church authorities are even trying to minimize the social stigma of such “couples”.
Resisting (remaking) the truth in image of man: the many clergy (Synodalists) are calling upon the “the holy spirit of surprises” to rationalize justify any new changes or innovations. The Holy Spirit can only stand for the Truth. It is essentially evil to use or manipulate the Holy Spirit for man-made purposes!
Like Elymas, the Vatican (and the Synodalists) are intentionally using sophistry (word games) and verbal gymnastics in their statements and documents. The “pope-splainers” are out in full force defending the Vatican. Yet, many of us can see through their efforts.
The Modernists, like hard-hearted believers “true belieivers” are all in their efforts to adapt Jesus’ Church to a synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences. These Modernists have become blinded by their ideology. Yet, perhaps God’s providence is allowing this, in order for all to see their intentions. As a result, the Church will eventually resist and correct itself.
What this resistance to the synodalists? Traditional Catholics are growing. The Traditional Latin Mass (where allowed) are thriving. The younger priests and seminarians are more conservative-minded, while the older generations of liberal, progress, and Modern priests are retiring and dying out.
One does not have to be fully-possessed to be influenced by Satan? Satan can “inspire” rebellion, heresy, apostasy, division, liturgical chaos and confusion, busyness, distraction, pride, worldliness, spiritual dryness, secularlism, and increased vulnerability to sin. One must remember that Satan rules the secular and material world. Satan will do anything he must to undermine the Church.
Satan is the epitome of pride and rebellion. Faithfulness and obedience to Christ, the Church’s teachings, and God’s laws will drive Satan away. But Satan hope that you do otherwise.
Fr. James Martin, a great confidant of Pope Francis, claims that St. Paul got it wrong about homosexuality? What does this say about Fr. James Martin? Can he also be called a son of Satan?
I like to think, in my very small way, that I am seeking to proclaim the truth about this new Synodal Church.
It is also important to remember that even God will also some people to remain “hard-hearted” in their ideological cause. This can refer to the Modernists and Synodalists.
I think we all should take some inspiration by the example of Bishop Strickland in calling out the Vatican synodalists and the silent and cowardly clergy who refuse to speak out (in fear of being cancelled, expelled, laicized, and excommunicated) against evil. We are now in battle of traditional Catholicism versus synodality.
It is significant to note that Jesus makes this statement after telling the adulterous woman to sin no more (as He forgives her.) Not following Jesus’ command to sin more ==> walking in darkness. Unfortunately, this notion is often overlooked by many our clergy and culture.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means darkness, gloom, and shadow.
Plato’s Republic 7.518: “There are two disturbances affecting the eyes; the shift from light to darkness or from darkness to light. The same happens to the soul.”
Homer’s Iliad 13.672: “Hateful darkness got hold of him.”
Old Testament: This term means darkness, gloom, spiritual unreceptivity, and calamity.
New Testament: This term means dark, darkness, and evil world. This can refer to literal and spiritual darkness.
Mt.10:27: “What I say to you in darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.” (Some of the faith was presented “darkly” through parables, proverbs, whispered hints, secret gatherings [because of persecution], and whispered hints. Now this faith must be presently boldly and courageously throughout and everywhere. This means not shrinking in fear of speaking out.)
John. 1:5: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (This illustrates the ethical dualism of light and darkness. Jesus is the light of the world. It is also important to remember that Satan’s kingdom belongs to the world. The darkness can not also comprehend the light.)
John. 8:11-12: “Jesus said to the adulterous woman, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, from now on do not sin any more. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” (Jesus told the adulterous woman to sin no more. Jesus calls other to follow this teaching. To do otherwise (not to identify and not to call out sin) is to walk in darkness.)
John. 12:35: “Walk while you have the light, so that darkness may not overcome you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where he is going.” (Walking while you have the light means making good use of your faith and trust in God and not taking your faith for granted. Darkness refers to ignorance, blindness, persecution, secular influences, worldliness, spiritual relativism, and synodalism.)
1John.1:5: “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” (Light is truth and goodness. Darkness is error and depravity. To walk in light is to live morally and ethically according to truth. To walk in darkness is to live morally and ethically according to error, depravity, and falsity.)
1John.2:11: “Whoever hates his brother is in darkness; he walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” (Christ’s commandment of love becomes the light defeating the darkness of evil in this new age. All hatred is darkness which is imcompatible with the light and Christian life.)
Useless word alert:
Tenebrous ==> full of darkness
Tenebrism: a style of painting inspired by Caravaggio in which extreme contrasts of light and shade were used by inserting intense and revealing characters against a dark background. Caravaggio’s painting John the Baptist in the Wilderness (1604) employs tenebrism.
Eclipse, dust, night somber, obscure, obscurity
Old Testament: it is very noteworthy that this term can refer to spiritual unreceptivity. This continues to be relevant in current times.
Update: Many Catholics and Christians have been alarmed that the Modernists have been seeking to transform Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences).
Many see this synodal Church as a Church moving with the world. This is essentially becoming a new Church unrecognizable from Jesus’ Church. Even some Modernists have stated that the Church’s ecclesiology has changed.
Pius X prophecized vital immanence: that man would find an explanation for religion with themselves (sentiments, perceptions, and experiences). Many can perceive this that darkness which secularizes, humanizes, and relativizes faith and doctrine.
This synodal Church continues to move with the world. This essentially becomes a form of practical atheism, often just paying lip service to Jesus.
Television Espanola blatantly mocked the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In response, Bishop Demetrio Fernandez claimed that Christians’ religious feeling have been attacked by the blasphemous mockery. What about the mockery against Jesus. Why is this bishop’s response more concerned about the people and not Jesus! This sounds like practical atheism.
The Synodal Church’s refusal to call out the sin the homosexual lifestyle. As a result, we have Fiducia Supplicans allowing non-liturgical blessings for “irregular couples”. Pope Francis has become a great supporter of Fr. James Martin’s ‘outreach” to the LGBTQ community. What about acknowledging sin? The clergy who refuse to do this will be ultimately judged by God for their actions.
It goes with saying that terrorism, antisemitism, war, the refusal to recognize and acknowledge sin have become forms of darkness in this world.
Another form of darkness (cowardice) among priests who remain silent and cowardly in speaking out against grave issues (sin, synodalism, liturgical confusion and chaos, and sacrilege.
[Greek] συνοδεύω (synodeuō), [Latin] comitare, [French] accompagner, [German] begleiten: to travel with, to accompany; Acts 9:7
Arrival of a Caravan Outside the City of Morocco: painting by Edwin Lord Weeks (1849-1903)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to accompany, to travel in company, and to have fellowship with.
Plutarch’s Pompey 40: “Cato marched on foot. But his friends who journeyed with him were on horseback.”
Old Testament: This term means to walk (literally and figuratively), to travel, and to live a manner of life. Walking with God (in being faithful to Him) was very important to the Hellenized Jew who lived outside Jerusalem.
New Testament: This term means to travel with and walk with. This is derived from (syn-) with and (-hodos) way/path.
Acts 9:7: “The men who were traveling with Paul stood speechless, for they heard the voice but could see not one.”
The rabid Pharisee Saul went to the high priest and asked if he could find any more men and women who belonged to the Way.
On his journey toward Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around Saul.
Saul fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? Jesus responded, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.’
Jesus told Saul to go into the city and told him what to do. The men with Saul stood speechless, for they heard but did not see Jesus.
Saul got up from the ground, be he could not see anything.
The men led Saul by the hand and brought him to Damascus. For three days Saul was unable to see and he neither ate nor drink.
[Greek]συνοδία (synodia): travelers, a company of wayfarers, a caravan; Lk 2:44
Lk.2:44: “Thinking that He was in the caravan, Joseph and Mary journeyed for a day and looked for Him among their relatives and acquaintances.”
Each year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover.
When He was twelve years old, they went up according to festival customs.
The boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, but His parents did not know it.
Thinking that He was in the caravan, they journeyed for a day and looked for Him among their relatives and acquaintances.
After no finding Him, they returned to Jerusalem to look for Him.
After three days they found Him in temple, sitting among the teachers who were astounded by Jesus’ understanding and answers.
Joseph and Mary asked Jesus why has He done this to His parents.
Jesus responded, ‘Why were you looking for Me. Did you not know that I must be in My Father’s house?’
Joseph and Mary did not understand what Jesus had said to them.
Jesus went down with His parents and came to Nazareth.
The new synodal Church: Walking with the world (lived experiences) takes on greater importance than deference to God and Church doctrine (teachings) There is less importance on the reality of sin (“mercy above all else”). This can essentially push God to the side ==> practical (implicit) atheism (paying “lip-service” to God).
Pope Benedict XVI understood firsthand the dangers of explicit and implicit atheism [a summation of main points of quotes].
The truths of religious rites are not denied but merely deemed irrelevant and pointless to daily life.
Many people often believe in God in a superficial manner as though God does not exist.
This leads to indifference to faith and the question of God. There is a lack of faith within the Church.
There are many pagans who still call themselves pagans, but actually have become pagans.
Being Catholic is more of a cultural identification rather than a profession of faith.
A faith we can decide for ourselves is not faith at all (cafeteria Catholicism). Either the faith and its practice come to us from the Lord or there is no such thing. This approach to faith leads to confusion and instability.
A Church based on human resolutions merely becomes a human church. Opinion and consensus replaces faith.
It is not Catholic to define the faith as we see it. False freedom and conformism become bad ecclesiology and a source of confusion.
The Church’s authority becomes based on democratic vote rather than on Christ.
St. Ignatius Church in San Juan: The Panchamama idol was brought in the Church. This is spiritual syncretism: the mixing of religion with pagan worship.
In Pope Francis’s synodal Church, these pagan idols are now being used in culture-influenced Masses. This occurs despite Paul’s warnings: They [Gentiles] sacrifice their idols to demons. (1Cor.10:20). This is essentially Panchamama 2.0.
Comitatus: This refers to a armed escort (retinue), elite army commanders, authority, protection arrangement, and authority (posse comitatus).
Comitatus, accompany, accompaniment, lead
Update: Throughout history, the Church has gathered together into various councils and synods. Vatican II is unique in that Church begins to distribute MORE authority and decision making authority to the clergy (Cardinals and bishops). This has significantly changed Church dynamics. Pope John XXII, promulgator of Vatican II, sought to bring “fresh air” into the Church.
Not surprisingly, this has also led to the many problems in the Church today. Pope Paul VI has even stated, “the smoke of Satan has entered into a crack in the Church.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernist are actually seeking to double down on the results of Vatican II. Not surprisingly, we have the Synod of Synodalities. The Modernists continue to present this romantic notion of “a new way of being Church”. However, this has produced very harmful consequences to the Church. Does this also imply that Jesus did not get it right in how to lead His Church??
What are some of these harmful consequences? Lack of vocations, liturgical sacrilege, liturgical confusion and chaos, decreasing belief in the Real Presence, Church sexual abuse, closing Churches, decreasing Catholic affiliation, undermining Tradition and traditional Church practices, marginalizing Traditional Catholics, and banning the Traditional Latin Mass.
The synodal Church seeks to move with the world. Many cannot see or do not want to see adherence to Church teachings. As a result, these efforts are seeking to redefine, remake and undermine Jesus’ Church.
The Synod of Synodalities is seeking to democratize Jesus’ Church by delegating more Church authority/decision-making authority to the local bishops, by sharing Church decision-making authority with the laity. The Modernists are seeking to have the people define the Church they want. This sounds very Protestant, like creating a new Church!
The Synod of Synodalities insidiously seek to use the name of the “Holy Spirit of surprises” to justify changes in how to become Church. This is evil in that the Holy Spirit can only stand for truth. So which spirit are they referring to? Is this the spirit of the age (worldly values, secularism, situational morality, evil, sin, mercy above all else, or ignoring sin?
Yet, if the Vatican actually would have enforced the Church’s teachings against homosexuality, then the Vatican wouldn’t have such a large LGBTQ+ “outreach”. But instead, we get Fiducia Supplicans. What more needs to be said when the Vatican clearly focuses more on “lived experiences” rather than on Church teachings against homosexuality.
Cardinal Cupich states that one must end kneeling before receiving Holy Communion out of respect for those who receive Holy Communion in the hand. Why is Cardinal Cupich seeking to favor lived experiences (peoples’ feelings) over showing reverence to God?
As a result of the TLM restrictions, Mass attendance and collections have declined. Shocker. It seems that the Modernists will not hear what the congregations want: the Latin Mass! It has been reported that the Washington DC diocese is experiencing up to a $10 million deficit.
Newly made Cardinal Jean-Paul Vesco states that denying Holy Communion to the divorced and the re-married as a huge enormous injustice. Why is Cardinal Vesco seeking to favor peoples’ feelings over Church teachings? Sound familiar? This cardinal sounds very much like to Pope Francis. In other words, mercy above all else should only matter.
Pope Pius X was VERY PROPHETIC in pointing out that Modernists would look for an explanation for religion INSIDE THEMSELVES (sentiments and lived experiences). Sound familiar? This comes from Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis. This is found on my pinned post on Twitter/X.
How can we address the Catholics’ continued lack of belief in the Real Presence?
More greatly encourage receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. Phase out receiving the Eucharist on the hand.
Bring back kneeling rails for receiving Holy Communion. Allow people to show reverence upon receiving the Eucharist.
Make “extraordinary” Eucharist ministers” actually extraordinary for rare situations. Utilize the clergy (priests and deacons) to distribute the Eucharist.
Build Eucharist adoration chapels in every Church. This is how you find vocations.
How can we solve these problems? We must re-evaluate Vatican II’s purpose and the consequences of its implementation (impact) on the Church.
Greek Hellenism: This term means shared in common, shared with others, public, ordinary, popular, profane, and by common consent
Old Testament: This term means one, united, shared, society, association, and company.
New Testament: This term means common, profane, shared, defiled, unclean, and mutual.
Mk.7:2: “The Pharisees and scribes observed that some of His disciples [commonly] at their means with unclean unwashed hands.” (The Pharisees and scribes were more concerned with purification rituals. These disciples did not keep the tradition of the elders.)
Acts 4:32: “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.” (Sharing of material possessions was an important culturally shared value.)
Acts 10:28: “[Peter]: You know that it is unlawful for a Jewish man to associate with, or visit a Gentile, but God has shown me that I should not call any person profane or unclean.” (Peter fully understands the meaning of his vision. Peter is prepared to admit Gentiles, who were considered enemies, into the Christian community.)
Fr. Heimerl: Pope Francis’ synodal Church is controlled by old homosexual men ==> The synodal Church’ explicit and implicit common acceptance of homosexuality.
Pope Francis has chosen to associate himself with these homosexual clergy. Pope Francis has become Fr. James Martin’s greatest supporter for this LGBTQ “outreach”.
Bishop Strickland has become a lone voice in the wilderness in criticizing the Synod of Synodality is no longer Catholic and must be reject. His fellow bishops have been silent.
The bishops’ silence has become an apostasy and new normal. These bishops’ indifference comes from not serving God, but from Satan, “the father of lies”.
This apostasy becomes clearly visible when Pope Francis Fiducia Supplicans’ permitting the blessing of “irregular couples (homosexuals and adulterers).
It is no secret that the clergy has been infiltrated by homosexuals, even if they are reluctant to speak about it.
The homosexual lobby in the clergy are acting pushing for a new way forward for acceptance of this lifestyle.
There is unfortunately little concern about the blessing of sin and apostasy from God. Most of these advocates are already identified with this lifestyle.
The gay heresy has hijacked the Church with Pope Francis’ arrival and approval.
More clergy are hypocritically claiming that a new “synodal process of listening ” by the gay heresy means that homosexuality is willed and allowed by God.
God’s providence is now allowing this stain on the Church to be made visible for all to see.
It remains important to hear the voices of the righteous (Bishop Strickland) to help bring the Church back to God.
German bishop Ludger Schepers states that the Church’s teachings on sexuality has to change. (This is a common view among many homosexual clergy.)
He stated that the Catechism must say different things than it does now.
He criticizes Catholic teachings for assuming there is only one man and only woman.
He demanded that the Church change its infallible doctrine on sexuality.
He stated that no one can say exactly what is entirely male and what is entirely female.
He stated that upholding the reality of the two sexes is denying queer people their humanity which is unacceptable.
He stated that the Church’s teaching can be altered if the Church gains a different understanding of sexuality. Sexuality is not only there to produce offspring.
He stated that Fiducia Supplicans is a first step.
It now seems that pastoral care can now mean homosexual blessings.
Update: The Synod of Synodality is committing sings against the Holy Spirit by overthrowing Catholic teaching in favor of woke ideology and globalist programs. It is a serious sin to use the Holy Spirit to change Church teaching. The Holy Spirit cannot state error or heresy.
The Church has failed to teach supernatural faith from the past decades. This started with Vatican II. There unfortunately continues to be a high percentage of people who do not believe in the Real Presence.
German Bishop Schepers is officially advocating for normalizing homosexuality, homosexual blessings, and a potential ratification of homosexual marriage.
German Bishop Schepers is officially going against the Church teachings on human sexuality.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are seeking to undermine and upend Jesus’ Church and Tradition by creating synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences. The Modernists are creating new human traditions.
Yet, Traditional and conservative Catholics are often accused of being Pharisees holding on to Tradition. Pope Francis and his Modernists have often referred to Tradition as fossilized.
Unfortunately, many older and progressive clergy have shared homosexual inclinations. They are seeking for the Church to accept and normalize this behavior.
These Modernists want the Church to welcome homosexuals, homosexual behavior, and homosexual marriage into the Church. However, this is against the Church’s infallible teachings against sexuality and marriage.
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references
The Vatican’s updated norms for discerning supernatural apparitions not intentionally made the Marian prophecy of Akita more difficult to accept.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to wander, to go astray, to lead astray, to be mistaken, to lie, to seduce, to doubt, and to be at a loss.
Old Testament: This term means to lead astray, to confuse, to wander, to vacillate spiritually. This generally refers more to faith, belief, and philosophy rather than profane deceiving. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on intentional or unintentional deception.
Mt.22:29: Jesus said to the Sadducees, ‘You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.’” (The Sadducees were attempting to trick Jesus about marriage relationships in reference to heaven. Instead, Jesus points out that sexual relationships of this world will be transcended (will no longer exist in heaven).
Mt.24:11: “Many false prophets [Christians] will arise and deceive many.” (The disciples will have to endure. There will be worse affliction within the Church itself. Many will be led in sin and be scandalized. Many will fall away.)
Mk.12:24: “Jesus said to them, ‘Are you not misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God?'” (This alludes the Sadducees refusal to accept the message from the burning bush to Moses in Ex.3:6. God stated that he is the God of the living. Jesus points out the Sadducees ignorance of this scripture.)
Jn.7:12: “And there was considerable murmuring about Him in the crowds. Some said, ‘He is a good man,’ while others said, ‘No; on the contrary, He misleads the crowd.'” (Some Jews were seeing a different Jesus who was misleading [drawing others away] from the law of Moses, breaking the Sabbath, and proclaiming to be the Messiah.)
1Cor.6:9: “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters, nor adulterers.” (There was a great danger of minimizing such pagan sins. Paul cautions against the teachings (opinions) of false teachers. Idolaters were likened to adulterers. Abandoning the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. A spiritual harlot prostitutes oneself with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, evil, and sin.)
1Cor.15:32-33: “If at Ephesus I fought with beasts. Do not be led astray. Bad company corrupts good morals.” (Paul was perhaps speaking metaphorically about beasts: adversaries, evil spirits, idolater, and demon-possessed.)
Gal.6:7: “Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap what he sows.” (Paul warns us not to be led astray by false teachers (false teaching). God already knows our character and actions. God will then judge us accordingly. The one sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh.)
Tit.3:3: We ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, deluded, slaves to various desires and pleasures. (We can find ourselves walking through ignorance, illusion, falsity (lack of true light). We can be often be oblivious to the deceitfulness of sin.)
Jas.5:19-20: “If anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sin.” (When a Christian is instrumental in the conversion of a sinner, the results are forgiveness of sins and a reinstatement of the sinner to the life of grace.)
1Jn.1:8: “If we say, ‘We are without sin’, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” (Denial of the condition of sin is self-deception and even contradictory to divine revelation. There is aloso a continual possibility of sin’s recurrence. Forgiveness and deliverance of sin through Christ are assured through acknowledgement of them and repentance.)
Vatican updated norms for discerning Marian apparitions: At first glance, these conditions seem reasonable. However, the criteria causing division in the Church is subject to debate. This ignores or denies the historical prophetic, and apocalyptic messages of many Marian apparitions which call attention to the problems of the Church. One wonders if the Vatican is intentionally trying to protect or insulate itself from the Marian prophecies from Akita,
Positive criteria:
The recipient must be of good reputation and credibility
The phenomena must have doctrinal orthodoxy related to it.
The phenomena must not be cause by the recipient.
Most have positive fruits: good Christian life, spirit of prayer, conversions, vocations to religious life, acts of charity, sound and abundant devotion
Negative criteria:
This must not have manifest errors and doctrinal errors.
This must not breed division in the Church.
There must not be pursuit of power, fame, social recognition, personal interest with the phenomena.
There must not be grave immoral actions committed by the recipient
There must not be any psychological or psychopathic tendencies caused by the recipient on the phenomena
Marian prophesies:
Akita prophecy (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops opposing bishops. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.” [Approved by the diocese of Niigata, Japan, uncertain approval status from the Vatican]
(Cardinals and bishops are opposing each other in matters of doctrine and theology concerning traditional Catholic teaching and Modernist teachings. Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, compromise, toleration, and inclusion of sin and worldly values.)
Our Lady of Good Success (1635): “The sacred sacrament of holy order will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised. These corrupted priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will incite the hatred of bad Christians, enemies. The apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings to the good pastors of the Church.” [Approved by the Vatican]
(Liturgical sacrileges, diminished vocations, clerical sexual abuse, priestly homosexuality, and corruption have been present in the Church for many years.)
Fatima (1917): “There will be a wicked council planed and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the faith. Confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for the shepherds in vain. A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. The Church will bleed from Her wounds.” [Approved by the Vatican]
(Confusion permeates throughout Pope Francis’ papacy. There is schism and heresy in the German Church. There is already a defacto schism in the larger Church between faithful Catholics and the Modernists. Synods are introducing worldly and evil ideas, remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man. One can only speculate as to which council (or councils) does this prophecy refer to.)
Garabandal (1965): “Many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.”[Uncertain status by the diocese and Vatican]
(This “unofficially unapproved” prophecy clearly illustrates the situation in the Church. Evidently, this also indicates that a prophecy does not necessarily need to be deemed “approved” in order to become true. We are now experiencing that “millstone moment” with Fiducia Supplicans.)
Medujugorje: (The Catholic Church has approved pilgrimages to Medjugorje, but has not declared the reported apparitions to be authentic.)
Etymology: The Greek noun planetes (planet) means wanderer. The Latin verb errare means to wander, to go astray, and to deceive. The Latin verb seducere means to lead away. The Latin noun seductio refers to the act of seducing someone to error. The Latin verb inducere means to lead and to bring into. The German verb betrugen means to betray. The Greek very mukterizo means to turn up the nose (mukter) in scorn, to mock, to deride, and to insult
1Cor.15:32-33: Philosopher Heroclitus: the morals of the Temple of Artemis (Diana) crowd were worse than the morals of beasts. (Evidently, this was a permissive culture of idolatry, vice, and sexual immorality.)
Update: When Jesus associated with sinners, He told them to sin no more, not to accept and permit their sinful behavior.
Fr. James Martin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, is already excitedly blessing same-sex unions (blessing evil). Fr. James Martin seems to be Pope Francis’ point man for their ‘outreach to the LGBTQ community.It seems that Pope Francis is already OK with this! Otherwise, Fr. Martin would not be doing this.
Fiducia Supplicans is setting the stage for transforming same-sex unions as a new “irregular marriage relationship” Non-liturgical blessings are now being restored. This is another example of “slow walking” society’s acceptance of a new marriage relationship.
The LGBTQ community claims that they are disenfranchised because the Church and society will not accept their sinful behavior. They seek to ignore the Church’s teaching about homosexuality.
According to the Vatican, many of these Marian apparitions would be disqualifying. However, it is clearly seen that the Vatican will not acknowledge the reality problems and division in the Church prophesied by these Marian apparitions.
In actuality, it really does not required an official approval of the Marian apparitions to see how clearly these message prophetically allude to the problems and issues in the Church.
The Modernists within the Catholic Church are creating liturgical confusion, chaos, and scandal. These Modernists are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Pope Francis’ synodal Church continues to engage in spiritual harlotry (exchanging worldly values, secularism, sin, and evil with the Church). This synodal process is just another human tradition enacted by the Modernists.
The Modernists are presenting a Jesus who says nothing about sinning no more. Mercy above all else, false compassion, and tolerance has replaced sinning no more and true compassion.
Instead of CONDEMNING THE heresies of the German bishops blessing same-sex unions, the Vatican says the German bishops are “moving too fast”. As a result, we get “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex [irregular] unions.Pope Francis seems to be “slow-walking” this process to eventually get to where the German bishops are.
Pope Francis’ new synodal Church is presenting a different Jesus who walks and accepts one’s lived experiences. This is a Jesus who ignores sin and bestows mercy above all else.
In a typical Modernist fashion, Pope Francis and his inner circle reject and avoid the hard truths for fornicators, idolaters, and adulterers entering into heaven. Rather, Modernists see people marginalized by rigid teachings. Therefore, these rigid teachings must be reformed and changed.
Just as with Paul’s time, our post-Christian secular society is beset with sexual immorality, vice, and idolatry. Our society is faced with demonic influences in uprooting and undermining the culture and the Church. The devil has already sown division within the Church.
In a bold and courageous move, Bishop demands that the other bishops declare that Pope Francis no longer teaches the Catholic faith. Bishop Strickland is correctly rebuking the silent bishops (for failing to speak out) and those bishops who have gone astray in teaching the faith.
The bishops’ silence and cowardice: this failure to speak out and teach about out sinful activity will lead to many souls (both clergy and laity) in mortal danger.
Make no mistake God is already aware of the division, heresy, schism, and confusion in the Church. God will inevitably make his response known in reaction to these problems.
Many of us go astray, already aware of our sin and sinful actions. Yet, there are many who May NOT KNOW that they are going astray (engaging in sinful activity). They may not have not been properly catechized.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are also compromising and prostituting their divine office in their efforts to bring the LGBTQ community’s “lived experiences” into the Church. Many souls could be put in eternal mortal peril.
“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic faith, do not follow him.” Pope Pius IX
[Greek] μίγνυμι (mignymi), [Latin] miscere, [German] mischen, [French] mélange, [French] meler: to mix, to mingle; Mt.27:34, Lk.13:1, Rev.8:7, Rev.15:2
St. Albert the Great warns all of us about mixing and mingling our faith with the world. This can lead to worldliness. (watered-down faith or lack of faith)
Background information:
Albertus Magnus (1200-1280):
He is also more widely known as St. Albert the Great.
He was was a German Dominican friar, philosopher, scientist, bishop, and medieval philosopher and thinker.
He was canonized in 1931 and designated as a Doctor of the Church.
He taught theology at the University of Paris. His most famous student was Thomas Aquinas.
He was asked to preach the eighth Crusade in German-speaking countries.
He is known for founding Germany’ oldest university.
Old Testament: This term means to exchange, to disperse, to pulverize, to mix, to engage, and to place upon.
New Testament: This term means to mix and to mingle.
Mt.27:34: “They gave Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall. But when He had tasted it, He refused to drink.” (This alludes to Psa.69:22, in which a persecuted just man prays for deliverance in the midst of great suffering. In this suffering there is also a great confidence his prayer will be heard.)
Lk.13:1 “At that same time some people who were present there told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.” (Luke provides a timely reminder of the need for all to repent, for the victims of these tragedies should not be necessarily immune from judgement or punishment.)
Spiritual harlotry: This is a intercourse (MIXING) of heavenly (spiritual) values with worldly values (idolatry, paganism, worldliness, and sin). Abandoning the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. Against God, the harlot prostitutes oneself with idolatry, paganism, and sin.
Modern-day syncretism (harlotry) of Christianity with worldly values, idolatry, and sin in the world:
A Panchamama idol at Mass at the Vatican and other Masses. (Inserting pagan idols into the Mass.)
Allowing Anglican services in Vatican cathedrals. (Allowing other faiths in Catholic sacred spaces.)
Pope seeks to focus more on mercy rather than on judgment concerning sin. (Relaxing or downplaying teachings to allow for new situational moralities.)
Fiducia Supplicans states Church teachingsbut also allows “non-liturgical” blessings on “irregular couples”. (This is talking from both sides of the mouth.)
Pope Francis continually advocating of “mercy above all else. (downplaying sinful behavior, lowering sacramental standards, and pushing the envelope for acceptable behavior)
Bringing worldly values, laity decision-making,”lived experiences”, and sin into the Church (Synods).
Amoris Laetitia blurs and dilutes Church teachings.
Pope Francis blurs “slow-walking reform” with criticizing heresy. Pope Francis criticizes the German bishops NOT FOR THEIR HERESY but because THEY WERE MOVING TOO FAST [in their heresy].
Allowing sacrilegious gatherings in Church (St. Patrick’s Cathedral.)
The Vatican wants to create a new Maya rite Mass. There is already a Zaire rite Mass. (Allowing inculturated Masses.)
The Synod of Synodalities: (clergy sharing decision-making authority with laity to determine Church doctrine. What could ever possibly go wrong with that??)
The Synod of Synodalities: (seeking to decentralize and undermine Church authority to the local level. Sounds very Protestant!)
The Synod of Synodalities (seeking to abuse the rightful authority of the Holy Spirit to justify anything they want. This is DANGEROUS and EVIL, as the Holy Spirit can only represent Truth.)
Pope Francis and other clergy continue to get trouble by making problematic or heretical statements regarding other faiths.
Confusing and mixing tolerance with intolerance:
Tolerance is not a Christian virtue. It is never an end in itself [Archbishop Chaput]
Tolerance applies only to person, but never to principles. [Archbishop Sheen]
Intolerance applies only principles, but never to persons. [Archbishop Sheen]
Tolerance is the ‘virtue’ of a man without convictions. [GK Chesterton]
Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it seeks to silence good. [Archbishop Chaput]
Our society’s obsession with tolerance leads to intolerance. [Charles Colson]
The Church is intolerant in principle because she believes. [Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange]
The enemies of the Church are tolerant in principle because they do not believe. [Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange]
Jesus’ teachings of tolerance??
What does this even mean? Following Jesus is a binary choice. You either follow Him or you do not follow Him.
Jesus stated that you choose to follow Him, you must sin no more. Jesus is being intolerant in saying this. Jesus said, “Sin no more.” (Jn.8:11)
Jesus associated with sinners, but He DOES NOT tolerate their lifestyles and sinfulness.
Jesus stated that if you DO NOT follow Him, you are walking in darkness (Jn.8:12). Jesus does not sound tolerant when He said this.
Jesus is tolerant to the extent of being infinitely merciful to us. But conversion must follow forgiveness.
Many people are often confused about what tolerance and intolerance means.
Many people may often mistakenly truly think that a merciful Jesus would be tolerant of their lifestyle.
Mix, mess, messy, melee
Update: The Modernists, in their efforts to create a synodal Church, continue to mix and mingle faith with worldly values, secularism, situational moralities, sin, and evil.
This synodal Church is essentially moving with the world, becoming a Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences.)
The Women’s Ordination Conference is now boycotting the Mass for Lent because they cannot obtain the “right” to become women deacons or women priests. These women view this as a political right, not a vocation.
We are all finding out that the USCCB, Catholic Charities, Catholic Relief Services, and other charitable organization are mixing their priorities and money for dubious purposes. They have lost their mission to focus on spiritual priorities: abortion, pro-life, Eucharist, and the salvation of souls.
More paying lip service to Church teachings: While officially stating Church teachings against homosexuality, the Vatican LGBTQ “outreach” continues to increase. There is no interest in promoting Courage or actively stating Church teachings.
If the Church was serious in promoting Church teachings, the need for the LGBTQ “outreach” would decrease (as there would be more turning away from this lifestyle.) But instead, the LGBTQ “outreach ” continues to expand.
Fiducia Supplicans: the end result of Pope Francis placating the German bishops.
Vatican’s LGBTQ “outreach”: the end result of the Vatican placating the LGBTQ lobby and German bishops.
Unfortunately, too many people (including clergy) mistakenly believe that vocations are also job positions. They are not! This modern “understanding” believes that this concerns women’s political rights.”
More people are seeing that the clergy and the Vatican are becoming more politicized (mixing faith and politics). Traditional and conservative Catholics (and Christians) are now being perceived as “right-wing.”
“Hate what the world seeks and seek what it avoids.” St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Strive to preserve your heart in peace. Let no event of the world disturb it.” St. John of the Cross
“You and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness.” C.S. Lewis
“The goal of the intelligent man is a character in which the will to believe of the saint and the will to doubt of the scientist meet and mingle.” Glenn Frank
Next post: this post will remain hidden if do not see it ☺☺☺
[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir: to receive, to welcome, to believe, to take hold of; 59 scriptures
Do Church leaders and laity follow and accept Jesus? Or do they preach another Jesus?
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to receive, to accept, to take, to take in, to forgive, to choose, to take upon, to offer hospitality, to undertake, to expect, to hear, to approve, and to expect.
Old Testament: This term means to receive, to grasp, to accept, to suffer, to select, to take away, to use, to be pleased, to enjoy, and to favor.
New Testament: This term means to welcome (receive), to believe (accept), to take hold, to take up into, to take part (contribute), and to receive (hear and do). For purposes of brevity, I will exclude examples of receiving people.
Receiving people:
Whoever will not receive you or listen to you, go out and shake the dust from your faith.
Whoever receives you receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives the One who sent me.
Whoever receives one child such as this in My Name receives me.
Whatever town you enter and they welcome you, eat what is offered to you.
If you are willing to accept it that John the Baptist is like Elijah
Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it
The Gentiles and Samaria has accepted the Word of God
The natural person does not accept what pertains to the Word of God
Do not receive the grace of God in vain
If someone comes and preaches anotherJesus or spirit, you put up with them well (you accept it)
You have been receiving the Word in great affliction
Humbly welcome the Word that has been planted in you
Faith not securely planted will fall away during trials
Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.
Take hold:Lk.2:28, Lk.22:17, Eph.6:17
Simeon took Jesus into His arms and blessed God
Take this cup and share it among yourselves
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit
Be taken up: Lk.16:9, Acts 7:59
You be welcomed into eternal dwellings
Lord Jesus, receive my [Stephen] my spirit
That they may welcome me into their homes
Being doers of the Word: Jas.1:19-25
Only hearers of the Word delude themselves (do not teach or follow these words)
Hears of the Word looks at his own face in a mirror and forgets what he looks like
Doers of the Word is one who peers in the perfect law of freedom and perseverance
Doers of the Word acts and shall be blessed
Etymology: The Latin verb recipere means to keep back and to receive. The Latin verb suscipere means to undertake, to support, and to take up. The Latin verb accipere means to take, to grasp, to receive, and to accept. The Latin verb excipere means to take out, to receive, and to ward off. The Latin verb percipere means to secure, to perceive, and to learn, The Latin verb adsumere mean to take up, to adopt, and to raise up.
Mt.16:9: Making friends with dishonest wealth: make prudent use of wealth in the accumulation of spiritual treasures
Mk.10:15: “Amen, I say to you…”: This indicates that Jesus will say something very important.
Update: In remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in man’s image, this synodal process is welcoming worldly values, sin, and the failure to acknowledge sin into the Church.
While Jesus associated with sinners, He told them to sin no more (Jn.8:11). (Unfortunately, we hear nothing about this now!)
Jesus exercised forgiveness and called for conversion, true compassion, and evangelization. In contrast, the Vatican seeks tolerance, inclusion, and false compassion. Pope Francis: “we must NOT have evangelization because that is proselytization which is bad”!
Total obedience and dependence on the gospel are necessary for entry into heaven. Clergy are failing in their tasks to save souls as this does a great disservice to the people.
Next posts: Advent and Christmas posts. “Regular” posts to resume in Jan 2024
[Greek] ὑποτάσσω (hypotassō), [Latin] subdare, [Latin] subicere, [French] soumettre, [French] obeir, [Latin] obtemperare, [Latin] humilitas: to be subject to, to submit, to be obedient, to bring under control, to put oneself under; 49 scriptures
It seems that Pope Leo XIII could be prophetically talking about Pope Francis. The liturgical confusion, uncertainty, chaos, and heresies in Pope Francis’ papacy have given many Catholics cause to believe that Pope Francis has engaged in questionable and heretical activity.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to place under, to subordinate, to subdue, to be obedient, to underlie, to put after.
Polybius’ Histories 3.36.7: “The next is to arrange the several parts of the globe according to these points, and always to refer in thought, any place mentioned to one or other of them.”
Polybius’ Histories 3.13.8: “By a liberal treatment of the forces under his command, he established an excellent feeling toward himself in the army.”
Old Testament: This term means to subdue, to threaten, to subject, to keep, to serve, to revere, to lay open, and to conquer.
Next Testament: This term means to obedient, to be subject, to submit, and to subject. Examples include: Jesus being obedient, demons being subject to God, creation subject to God, Israel not subject to righteousness, respecting higher authorities, and marriage relationships. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on human relationships.
Rom.8:7-8: “For the concern of the flesh is hostility toward God; it does not submit to the law of God, nor can it; and those who are in flesh cannot please God.” (Holiness was impossible so long as the flesh frustrates the divine objectives. At the cross God, broke the power of sin. Holiness can be found in the life of the Holy Spirit.)
Rom.10:3: “For, in the unawareness of the righteousness that comes from God and their attempt to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to the righteousness of God.” (The Jews were ignorant or unaware that Christ fulfilled the law. Not willing to submit to Christ, the Jews remain pridefully confident in their own righteousness.)
Rom.13:1: “Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God.” (Paul builds on the traditional instruction that kings and magistrates rule by the consent of God. Believers should render proper obedience to authorities based on their proper station in life. The secular (earthly) authorities have the responsibility to must just ordinances. Caesar is not entitled to be obedience when such obedience nullifies God’s prior claim.)
Tit.3:1: “Remind them to be under the control of magistrates and authorities to be obedient, to be open to every good enterprise.” (The Christians were called to respectful to the pagan rulers and authorities in Crete. The Christians were called to continue to be good Christians citizens, while still giving these authorities the respect the accorded to them. The Christian were not required to submit to the paganism of the authorities.)
Jas.4:7: “So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James alludes to origin of conflicts in the Christian community. Submission to God often requires humility. Pride can often become a stumbling block in being humble and submissive to God. It is important to remember that pride is often associated with the devil. Submission to God is often a great deterrent against the devil.)
1Pet.2:13: “Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether it to be the king or supreme.” (Christians are called to have respect for human authority. Christians are also called to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against the soul.)
Eph.5:21-22,24: “Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Paul states that the marriage relationship (between a wife and a husband) mirrors the marriage relationship (between Christ and the Church).
Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as husbands should be subordinate to the Lord.
The husband is the head of his wife just as Christ is head of the Church
As the Church is subordinate to Christ, the wife should be subordinate to her husband.
Husbands are called to love their wives, even as Christ loved the Church
Bishop Athanatius Schneider: Obedience has limits: (One cannot be compelled to evil things)
When is obedience not blind or unconditional? This situation exists when sin or mortal situations apply. This is a time when one must disobey. This is a situation where one is commanded to do something harmful to the integrity of the Catholic Faith or sacredness of Liturgy.
What is an example of this? When a bishop, episcopal conference, council, or even a Pope pronounced errors in the their non-infallible Magisterium.
What does St. Thomas say about when faith is at risk? It is lawful, even proper, to resist a papal decision publicly. St. Paul publicly rebuked St. Peter because of an imminent risk of scandal in a matter of faith. St. Paul’s resistance was shown in a public correction of St. Peter. If there is a danger to the faith, subjects are bound to rebuke their prelates, including the pope.
Quotes on obedience:
“Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“The pope is not an absolute monarch whose thoughts and desires are law. On the contrary, the pope’s ministry is a guarantee of obedience to Christ and His word.”
“The first degree of humility is prompt obedience.” St. Benedict
“The man of the true religious tradition understand two things: liberty and obedience. The first means knowing what you really want. The second means knowing what you really trust.” GK Chesterton
Update: It is very important to reminded that the devil has dominion over the natural and secular world. Christians are called to live in this world, but are also called not to assume the cultural values of the world. Ultimately, Jesus attained victory over sin in the world.
The Modernists, in their ignorance, have claimed that Jesus’ Church has changed into a synodal Church in the image of man and his lived experience.
The Modernists have a disdain for Tradition and traditional teachings as they continue to renew and remake Jesus’ Church. Modernists pridefully believe that the Church must walk with the world.
Catholic and Christians are called to respect their secular authorities, but must uphold their Catholic (and Christian values) in effecting the culture. This is part of the person’ desire to evangelize.
Many Catholic have often question Pope Francis’ actions. Catholics are called to respect and obey the pope. However, there are time when this obedience must not absolute regard to serious matters of doctrinal error and heretical teachings.
Submission to God will cause the devil to flee from you.
The devil seeks to influence others through undermining one’s faith, busyness, distraction, causing scandal, spiritual dryness, undermining laity and clergy, and encouraging sinful and carnal behavior.
Paul restates that the marriage relationship between a husband and wife mirrors Jesus’ marriage relationship to this Bride (the Church).
“It is right to submit to a higher authority whenever a command of God would be violated.” St. Basil
[Greek] σιωπάω (siōpaō), [Latin] tacere, [Latin] silere, [Latin] quiescere, [French] reposer: to be silent, silent, to be still; Mt.20:31, Mt.26:63, Mk.3:4, Mk.4:39, Mk.9:34, Mk.10:48, Mk.14:61, Lk.1:20, Lk.18:39, Lk.19:40, Acts 18:9
St. Peter Martyr of Verona (1205-1252) asking for silence: fresco by Fra. Angelico (1441). Yet he COULD NOT BE SILENCED for speaking out as he was being martyred.
Background information:
Fresco of St. Peter Martyr of Verona:
This fresco is located at the Convent of San Marco in Florence, Italy.
As a member of the Dominican order, he wore the blue and white habit, rather than the usual black and white habit.
He spoke out against the13th century neo-Manichaeism heresy of Catharism. Manichaeism held that the spirit was trapped in the evil material world.
He murdered by the Cathars in 1252.
At the time of his death, he wrote, “Credo in Deum” (I believe in God) on the ground with his own blood.
He calls for silence but could NOT be silenced for what he believed.
His canonization process took only 11 months.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to keep quiet, to hold one’s peace, to find rest, to calm oneself, and to impose a silence.
Plato: “To be sure I must; and therefore I may assume that your silence gives consent.”
Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus 980: “For I will not be silent, when you have gone so far in impious speech.”
Euripides’ The Suppliants 298: “No. I will not hold my peace to blame myself afterwards for having kept silence to my shame.”
Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 329: “No, keep quiet and keep yourself clear of harm.”
Old Testament: This term means to consider, to be silent, to wait, to hush, to hold the tongue, to stop, and to conceal.
New Testament: This term means to be silent, to become calm, and to become speechless.
Mt.20:31: “The crowd warned them to be silent, but they [blind men] called out all the more.” (As the blind men asked Jesus to be healed, the disciples told the blind men to be silent. At the most superficial (surface) level, the disciples saw the blind men as a nuisance. In response, Jesus heals a blind man. The disciples were actually spiritually blind in failing to see Jesus’ mission in serving and healing others.)
Mt.26:63: “But Jesus was silent. Then he high priest said to Him, ‘I order you to tell us under oath before the living God whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” (Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin. He remained silent, refusing to respond to the claim of destroying the temple of God and rebuilding in three days. This is also probably a reference to Isa.53:7 [a sheep silent before shearers])
Mk.9:34: “But they [the disciples] remained silent. They had been discussing among themselves about who was the greatest.” (The disciples showed their lack of understanding of what it means to be a disciple. One must focus on serving others. One must focus on being humble, not on being prideful. One who wishes to be first, shall be last and servant on all.)
Acts 18:9: “One night in a vision the Lord said to Paul, ‘Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent.”
Paul arrived in Corinth and spent time in the synagogue attempting to convince both Jews and Greeks.
Paul’s opponents opposed and reviled him.
In his exasperation, Paul stated that he was done with this responsibility. From now on, Paul will go to the Gentiles.
The Lord appeared to Paul in vision. The Lord sought to encourage Paul to continue speaking [“Do not be afraid. Go on speaking.”]
[Greek] φιμόω (phimoō): to muzzle, to say nothing, and to put to silence
1Tim.5:18: “For the scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle and ox when it is threshing.'” (It is the function of the oxen to thresh [trample on and separate the kernels from the chaff]. Likewise, you shall not “muzzle” presbyters [and bishops] in their responsibility to preach and teach.)
Bishop Strickland rebukes the silent US bishops at the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB)
What will it take to speak out that Francis no longer teaches the Catholic faith?
The Synod’s final document seeks to dismantle Christ’s Church structure with a new synodal Church ==> creating a new Church (which is not Catholic).
Pope Francis is abdicating his responsibility to serve as primary guardian of the Deposit of Faith. Every bishops make the solemn promise to be guardians of the Faith.
The Synod seeks to decentralize Church authority and Church doctrine to the local bishop.
Pope Francis has stated that God wills the existence of all religions. All religions are a path to God.
Pope Francis is actively opposing the divine truths of our Catholic faith.
It is the responsibility of you bishops to speak out against this. Or do you remain silent in accepting those thirty pieces of silver.
You must accept this Truth. However, this Truth must be accepted privately and publicly.
Tacit, silent, silence, repose, quiet
Plato indicates that evensilence may indicate a tacit (implicit) acceptance or agreement with something. Cowardice often follows this.
Sophocles indicates that there could be times where silence is not acceptable. Therefore, one must speak up (out).
Euripides indicates that silence may come from shame.
Update: As a result of the Modernists’ efforts to create a synodal Church, the Church has become more divided than ever. Those who opposes synodalism are often deemed as rigid and as nuisances.
A whole legion of pope-splainers have not been silent in gleefully proclaiming that those who oppose Pope Francis’ are “schismatic”. This is quite ironic. These pope-splainers are actually the next generation of neo-Ultramontantists who claim that the pope virtually speaks with papal infallibility. They promote the heretical notion of the “doctrine of the Holy Father”.
These pope-splainers often defend Pope Francis, using “verbal gymnastics” andscouring the internet to explain away Pope Francis’ questionable and heretical statements. Let that sink in!
Many clergy (cardinals, bishops, priests) often remain silent about stating Church teachings on sin. Some clergy perhaps no longer believe in the Church’s teachings.
Some clergy remain silent and cowardly for fear of being deposed, cancelled, removed, or laicized by their superiors.
Some clergy reman silent for fearful of being passed over for promotions and advancement in the Church.
These silent and cowardly clergy are putting their souls (and other souls) in mortal peril by not teaching about the sinful nature of such actions.
Bishop Strickland, already deposed by Pope Francis, is NOT staying silent about the grave evils of synodality. He asks his fellow bishops what will it take for them to speak out. Bishop Strickland has already been made a “white martyr” for standing up for traditional Catholic teaching.
Like an ox who threshes, Bishop Strickland undertakes his duties and responsibilities as a faithful bishop.
From Outreach Magazine (a LGBTQ “Catholic” organization: [already huge red flags!]
A Synod panelist stated, ‘Get to know the real people who are forced to wear a mask because of the Church.’ (This panelist is essentially saying that the Catholic Church’s teachings are harmful because the Church does not accept their lifestyle. The quiet part not being said is that “the Church needs to changes its teachings on homosexuality”. They are blaming the Church. Let that sink in! There is no mention of Church’s teaching on homosexuality –> shocker!
Let’s not forget: Fr. James Martin has essentially said that St. Paul was wrong on homosexuality! Also, Pope Francis has been Fr. James Martin’s greatest supporter and cheerleader. What does that say about Pope Francis’ beliefs?Let that sink in! That is why we have Fuducia Supplicans!
“In some cases silence is dangerous.” St. Ambrose
“The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.” St. Pius X
“All the evils of the world is due to lukewarm Catholics.” St. Pius V
“Because his religion will be a brotherhood of man without the Fatherhood of God, he [the Devil] will set up a counter church…the ape of the Church. It will have the characteristics of the Church, but it will be emptied of its divine content. This will be a new religion without a cross, a liturgy without a world to come, one that renders unto Caesar even the things that are God’s.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
This synodal Church is made in the image of man (and his lived experiences.)
This synodal Church’s divine content is being marginalized, fossilized, undermined, remained, reformed, and renewed.
This synodal Church walks with the world, taking on secularism, equal clergy/laity decision-making, worldly values, spiritual idolatry, new situational moralities, paganism, sin, and evil.
This synodal Church engages in moral relativism, worldly causes, situational moralities, activism, and practical atheism (worldly status, social activism, and giving lip service to Christ.)
The Trinity with Souls in Purgatory: painting by Corrado Giaquinto (early 1740’s)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means clean, free from stain, guilt, and affliction, moral purity, spotless, and without blemish.
Old Testament: This term means clean, pure, flawless, ritually clean, renewed, restored, and perfect.
Does God forgive the guilt of sin and still require punishment?
2Sam.12:13-14: “The Lord has removed your sin. You shall not die, but since you utterly spurned the Lord by this dee, the child born to you will surely die.” (God forgave the guilt of David’s sin, but He stillrequired reparation in the form of suffering [the child dies].
What can be a simple modern day version of this? A father forgives a teenager for breaking his window. (The man will insist that the teen to pay for the damages [paying for it or doing chores to (work it off) in reparation for this damage])
New Testament: This term means clean, clear, and pruned.
Mt.5:8: “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.” (Only one whose “heart is clean” can take part in the temple worship. To be with God in the temple is described as “beholding His face.” The promise for Christians is that they will see God in the coming kingdom.)
Mt.23:26: “Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may be clean.” (The ritual washing of utensils becomes a metaphor for excessive concern for outward appearances, while inner purity is ignored. The scribes and Pharisees are like carefully washed cups on the outside but filthy within. Our motivations [inside ourselves] often define who we are.)
Heb.10:22: “Let us approach [into the sanctuary] with a sincere heart and in absolute trust, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water.”
Through Christ’s priesthood and sacrifice, we have direct and confident access to God through the person of Jesus.
One should approach God with sincerity and faith, in the knowledge that through baptism sins have been forgiven.
The sprinkling refers to the Mosaic rite of cleansing from ritual impurity (external purification).
The sprinkling of Christ’s blood cleanses the conscience.
Washed in water refers to baptism.
Acts 18:6: “When they opposed and reviled Paul, he shook out his garments and said to the Jews, “Your blood will be on your heads! I am clear of responsibility. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.” (Paul essentially says about his mission with the Jews, “I’m done!” Paul’s shaking out his garments indicates his repudiation of his efforts to the Jews.)
1Tim.1:5: “The aim of this instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” (Paul was warning against false doctrine. Paul was telling Timothy to instruct certain people from not teaching false doctrines and myths that promote speculations rather than God’s plan.)
1Tim.3:9: “[Deacons] holding fast to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.” (This should apply to all people in upholding the faith with a clear conscience.)
Catholic perspectives on purgatory:
A person (with sin) cannot enter into heaven [a sin-free zone] (being in the presence of God).
It is unclear whether purgatory is a temporary place, process, or state of mind.
Purification is a manifestation of God’s mercy and grace.
Purgatory provides the means for this process by which souls can “burn off” or “purge” impurities.
Only imperfect people in a state of grace can enter into purgatory.
Purgatory is not a second chance place for those who die in unrepented mortal sin.
Everyone is purgatory will eventually go to heaven.
Scriptural support for purgatory: 1Cor.3:15 (purifying fire), 2Macc.12:45 (praying for the dead), Rev.21:27 (nothing unclean will enter God’s presence).
Going down the word origin “rabbit hole”: [Why does the Greek mundus mean both clean and world???]
[Latin verb] ornare: to adorn, to furnish, to decorate, to make rightly ordered ==> ornament, ornate
[Latin verb] mundare: to clean, cleanse, to make ordinary, to make worldly ==> mundane
[Greek verb] kosmeo: to order, to adorn, to decorate, to make right ordered (beautiful) ==> cosmic, cosmetic
Update: Mt.5:8 (clean heart), Mt.23:6 (inner motivations), 1Tim.3:9 (clear conscience in upholding the faith) all provide the necessary first steps for making it into heaven. Purgatory seeks to complete this process.
Many of us have been quite alarmed and fed up by the Modernists’ efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church made in the image of man. The Modernists are even admitting these new innovations are essentially creating a new Church.
All of us must remain faithful to the tradition Church teachings even against these Modernists efforts. These efforts may involve opposition, obstruction, persecution, cancellation, and even “white” or “red” martyrdom.
Quotes on purgatory:
“To assist the souls in purgatory is to perform the most excellent of the works of mercy.” St. Francis de Sales
“Only we can come to their aid…I asked the souls what their greatest suffering was. They answered me in one voice: their greatest torment was longing for God.” St. Faustina Kowalska
“If, during life, we have been kind to the suffering souls in purgatory, God will see that help be not denied us after death.” St. Paul of the Cross
“Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” (The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.)
[Greek] παραλογίζομαι (paralogizomai), [Latin] decipere, [Latin] fallere, [German] ertappen: to miscalculate, to delude, to deceive, to reason falsely, to lead astray, to reckon wrong; Col.2:4, Jas.1:22
This is Luce, the Vatican’s official cringy anime mascot of the Holy Year 2025. This is another example in which the Modernists seek to make Jesus’ Church hip with the world (young people). Modernists believe that an anime character would be more inspiring than an actual saint! The Modernists are already failing in their efforts to bring people into the Church. One can only wonder if these Modernists are unintentionally deluded and/or deceptive/gaslighting in their efforts.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to defraud, to cheat, to reason falsely, and to mislead.
Isocrates’ Ad Filios Jasonis 6.12: “For they do not examine from all sides the real nature of the equation, but in many ways deceive themselves.”
Demosthenes’ Against Aphobus 1 41.30: “I have yet set forth to you all my charges, while my opponent evaded coming before those acquainted with the facts.”
Demosthenes’ Against Aphobus 1 27.29: “Is this is a trifling sum drawn, which might have easily been miscalculated?”
Socrates: “To believe without evidence and demonstration is an act of ignorance and folly.”
Aeschines’ Against Timarchus 1.117: “I fear that the man who professed to teach the young the tricks of speaking may mislead you by some artifice.
Old Testament: This term means to change, to come against, to transgress, to cover, to delude, to be betray, to carry, and to throw.
New Testament: This term means to delude and to deceive.
Col.2:4: “I say this so that no one may deceive you by specious arguments.” (Paul has concerns that the false teachers have been deceptive about Christ’s true nature in detracting from the person and work of Christ. They must reject religious teaching originating from sources outside the gospel. The Colossians are admonished to adhere to the gospel as it was first preached to them.)
Col.2:8: “See to it that no one captivate you with an empty, seductive philosophy according to human tradition, according to the elemental powers of the world and not according to Christ.” (Paul is concerned that the Colossians are being influenced by false teachers who are emphasizing Christ’s relationship with the universe (cosmos). Paul calls the Colossians to reject religious teaching that does not come from the gospel. Paul warns others to reject human traditions.)
Jas.1:22: “Be doers of the Word and not hearers, only deluding yourselves.” (One must both hear and follow (do) the Word in order to be conformed to the gospel message. Intellectual faith is not enough. Actions are also needed.)
Hearers of the Word:
This is a person who deludes himself.
This is like a person who looks at his own face in a mirror and promptly forget what he looks like.
The perfect law is the gospel (of Jesus) which brings freedom.
Doers of the Word:
This person is one who peers in the perfect law of freedom and perseveres.
This person is one who acts.
This person shall be blessed in what he does.
Guiding principles of Modernists’ thinking:
Agnosticism: human reason is confined entirely within the person’s perceptions (only what is perceptible to human senses and reason).
Vital Immanence: man finds within himself (sentiment, perceptions, and experiences) an explanation for God, religious, faith, and doctrine. External objective supernatural reality is excluded or diminished.
Modernism is a synthesis of all heresies (cumulative embracing of human subjective views ultimately leading to [secularism] and atheism (further away from God.)
Modernists’ view of the Church in the world (adapting to the world and culture) ==> moving further away from God ==> practical atheism:
Pope John XXII invoked Vatican II based on the naive idea that “fresh air” must be brought into the Church.
Pope Paul VI later acknowledged that the “smoke of Satan” has entered into the Church (which has undermined the Church).
Vatican II has resulted in a spiritual and pastoral disaster: decreased vocations, increased sacrilege, decrease Catholic membership, closing churches, poor catechesis, watered down teachings, etc.
Worldly values, secularism, evil, sin, and Modernism have also contributed to further liturgical confusion and chaos. All the popes following Pope John XXII have willingly or inadvertently allowed this.
Pope Francis states that he will continue Vatican II’s efforts to “reform and renew” the Church. Pope Francis is doubling down on the consequences of Vatican II!
The Modernists today have arrogantly stated that the ecclesiology of the Church has changed. Essentially, they are creating a new synodal Church.
The Synod’s coordinators are seeking to decentralize church doctrine and church authority. This sounds very Protestant!
The Synod’s coordinators make mention of “lay governance.” Why is the laity being involved in determining Church doctrine and Church authority???
Modernists’ antipathy and opposition against Tradition: (adapting to the world and culture):
There needs to be a new paradigm shift in Catholic theology toward the LGBT community. (A new situational morality is needed. What a clever way to get around sin!)
Share decision making authority between clergy and laity. (Giving poorly catechized laity decision-making authority? What could ever possibly go wrong with this??)
Ignoring and diminishing the importance of Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11): focusing on “mercy above all else”
Synodal path: remaking Jesus’ Church in a synodal Church (in the image of man and his lived experiences).
They are “keeping the door open on” women deacons: women’s right’s have been disenfranchised because of the male Church Magisterium.
Reform and renewal must be “slow-walked” in order for it to be accepted. Pope Francis criticizes the German Church not because of their heresy, but because they are moving too fast.
The Synod conveniently calls upon the “holy spirit of surprises” to justify and ratify anything. (The Holy Spirit cannot affirm sin!)
The Tradition Latin Mass (TLM) is now considered as divisive because it competes the Novus Order Mass (and new Church ecclesiology). Therefore, the TLM must go!
Despite of the inconvenient reality that the Traditional Latin Mass has been thriving (where currently allowed), the Modernist agenda must continue for the Church.
Modernist delusional and circular thinking: “reform” and “renewal” of the the Church ==> creates new problems ==> need more “reform” and “renewal” ==> rinse, repeat, etc. (Modernists cannot acknowledge the reality that the Church is not truly growing and thriving.
Cardinal Cupic believes that the Traditional Latin Mass impoverishes the church?? He says this while the Novus Order Masses attendance is dwindling and churches are closing.
Modernists believe that an anime character would be more effective than an actual saint in inspiring young people. Let that sink in!
Paralogism: A piece of illogical or fallacious reasoning, especially one which appears superficially logical or which the reasoner believes to be logical. This is related to the Greek paralogos, meaning unreasonable.
Etymology: The Greek verb paralogizomai essentially means to reason (-logizomai) alongsude (para-). The German verb entrappen is itself very telling.The Latin verb decipere is derived from the Latin verb capere, meaning to capture.
When you fall for something:
One may be faced with deception, obstruction, subterfuge, treachery or deceit.
One may not know what what he is dealing with.
This erroneous information presented becomes falsum (deceit).
One must fall or be brought to a fall for what is presented to him.
Demosthenes points out that those who do not face the facts themselves mistakenly think they can persuade others. Isocrates points that some can easily deceive themselves, being close-minded and being unable to see the problem from other sides. Plato states in practical terms what it means to act foolishly and recklessly.
In the Old Testament, this term conveys the sense of going against, covering, and throwing. Perhaps this develops the notion of casting doubt and covering up.
In the New Testament, Paul warns that the false teachers in Colossae are creating false narratives about Jesus’ true nature. James states one must be hearers and doers of the gospel. To do otherwise, you are deluding yourself.
These scriptures allude to the notion of doing anything one wants. The “freedom” to do something (sinful) may in fact become another form of slavery (or addiction) to sin. This becomes another form of self-deception. In contrast, doing God’s will (in being controlled by God) gives you freedom!!!! [#MindBlown, #GodIsInControl] ☺☺☺
Update: The Modernists are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in a Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Unfortunately, many cardinals, bishops, and priests are remaining cowardly and silent in speaking out against heresies, sin, and evil. They will have to answer for themselves at the judgment.
It is very evident that continuing theModernists’ ideology is more important than actually truly revitalizing and renewing the Church.
Pope Francis’ papacy has been consistently identified with liturgical confusion (chaos), scandal, heresies, and evil.
Many heresies in the Church have appeared during Pope Francis’ papacy (and from from Modernism). Shocker!
Archbishop Fisichella states that this mascot was inspired by the Church’s desire “to live within the pop culture so beloved by the youth”. (Again, the Church moving with the world.)
The Catholic Church could have utilized St. Joan of Arc, St. Maria Goretti, or St. Therese of Lisieux as a role model for young people. But instead, the Modernists created an anime character Luce. Because Modernists must NOT have anything to do with tradition!
The Vatican is making these efforts in response to the young people being drawn to Tradition. Yet the Modernists really have no answer to this movement.
The Modernists continually seek to adapt the Church to the world. Yet, they wonder why the Church remains in trouble. Modernists cannot and will not recognize that Jesus’ Church is timeless.
Jesus’ Church will only succeed when it gets back to Tradition and its timeless doctrine.
“People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love more than the truth. They love truth when it shines warmly on them, and hate it when it rebukes them.” St. Augustine.
Pope Pius X: “Modernism leads to atheism and to the annihilation of all religion.”
Pope Pius X: “No, truly, there is no road which leads so directly to Modernism as pride.”
Next post: within a stone’s throw of the end of this political silly season
[Greek] μακροθυμέω (makrothymeō), [Latin] patiens, [Latin] habere patientiam (to have patience), [Latin] longanimitas, [French] endurant: to be patient, to be long-suffering, to be slow, to endure; Mt.18:26,29, Lk.18:7, 1Cor.13:4, 1Thess.5:14, Heb.6:15, Jas.5:7-8, 2Pet.3:9
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to have patience, to put off, to delay, to put up with hardship, and to persevere.
Old Testament: This term means to be patient, to be long-suffering, to delay one’s wrath. This term is primarily used for God’s patience/wrath with man.
The mercy and wrath of constitute the two poles with define God’s relationship with man.
Alongside wrath there is a divine restraint which postpones it.
God’s mercy/wrath is often determined by shortness of human life and weakness of human character.
God’s patience is a gift of God.
God may unleash His wrath if it serves to initiate His providence (punishment, correction, or conversion).
The Wisdom literature require that man show prudence and patience.
Man should not allow his anger to break forth. He should restrain it.
Long-suffering is a quality of prudence.
Secular use: the Roman soldier conveys a warlike virtue.
New Testament: This term means to be patient, to be slow to answer, and patient.
Mt.19:26: “The servant fell down, did his master homage and said,’ Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full.’”
Parable of the unforgiving servant:
The servant pleaded for his master to show him patience (mercy).
The master forgave the servant’s loan.
This servant refused to show patience (mercy) to his fellow servant. This servant put him in prison until he paid his debt.
The master learned that this servant failed to show patience (mercy) to his fellow servant.
The master handed this servant over to torturers until he paid his debt.
The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king who settles his accounts with his servants.
The heavenly Father’s forgiveness, already given, will be withdrawn at the judgment for those who have not shown forgiveness.
Lk.18:7: “Will not God then secure the rights of His chosen ones who call out to Him day and night? We He be slow to answer them?” (This pertains to the importance of persistent prayer. God bears long, shows patience [mercy], and suffers with His chosen. He will vindicate those who experience trials and affliction.)
Heb.6:15: “After patient waiting, Abraham obtained the promise.” (Because of his faithfulness to God, Abraham received God’s promise of multiplying his descendants as numerous as the stars. [Gen.12:1-3])
Jas.5:7: “Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and late rains.” (One must be long-patient in your suffering and oppression. One also must be enduring in your courage, vigor, and forbearance.)
2Pet.3:9: “The Lord does not delay His promise, as some regard “delay”, but He is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (The false teachers tried to justify their immorality by stating that the Lord’s coming has not [and will not come]. However, the Lord is patient, not wishing that one will not perish and that one can come to repentance.)
Patient, patience, endure, endurance, long
Old Testament: God’s relationship with can often vary on a continuum from patience (mercy) to wrath.
Update: Oftentimes we often feel like that God has an “annoying” habit of working slower than we want when we need help from Him.
We often also forget or overlook to respond to others in mercy. I am pretty sure we will be reminded by Him of those when we have failed in doing this.
Some people hardly ever pray or struggle in how to pray. Then there are others who constantly pray.
My own personal experiences: For some reason, God is permitting me to constantly experience struggles and difficulties. Because of this, I am constantly praying! Believe me, I have no problems with praying!
More perspectives on struggles and difficulties:
1Pet.2:19-20: “Whenever anyone bears the pain of unjust suffering because of the consciousness of God, that is a grace. If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God.”
Greek Hellenism: This term means maker, begetter, inventor, composer, author, poet, workman.
Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 11.638: “You yourself must also be an inventor of strategems against the enemy, just as musicians render compositions.”
Plato’s Republic 10.597d: “It seems we shall call him its true and natural begetter.”
Plato’s Euthyphro 3b: “For he say I am a maker of gods’ and I make new gods and do not believe in the old ones So he brought the indictment against you for making innovations in religion.”
Ancient Greeks: The ancient Greeks had no word corresponding to “to create” or “creator.” The Greek verb poieo meaning “to make” sufficed. This term applied only to poetry. In a sense, the poet was a creator. The poet brought a creation to the world. This was in contrast to art, which already had existing rules and laws.
Ancient Romans: These Greek concepts were partly shaken. Poets and other artists now are seen as creators. The Romans had a term for creating, “creation” and “creator.” The classical Greeks had not yet applied inspiration and imagination to the other arts.
Old Testament: This term, used extensively, refers to the work of God’s hand in creation. God’s works are created. This term is not used for creator.
New Testament: This term means poets and doers. A poet creates and composes a poem. Those who hear and observe (act on) the law and Word in the sight of God will be justified. In contrast, a hearer who does not act deludes himself.
Rom.2:13: “For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified.” (It is not enough to hear the law. One needs to follow the law. The Gentiles stand on equal moral footing with the Jews. The Jews cannot condemn the sins of Gentiles without condemning themselves. God made it possible for the Gentiles to instinctively know the difference between right and wrong. The final judgment will be a review of performance, not of privilege.)
Acts 17:28: “For ‘In him we live and move and have our being,’ as even some of your poets have said, ‘For we too are his offspring.’” (Paul makes reference to the poet Aratus who praises Zeus, who embodies a pantheism (divine reason) that permeates every facet of human endeavor. In response, Paul states that the Athenians unknowingly worship an “Unknown God” who does not dwell in sanctuaries and does not need to be served by human hands. Paul states that we must examine divinity from the standpoint of judgment, not creation.)
Jas.1:22: “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.” (To be quick to hear [and do] the gospel means to accept it readily and to act in conformity with it. This also includes removing such obstacles. To listen to gospel message, but not practicing it becomes a failure to improve oneself.)
Jas.1:23: “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror.” (This person sees himself as he truly is. The word forces us to see the true “face of our souls.” When he walks away, he forgets what he looks like [who he really is].)
Jas.1:25: “But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed in what he does.” (This is the image of a person who hears the word of God. By following God’s will, one is freed from the bondage of sin, defects, and worldly values. In a sense, one can find true freedom by being “controlled” by God.)
Jas.4:11 “Do not speak evil of one another, brothers. Whoever speaks evil of a brother or judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law.” (Slander of a fellow Christian breaks the commandment of “loving thy neighbor” and mocks the law’s authority and God.)
Vital immanence (Modernists creating within themselves [and lived experiences] and explanation for religion:
Modernists create within themselves an explanation (sentiment) for religion, faith, and doctrine. ==> dogma
An explanation for religion outside themselves (objective moral absolutes) must be excluded.
This religious sentiment provides the basis for the changing and updating of religion, faith, and doctrine.
Modernists believe that Tradition, doctrine, and faith must necessarily change or adapt to the current circumstances.
Modernists believe that Tradition and traditional (conservative) Catholics are rigid.
Modernists believe that that the Traditional Latin Mass is incompatible with the new ecclesiology. The Tradition Latin must be removed.
The Vatican’ Synodal Penitential Celebration (creating new sins???):
Sins against peace, sins against creation, sins against populations and migrants, sins of abuse, sins against women, family, and youth, sins against poverty
Sins of using doctrine as stones to be hurled: a traditional Catholic is likened to a rigid Pharisee or a stone thrower??
Sins against synodality (listening): supporting Tradition and opposing synodality is sinful?
Modernists have this instinctive need to create a subjective need to explain dogma, doctrine, faith, and Church teaching. These subjective decisions and choices ultimately lead the person further and further away from God. As a result, heresies may inevitably occur. This ultimately leads to atheism.
Poet, poem, poetry, factor
It is interesting that the ancient Greeks elevated the creative aspects of poetry. Poetry still can be considered as a very creative form of literature.
James points out that faith without works is essentially dead. One must act upon one’s faith. Be a hearer and a doer.
Update: The Modernists continue to marginalize and criticize Traditional and conservative Catholics for being rigid and having a disease of nostalgia. The Modernists, who despise Tradition,
really need to look at themselves in the mirror.
Modernists, rather than following (observing) Tradition [given to us by the Church magisterium], seek to find an explanation for religion inside themselves (and lived experiences. This sounds quite Protestant!
Modernists claim that the Church’s ecclesiology has changed. Changing Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man (and his lived experiences) is essentially creating a new Church. Are the Modernists saying that Jesus did not get His Church right??
Pope Francis is evidently creating his own great mess in his efforts to be ecumenical and nice to other faiths. Pope Francis stated that all faiths lead to God, leading to the same path of salvation. This is a perfect illustration of how one’s subjective opinions can lead to straying from established Catholic teachings ==> heresy
Modernists have this subjective need to explain dogma, doctrine, and faith (inside themselves and lived experiences) ==> more and more subjective errors (moving further away from God) ==> atheism.
“The man without Christ is dust and shadow.” St. Paulinus
Whoever wants to be come a Christian must first become a poet.” Pophyrios of Kavskalyvia
Greek Hellenism: This term means maker, begetter, inventor, composer, author, poet, workman.
Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 11.638: “You yourself must also be an inventor of strategems against the enemy, just as musicians render compositions.”
Plato’s Republic 10.597d: “It seems we shall call him its true and natural begetter.”
Plato’s Euthyprho 3b: “For he say I am a maker of gods’ and I make new gods and do not believe in the old ones So he brought the indictment against you for making innovations in religion.”
Ancient Greeks: The ancient Greeks had no word corresponding to “to create” or “creator.” The Greek verb poieo meaning “to make” sufficed. This term applied only to poetry. In a sense, the poet was a creator. The poet brought a creation to the world. This was in contrast to art, which already had existing rules and laws.
Ancient Romans: These Greek concepts were partly shaken. Poets and other artists now are seen as creators. The Romans had a term for creating, “creation” and “creator.” The classical Greeks had not yet applied inspiration and imagination to the other arts.
Old Testament: This term, used extensively, refers to the work of God’s hand in creation. God’s works are created. This term is not used for creator.
New Testament: This term means poets and doers. A poet creates and composes a poem. Those who hear and observe (act on) the law and Word in the sight of God will be justified. In contrast, a hearer who does not act deludes himself.
Rom.2:13: “For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified.” (It is not enough to hear the law. One needs to follow the law. The Gentiles stand on equal moral footing with the Jews. The Jews cannot condemn the sins of Gentiles without condemning themselves. God made it possible for the Gentiles to instinctively know the difference between right and wrong. The final judgment will be a review of performance, not of privilege.)
Acts 17:28: “For ‘In him we live and move and have our being,’ as even some of your poets have said, ‘For we too are his offspring.’” (Paul makes reference to the poet Aratus who praises Zeus, who embodies a pantheism (divine reason) that permeates every facet of human endeavor. In response, Paul states that the Athenians unknowingly worship an “Unknown God” who does not dwell in sanctuaries and does not need to be served by human hands. Paul states that we must examine divinity from the standpoint of judgment, not creation.)
Jas.1:22: “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.” (To be quick to hear [and do] the gospel means to accept it readily and to act in conformity with it. This also includes removing such obstacles. To listen to gospel message, but not practicing it becomes a failure to improve oneself.)
Jas.1:23: “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror.” (This person sees himself as he truly is. The word forces us to see the true “face of our souls.” When he walks away, he forgets what he looks like [who he really is].)
Jas.1:25: “But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed in what he does.” (This is the image of a person who hears the word of God. By following God’s will, one is freed from the bondage of sin, defects, and worldly values. In a sense, one can find true freedom by being “controlled” by God.)
Jas.4:11 “Do not speak evil of one another, brothers. Whoever speaks evil of a brother or judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law.” (Slander of a fellow Christian breaks the commandment of “loving thy neighbor” and mocks the law’s authority and God.)
Vital immanence (Modernists creating within themselves [and lived experiences] and explanation for religion:
Modernists create within themselves an explanation (sentiment) for religion, faith, and doctrine. ==> dogma
An explanation for religion outside themselves (objective moral absolutes) must be excluded.
This religious sentiment provides the basis for the changing and updating of religion, faith, and doctrine.
Modernists believe that Tradition, doctrine, and faith must necessarily change or adapt to the current circumstances.
Modernists believe that Tradition and traditional (conservative) Catholics are rigid.
Modernists believe that that the Traditional Latin Mass is incompatible with the new ecclesiology. The Tradition Latin must be removed.
Sins against peace, sins against creation, indigenous populations, migrants, sin of abuse, sin against women, family, youth, sin against poverty
Sin of using doctrine as stones to be hurled: traditional Catholics are likened to a rigid Pharisee or stone-thrower are sinful??
Sin against synodality (listening): supporting Tradition and opposing synodality is sinful??
Modernists created with themselves a subjective need to explain dogma, doctrine, faith, and Church teachings. Modernism ultimately leads to atheism (moving further and further away from God.)
Poet, poem, poetry, factor
It is interesting that the ancient Greeks elevated the creative aspects of poetry. Poetry still can be considered as a very creative form of literature.
James points out that faith without works is essentially dead. One must act upon one’s faith. Be a hearer and a doer.
The Modernists, continuing to marginalize and accuse Traditional and Catholic Catholics as rigid and having a disease of nostalgia. The Modernists need to look at themselves in how they despise Tradition.
Update: Evidently, Modernists, rather than following (observing) Tradition [given to us by the Church magisterium], seek to find an explanation for religion inside themselves (and lived experiences. This sounds quite Protestant in their thinking!
In their arrogance,
In the their arrogance, the Modernists claim that the Church’s ecclesiology has changed. The Modernist are changing Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church made into the image of man (and his lived experiences.) The Modernists are essentially creating a new Church
In his efforts to be ecumenical and nice to other faiths, Pope Francis either knowingly or unknowingly made very problematic and heretical statements about salvation. Pope Francis stated that all faiths lead to God, leading to the same path of salvation. These statements are counter to the Church’s teaching that salvation is only found through Jesus and His Church.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists really must look at themselves in the mirror in seeing their part in unleashing great liturgical confusion and chaos on the Church. All of us are seeing their true character in not upholding Tradition.
“The man without Christ is dust and shadow.” St. Paulinus
Whoever wants to be come a Christian must first become a poet.” Pophyrios of Kavskalyvia
St. Vincent lived in the early 400’s A.D. He recognized novelties, human traditions, and innovations in the Catholic Church. This saint prophetically tells us to hold on to antiquity (Tradition). Yet, the Modernists in the Vatican have now claimed that Jesus’ Church has changed into a synodal Church in the image of man (and his lived experiences.)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means new, fresh, newly invented, novel, strange gods, innovations, little of anything new, and nothing to be surprised at.
Euripides’ Medea 298: “If you bring novel wisdom to fools, you will be regarded as useless, not wise.”
Plato’s Euthryphro 3b: “So he has brought the indictment against you, for making innovations in religion, knowing slanders on such subjects are readily accepted by the people.”
Old Testament: This term means new, recent, not old, not previously known, and different.
New Testament: This term means new and fresh. Kainos indicates quality. Neos indicates age.
Mt.9:17: “People do not put new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. Rather, they pour new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.” (New wine indicates newly aged [neos] wine. Fresh [kainos] wineskins indicate better quality wineskins. Jesus’ teaching (new wine) cannot be contained in Judaism and the Law (old wineskins). There is an incompatibility in combining the old with the new.)
Mk.1:27: “All were amazed and asked one another, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey Him.'”
Astonishment and amazement: (Jesus speaks with gracefulness, gravity, and majesty. Jesus does not repeat what the scribes and rabbis said. Jesus casts out demons without the need of invocations.)
New teaching (doctrine): (Jesus’ teaching was not based on the scribes and Rabbis. Jesus had the authority to cast out demons. The power to cast out demons [for demons to obey Jesus] was a novel idea for Jewish exorcist.)
Acts 17:19: “They took Paul and led him to the Aeropagus and said, ‘May we learn what this new teaching is that you speak of?'” (The Aeropagus refers to the hill where the Council of Athens settled legal issues. The Athenians were becoming interested in this new religion of Christianity.)
Paul in Athens:
While in Athens, Paul grew exasperated at the sight of the city full of idols.
The Athenians thought that Paul brought strange notions to their ears.
Paul states that the Athenians are very religious. Paul appeals to the Athenians’ religiosity.
Paul sees that the Athenians worship an “Unknown God”.
Paul proclaims that this “Unknown God” made the world and all that is in it.
Paul proclaims that this “Unknown God” does not dwell in sanctuaries made by human hands nor served by human hands (because He needs anything).
Paul states we are the offspring of God, divinity is not like an image fashioned from gold, silver, stone or stone by human art and imagination.
2Cor.5:17: “So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things come.” (Christ’s death produces a whole new order [mode of perception]. The natural fleshy mode is replaced by a spiritual mode. The old creation is of weakness, powerlessness, folly, and death. The new creation is of wisdom, power and life.)
Eph.2:14-15: “He is our peace, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims, that He might create in Himself one person in place of the two, thus establishing peace.”
The Vatican’s Penitential Celebration: creating new sins: (is this creating a new Church?)
Sin against peace, sin against creation, sin against populations and migrants, sin of abuse, sin against women, family and youth, sin against poverty
Sin of using doctrine as stones to be hurled: a Traditional (conservative) Catholic is likened to a rigid Pharisee or stone-thrower??
Sin against synodality: one who supports Tradition (and opposes synodality) is a sinner??
Novel, novelty, Novus Order, new
Vatican II’s naive intent to “bring fresh air into the Church” has lead to the modernization of the Church. From Vatican II, Aggiornamento, “bringing up to date” has given the Modernists license to to continually “renew” and “reform” the Church ==>rinse and repeat. At the same time, Pope Paul VI also stated that “smoke of Satan has entered through the crack of the Church.” (Something to ponder about!)
Update: Cardinal Roche has arrogantly stated that the Traditional Latin Mass is no longer compatible with the new ecclesiology of the Church.
Modernists now believe that Tradition is now longer compatible for the Church. Modernism seeks to diminish, annual, and repudiate Tradition.
Tradition conveys the timeless quality of Catholicism. Modernism conveys a sterile and modern form of Catholicism. The differences between historic churches [majestic, beautiful, awe-inspiring] and modern churches [cold, sterile, and bland] have never been more striking.
Modernism has become a religion of worldliness, moral relativism, materialism, and PRACTICAL ATHEISM (social work with just lip-service to Christ).
Modernists seek to find an explanation for religion, doctrine, faith INSIDE THEIR MINDS (AND LIVED EXPERIENCES). Modernism begins with an agnostic world-view. These successive and subjective human errors ultimately lead to ATHEISM!
Consequences of endless “reform” and “renewal”: More and more people are seeing Modernism filled with liturgical confusion [chaos], human traditions, heresies, new teachings and innovations, and syncretisim (mixture of religion with secularism, inculturation, paganism, worldly values, and sin).
Paul appeals to the Athenians’ paganism, but he does NOT agree with their means of salvation. Paul is seeking convince the Athenians that salvation comes from God.
Pope Francis, in his questionable ecumenical efforts, has made troublesome and heretical statements about how one obtains true salvation.
Other quotes by St. Vincent of Lerins:
“All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.”
“No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in Him.”
New Testament: This term means to conform with, to mold, and to shape one’s behavior.
Rom.12:2: “DO NOT CONFORM YOURSELVES TO THIS AGE, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Paul calls upon the Gentiles to offer themselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. We are called to exercise good judgment and to not be fashioned according to this world when we face decisions.)
1Pet.1:14: “Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance.” (This ignorance refers to lack of knowledge of God, passions, lust, evil, and godless conduct.)
A high level “bird’s eye view” of the issues involving salvation:
How as the Church (and Catholics) view salvation?
Before Vatican II, the Catholics believed that salvation is obtained solely through Jesus Christ and His Church.
After Vatican II, the Catholic Church accepted that non-Catholic faiths could have value. However, not all Catholics subscribe to this view.
What are the challenges of ecumenism?
Jesus prayed for unity. Yet Christians remained divided.
Christians have a serious obligation to resolve this grave obstacle.
There may continue to be barriers to prevent ecumenism.
How does Vatican II approach ecumenism?
By building positive relationships to eradicate antagonism and conflict
By achieving unity by focusing on doctrinal agreement
Doctrinal agreement should explore different forms of expression
The Church subsists (has “sort-of Church membership) in the Roman Catholic Church.
Vatican II takes a more nuanced approach toward ecumenism with other faiths.
What are the objections to Vatican II’s ecumenical approach?
This opposes traditional Church teaching salvation can only be attained though Jesus and His Church.
The ides of “being “sort of” in the Church is a new development of doctrine pertaining to ecumenism.
This implies that non-Catholic faiths could be “salvific”.
This makes missionary activity irrelevant. If people can be saved outside the Church, what is point of preaching the gospel and urging conversion?
Etymology: This Greek verb syschematizo means to have a external conforming schema, which comprises everything in a person which strikes the senses: figure, bearing, discourse, actions, and manner of life. In contrast, the Greek verb metamorphoo refers to the internal nature (form) which is changed.
Conform, configure, configuration fabric, fabrication, form, build, building
Update: [For purposes of brevity], I will just focus on the subject matter of salvation.
One has to ask: “How much has Vatican II conformed the Church to the world?” Vatican II was created from the naive notion of “bringing fresh air into the Church.” ==> a spiritual and pastoral disaster (many problems)
One has to ask: “How much has the Vatican’s Synodal Way conformed the Church to the world?” Jesus’ Church is being transformed into a Church in the image of man (and his lived experiences). This is essentially becoming a new Church ==> more liturgical confusion and chaos (many problems) DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE?
One of Vatican II’s famous words Aggiornamento, meaning “bringing up to date” has unfortunately has given the Modernists license to “renew” and “reform.” ==> rinse and repeat
At the same time, Pope Paul VI also mentioned that “the smoke of Satan has entered into a crack in the Church.”
It seems we all are again revisiting the question: “How can one achieve salvation? Can salvation be achieved outside the Catholic Church?
St. Augustine stated, “No man can attain salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can everything except salvation.” (Is St. Augustine right? Is it much more simpler in saying that St. Augustine was right?)
One also has to ask: “Is it still possible to able to attain salvation outside the Catholic Church? (Obviously, this question cause some controversy.)
One also has to ask: “Is Vatican II’s approach toward salvation also still valid? After all, Jesus established one Church, not over 45,000 churches and denominations.
What could be some potentially disastrous salvific consequences of Pope Francis’ Synodal Path (walking [conforming] with the world):
In the Vatican’s Synodal path, poorly catechized laity will be given much greater responsibilities in determining doctrine. This could mean removing any doctrine which you do not like! They believe that the Church must be democratized between the clergy and laity.
Vatican II looks more like a United Nations NGO rather than a Church leading souls to heaven. Focusing more on social work than on sin. Souls could be put in peril.
The Vatican seeks to downgrade the stature of the papacy to make it more appealing or agreeable to other faiths. Making all faiths the same.
The Vatican focuses more on tolerance, false compassion, and mercy rather than intolerance, Church teachings, sin, and true compassion. Avoid talking about sin.
Fiducia Supplicans: bestowing specific “non-liturgical blessings” on “irregular couples” but not calling out this sinful behavior. This will encourage more of this behavior. Some have claimed that this is the Vatican’s “millstone moment”.
Pope Francis criticizes the the German Synodal Way not for their heresy, but THAT THEY ARE MOVING TOO FAST. Let that sink in. Pope Francis wants to “slow-walk” this process in getting there. (Fiducia Supplicans is a perfect illustration of this)
Ironically, in Brussels Pope Francis is getting criticized for “not moving fast enough” [in conforming to the world] on women priests, women deacons, and the LGBTQ community.
“If we would give full satisfaction to the heart of God, we must bring our own will in everything into conformity with His.” St. Alphonsus Liguori
“We do not want a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world.” GK Chesterton
Greek Hellenism: This term means way, road, course, journey, travelling, manner, way of doing, and way of saying.
Old Testament: This term means road, way, path, manner, conduct, and destiny.
God made provisions for the future for our salvation:
Mal.1:11: “From the rising of the sun to its setting, My name is great among the nations; incense offerings are made to My name everywhere, and a pure offering; for My name is great among nations, says the Lord of hosts.” (This foreshadows the future Mass continually being said in each time zone throughout the world. The Eucharist becomes present in a host.)
New Testament: This term means way, gate, journey, road, and path. By the way, for purpose of brevity, I will exclude normal (mundane) uses of this term.
Jn.14:6: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way and the Truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (The Truth of the Father is manifested in the person and works of Jesus.)
Acts 13:10: “Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit said, ‘You son of the devil, you enemy of all that is right, full of every sort of deceit and fraud. Will you not stop twisting the straight paths of the Lord?'” (Satan is the father of lies and the author of deceit. God’s straight paths indicate Christian doctrine, integrity, sincerity, and truth.)
Rom. 11:33: “How inscrutable are God’s judgments and how unsearchable His ways!” (God’s ways are unfathomable and unknowable.)
Mt.11:10: [Malachi]: “Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you [Jesus]; he will prepare Your way before You.” (The coming of a new prophet was eagerly awaited.)
Lk.1:76: [Zechariah]: “You child will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare His ways, to give His people knowledge of salvation.” (Zechariah was the father of John.)
Acts 2:28: [David]: “You (God) have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.”
Heb.3:10: [Holy Spirit]: “Because of this [rebellion and testing] I was provoked with that generation and I said, ‘They have always been of erring heart, and they do not know My ways.'” (In the wilderness the Israelites were disobedient and hard-hearted. The Israelites did not want to know the ways of God.)
The Way (the new Christian ‘sect’):
Acts 9:2: “Saul asked the high priest for letters to the synagogues, if he should find any men or women who belonged to the Way, he might bring them back to Jerusalem in chains.” (Paul was a rabid Pharasaic persecutor of these new Christians.)
Acts 18:25: “The Jew Apollo, an authority on the scriptures, had been instructed in the Way of the Lord, and taught accurately about Jesus, although he knew only the baptism of John.” (Yet Priscilla and Aquila took him aside to explain more fully about the Way.)
Acts 19:9: “But when some [Jews in the synagogue] in their obstinacy and disbelief disparaged the Way before the assembly, Paul withdrew and took his disciples with him and began to hold daily discussion in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” (These hardened and disobedient Jews were violently opposed to the gospel. It is interesting to note that the Greek noun schola refers to the lecture hall of Tyrannus. We can possibly infer that Paul was acting like a theology professor.)
Acts 19:23: “About that time a serious disturbance broke out concerning the Way.” (The silversmith Demetrius claimed that Paul stated that ‘gods made by hands are not gods at all.’ The silversmiths were filled with fury and anger from this offense against the goddess Artemis. Paul wanted to respond but his associates convinced him to not do this.)
Mt.7:13: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.”
Mt.13:4: “Some seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up.”
Mt.21:32: ” When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him.”
Man (human nature):
Acts 14:16: “In past generations God allowed all Gentiles to go their own ways.” (God allowed the Gentiles to walk in their own ways, following their desires and passions. The ignorance and sin of the Gentile world would be allowed to run its course, allowing them to be open to God’s mercy and redemption.)
Jas.1:8: “He is a man of two minds, unstable in his ways.” (Man’s concerns are divided between God and the world. Yet, God permits that one’s testing of his faith produces perseverance.)
2Pet.2:2: “Many will follow the false teachers’ licentious ways, and because of them, the way of truth will be revealed. (These false teachers will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master, bringing swift destruction on themselves. They will exploit you with fabrications. Their destruction does not sleep. They bring loss of faith in Christ and contempt for the way of salvation.)
A high level (“bird’s eye’s view) of the Church’s views toward salvation:
Prior to Vatican II: the only means to salvation is only through Jesus and His Church. (All other Churches do not have this means of salvation).
Vatican II’s more nuanced view (“It’s not that simple anymore”) toward ecumenism: other churches (faiths) can subsist (can have some elements of salvation) in the Church.
Not all Catholics accept Vatican II’s understanding about salvation.
Occam’s Razor: The simplest explanation (answer) is generally better than a more complex explanation (answer). Which statement is more plausible? Thesis #1 or Thesis #2 ?
Thesis #1: Jesus established one Church (the Bride of Christ) for the salvation of man.
Mt.16:18: ” [Jesus]: and so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Jesus made provisions for His Church to last forever.)
Napoleon Bonaparte threatening a Church cardinal
Napoleon Bonaparte: “Are you not aware that I have the power to destroy the Catholic Church?”
Catholic cardinal: “Your Majesty, we Catholic clergy have done our best to destroy the Church for the last 1800 years. We have not succeeded, and neither will you.” (due to the continued protection of the Holy Spirit!)
Thesis #2: Jesus allows and permits the establishment of [as of now] over 45,000 churches and denominations! Then which church is the one for one to obtain salvation?
Jesus: “All of you can just do your thing and create as many churches as possible. That’s fine with me.”
Answer: Thesis #1 ==> simplest explanation!!!
Pope Francis’ troublesome statements about salvation: (from his efforts in reaching out and get along with other faiths)
“Every religion is a way to arrive at God.”
“Different religions lead to the same God.”
“Divine inspiration is present in every faith.”
Unfortunately, confusion often follows Pope Francis:
“It is a mistake for the Church to try to hold onto old traditions or to have clear answers for everything.” (So is Pope Francis saying that IT IS A BAD THING THAT THE CHURCH HAS CLEAR ANSWERS FOR EVERYTHING??? Very unsettling and very concerning!)
Via, iteration, march, voyage, voyager
The prophet Malachi prophesizes a perfect sacrifice celebrated around the world. The Mass is continually celebrated through all the world’s time zones.
Satan seeks to undermine God’s Church, God’s laws and creation, and morality. One does not need to be full blown possessed to be influenced by Satan. Satan influences each of us through deceit, lies, pride, rebellion, distraction, spiritual dryness, busyness, enticement with the world’s pleasures, vices and liberties, and vulnerability to sin.
Satan loves to create confusion in all aspects of our world. We must not lose sight of this!
Update: God is allowing the Modernists’ hard-heartedness to continue for all of us to see the LITURGICAL CONFUSION AND CHAOS in the Church. These Modernists are evidently “true-believers” in their ideology. Hopefully, this will cause many of us to wake up, to take notice, and to not take our Church (and faith) for granted.
Unfortunately, we currently have many recent generations of poorly catechized laity. The Vatican Synodal Way is seeking to encourage greater decision-making authority between the clergy and laity! WHAT COULD EVER GO POSSIBLY WRONG WITH THIS!
It is one thing to be ecumenical, but it is another thing to make questionable doctrinal statements in order to just get along with other faiths (like Pope Francis)!
More and more Traditional (conservative) Catholics are being marginalized and ridiculed “as rigid” and “having a disease for nostalgia” by the Modernists and progressives in the Church.
Several clergy espousing traditional Catholic teachings are now being removed, deposed, excommunicate, and laicized during the Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
One also has to ask: “Are Vatican II’s “nuanced” views on salvation also shaped by “fresh air”, Modernism and secularism?
Pope Francis’ Synodal path, seeking to walk with the world, is incorporating pagan and indigenous elements in the Mass. The German Bishops (not a good sign) were extensively involved in the Amazonian Synod. Secularism, worldly values, sin, and evil are creeping into this Synodal Church.
Yes, we certainly now live in a more complicated world. But perhaps the simplest answer is to still refer to the saints who knew (without the complications) where salvation could be found. Just saying. And perhaps, we are still making it complicated in finding where salvation can be found!Maybe we should still draw from that wisdom [God and the saints] and simplicity when it comes to salvation.
If the true answer is as simple as St. Augustine states, will Church leaders accept and teach this?
Pope Francis, seeking to get along and be nice with other “faiths” at questionable ecumenical events, continues to dig himself deeper in making troublesome statements about salvation. Pope Francis continues to be hesitant (not being bold) in stating the Catholic Church’s teachings on salvation.
Pope Francis’ Synodal Church continues to create new human doctrines, innovations, and “sins” at the Vatican Synodal Penitential Celebration. Such new sins include: the sin against synodality (listening), and the sin of using doctrine like a stone. (In other words, a Traditional Catholic is likened to a rigid Pharisee or stone-throwing Jew. Keeping Tradition and opposing synodality is a sin! CREATING NEW SINS ==> CREATING A NEW CHURCH!
Another consequence of Vatican II’s naive intent to “bring fresh air into the Church” ==> questionable ecumenical efforts
All the popes (Pope John XXIII to Pope Francis) can be included.
Vatican II becomes the starting point for this.
This includes questionable ecumenical efforts with governments.
This includes questionable ecumenical efforts with other faiths.
This has led Pope Francis to make his three troublesome statements about salvation. Are you surprised?
We all must not forget that Pope Paul VI also mentioned that “the smoke of Satan has entered into a crack in the Church” (Let that sink in.)
Quote by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216 A.D) at the Fourth Lateran Council:
“Indeed, there is but one universal Church of the faithful outside of which no one at all is saved.”
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer: to deceive, to seduce, to beguile; Eph.5:6, 1Tim.2:14, Jas.1:26
[Greek]ἐξαπατάω (exapataō): [Latin] seducere: to seduce wholly, to deceive wholly; Rom. 16:18
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are “remaking” and “reforming” Jesus’ Church in a worldly synodal Church in the image of man (and his lived experiences). Changing doctrine ==> changing understanding of salvation ==> heresy of Indifferentism (“Doesn’t make any difference in how to obtain salvation”).
Background information:
Mythology: The Greek goddess of deceit, fraud, and trickery is Apate. The corresponding Roman goddess is Fraus.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to trick, to fool, to deceive, to beguile, and to cheat.
Aristophanes’ Peace 1070: “If only the Nymphs had not fooled Bacis; and if the Nymphs had not tricked Bacis a second time.”
Plato’s Gorgias 499c: “And yet I started with the notion that I should not have to fear any intentional deception on your part. But now I find I was mistaken.”
Plato’s Cratylus 413d: “Perhaps I may deceive you into thinking that all I am going to say is my own.”
Old Testament: This term means to deceive, to entice, to be tempted (into idolatry), and to tempt.
Jdgs. 14:15: Coax your husband to answer the riddle
Jdgs.16:5: Beguile him and find the secret of his strength
Judith 13:16: It was my face that seduced Holofernes
Jer.20:7: I let myself be duped
Job 31:27: To blow them (sun or moon) a kiss
Blowing kisses to idols: Idol worshippers would ordinarily kiss the idols in their presence. When an idol was unavailable or unreachable, the idol worshipper would kiss his hand and wave it toward the idol (sun and moon god).
New Testament: This term means to deceive, to delude and to trick.
Eph.5:6: “Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.” (Paul was warning his followers against the empty deceptive arguments from the age of the world. Paul warned against worldly beliefs that argue against accepted moral, religious, and social norms. These things: sin, worldly values, secularism, relativism, synodalism, transgenderism (gender theology), Modernism, human traditions, etc.)
Jas.1:26: “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, his religion is vain.” (The tongue can defile with unkindness, untruth, wickedness, malice, slander, pride, rebellion, heresy, and blasphemy.)
Rom.16:18: “For such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites, and by fair and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the innocent.” (Paul warns others to avoid those who create dissensions and obstacles to the faith. These people seek their own agenda. Paul warns others to be aware of what is good and evil.)
1Tim.2:14: “Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed.” (The serpent used trickery to deceive Eve. Yet, Adam failing to protect or help Eve, is also culpable.)
What does Satan seek to accomplish?
Satan seeks to deceive, destroy, and undermine the Church, Church teachings, social precepts (morals), social institutions, and people.
Satan is all in for creating and fostering divisions, heresies, schism, confusion, and affirming and encouraging sin in the Church.
[Paul]: Where there is evil in the Church, there is the devil.
One does not need to full-blown possessed to be influenced by the devil. Satan can subtly influence one through distractedness, weakness, busyness, and preying upon our weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
One must not forget that the world and worldly values are part of earthly domain of the devil.
Those who are most caught up in sin are the most potentially vulnerable to the devil’s influence.
Indifferentism: This is a heresy, in which one believes that all religions are equally valid paths to God. It doesn’t matter as to which faith one adheres to.
Material heretic: A person who believes, asserts, or teaches material heresy, WITHOUT KNOWING that it is contrary to definitive Church teaching. This is not a deliberate choice. This person has not committed a sin.
Formal heretic: A person who believes, asserts, or teaches material heresy, KNOWING that it is contrary to definitive Church teaching. This is a deliberate choice. This person has committed a sin.
What were Pope Francis’ troublesome statements about salvation? ==> [What difference does it make to achieve salvation?]
“Every religion is a way to arrive at God.”
“Different religions lead to the same God.”
Why would Pope Francis make these statements? Because Pope Francis is a Modernist.
How do Modernists think? (Yes. this is lengthy, but still this is very important in understanding Modernists.)
The Modernist starts with agnosticism (the belief that human reason is confined to perceived phenomena).
What is outside of human reason (pertaining to God and supernatural reality) remains unknowable. The Modernist is less concerned for the Divine.
The Modernist finds an explanation (and evolution) for religion, faith, doctrine, and revelation (within himself and his lived experiences). This is called vital immanence.
The Modernist calls for “new Catholic social teaching” when or should the need arise.
Modernists seek to explain all religious phenomena. Therefore, Catholicism is put on an equal footing with all other religions.
The Modernist believer asserts that one’s intuition of God is the only true means of knowing God. Therefore, all religions are true.
Tradition is only valuable if it brings about the experience in new adherents. All else is rigiddogmatism and Pharisaism.
The Modernist holds that the Church is collective conscience of all believers.
The threefold authority (scripture, Tradition, and magisterium) derives directly from the consent of all believers. The Church must democratize.
The Modernist holds that faith must be separated and even subordinate to science.
The Modernist has the incessant drive to “reform” and “renew” the Church.
The two immediate moral causes of Modernism are curiosity and pride.
The primary intellectual cause of Modernism is ignorance.
The reformer Modernist, perceiving the lived experiences (marginalization) of others, calls for the need to reform or change rigid Church doctrine and teachings.
The Old Testament introduces the notion of deceiving and being deceived through the enticement of idolatry (idol worship).
It is also important to note that religious teachers (popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, pastors, and RE teachers should and will be judged more harshly by God. (They already should no better!)
Update: In a sense, many of us are like little pagans worshipping various “gods” such as: social media, electronic devices, technology, fame, celebrity, power, wealth, status, etc.
Many of us are actually bowing bowing down to our electronic devices. In fact, many suffer from a medical condition called “tech neck” (shoulder and neck strain, tightness).
Many clergy often remain silent and cowardly not speaking out against serious theological concerns and issues for fear of being cancelled, deposed, removed, and laicized. Some clergy also cling to their status (and following) [in the world]rather than act like shepherds.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are now remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences, resulting in: liturgical confusion (chaos), marginalization of Catholics, bringing into the Church: human traditions and novelties, sin, worldly values, and evil.
It is always important to be reminded that one does not have to be full blown possessed to be influenced by the devil.
Modernism consists of empty and deceptive human traditions.
Vatican II’s most recent synodal Penitential Celebration (creating new sins) is now equating doctrine with a stone. Therefore a traditional Catholic is likened to a Pharisee or one throwing his doctrine at someone!
Pope Francis’ own tongue (words) has caused great controversy for him and others concerning salvation.
The Modernist’s lived experience is subjective. That is why Catholicism can be one path (among others) to salvation.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists believe that Tradition is rigid and fossilized.
Paying lip service to Jesus [with just social work rather than focusing on the salvation of souls] can become a form of practical atheism.
Modernist tendency toward Indifferentism finds its beginnings with agnosticism.
Traditional teachings can sometimes be harmful to marginalized groups. Therefore, the theology must change. (Fiducia Supplicans)
Pope Francis often refers to the “Holy Spirit of Surprises” to initiate need change in the new synodal Church.
Pope Francis should already know better about what he said about salvation. After all, he is the Pope! As expected, we are now having this debate: “Has Pope Francis committed material heresy or formal heresy?” Then we have all the popesplainers chiming in, seeking to clean up, to defend, and to explain what Pope Francis really meant. This is where we are in this controversy.
My final thought: Pope Francis is a “true believer” in Modernism. I am really NOT that surprised that Pope Francis would make these controversial statements. But this does not diminish the serious nature of the controversy.
Indifferentism undermines the notion of Jesus (and His Church) as the only path for salvation. (Jn.14:6)
Quotes by St. Pius X:
“Progress of dogmas is in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas.”
“Modernism is a synthesis of all heresies.” (This cumulative embracing of human subjective errors ultimately leads to atheism. Indifferentism is just one of these heresies.)
“The true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators, but traditionalists.”
[Greek] πειράζω (peirazō), [Latin] experiri, [Latin] temptare, [German] prufen, [French] toucher, [French] essayer: to explore, to test, to try, to examine, to attempt, to prove, to put to the test, to go about, to make proof of, to learn, to strive, to make an effort, to lead into temptation, to put someone to the test, to know by experience, to test the truth of, to try someone; 42 scriptural references
St. Boniface (675-754 A.D), was known for spreading the faith in Europe during the Dark Ages. He also alludes to the difficulties of the Church in his time. Like today, the Church is also going through stormy waters ever since Vatican II. It seems now that Tradition can only right this wayward ship (the Church.)
Background Information:
Greek Hellenism: This term is used in a variety of ways in secular Greek. This term means to attempt, to strive, to make an effort, to put to the test, to lead into temptation, to stir up, to try someone, to test a thing, and to know by experience.
Homer’s Illiad 2:8: “Bid him arm the long-haired Achaeans with all speed, since now he may take the broad-wayed city of the Trojans.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 6.82: “He thought it best not to make any attempt on the city until before he learned from the sacrifices whether the god would deliver it to him or withstand him.”
Homer’s Odyssey 9.281: “So he spoke, tempting me, but he trapped me not because of my great cunning, and I made answer again in crafty words.”
Old Testament: This term means to test, to try, and to attempt.
This is used in a secular and a primarily spiritual sense.
The important theme of testing is illustrated by God testing man, man testing God, and man being tested by Satan.
God puts Abraham’s faith and obedience to the test. Abraham withstands the test by obeying the will of God.
Adam and Eve fail as result of being tempted (tested) by the serpent. This leads to the story of the fall in Genesis.
Job ultimately submits to God’s will in the midst of incomprehensible suffering.
In the Wisdom books, the purpose of God’s testing is further illustrated and defined.
Testing (and suffering) can provide instruction, trust, refining, purification, education, and eschatological redemption.
New Testament: This term means to tempt, to test, to examine, and to not allow. The three predominant testing themes are: man being tempted, man tempting God (Jesus), and Jesus being tempted.
Jesus being tempted (tested) by the devil (Satan):Mt.4:1,3, Mk.1:13, Lk.4:2, Heb.2:18, Heb.4:15
Jesus’ obedience to His Father is also being tested. Jesus refuse to use His his power for His own benefit and accept whatever God wills.
These testings resemble those of Israel during the wandering in the wilderness.
The worship of Satan is probably likened to Israel’s worship of false gods.
The Holy Spirit tests Jesus in sending Him into desert for forty days.
Jesus sustained obedience brings forth the new Israel.
Jesus is able to help those who are being tested.
Jesus has been tested in every, yet without sin.
Jesus being tempted (tested) by others: Mt.16:1, Mt.19:3, Mt.22:18, Mk.8:11, Mk.10:2, Mk.12:15, Lk.11:16, Lk.20:23
The Pharisees and the Sadducees ask Jesus to show them a sign from heaven. (Jesus already knows that they see Jesus as an agent of Satan. There is no convincing them.)
The Pharisees seek to test Jesus about the legal implications of marriage and divorce. (In response, Jesus reiterates God’s original intentions for marriage.)
The Pharisees seek to trap Jesus about one’s responsibilities (duties) toward Caesar. (In response, Jesus points out one’s responsibilities to God and one’s responsibilities to Caesar.)
The Pharisees and Sadducees seek to trap Jesus about one’s fidelity to the commandments. (In response, Jesus illustrates the foundational aspects of the commandments in the Law.)
After driving out demons, Jesus was accused of being inspired by Beelzebul, the prince of demons. (Jesus refused to give a sign to others to win acceptance from unbelievers.)
The Jews brought a woman (accused of adultery) before Jesus. They were testing Jesus if he would follow the Law in punishing this woman. (Jesus turned the tables on them and forced the Jews to walk away. Jesus forgave the adulterous woman and told her to sin no more.)
Putting God to the test: Acts 5:9, Acts 15:10, 1Cor.10:9, Heb.3:9
Peter said to Sapphira, ‘Why did you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord?’ (Ananias and Sapphira retained a part of price of land given to the Apostles. Satan had filled Sapphira’s heart so that she lied to the Holy Spirit.)
Paul asks the Jerusalem Council why are they putting God to the test by placing a yoke (circumcision) on the Gentiles. (Paul reminded them that the Gentiles are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus.)
Let us not test Christ as some of them did, and suffered death by serpents. (To provoke and to notoriously sin against God is a tempting of God. The desert experiences were warnings against idolatry and immorality.)
[Holy Spirit] : harden not your hearts as in the desert, where your ancestors tested and tried Me.
Being tested: Acts 16:7, 1Cor.10:13, 2Cor.13:5
They tried to go on into Bithyna, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them, so they crossed through Mysia and came down to Troas.
No trial has come to you but what is human, God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. (God knows our limits and capabilities. He will provide you with the strength and courage to handle your difficulties.)
Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in faith. Test yourselves.
By faith Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to offer his only son. (Abraham provides us with an example of showing trust in God.)
No one experiencing temptation should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God is not subject to temptation to evil, and He Himself tempts no one. (Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. This desire conceives and brings forth sin. When sin reaches maturity, it gives birth to death.)
Greek Hellenism: Testing occurs in the sphere of the gods and oracles. Even men will often test the gods and oracles.
The Old Testament begins the development of the insight and meaning for testing and suffering that God permits. Abraham provides an important illustration of this.
The New Testament further develops the understanding of testing and suffering. In some situations, testing and suffering can be a participation in Christ’s sufferings, joy, and grace. Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection provide a profound meaning for suffering.
Update: Many of us do not realize or are unaware that marriage is only a temporary earthly institution. Marriage will no longer be visible in heaven. Yet many people, from all political and theological backgrounds, have elevated marriage as an idol.
The LGBTQ community and its supporters have been investing so much energy in advocating an secular (non Christian “marriage union”. As a result, many are and have put their eternal souls in peril for advocating and supporting this sinful arrangement.
Many of us have also confused, mixed up, and ignored our proper understanding of what is properly due to God.
Many of us have either ignored or forgotten Jesus’ command to sin no more. Sinning no more: ==> walking in light. Not sinning nor more: ==> walking in darkness
Pope Francis has deceitfully referred to the “Holy Spirit of Surprises” as justification for implementing potentially questionable and heretical policies in the Synod of Synodalities. This is a direct insult to the Holy Spirit of Truth. (Jn.14:17)
My personal experience:
I have remained single all of my life. Why am I still single? For many years, I had also elevated marriage as an idol. However, I eventually discovered that God had called me to a lay single vocation as a catechist.
It is also no surprise that 1Cor.10:13 has become my scripture. I continue to go through struggles (“God, you’re killing me here… When will these struggles end! [I think you get the picture.])
As time has past, I now realizing more and more that this earthly life is fleeting, temporary. We need to focus more on the bigger picture of eternity.
To be honest, I oftentimes have difficulties having trust in God (as I continue to go through these struggles).
It was through struggles that I found my relationship with God became stronger. This is when I found my vocation as a catechist.
“The devil tempts that he may ruin; God tempts that He may crown.” St. Ambrose
“Virtue is nothing without the trial of temptation, for there is no conflict without an enemy, no victory without strife.” Pope St. Leo the Great
“He could have kept the devil from Himself but it He were not tempted, He could not teach you how to triumph over temptation.” St. Augustine.
Paul’s exhorts the Colossians’ faith to be a strong defense against the false teachers. In Eph.6:16 Paul calls upon the Christians to hold their faith as a shield.
Background Information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means solid body, foundation, firmness, and steadfastness.
Homer’s Odyssey 23.103: “But thy heart is ever harder than stone.”
Homer’s Iliad 23.42: “Be he steadfastly denied them, and swore an oath.”
Sophocles’ Antigone 1262: “Ah, the blunders of an unthinking mind, blunders of rigidity, yield death.”
Old Testament: The vault of heaven is depicted as a solid bowl or canopy. God called the dome the sky. God established this vault of heaven in its solidity. God becomes associated with constancy and firmness. However, the Hebrew term raquia means “stretched-outness” or “spread-outness”, like a sail. Yet, the translators of the Septuagint seemed to have used the Greek stereoma to focus on the hardness or stability of the firmament. In a sense, the heavens are both stretched out and firm.
Colossian Church: Paul, while in prison, writes to the Colossian church. Paul was concerned about the issues facing the Colossians. Faith becomes more precisely defined by orderliness and firmness. Faith become likened to a miliary division or bulwark (wall or defense built for protection against danger, injury, or annoyance). The community’s steadfastness is belief in Christ. Paul urges the Colossians to be firm and steadfast in their faith.
Warnings against false teachers:
The Colossians are warned and admonished to adhere to the gospel as it was first preached to them.
They must reject any religious teachings outside the gospel.
They are called not to be captivated (enslaved) by empty seductive philosophies, according to human tradition.
They are called not to be captivated (enslaved) by the elemental powers of the world, not according to Christ.
Col.2:5: “For even if I am absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing as I observe your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.” (Paul encourages the Colossians to stand firm in the faith. Paul admonishes them to remain true to their faith.)
Stereotype: This term comes from the printing trade and was first adopted in 1798 by Firmin Didot to describe a printing plate that duplicated any typography. The stereotype is used for printing from the original. The reference of a stereotype as an unchanged image originated in 1850. It was not until 1922 that a stereotype was used in a psychological or sociological context.
Stereophonic sound: This is a sound reproduction that creates an illusion of a multiple audio perspective. This is achieved by using two or more independent audio channels. This gives the impression of a sound heard from various directions.
Other related Greek term:
[Greek] ἀνδρίζομαι (andrizomai), [Latin] agitare viriliter: to act in a manly way, to be courageously, to conduct oneself in a courageous way; 1Cor.16:13
1Cor.16:13: “Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.”
Being on your guard: spiritual watching signifies a diligent abstaining from sin, temptation, worldly values, and false teachers.
Standing firm in the faith: being firm in holding and defending gospel truths
Being courageous: acting like soldiers fighting against the world, the flesh, and the devil (satanic and evil influences).
Stereo, stereophonic, firmament, firm
It should be no surprise that acting courageously and acting manly can go hand in hand. Both seem to stand firm and to protect. We need more of this “toxic masculinity” :opening doors for women, offering seats for women, and providing and protecting one’s family. ☺☺☺
Falling captive to the world’s values: In our current post-Christian secular world, many are still captivated by abortion, the modern day version of the Old Testament sacrificial offerings to Moloch. This “sacrifice” continues to be celebrated under the guise of “freedom” , “convenience”, and “rights”.
It should be no surprise that soundness and strength are tied together. Stereo music provides a stronger and deeper sound.
In any age in history, there is always a need for sound teaching. In today’s age of thousands of churches and denominations, it can be very challenging to have a firm foundation in faith.
A stereotype (social label) can often be long-lasting and difficult to change or break.
Update: Bishop Strickland, having the audacity to defend traditional Church teachings, was removed from his post under the Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
Fr. JesusMary Missigbeto, having the audacity to correct Pope Francis’s doctrinal errors and heresy, seems to be the next priest to be removed and canceled by Pope Francis.
Under Pope Francis, the Church is struggling to remain firm in espousing its traditional Catholic teachings. Instead, Pope Francis is seeking to transform Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Fiducia Supplica: the Vatican’s surrender to the secular cultural values ==> non-liturgical blessings for same-sex unions.
Where are the courageous bishops? Why are too many bishops remaining silent and cowardly?WE NEED MORE “TOXIC MASCULINITY” IN THE BISHOPS IN SPEAKING OUT AND LAYING DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR THE CHURCH! THEY NEED TO HAVE A SPINE!
Husbands are called to serve, protect, and even LAY ONE ONE’S LIFE DOWN for his wife, like Jesus laid His life down for His Bride, the Church. Men are called to show this masculinity. (Sounds like toxic masculinity to me!)
Wives are called to serve their husbands and allow their husbands to serve their wives, like the Church serves Her Bridegroom, Jesus
“Have hope and firm faith in God, for He will help you in everything.” St. Angela Merici
“Have the moral courage to stand firm in obeying God’s will, even if you have to stand alone.” Ulisses Soares (Such a timely comment!)
“While the world changes, the cross stands firm.” St. Bruno
[Greek] ἐπιγινώσκω (epiginōskō), [Latin] cognoscere, [Latin] revelare, [Latin] cogitare, [Latin] agnoscere, [French] percevoir, [French] remarquer, [French] penser, [French] reflechir, [French] reconnaitre: to know, to recognize, to be aware, to realize, to learn; 43 scriptures
Pope Pius X prophetically identifies how Tradition clashes with Modernism.
Tradition: Jesus’ Church already has doctrine applicable to all times.
Modernism: the Church’s doctrine mustbe adapted to different times and different places.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to experience, to perceive again, to come to know, and to become aware.
Greek understanding of knowledge:
It takes place with man’s dealing with his world.
It involves a close acquaintance with something.
It relates to acquired knowledge in good and bad experiences.
It is achieved by objectively seeing, hearing, experiencing, and reflecting.
It is involved with personal acquaintances and friendships with people.
Old Testament: This term means to know, to reveal, to be made aware, to recognize, and to make known.
Old Testament understanding of knowledge:
Detecting, feeling, learning, and experiencing are much more important than objective verification.
Knowledge is understood more as a way of hearing than of seeing.
Knowledge (events) are defined by God actions and man’s relationship with God.
Exercise of information is more important than possession of information.
Knowledge involves emotion, movement of the will, ignorance, guilt, and error.
Knowledge involves doing what is right and just.
New Testament: This term means to know about, to understand, to learn about, to acknowledge, and to recognize. For purposes of brevity, ordinary (mundane) uses of this term will be excluded.
Knowing and perceiving others:
Mt.7:16: “By their [false prophets] fruits, you will know them.” (As in the Old Testament, there were both true and false prophets in the New Testament Church. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, these prophets will be known by their deeds (fruits).
Mk.5:30: “Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who has touched My clothes?'” (Jesus wanted the afflicted woman to approach Him. Jesus had already known that this person’s faith has saved and healed her.)
Lk.5:22: “Jesus knew their [scribes and Pharisees] thoughts and said to them in reply, ‘What are you thinking in your hearts?'” (Jesus had already forgiven the paralytic’s sins. The scribes and Pharisees accuse Jesus of blasphemy for having the audacity to forgive sins (like God). Jesus perceives the evil, disbelief, and unbelief of the scribes and Pharisees.)
Examining oneself:
2Cor.13:5: “Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? –unless, of course, you fail the test.”
2Pet.2:21: “For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment handed down to them.” (It would have been better (less disastrous [sinful]) not to have known righteous than to turn away from it. To have loved Jesus Christ and and lost Him is to make a shipwreck of a life.)
Knowing God:
Mt.11:27: “No one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal.” (While the wise scribes and Pharisees rejected Jesus’ preaching, the childlike have accepted them. Acceptance of this revelation is dependent on those who are open to receive it. What has been handed over to Him is revealed only to those to whom He wishes.)
Lk.1:3-4: “I too have decided, after investigating everything accurately anew, to write it down in an orderly sequence for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received.” (Luke was a 2nd or 3rd generation Christian. Luke is interested in Jesus’ birth, words and deeds, ministry, death, and resurrection. Luke acknowledges earlier eyewitnesses and ministers of the word.)
Lk.24:16: “But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.” (The risen Jesus was different and initially unrecognizable to Cleopas and his fellow traveler.)
Lk.24:31: “With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight.” (When the resurrected Jesus blessed, broke, and gave the Bread to them, their eyes were opened and they recognized as the risen Jesus. Then Jesus vanished from their sight.)
Rom.1:32: “Although they know the just decree of God that all practice such things deserve death, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” (The Gentiles, already having a moral sense of knowing God’s will, yet engage in sin, idolatry, immorality, and evil. They continue to engage and have pleasure in this sinful activity. God’s wrath goes into action at each present moment, rather than at the end of the world.)
Vital (religious) immanence: How Modernists seek God, faith, religion, doctrine, and theology***
Objective supernatural truths [not perceptible to the senses] cannot be known. (This is agnosticism.)
The explanation for God, religion, doctrine, and theology must be found INSIDE ONESELF (ONE’S MIND, LIVED EXPERIENCES AND PERCEPTIONS.)
Religious sentiment is a movement of the heart [in the person] which seeks an explanation for revelation and religion.
This religious sentiment produces dogma.
What roles do Modernists take on?***
Philosopher: Modernists limit their human reason to what is only perceptible to the sense. It is not possible that human reason can comprehend God’s transcendent nature.
Believer: The experience of the individual believer must take precedence over Church teachings.
Theologian: Faith must be equal or subservient to science.
Critic: Tradition and traditional teaching may be considered rigid and must be subject to change if necessary.
Reformer: Church ecclesiology must be open to change according to the times. Church authority must be democratized.
Greek world: There is a much greater focus on one’s objective experiences.
Old Testament: There is a much greater focus on one’s psychological and moral experiences in one’s relationship with God.
Tradition: Jesus made provisions for His Church to last forever to provide answers (solutions) for all life issues.
Mt.16:18: “I will build my Church and the gates of the hell shall not prevail against it.”
Jn.14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the light.”
Modernism: Doctrine, theology, and faith must be adapted to different places and times. We must be a new Church. We must have a synodal Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences). In their arrogance, Modernists are essentially saying that Jesus did not get it (His Church) right! Let that sink in!
We need a living theology (re-making Church, dogma, and faith [inside one’s mind]) .
We need to “re-launch” the faith in today’s cultural transformations.
We need synodal discernment to change the faith and Church.
The Penitential Liturgy (creating new sins) is intended to direct the Synod towards the beginning of a new way of being Church. (Sound like creating a new Church!)
We need to “reform” and “renew” the Church ==> rinse and repeat.
This is a series of continual human subjective errors ultimately leading to atheism.
Update: Liturgical confusion (chaos), tolerance, false compassion, allowance for sin, suppression of the TLM have become the fruits (results) of Modernism.
We are now seeing more and more clergy being removed, deposed, and canceled for having the audacity to remain faithful to traditional Catholic teachings. It seems we are living under the Bergoglian Reign of Terror. This is a form of hyperpapalism: “if you criticize the pope, your are divisive and schismatic.”
Many of us are already aware of the legions of ‘pope-splainers” often needed in using “verbal gymnastics” and “word salad” to defend Pope Francis. Examples include “living theology”, “synodal discernment”, ecclesial dialogue”, “the doctrine of the Holy Father” [a byproduct of hyperpapalism], etc.
We unfortunately have several generations of luke-warm and uneducated Catholics (and Christians) now leaving the Church and the faith. This is in part due to poor catechesis. Shocker!
It is very encouraging that younger Catholic are become more conservative and traditionally minded. They are flocking to the Traditional Latin Mass. These young people are seeking to find something deeper.
The younger priests and seminarians are becoming more conservative and traditionally minded. They are turned off by this shallow Modernism.
Generations of common and ordinary people throughout history have built magnificent andbeautiful cathedrals and churches ==> burning faith (reaching for God). Yet, Modernists and modern architectural experts have created more sterile and modern churches ==> sterile faith (Modernism and practical atheism). It is not surprising that church buildings have become apt metaphors for one’s kind of faith.
Unlike Luke who viewed Tradition with DILIGENCE and REVERENCE, Modernists DISMISSIVELY view Tradition and traditional practices as “rigid” and “nostalgic”.
Those Catholic and Christian churches [which do not have a crucifix] may not be able to relate to the crucified Christ in their midst.
In many churches today, many cannot find that Christ who said, “your sins are forgiven and sin no more.” This Jesus is not being taught to the faithful.
Many of us continue to engage in spiritual harlotry (world values, sin, and evil) creeping in the Church and our lives.
Pope Pius X prophetically calls out and warns us about the Modernists who seek to create and find doctrine, religion, and faith (inside themselves and their lived experiences)!
The New Amazon rite of the Mass is to enter 3 year ‘experimental phase’. The Vatican’s Amazon synod began in 2019, What are the problems with this?
The schismatic German bishops have been heavily involved in this process. (German bishops: already not a good sign!)
The coordinator of the Amazon rite advocates for the ordination of women to the diaconate and the priesthood.
The coordinator of the Amazon advocates for married priests.
They want to make the Church more appealing to Catholics in the region.
They seek to create a rite based on their worldview, traditions, symbols, and ecological dimensions.
The Vatican is mulling a pagan-linked inculturated rite.
“Progress of dogmas is, in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas.”
“I reject the heretical doctrine of the evolution of dogma, as passing from one meaning to another, and different from the sense in which the Church originally held it.”
Next post: to deceive ==> Indifferentism (“what difference does it make?”)
Modernism is a synthesis of all heresies. One’s human reason and religious sense only comes from one’s subconsciousness and lived experiences. Anything that suggests God and the divine must be excluded.
Background Information:
Origins and sources of atheism:
Practical atheism of the ignorant.
Self-glorification of the state and secularization of religion (Greek gods, Roman gods, emperors)
Philosophical and humanistic enlightenment and removal of God in the culture (French Enlightenment)
Greek Hellenism: This term means with out God. Socrates, believing that truth comes from an inner voice from God, was accused of being an atheist. Pagans have also ironically called Christians as atheists for believing in only one God.
Plato’s Laws 967c : “These were the views which caused thinkers to incur many charges of atheism and odium, and which also incited the poets to abuse them by likening philosophers to dogs howling at the moon.”
Plato’s Laws 908b :”Those, though they utterly disbelieve in the existence of the gods, possess a just character and are incapable of being induced to commit unjust actions.”
Old Testament: Atheism refers to avoidance and rejection of God. God’s providence is dismissed and ignored. Belief in God can be turned into hatred to God. The demonic hatred of God seeks to destroy all His works. (This becomes prevalent in our current post-Christian secular world!)
New Testament: This term means without God. Gentiles were called the uncircumcision by Israel, being the circumcision. The Gentiles lacked messianic expectations and covenants with God.
“Remember, you Gentiles, were at that time without Christ, alienated from the community of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, without hope and without God in the world.” Eph.2:11-12 (The Gentiles lacked messianic expectations and various covenants with God. But through Christ all these barriers between Jew and Gentile has been transcended. The Gentiles were morally godless in the sense that they were void of any recognition of God.)
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Aug 7, 1907): prophetically warns about the evils, problems, heresies, and atheism of Modernism
Pope X recognized that the Catholic Church was facing the rising threat of Modernism.
Modernism: human reason is confined to natural phenomena, not the divine and supernatural realities. This is an agnostic worldview.
Vital immanence: one’s religious sentiment (within oneself) develops doctrine and Church teachings.
Divine reality exists outside the person. It is the experience of the individual that defines religion.
This Modernist human perspective allows Catholicism to be put on an equal footing with all other religions.
The Modernist is more easily able to reject, change, or update Tradition (and traditional doctrines). Dogma becomes optional.
Those who seek to hold on to Tradition are perceived as rigid and “Pharasaic”. (SOUND FAMILIAR??)
The Modernist is more easily open to criticize and change (democratize) the Magisterium and Church teaching authority. (The Synod is actually considering this now!)
Pride, curiosity, error, and ignorance are the immediate causes of Modernism.
Modernism is the cumulative subjective human embracing of errors ultimately leading to atheism.
Practical atheism: (Cardinal Sarah warns of a subtle form of atheism):
God is no longer at the center of one’s center of divine worship. Modern man acts as if God does not exist in his life.
Doctrine and faith are reduce to social activism.
One’s lived experiences becomes that basis for one’s moral guiding principles.
There is a continual need to adjust and change objective moral truths to the culture. Subjective situational morality exists.
There is a greater focus on horizontal relationships (man to man) rather a vertical relationship (God to man).
There is a continual rejection of traditional Catholic morals and theology.
There is a suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).
Cafeteria Catholicism: one picks and choose what he like from Catholicism.
Synodal path: there are continual efforts to transform Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man.
Clergy are becoming more concerned and conscious about their status (position) in the Church rather than on focusing on Jesus.
Adoration of Jesus becomes a distraction in comparison to other Church matters.
3rd century papyrus writing for “atheos”
Atheism, atheist
Atheism was originally defined by the number of gods not worshipped. Now atheism is defined by the denial of theism.
Old Testament: Atheism begins to become associated with the demonic (undermining God).
New Testament: Many Gentiles, who were without God, often worshipped many other gods. Interestingly, Christians, who believed in only one God, were also called atheists by pagans who worshipped many gods.
Update: Vatican II, naively intending to “bring fresh air into the Church”, has resulted in a spiritual and pastoral disaster. As a result, worldly and secular influences, satanic influences, and Modernism has entered into the Church, leading to declining Church attendance, church closings, increase liturgical abuse and sacrilege, liturgical chaos and confusion, Modernists influences and ideology in the Church, loss of vocations, etc.)
The Church faith has become secularized in that Church teachings are being adapted to the world: non-liturgical blessings for same sex unions, normalizing homosexual behavior, diminishing the importance of sin, democratization of Church authority and teachings, submission to secular and political rights, acceptance of abortion, contraception, and euthanasia.
Cardinal Sarah claims that a practical atheism has crept into the Church: dogma and faith is being reduced to social activism, synodalism (bringing in worldly values and sin into the Church), priests focusing too much on their social standing and authority and focusing less on bring souls into heaven, diminished focus on adoration, sharing Church decision-making with the clergy and laity.
Pope Paul VI stated that the “smoke of Satan” (demonic influences) has entered into the crack of the Church: has undermined the Church, Church teachings and doctrine, clergy, and laity.
In the Modernist’s mind, the Holy Spirit becomes an agent for change and reform: “the Holy Spirit of surprises“, “Jesus’ Church must now become a “synodal” Church”. This becomes a Modernist rationale in using use the Holy Spirit to “reform” and “renew” anything they want ==> rinse and repeat. But the Holy Spirit cannot endorse sin!!
The “wealth and prosperity gospel” stresses material wealth, and prosperity as affirmation of God’s blessings, rather than of spiritual blessings. This ideology comes from the Old Testament. When pastors and preachers have accumulated mansions and other wealth ==> not a good look!!
The Church is continually being undermined, opposed, and attacked by secularism, humanism, atheism, and Modernism in our institutions.
Throughout Pope Francis’ papacy, many heresies and heretical statements have appeared. Are you then surprised??
“No, truly, there is no road, which leads so directly and so quickly to Modernism as pride.” Pope Pius X
“The equal toleration of all religions is the same as atheism.” Pope Leo XIII
“Atheism is the wish that God did not [exist], in order that one could sin without reproach or exalt one’s ego without challenge. The pillar on which atheism mounts are sensuality and pride.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
Next post: You could be the next contestant on “Do you want to be a saint?”
Greek] ἄτοπος (atopos), [Latin] malus: weird, out of place, bad, amiss, criminal, improper, perverse; Lk.23:41, Acts 25:5, Acts 28:6, 2Thess.3:2
St. Lawrence certainly makes an unusual but bold statement at his martyrdom.
Greek Hellenism: This term means out of place, out of world, strange, paradoxical, unusual, and absurd.
Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris 842: “I have come upon things that are beyond wonder far from speech.”
Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War 3.38: “You are excellent men for one to deceive with a speech, slaves to strange things, contemptuous persons of things unsaid.”
Plato’s Theaetetus 175a: “The pettiness of their ideas seem absurd to him; he laughs at them because they cannot free their silly minds of vanity.”
Old Testament: This term means wickedness, trouble, idolatry, perversion, violation, falsity, and falsehood.
New Testament: This term means criminal, amiss, perverse, improper, and unusual.
Lk.23:41: “And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man [Jesus] has done nothing criminal.” (One of the criminals [at the Crucifixion] acknowledges Jesus’ innocence. This criminal’s opinion was perhaps based on Pilate’s declaration of Jesus’ innocence or Jesus’ life and character. Jesus states that this criminal will be with Him in paradise.)
Acts 25:5: “Festus said, ‘Let your authorities come down with me, and if this man [Paul] has done something improper, let them accuse him.'” (Paul was held in captivity in Caesarea. The Jews were requesting that Paul be brought back to Jerusalem. Festus tells them to come with him to Caesarea to accuse Paul if he has done something illegal. As a Roman citizen, Paul was entitled to certain rights.)
Acts 28:6: “They were expecting him [Paul] to swell up or suddenly to fall down dead but, after waiting for a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and begun to say that he was a god.” (The idolatrous Maltans perceived Paul as a murderer, destined to be punished (killed) by a snake. Then these natives perceived Paul, healed from a snake bite, was like a god who subdues serpents.)
2Thess.3:2: “And that we may be delivered from perverse and wicked people, for not all have faith.” (Paul refers to those who oppose the gospel, who distort the truth (false teachers), who promote other ideas (Mosaic law), who are wicked and monstrous, and who do not have faith.)
Funny and weird quotes:
“Try to laugh a lot, because life is funny, and everyday today is too serious. The only tragedy in the world, my friend, is sin.” Mother Angelica
“Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.” St. John Cantius
“Serve the Lord with laughter.” St. Padre Pio
“A saint can be defined as one who has a divine sense of humor. For a saint never take this world seriously as the lasting city.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
“Hearing nuns’ confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Etymology: The Greek adjective atopos essentially means out (a-) of place (-topos).
Malevolent, topography
It seems that St. Lawrence certainly handled his martyrdom like a “boss.” Quite a “badass” statement!
Paul is calling those who oppose the gospel, who distort the truth (being false teachers), and who promote other ideas as PERVERSE! Let that sink in. Other biblical translations state unreasonable (which sounds very generous.)
Update: The latest Democratic/media talking points coming from their political “bat signal” is REPUBLICANS ARE WEIRD!” This slogan was allegedly started by Gov. Tim Walz.
What would St. Paul say about Pope Francis’ papacy? Just think about that.
What does this say about Fr. James Martin, part of Pope Francis inner circle?Fr. James Martin claims that St. Paul got it wrong about homosexuality! Let that sink in!
Pope Francis’ papacy has been defined by traditional and conservative Catholics and Christians feeling OUT OF PLACE in the Church.
Traditional and conservative Catholics and Christians often feel OUT OF PLACE in this post Christian secular world.
We certainly live in a post-Christian secular world when Catholics and Christians are often called hateful. Does that also mean that God is hateful?? Let that sink in!
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists, saying that the Church has changed, are seeking to remake Jesus Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. It is as if the Modernists think they know better and say that Jesus did not get His Church right! That’s weird!
Isn’t it weird that the Democrat establishment’s weird talking points are backfiring on them?
“No, truly, there is no road which leads so directly and so quickly to Modernism as pride.” Pope Pius X
“Pope Pius V was a soldier of Christ in a time of insurrection and rebellion, when, in a spiritual sense, martial law was proclaimed.” Cardinal John Henry Newman
Pope Pius V:
The Protestant ideas of Luther and Calvin were dissolving Catholic unity in Europe.
He became Pope Pius V in 1566. He was stern and rigorous in the enforcement of laws and morality.
He urged his cardinals to shun luxury and ambition to lead exemplary Christian lives.
He order his bishops to pray to end the heresies of the Protestant revolt.
He continue to require priestly celibacy. He insisted that the clergy wear clerical dress and religious habits.
He continued to battle against the crime and loose morals prevalent in Rome.
He successfully lead a victorious campaign against the movement of Islam into Europe.
Why does the Lord wish that we are either “hot” or “cold”?
A hot soul is on whose soul is blazing to do God’s will.
A cold soul typically “draws a line in the sand” in his opposition toward God.
A cold soul is more like to “reach rock bottom”, being more likely being open to conversion to the Lord.
A cold soul does little to influence hot souls.
Why are warm (luke-warm) souls more dangerous?
Luke-warm souls are models for “fake” Catholics.
Luke-warm souls continue tobetray the Lord at every turn.
Luke-warm souls have allowed their faith to diminish to a minimal form.
Luke-warm souls will often use their “Catholic” faith to promote their own interests and objectives. They are most likely to advocate for evil policies.
Luke-warm souls convince themselves that God will extend mercy allowing to themselves for every kind of sin.
Luke-warm souls often rarely go to communal celebrations.
Luke-warm souls are more likely to commit unforgiveable sins against the Holy Spirit.
Luke-warm souls have convinced themselves that they don’t need to prove their love for God.
Luke-warm souls are more likely to advocate issues of law, policies, and moral contrary to God’s will.
Luke-warm Catholicism avoids or alters Church teaching on any “hot-button issue.
New Testament: This term means tepid, warm, and lukewarm. This was written to the Laodicean Church.
Rev.3:16: “So, because you are luke-warm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (This letter reprimands the community for being luke-warm in their faith. Their material prosperity is contrasted with their spiritual poverty.)
Laodicean Church:
Laodicea was located 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia and 80 miles of Ephesus, a wealthy industrial and commercial center.
Laodicia was located south of Hieropolis (healthy hot springs) and located north of cold springs (Colossae).
Laodicia had perpetual problems with its water supply. The water then becomes luke-warm when it reached Laodicia.
This kind of water that makes you might spit out and vomit.
Half-hearted and spiritually luke-warm faith was sickening to Christ.
The luke-warm Church was compromised by the status quo ways of the Roman Empire.
Why did Jesus HATE the Nicolatians’ deeds?
They were an early Christian sect who resided in Ephesus and Pergamum (Rev.2:17).
Their beliefs consisted of a luke-warm faith and DOCTRINE OF TOLERANCE, COMPROMISE, FALSE COMPASSION, PAGANISM, AND SIN.
Holy living and separation were not encouraged. They REMOVED THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY.
There was no exclusionary belief that Christ is the way to heaven. They ENGAGED IN QUESTIONALBE ECUMENISM WITH OTHER “FAITHS”.
Warm, luke-warm, tepid
Update: Vatican II’s naive intention to “BRING FRESH AIR INTO THE CHURCH” ==> A SPIRITUAL AND PASTORAL DISASTER (luke-warm faith, loss of vocations, poor catechesis, declining Catholic church affiliation, sex abuse scandals and cover-ups, questionable ecumenism, priestly homosexual behavior, spiritual idolatry, closing churches, watered-down Church teachings, liturgical sacrilege, synodalism, [etc.])
Pope Paul VI famously claimed that the “smoke of Satan” has entered into a crack of the Church. The consequences are now being reaffirmed by the Marian prophetic messages of Fatima, Akita, La Salette, and others.
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists want to double down on what Vatican II is accomplishing. LET THAT SINK IN!
Pope Francis gave a very weak and tepid response to the blasphemy and mockery at the Paris Olympics. Evidently, he did not want to criticize or offend his allies in the LGBTQ community. Yet, so predictable!
Embracing the values of the world: The Vatican is bowing down to women’s rights and political pressure about opening the deaconate to women. This is also illustrated by the ignorance of the understanding of vocations and political rights.
Pope Francis’ Modernist papacy embodies the Nicolaitan notion of toleration, inclusion, “false compassion” ,changing teachings, criticism of Tradition and traditional practices, and diminishment of sin, diminishment of the papacy, alteration of vocations, etc.
Spiritual idolatry: Allowing paganism: [allowing a Panchamama idol in the Mass], worldly values: [questionable ecumenism, Amoris Laetitia], and sin (evil): [non-liturgical blessings for same-sex unions] into the Church.
Synodality: The Vatican is embarking on A PLAN TO SHARE DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY WITH THE MOST POORLY CATECHIZED LAITY. This synodal path seeks to REMOVE THE DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY! Just imagine the laity making decisions about Church doctrine! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY EVER GO WRONG WITH THIS??
Reducing faith and doctrine to mere social work and just giving “lip service” to Jesus become a new form of “practical atheism.” (Cardinal Sarah)
Many clergy are either actively and tacitly silent in responding to heresy, scandal, and concerning issues. These clergy are often fearful of being cancelled or accused of criticizing certain identity groups.
Too many laity are luke-warm, indifferent, or poorly catechized (theologically incapable) in not responding to serious Church matters. This has allowed opponents to further harm and scandalize Catholicism and Catholics.
Pope Francis unfortunately but not surprisingly puts on a “master-class” on luke-warmness and inclusion in Indonesia. Pope Francis states, “We are from different religions but we have only 1 god.” (Pope Francis just denied Jesus and failed to do the sign of the cross. Catholics and Christians do not believe in the same god as Allah. This is a Modernist pope for you!)
One has to ask: “How are the Modernists any different from the Laodiceans and Nicolaitans?? What does this say about Vatican II?? (How history seems to repeat!!)
Quotes by Pope Pius X:
“All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics.”
“In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men.”
[Greek] βλασφημέω (blasphēmeō), [Latin] exprobare: to blaspheme, to injure, to injure the reputation of, to slander, to revile, to speak impiously, to speak evil of; 39 scriptures
The Paris Olympic Opening Ceremonies committed a blasphemous act toward God in ridiculing the Last Supper. The central character mockingly makes a “heart shape” figure with her hands.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to utter abusive speech, personal mockery, slander, and blasphemy of gods. Slandering or mocking can apply both to the living and to the dead. Blaspheming a god (deity) essentially questions or doubts the god’s nature (abilities).
Plato’s Republic 2.381e: “Nor again must mothers under the influence of such poets terrify their children with harmful tales, how that there are certain god whose apparitions haunt the night in the likeness of many strangers from all manners of lands.”
Isocrates’ Antidosis 15.2: “Nevertheless I have never deigned to defend myself against the sophists’ attempts to belittle me.”
Aeschines’ Against Timarchus 1.1: “But when I saw that the city was being seriously injured by the defendant Timarchus, I myself was made a victim of his blackmailing—the nature of the attack I will show in the course of my speech.”
Old Testament: Blasphemy can be illustrated by questioning God’s saving power, desecrating His holy name, enslaving and deriding His people, offering idol sacrifices, and making sacrilegious speech. Ultimately, blasphemy is directed against Yahweh (God). Blaspheming the name of the Lord is the only form of blasphemy punishable by death.
GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! The Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Sacre Coeur) remains open while Paris experienced an outage. This image is juxtaposed with the blasphemous Last Supper presentation where the central character mockingly makes a “heart shape” with her hands.
New Testament: This term means to blaspheme, to revile, to insult, to slanderously accuse, and to vilify.
God is reviled:
Rom.2:24: “Because of you the name of God is reviled among the Gentiles.” (The present immorality of Israelites is the cause of such defamation. God’s goodness is neglected, disabused, perverted, and condemned. They do not make proper use of God’s generosity.)
Jas.2:7: “Is it not they who blaspheme the noble name [Christ] that was invoked over you?” (Opponents blaspheme Christ [and Christians]. God chose those who were poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that He promised to those who love Him. The poor were seen by Jesus to really be open to relying on God alone. The rich and powerful in the world often oppress the Christians.)
Can blasphemy be forgiven?
Mk.3:29: “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” (This sin attributes to Satan (the power of evil) what is actually the work of the Holy Spirit: victory over demons.)
Others accuse Jesus of blasphemy:
Mt.9:3: “The scribes said, ‘This man is blaspheming.” (Jesus said to a paralytic, ‘Courage, your sins are forgiven.’ Jesus later healed the paralytic. The crowds were struck with awe and glorified God.” (Jesus says to the paralytic that his sins are forgiven. Jesus later heals the paralytic. The crowds were struck with awe.)
Mt.9:26: “The high priest tore His robes and said, ‘He has blasphemed! What further need have we of witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy.'” (The Sanhedrin orders Jesus to state that He is the Messiah. Jesus states that He is the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power.)
Jesus is reviled by others:
Mt.27:39: “Those passing by reviled [Jesus on the cross], shaking their heads.” (They scoffed at Him, telling Him to save Himself if He is the Son of Man and come down from the cross.” (This scoffing alludes to the devil testing Jesus in the desert.)
Lk.23:39: “Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus saying, ‘Are you not the Messiah? Save Yourself and us.'” (This unrepentant criminal ask Jesus this question, knowing he himself is justly condemned.)
Being reviled by others:
Acts 18:6: “When they opposed and reviled him [Paul], he shook out his garments and said to them, ‘Your blood be on your hands. From now on I will go to the Jews.'” (Paul is essentially done (fed up) with the Jews. Paul begins his mission to the Gentiles.)
1Cor.4:13: “When slandered, we respond gently. We have become like the world’s rubbish, the scum of all, to this very moment.” (Paul speaks to the opposition and persecution that Christians face in an anti-Christian, pagan society.)
1Pet.4:14: “If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” (The writer states that struggling (trials by fire) may come to you. One should rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ. If you go through sufferings, “offer it up” for the salvation of souls.)
False teachers who revile:
2Pet.2:2: “Many will follow their licentious ways, and because of them the way of truth are reviled.” (There will be false teachers who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master. They will bring swift destruction on themselves.)
2Pet.2:10: “Those who follow the flesh with its depraved desire and show contempt for lordship.” (False teachers will be punished just as surely as the fallen angels. The Lord knows how to rescue the devout from trial and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.)
Jud.1:10: “But these people revile what they do not understand and are destroyed by what they know by nature like irrational animals.” (These false and corrupt teachers revile spiritual things. These people focus on worldly, natural, physical, and sensual concerns.)
Etymology: The Latin verb exprobare means to reproach, to reprove, and to upbraid. A reprobate is an unprincipled person.
Blaspheme, blasphemy, reprobate
Update: Other derogatory names include Nazarenes and atheists (who believe in one god.)
It is significant to note that the Basilica of the Sacred Heart was constructed in REPARATION FOR EVIL, SIN, DARKNESS, AND DEVASTATION caused by the French Revolution.
GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED: There are NO coincidences in where God is concerned!
In this secular post-Christian world, there are numerous examples of society’s immorality before God. There are too many examples to choose from: sinning and the celebrating the “right” to do something sinful.
It still remains true to today that a life of simplicity can provide for a greater reliance on God. Yet, on the other hand, the internet and social media can also be useful and effective tools to promote the Gospel message.
In today’s world, Catholics and Christians are often tested by circumstances, by Modernists, and the culture (and media).
There will continue to be those who will mock Christianity and Christians. In response, we all must continue to engage the world. Clergy (cardinals, bishops, and priests) most importantly must speak out and not be silenced in response to blasphemy, scandal, mockery, and heresy.
Many Catholics and Christians are may be often at the point of saying, “I am done with the culture!” But we are still called to engage with and to evangelize the culture.
Both clergy and laity must not be lukewarm and apathetic when blasphemy and scandal occur in the culture.
Traditional and conservative Catholics (and Christians) are often reviled for being “rigid” and having a “nostalgic disease” [by Modernists] in holding on to Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass.
The Catholic philosopher and professor Edward Fesser rightly points out that this dishonor given to God is more important that our feelings being hurt by this blasphemous Olympic Opening Ceremonies.
“France, the eldest daughter of the Church, what have you done with your baptism?” John Paul II (France, you need to get your act together before God!)
[Greek] βλασφημέω (blasphēmeō), [Latin] blasphemare, [Latin] exprobare: to blaspheme, to injure, to injure the reputation of, to slander, to revile, to speak impiously, to speak evil of; 39 scriptures
St. Bruno, born in 1030 A.D, was the founder of the Carthusian Order. He was a close advisor of his former pupil Pope Urban II (who led the Church from 1088-1099).
Background Information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means combat, contest, struggle, trial, practice, and training.
Polybius’ Histories 5.64.6: “By private and public exhortations, these officers inspired their men with a zeal and enthusiasm for the struggle which awaited them.”
Olympic Events:
The first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. These games were dedicated to the Olympian gods on the ancient plains of Olympia.
They continued for nearly twelve centuries until Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393 A.D. that such pagan cults be banned.
All male Greek citizens, regardless of their social status, were entitled to participate in these games. Married women were not allowed to participate or to watch these games.
Single women were able to attend the competition.
Running, long jump, shot put, javelin, mixed martial boxing and wrestling, boxing, foot race (with armor and shield), and equestrian events.
Old Testament era: 4 Macc. (written between 1st century B.C and and 1st century A.D.)
This book is not included in the Septuagint. 4 Macc.17:14 refers to a competition against a tyrant, with the world and the human race as the spectators.
This book was a blending of both Jewish faith and Hellenistic philosophical ideas. The author was writing to the Hellenized Jews.
This book was written during the time of the Jewish persecution. The Emperor Claudius issued an edict in 49 A.D. ordering the Jews to leave Rome.
This book refers to martyrs who endured in their fidelity to God. They received their ultimate victory of salvation in remaining faithful in their reverence to God.
This theme continues years later in the persecution of the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem.
New Testament: Following the resurrection of Jesus, the Jewish Christians experienced persecution from the Jews in Jerusalem. Steven and James, the brother of John the disciple, were martyred at the hands of the Jewish leaders. The book of Hebrews, written around 64 A.D., was written to the Jewish Christians.
The meaning of this term changed over time, taking on much more serious undertones during the persecutions of the Jews and Christians.
These contests now involved persecution and martyrdom.
A strong athlete was one who has experienced great faith struggles.
Now this term is predominately used again with sports and competitions.
Not surprisingly, an athlete must have discipline and training in order to confidently have his opponents (adversaries).
“Remember the days past when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest suffering.” Heb. 10:32
This enlightenment is an ancient metaphor for baptism. This scripture passage refers back to the earlier persecution of the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. These Hebrew Christians had once successfully endured a great struggle with suffering. Like good athletes, they were encouraged to endure and to do God’s will. In doing so, they might receive their promise (victory).
Other scriptures:
1 Cor.9:24: “Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run to win the prize?”
1 Cor.9:25: “Every athlete exercises discipline. They seek to win a perishable crown. We seek to win an imperishable crown.” (faithfulness to Christ or even martyrdom)
2Tim.4:7: “I [Paul] have competed well. I have finished the race.” (The Christian martyr bones were originally called trophies.)
Ignatius’ Letter to Polycarp (110 A.D.): “Bear the maladies of all as a perfect athlete. Where there is more toil, there is much gain.”
Ignatius, a disciple of the Apostle John, was writing to the younger Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna. Ignatius was encouraging Polycarp to lead his followers and to remain firm in the face of adversity, persecution, and even martyrdom.
Athletic, athlete, athletics, passion
Old Testament: It is really not that important that 4 Macc. is not considered part of the Septuagint. However, this book helps to shed some light on how the Jews were being persecuted for their faith.
Fellow Christians: enjoy the Olympics, exercise discipline, limber up, and drink up your “spiritual electrolytes”. The competition (secular, sacrilegious, pagan, and satanic enemies) is strong.It’s going to be a tough race!
[Greek]καταργέω (katargeō), [Latin] occupare, [Latin] non credere, [Latin] destrurere, [Latin] abolere, [Latin] solver, [Latin] evacuare, [German] uberfallen, [French] demolir, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter: to make inactive, to abolish, to make useless, to cease; 31 scriptures
The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl: loss of power, downed power lines and trees and idle businesses. Yet, neighborly concern and generosity were not idle.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to render inactive, to put out of use, to hinder, to make useless, and to abolish.
Euripides’ Phoenissae 753: “To tell each one’s name is a great waste of time, when the enemy is camped beneath our very walls.”
Old Testament: This term means to destroy, to stop, and to cease.
New Testament: This term means to render useless, to nullify, to void, to do away with, to release from, to reduce to nothing, to pass away, to destroy, and to fade.
Lk.13:7: “So cut the barren fig tree down. Why should it exhaust (render useless) the ground around it?” (Parable of the fig tree: the fig tree represents the Jews’ lack of faith. God represents the man who comes in search of fruit [that they should produce good works]. This parable conveys that God will still have continuing patience for His people.)
Rom.3:3: “What if some were unfaithful? Will their infidelity nullify the fidelity of God?” (Paul responds to the objection that his teaching on sin will detract from Israel’s religious prerogatives. If the Jews are equally exposed to condemnation with the Gentiles, then what advantage do the Jews have? The Mosaic law becomes lacking.)
Rom.6:6: “We know that our old self was crucified with Him, so that our sinful body might be done away with, that we might be no longer in slavery to sin.” (If we grown in union with Christ, we can become dead to sin. Jesus conquers sin and death. One may become a slave [addicted] to sin.)
1Cor.1:28: “God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something.” (God will find opportunities to shame and humble the wise and proud. Boasting about oneself pertains to one’s claim to “wisdom”. Boasting in the Lord pertains to acknowledging we live from and for God.)
1Cor.6:13: “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will do away with both the one and the other.” (The Corinthians considered sexual activity as mundane (commonplace) as food. The Corinthians were becoming morally indifferent to sexuality. Paul alludes that not everything legal is beneficial for one. Behavior (acts) considered legal and culturally acceptable may not be beneficial.)
1Cor.15:24: ” Then comes the end (climax of history), when Jesus hands over the kingdom of His God and Father, when Jesus has destroyed every sovereignty and every authority and power.” (Christ defeats death everywhere it prevails. Destruction of death is the coming to life in Jesus.)
Old Testament (Mosaic law):
Rom.3:31: “Are we annulling the law by this faith? Of course not! We are supporting the law.” (God seeks not to abolish but to fulfill the law.)
Rom.4:14: “For if those who adhere to the law are the heir, faith is null and the promise is void,” (Faith has no place if one follows the legal obligations of the Law. If so, the promise made to Abraham becomes null and void.)
2Cor.3:7: “The ministry of death was so glorious that the Israelites that the Israelites could not look intently at Moses’ face because of its glory was going to fade.” (Paul asserts that Christians have a glory of their own that far surpasses that of Moses.)
Etymology: This Greek term katargeo essentially means to idle (-argeo) down (kata-).
Update: Vatican II was initiated because of the naive idea of “bringing fresh air into the Church”. As a result, the Church has been infected by Modernism which has sought to undermine the foundation (roots) of the Church. Because of Vatican II, the Church has become lacking from Modernist policies and the “smoke of Satan” [liturgical confusion and chaos] entering inside the Church.
The Church continues to wither under the leadership of Pope Francis who boasts that Jesus’ Church must become a synodal Church made in the image of man. Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to undermine the hierarchical structure of Jesus’ Church.
Modernism has become a poisonous mindset where doctrine and Church teachings are now DEFINED BY ONE’S SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTIONS rather than by objective divine reality. And you wonder why Church teachings and doctrine are often subject to change. Modernism arrogantly believes that Jesus’ Church must move with the world. Why does Jesus’ Church need to change? Do the Modernists actually believe that Jesus got it wrong?? Shameless plug on my post on Pope Pius X’s prophetic warnings about the Modernists ! ☺☺☺
Modernism arrogantly believes that Jesus’ Church must change according to the times. As a result, there continues to be a tension between traditional (conservative)-minded Catholics and Modernists within the Church.
The Modernists evidently believe that the Church’s teachings against homosexuality has become a distraction to the Vatican’s outreach to the LGBTQ community. The Church is falling to state and teach Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). This teaching is NEVER discussed. The Church is failing in its responsibility in bringing souls into heaven. As a result, many souls will be put into eternal moral peril.
These priests who bestow non-liturgical blessings to same-sex couples will also be exposed to condemnation in not stating the Church’s official teachings on homosexuality. Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle (like Fr. James Martin) are encouraging this sinful activity. This has caused an inflection within the Church: where do you stand on blessing sin (evil)? This has already caused great division in the Church.
The Modernists arrogantly believe that Jesus’ Church must change. They seek to do away with the Traditional Latin Mass. This also greatly marginalized many Catholics. These Modernists arrogantly believe that the Novus Order Mass is more beneficial than the Traditional Latin Mass.
The Modernists state the Novus Order Mass “rejuvenates”, yet there remains a very tepid Mass attendance. Yet, younger Catholics are flocking to the overflowing Traditional Latin Mass (where it still is allowed). In their arrogance and “wisdom”, the Modernists are actually gaslighting Catholics in making these claims.
More and more of the younger seminarians and priests are becoming more traditional and conservative minded. This is in contrast to the older and retiring Modernist clergy who are dying out.Fortunately, this is a continuing movement, inspired by the Holy Spirt, in which the Modernists are not able to stop.
More and more Catholics are seeing the problems caused created by Vatican II and the Modernists. The Modernists are seeking to finish what Vatican II started. Many Catholics are waking up to this. Hopefully, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we all can hope this poisonous Modernism will die out so that Jesus’ Church can again become fruitful.
In our post-Christian secular culture, the value of sex (and sexuality) has been trivialized and minimalized. Sex has become as commonplace as food. What may be culturally legal or acceptable (abortion, sexual behavior) may not be acceptable to God. In our society we value rights more than the moral consequences of such decisions.
Personal note: Our house was out of power for six days. Because of several neighbors’ help, we were able to have partial power through their generator. Their generosity to us did not idle!
The Parable of the Sower: painting by Peter Bruegel (1557). The seed (word of God) fell on rocky ground. When the seed grew, it withered for lack of moisture.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means rock, cliff, firmness, and immovability.
Homer’s Odyssey 17.463: “But he stood firm as a rock, nor did the missile of Artinous make him reel.”
Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 244: “Iron-hearted and made of stone, Prometheus is he who feels no compassion at your miseries.”
Old Testament: This term means rock, cliff, unyielding character, hardened mind, and strong.
Ex.17:6: “I: [God] will be standing there in front of you on the rock of Horeb. Strike the rock and the water will flow from it for the people to drink.”
Num. 20:8: “Take the staff and command the rock to yield its waters. You will bring forth water from the rock for them [Israelites], and supply the community and their livestock with water.”
New Testament: This term means rock and stumbling stone.
Mt.7:24-25: “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. But the house did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.” (A secure standing on rock can pertain to a firm foundation of faith, obedience, and repentance. The winds can refer to persecution, sufferings, and temptations.)
Mt.16:18: “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of hell of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” (Against the backdrop of the huge cave, called the Gates of Hades, Jesus names Peter as the foundation rock of His church. Church refers to whole community He will gather into. The Greek masculine noun petros refers to Peter. The Greek feminine noun petra refers to Peter as the foundation stone of His church.)
Lk.8:6: “Some seed feel on rocky ground, when it grew, it withered for lack of moisture.” (In the Parable of the Sower, the seed represents the Word of God. Those on the path are the ones who have heard the Word of God. They hear the Word with joy for a time, but they fall away in time of trial.)
1Cor.10:4: “All drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them [Israelites], and the rock was the Christ.” (Yahweh is the Rock that accompanies His people. Water sprang from the rock for the Israelites. Paul alludes to Christ as the source of this living water. This living water provides for everlasting life.)
God’s house and His people (1Pet.2:1-8):
One must rid oneself of all malice, deceit, insincerity, envy, and slander.
One, like a newborn, must long for pure spiritual milk so that you may grown into salvation.
One must come to Him, a living stone, rejected by human beings, but precious to God.
One must be like living stones built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ
Jesus is the cornerstone. Whoever believes in it will not be put to shame.
The builders have rejected this cornerstone.
This cornerstone (rock) will make people stumble and fall.
They will stumble by disobeying the word, as is their destiny
[Greek] σκάνδαλον: scandalon ==> scandal:
This can be a snare, trap, occasion of misfortune, stumbling block (stone), or obstacle.
Old Testament: this can be source of destruction or transgression.
New Testament: this can be an obstacle in coming to faith, a straying away in faith, and stumbling block.
Peter, rock
Old Testament: this term takes on a much serious nature in one’s relationship with God.
Ever since Vatican II, we have many generations of poorly catechized laity, “cafeteria” (pick and choose what to believe) Catholics, indifferent Catholics, and “nones”.
Many liberal Catholics continue to practice immoral teachings (abortion, euthanasia, IVF, homosexuality, and gay marriage). Their actions and beliefs are potentially great stumbling blocks for their eternal mortal souls. They will be damned by their actions.
It was Jesus’ intention to establish a foundation leader (rock) to lead His one and only Church, not thousands of churches and denominations. It goes without saying, Jesus made provisions for successors in replacing Peter’s office of authority.
Jesus was intentional in establishing a spiritual foundation rock in contrast to the Cave of Hades.
Faith, like a seed, must take root in order to growth. A rocky foundation will not allow the faith to grow.
The Old Testament foreshadows that the rock of Christ will provide living water. In the New Testament, Jesus offers living water for everlasting life.
Traditional Church teaching can often become a great obstacle or stumbling block for many Catholics and Christians. As a result, many will stumble or leave the faith.
In Modernist ideology, vital immanence allows one to find God and religion in one’s own mind and experience. This allows and permits one to change Church teachings, doctrines, dogma, and practices. Ex. The TLM must go because Church theology has changed.
These subjective Modernist beliefs will ultimately lead to a “practical atheism” where God’s original teachings will become irrelevant (as you continue to change Church teachings.)
Offering up spiritual sacrifices: We are called to offer up our prayers, intentions, needs, time and talents, and our pains and sorrows up to the Lord.
[Greek] δέω (deō), [Latin] alligare, [Latin] congregare, [Latin] ligare [Latin] carcerare, [Latin] ducere, [German] binden, [French] attacher, [French] enchainer [French] guider, [French] rassembler, [German] fuhren: to implore, to bind, to prohibit, to compel, to restrict; 44 scriptures
Background information:
Old Testament: This term means to declare forbidden (or permitted), to impose or remove an obligation.
New Testament: This term means to tie up, to arrest, to bind, to restrain, to tether, to seize, to imprison, to knit. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude literal binding, restraining, and imprisoning.
Mt.12:29: “How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and steal his property, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder the house.” (The strong man is Satan, whom Jesus has tied up. The house is the world, Satan’s domain, demons, and, man’s impulses and desires. Satan’s property is those who are possessed and controlled by him.)
Mt. 13:30: “Let them [wheat and weeds] grow together until harvest; then at harvest time I will say to the harvesters, ‘First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning; but gather the wheat into my barn.'” (The harvest is a common biblical metaphor for the time of God’s judgment. Good works will separated by evil works.)
Mt.16:19: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Peter was given primary authority with the keys to lead the apostles. Peter was given authority to lift, to impose, to forgive, and to ban. It is inferred that this authority is also given to Peter’s successors.)
Mt.18:18: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed on heaven. (Jesus was granting Peter and the disciples the authority of retaining and forgiving sins.)
Lk.13:16: “This daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound for eighteen years now, ought she not to have been set free on the sabbath day from this bondage.?” (Jesus seeks to free this woman from her being controlled by Satan. Jesus was criticized for freeing this woman from her affliction on the sabbath. The opponents were more concerned by Sabbath law than the woman’s welfare.)
Acts 20:22: “Compelled by the Spirit, I [Paul] am going to Jerusalem. What will happen to me there I do not know.” (Paul was courageously following in his own apostolic mission in spite of uncertainties and difficulties.)
Rom.7:2: “Thus a married woman is bound by law to her living husband; but if her husband dies, she is released from the law in respect to her husband.” (Paul reflects that Christians have a different understanding of the law because of their faith in Christ. Law binds the living, not the dead. Marriage is dissolved through death.)
Catholic understanding of the papacy:
What are the significance of the keys? Jesus has essentially given the keys of authority in the kingdom of heaven on earth. This notion makes reference to King David giving keys of authority to his prime minister Eliakim who is in charge of his palace. (Isa.22:20-22)
Why was it necessary for Jesus to select Simon (Peter) to be the rock of His Church? Jesus intended to have ONE everlasting Church in which neither the gates of hell shall never prevail against it. As a result, many have opposed this idea. Therefore, we now have chaos: over 33,000 churches and denominations.
What is this power to bind and loose? These are powers to refuse, to forbid, to allow, to hold, and to forgive. This binding and loosing extends to Catholic clergy forgiving sin in the sacrament of reconciliation. This binding and loosing partially finds its roots in rabbis forbidding and permitting.
How does this relate to the sacrament of reconciliation (confession)? The Catholic bishops are successors to the Apostles. Priest receive the ordination from the bishop. Priests, acting in the person of Christ, can bestow forgiveness to those who confess their sins. These priests must first hear from the penitent as to which sins must be forgiven.
Etymology: The Latin verb alligare means to bind and to detain. The Latin verb congregare means to collect and to group. The Latin verb ligare means to bind, to to tie, to fasten, and to unite. The Latin verb carcerare means to incarcerate, and to imprison. The Latin verb ducere means to lead and to command.
Old Testament: Rabbis had the power to forbid, to permit, and to impose or remove and obligation by a doctrinal decision. Yet, one is not be called a rabbi, but a disciple. There is only one rabbi (teacher) who is Jesus.
Update: There can be potentially many ways where Satan can tie up a person. This could be sin (being enslaved or addicted to sin), being attached to worldliness, busyness, distractedness, spiritual dryness, hatred, attachment to “gods”, fame, power, etc. This could be anything that draws a person away from God.
It must be acknowledge that it could be often be difficult to clearly separate the good from the bad (evil). At the end of our lives, each one of us will be held accountable before God. Our good works will be separated by our bad works.
Jesus intended to have one Church which will last forever. Jesus made provisions that would be made possible through the protection of the Holy Spirit. On a practical level, provisions must also be made for successors to Peter’s position of primacy.
It is precisely because of others’ opposition to this notion, that we currently have over 33,000 churches and denominations today.
The bestowing of keys indicates authority to control access to a king’s palace and the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Synagogue officials (like Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes) are often closed-minded and petty in their objections to Jesus healing on the Sabbath. They focus on trivialities, rather on important matters.
The too many cowardly and silent cardinals, bishops, and priests must be reminded by Paul to courageously proclaim the gospel and to speak out against errors and evil that occur in the Church and the world.
Catholics and Christians also must have a different understanding of the law as it pertains to abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, same-sex unions, and other issues that contradict God’s teachings and moral laws.
Faithful Catholics must continue to persevere and pray for the Church even while Pope further marginalize faithful Catholics as he seeks to further restrict the Traditional Latin Mass.
Just like a Modernist, Pope Francis seeks to further bind the authority and status of the Papacy. Pope Francis seeks to diminish the papacy in order to make it more acceptable to other faiths.
[Greek] μολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [French] fouler, [German] hineinpressen: to confess, to assent, to admit, acknowledge; 25 scriptural references
Greek Hellenism: This term means to admit, to agree, to bear witness, to concede, to acknowledge, to allow, and to promise.
Andocides’ On the Mysteries 1.29: “I have never admitted guilt and that I have not a single offense against the two goddesses.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 4.154: “Now begins the part in which Therean’s and Cyrenean’s stories agree.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 2.18: “The response of the oracle of Ammon in fact bears witness to my opinion.”
Plato’s Phaedrus 231d:”They confess that they are insane, rather than in their right mind, they know they are foolish.”
Old Testament: This term means to praise, to give thanks, to confess, to vow, to promise, to give something to God, to swear, and to take an oath.
Mt.7:23: [Jesus]: “I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew. Depart from me, you evildoers.'” (Jesus criticizes evil and corrupt disciples, prophets, and clergy will be rejected by Jesus on the day of judgment. Even those disciples who exorcise demons and perform healings will be excluded. Entrance into the kingdom of heaven is only for those who do the will of the Father.)
Mt.14:7: “Herod swore to give Herodia’s daughter to give her whatever she might ask for.” (Herodia’s daughter was prompted by her mother Herodia to give John the Baptist’s head on a platter. Herod was now beholden to Herodias’ request.)
Jn.9:22: “The blind man’s parents said [they did not know his sin was able to see] because they were afraid of the Jews, for the Jews agreed that if anyone who acknowledged Him as the Messiah, he would be expelled from the seminary.” (The parents were fearful of repercussions from the authorities for acknowledging Jesus as Messiah.)
Jn.12:42: “Nevertheless, many, even among the authorities, believed in Jesus, but because of the Pharisees they did not acknowledge it openly in order not to be expelled from the synagogue.” (Although Jesus had performed may signs in their presence, unbelief persisted among the Jews. For they preferred human praise rather than the glory of God.)
Acts 23:8: “The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection or angels or spirits, while the Pharisee acknowledge all three.” (The Sadducees and Pharisees differed in your beliefs.)
Acts 24:14: “But this I do admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our ancestors.” (This new group of Christian were seen according to Judaism and the secular world.)
1Tim.6:12: “Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life, to which you were called when you made the noble confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (Christians are likened to athletes who must run the Christian life. Paul demand Timothy to have total dedication and witness to Christ.)
Tit.1:16: “They [rebels, idle talkers, and deceivers] claim to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him. They are vile, disobedient, and unqualified for any good deed.” (Faith is also defined and illustrated by one’s works. Evildoers, by their own actions, deny God.)
Questionable comments by Cardinal Grech (part of Pope Francis’s inner circle):
“The female deaconate would be a “natural deepening of the Lord’s will.” (Cardinal Grech arrogantly presume to know the Lord’s will!)
“Synodality is ingrained in the nature of God. I felt we are not bringing something new.” (Cardinal Grech admits that synodality means changing the Catholic faith.)
“Once we become more synodal, the Church will be in a better position to address particular issues.” (Cardinal Grech seeks to remake Jesus’ Church moral according to the world.)
In Greek Hellenism and other eras, agreeing can take on many forms, uses, and variations.
In the Old Testament, this term takes on the notion of swearing or taking an oath.
In the New Testament, confessing Jesus as the Messiah was considered quite dangerous in the first century. In our current secular society, Christians who profess Jesus’ teachings also may experience peer pressure, persecution, shame, and martyrdom. Christians expressing pro-life values and traditional values can often receive opposition or ridicule.
Update: It seems that Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, seem to be very much beholden to this identity groups’ interests and demands.
The German Catholic bishops continue to doctrinally go over the rails into heresy and schism. They espouse changing Church teachings for homosexuality and same-sex unions. The German bishop believe that the Church was adapt the current times.
Pope Francis criticizes the German Church for going too fast in their “reforms” but not for their “reforms” Pope Francis seeks to make small steps in getting to where the German Bishops are in their heretical teachings.
Pope Francis Fiducia Supplicans seek to introduce “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex unions. This becomes that small step in Pope Francis’ hope that same-sex unions will be later recognized by the Church. Yet, blessing an sinful behavior is evil!
Pope Francis continues to swear allegiance to the “St. Gallan Mafia” the group of Modernist cardinals who were influential in selecting Jorge Borgoglio as pope. Ever since, the Church is paying the consequences of this action.
Pope Francis and his inner circle evidently do not believe that homosexuality is a sin. They are also not following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). Instead, these clergy, in failing to speak of Church teachings (condemnations)against sin, are actually putting many mortal souls in eternal power. These clergy are failing in their duty and responsibility to bring souls into heaven.
Those who do not follow Jesus’ command to sin no more are walking in darkness (Jn.8:12). Those clergy who are not following Jesus’ command to condemn sin are also walking in darkness.
Unfortunately, there continue to be clergy who dare to state traditional Church teachings. Several of these clergy have been deposed, removed, censured by Pope Francis and his sycophant “pope-splainers.”
Many clergy are fearful of speaking out against Church matters and evil for fear of repercussions from their superiors or the Vatican. Yet, we greatly courageous Cardinals, bishops, and priest, but not cowardly ones.
Unfortunately, too many cardinals, bishops, and priests seek human praise as they seek advancement in the Church. These clergy often remain silent and cowardly about serious Church issues for fear of losing on out appointments by superiors.
Pope Francis synodal efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into worldly synodal Church in the image of man. This is how worldly values, paganism, and sin enters the Church. Fiducia Supplicans is a perfect example of this.
There will be perhaps many pastors and clergy in eternal damnation for failing in their responsibilities to bring souls into heaven. What could be examples for their downfall? Cowardice, worldliness, greed, notoriety, power, wealth (mansions???), failings in their liturgical duties, disregard and blindness to sin. etc. Even evil prophets and healers will be excluded.
I think many of us believe that Fiducia Supplicans (non-liturgical blessings for same-sex unions) is just the first step in the Church later ultimately recognized same-sex unions as a valid marriage relationship?? You know that the LGBTQ crowd will be demanding this.
In our Church, we are continuing to be in the battle between conservative (traditional) Catholics and Modernist Catholics who are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in a synodal Church in the image of man. These Modernists continue to pursue their heretical and schismatic efforts in the Church.
Traditional and conservative (Catholic clergy and laity) are continuing be marginalized and persecuted in light of Traditones Custodes.
The Christian is likened to an athlete must be theologically nourished and prepared for to finish the Christian race of life.
[Greek] ἀφορίζω (aphorizō), [Latin] separare, [Latin] segregare, [French] isoler: to separate, to exclude, to appoint, to set apart; Mt.13:49, Mt.25:32, Lk.6:22, Acts 13:2, Acts 19:9, Rom.1:1, 2Cor.6:17, Gal.1:15, Gal.2:12
Pope John Paul II rightly points out that God’s moral truth gives meaning and direction in one’s life. Otherwise, unhappiness results from this separation and isolationfrom God.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to mark off, to establish, to border on, to define, to separate, to exclude, to bring to an and, and to banish.
Isocrates’ To Phillip 5.120: “What opinion must we expect the world will have if you actually do this undertaking to establish cities in this region.”
Plato’s Timaeus 24a: “You see how the priestly class is separated from the rest: craftsmen, shepherds, and farmers, each distinguished and separate.”
Plato’s Greater Hippias 298d: “Did you make the distinction that in the category of the pleasing that which is beautiful, whereas, you say that that which is pleasing according to other senses.”
Old Testament: This term means to separate, to divide, and to cleave. Israel is separated from the world. The lepers, unclean, and unholy are to be separated from the community. The Levites are to be a separated priesthood.
New Testament: This term means to separate, to disperse, to exclude, to set apart.
Mt.13:49-50: “Thus it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace.” (The righteous (sheep) will receive eternal life. The wicked (goats) will receive everlasting punishment.)
Mt.25:32: “The Son of Man will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (The criterion of judgment is ultimately the acceptance or rejection of Jesus.)
Lk.6:22: “Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man.” (Being excluded: persecution, being deposed, being marginalized, and being excommunicated. Being insulted: being accused as heretics, apostates, and enemies [to the law or the Jews]. Being denounced as evil: being perceived as hateful and intolerant, being countercultural, and being monsters.)
Acts 19:9: “When some in their obstinacy and disbelief disparaged the Way before the assembly, Paul withdrew and took his disciples with him and began to hold daily discussions in the Tyrannus lecture hall.” (The truth had no impression on their opponents as they were not persuaded by the Way’s message. Therefore, it was necessary for Paul to find another place to hold daily discussions.)
Gal.2:12: “Peter used to eat with the Gentiles; but when the Jewish Christians came, Peter began to draw back and separated himself, because he was afraid on the circumcised.” (Because of peer pressure, Peter walked away from the Gentiles. Since Peter’s actions were in public, Paul rebuked Peter in public. The Jerusalem Council recognized the freedom of Gentile Christians from the Jewish law.)
Aphorism: This is a term describing and in important in a short or pithy sentence.
“Be attentive to yourself, so that nothing destructive can separate you from God.” St. Isaiah the Solitary
“Evil talks a lot of tolerance when it is weak. When evil is strong, real tolerance gets kicked out the door.” Archbishop Charles Chaput
“God leads every soul by a separate path.” St. John of the Cross
“For it is a master-stroke of Satan to get Catholics to disobey the whole of Tradition, in the name of obedience.” Archbishop Lefebvre
“To separate tabernacle from alter is to separate two things which by their origin and nature should remain united.” Pope Pius XII
“The apostolic life does not exclude contemplation but encompasses to know better the eternal truths it must proclaim.” St. Vincent de Paul
What does Pope Pius X say about the Modernists’ desire to democratize Church authority? (From Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907):
Modernists claim that is was a common error that authority came to the Church from without [directly from God].
This view was rightly held that the Church was autocratic.
Church and Church authority now is a vital emanation of the collective consciences (in the minds of people). The Church is subject to this.
It is for the ecclesiastical authority to shape itself to democratic forms.
The Modernists seek to find a way of conciliation between the authority of the Church and the liberty of believers.
By Fr. Joachim Heimerl: “Can Pope Francis excommunicate his opponents”?
Can the pope use the power to bind and loose as he pleases? No. Peter received this power primarily as a positive power (to shepherd the flock and NOT to exclude anyone from the flock).
What is an example of a proper use of excluding someone? This is a situation where one separates himself from the flock. This person causes schism when he claims that Francis is not the real pope. The pope has the right and power to excommunicate that person.
What are some examples in which excommunication should not be applicable? When there is no apostasy (departing from faith in Christ). When there is no serious case of fornication and incest. This is when someone denied the authority of the papacy as a whole.
Does questioning the legitimacy of a pope merit excommunication? No. This is NOT apostasy, NOT heresy, and NOT schism! This does not apply when one questions and rejects the heterodox teachings of Pope Francis and legitimacy of his papacy.
What have been the actions of Pope Francis? He elevates obvious heretic to high positions. Pope Francis overlooks the real schism and heresy of the German bishops.
Why are Pope Francis’ excommunications considered to be political? Pope Francis is removing his opponents. Pope Francis’ opponents state traditional teachings and oppose synodality. Examples include Bishop Strickland and Archbishop Vigano. Pope Francis’s actions make him look like a dictator on the chair of Peter.
Why are clergy hesitant or fearful from speaking out against Pope Francis? There is a great possibility that one would be severely punished by Pope Francis. This can mean sanctions, removal, laicization, and excommunication.
What can be concluded from Pope Francis’s excommunications? Some like Archbishop Vigano view this a “badge of honor” or upright Catholics. These actions also make Pope Francis looks petty and shallow. These excommunications will be looked upon as absurd.
Who are these “pope-splainers”? These are hyper-papalist lackeys who defend and support Pope Francis, using verbal gymnastics and scouring the internet to support what Pope Francis really mean.
Update: Pope Francis’ Traditiones Custodes seeks to eventually shut down the Traditional Latin Mass. This is essentially seeking to marginalize and exclude Traditional and conservative Catholics.
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to exclude Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11) pertaining to homosexual lifestyle. These clergy are failing in their duty to properly catechize the LGBTQ community. These clergy are putting many people’s eternal mortal souls in peril.
Jesus associated with sinners in order to save and forgive them. Jesus’ mercy is dependent on one’s need for conversion and forgiveness. Jesus did not come to sinners in order to accept and tolerate their sinful lifestyles, but to save them.
We are living in a time in Pope Francis’ papacy where conservative (traditional) bishops are being cancelled, reassigned, and deposed for being are too Catholic. Bishop Marc Aiullet of the diocese of Bayonne may next to follow in the path of Bishop Strickland. We continue to live under the Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
Pope Francis criticizes [traditionally minded people] who “create bad feeling within the Church and disorientation among the faithful, and who turn to the bete noir of ‘clericalism'” which creates distance between priests and people. In other words, setting apart the clergy from the laity creates separation. Pope Francis seeks to democratize and blur the differences between the clergy with the laity!
God will also separate those wicked, unfaithful, and clergy who do not properly fulfill their responsibilities to bring souls into heaven. As a result, there will be some clergy and pastors in hell.
It has been said by some that Fiducia Supplican (offering non-liturgical blessings to same-sex unions) has become a new “mill-stone moment” in the Church for the great serious nature of blessing sin (evil.)
At the end of the day, it does not matter what we think we is right or wrong. Ultimately, each of us will have to stand in judgment before God.
It is important to not that God will remain faithful to those clergy and laity who persecuted, marginalized, and cancelled in remaining faithful to Him.
In light of the restrictions from Traditiones Custodes, more and more traditional Catholics are find themselves having to withdraw to fewer venues to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass.
Modernist seeks to separate objective supernatural reality (authority comes from God) from what is vital emanence (what is perceived in one’s mind).
[Greek] ἀποδοκιμάζω (apodokimazō), [Latin] reprobare, [French] condemner, [French] rejeter: to reject, to disapprove, to repudiate, to regard as unworthy; Mt.21:42, Mk.8:31, Mk.12:10, Lk.9:22, Lk.17:25, Lk.20:17, Heb.12:17, 1Pet.2:4,7
Sounds like “cafeteria Catholicism (Christianity).”
Greek Hellenism: This term means to reject, to throw out, and to find unworthy.
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.2.13: “The indictment against Socrates was to this effect. He is guilty of rejecting the gods acknowledged by the state and of bringing in strange deities.”
Plato’s Theaetetus 181b: “But if we find that neither part has anything reasonable to say, we shall be ridiculous if we think that we say anything worthwhile after having rejected the doctrines of ancient and very wise men.”
Old Testament: This term means to spurn, to reject, to despise, and to refuse.
New Testament: This term means to reject.
Mt.21:42: “Jesus said to them, ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.'” (The chief priests and Pharisees knew that Jesus was speaking about them. They attempted to arrest Him. But they feared the crowds, for they perceived Him as a prophet. The Pharisees were not being fruitful.)
Lk.17:25: “But first the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation.” (Generations will treat the Son of Man with scorn and contempt.)
Lk.17:26-27: In the days of Noah: stupidity, ignorance and refusal of Noah’s warnings, pursuing of pleasures, lack of righteousness, careless disregard of God, irregular marriage with Canaans, worldliness, paganism, indifference, wickedness, unbelief
Lk.17:28-29: In the days of Lot: wickedness, worldliness, unbelief, indifference, unpreparedness, debauchery, sin, sodomy, sexual gratification, homosexuality, immorality, fornication
1Pet.2:7: “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (This stone will make people stumble. They stumble (an occasion of sin) by disobeying the word. Christ is an a obstacle and stumbling block for some people.)
Parable of the Tenants: the landowner want his servants to be fruitful (producing fruit). Those who are not fruitful will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Etymology: The Greek verb skandalizo means to scandalize (offend) and to be scandalized (offended). The Greek noun skandalon means stumbling stone, obstacle, and offense.
Update: Pope Francis and his Modernists continue to resist the traditions of Jesus’ Church.
The younger generations of priests and seminarians (even in Germany) are resisting the Modernists’ and Pope Francis’ synodal efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into the image of man. The existing Modernist clergy in authority are unsettled by this trend. This indicates that the Holy Spirit is TRUELY at work in righting the Church to its traditions.
These younger conservative seminarians and priests will eventually replace the older retiring and dying clergy.
Harrison Bukter offers a faithful countercultural response to the problems of the culture. It can be said that he is receiving both great resistance and great support (depending where you align with the culture.
Pope Francis’ Modernist documents, teachings, human inventions, and novelties are not causing unity in the Church. Traditional and conservative Catholics are resisting Pope Francis.
Ironically, the many “pope-splainers” say that you are being divisive if you resist Pope Francis. This is just a new version of the heresy of ultramontanism or hyper-papalism (the pope is infallible in practically every papal teaching). The Vatican has even floated the notion of the “doctrine of the Holy Father.”
How is our secular post-Christian world any much different than the days of Noah and Lot? Unfortunately, there is not much difference. The same worldly, sinful, and evil human behavior remains.
The liberal elite, donor class, and legacy media, being out of touch with the American people, rejected the American peoples’ motivations for choosing President Trump. This elite class believe that President Trump won because of racism and misogyny. As a result, President Trump received a mandate.
The mainstream and legacy media cannot believe that the American people would elect President Trump, a convicted felon. The American people reject this shameful lawfare of the government targeting President Trump.
More and more American people are rejecting the Democratic party’s cultural identity pandering, DEI, celebrity endorsements, wokeism, and virtue signaling for a Republican open tent for all demographic groups.
Smart analyst: “Voters tell us what they want and what they need. These are called elections.”
Delusional analyst: “We tell voters they are wrong. We tell them what they need.” (These out of touch Democrats (media, celebrities, donors, politicians, etc.) reject the voters’ desires and needs. These delusional analysts believed what they wanted to believe.)
Traditional and older churches attract the people. Modern and sterile modern churches turn people off.
Here is an example of an ugly and sterile Modernist Church architecture. This was one of the winners of the 2022 Pontifical Academy Award for Sacred Architecture. (Yes, this is really going to bring people into the Church! Quite ugly! Yeah, good luck with that)
Next post: I missed All Souls’ Day: I want to have a clear conscience in talking about purgatory
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9
Harrison Butker seeks to “arm” and prepare the students with wisdom for the battle ahead in this secular, anti-Catholic, and often evil world in which we live in.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to set against, to match with, to withstand, to hold out, and to hinder.
Plutarch’s Theseus 1: “With such a warrior who will dare to fight? When I shall I set against him?”
Homer’s Iliad 16.305: “They still sought to withstand him.”
Sophocles Ajax 1231: “So it is you, they tell me, who dared open your mouth wide to make fierce threats against us–and are you still unpunished?”
Sophocles’ Tracking Satyrs 256: “I won’t put up with your loud quarrelsome words.”
Old Testament: This term means to be alert, to be courageous, to cause strife, to take a stand, to resist, to rebel, to contend, to be strong, to be insolent, to deceive, and to be hardened.
Lk.21:15: “I shall give you a wisdom in speaking (from the Holy Spirit) that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute.” (Interestingly, this scripture appears in light of Jesus’ foretelling a coming persecution. Some will be seized, persecuted, imprisoned, and brought before authorities.)
Acts 13:8: “Elymas the magician opposed them in an attempt to turn the proconsul away from the faith.” (Paul call Elymas the son of the devil, full of deceit and fraud and twisting the straight paths of the Lord.)
Rom.9:19: “You will say to me then, ‘Why then does He still find fault? For who can oppose His will'” (Paul responds to the objection that if God already has a plan for everybody, then God cannot then accuse unbelievers of sin. But this objection is a sign of human insolence (placing humanity on a level with God). God grants us free will to do as we choose. Yet, God grants mercy upon whom He wills and hardens whom He wills.)
Rom.13:2: “Whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves.” (Paul was responding to the issues of what are the responsibilities, duties, or freedoms from Roman authority and control. Roman imperial protocol was interwoven with devotion to various deities.)
Gal.2:11: “I [Paul] opposed Peter to his face because he clearly was wrong.” (Paul criticized Peter for improper table fellowship with the Gentiles. Kosher food regulation had not yet been settled.)
Eph.6:13: “Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and to hold your ground.” (Paul alludes to THE CHRISTIAN WHO MUST BE A BATTLE-PREPARED SOLDIER IN FIGHTING AGAINST EVIL. The evil day is the period of time of Satan’s evil works.)
2Tim.3:8-9: “Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so they also oppose the truth–people of depraved mind, unqualified in the faith, for their foolishness will be plain to all.” (Jannes and Jambres were part of Pharaoh’s inner circle who discredited the truth in Moses.)
Jas.4:7: “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (The devil is essentially associated with disobedience, PRIDE, and rebellion.)
1Pet.5:9: “Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.”
Harrison Butker “arms” the college graduates with great wisdom for the battle ahead in the secular, anti-Catholic, and evil world:
Pervasiveness of disorder: abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia. (evil and grave man-made decisions in killing and controlling God’s life processes)
A “Catholic” US President who supports abortion. This harmful message unfortunately illustrates some Catholics being pro-choice. (evil man-made decisions to kill life)
A Church of niceness, lukewarmness, and cowardice is a not a winning proposition. (A Church afraid to confront the culture and world)
One needs to be authentically and unapologetically Catholic. Our Catholic faith must be countercultural (One must be a voice of contradiction in the world)
The world says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves. One must not go against the tyranny of diversion, equity, and inclusion. (Inability to confront the world)
Why is it harmful or illegal in stating the Jews killed Christ? (Being fearful, being afraid of offending others, and being afraid of being seen as anti-Semitic)
Too many clergy are fearful, cowardly, and faithless. Some clergy mislead their flock. (Some clergy are fearful and afraid of telling the truth and speaking out)
We must call out those bishops and priests do not act like bishops and priests. (Too many clergy seeking praise, recognition, and adulation in the world)
Bishops, failing in their responsibilities, do not deserve respect from the laity. (Too many bishops are failing to act like true spiritual shepherds)
We live in a world where many focus on self-centered PRIDE rather than submission to God. (Pride and selfishness lead to disobedience, despair, sin, and evil)
Society (culture) has dictated that jobs an title are more important than vocations (wife and mother). (Vocations bring deeper meaning than careers)
Men must be unapologetic in their masculinity. Do hard things. (Men must regain their masculinity given to them by God)
Young and old people are embracing tradition. (People strive to seek deeper meaning in a more worthy worship service)
Antihistamine: This is a substance (drug) that counteracts or blocks the effects of a histamine which causes the symptoms of hay fever and allergies.
Oftentimes in difficult situations, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will provide the needed words to resist or refute opponents.
Update: As Pope Francis and his inner circle seek to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man), many conservative and traditional Catholics (and Christians) are being marginalized and cancelled.
In response to seeing the many innovations, confusion, chaos, and evil caused by Pope Francis, many people are waking up in seeing more clearly the damage being done by the Modernists to Jesus’ Church.
The Modernists are clearly being deceitful in stating the truth about the Church’s teachings in light of Jesus’s command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). In their outreach to the LGBTQ community, the Vatican is deceitful in not stating the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions. Instead, they are providing non-liturgical blessings for same-sex “irregular couples”.
Aftermath (response) to Fiducia Supplicans: This has created an inflection point for our Church. Do we want a Church that blesses evil? Many of the faithful opposition are now clearly seeing (with the help of the Holy Spirit) that the Modernists are succumbing to the values of the world. Are you surprised?
Like Elymas, the Vatican is intentionally using sophistry (word games) and verbal gymnastics in their statements and documents. The “pope-splainers” are in full force defending the Vatican. Yet, many of us can see through their efforts.
The Modernists, hard-hardened in their hearts, have become “true-believers” in their ideological cause to adapt the Church to the world. These Modernists have now become blinded by their ideology. Perhaps God’s providence is allowing this, in order for all of us to stand up in response to their destructive actions.
It can also be said that the Modernists are also undermining, diminishing, and remaking Jesus’ Church. It is as if the Modernists are managing the decline of the Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church.
Cardinal Parolin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, has now recently stated that these Modernist reforms will remain in the Church. The cardinal says this in light of the continued liturgical chaos, and opposition to Pope Francis’ reforms.
More smoke of Satan: All Catholics and Christian must be prepared and vigilant in fighting against the subtle influence of Satan in the Church and the world. Satan influences and controls us through, busyness, distraction, rebellion, disobedience, pride, worldliness, worldly values, and vulnerabilities. Satan will do whatever he can to undermine the Church, God’s moral laws and obedience to Church teachings. Satan hides in obscurity rather than in plain view.
Satan is the epitome of pride and rebellion. Faithfulness and obedience to Church teachings and God’s laws will drive Satan away. But Satan hopes that you do otherwise.
Harrisom Bukter has become an important counter-cultural voice in the wilderness in laying out the challenges, obstacles, and evils in the world. The reactions to his speech range from standing ovations to “What the f*#k!”
At the end of the day, haters gonna hate
We just got shake it off and arm and defend yourself in this battle.
[Greek] ἐντρέπω (entrepō), [Latin] revereri, [Latin] timere, [Latin] confundere: to stand in awe: to put to shame, to invert, to respect, to confound, to reverence, to make ashamed, to feel respect for, to turn in; Mt.21:37, Mk.12:6, Lk.18:2,4, 1Cor.4:14, 2Thess.3:14, Tit.2:8, Heb.12:9
Shame: when we “turn in upon ourselves”. It is shameful seeing how money is being spent at USAID and other charitable NGO’s.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to turn about, to make one turn, to hesitate, to fell misgivings, to turn toward to, to give heed to, to reverse, to respect, to show reverence, and to shame.
Polybius’ Histories 31.2: “To the ambassadors of the Gauls in Asia they granted autonomy, on condition that they remained within their dwellers, and went on to warlike expeditions beyond their frontiers.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 90: “You there, Ajax, once I again I call you! Why do show so little regard for your city?”
Plato’s Crito 52c: “And moreover even at your trial you might have offered exile as your penalty. But then you put on airs and said you were not disturbed if you must die. And now you are not ashamed to think of those words, and you do not respect us and the laws.”
Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 724: “Pay them no regard.”
Old Testament: This term, related to several Hebrew terms, means to shame, to confound, to insult (humiliate), to humble, to be humble, to be contrite, and to dishonor.
New Testament: This term means to respect, to make ashamed, and to be ashamed. This comes from the result of wanting to withdrawal inward (hide oneself).
Mt.21:37: “Finally, the landowner sent his son to them, thinking, ‘They will respect my son.'” (The landowner had hoped that the tenants would respect his son. Likewise, the Father, already knowing the fate of His on, gives us free will to decide whether to honor, to esteem, and to show deference to His Son and Himself. This is by no means a positive affirmation about human character by Luke.)
1Cor.4:14: “I am writing you this not to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children.” (Paul, in a constructive manner, uses shame to correct his congregation. Paul acts like a loving father. Paul seeks to warn, to offer wisdom, to point out others’ faults, and to cause others to reform their ways.)
2Thess.3:14: “If anyone does not obey our word as expressed in this letter, take note of this person not to associate with him, that he may be put to shame.” (Paul calls upon the Thessalonians not to be remiss in doing good. Those who do not obey this word are to be shamed and ostracized. Some of the Thessalonians are acting in a disorderly way.)
Lk.18:4: For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought, ‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being, but this widow keeps bothering me.”
This atheistic judge did not concern himself with God. This judge only pays lip service to God.
The woman is persistent in seeking justice before the judge.
The judged failed to show judicial diligence toward the women. The judge just wanted to avoid trouble from the women.
This parable speaks to the importance of persistent prayer so that they may not fall victims to apostasy.
God will hear the petitions of those who are faithful to Him.
Tit.2:7-8: “Show yourself as a model of good deeds and sound speech that cannot be criticized, so that the opponent will be put to shame without anything bad to say about us.” (One’s good behavior and example will put others to shame.)
Heb.12:9: “We had our earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them. Should we not then submit all the more to the Father?” (As God treats us sons and daughters, we must endure our trials as discipline from a loving Father.)
Entropy: This is a measure of the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that the energy state of system moves from a state of order to a state of disorder over time. The process will cease when an equilibrium of energy states has been achieved.
Etymology: This term literally means “turning in upon oneself.” This inward turning (en-) provides a time of self-reflection and allowing one to examine one’s actions. This self-reflection can involve shame, humbleness, remorse, or reverence. This inward turning often allows for conversion. Entropy is a measure of disorder (reduction of order).
Turning inward, disorder, and reducing are related. Turning inward (self-reflection) ==> shame, remorse, humbleness, hesitation, fear, and reverence. No shame ==> doing whatever one wants, not caring what others think.
Old Testament: This term is very relatable to poor, humble, and vulnerable people. Humbleness in heart and contriteness ==> often leads to a favorable relationship with God.
A person, who relies only upon himself (increases himself) and moves inward (away from God) will ultimately face spiritual weakness and emptiness.
A person who humbles (decreases himself) and seeks outward (toward God) will find spiritual strength and seek God’s strength.
Update: Ever since Pope Francis has become pope, the Church has been in a state of GREAT DISORDER (doctrinal and liturgical confusion and disorder)
Vatican II (and the synodal Church) theoretically states Church teachings against homosexuality, yet their LGBTQ outreach continues to increase. Why are they not actively stating Church teachings to decrease the need for this outreach? The Vatican seems to be paying lip service to these Church teachings. It is quite the opposite. That is why we have Fiducia Supplicans.
Homosexuality and same-sex unions are intrinsic disordered forms of God’s designs for man, wife, and marriage.
The Vatican allowed a group of dancers perform before the remains of St. Maria Goretti. It seems Vatican II has more deference to an animated icon (Luce) than an actual saint.
In Lima, Peru and a “Catholic” university and Cardinal Castillo defended a blasphemous play involving image of Mary. Lived experiences: just more reimagining ways to offend Mary.
These Modernists and Synodalists continue to remake, undermine, and disrespect Jesus’s Church’s teachings into a Church made in the image of man.
The repeated chaos, confusion, heresy, and sacrilege found in this synodal Church rightfully must receive criticism when it is due.
It has been scandalous to discover that the executives of these Catholic NGO’s and organizations have huge salaries. This does not look good for a charity.
It has been scandalous that these Catholic charities and NGOs have been using their funds for LGBTQ causes, abortion, condoms, atheism, child trafficking, and illegal immigration. Their money supply is being cut off. They are already cutting their staffs. Other govt. organizations are now being looked at.
Many proponent for continuing this funding charitable organizations prioritize focus on immigrants. This contradicts the hierarchy of the principle of giving resources at the nearest level of influence. Focus on God, then, self, family, community, state, nation, outsiders.
So the Greeks had it right after all. We get very unsettled and disturbed when we cringe in situations. When we do something stupid or embarrassing, we just want to “turn in and hide”. Then we need to pick up the pieces.
We are now discovering how USAID has become a cesspool of spending, pork, and corruption. USAID is now being shut down
“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God you’ll be at rest.” Corrie ten Boom
“Entropy makes things fall, but life and God ingeniously rigs the game so that when they do they often fall in place.” John Tooby
“If you see your brother sinning openly, you should not cover up for him, but you should rebuke him in front of everyone, so that he may be ashamed and repent.” St. John Chrysostom
“I want a mess. We knew that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the diocese!” Pope Francis (This pope has caused great disorder and chaos in the Church)
“It is a mistake for the Church to try to hold on to old traditions or to have clear answers for everything.” Pope Francis (This pope clearly has disdain for Tradition and traditional Catholics.)
[Greek] πίμπλημι (pimplēmi), [Latin] implore, [Latin] replere, [Latin] consummare, [Latin] plenus, [German] anfullen, [French] accomplir, [French] achiever, [French] complet: to fill, to complete, to make happen, to pass; 27 scriptures
Pentecost: painting by Jean Restout (1732)
The Apostles and Mary are depicted in a large, Roman-style courtyard while the Holy Spirit descends through the cloudy sky to reach them.
The Holy Spirit, depicted as the light shining through the cloudy sky, descends through the cloudy sky to reach them below.
Jesus’ followers receive the tongues of fire above their foreheads.
Restout carefully shows the emotions on the faces of his subjects. Mary is shown being completely calm, full of grace.
The others are shocked, almost bewildered by what they are experiencing.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to fill, to nourish, to satisfy, to fill, and to swell.
Sophocles’ Electra 906: “But the tears of joy straightaway fill my eyes.”
Plato’s Phaedrus 248b: “The best part of the soul is in the meadow there on which the soul is raised and nourished by this.”
Aeschylus’ Persians 420: “The sea was hidden from our sight, strewn as it was with wrecks and slaughtered men.”
Old Testament: This term means to run out, to pass, to accomplish, to satisfy, and to have excess.
New Testament: This term, focusing on the physical, means to fill (with the Holy Spirit, emotions, and things), to soak, and to pass (complete). For purposes of brevity, I will exclude spatial examples (like people, fish, etc.)
To fill (be filled) with the Holy Spirit:
Lk.1:15 John will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb. (John will be set apart for the Lord’s service.)
Acts 2:4: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues. (A strong driving wind filled the entire house. Then tongues of fire came to rest on them).
Acts 4:8: Peter boldly speaks to the Sanhedrin that he healed the beggar in Jesus’ name.
Acts 13:9: Paul calls Elymas the son of the devil. (Paul claims that Elymas is the enemy, full of every sort of deceit and fraud.)
To complete/to pass:
Lk.1:23: When Zechariah’s days of ministry were completed, he went home.
To fill with emotions:
Lk.4:28: The Jews in the synagogue were all filled with fury upon hearing Jesus speaking. (They reject the carpenter’s son who would speak so boldly.)
Lk.5:26: The crowd was filled with astonishment upon seeing Jesus heal the paralytic.
Lk.6:11: The scribes and Pharisees were filled with rage upon seeing Jesus heal a man’s withered hand on the sabbath.
Acts 19:29: The city Ephesus was filled with confusion, and the people seized Paul’s companions. (Paul was creating havoc in stating the gods made by hands are not gods at all.)
Acts 5:17: The high priest and Sadducees, filled with jealousy, and put the apostles in the public jail.
Activities of human origin (human spirit): it will destroy itself.
Activities of heavenly origin (Holy Spirit): you will not be able to destroy them; you may even find yourself fighting against God.
Etymology: The Latin verb implore means to fill up and to fulfill. The Latin verb replere means to fill again, to complete, and to fill. The Latin verb consummare means to add, to end, and to accomplish. The Latin adjective plenus means full, filled, complete, and satisfied.
This term stresses a temporary and physical sense.
Update: Bishop Strickland and few other deposed, cancelled, and laicized clergy have shown the courage to defend traditional Catholic teachings and to criticize the Vatican’s doctrinal errors.
Unfortunately, too many clergy have cowardly remained silent in speaking out (due to peer pressure, fear of their superiors,and lack of conviction (faith).
Some clergy have become more forceful in correctly pointing out doctrinal error, heresy, confusion, deceit, and evil caused by Pope Francis and his inner circle.
The faithful are continually seeing more days pass in which Pope Francis seeks to remake Jesus’ Church in to a synodal Church (in the image of man).
Each of us must speak out more boldly in response to Pope Francis actions and documents.
Vatican II’s “human inspired” efforts to “bring fresh air into the Church” has turned into a pastoral and spiritual disaster. As a result, we see loss of vocations, decreased Mass attendance, sacrilege, church closings, removal of Tradition, and declining belief in the Real Presence.
Starting from the 1960’s the practice of receiving Communion in the hand has also lead to disaster: continuing lack of faith of Catholics, loss of reverence, and decreasing belief in the Real Presence.
Pope Francis synodal efforts will seek to bring in sin, paganism, and worldly values, increased decision making by a poorly catechized laity. This will eventually lead to disaster.
Pope Francis’ efforts to remove the thriving Traditional Latin Mass will also lead to disaster.
[Greek] ὁμολογέω (homologeō), [Latin] confitere, [German] hineinpressen, [French] fouler: to confess, to assent, to admit, to acknowledge; Mt.7:23, Mt.10:32, Mt.14:7, Lk.12:8, Jn.1:20, Jn.9:22, Jn.12:42, Acts 23:8, Acts 24:14, Rom.10:9-10, 1Tim.6:12, Tit.1:16, Heb.11:13, Heb.13:15, 1Jn.1:9, 1Jn.4:2-3,15, 2Jn.1:7
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to admit, to agree, to bear witness, to concede, to acknowledge, to allow, and to promise.
Andocides’ On the Mysteries 1.29: “I have never admitted guilt and that I have not a single offense against the two goddesses.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 4.154: “Now begins the part in which Therean’s and Cyrenean’s stories agree.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 2.18: “The response of the oracle of Ammon in fact bears witness to my opinion.”
Plato’s Phaedrus 231d: “They confess that they are insane, rather than in their right mind, they know they are foolish.”
Old Testament: This term, used quite extensively, means to praise, to give thanks, to confess, to vow, to promise, to give something to God, to swear, and to take an oath.
New Testament: This term means to declare, to acknowledge, to swear, to admit, and to confess.
Mt.7:23: I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you evildoers’. (This becomes a criticism against those evil and morally corrupt disciples. Even they will gain entrance into the kingdom of heaven.)
Mt.14:7: Herod swore to giver her [Herodia’s daughter] whatever she might ask for.
Jn.1:20: John the Baptist admitted that he is not the Messiah.
Acts 23:8: The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, angels, or spirits, while the Pharisees acknowledge all three.
Mt.10:32: Everyone who acknowledges Me before others I will acknowledge before My heavenly Father.
Jn.9:22: The blind man’s parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone acknowledged Him as the Messiah, he would be expelled from the synagogue. (The blind man’s parents were understandably fearful of publicly stating that Jesus is the Messiah. As a result, rejection (excommunicated) from the synagogues seems to have begun in 85 A. D.)
1Tim.6:12: Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life, to which you were called when you made the noble confession in the presence of many witnesses. (Christians are likened to athletics who must the race of Christian life. Paul demands Timothy to have total dedication and witness to Christ.)
“Tit.1:16: They [rebels, idle talkers, and deceivers] claim to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him. They are vile and disobedient and unqualified for any good deed. (Faith is also defined and illustrated by one’s works. Evildoers, by their own actions, deny God.)
Quotes and statements by Cardinal Grech (a potential nominee for the next pope):
“The female deaconate would be a “natural deepening of the Lord’s will”
“Synodality is ingrained in the nature of God. I felt we are not bringing something new.” (The cardinal admits that synodality means changing the Catholic faith.)
“Church communion should take the form of a unity of differences rather than a uniformity of thought as rainbow.” (This cardinal seeks to remove any notion of official doctrine (belief systems) (and sin). This will eventually allow for differences in beliefs and acceptable behavior. Therefore, sin will no longer have any more meaning anymore.)
“Once we become more synodal, the Church will be in a better position to address particular issues.” (This cardinal seeks to remake Jesus’ Church moral principles to the world.)
In Greek Hellenism and other time periods, agreeing can take on many forms, uses, and variations.
In the Old Testament, this term also takes on the notion of swearing or taking an oath.
Confessing Jesus as Lord was quite dangerous in the first century. In our current secular society, Christians who profess Jesus’ teaching may experience peer pressure, persecution, shame, and martyrdom. Christians expressing pro-life values can often receive ridicule from opposing forces.
I confess I wasn’t too sure how this post would turn out. Yet, I have to admit it turned out better than I thought!
Pope Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans allows for “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex unions. This is essentially blessing sin, which is evil. Then it must be said that those who clergy and laity who promote this are evil-doers! They are also encouraging others to believe that this is an acceptable behavior. Some have even called the Vatican, bishops, and priests to bless them!
Under Pope Francis’ leadership, all of us (the Church) continues to walk in liturgical confusion and chaos.
Evidently Pope Francis’ continues to swear allegiance to the “St. Gallan Mafia” the group of Modernists cardinals who was influential in select Jorge Borgoglio as pope. As a result, the Church is paying the consequences of these destructive actions.
Pope Francis and his inner circle evidently do not believe in a Jesus who said “sin no more” (Jn.8:11). Instead, they continually preach the notion of “mercy above all else” and diminishing the significance of sin. The Vatican’s outreach to the LGBTQ community is a perfect illustration of their efforts to de-stigmatize, rationalize, and normalize homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are also diminishing the importance and significance of Marian messages of punishment and chastisement because God can only merciful. They willfully deny the harmful consequences of man’s actions (sin and evil).
Clergy who now defends and states traditional Catholic teaching unfortunately now seen as act of courage. These clergy face the risk of being removed, deposed, reassigned, and laicized during this Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
Unfortunately too many clergy (cardinals, bishops, and priests) remain cowardly for fear of repercussion, punishment, and loss of potential advancement in the Church. They need courage to boldly to speak out about doctrinal errors and heresy.
Paul reminds us that we all need to be spiritual disciplined and nourished in order to finish the often difficult Christian race of life.
In the final analysis, clergy and laity will be ultimately judged by actions, deeds, and words. God will also judge those who lead others in eternal mortal peril.
St. Teresa of Avila: “Nothing should scare you, nothing should confuse you, everything passes, only God remains the same. God alone is sufficient.”
(We must remain faithful to Christ and His Church, NOT THE POPE, and profess the faith as it is and as it has always been. Anything else would be a betrayal to Christ.)
[Greek] ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi), [Latin] resistere, [Latin] avertere, [French] detourner: to resist, to stand against, to withstand, to cope, to set against; Mt.5:39, Lk.21:15, Acts 6:10, Acts 13:8, Rom.9:19, Rom.13:2, Gal.2:11, Eph.6:13, 2Tim.3:8, 2Tim.4:15, Jas.4:7, 1Pet.5:9
Resistance, protesting, and speaking out against evil are required in order to be faithful to God. Resisting the devil must be accompanied by submission to God. Too many clergy, seeking to be validated (accepted) by the world, have cowardly remained quiet.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to set against, to match with, to set against, to withstand, to hold out, and to hinder.
Plutarch’s Theseus 1: “With such a warrior who will dare to fight? When I shall I set against him?”
Homer’s Iliad 16.305: “They still sought to withstand him.”
Sophocles Ajax 1231: “So it is you, they tell me, who dared open your mouth wide to make fierce threats against us–and are you still unpunished?”
Sophocles’ Tracking Satyrs 256: “I won’t put up with your loud quarrelsome words.”
Old Testament: This term means to be alert, to be courageous, to cause strife, to take a stand, to resist, to rebel, to contend, to be strong, to be insolent, to deceive, and to be hardened.
Lk.21:15: I shall give you a wisdom in speaking (from the Holy Spirit) that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute. (Interestingly, this scripture appears in light of Jesus’ foretelling a coming persecution. (Some will be seized, persecuted, handed over, imprisoned, and brought before authorities.)
Acts 6:10: They could not withstand the wisdom and Spirit with which Stephen spoke.
Acts 13:8: Elymas the magician opposed them in an attempt to turn away the proconsul away from the faith. (Paul calls Elymas, the son of the devil, full of deceit and fraud and twisting the straight paths of the Lord.)
Rom.9:19: Why then does He still find fault? For who can oppose His will? (God grants us free will to do as we choose. Yet, God grants mercy upon whom He wills and God hardens whom He wills.)
Gal.2:11: I [Paul] opposed Peter to his face because he clearly was wrong. (Paul criticized Peter for improper table fellowship with the Gentiles. Kosher food regulations had not yet been settled.)
Eph.6:13: Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and to hold your ground.
2Tim.3:8-9: Jannes and Jambres also opposed the truth–people of depraved mind, unqualified in the faith, for their foolishness will be plain to all. (Jannes and Jambres were part of Pharaoh’s inner circle who discredited the truth in Moses.)
2Tim.4:15: You too be on guard against him [Alexander], for he has strongly resisted the our preaching. (Alexander did Paul a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay Alexander according to his deeds.)
Jas.4:7: Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (The devil is essentially associated with disobedience, pride, and rebellion.)
1Pet.5:9: Resist the devil, be steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.
Antihistamine: This is substance (drug) that counteracts or blocks the effects of a histamine which cause the symptoms of hay fever and other allergies.
Oftentimes in difficult situations, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will provide the needed words to resist or refute opponents.
Update: Pope Francis’ papacy continues to be identified with liturgical confusion and chaos. In their efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man, Pope Francis continues to make reference of the ‘spirit of surprises’ as validation for their worldly and sinful reforms. Yet the Holy Spirit cannot validate or condone sin! So what spirit are they referring to ??
Aftermath (response) to Fiducia Supplicans: This has created an inflection point for our Church: Do we want a Church that blesses evil?? Many of the faithful opposition are clearly seeing (with the help of the Holy Spirit) that the Modernists in the Vatican are succumbing to the values of the world. Are you surprised?
Some clergy and laity, being faithful the traditions of the Church, are now being deposed (Bishop Strickland), marginalized (traditional Catholics), and cancelled (Fr. Jesus Mary Missigbeto) by Pope Francis’ Modernists policies.
Like Elymas, the Vatican is intentionally using sophistry (word games) and verbal gymnastics in their statements and documents. The ‘pope-splainers’ are in full force defending the Vatican. Yet many of us can see through their efforts.
The Modernists, failing to acknowledge and solve the disastrous spiritual and pastoral consequences of Vatican II, continue to pursue their Modernist efforts to remake Jesus Church into the image of man. These Modernists have become “true believers” in their cause. These Modernists have now become blinded by their ideology. Perhaps God’s providence is allowing this, in order for all of us to see and stand up to their destructive actions.
There continues to be this battle against evil in the Church and the culture. Satan continues to exert his influence among the clergy in his efforts to undermine the Church. We have clergy who are blessing sin and undermining the Church (God’s moral laws, Church teachings, and the definition of sin).
At various universities, many college students, are not even knowing what they are protesting about. They are even finding themselves supporting pro-Hamas causes and anti-Semitism rallies, rather than initially supporting a ceasefire in Gaza. THEIR FOOLISHNESS IS PLAIN TO SEE by all.
Cardinal Parolin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, has now recently stated that these Modernist reforms will remain in the Church. This cardinals says this in light of the continued liturgical chaos and opposition to Pope Francis’ reforms.
All Catholics and Christians must be prepared and vigilant to fight against the subtle influences of Satan in the Church and the world. Satan influences and controls us through busyness, distraction, rebellion, disobedience, worldliness, worldly values, vulnerabilities, and pride. Satan will do whatever he can to undermine the Church, God’s moral laws, and obedience to church teachings. Satan hides in obscurity rather than in plain view.
Satan is the epitome of pride and rebellion. Faithfulness and obedience to Church teachings and God’s laws will drive Satan away.
St. Anthony of the Desert:
“The devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices. He is also afraid when we are humble and good. He is especially afraid when we love Jesus very much. He runs away when we make the sign of the cross.”
[Greek] κοσμικός (kosmikos), [Latin] saeculum, [German] zeitgeist: worldly, earthly, mundane, pertaining to the world; Tit.2:12, Heb.9:1
Cardinal Sarah accuses many Western bishops, accommodating to the world, of succumbing to a “practical atheism”.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means world, worldly, secular, and belonging to the world.
Secularism: This is a philosophy seeking to interpret life on principles derived solely from the material world without recourse to religion. French secularism in the Age of Enlightenment was based on Gallicanism, which emphasized state supremacy, anti-clericalism, and materialism.
New Testament: This term, suggesting hostility to God, means worldly, earthly, and which belongs to the world.
Tit.2:12: “And training us to reject godless ways (ungodliness) and worldly desires and live temperately, justly, and devotedly in this age.” (Ungodliness and worldly desires: offensive acts (words), things that have nothing to do with the life to come, worldly lusts (desires), ACTIONS (DEEDS)WHICH DO NOT LAST, sinful desires, unlawful desires, selfishness, pride,idolatry and paganism, and superstition.):
Heb.9:1: “Now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary.” (The Old Covenant permitted all the priests to enter the Holy Place, but only the high priest was permitted to enter into the Holy of Holies once a year.)
Cardinal Sarah denounces “atheistic” Western bishops who prefer the world to the cross.
So many bishops desire to be “loved by the world” that they have forgotten that Christianity calls them to be signs of contradiction.
Many bishops have a “failure of nerve” when confronted by cultural revolutions convulsing the West.
Practical atheism is more insidious because it seeps into every aspect of contemporary culture, including ecclesiastical discourse.
Many pretend to be Christian believers and men of faith, but in fact live as pagans and unbelievers.
Many in the Church and its leadership, accommodating to the world, fall in this trap of practical atheism.
This brand of atheism is a masterful trap set by Satan himself.
The dangerous ‘spirit’ of synodality: by Phil Lawler
What is the real purpose of the Synod?
T0 begin a process, to create a new understanding of what it means to be the Church.
To usher in a new synodal approach to Catholicism.
This document is a launching pad [for a new Church].
Synodality is the walking together of Christians with Christ toward God’s Kingdom, in union with humanity.
Synodality is a path of spiritual renewal and structural reform that enables to the Church to be more participatory and missionary.
The spirit of Vatican II has been invoked, giving rise to a liturgical revolution.
But older and wiser Catholics remember gave rise to a liturgical revolution far removed from the vision set forth in the actual Council documents.
The Church is losing ground wherever prelates spend too much time listening to the secular culture.
The first order of business is to determine whether we are heading in the right direction or simply walking in place.
Etymology: The Greek noun kosmos means order, good order, and orderly arrangement. The Greek verb kosmeo means to prepare, to order, to arrange, and to adorn. The Greek adjective kosmetikos means skilled in adornment and arrangement.
Quotes by G. K. Chesterton, often rightly called the “apostle of common sense”:
“We do not want a church that will move with the world.We want a church that will move the world.”
“The modern world is insane, not so much because it admits the abnormal as it because it cannot recover the normal.”
“Right is right even if nobody does it. Wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong about it.” (Right and wrong must not be determined by worldly secular values.)
“Progress should mean that we are changing the world to fit the vision. Instead we are always changing the vision.”
Zeitgeist, cosmic, microcosm, cosmetic, secular
The French Revolution (The Reign of Terror) is most notably known by atheism and the persecution of the Church in France in the late 1700’s.
Scripture makes an important distinction with temporary worldly actions (belonging with the world) and with eternal actions in doing God’s will (accumulating longer lasting heavenly treasures for oneself).
Update: Pope Francis, in his efforts to create a worldly synodal Church, is moving the Church to accommodate the world. We now have a Church is tolerating worldly values, situational moralities, and sin.
The Vatican seems to act more like an NGO, engaged in worldly missions, rather than a church concerned with saving souls. Not much is said about what is sin and forgiveness.
Pope Francis’ Synod of Synodalities seeks to share the decision-making authority the most poorly catechized generations of laity in recent memory. This includes doctrine and dogma! What could ever go wrong with this???
The German Cardinal Kasper claims that the Church needs more leadership from the laity.
Pope Francis’s efforts to “reform” and “renew” the Church has not truly renewed the Church. There continues to be further confusion, division, schism, and heresy in the Church. Pope Francis’ efforts have been a failure for the Church.
As schism, heresy, error, and evil have entered into the Church and society, still too many Cardinals, bishops, and priests have remained cowardly silent in speaking against out these concerns. We also must acknowledge that the Devil may influence some clergy in undermining the Church.
We now have high-level Church clergy shutting down other clergy deemed too Catholic or too Traditional. (These are examples of the Bergoglian Reign of Terror on faithful clergy.)
Satan and his minions are seeking to undermine the Church by upending God’s moral laws (teachings) and confusing and corrupting man.
Modernists are seeking to undermine the Church by upending God’s moral laws (teachings) and confusing and corrupting man.
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis correctly foretold that the Modernists would seek to democratize the Church magisterium (teaching authority).
Pope Pius X: “Progress of dogmas is, in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas.”
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock (with a key); Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30
The sad truth is that Mass attendance continues to decrease. Because of this more and more parishes are being closedor combined. These events have been occurring under the Modernists’ leadership since Vatican II. These Modernists are unable to shut down this trend. It is as if the Modernists are managing the decline of Jesus’ Church.
Background Information:
Old Testament: This term takes on the sense of shutting or closing. This term also is associated with its related noun form kleis (key). Interestingly, this is what a key precisely does: to control access (close or shut). Therefore, the holder of the keys (kleis) had substantial authority.
Eliakim: Isa.22:15,19-24:
Eliakim, the prime minister for King David, managed and controlled accessto the palace.
Eliakim was responsible for executing the will of King David.
Eliakim held thekeys (authority of the master of the palace).
Provisions were made for a successor in the event of the death of this gate keeper.
Eliakim becomes a precursor to Peter as a holder of the keys of authority.
Peter also essentially becomes a prime minister to Jesus.
Christ later made provisions for a successor to Peter.
New Testament: This term means to close, to lock, and to close off (refuse).
Mt.6:6: When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. (Praying in secret provides for a more intimate relationship with God.)
Mt.25:10: While they [virgins] went off to buy it (oil), the bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the wedding feast. Then the door was locked. (The wedding feast (heaven) will not remain open for those who are not present or ready to enter it.)
Scribes and Pharisees lock the kingdom of heaven before human beings: Mt.23:13
Woe to you: scribes and Pharisees: this occurs in the prophetic warning against the horrors and punishment for sin.
The scribes and Pharisees are hypocrites in their actions and speech. They seek to embellish their reputations.
By their authority they have the key (control) of knowledge of heaven.
They are restricting access (entrance) into heaven.
They shut up access by teaching false doctrines, human traditions, and restricting the truth of Jesus.
The scribes and Pharisees do not themselves go through this entrance.
1Jn.3:17:If someone one who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses [shuts up] him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him?
Why is everyone who hates his brother is a ‘murderer’? 1Jn.3:11-18
Cain, whose works were evil, belonged to the evil one. Cain, out of envy, murdered his brother.
One who has within his heart the spirit of the murderer leads to the destruction of others.
Whoever hates his brothercan potentially “murder” others’ souls and even even “murder” one’s own soul.
You know that a murderer has no eternal life remaining in him.
This “murderous spirit” contrasts with one’s laying down one’s life for the good of others.
As Jesus did for us, we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He is a liar and the father of lies (Jn.8:44).
God will hold one responsible as God will judge people for what is “in their hearts.”
“If you excuse yourself in confession, you shut up sin within your soul, and shut your pardon.” St. Augustine
“What is reprehensible is that while leading good lives themselves and abhorring those of wicked men, some, fearing to offend, shut their eyes to evil deeds instead of condemning them and pointing out their malice.” St. Augustine
“You will never enjoy the sweetness of a quiet prayer unless you shut your mind to all worldly desire and temporal affairs.” St. Norbert
“Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times.” Unknown
“It is not an external enemy we dread. Our foe is shut up within ourselves. An internal warfare is daily waged by us.” St. John Cassian.
Keys, conclude, exclude, include, clause
In the Old Testament, Eliakim becomes the precursor to Peter’s role as prime minister for Jesus.
Update: The are too many close-minded Cardinals, bishops, and priests who are not open to the supernatural. The bishop of San Antonio REFUSED to look into the Divine Mercy prophetic messages. This bishop summarily dismissed this prophecy as false. Is it because the message would indicate an indictment against what is happening in the Church?
In their efforts to “renew” and “reform” the Church, these “close-minded” Modernists cannot see that their actions are contributing to more liturgical confusion and chaos, heresy, schism, and evil. And how do they respond to these problems? They again “renew” and “reform” the Church ==> more problems [rinse and repeat, etc….] Pope Francis has become the logical end result of Vatican II.
Although perhaps well-intentioned, Vatican II has led to a spiritual and pastoral disaster for the Church. Pope Paul VI’s mention of the “smoke of satan” (liturgical confusion and chaos) remains in the Church.
Pope Francis’ Traditiones Custodes seeks to shut down the access to celebrating the THRIVING Traditional Latin Mass. The pope does this while churches are closing, Novus Order Mass attendance is declining, and TL Mass attendance is thriving. Rather than seeing consequences of their Modernist actions, these Modernists must remain “true believers” in their cause.
Perhaps it is now time to have a Pope Pius XIII, who will truly renew and restore the traditions of the Church.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, are closing off access to forgiveness and conversion by refusing to state the sinfulness of the homosexuality.
Pope Francis and his inner circle could be potentially guilty of “spiritual manslaughter” or “spiritual murder” for putting many souls into moral danger and peril. Many are being lead to believe that homosexuality is acceptable before God. These clergy, who have greater responsibility, will be more harshly judged by God.
Texas is at least making an effort to close off the border to stop the illegal immigration in the United States.
The Diocese of Baltimore proposes to reduce their parishes by over 60%. Church attendance in Western Europe is very low. These are just another examples of the Modernists failing to lead and inspire the faithful.
Cardinal Sarah recently accused Western bishops of worldliness and succumbing to the temptation of practical atheism. Rather than being a “sign of contradiction” following the values of Christ, these bishops seek to be “loved by the world”. This in part can can explain why many cardinals, bishops, and priest cowardly refuse to speak out against evil and heresy.
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep hidden; Mt.5:14, Mt.13:35,44, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36, Jn.19:38, Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23
Pope Paul VI even acknowledged that Satan has entered into the Church. In his efforts to undermine and destroy the Church,Satan HIDES among many in influencing both clergy and laity (AND YOU WONDER WHY WE HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE CHURCH!)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to hide, to retreat, to be an exile, to bury, to entomb, to keep secret, and to cover.
Homer’s Odyssey 8.272: “When Hephaestus heard the grievous tale, he went away to his pondering evil in the deep of his heart.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 246: “The time has come for each of us to veil his head and steal away on foot.”
Sophocles’ Philoctetes 588: “You must not hide from us any part of their plans that you have heard.”
Sophocles’ Electra 957: “There, I can have not more secrets from you anymore.”
Old Testament: This term means to hide, to cover, and to bury.
God is hidden from man.
Nothing is hidden from God.
Sinful man often hides from God.
The righteous man does not hide from God.
God reveals Himself to us as He sees fit. This is God’s revelation.
What God says and does is not meant to be hidden.
New Testament: This term means being hidden, hiding, being buried, being ignored, being misunderstood, and escaping.
Mt.5:14: “You are the light of the world. A city set on the mountain cannot be hidden.” (Just like a city on a hill that can be seen, Christ’s followers must shine forth their light to others. Our actions influence the world. If one fails in good works, he is as useless as flavorless salt.)
Mt.13:44: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field.” (The kingdom of heaven is the offer of eternal life. The gospel is more valuable than such a treasure. It is often hidden from most people.)
Lk.18:34: “They understood nothing of this; the word remained hidden from them and failed to understand. They failed to comprehend what He said.” (Their prejudices, dimmed perceptions, unwillingness, and ignorance hindered their understanding of Jesus.)
Lk.19:42: “If this day you only knew what makes for peace-but now it is hidden from you.” (This alludes to the Romans’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. By not accepting Jesus, Jerusalem will not find peace. The Jews had not listened to or cared about what Jesus had told them.)
1Tim.5:24: “Some people sins are public, preceding them to judgment. But other people are followed by their sins.” (Their hidden sins come later.)
Peoples’ sins, preceding them to judgment:
These sins are already known and public.
One can already see these peoples’ character.
These people are to be rejected and to be subject to human judgment.
Peoples’ conduct, followed by their sins:
Their conduct is fully not understood.
They practice deception and conceal their plans.
Their character will be later discovered.
Their sins are made manifest (present) by their judgment).
1Tim.5:25: “Good works are also public; and even those works (not public) cannot remain hidden.”
Good works cannot remain hidden:
These acts may be accomplished by those who are modest, retiring, obscure, and unknown.
These people’s good character may be eventually made known.
Divine providence may allow these peoples’ character, actions, and deeds to be made known.
St. Padre Pio: “The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.”
Pope Pius IX: “In this age some men are found who, moved and excited by the spirit of Satan, have reached to that degree of impiety from denying our Ruler and Lord.”
Fr. Gabrielle Amorth: “Satan is always hidden and what he wants most is for us not to believe in his existence.”
Cardinal Gregory: “Tradition dies a slow death, sometimes a bloody death.”(Cardinal Gregory does not hide his disdain for Tradition!)
In the Old Testament, God is more intentional in His hiddenness, while the Greek gods were more fickle and capricious (flighty).
Update: Unfortunately there are too many silent and cowardly clergy (cardinals, bishops, and priests) who hide from speaking out against important issues. They have become like bland and useless salt.
Silent and cowardly clergy only seek to undermine the Church. One can only imagine that Satan is grinning, giving this a “thumbs up”! REALITY CHECK: these clergy are unintentionally or intentionally serving Satan’s cause! ==> to undermine the Church and to dis-illusion the faithful. These silent and cowardly will also be held accountable for their actions and inactions!
Pope Francis’ synodal Church has continued to pay lip service, ignore, or hide mention of the Church’s teachings against homosexuality. As a result, they are failing in their serious responsibilities to bring souls into heaven. Many eternal mortal souls are at stake.
Ever since Vatican II, the Modernists’ ideology has sought to transform Jesus’ divine Church into a worldly conciliar Church. The Modernists wanted to bring “fresh air” into the Church. So “fresh air” and the “smoke of Satan” has both entered into the Church!
THE SYNODALISTS ARE ACTUALLY SEEKING TO DOUBLE DOWN ON WHAT VATICAN II IS CAUSING! The Synodalists have nowhere to hide about their intentions to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences.)
Cardinal McElroy’s priestly history is not be hidden any more. There is much opposition to his appointment in Washington D.C.
It is also been revealed that Cardinal was allegedly complicit in the rape of Rachel Mastrogiacomo. This is not being hidden.
Clergy who pay lip service to Church teachings will ultimately be held accountable for their actions (and inactions) at their judgement. They are held more accountable for their actions. They cannot hide this from God.
The Trump administration has recently arrested Mahmoud Khalil for protesting at Columbia University. Not surprisingly, the media networks have hidden his pro-Hamas views from the public.
Pope Francis’ and his inner circle also do not hide their disdain for Tradition.
The workings of crypto-currency financing still remains hidden to me. ☺☺☺
Pope Francis to continues to hide and to protect Fr. Rupnik who is accused of sexually abusing religious nuns. What does this say about the character of Pope Francis.
The Church sexual abuse crisis has brought to light some of the sexual sins, abuses, silence, and the hidden homosexual lifestyle of many clergy over the years.
The Modernists and Synodalists are not hiding the fact that they want to remove the Traditional Latin Mass through Traditiones Custodes.
But the Modernists and Synodalists also want to hide the fact the Traditional Latin Mass brings in more Mass attendees. Evidently, the Modernists and Synodalists believe that the Church ecclesiology has changed. Therefore, no more having the TLM.
“We must fight the great error of modern times, the enthronement of man in the place of God. The solution of this, as of all problems, lies in the Church and in Her teachings.” Pope Pius X
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence: painting by Titian (1558). The above quote clearly illustrates why Saint Lawrence is considered a patron saint of comics. His satchel illustrates his care for the poor.
Background information:
St. Lawrence: This servant served the Roman Church during the mid-third century. This young cleric held a position of great trust, caring for the goods of the Church. He was arrested under Emperor Valerian in 258, laid upon a gridiron and slowly roasted to death. Evidence shows that he was a disciple of Pope Sixtus II (257-258 AD). St. Lawrence is a patron saint of comics, cooks, workers, butchers, and other occupations.
Greek Hellenism: This term means one who waits on tables, servant, messenger, assistant, baker, cook, maid, and steward.
Herodotus’ The Histories 4.71: “From there the escorts transport the king’s body on the wagon to another of the tribes.”
Demosthenes’ Against Neaera 59.42: “They neither had any property to supply funds for the female servants and house servant.”
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 1.5.2: “Should we be willing to take as a gift a page or an errandboy with such a character?”
Xenophon’s Economics 8.10: “Let us instruct the maid to take them from it and put them back again.”
Old Testament: This term, used in a secular sense, mean servant, youth, alms collector, courtier (royal attendant), and eunuch. The alms collector was involved in the non-worship functions of the synagogue.
New Testament: This term means servant, attendant, server, minister, co-worker, and deacon.
Who wishes to be great shall be your servant: (Mt.20:26, Mt.23:11, Mk.9:35, Mk.10:43)
Jesus elevates the importance of serving others.
This brings great glory to God. This is being great in the “eyes” of God.
To deny oneself means to be in service to others.
Jesus opposes self-centeredness and ambition.
Servant of God: (Rom.13:4)
Let every person be subordinate to higher authorities established by God. (Kings and magistrates rule by consent of God.)
Those who resist authority opposes what God has appointed. (They will bring judgment upon themselves.)
Those who render obedience to governing authorities also render obedience to God.
It is recognized that Caesar has the responsibility to render just ordinances.
Caesar is not entitled to obedience when such it nullifies God’s authority. (Secular authority must not God’s authority.)
Christ has become a minister of the circumcised: (Rom.15:8)
Christ remains faithful to the Jews because of the covenant (promises to the patriarchs).
God bestows mercy upon the Gentiles who had no such covenant.
It is not strange that Satan’s ministers masquerade as ministers of righteousness. (2Cor.11:15)
Paul speaks about false prophets and deceitful workers who masquerade as apostles of Christ.
Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
They seek to enslave, to devour, to take advantage, and to put on airs.
Their ends will correspond to their ends. (Their deeds will lead to their end.)
Are they ministers of Christ? (Other leaders and false leaders often claimed this title.) (2Cor.11:23)
I commend you Phoebe our sister who is a minister of the church of Cenchreae. (Rom.16:1)
How does Paul regard Phoebe? Paul held Phoebe in high esteem. Paul entrusted Phoebe to bring his epistles to the Christians in Rome.
Who is Phoebe? She is a widow, servant, helper, sister (fellow Christian), patron, minister, and “deaconess”. It is presumed that Phoebe took over her husband’s business. This allowed Phoebe the means and authority to engage in business in different regions.
Where is Cenchreae? Part of the region of Corinth, Cenchreae was a city on the Saronic Gulf. A small Christian community existed in the midst of worldly values, paganism, and sin of Corinth.
Why were women servants necessary? In this historical patriarchal society and culture, females were often separated or set aside from men. Woman widows and servants separately educated the women. Servants were need to attend to the daily, medical, and sacramental needs (baptism) of women. In addition, Phoebe’s esteemed stature allowed her to be able to serve the broader community (men and women).
As of now, is there scriptural evidence for an official order of women deacons?No
[I am putting on my tennis shoes as I will be getting to into the “scriptural weeds” to determine the question about: “Can there be deaconesses (woman deacons)?] 👟 👟
Qualifications of deacons: (1Tim.3:8-13)
1Tim.3:8:Deacons must be dignified, not deceitful, not addicted to drink, not greedy for sordid gain. (specific qualifications)
1Tim.3:9: Deacons must hold fast to the mystery of faith with a clear conscience. (specific qualifications)
1Tim.3:10: Deacons should be tested first; if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.
1Tim3:11: Women should be dignified, not slanderers, but temperate and faithful in everything.
1Tim.3:12: Deacons may be married only once and must manage their children and house well. (family and marriage qualifications)
1Tim.3:13: Thus who serve well as deacons gain good standing and much confidence in their faith in Jesus Christ. (family and marriage qualifications)
Paul does not provide a feminine article for the Greek diakonos.
Paul refers to women with the Greek gynaikos (woman or wife).
In Paul’s time, there was not yet a Greek term for “deaconess”.
Paul does not include marriage qualifications for deaconesses.
Deacons (vs. 8-10) ==> women (vs.11) => deacons (vs. 12-13) makes more literary sense than deacons ==> deaconesses ==> deacons.
Paul does not include elders’ wives qualifications.
Paul does not define woman marriage qualifications ==> no office for a deaconess.
The office of women servants are for serving the earthly needs of the community. There is no evidence of holy orders for women servants.
Nuns (sisters) are now the closest approximation to a woman’s religious vocation.
Early Christianity:
The Apostolic Tradition (Hippolytus 215 AD):
“A widow is appointed by words alone. Hands are not imposed on her because she does no offer the oblation and she does not conduct the Liturgy.”
Homilies on Luke (Origen 233 AD):
“For neither a bishop, nor a presbyter, nor a deacon, nor a widow is able to be twice married.”
First Council of Nicaea (325 AD):
“We have made mention of the deaconesses, although, not having been in any way ordained, they are certainly to be numbers among the laity.”
The Council of Laodicea (343/381 AD):
“That the so-called presbyteresses are not to be ordained in the Church.”
The Vatican is now seeking to create “deaconesses”!
Synod of Synodality:
Cardinal Mario Grech, one of the two Cardinals leading the Synod of Synodality, states that “female diaconate and a different space for women in the Church are a natural deepening of the Lord’s will.” (Cardinal Grech claims to have a special ‘knowledge’ of the Lord’s will and Revelation?? This cardinals seems to be more concerned about women’s rights rather than vocations. Vocations are not jobs!)
Agenda item: Synod organizers asked for discernment on the “possibility for women with adequate training to preach in parish settings and a female diaconate.”
Desired end goal: Non-ordained deaconesses (installed in a specific “non-liturgical” ceremony, given a special (“liturgical” garb to wear) ==> will be perceived as an ordination ==> some bishop will “ordain” this deaconess ==> “woman priest.” (Don’t be surprised. It could happen this way!)
The Synod of Synodalities is seeking a new form of a NON-ORDAINED deacons to replace ORDAINED deacons. They want to change the diaconate by REMOVING THE HOLY ORDERS from it. They believe that there exists an incomplete deaconate (only men)??? This is how the synod will seek to create for a non-liturgical woman diaconate (deaconess.). Yet, they curiously sayin nothing about the permanent diaconate.
Deacon, minister
In the Greek Hellenistic era, servants often assisted in a secular capacity in cultic events.
The Christian servant (deacon) role is in part borrowed from the Greek and Old Testament secular servant roles.
Christ as the minister of the circumcised illustrates his mission to the Jews.
Update: Unfortunately, Satan has made his presence and influence in the Church. Clergy (popes, cardinals, bishops, and priest) can potentially be under the influence of Satan who seeks to undermine and destroy the Church. Their efforts (“fruits’) will be seen by their heretical, schismatic, and evil actions, words, and documents).
What does the evidence say about the notion of deaconesses?
There was a practical need to have women servants to attend to the needs of women (education and administration of resources and sacraments.)
The patroness Phoebe had the financial means to serve others with the need for an ordination.
Patronesses and widows need not have an ordination to serve.
Scripture only states moral pre-requisites for deacons and women, not women deacons (deaconesses).
The title ‘deaconess’ or women servant illustrates the practical and functions efforts of this servant role. This title eventually disappears.
The women servant role becomes the precursor for the nun, sister, and consecrated women in religious orders.
Widows, presbyteresses, and deaconesses must follow certain moral pre-requisites.
Widows, presbyteresses, and deaconesses, part of the laity, are appointed by words, not be the laying on of hands. They cannot conduct the Liturgy.
Cardinal Grech claims that he knows better that the Church must have women deacons. This is hubris, arrogance, and heresy.
A German auxiliary bishop has just named 13 women “deaconesses in the “spirit”. This is just par for the course for a German Church who opposes the Vatican. But do not be surprised in that the Vatican will respond to this development in some “piece-meal” response. We are talking about Modernists in the Vatican and in Germany!
Modernists have come to the realization that “deaconesses” cannot be ordained. So they seek to remove the holy orders of the diaconate.
The Synod of Synodalities, in their Modernist efforts to have equal decision making authority between the clergy and laity, are moving forward on the notion women deacons.
From Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Domenici Gregis: The Doctrine of the Modernists
“According the Modernists, it follows that the ecclesiastical magisterium should take democratic forms.”
He was crucified upside down. Jn. 21:18 (“you will stretch your hands”)
His tomb is underneath present day St. Peter’s Cathedral
The Council of Jerusalem liberated Gentile converts’ circumcision and other Jewish traditions
The consumption of the Eucharist was strictly kept secret. Garbled accounts of this created stories that these Christians were cannibals.
St. Mark was Peter’s scribe and disciple
St. Linus (67-76) 2nd Pope
He created the first 15 bishops.
During his pontificate, the evangelists Luke and Mark were martyred.
His name is mentioned by St. Paul in 2 Timothy 4:21
When Peter went to Jerusalem to preside at the first council, Peter left Linus in Rome as his vicar.
Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, severing the Church’s last connection with Jerusalem.
St. Cletus (76-88) 3rd Pope
He divided Rome into 25 parishes
He was a disciple of Peter
He designated a location on for the tombs of the Popes on Vatican Hill
He began the traditions of beginning papal letters with “Health and Apostolic Benediction.”
St. Clement I (88-97) 4th Pope
His name is mentioned in Phillipians 4:3
He instituted the use of “Amen” in religious ceremonies.
He instituted the notary public, recording the facts of the martyrdoms and persecutions.
His famous letter to the Church in Corinth sets for the doctrine of apostolic succession.
Russian Catholics, Rusian Orthodox, Ukranian Catholics, Ukranian Orthodox claim St. Clement I as their founder.
St. John, last of the Apostles, was still alive, when a schism in Corinth was resolved by St. Clement I
He restored the sacrament of confirmation according to the rite of St. Peter.
St. Anacletus (97) 5th Pope
He served as vicar to St. Clement I during his exile.
He ordered that a bishop should be consecrated by no less than three bishops.
He reigned as pope when John the Evangelist was brought to Rome to be tortured.
He further decorated the chapel by the tomb of St. Peter.
St. Evaristus (97-105) 6th Pope
He founded the first seven diaconates, considered to be the origin of the College of Cardinals
He ordered that Christian marriage vows must be pronounced and blessed before a priest
St. Alexander I (105-115) 7th Pope
He instituted the use of holy water in churches.
He prescribed that consecrated hosts be made from unleavened bread.
He ordered the mixing of wine and water at Mass.
He instructed that the Sanctus would
be recited by the priest and people
St. Sixtus I (115-125) 8th Pope
“Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of hosts,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory,
Hosanna in the highest,
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,
Hosanna in the highest.”
St. Telesphorus (125-136) 9th Pope
He introduced Midnight Mass of Christmas
He made fasting during Lent obligatory
Gnosticism begins to make its appearance in Church affairs
He composed and introduced the Gloria in Excelsis
Gloria in Excelsis:
“Glory to God in the highest,
and peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King,
almighty God and Father,
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
you take away the sin of the world:
have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father:
receive our prayer.
for you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen”
St. Hyginus (136-140) 10th Pope
He organized the clergy in a hierarchical basis
He instituted the practice of godparents to assist newly born
He decreed that all churches must be consecrated
He excommunicated Gnostics
St. Pius I (140-155) 11th Pope
He ordered that Easter must be
celebrated on a Sunday
He opposed Agnosticism and Gnosticism
Antonius Pius reigned as Roman emperor
He established rules for the conversion of Jews
He welcomed pagan turned Church apologist Justin Martyr
St. Anicetus (155-160) 12th Pope
He was first pope to public statement
against a heresy, Monatism
He deemed that clergy should not wear long hair.
Figuring the date of Easter became a long running controversy
St. Soter (166-175) 13th Pope
He ratified matrimony valid only if blessed by a priest.
He reprimanded the sexual behavior and laxity of the Church at Corinth
He fought against the heresy of Monatism in Africa
St. Eleutherius (175-189) 14th Pope
He renewed condemnation of Monatism and Gnosticism
He sent missionaries to convert the Britains
A minor king in Britain became the first Christian king in Europe
He abolished some Jewish customs concerning purity and impurity of foods.
St. Victor I (189-199) 15th Pope
He convened synods to settle the Easter issue
He condemned Monatism and Gnostacism
He decreed that baptism might be administered with any natural water
St. Zephyrinus (199-217) 16th Pope
He consolidated the pontifical supremacy over the bishops
He renewed the discipline of the Church toward adultery and immorality
Masses were said on top of the tombs. This started the practice of placing saints’s relics into altars.
Bitter arguments over the relationship between the human and divine nature of Jesus appear
The Church’s first formal schism appears
Some Christians believed that Jesus became man, not God.(Monarchianism)
Some Christians believed that it was the Father who died on the cross (Modalism)
St. Callixtus (217-22) 17th Pope
He was a slave who suffered for his faith
There were large numbers of Christians throughout all the cities of the empire
In Rome Christianity appealed to the highest and lowest classes
Previously, it had been custom to exclude sacraments from any Christian who committed adultery and fornication
In order to adapt to growing Christianity, He decreed that those guilty of sexual crimes might return to the sacraments after due penance.
He ruled that early baptism was preferable
He claimed altering this custom fell under the binding and loosing authority given to Peter and his successors
He declared that within the Church that slave and free were equal
He declared that the laws of the Church regarding marriage take precedence over laws of the state
He was responsible for the excavation of the catacombs on the Via Appia
His opposition lead to the creation of the first anti-pope, Hippolytus
St. Urban I (222-230) 18th Pope
He consented to the acquisition of property by the Church
He ordered that chalices and patens were to be made of gold and silver
Because of persecutions, Christians began to gather in the catacombs for the Liturgy
St. Pontian (230-235) 19th Pope
He ordered chanting of the Psalms
He convened a synod condemning that heresy that all men (including the devil) will eventually be reconciled with God (Origenism)
St. Anterus (235-236) 20th Pope
He wrote many epistles promoting tightening hierarchical relationships with the Church during the growing persecution
He ordered that the acts and relics of the martyrs be stored in churches
Some Christians followed a deterministic and dualistic Gnostic belief that the soul is good, but that matter is evil (Manicheanism)
St. Fabian (236-250) 21st Pope
He reorganized the local clergy into diaconates for the administration of social welfare.
He was responsible for founding several churches in Gaul
He originated the consecration of holy oils on Holy Thursday
Upon his election of pope, a dove landed on his head
The persecution in Rome gave rise to the hermetical life of the anchorites.
St. Cornelius (251-253) 22nd Pope
The fierce persecution of the Church prevented the election of a new pope after St. Fabian for 16 months
Novation, the second anti-pope, was elected
Novation introduced the heresy that those guilty of grave sins were permanently excluded and prevented from receiving absolution from the Church (Novationism)
Some Christians became lapsi by renouncing their faith. These lapsi offered incense to the gods or emperor, and turned over their bible to the Roman authorities.(traditores)
Cornelius convened a synod to deal with these lapsi who wished to return to the Church
The lapsi could rejoin the Church after a severe penance. Lapsi priests and bisho
p would lose their priestly authority
St. Lucius (253-254) 23rd Pope
He declared those who stole Church
assets to excommunicated.
He continued the policies of St. Cornelius toward the Lapsi
St. Stephen I (254-257) 24th Pope
The main event of this pontificate was the dispute of the re-baptized
He reasserted the traditional Roman Catholic teaching that baptism, done in the Trinitarian formula, is valid
He ordered that vestments used at Mass could not be worn as everyday wear
St. Sixtus II (257-258) 25th Pope
For fear of imperial confiscation, He ordered the remaining Church treasures to be distributed among the poor
St. Dionysius (Denis) (259-268) 26th Pope
The new emperor issued an edict of toleration, giving the Church its legal existence
The churches and cemeteries were restored to Catholic ownership
He reorganized the parishes in Rome that were disrupted during the persecution
He was elected a year after his successor because of the persecution
St. Felix I (269-274) 27th Pope
He began the practice of burying martyrs under church altars
He ordered that Masses should be celebrated on the tombs of the martyrs
He asserted the divinity and humanity of Jesus
He asserted the two natures, divinity and humanity, in one person
Some Christians believed that Jesus was merely a man, but had acted as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, in whom the Divine Word dwelt through its operation.
St. Eutychian (275-283) 28th Pope
Manicheanism spread throughout the empire, becoming very powerful, arousing great concern
He instituted blessing of the crops
He ordered that martyrs be covered with a Dalmatic, a cloak worn by the Roman emperors.
The Dalmatic is a sacred vestment worn by the deacon at solemn religious functions
St. Caius (283-296) 29th Pope
He was the grandson of the emperor
He ordered that all bishops must through several degrees of the clergy
The bloodiest persecution of Diocletian occurs
St. Marcellinus ( 296-304) 30th Pope
He was lenient toward the lapsi, which angered the Donatists and Novationists
St. Marcellus I (308-309) 31st Pope
The persecutions were so great that there was no pope for four years
He was very strict against those Christians who had been guilty of weakness and idolatry during the persecutions
For refusing to adore the idols, He was forced into slavery as stable horse groom
He decreed that a council could not be held without authorization by the pope
St. Eusebius (310) 32nd Pope
He fought against Rigorists who refused to administer penance against people who lapsed during the persecutions.
He fought against Heraclius and others who demanded that the lapsi be readmitted to the sacraments without penance
St. Miltiades (311-314) 33rd Pope
He was able to obtain the confiscated Church assets from the emperor
Constantine became the new emperor
Constantine allowed liberty to the Christians and the freedom of church building
In 313 Constantine enacted the Edict of Milan which allowed toleration of all religions in the empire
Birthrates and marriages dwindled sharply due to the decadent Roman lifestyle. Abortion, homosexuality, widespread divorce, and contraception prevailed.
To combat these evils, Constantine ordered that new marriage laws be based on the Church’s principles
Constantine gave the Lateran Palace to the papacy. This would be the place were the popes would preside. Today, it houses the administrative offices of the Diocese of Rome.
This cathederal is dedicated to John the Evangelist and John the Bapist. It is the first cathedral in Rome
St. Miltiades convened a synod condemning the Donatists as heretics
Blessed bread dates from this time
St. Sylvester I (314-335) 34th Pope
The Church continued to benefit from Constantine’s patronage. The basilica of St. Peter, the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and Nativity in Bethlehem were given to the Church. Building and renovation of St. John Lateran continues.
Sylvester helped Constantine in his continuing education in Christiantity
Some Christians believed that Christ was the highest of God’s creatures (not God) (Arianism)
Sylvester and Constantine jointly convened the First Council at Nicaea, the imperial summer home.
Sylvester send Bishop Hosius of Cordova to preside over the 250 bishops in his name
The council condemened Arianism and composed the Nicene Creed used at Mass today
The Nicene Creed affirms Christ’s status as 2nd Person of the Holy Trinity
Sylvester instituted Sunday as a holy day in memory of the resurrection
Contstantine was most likely baptized at his deathbed
St. Marcus I (336) 35th Pope
He decreed the use of the pallium to be worn by only popes, denoting their authority.
This a wool garment from a previously blessed lamb, decorated with black crosses
St. Julius I (337-352) 36th Pope
He convened a synod condemning Arianism
He convened a council reaffirming the decrees of Nicaea against the Arians. This This council allowed deposed bishops to appeal to the pope.
He ordered that the Church should celebrate Christmas on December 25
He is considered to be founder of the archives of the Holy See
Liberius (352-366) 37th Pope
He was the first pope not to be canonized in the Western Church.
He ordered the building of the basilica of St. Mary Major. This site was signified by a Marian apparition and confirmation by a miraculous fall of snow on the lot in the middle of August
The Arian heresy was at its height in influence. The emperor and all but five of the bishops followed Arianism
Bishops, like St. Athanasius, were driven from their dioceses.
Arianism appealed to the intellectuals because it was easily accessible to human reason
Arianism appealed to Jews and the more literate pagans because of its simple monotheism
Arianism de-divinizing of Jesus snipped the tension filled bridge between heaven and earth
Denial of the incarnation put God safely away in heaven, appealing to emperors to reign peacefully on earth
The emperor exiled Liberius and appointed the third anti-pope, Felix II. The emperor convened a “council”, approving several ambiguous semi-Arian creeds.
Under great pressure, Liberius endorsed these semi-Arian creeds in return for being allowed to return to Rome in 358
Similar pressure led Liberius to excommunicate St. Athanasius for a time.
Liberius received opposition for offering pardon for those Arian bishops who would renounce their heresy
Anti Pope Felix II was forced out of Rome. He refused to accept Arianism
St. Damasus I (366-383) 38th Pope
Althought he continued to struggle against Arianism, the tide had turned against this heresy
Some Christians believed that Christ had a human body
but no human intellect or free will. His flesh was united with His Godhood. Christ was neither God nor man. (Apollinarianism)
In 368 he convened a synod which condemned Apollinarism
There were three patriarchates in existence: Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch
The defeat and death of the emperor at the hands of the Visogoths (Barbarians) signified the beginning of the end of the Roman empire
The next emperor Theodesius I made Christianity the official religion of the empire. Official Roman citizenship was granted to all who were baptized
Damasus and Theodesius I convened the Council of Constantinople approving the final version of the Nicene Creed as recited today. This council defined and approved the Canon of Scripture
Damasus beautified churches and transformed the catacombs into shrines
He revised the Roman liturgy
He commissioned St. Jerome to make a new translation of the Bible from Hebrew into Latin, becoming the Vulgate
He authorized singing of the psalms by alternate choirs (Abrosian Rite).
He introduced the use of the Hebrew term “alleluia”.
Ursicinus became the fourth anti-pope as a result of opposition to Pope Liberius. Ursicinus, banished by the emperor, eventually converted to Ariansim
St. Siricius (384-399) 39th Pope
He was strong advocate of the Roman primacy
He issued many decrees for all the churches
His letter to Bishop Himerius of Tarragona is the earliest actual papal decree still existing
He assumed the title of Pope (Papa) from the Greek “Father”
Papa-anagram for Petri Apostoli Potestatem Accipiens
He upheld the necessity of celibacy for priests
St. Anastasius I (399-401) 40th Pope
He condemned the Origensists (who promote abuses in the Origen’s theology)
He condemned the Donatists
He declared that baptism by Donatists’ clergy to be valid
He declared that repentant Donatist clergy may return to their churches
He maintained that the Divinity was also hidden in material things.
He decreed that priests should remain standing during the gospel
St. Innocent I (401-417) 41st Pope
Two weak emperors ruled the empire
He consolidated papal supervision of the Church
He issued decrees promoting celibacy and combating adultery
Alaric, king of the Visigoths entered Italy and the emperor fled to Ravenna
Alaric sacked Rome, but spared the Churches and monastery, out of deference to Innocent I
The remaining pagans claimed that Rome fell because it had abandoned worship of the old gods.
St. Augustine refuted this claim in his work City of God
Innocent ordered that the repentant dying people cannot be refused final absolution
He decreed that only bishops should give the sacrament of confirmation
Some Christians believed in the heresy that denied both original sin and divine grace. This heresy held that one’s own personal will, good intentions and works, regardless of belief or sacraments, will win one’s salvation (Pelagiansism)
He established the Roman rite
He persuaded the emperor to gladiator contests in the arenas
St. Zosimus (417-418) 42nd Pope
He reconfirmed the condemnation of Pelagiansim
He insisted on the rights of the Church against foreign interference’
St. Boniface I (418-422) 43rd Pope
He continued the fight against Pelagianism
He enforced the law forbidding slaves to become priests
This time marks the beginning of secular interference in the election of popes
St. Celestine I (422-432) 44th Pope
Some Christians believed in the heresy that there were two persons in Christ, one human, one divine.
Because of this, the Virgin Mary could not be called the Mother of God, but only Mother of Christ (Nestorianism)
A Roman synod and the council of Ephesus condemned Nestorianism.
Ephesus was the location where Mary was placed in the care of John until her death
The condemnation of the council carried the force of the law, because Church laws were civil as well
Nestorianism spread into the Persian frontier. Nestorians took control of churches in Persia.
Persian authorities persucted Christians tied to Rome
St. Celestine sent missionaries to Britian and Ireland to evangelize and combat Pelagianism
Mention is first made in this period of the pastoral staff
St. Sixtus III (432-440) 45th Pope
He was very lenient against the Nestorians and Pelagians
He rebuilt the basilica of St. Mary Major in commemoration of the council of Ephesus reaffirmation of Mary’s divine motherhood
He restored the baptistery of the basilica of St. John Lateran
St. Leo I (440-461) 46th Pope
Against the background of crumbling imperial authority and barbarian invasions, He took a firm hand in Church affairs
Some Christians believed in the heresy that the human body is evil (Priscillianism)
Some Christians believed in the heresy that Christ had a single divine nature. (Monophystism)
He convened the council at Chalcedon which condemned Monophystism
Through misinterpretation of the council, many Christians in the East separated from the main body of the Church
Those Christians in the East did not separate were called Melkites (Royalists)
Attila the Hun came south into Italy. St. Leo convinced Attila to spare Rome
Gaiseric, king of the Vandals, came north into Italy. St. Leo convinced Gaiseric to spare Rome
St. Leo is called “Great” because of his energetic work in maintaining the unity of the Church
St. Hilarius (461-468) 47th Pope
He decreed that popes and bishops should not nominate their successors
He ordered that annual synods be held in southern Gaul
St. Simplicius ( 468-483) 48th Pope
The Church was ever more threatened by external and internal enemies
The Western emperor was deposed by the Odoacer, head of his Germanic guards
Arian Vandals ruled north Africa
Arian Visogoths ruled Spain and southern Gaul
Pagan Franks ruled northern Gaul
Odoacer proclaimed himself king of Italy, saying that empire needed one ruler
He resisted the Constantinople archbishops desire for greater power
The two older eastern patriarchates were in a virtual state of civil war
The struggle against Monophysitism was severe. This heresy was favored by three successive emperors
The Coptic Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox Churches developed as a result of these struggles in the East
For the first time since Constantine, there was not a single Catholic king on earth
He regulated the distribution of offerings to pilgrims and for new churches
St. Felix III (483-492) 49th Pope
His grandson was to become Pope St. Gregory I
He had to deal with the ongoing struggle of Monophytism
He condemned the emperor, leading to another schism
He decreed strict regulations for the readmission into the Church of those who had accepted Arianism
St. Gelasius I (492-496) 50th Pope
He also continued to struggle with schism
Pelagiansim and Manicheanism continued
He ordered that the laity to receive from the cup, contradicting the Manichean claim that wine is evil
He ended the pagan festival of Lupercalia. This festival featured goat sacrifices and physical striking
He was a great liturgist, instituting the code for ceremonies and rites
He inserted the Kyrie eleison, a responsorial psalm in the opening rite in the Mass. Kyrie eleison is Greek for “Lord have mercy.”
Anastasius II ( 496-498) 51st Pope
Clovis, king of France, was baptized. This was the first of the barbarian kings to Catholicism
Anastasius continued to fight against schism
He maintained that sacraments given by schismatic priest were valid.
He condemned the heresy Traducianism. This heresy teaches that human souls were handed down to children by their parents, rather than creations by God at the moment of conception
St. Symmachus (498-514) 52nd Pope
He was a convert from paganism
He issued regulations regarding papal elections
He ordered that the Gloria was to be sung at all Sunday Masses
He consolidated Church property
He ransomed all slaves, giving them their desired freedom
He started the first construction of the Vatican Palace
Laurentius was chosen as the 5th anti-pope. He was chosen by those who were lenient toward the schismatic
St. Hormisdas (514-523) 53rd Pope
He was a widower before he went into major orders
His son Silverius would later some day be pope
The Acacian schism at long last ended
The eastern bishops accepted the council of Chalcedon and the authority of Rome in matters of faith
During this time St. Benedict founded the Benedictine Order
He decreed that the office of bishop not bestowed with privilege
St. John I (523-526) 54th Pope
He inherited a church at peace
The emperor turned over the Arian churches to the Catholics. The emperor ordered all the Arian Goths to convert
The papacy and empire were now closely aligned
He crowned the emperor
He was the first pope to go to Constantinople
St. Felix (526-530) 55th Pope
Pelagianim had been defeated
A moderated form (semi-Pelagianism) had become popular in southern Gaul. This was condemned by the pope
He approved the local council of Orange which explained Original Sin and condemned Pelagianism
The new emperor intended to reconquer the West from the barbarians. The next several pontificates would be deeply affected by this-for good or bad
The emperor’s political needs tended to compete with his religious aspirations
Owing to the papacy’s interest in doctrinal orthodoxy regardless of political result, conflict would be inevitable
The emperor at times favored compromise that successive popes found intolerable
St. Boniface II (530-532) 56th Pope
The old Roman families who had produced the many popes were in decline
The priest were divided into factions
Thus set the stage for the first pope of Germanic origin, considered by some as a “barbarous foreigner”
The majority of the Roman clergy refused to accept Boniface. They elected an anti-pope Dioscurus.
After Dioscurus died, Boniface was accepted by all
He dealt with matters of whether or not appointing papal successors. This was later rejected
He approved the second council of Orange which condemned semi-Pelagianism
John II (533-535) 57th Pope
Problems appeared with the process of appointing papal successors. Simony and promising of votes were outlawed
His original name was Projectus, a pagan god’s name. He was the first pope to change his name
Another dispute over the Trinity had broken out in the East. He settled this matter
He solved some jurisdictional problems in southern Gaul
The emperor invaded Africa, defeating the Vandals. The Church was freed from persecution
The pope was recognized as head of the bishops of the whole world
St. Agapetus I (535-536) 58th Pope
He was immediately faced with the question of lapsed Arian bishops in Africa
He ruled that these Arian bishops could be readmitted to the Church, but without their former clerical authority
He was poisoned by emperor’s wife Theodora in Constantinople
He deposed a semi-Monophysite patriarch in Constantinople
St. Silverius (536-537) 59th Pope
He was the son of Pope St. Hormisdas
He was appointed by a Goth king and later ratified by the Roman clergy. The Gothic ruler wanted to a loyal pope in Rome
Italy and Rome were once again reoccupied by the Emperor.
The empress Theodora pursued her goal of making Monophysitism the religion of Church and empire.
Empress Theodora sought to arrange Vigillius to be the next pope. This next pope would revoke St. Agapetus’s condemnation of the semi-Monophysite patriach and eventual rejection of the Council of Chalcedon
Silverius was accused by high treason, being appointed by a Goth King
Vigilius (537-555) 60th Pope
The empress Theodora sought to make an ally of him
The majority of the Roman clergy initially refused to recognize him
He reiterated his approval of the teachings of Ephesus and Chalcedon and the condemnation of the eastern patriarch
The emperor conceded to the pope certain aspects of the civil administration in Italy
Pelagius I (556-561) 61st Pope
Rome was no a province of the Byzantine empire
He persuaded the emperor to condemn Origenism
He used his personal fortunes to relieve the starving city of Rome
His reputation was tarnished
He reorganized the Church’s estates
He organized tribunals to deal with clerical abuses that had grown over the years
John III (561-574) 62nd Pope
Like Pelagius, he helped the poor and renovated Italy
He saved Italy from the Lombard barbarians
He rallied all the Italians against the Lombards
Benedict I (575-579) 63rd Pope
The Lombards had succeeded in isolating Rome
Famine appeared throughout Italy
He ordered selling and reassigning Church properties to bring relief to the starving
He tried to restore order in Italy and France
He confirmed the council of Constantinople
Pelagius II (579-590) 64th Pope
He was born at Rome of a Gothic father
He convinced the Lombards to cease from their siege of Rome
The empire was exhausted by constant wars and constant skirmishing
He looked to the west to the kingdom of the Franks.
The Franks successfully held off the Lombards. The Lombards bribed the Franks to go home
Plague swept Rome
St. Gregory I (590-604) 65th Pope
He bought and freed some slaves
He kept open table for the poor.
He codified the Roman canon of the Mass(called the Eucharist prayer I) into its present form
He regulated the chants to be used in the liturgy. (Gregorian chants)
He wrote many sermons, commentaries, and letters
He fought against Arianism, paganism, simony, Manichaenism, and Donatism
He was able to begin the conversion of the Lombards
He reaffirmed the civil authority of the pope
Sabinian (604-606) 66th Pope
The Lombards went on the warpath again
He replaced many of Pope Gregory’s monks with secular monks
He regulated the ringing of the bells for meditation and prayer
He decreed that sanctuary lamps be always kept burning in the churches
Boniface III (607) 67th Pope
He held a synod which excommunicated anyone who discussed or lobbied a pope or bishop’s successor
He decreed that the only universal bishop was that of Rome, the pope
He forbid arrangements for election of the new pope until three days have passed since the death of the predecessor
St. Boniface IV (608-615) 68th Pope
He turned an old pagan temple into a church
He led a synod dealing with affairs of the English Church
The Persians took control over Syria, Persia, Palestine, and Jerusalem
He instituted All Saints Day on November 1st
He sanctioned moral and material improvements for the lower clergy
St. Deusdedit I (615-618) 69th Pope
He ordered that churches too small to hold their congregation, Masses could be held twice on Sunday
He tended lepers and the plague stricken.
His is the oldest pontifical seat preserved in the Vatican
He was the first to affix leaden seals (Bullae) to his decrees. Hence the common word for a document, a “bull.”
St. Boniface V (619-625) 70th Pope
He immediately work on administrative questions that previous pontificates had ignored
He established the right of sanctuary, whereby criminals could elude their pursuers for a period if they could reach a church
He further enacted that notaries must follow the laws of the empire in their work
He ruled that acolytes could not move from one church to another
Mohammed began preaching during this time
Honorius I (625-638) 71st Pope
He was much concerned with English affairs of the Church, granting authority to the archbishops at York and Canturbury
He oversaw the reorganization of the Church in Spain. After the Visogoths converted, Catholicism became the state church
The southern Irish bishops expressed fidelity to the papacy
He reconciled many of the schismatic churches of northern Italy and restored a number of northern churches
The emperor drove out the Persians out of the empire territories
The Monophysite followers helped paved the way for the easy fall of the provinces to the Persians
Followers of Mohammed felt obligated to subject the whole world to their idea of God, Allah
The emperor felt some compromise formula was needed that both Catholics and Monophysites could accept in order to maintain the empire
This compromise formula created the heresy, that although there were indeed two natures in Christ, there was one “will” between them. (Monothelitism)
However, there is a problem with this statement. If these two wills were united, Jesus would cease to be perfect Man and perfect God.
He was asked to provide a clarification of these doctrinal matters. He avoided this matter by neither defining nor condemning these teachings. He did not speak in an official teaching manner, nor attempting to bind the Church.
He was the first pope ever to be condemned as a heretic by an ecumenical council. The notion of papal infallibility was unclearly defined and determined
The Persians retook Syria, Palestine, and Jerusalem, and northern Africa, changing the Christian landscape
Most of the flourishing cities turned to ruins
Fertile fields and green forests became desert
Churches were turned into mosques
Small bands of native Christians remained in the Near East
The emperor decreed that all residents of the empire accept Monothelitism
Severinus (640) 72nd Pope
He declared once again that Christ had two wills and two natures
Monothelites believed their formula was the only method for reuniting the Copts and Syrians with Constantinople in the face of the Muslim threat. These believers saw the orthodox as stiff-neck fanatics willing to endanger the military security of the empire for mere religious beliefs
In refusing to accept Monothelitism, the emperor punished the pope by ransacking the Latern basilica and palace
John IV (640-642) 73rd Pope
He asked the northern Irish bishops to observe Easter in the Roman calendar.
He renewed his predecessor’s condemnation of Monothelitism
He himself ordained priests and bishops
Theodore I (642-649) 74th Pope
He was a benefactor of the poor
He repaired churches
He added the title “Sovereign” to “Pontiff’
He restored order to the internal jurisdiction of the clergy
St. Martin I (649-655) 75th Pope
He was aware of the Monoethelite problems
He held a council at Lateran, condemning Monothelitism
He was arrested and exiled for this action
St. Eugene I (654-657) 76th Pope
He reiterated the condemnations made by his predecessor
He decreed the observance of chastity for all priests
The emperor was fighting against Arabs, Avars, and Slavs
St. Vitalin (657-672) 77th Pope
He sought to bring the English Church in agreement to observation of Easter in the Roman calendar
He was the first pope to regulate the liturgical use of the organ, using it during religious ceremonies
In 671 the Lombards were converted to Christianity
Adeodatus II (672-676) 78th Pop
He defended orthodoxy against the Monothelites
He was an avid restorer of churches
He took the monasteries in Canterbury and France under direct papal protection
Constantinople was under siege by the Arabs
He sent missionaries to convert the Marionites
He was the first pope to use the in his letters, “Health and Apostolic Benediction
Donus (676-678) 79th Pope
He paved the courtyard in front of St. Peter’s
He ended the schism of the Church in Ravenna
He encouraged the bishops to support new schools in Gaul and Cambridge
St. Agatho (678-681) 80th Pope
He presided over a council condemning the Monothelites.
Pope Honorius was posthumously condemned as a heretic by that council
He sought to reintroduce the Gregorian Chant into England
He performed many miracles, receiving the title, “Healer”
He maintained strong relationships with the English bishops
He encourages Ireland as a center of culture
St. Leo II (682-683) 81st Pope
He reformed the Gregorian Chant
He condemned Honorious I
He reconciled the last holdouts of the Northern schism
He celebrated the sacred functions with great pomp in order to make the faithful more aware of the majesty of God
He introduced the sprinkling of the people with holy water during religious functions
St. Benedict II (684-685) 82nd Pope
He succeeded in liberating the emperor confirming the pope
He restored the privilege of sanctuary
He was known for his singing ability and knowledge of scripture
He work to suppress Monothelitism
He helped the clergy and supported the care for the poor
John V (685-686) 83rd Pope
He was able to have emperor reduce the taxes on papal states
He was known for his generosity to the poor
Conon (686-687) 84th Pope
He had a reputation for holiness
His pontificate was deeply disturbed by the anarchy which prevailed in the Church
St. Sergius I (687-701) 85th Pope
He refused to accept disciplinary canon authorized by the emperor
He was much concerned with internal Church affairs
He added the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) to the Roman Mass
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace
He instituted processions of the feasts of the Nativity, Purification, Annunciation, and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
He had sought to end the schism in Rome
John VI (701-705) 86th Pope
The Lombards marched on Rome
He defended the Church against the emperor
He ransomed many slaves
John VII (705-707) 87th Pope
He renovated and built churches
The Lombards returned papal states in northern Italy
He faced pressure from the emperor
He convinced English priests in Rome to wear the collar
Sisinnius (708) 88th Pope
He fortified the walls of Rome against invaders
Constantine (708-715) 89th Pope
Famine broke out around Rome for about four years
The Moors invaded Spain
He encouraged the Christians in Spain in their struggles against the Moors
He succeeded in bring some form of peace between the Church and the empire
St. Gregory II (715-731) 90th Pope
He was much interested in missionary work
The emperor violently opposed the use of images in churhes. (Inconoclasm)
He condemned the emperor’s actions
St. Gregory III (731-741) 91st Pope
He condemned iconoclasm and excommunicated the emperor
He sought help form Charles Martel, leader of the Franks, for protection from the Lombards
St. Zachary (741-752) 92nd Pope
He dealt with the Lombard problem, creating a truce
The Frankish Church was reorganized and revitalized
The reign of the “do nothing kings” ended
Pepin became the first in the Carolingian kings
He consecrated Pepin, the first investiture of a king by a pope
Stephen II (752-752) 93rd Pope
He died of a stroke while dealing with Church affairs.
Stephen III (752-757) 94th Pope
He sought the aid of Pepin in defeating the Lombards
The emperor convened a council condemning the use of images
Pepin bestowed sovereign papal states to the papacy
From this time popes would be temporal and spiritual leaders
He was loved by the Roman poor
He built hospitals around St. Peters church
St. Paul (757- 767) 95th Pope
He was the brother of Stephen II
He aligned himself with the Franks, enjoying peace with the Lombards
He welcomed monks who fled to escape persecution for their love of images
He freed prisoners condemned with debts
He forgave the injuries the Lombards had done to the Church.
Stephen IV (768-772) 96th Pope
Several political groups sought to name candidates for pope
In response to recent events, the council of Lateran in 769 declared that only cardinals could be elected pope
He was not able to restrain the Roman mob killed his rivals despite his protest.
The Frankish leaders returned back to the Vatican some previously confiscated lands.
Adrian I (772-795) 97th Pope
The “Donation of Charlemagne” provided the future papal states
Charlemagne became the King of the Franks and Lombards, becoming the official protector of Rome and the papacy
He restored the walls of Rome and the ancient aqueducts
St. Leo III (795-816) 98th Pope
He elevated Cologne and Salzburg into archdioceses
Some Christians believed in the heresy that Jesus was not God but merely a man whom special graces were given (Adoptionism)
He fled Rome seeking the aid of Charlemagne
He returned to Rome with an escort of Frankish nobles
He crowned, anointed and swore allegiance to Charlemagne
Charlemagne is the first Holy Roman emperor
The Roman and Gaulish rites were fused
Charlemagne united all of Europe, providing the foundation of modern Europe
The matter of clarification of the Trinity comes up in Spain. The Nicene Creed in its original form specifies that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father
Charlemagne urged Leo to add Filoque (“and the son”) to the Nicene Creed. This custom of adding Filoque spread from Spain to Gaul
Stephen V (816-817) 99th Pope
He was renowned for his generosity to the poor
He was the first to administer the oath of allegiance to the emperor
St. Paschal I (817-824) 100th Pope
He commissioned the evangelization of Denmark
The emperor in the east reverted to iconoclasm and renewed his persecution
He helped in the discovery and preservation of the catacombs
Eugene II (824-827) 101st Pope
He was very forceful in protecting and preserving the rights of the Church
A clerical group and an imperial leaning group sought their influence to name a pope
He and the emperor developed principals of the relationship between the pope and the emperor
Those under Papal or Imperial protection were inviolable and were to be obeyed
Church property was not be plundered after the death of a pope
Only those who were permitted, cardinals, could participate in papal elections
He established schools at cathedral
He deposed ignorant of illiterate preists
He is attributed to the institution of seminaries
He put into effect canons and law, becoming the origin present Roman Curia
Valentine (827) 102nd Pope
He was capable at reconciling all parties
He was loved by the people
Gregory IV (827-844) 103rd Pope
He was known by his piety.
He made himself known through his work for the poor.
Imperial concerns would dominate his pontificate.
Viking raids increased.
Muslims took Siciliy and intervened in Southern Italy.
He appointed Nov. 1 as Feast of All Saints.
The Gregorian Chant spread through Europe.
Sergius II (844-847) 104th Pope
He suffered physical pain and gout
The Muslims came very close to seizing Rome
He carried out improvements on churches and aqueducts
St. Leo IV (847-855) 105th Pope
He sought to strengthen the defenses of Rome against the Muslims
He built up the walls around Rome
He repaired and beautified St. Peter’s
He was the first pope to put the date on official documents
Benedict III (855-858) 106th Pope
The Frankish Church suffered from squabbles between the Carolingians
Many of these bishops were fearful to speak out against evils
St. Nicholas I (858-867) 107th Pope
Both secular rulers and archbishops sought to run Church affairs as their own
He was known for his fearlessness and piety
He faced difficult resistance among the secular rulers
The schism between east and west begin during this time
The Slavic alphabet “Cyrillic” is invented to teach Christianity to the Slavs
He encourages the missionary activity of the Church
He rebuilt and endowed several churhes
He constantly encourage religious vocations
He appointed August 15 as Feast of the Assumption
Adrian II (867-872) 108th Pope
He tried to settle the deep quarrels among the catholic people
He crowned the first sovereign blessed English king
The governance of the Church fell into the hands of a clique of unscrupulous clerics
John VIII (872-882) 109th Pope
He could not clean out corruption in Church affairs for fear of reprisal
He later eventually moved to clean up the Roman administration
He excommunicated a Church official in exchange for return of land to the Latin Church
He was defeated by the Arabs
The Christians were slowly were reconquering Spain from the Muslims
Marinus (882-884) 110th Pope
He tried to end the factionalism in Rome
He sought to take action against the schism in the east
St. Adrian III (884-885) 111st Pope
Rome was beset with a famine
Stephen VI (885-891) 112nd Pope
A plague of locusts reduced Rome to
He used his father’s fortune to buy food, free prisoners, and to repair churches
He forbade trial by fire or water
Formosus (891-896) 113th Pope
The Vikings besieged Paris
The French decided to have a king of their own
The Bulgarians were converted to Christianity
Boniface VI (896) 114th Pope
The papacy was at the mercy of the great feudal families of Italy
Stephen VII (896-897) 115th Pope
He had the pope’s body thrown into the Tiber river after a mock trial
He incorrectly declared that Formosus’ sacramental acts as invalid
Romanus (897) 116th Pope
He had a reputation of virtue
He help rehabilitated the memory of Formosus
Theodore II (897) 117th Pope
He restored full pontifical honors to Formosus
He reinstated clerics deposed by Stephen
He declared Formosus’ sacramental acts as valid
John IX (898-900) 118th Pope
He sought to eliminate the anarchy that overwhelmed Rome and Italy because of factionalism and the breakdown of the empire
He restored the clerics deposed by Stephen
He ordered an end to the plunder of the papal states
He reaffirmed the supremacy of the Church over Rome and its territories
He reestablished the right of imperial intervention in the consecration of popes
Benedict IV (900-903) 119th Pope
He succeeded in maintain the integrity of the papacy
He constantly sought out the way of justice
Leo V (903) 120th Pope
He was known for his holiness
He was elected in hopes that an outsider would be above the bitter factionalism that was destroying the Church
Sergius III (904-911) 121st Pope
He officially reinstated the posthumous trial of Formosus
He declared Formosus appointments invalid, creating sacramental confusion
He defended the rights of the Church against feudal lords
Anastasius III (911-913) 122nd Pope
He was known for moderation
The papacy was beset with persistent internal disorders
Lando (913-914) 123rd Pope
His appointment was a result of the actions of a political faction
John X (914-928) 124th Pope
His efforts were in fighting the Muslims
He consented to a royal appoint in return for the release of a king
His election was due to political intrigues
Leo VI (928-929) 125th Pope
His election was due to political intrigues
He tried to restore peace among the various factions
Stephen VIII (929-931) 126th Pope
His election was due to political intrigues
John XI (931-935) 127th Pope
This papacy was truly one of the most depressing in history
He tried to settle the political intrigues
Leo VII (936-939) 128th Pope
He forbade the forcible conversion of Jews
He wrote to France and Germany condemnation of witches and fortune tellers
He reformed and reorganized monastic life
Stephen IX (939-942) 129th Pope
He compelled the French nobles to remain loyal to the Carolingian king
He tried to convert the lords of the east and west to the Gospel
Marinus II (942-946) 130th Pope
He initiated reform
He looked after both the poor and the repair of churches
He restored Rome as the moral capital of the world
He modified the rules of orders
Agapetus II (946-955) 131st Pope
He worked on the repair of churches and relief of the poor
He encouraged the growth of Catholicism among the Danes
He did his utmost to raise the moral condition of the clergy
John XII (955-964) 132nd Pope
His election had been arranged in advance
The Lateran palace was called a brothel
He unwittingly set into motion the cleansing of Rome by the imperial army
The emperor rescued the papal states
From this time forward, popes were to swear allegiance to the emperors
He insisted on the temporal rights of the Church
He died in the arms of his mistress
Leo VIII (963-965) 133rd Pope
Pope John XII was deposed by the emperor.
He was elected as a lay person by the emperor. All of the holy orders were hurriedly bestows upon him
His reign dealt with issues with his predecessor and successor
Pope John XII degraded all the clerics ordained and appointed by him
Benedict V (964) 134th Pope
The clergy and the Roman citizens elected him.
He was exiled to Hamburg by the emperor
His investiture was recognized upon the death of his predecessor
John XIII (965-972) 135th Pope
The death of Leo VIII prompted the Romans to petition the emperor to return Benedict V. The emperor refused. John XIII was elected
The Roman nobility resented and imprisoned him. He fled Rome
The Romans asked him to return to Rome
He convened synods
He and the emperor cooperated in a worthy manner
The papal-imperial alliance was sealed
The two imperial traditions were united. The western emperor’s son was married to a Byzantine princess
Missionary work was undertaken in the now central Germany and Czech Republic
He introduced the custom of blessing and giving names to bells
Benedict VI (972-974) 136th Pope
He was imprisoned and killed
He granted various privileges to churches and monasteries
He converted the Hungarian people to Christianity
He was replaced by the anti-pope by those who killed him
Benedict VII (974-983) 137th Pope
He was being menaced by that anti-pope’s advocates
He promoted the growth of monastaries
He gave aid to the persecuted Christians of North Africa who were being strangled out of existence by the Muslims
He tried to stem the debauchery and ignorance that pervaded Italy and the Christian world
He promoted the development of agriculture
John XIV (983-984) 138th Pope
The anti-pope Boniface VII overthrew and murdered him
John XV (985-996) 139th Pope
He was restricted access by a political faction.
He sought the empress help to prevent this
He was the first pope to canonize a saint, St. Ulrich, bishop of Hapsburg
The king of England and Duke of Normandy were locked in a dispute that foreshadowed the Normandy invasion of England
Gregory V (996-999) 140th Pope
He was the emperor’s cousin
He faced political forces and was forced out of Rome. An antipope was appointed
He instituted the commemoration of the dead
Sylvester II (999-1003) 141st Pope
He was the first Frenchman to become pope
He promulgated many bulls
He was so well educated that he became one of the greatest scientists in Christendom
He strongly contributed to the adoption of the decimal system in Europe
He was a great instructor
He intervened everywhere in the West
In collaboration with the emperor, he created two new national churches in Poland and Hungary
He was a reconciler, unifier and bridge builder between the Eastern empire and Western empire
He tried to repress the debauchery
Many considered the year 1000 crucial for the Final Judgment
John XVII (1003) 142nd Pope
He was a lay person elected by a powerful political faction
John XVIII (1003-1009) 143rd Pope
He was elected through the actions of a powerful political faction
He confirmed or extended privileges to churches and abbeys
He briefly renewed the union between the Latin and Greek churches
He worked zealously to spread the Christianity to the barbarians and pagans
Sergius IV (1009-1012) 144th Pope
He greatly relieved the sufferings of the poor during a famine
He tried in vain to reduce the immorality among the bishop and powerful abbots
Benedict VIII (1012-1024) 145th Pope
He was elected to the papacy by force
He was a strong, pious man
The emperor confirmed papal rule over Ravenna
He help defeat the Muslims in another assault
He befriended the Normans who were beginning to take over southern Italy
He condemned simony and clerical marriage
John XIX (1024-1032) 146th Pope
He was Benedict VIII’s brother
He sought to find some reconciliation with the Byzantine emperor
Many reformers in Italy and France objected, stating that the Eastern church was corrupt
He was elected a lay person. He rapidly received all the holy orders in sucession.
He confirmed and extended the Pax Dei, a custom that clerics, religious and noncombatants would be exempt from warfare. Church and monasteries are off limits. Sundays would be a day of truce
Guido of Arezzo invents solfeggio (do-re-me…). He was inventor of the 7 musical notes
Benedict IX (1032-1045) 147th Pope
His two uncles had been pope. He regard the papacy as a family legacy
He led a disgusting personal life
One of the political factions drove him out of Rome. He vacated the papacy
The people elected John (soon to be Sylvester III)
Sylvester III (1045) 148th Pope
Benedict IX returned and expelled Sylvester
Benedict IX sold the papacy to John (soon to be Gregory V)
After Benedict IX sold the papacy, Sylvester III resigned his claim to the papacy in favor of Gregory V
Sylvester III reasserted his claim to the papacy
The emperor deposed Benedict IX and Gregory V
He is sometimes called an antipope
He was elected by one of the political factions
The Church recognizes him as a legitimate pope
Benedict IX (1045) 149th Pope
He sold the papacy to his godfather John (soon to be Gregory V) for money so that he can get married
Gregory VI (1045-1046) 150th Pope
John was only too happy to get Benedict IX out of the picture
The Romans and others welcomed him as the new pope
He faced an empty treasury and many problems
Sylvester III and Benedict IX were soon plotting their respective returns
The Roman clergy under Benedict IX had become extremely immoral
The opposing factions under Sylvester III and Benedict IX were powerful
Each of the three papal claimants occupied a major basilica
The city of the popes became a present day Belfast
A large number of the clergy appealed to the King of Germany to sort this situation out
Sylvester III and Benedict IX were deposed.
Convinced that he had committed simony by paying Benedict IX to leave, Gregory V voluntarily abdicated the papacy
The emperor selected Suidger, bishop of Germany, (soon to be Clement II) to become the next pope
He is attributed to forming the first pontifical army
Clement II (1046-1047) 151st Pope
He was born in Homborg, Germany
He had a reputation for holiness
He convened a synod which condemned simony
He was preoccupied with the arrogance of the Count-Bishops, the cause of much bitter fighting among vassals
Benedict IX (1047-1048) 152nd Pope
Taking advantage of Clement II’s death, he returned to rule in Rome. He was again driven out of Rome
He once and for all abdicated
He gave up his sinful ways and died a penitent death
Damasus II (1048) 153rd Pope
The emperor appointed Poppo (soon to be Damasus II)
Benedict IX was driven out of Rome
St. Leo IX (1049-1054) 154th Pope
He freely elected by the clergy and people of Rome
He entered Rome barefoot as a sign of humility
He began to reorganize the extremely muddled affairs of the church
He convened synods which condemned simony, lave investiture, clerical immorality
He condemned a heretic who denied the Real Presence in the Eucharist
The Normans were gobbling up more territories in southern Italy
The Normans defeated the imperial army and captured Leo IX
Ecclesiastical politics was becoming very nasty
He excommunicated Michael Cerularis who was responsible for causing the schism of the Greek Church with the Latin Church
In response Michael Cerularis repeated charges made by past patriarchs against Rome, closed ass Latin churches in Constantinople, desecrated hosts in their tabernacles
This was the final stroke of the schism between East and West
At this point time East and West both believed in: the common enemy of the Muslims, Apostolic succession, commonality of doctrine on most points, the idea that schism was wrong
Victor II (1055-1057) 155th Pope
He accepted being pope on condition that the emperor restore to the Holy See certain territories taken by the emperor and his predecessors
He fought simony, priestly fornication, other misdeeds
He assisted the emperor in imperial reform
Stephen X (1057-1058) 156th Pope
He shown an early commitment to reform
He sought to enforce reform of clerical morality
He planned to reopen negotiations with Constantinople
He south to work against the growing Norman power
He forbad matrimony between blood relations
On his deathbed, he asked the cardinals to wait until his cardinal aide to return to Rome
The imperially powered reform popes were unable to stamp out the political faction who supported Benedict IX
The Cardinals were forced by corruption or threat to elect John Mincius (soon to be Benedict X). This reign of this anti-pope was short lived
Nicholas II (1058-1061) 157th Pope
He set about repairing the damage inflicted on Rome by the political faction of Benedict, who were still carrying out guerilla warfare in the papal states
The Normans at last removed the last traces of Byzantium rule in Italy
He made an alliance with the Normans. In return in for recognizing Norman authority, the Normans were sent to root out this political faction of Benedict.
He was able to correct some abuses and confirm children
In Milan the clergy were sunk deep in simony and vice
H declared that papal elections needed to be more clearly defined and regulated. Henceforth, the cardinals alone were to vote for the pope. The clergy and the people of Rome still had the right to acclaim the elect. A similar right was given to the emperor
He negotiated with the Norman dukes and princes. In return for retaking lands occupied by the Muslims, the pope would recognize their Norman control over these lands. They would pay tribute to the Holy See and hold the lands as a papal vassal
The Normans forced the Benedictine political faction to surrender
He convened a synod which forbade the investiture of bishops without papal authorization
Alexander II (1061-1073) 158th Pope
Two main political factions exerted their influences to select the next pope.
Most of the cardinals chose Anselm (soon to be Alexander II)
The immoral clerics, Roman nobles, and pro-imperialists chose the immoral Bishop Cadalus of Parma
The empress favored Cadalus. The empress convened a council without cardinals to declare Cadalus as pope. Thus Cadalus (soon to be Honorius II) became anti-pope
Alexander had some advantages: a Norman alliance and the friendship of a power countess in Tuscany. Rome stayed safely in papal hands
The new regent (overthrowing the empress) recognized Alexander II as pope
He sought to put down simony, vice, immoral prelates
He blessed the banners of William the Conquer, a Normon, invading England and Roger Guiscard invading Sicily
William the Conqueror took in the fugitive Prince Edward of England. Edward would promise his throne to William
William the Conqueror sought the required legality and authority by the emperor. Thus the pope was able to support William in his invasion of England
Muslim Turks retook Asia Minor, remaining Muslim ever since
He institute the feast of the Holy Trinity on the Sunday following Pentecost
Honorius II’s forces defeated forces loyal to Alexander II
Honorius II was driven out by Tuscan forces
Gregory VII (1073-1085) 159th Pope
He promulgated decrees against simony, clerical immorality, and lay investiture
Because he refused to accept the emperor’s appointment and investiture of bishops with their clerical insignia, the emperor declared Gregory VII deposed
The emperor set up an antipope Clement III, besieging Gregory VII in the process. The Norman Robert Guiscard rescued Gregory VII
A council declared that the pope is universal. No one can judge him
Clement III’s “pontificate” extended no further than the lands held by the emperor
Clement III continued to as anti-pope for the next three pontificates
Blessed Victor III (1086-1087) 160th Pope
He was a great statesman
He reconfirmed all of Gregory VII’s condemnations and policies
He excommunicated Clement III
He took residence on the fortified Tiber Island
Blessed Urban II (1088-1099) 161th Pope
Henry’s and Clement III’s forces were in control of Rome, forcing him out
He traveled to France where he advocated a prohibition against lay investiture and bishops and abbots doing homage to lay magnates
He preached the first Crusade
There was little that Urban do with the aftermath of the Great Schism
The Muslim Turks extorted and tortured Christian natives and pilgrims
The Muslims destroyed holy places in Palestine
He was a holy man
He persuaded the fractious western kings and nobles to drop their petty differences and unite under the Cross to free the holy place, secure the Byzantium empire, and drive out the Muslims back from where they had come
These Crusades were actually defensive actions, launched for justifiable reasons. However, today most people deplore the Crusades for the many excesses that occurred. In fact, Pope John Paul II has apologized to the Muslims for them
There were seven crusades
An unexpected byproduct of the Crusade was that some of its leaders would see the recovery of Rome as a more immediate goal. Rome was still in control of Clement III’s faction
Paschal II (1099-1118) 162nd Pope
He continued the flow of Crusades to the East to help maintain and consolidate the conquests there
The new German king continued to give out dioceses to friends.
Paschall II again denounced lay investiture again
An accord was made. The king would renounce investitures while the pope ordered all bishops and abbots to restore the properties to imperial jurisdiction.
The Roman diocese was exempted from this confiscation
His traveling endeared him to the Catholic people
The antipope Clement III was succeeded by Theodorus, Alberic, and Sylvester III
His personal emissary Maurice Bourdin defected to the king’s faction
St. Gelasius II (1118-1119) 163rd Pope
He was captured, dragged, and thrown into a dungeon.
He forgave his captor
Callixtus (1119-1124) 164th Pope
He spent much of his time suppressing lay investiture
Lay investiture was declared heretical
He had a familial connection with the kings of Germany, France, England, and Denmark. It was considered that he would be able to deal with the King on equal terms
Most bishops in Medieval Europe were also feudal lords. These prelates owed their lands and fealty to the emperor or the kings
Temporal authorities sought control over the spiritual side of the bishops’ office as well
An agreement was reached. The king would invest the bishops as their feudal overlord, with lands of the diocese. But the ring and mitre, spiritual authority would be given by the Church
The papacy emerged as the victor in this dispute. The weakening of the stature of the imperial office contributed to instability in Italy and Germany
Honorius II (1124-1130) 165th Pope
He reconciled the king to the Church
He abdicated his office because of a schism among the cardinals
The king of England was nibbling away at the Church’s rights. The king stated that archbishop of Cantuerbury was the only papal legate in the realm
He renewed friendly relations with the European courts
Innocent II (1130-1143) 166th Pope
He was forced to flee Rome
Along with three saintly supporters, he conquered the Catholic world
Anacletus II was chosen as antipope by other opposing cardinals. The antipope plundered churches. Anacletus II crowned a Norman duke as a king of Italy. Anacletus II’s sucessor was Victor IV. Victor IV eventually submitted to Innocent II
Celestine II (1143-1144) 167th Pope
He had a great love of France
He earned a reputation of holiness
He settled the internal differences of the Church
He tried to end the war between England and Scotland
Lucius II (1144-1145) 168th Pope
He was librarian and chancellor of the Church
He intervened in a number of foreign questions
Rome independent Senate was demanding that clergy cease to occupy any political role
He decided to lead his own army against the Senate
This time begins the end of the Middle Ages
Blessed Eugene III (1145-1153) 169th Pope
Various Crusader stronghold had fallen to the Muslims
He called for the second Crusade
The leadership of the Senate revolutions proclaimed the city’s second republic
He convened as synod to combat clerical corruption
He signed a treaty with the emperor, binding the empire to protect the papacy
He began construction of the Papal Palace
Anastasius IV (1153-1154) 170th Pope
The Pantheon was restored
He was much concerned with German affairs
He wrote a treatise on the Trinity
He succeeded in bringing about the pacification of temporal domains of the Church
Adrian IV (1154-1159) 171st Pope
He is the only Englishman to hold the papal throne
He was called the Apostle of the North
The Roman republicans were in control of Rome. The robber barons were plundering where they could
The western emperor deserted the pope in a battle. The eastern emperor came to the pope’s aid
Ireland was ruled by many kings, breaking down into endemic warfare.
He made King Henry II of England “lord” of Ireland in hopes of imposing order to bring peace. This resulted in an invasion of Ireland by the Anglo-Normans and the beginning of the troubles that continue to this day
He was a strenuous defender of papal supremacy
Alexander III (1159-1181) 172nd Pope
The first great European university was in the process of developing
He was the leader of the “independence” party of the cardinals who wanted to free the papacy from imperial influence through the Norman alliance
He was driven out of Rome after being chosen as pope
An antipope (Victor IV) was chosen by a small number of cardinals
He convened a council limiting the vote for pope to 2/3 or more of the cardinals
He encouraged growth of the new university movement, whereby scholars concentrate with teachers in a given town.
Lucius III (1181-1185) 173rd Pope
The republican were making life difficult for him
He convened a synod condemning the resurgent heresy Manicheanism
The papacy had been able to exert some independence from the emperor through the alliance with the Normans. This would soon come to an end with the upcoming betrothal of Norman heiress and the emperor
He exhorted all those in authority to suppress heresy by force of arms
Urban III (1185-1187) 174th Pope
The cardinals quickly selected him as to prevent the emperor from interfering in this process
The Tuscan and Norman estates were claimed by the emperor
Gregory VIII (1187) 175th Pope
The Muslims had retaken Jerusalem
All of the petty squabbles of Christendom, for the moment, receded into the background. All Christendom became aware of the setback it had sustained
He investigated the murder of St. Thomas Becket
He assisted the Christians in the Holy Land
He sent letters to all kings, princes in Europe to make peace
Clement III (1187-1191) 176th Pope
He organized the third Crusade
Celestine III (1191-1198) 177th Pope
He was elected at age 85
He granted many privileges to Templars
He sustained the indissolubility of marriage
Innocent III (1198-1216) 178th Pope
When elected pope, he secured the Papal State
In Germany, two candidates for emperor appeared
He declared that imperial coronation gives the pope the right to rule upon the suitability of the candidate
He acted in the affairs of many nations
He preached a Crusade against the Spanish Muslims
His greatest interest was the healing of the Eastern Schism and recovery of the Holy Land
The fourth Crusade was to attack Constantinople. Horrible sacrileges occurred which the Greeks have never forgiven
A Latin emperor and patriarch were installed
Byzantium princes fled, harboring bitter hatred toward the Latins
Relics from the East were taken to pay for the funds of the Crusade
In southern France some believed a heresy that matter was evil, created by an evil god. By contrast, the good god created spirit. This good god was the object of Albigense worship (Albgensinism)
He went missionaries to convert the Albigenses
He convened a council with needed disciplinary decrees, a call for a new Crusade, an new creed.
This council helped defined the term transubstantiation. This term is perhaps the greatest legacy of Innocent’s pontificate
He was all too aware of the decline in the quality and apostolic character of the clergy
He recognized a dream of his as a sign to approve a new order, the Franciscans
He also approved the Dominican order and the Trinitarians
The Fransicans maintained as special devotion to poverty and evangelization
The Dominicans had a special devotion to skilled preaching
The Trinitarians raised money to pay for ransoms and substituted themselves for those captured
He authorized the sending missionaries to Prussia
He help established the institution of the modern hospital, of which he founded in Rome. The notion of putting a number of doctors under one roof, with the poor paying little or nothing for their services, was quite revolutionary at the time
He reestablished the temporal authority within the papal states
Honorius III (1216-1227) 179th Pope
This was the first time that cardinals compromised in choosing a pope
He sought to achieve moral reformation of the Church
He sought to carry out a Crusade
He encourages evangelization of Prussia
He granted privileges to the universities,
He canonized a number of saints
He wrote a great deal
He defined the rights of the popes
Christianity spread into Estonia
Gregory IX (1227-1241) 180th Pope
A standard conclave was used to elect him
He was an experienced diplomat
He and the emperor vision of the Church and empire were irreconciable
He was a close friend of Saints Francis and Dominic, patronizing their orders and canonizing them and St. Anthony of Padua
He enacted a curriculum for parish schools, the world’s first for primary education
Manicheanism grew in Italy
He decreed that unrepentant heretics might be handed over to the secular authorities for punishment. Heresy was considered as treason to the state
He is looked upon as the originator of the Inquisition
The Inquisitions would be staffed with Dominicans and Franciscans. Its scope included both transgressions against Faith and morals
Celestine IV (1241) 181st Pope
He was elected in the first recognizable conclave
The word conclave (under lock and key)
Innocent IV (1243-1254) 182nd Pope
The Latins retained their hold on Constaninople
He safeguarded Henry VIII’ throne in England
He instituted the feast of the Visitation
He was a celebrated canonist
Alexander IV (1254-1261) 183rd Pope
He was a great friend and defender of the orders of friars
He canonized St. Clair of Assis, having seen her stigmata himself
He forbade summary trials for heresy
He condemned the flagellanti (self-floggers)
Urban IV (1261-1264) 184th Pope
Constaninople fell to the Greeks
He began the creation of new cardinals
He approved the feast of Corpus Christi
Clement IV (1265-1268) 185th Pope
He was a man of the world
He was a renowned lawyer
Blessed Gregory X (1271-1276) 186th Pope
He reformed the life of the Church
He sought papal control of the Papal States
Blessed Innocent V (1276) 187th Pope
He joined the Dominican order
He extended Christianity to far off Mongolia by baptizing foreign ambassadors
Adrian V (1276) 188th Pope
He annulled Bl. Gregory X’s rigid rules on conclaves
He decreed ecclesiastical laws
John XXI (1276-1277) 189th Pope
He acquired a reputation as a magician
He was much attracted to the philosophy of Aristotle
He issued new rules for the conclave and order punishment for those who rioted
He obtained the promise that churches and their income would be respected in the kingdom
Nicholas III (1277-1280) 190th Pope
He was a great friend of St. Francis and his order
He became renowned for his honesty
He sought to keep the papacy independent from the emperor
He promulgated a decree forbidding imperial interference in the selection of Roman senators and magistrates. He hoped to safeguard papal elections from secular interference
He was the first to permanently reside in the Vatican
He began to layout the famous gardens
Martin IV (1281-1285) 191st Pope
He strove to unite the kings and lords in the bonds of charity
Honorius (1285-1287) 192nd Pope
He was so old that he had to have his hands mechanically lifted during the elevation at Mass
All the Papal States were returned to the papacy
He was a great friend to the Franciscans, Carmelites, Augustinians
He condemned those who claimed to live the life of the original Apostles in absolute poverty (Apostolici)
He sought to establish closer relations with the Greek Church
He tried to reach some agreement with Islam
Nicholas IV (1288-1292) 193rd Pope
He was the first Franciscan pope
The Crusader strongholds fell in Palestine
He urged the merger of the Templars and Hospitallers
He renewed condemnation of the Apostolici
St. Celestine V (1294) 194th Pope
He became a Benedictine
He was unable to govern and resigned. It if for this act that Dante put him in hell
He refused to be a mere instrument in the hands of the lords
He decreed that the newly elected pope has the right to refuse his election
Bonface VII (1294-1303) 195th Pope
He was zealous for the rights of the Church
He felt compelled to safeguard the Celestine V under house arrest
He issued a clerical bull which renewed prohibitions against lay authorities taxing the clergy
Blessed Benedict XI (1303-1304) 196th Pope
He became a Dominican
He was respected for his holiness
Clement V (1305-1314) 197th Pope
The papal tiara was lost
He settled in Avignon, beginning the “Babylonian captivity” of the papacy. This region would be known for it vineyards (wine)
A council pronounced a decree on baptism
He codified canon law
He founded the University of Oxford
John XXII (1316-1334) 198th Pope
He repeated papal declarations that during such vacancies, imperial appointments rested with the pope
He reconstructed the financial affairs of the Church
He had a habit of privately teaching erroneous opinions
He instituted the feast of the Most Holy Trinity
The emperor appointed an anti-pope Nicholas V
Benedict XII (1334-1342) 199th Pope
He immediately funded the restoration of St. Peter’s and St. John Lateran
He put to an end to many of the financial abuses whereby church bureaucrats had found ways of extracting money
He used the stick of the Inquisition and gentle persuasion to combat heresy
He required bishops to live in their dioceses
Clement VI (1342-1352) 200th Pope
He was completely devoted to the interests of France
He took the name of Clement in honor of the pontiff who had removed the papacy to France
The Canary Island would be Europe’s first colonial effort
He worked for the poor
The Black Plague hit Avignon in 1348-1349
He visited the highly contagious sick
Many superstitious blamed the Jews of being plague carriers
He protected the Jews
Innocent VI (1352-1362) 201st Pope
He ordered all non-resident clerics back to their dioceses and parishes
He ended all luxury at the Papal Court
He restored a great deal of papal prestige
He fostered arts and culture
Blessed Urban V (1362-1370) 202nd Pope
He was a Benedictine
He was known for his holiness and dedication
The eastern emperor sought reconcilation with the papacy
He happily received and reconciled the eastern emperor
The refusal of the Western princes to rally to the aid of the eastern Christians doomed this effort
The Turks were now loose in Asia Minor. Constantinople was under siege by the Turks
He added the third crown (imperial power) to royal and spiritual power
Gregory XI (1370-1378) 203rd Pope
He was noted for his learning in theology and piety
He was concerned with reunion with the Greeks
St. Catherine of Sienna called on Gregory XI to return to Rome
He condemned the heretical teachings of John Wycliff. These errors included the denial of Transubstantiation,, the primacy of preaching over the sacraments, sola scriptura, and the denial of papal primacy
The Roman senate donated a part of Vatican Hill to him
Urban VI (1378-1389) 204th Pope
The French wanted another Frenchman for the papacy. They wanted to return to Avignon
Their Italian counterparts and Italian mob wanted an Italian
He was anxious to reform the Church, which the French cardinals resented
The malcontents declared that the papal election to be invalid. They appointed the anti-pope Clement VII who moved the papacy to Avignon
This began the Great Western Schism, which lasted forty years
This was the first conclave to be held in the Vatican
Boniface IX (1389-1404) 205th Pope
He had a number of difficulties to deal with
Owing to the great lack of money in papal coffers, he issued a new tax on Christians
This helped pave the way for problems in the next century
He appealed for a crusade to assist the hard-pressed Eastern emperor. This received little response
He made little headway the resolving the schism with the anti-pope
Benedict XIII replaced Clement VII as the next anti-pope
Negotiations for both popes to resign faltered.
A number of cardinals elect deposed these two popes and select another pope. Now there were three who claimed to be pope
Innocent VII (1404-1406) 206th Pope
He had taken an oath to end the schism in any way possible
He was a man of great culture but of weak character
He failed to resolve the schism
He enlarged the faculties of Greek and Medicine
Gregory XII (1406-1415) 207th Pope
The Roman cardinals took an oath, that if elected, they would resign the tiara to bring reunion with Avignon
He notified Benedict X111 that he would abdicate if Benedict would also abdicate. Benedict refused
A council of cardinals deposed both popes and elected the next anti-pope Alexander V
Another anti-pope was selected
Martin V (1417-1431) 208th Pope
The council of Constance was, in a real sense, the ultimate governing authority of the Church for a short period of time
The papacy had been severely tarnished by the behavior of its multiple holders
The cardinals were blamed for the terrible state of affairs that had just ended
The state of the clergy was very poor in Europe because of poor supervision
Civil war in various places contributed to general unrest in Europe
The Turks were encroaching
The cardinals could not be trusted in electing a pope by themselves
Reform measures were passed by Church authorities
The council Fathers condemned Jan Hus, a Czech priest, who was a disciple of Wyclif
The fourteenth century left Rome and the Papal States in poor shape. The churches were neglect and is in disabuse. Mercenaries occupied portions of the city
He immediately began work rebuilding Rome, bringing in artists and architects from Florence
He was dealing with the idea that church councils becoming more superior to the popes (Conciliarism)
This time began the beginning of the Renaissance
For the first time a “holy door” was opened in the basilica of St. John Lateran
Eugene IV (1431-1447) 209th Pope
He was extremely holy
He had a hatred of nepotism, infuriating powerful families and cardinals
The Medici ruled the Humanist movement in Florence. The Humanists sought to base learning culture and learning upon the examples of Greece and Rome
A Christian movement advocated giving the Eucharist and cup to the laity. (Calixtines, “men of the cup” Calix-L. chalice, cup
The Turks were probing the Danube frontier pressuring Constantinople
The council ruled that the pope was superior to the council
Those opposed elected an anti-pope Felix V
Paus Nicolaas V
Nicholas V (1447-1455) 210th Pope
He became friendly with some of the leading Humanists of his time
He had an immense learning and administrative skills
He loved learning and the arts
He resolved to make Rome a center of Humanism, of beauty and knowledge
He is credited for the Vatican library and the current appearance of the Papal palace
He called a Jubilee year in 1450
He quashed the proceedings against St. Joan of Arch, paving the way for her canonization
Mass was preached to open air assemblies. Countless people of all ages returned to the practice of the Faith and reception of the sacraments
The Sultan was now master of the Balkans, outside Constantinople
Few in the west responded to the Eastern emperor’s plea for help against the Turks
The Turks overtook Constantinople
The eastern Emperor’s daughter married the prince of Muscovy. She brought her imperial throne in dowry. From this time, Muscovite rulers called themselves “Tsar” (Emperor, becoming practical heads of Eastern Orthodoxy
He began construction of the present St. Peter’s basilica
Callixtus III (1455-1458) 211st Pope
He was renowned for his penitential lifestyle and humble manner
His first interest was to pursue the Crusade and free Constantinople
He ordered the universal ringing of bell at noon everyday
He brought about the growth of Christianity in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
He instituted the feast of the Transfiguration
Pius II (1458-1464) 212th Pope
He had live a past immoral life
He put his efforts in promoting a crusade
He found that the petty and personal strife of Europe was important to the continent’s rulers than their sworn obligations to the Church
He was very reform minded
He issued legislation reforming monastic life
Paul II (1464-1471) 213rd Pope
He introduced elaborate carnival celebrations at Rome in imitation of his native Venice
He was in general a patron of Humanism
He fought various Manichean-style heretics
He ordered that only cardinals wear the read caps
Sixtus IV (1471-1484) 214th Pope
He was a Franciscan
He first interest was the crusade. However, there was little interest in this
He built the Sistine Chapel and the bridge across the Tiber river
Nepotism became his only major vice
He was a generous patron of the arts
He instituted Father’s day
Innocent VIII (1484-1492) 215th Pope
He father children out of wedlock
He sought to launch a crusade
He confirmed the rights of Henry VII and his heirs to occupy the throne
He issued a bull against withcraft
Heresy was seen as a threat to individuals, communites, Church and state
He was known for his backing for witch hunting
Crime ran rampant in Rome
He assisted Columbus endeavor to discover the New World
Alexander VI (1492-1503) 216th Pope
He is seen as one of the worst popes
As a cardinal, he had a mistress
He had to deal with the question of the New World. Since membership in the Church was essential for salvation, he had to decide how to evangelize those natives
He divided the world into two parts. The Portugueese colonized the East Indes and Brazil. The Spanish would look after the rest of the New World and the Phillipines
The cultural divide between Brazil and the rest of Latin is attributed to him
He cracked down heavily on crime in Rome, laying the foundation for modern Rome’s police authority
He passed anti-witch and anti-black magic legislation
He encouraged Humanism
He encouraged the arts
Pius III (1503) 217th Pope
His ill health forced him to celebrate Mass while sitting
Julius II (1503-1513) 218th Pope
Though not too pastoral, he was an energetic pope
He led a series of campaigns to retake the Papal States
He established the first diocese in Latin America
He declared that bribery nullified papal elections
He was a patron of the arts
He commissioned Michangelo’s frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
He completed the construction of St. Peter’s
Leo X (1513-1521) 219th Pope
He was generous to a fault
He had a love of secular amusements of all kind
Rome became a haven for artists, scholars, poets, playwright, musicians
He emptied the treasury. He created offices and sold them
He was loved in Rome and by the Humanists
Priests were living in sin. Clerics of all sorts were no longer wearing clerical garb. Many bishops and abbots were more concerned with revenue collection. Many places neglected catechetical teaching. Knowledge of church dogma hardly existed.
This vacuum caused heresy and witchcraft to flourish
Pawn shops for the poor were created for the issuance of low interest loans’
Luther nailed his 95 Theses. Luther was initially annoyed with the Church’s abuse of indulgences
Luther preached salvation through faith alone. He preached private judgment that the Holy Spirit will tell each person what the bible means (sola scriptura). This would provide the starting point for New Age philosophy (create your own reality)
Luther called upon princes to reform the Church by taking over complete control of it in their respective realms
The Reformation merged private judgment and state control. Anyone may believe what they like, so long as it is private. The state maintains absolute power to legislate right and wrong.
The power of the papacy was destroyed in virtually all countries in Europe
Adrian VI (1522-1523) 220th Pope
He would be the last non-Italian pope elected until 1978
He immediately set to reform the curia
He could do little about the Protestant threat
Clement VII (1523-1534) 221st Pope
He was a very indecisive person
He wanted to convert all the Americas, reform the Church conciliate the Lutherans, reunite with the Eastern Church and launch a crusade
All over the Protestant world, enemies devastated churches, desecrated the Blessed Sacrament, and destroyed priceless artwork
Nuns were raped and clerics were killed
The Reformation was spreading beyond imperial boundaries
He refused to approve of King Henry VIII’s marriage
He commissioned Michaelangelo to do the famous last judgment for the Sistine Chapel
He approved formation of the Capuchins
Paul III (1534-1549) 222nd Pope
He was very pious
He faced opposition with the reform he put into place
He wanted to reaffirm the Church’s teachings as clearly as possible
The council of Trent defined the Catholic teaching on scriptures, the sacraments, and other matters
He approve the formation of the Jesuits
He was a great patron of culture and the arts
Julius III (1550-1555) 223rd Pope
Reform had progressed
The Jesuits flourished
Marcellus II (1555) 224th Pope
He was renowned for his love of piety and learning
He stamped his own sense of austerity and justice to the curia
Paul IV (1555-1559) 225th Pope
He joined the Dominican orders
He continued the work of reform
He used the Inquisition to oppose the Lutheran heresy
Pius IV (1559-1565) 226th Pope
He issued a bull summarizing the doctrines Catholics must believe
He pardoned all sinners
St. Pius V (1566-1572) 227th Pope
He help to spread liturgical reform
As a Dominican, he continued to wear the white habit of his order. The popes have worn white ever since
He issued the Catechism of Trent
Some say he launched the Counter-Reformation, a movement of orders that reformed and purified the Church
Preaching and doctrinally rich hymns became a priority
Baroque architecture would develop
He promoted culture among people to prevent the spread of heresy
He decreed the use of the Roman missal
Gregory XIII (1572-1585) 228th Pope
His major goals were to combat the spread of Protestantism, reconvert those nations fallen to it, evangelize the Americas, Asia, and Africa
He further the work of reform in the Church
He appointed a commission to correct the Julian calendar, creating the Gregorian calendar
He opened seminaries throughout Europe
Sixtus (1585-1590) 229th Pope
He made many improvements in the Roman infrastructure
He organized the system of congregations
Urban VII (1590) 230th Pope
He ordered that a list of all the poor in Rome be made up in order to relieve them
He required his entourage make sacrifices to pay for these expenses
He left all his wealth for works of charity
Gregory XIV (1590-1591) 231st Pope
He was known for his piety
He confirmed an order whose special vocation was to assist the dying
He ordered the freedom of all slaves made by the Spanish in the Phillipines
He is partly responsible for the Phillipines being a Catholic nation
Innocent IX (1591) 232nd Pope
He wrote many writing attacking Machiavelli’s idea of pragmatism
Clement VIII (1592-1605) 233rd Pope
He was know for his personal holiness
He immediately began visiting all the churches, hospitals, charitable and educational institutions in Rome
He instituted 40 hours devotion before the Blessed Sacrament
He fought the lawless Roman nobility
Leo XI (1605) 234th Pope
He was a very generous person
He led an ascetical life
Paul V (1605-1621) 235th Pope
His first act was to send all prelates and cardinals to their dioceses
A Catholicizing element appeared in Lutheranism, which looked toe the Church Fathers and early Middle Ages for inspiration
He sought to prevent the persecution of Christians in Japan and China
He encouraged astronomy but did nothing to impede the condemnation of Copernicus
Gregory XV (1621-1623) 236th Pope
His first interest was to end outside manipulation of papal elections. He outlined precisely how to conduct conclaves and w
hat ceremonies to perform. This methodology would basically remain untouched
He founded the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. This had jurisdiction over mission territories
He also founded a number of religious orders
He encouraged the Irish
Urban VIII (1623-1644) 237th Pope
The new St. Peter’s was completed
He hired many artists and architects to beautify churches, piazzas, and streets in Rome
He revised the Roman Missal
He sent more missionaries to the Far East
He forbad the use of American Indians as slaves
He ordered bishops to live in their dioceses
Galileo was condemned for pushing the Copernican system. Galileo was condemned becasues the popes respected the opinions of the contemporary scientific community
He had a problem with nepotism
Innocent X (1644-1655) 238th Pope
He recognized the independence of Portugal
He condemned the idea that emphasized the justice of God to the exclusion of His mercy (Jansenism)
Alexander VII (1655-1667) 239th Pope
He had problems with nepotism
He spent a great deal of time with literary pursuits
He was a great patron of the arts
He used every means to try to prevent the spread of Protestantism
Clement IX (1667-1669) 240th Pope
He was charitable and approachable
He bought the grain monopoly, causing prices to fall
He beatified Rose of Lima, the first saint born in the Americas
He straightened out the papal finances
Clement X (1670-1676) 241th Pope
He canonized a number of saints
He beautified Rome
Blessed Innocent XI (1676-1689) 242nd Pope
His first interest was to reform the curia
He decreed heavy penalties against nepotism
He passed decrees for the propagation of morals in Rome
He outlawed immodest dress in women
He shut down gambling homes
He condemned heretical notions that if one quieted one’s will, and subordinated to God, one would be incapable of sin no matter what he physically did (Quietism, Laxism)
He abolished the right of legal immunity
Alexander VIII (1689-1691) 243rd Pope
He was elected because of his extreme age
Innocent XII (1691-1700) 244th Pope
He decreed that no pope could appoint more than one of his nephews as a cardinal
He built a number of charitable and educational buildings
He condemned Jansensim and Quietism
He ordered priest to wear cassocks daily and to make retreats at regular intervals
Clement XI (1700-1721) 245th Pope
He was renowned for his piety and wit
He reformed prison administration, pioneered public works, and distributed vast amounts of charity
He declared the feast of the Conception of the Virgin as a holy day of obligation
He condemned Jansenism
He was a man of great culture and patron of the arts
Innocent XIII (1721-1724) 246th Pope
He renewed the condemnation of Jansenism
Benedict XIII (1724-1730) 247th Pope
He joined the Dominican order
He sought to abolish the worldly pomp and luxury among cardinals
He renewed the ban on Jansenism
Clement XII (1730-1740) 248th Pope
He was slowly going blind
He work to clear up financial problems of his predecessor
He filled up the treasury
He initiated public works of every sort
He became totally blind in his second year in office
He help assisted the Passionists
He condemned the Freemasons, because of their materialist nature of their creed, and secrecy
He canonized several saints
Benedict XIV (1740-1758) 249th Pope
He was elected because of his honesty and his reputation
He was a truly Renaissance in the best sense of the term
He had a deep personal piety
He did not fear the so-called Enlightenment
He was a prolific writer
He was interested in every facet of Church and civil life
He revised the calendar and the martyrology
He originated the current encyclical
He was one of the most cultured popes
Clement XIII (1758-1769) 250th Pope
He was noted for his personal holiness and public charity
Regalism and Enlightenment were two strains that united in Catholic Europe
Regalism saw a force in the church that must be subordinated to the secular power for the good of the state
Enlightenment measured all things by human reason, all else was dismissed as superstition
The practical effect of this union was to create a ruling class that looked with envy to the complete power Protestant princes exercised over their pet clergy. They sought to purge the Church of anything that seemed repellent to the spirit of the age
Devotions, pilgrimages, orders, Latin in the liturgy should be eliminated
They further frown on evangelizing non Catholics because they believed in universal salvation
Some thought they were saving the Church by keeping the Church relevant to the times
The Jesuits had spread all over the world, making inroads in Protestantism. They were eventually expelled
He was faithful to conservative ideas, not being very popular in many Catholic countries
Clement XIV (1769-1774) 251st Pope
He tolerated the suppression of the Jesuits
The expelling of the Jesuits created a shortage of clergy in the Latin America. This suppression contributed to the revolutionary storm that would soon break out in Europe. This would also lead to the independence movement in Latin America
Pius VI (1775-1799) 252nd Pope
The emperor sought to regulate the life of the Church. Seminary training was henceforth to be regulated by the state. It was the express goal priest good subjects to the state
After the U.S. won its independence, the Catholic organization need reorginazation. American authorities would look with disfavor an appointment made my and English official.
He sought the advice from Benjamin Franklin and John Carroll as the first bishop of Baltimore
The French Revolution also occurred at this time
The French Catholic Church was separated from Rome
Napolean conquered Rome and captured him
Pius VII (1800-1823) 253rd Pope
Napolean was anxious to reconcile his country with the Church
Catholicism was later recognized as the religion of the state in France
He started to reorganize the shattered Church in Europe. This task was made easier by the wave of piety that swept Catholic Europe, starting at the turn of the 18th century
This was partly spearheaded by the Romantic movement. This led to a tremendous rise in faith. Many sought the past was more preferable to the present situation
He created the papal flag
Leo XII (1823-1829) 254th Pope
He managed to rein in the curia officials who had become very venal and bribable
He worked very hard to prevent Protestant proselytizing
He reinstated Galileo’s works
Pius VIII (1829-1830) 255th Pope
He decreed that priest could bless mixed marriage provided that the non-Catholic promised to raise children as Catholic
He strengthened missionary activity
Gregory XVI (1831-1846) 256th Pope
He was renowned for his learning
He condemned democracy, believing that it would inevitably degenerate into oligarchy
At his death, a rise of liberal opinion was rising through Europe
Blessed Pius IX (1846-1878) 257th Pope
He became the first pope to be photographed
He began to acquire a reputation for liberalism
He was known for his amiability and wit
Popes clung to temporal possessions to maintain neutrality in order to maintain his spiritual mission as father of all.
It was a matter of sacrilege.
Donated to the Holy See, these possessions were sacred
He defined the Immaculate Conception in 1854
He convened Vatican I. They declared papal infallibility as gift of the Holy Spirit.
When speaking from the chair of Peter in matters of doctrine and faith, the pope is protected by the Holy Spirit in teaching error.
This cause a firestorm of protest
“Old Catholics” rejected papal infallibility as an innovation. They broke away from the Church.
A network of liberal Catholics wanted to reinterpret many of the Church’s doctrines
He established 26 new dioceses in the United States
He has been pope the longest of all popes
Rome became the capitol of Italy
Leo XIII (1878-1903) 258th Pope
New orders and devotions were growing in every Catholic country
The Industrial Revolution created a great underclass of workers who lived in abysmal poverty. These workers were often cut off from religion and earlier traditions. They were looking for something to believe in
Differing groups of socialists and anarchists were filling this ideological vaccuum. They were offering secular salvation
The Church of England experienced a resurgence of faith. John Neuman converted to Catholicism
The US consumed his interest. There developed tension between Ireland-oriented group and Rome-oriented Catholic cardinals
The Europeans expanded their empires all over the globe. He ensured that missionaries evangelize and protect the locals from explotiation
He favored Catholic social action to assist the working class
He is considered the first modern pope
He is first pope to be filmed
St. Pius X (1903-1914) 259th Pope
He wanted to first spread Eucharistic devotions among the faithful. At this time reception of Communion was received only around Easter
He began a campaign to revive frequent or daily communion
He encouraged frequent confession to receive the sacrament worthily
Young people had generally made their First Communion only after being confirmed. He changed the law, urging children to receive Communion
He encouraged devotions to the Virgin Mary
The struggle with Modernism was the major spiritual problem of his papacy
Many believed that the Church’s government and doctrines had to evolve to the current times. Doctrines were watered down, downplayed, dismissed as not true (Modernism)
Modernism has continued to persist
He concluded codification of canon law
He decreed elevation of the Host and chalice
Benedict XV (1914-1922) 260th Pope
Opponents of the Modernists appeared
WWI took up a large part of his papacy
He sent huge sums of war relief to afflicted on both sides of the war
The Russian revolution and others occurred
Three Portuguese claimed to have a vision of Our Lady at Fatima
He beautified Joan of Arc
Pius XI (1922-1939) 261st Pope
He faced many problems brought about by WWI
There were no Christian emperors or powers
Russia was exporting revolution
He initiated relief efforts
Power vacuum by the destruction of Austria-Hungarian empire and creation of the Weimar republic created instability
Poorly established democratic regimes were followed by totalitarian regimes
Abortion and artificial contraception came to the forefront
The Soviet Union was the first nation to legalize abortion, in keeping with their view that the human individual is subordinate to the state
There was a general lowering of standard of modesty of dress
Freud linked every human endeavor to repressed sexuality
The rise of nationalism appeared in Europe
There was a literary revival all over the Catholic world
There were resurgences in devotions and evangelization
He called for the general recognition of the Kingship of Christ over people
He declared against the Fascists and Communists that the parents were the primary educators, in terms of Christian education
The papacy was on the verge of bankruptcy
Pius XII (1939-1958) 262nd Pope
He aided the Jews in WWII
He used the Vatican to take in Jewish refugees
He also has been accused of being a nazi collaborator
He labored to help the many Catholics were persecuted in Russia and China
He saw the US as the protector of the free world
He was very concerned about the modernist theologians
The liturgical movement sought to restore liturgical rites
Missals in Latin and the vernacular were in the hands of the faithful
He proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
He forbade bishops from using titles of nobility they may have born with
He discovered the tomb of St. Peter
Blessed John XXIII (1958-1963) 263rd Pope
He was to provide quiet stopgap leadership between the traditionalist and progressives
He convened Vatican II. Its purpose was to renew the Church to make her more holy
Soon after his death, the cause for his canonization was opened
He sought to safeguard what is essential in Catholicism by adapting to current needs
Paul VI (1963-1978) 264th Pope
He had a desire to be a “modern” to streamline the Church
His first interest was to continue the work of Vatican II
It was declared that the vernacular should be given a larger role
He issued his new Mass, which had so many variations
He permitted Communion in the hand in areas where it would increase devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
A sort of anarchy appeared to descend upon the Church at all levels outside the Vatican
Whenever one spoke of liturgical or doctrinal abuses, no one seemed responsible
Liturgy, architecture, statues were torn out with new Mass
The wild alteration of sexual mores appeared in the West
He spoke out against the legalization of contraception
He issued Humanae vitae, foretelling the evils of contraception
From 1968 on, He did not really assert his authority against dissent within the Church
For all practical purposes, he abdicated control of most of the local hierarchies
In contrast to what Vatican II actually stated, the Modernists deceptively now claim thatthe Traditional Latin Mass is not compatible with Church ecclesiology. Therefore, the TLM must end because the Modernists must “reform” and “renew” the Church.
Background information:
Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus 230: “Deceit on the part matches deceit on the other, and gives pain instead of pleasure for reward.”
Sophocles’ Antigone 617: “The deception comes to one who is wholly unaware until he burns his foot on a hot fire.”
Plato’s Laws 9.864: The other acts ae done privily under cover of darkness and deceit.”
New Testament: This term means lure, deceit, and deception.
“The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word, but worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears no fruit.” Mt.13:22
Seed sown on the path: one who hears the word of the kingdom without understanding it.
Seed sown on rocky ground: one who hears and receives it with great joy. But he has no root and the joy lasts only for a time.
Seed sown among thorns: one who hears the word, but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears no fruit.
The evil one: who steals what is sown in one’s heart.
Thorns: earthly riches, persecution, worldly pleasures, cowardice, fearfulness of offending others, anxieties, false teachings, and ignorance
Lure (deceit) of riches: counterfeit of the soul, untruthfulness, unfulfilled promise, dissatisfaction, causes for going astray, worldly values and sin, temporary effects, unfruitfulness, enticement to sin (by Satan).
Eph.4:22: Put away the old self of your former way of life, corrupted through deceitful desires. (Old self: paganism, worldly values and sin)
“See to it that no one captivate you with an empty, seductive philosophy according to human tradition, according to elemental powers of the world.” Col.2:8
Seductive philosophies (human traditions): Modernism, universalism, hyper-papalism, syncretism (mixture of faith with worldly values, paganism, and sin), non-liturgical blessings, women deacons (priests), minimizing, destigmatizing, and redefining sin, minimizing traditional Church teachings, changing Church teachings, etc.)
Heb. 3:13: Encourage yourselves that you may not grow hardened by the deceit of sin.
Grow hardened (in mind, conscience, and heart):
Become less sensitive and deluded to understanding in moral issues
Becomeblinded by sin (by Satan)
Become adverse to the gospel message
Become prideful (not humble)
Become rebellious with unbelief
Pope Benedict VI also speaks to the counterfeit (fabrication) of the Novus Order Mass:
“In the place of liturgy as the fruit of development came fabricated liturgy. We abandoned the organic, living process of growth and development over centuries, and replaced it, as in manufacturing process, with a fabrication.”
Quotes on deception:
Cardinal Cupic: “Pope Francis’s Latin Mass reforms are necessary to secure Vatican II’s legacy.” (Vatican II’s legacy has become liturgical confusion, declining vocations, poor catechesis, church closings, liturgical sacrilege, diminished respect for sacraments. It seems that Pope Francis intends to double-down on this??)
Pope Francis: “Without liturgical reform, there is no reform of the Church.” (This “reform” is essentially dividing and tearing the Church down. Pope Francis is essentially “reforming” Jesus Church (in the image of man) into something that is looking less and less like Catholic.)
Cardinal Cupic: “The Traditional Latin Mass impoverishes the Church.” (This cardinal makes this statement while Church attendance continues to decline at Novus Order Masses and Church closings continue. Efforts are now being made to clamp down on the Traditional Latin Masses, where Church attendance has been thriving.)
Archbishop Bugnini: “We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be a shadow of a stumbling block for Protestants.” (What better way to destroy Jesus’ Church by continually to “Protestantize” it.)
Monsignor Jose Manuel Lorca Planes: “Francis is the springtime of the Church because he has opened up many possibilities of hope, he has a great sensitivity.” (This is a perfect illustration of how a Modernist thinks. Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists are taking every opportunity (possibility) to implement their Modernist ideology to remake Jesus Church into a synodal Church, filled with “lived experiences”, worldly values, and sin. In their efforts to renew the Church, they are actually tearing the Church down.)
The progressive news outlet UK Guardian: “The world’s largest Christian body needs to change….The modernizing second Vatican council in the 1960’s (the last great progressive moment in the history of the Church. The powerful conservative lobby in the Church hierarchy loath the fate of longstanding liberal causes (validation of LGBT+ Catholics and women in church ministries. (These liberal and progressive groups will falsely stack up problems and accusations (caused by Modernists) against the Church to remind us why the Church needs to reform. These conservatives are the problem. These groups even deceptively make references to the ‘traditionalist papacies of John Paul II Benedict XVI?? In reality, JPII and Benedict are not traditionalists! )
Heb.3:13: Unfortunately, the “fruits” of Vatican II are lack of vocations, liturgical confusion, liturgical sacrilege, sacrilege of sacraments, poor catechesis, ignorant Catholics, and churches closing, etc.
It is true that one can be lured and deluded by the effects of worldly riches.
The evil one may steal one’s moral compass (conscience), potentially leading one down an unfortunate and sinful path.
Now the Synod of Synodality proposes that POORLY CATECHIZED CATHOLICS undertake and assume greater decision-making in the Church. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY EVER GO WRONG WITH THAT!
The Vatican continues to insert paganism, sin, and spiritual harlotry (mixing of faith, sin, and worldly values) into Jesus’ Church.
Many of us are already like little pagans worshipping or gods: technology, fame, fortune, celebrity, wealth, and power.
Paul has continually us about adding human doctrines, innovations, and seductive philosophies. Yet, Pope Francis’s papacy is continually filled with many such innovations: (Ex: non-liturgical blessings, etc.)
Several Marian prophesies have foretold that Satan has already made himself known, blinding, deluding, and confusing many (clergy and laity) in the Church.
One does not need to be full-blown possessed to be influenced by Satan. Satan can influence through busyness, distraction, confusion, pride, temptation, and seduction.
In some situations, if it serves God’s divine Providence, God may allow one to remain hard-hearted. (Pharaoh comes to mind from the the Old Testament.) Why would this not be applicable now in current times?
Modernists will often use circular reasoning to explain or promote their intentions and objectives:
Why is Mass attendance declining after Vatican II?
What caused this problem? (The Modernists at Vatican II naively thought that “we needed to bring fresh air into the Church” in order to “reform” and “renew” the Church.)
What happened as a result of this? (Liturgical confusion (chaos), declining vocations, poor catechesis, liturgical sacrilege, declining Mass attendance, churches closing, etc.)
What has been the bright spot of encouragement in all of this? (The Traditional Latin Mass continues to attract and inspire the faithful. The TLM continues to thrive.)
How does the Modernists seek to reform the liturgy? (They are using Traditiones Custodies to restrict and remove the TLM because it impoverishes??)
What has been the results of Pope Francis’ further efforts to “reform” and “renew” the Church? (Further liturgical confusion and chaos.)
What have the German bishops done? (In their efforts to “reform” and “renew” the German Church, they have gone doctrinally into heresy and schism.)
What will this accomplish? (This will do nothing to stop the “spiritual bleeding” [declining Mass attendance and churches closing] in the Church and also hinder the TLM in the Church.)
What will do Modernists do next? (They will seek again to “reform” and “renew” the Church ==> rinse and repeat.)
Why is this circular reasoning like insanity? (This is likened to Albert Einstein’s quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.”)
Pope Pius V: “We grant and concede in perpetuity for the chanting or reading of the [Traditional Latin] Mass in any church whatsoever, to be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or censure, and may be freely and lawfully be used.” (1570 AD)
From Pope Pius X’s Pascendi Dominic Gregis: The Doctrine of the Modernists
Blind that they are, and leaders of the blind, inflated with a boastful science, they have reached that pitch of folly where they pervert the eternal concept of truth and the true nature of the religious sentiment; with that new system of theirs they are seen to be under the sway of a blind and unchecked passion for novelty, thinking not at all of finding some solid foundation of truth, but despising the holy and apostolic traditions, they embrace other vain, futile, uncertain doctrines, condemned by the Church, on which, in the height of their vanity, they think they can rest and maintain truth itself.
[Greek] πλανάω (planaō), [Latin] errare, [Latin] seducer, [Latin] inducer, [French] introduire, [Latin] fraudare, [German] betrugen: to go astray, to wander, to be unfaithful, to err, to seduce, to deviate; 52 scriptural references
Pope Francis’ synodal Church’s elevation of lived experiences over sinning no more (Jn.8:11) and warnings about walking in darkness (Jn.8:12) have become a new human innovation straying from Catholic teachings. It is as if synodality (lived experiences) is becoming like an idol!
Greek Hellenism: This term means to wander, to go astray, to lead astray, to be mistaken, to vacillate, to lie, to seduce, to doubt, to be at a loss.
Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound 473: “You have lost your wits and have gone astray.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 2.115: “Alexandrus was evasive in his story and did not tell the truth.”
Plato’s Statesman 263a: “We have already strayed away from our subject more than we ought, and you wish us to wander still further afield.”
Plato’s Protagoras 256d: “Is it not the power of appearance that leads us astray. Many a time causes us to have to change our minds in both our conduct and in our choice.”
Old Testament: This term means to lead astray, to confuse, to wander, and to vacillate spiritually. This term generally refers more to faith, belief, and philosophy rather than profane deceiving.
New Testament: This term means to go astray, to spiritually vacillate, to be misled, to deviate (from the correct path), to err, to be deceived, and to be mistaken. For purposes of brevity, the Parable of the Good Shepherd will be excluded.
Mt.22:29: Jesus said to the Sadducees, ‘You are misled because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.’” (The Sadducees were attempting to trick Jesus about marriage relationships in reference to heaven. Instead, Jesus points out that sexual relationships of this world will be transcended [will no longer exist in heaven]).
Mt.24:11: “Many false prophets [Christians] will arise and deceive many.” (The disciples will have to endure. There will be worse afflictions within the Church itself. Many will be led into sin and be scandalized. Many will fall away.)
Jn.7:12: Some said Jesus is a good man. Others said He misleads the crowd. (Some Jews were seeing a different Jesus who was misleading [drawing others away] from the law of Moses, breaking the Sabbath, and proclaiming to be Messiah.)
Jn.7:47: “The Pharisees responded to the guards, ‘Have you also been deceived?'” (The Pharisees believed that they were the source of authority. It was the Jews’ “duty” to obey the Pharisees. Jesus is an imposter and deceiver.)
1Cor.6:9: Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor sodomites will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Do not be deceived: Are people now just taking this scripture metaphorically?? There was a great danger of minimizing such pagan sins. Paul cautions against the teachings (opinions) of the false teachers. The soul is of infinite value for not be given entrance into heaven.
Idolaters/adulterers: The idolaters are likened to adulterers.Abandoning the the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. A spiritual harlot prostitutes oneself with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, and sin.
Sexual immorality: Paul points that what is legal does NOT mean it is beneficial for you. Paul also warns about being enslaved (dominated) by sinful activity. Sexual immorality, rampant in Corinth, has become mundane [commonplace] as food for the stomach. The body is not for immorality but for the Lord.
1Cor.15:32-33: “If at Ephesus I fought with beasts…Do not be lead astray; bad company corrupts good morals.” (Beasts: adversaries, evil spirits, idolaters, sorcerers, demon-possessed)
Gal.6:7: “Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap what he sows, because the one who sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows for Spirit will reap eternal from the Spirit.” (Paul warns us not to be led astray by false teachers (false teaching). God already knows our character and actions. God will then judge us accordingly.)
1Jn.1:8: If we say, ‘we are without sin’, we deceive ourselves. (Denial of the condition of sin is self-deception and contrary to God. This allows for recurrence of sin.)
The Greek noun planetes (planet) means wanderer.
The Latin verb errare means to wander, to go astray, and to deceive.
The Latin verb seducere means to lead away. The Latin noun seductio refers to the act of seducing someone to error.
The Latin verb inducere means to lead and to bring into.
The German verb betrugen means to betray.
The Greek very mukterizo means to turn up the nose (mukter) in scorn, to mock, to deride, and to insult
1Cor.15:32-33: Philosopher Heroclitus: the morals of the Temple of Artemis (Diana) crowd were worse than the morals of beasts. (Evidently, this was a permissive culture of idolatry, vice, and sexual immorality.)
Update: When Jesus associated with sinners, He told them to sin no more [Jn.8:11] and to not walk in darkness [Jn.8:12]. Jesus did not come to accept and accommodate peoples’ lived experiences and behavior.
This new synodal Church is now presenting Jesus who walks with and accepts one’s lived experiences. This is a Jesus who ignores sin and ignores warning others about walking in darkness. Mercy above all else, false compassion, and tolerance replaces sinning no more and true compassion.
This new synodal Church is now focusing so much on lived experiences to the exclusion of Church teachings. It is as if lived experiences has become an idol.
In typical Modernists’ fashion, the LGBTQ community is now being “marginalized and disenfranchised” by the Church’s harsh and rigid teachings”. Therefore, these “rigid” Church teachings must be reformed and changed.
Fiducia Supplicans is setting the stage for transforming same-sex unions as a new “irregular marriage relationship” Non-liturgical blessings are now being restored. This is another example of “slow walking” society’s acceptance of a new marriage relationship.
Instead of criticizing the German bishops’ obsession with homosexuality, Pope Francis criticizes them for moving too fast, not for their heresy!
In response to the German bishops, Pope Francis produces Fiducia Supplicans, paying lip service to Church teachings. In addition, this document creates “non-liturgical blessings for same-sex “irregular unions”. Pope Francis is seeking to “slow-walk” the culture’s acceptance of same-sex unions as acceptable marriage relationship.
Cardinal Roche, claiming to be the primary source of authority, claims that the ecclesiology of the Church has changed. The TLM must go!
The Modernists within the Catholic Church are creating liturgical confusion, chaos, and scandal. These Modernists are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Pope Francis’ synodal Church continues to engage in spiritual harlotry (exchanging worldly values, secularism, sin, and evil with the Church). This synodal process is just another human tradition enacted by the Modernists. Masses are now being enculturated with pagan practices. Ex. Panchamama fertility idol
Just as with Paul’s time, our post-Christian secular society is beset with sexual immorality, vice, and idolatry. Our society is faced with demonic influences in uprooting and undermining the culture and the Church. The devil has already sown division within the Church. Pope Paul VI warned that the “smoke of satan” has entered through a crack in the Church.”
The bishops’ silence and cowardice: this failure to speak out and teach about out sinful activity will lead to many souls (both clergy and laity) in mortal danger.
Make no mistake God is already aware of the division, heresy, schism, and confusion in the Church. God will inevitably make His response known in reaction to these problems.There is already beginning an organic counter-movement, inspired by the Holy Spirit movement toward Tradition, reverence and piety.
Skewed priorities: 90% of its budget is for immigration and refugee settlement. They have gone astray with their priorities!
1% of its budget is for pro-life causes. Why is this so small? Is this not a priority? Are they afraid to talk and advocate for this?
Continued lack of proper vetting of money from the government: some funds when to illegal immigration and human trafficking. The government money spigot has now been turned off.
The USCCB’s response to Bishop Strickland’s pleas of “What will it take” (to address the problems of synodality) were silent.
Why isn’t there a great need for Eucharistic adoration chapels in kneelers to receive the Eucharist to encourage greater reverence? Again, misplaced priorities.
“The primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas.” Pope Pius X
“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic faith, do not follow him.” Pope Pius IX
Feb 5: the memorial of St. Agatha
True freedom comes from serving Christ. Many of us often STRAY in pursuit of worldly freedom, becoming enslaved to worldly values, desires, and sin. We often serve false gods who demand our devotion but do not offer salvation.
Next post: Shame from doing or saying something wrong
Next post: Shame from withdrawing oneself (“I need to hide”)
(It is a shame that I cannot include all this in one post) ☺☺☺
The Catholic faithful are calling for that we may not rob God of His due!
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to rob a temple, to commit sacrilege, to steal, and to plunder.
Aristophanes’ Wasps 845: “Did you steal it from a shrine?”
Plato’s Phaedo 113e: “They, because they have committed many great deeds of sacrilege, or wicked and abominable murders, are cast by their fitting destiny into Tartaris.”
Plato’s Republic 575b: “What kinds of evils do you mean? They just steal, break into houses, cut purses, strip men of their garment, plunder temples, and kidnap.”
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 1.1.1: “Socrates is guilty of rejecting the gods acknowledged by the state and of bringing in strange deities. He is also guilty of corrupting the youth.”
Old Testament: This term means to have idols. The desecrator is grouped along with murderers and adulterers.
New Testament: The Greek verb hierosyleo means to rob temples and to commit sacrilege. The Greek noun hierosylos means temple robber and desecrater. These terms refer to violating (profaning) sacred things or misappropriating sacred things. Although still harmful and problematic, desecration is not as serious as idolatry.
“You who forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You who detest idols, do you rob temples?” Rom.2:22
Paul shows restraint in not yet accusing them of the serious sin of idolatry.
Yet Paul cautions that they might potentially have the inclination for the spirit of idolatry.
This spirit consists of not giving God His due and bestowing affections upon something else. (Robbing God of His due!)
This spirit may result in improper, defiled, and deficient offerings (sacrifices). [Mal.1:18]
“The men you brought here are not temple robbers, nor have they insulted our goddess.” Acts 19:37
Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis.
Paul and his followers preached the truth against idols and idol worship, but did not desecrate the temple.
Severe penalties were given for robbing temples.
Paul and his followers could not be charged with desecration (temple robbing).
Other plundering: Paul mentions that he had “plundered” (received support and provisions) from other cities in order to carry out his apostolic mission. (2Cor.11:8)
APPROVED Marian prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success (1594-1634) [More properly known as our Lady of the Good Event of the Purification]:
This prophetically predicted a “spiritual catastrophe”for the Church for middle 20th century to the present.
Widespread moral corruption.
Profanation of the sacrament of matrimony.
Unbridled lust will ensnare many souls.
Loss of innocence among children. Loss of modesty among women.
Depraved priests will scandalize the priesthood.
Lack of priestly religious vocations.
A period of catastrophe followed by a period of restoration.
Vatican II: As many Modernists would have you to believe, Vatican II has NOT led to revitalizing the Church. Rather, this has led to a spiritual and pastoral disaster. There are decreased vocations, liturgical confusion, questionable clergy, poor catechesis, increased sacrilege in the Church, declining church attendance at Novus Order Masses, closed churches, and decreased reverence for sacraments. The exception is the Traditional Latin Mass (increasing church attendance). However, the Bergoglian Reign of Terror is making its presence known in ending the TLM.
In ancient Greece/Rome, temples were places of refuge for slaves, criminals, and debtors.
The temple of Asylaeus was built on the hills of Rome.
The god Asylaeus was the patron of vagabonds and fugitives.
The Lord said to Joshua to designate cities of refuge.
In ancient Christianity, many recognized a right of asylum.
The practice of churches offering sanctuary is still observed in the modern era.
“Sacrilege is defined as taking something that belongs to God and using it profanely. But the worst kind of sacrilege is taking something and giving it to God when it means absolutely nothing to you.” G. Campbell Morgan.
G. Campbell Morgan succintly illustrates what sacrilege is. At some point, we are all guilty of giving God His due.
Old Testament: It think it is instructive to be reminded that that desecraters (“temple robbers”) are lumped with adulterers and murderers. This just illustrates the serious nature of sacrilege.
A sinful, immoral, indifferent, corrupt, or scandalous clergy who profanes his position: may be perhaps the WORST KIND OF SACRILEGE!
Update: Unfortunately, there are so many examples of sacrilege to illustrate.
Fiducia Supplicans has opened the door to sacrileges in churches by LGBTQ activists.
Funeral service for a transgender activist at St. Patrick’s:
There was a great failure in vetting the appropriateness of this event.
Numerous blasphemies, and sacrileges of the Catholic faith occurred.
A saint was mocked.
The priest chuckled that that they had a great turnout.
Cardinal Dolan privately, not publicly, authorized a Mass of Reparations for fear of offending the LGBTQ community.
Liberal Catholics supporting abortion who sacrilegiously receive the Eucharist at the very least should be publicly scandalized. Whether they can be banned from receiving the Eucharist may be difficult to enforce. We unfortunately hear of this much too often. (I think Pope Pius X was right all the long about liberal Catholics!)
More than a dozen Catholic bishops recently attended a closed-door “pro-transgender” conference organized by the heretical New Ways Ministry.
The French people just voted for to make abortion a constitutional right! Where are the French cardinals, bishops, and priests in this? Are they indifferent? Are they not stating Church teachings? Do they still believe in the Church’s teachings!
The Vatican has permitted Anglican services in the cathedrals in Rome. We must not be naive in thinking that ecumenical events cannot be sacrilegious!
American bishops have since 1968 have called the the National Catholic Report to not to be called Catholic for its progressive views.
The Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute report that Catholic Relief Services has promoted contraception through the use of condoms.
In a Novus Order in Germany, people are receiving Holy Communion in the hands in the tune of a chicken dance! In Germany, are you really surprised?
Canterbury Cathedral in Kent is being hired out for a rave. They call it the ‘Rave in the Nave’!
Novus Order Catholics at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress were transporting the Blessed Sacrament on what looks like a Home Depot transport dolly behind processing altar servers!
It seems that the Vatican is very much enamored with Fr. Rupnik’s grotesque artwork. Known to have sexually abused nuns, Fr. Rupnik is allowed to continue his art! This is grotesque on so many levels! This says a lot about the moral character of those in the Vatican!
Disgraced homosexual priest Fr. Wolfgang Rother attends the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag “ordination” in Germany!
“Pay no heed [do not ignore, discount, or overlook] the derision and mockery of the wicked. Have courage; you must never yield. You must go into the attack wholeheartedly, not in secret, but in public, not behind barred doors, but in the open in the view of all.” Pope St. Pius X
He was a Dutch Carmelite priest, theologian, professor, and journalist.
He was a fearless journalist speaking out against Nazi ideology.
He taught at several universities in the Netherlands.
He drafted the Dutch Catholic bishops’ pastoral letter condemning anti-Semitism.
He wrote and spoke against Nazis’ anti-Jewish marriage laws and propaganda.
He was transferred to the Dachau concentration camp and died a martyr.
He was beatified in 1985 and canonized in 2022.
Greek Hellenism: This term means persuasion, frankness argument, candor, and freedom to speak one’s mind.
Old Testament: This term, relating to a Hebrew term meaning “shining forth”, indicates the mark of the person who is: candid, open and frank, and being free to speak with boldness and confidence.
Lev.26:3: God freed you [Israelites] from the Egyptians’ slavery
Prov.10:10: He who frankly reproves promotes peace
1Macc.4:18: But now stand firm against our enemies and overthrow them
Isa.94:1: Avenging God, shine forth
Maccabees displaying courage of truth: in their defense of the faith during interrogations and witnessing to the truth of faith with their blood
Parrhesia (confidence, courage, boldness, and frankness): This is a gift from God. This is a courage in the face of persecution and a confidence in God. This gift requires a free human response in the Christian life. The perseverance of martyrdom in Old Testament texts expressed parrhesia and gained a special friendship with God. Speaking the truth requires living and embodying the truth, with the help of grace. Such scriptural examples include Acts 4:29-31 and 1Jn.3:18-22.
New Testament: This term means to speak boldly, to debate boldly, to draw courage, and to have courage.
Acts 9:27: Paul reported to the Apostles (in Jerusalem) how he had seen and had spoken to the Lord on the road to Damascus. Paul had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus.
Acts 9:29: Paul spoked and debated with the Hellenists, but they tried to kill him.
Who were the Hellenists?
Saul/Paul was a Hellenistic Jew. He wrote in Greek. He was also a Roman citizen, born in Tarsus, Turkey.
Palestinian Jews spoke in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
Foreign born Jews were raised in the Greek culture.
St. Stephen was a Hellenist. Yet, Hellenistic Jews’ actions ultimately led to St. Stephen’s martyrdom.
Acts 13:46: Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly that it necessary that the word of God be spoken first to you Jews. But since you Jews reject it, we now turn to the Gentiles.
Acts 26:26: [Paul]: The king knows about these matters (my incarceration) and to him I spoke boldly. I cannot believe that any of this “was not done in a corner”.
1Thess.2:2: After we had sufferedand had been insolently treated, we drew courage through our God to speak to you about the gospel of God with much struggle.
Having suffered and being insolently (mis)treated: Acts 16:19
Paul and Silas were being dragged into the public square before the local authorities.
Paul and Silas were accused of disturbing the city and advocating unlawful customs.
The magistrates had Paul and Silas stripped and beaten with rods.
Paul and Silas was placed in prison.
Drawing courage through God to speak the gospel to you:
They were not deterred (or afraid) from preaching the gospel.
They had the confidence and freedom to state the truth. They held nothing back.
There were no guarantees that they might not face obstacles and persecution.
They preached the truth everywhere they went.
They spoke a gospel free from human doctrines, inventions, or novelties.
They were not concerned about the world’s values or people’s opinions.
They were not fearful or afraid of offending others.
Quotes on courage:
“To have courage for whatever comes in life–everything lies in that.” St. Theresa of Avila.
“Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Brene Brown
“Take up the cross of Christ with joy, determination, and courage.” St. Sharbel
“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” St. Augustine
Agent, fiducial (based on a firm reference), diction, dictate, eloquent, constant, constancy, have guide, guidance, commerce, march, move, handle
Secular parrhesia essentially pertains to the courage of man addressing other man. The divine element is lacking.
Acts 9:27: Paul’s encounter with Jesus was the turning point in Paul’s life.
Acts 26:26: Not done in a corner: this is a Greek proverb indicating that something is already well known. The entire history of Christianity is already public knowledge. Luke uses this terminology in part to provide certainty to his readers.
Update: Hopefully more will have their own “Damascus moment” in seeing (removing the scales) and speaking boldly about what is happening in the Church.
All of this confusion, chaos, and evil happening in the Church and in the world is certainly not done in a corner. The devil continues in his efforts to undermine and subvert God’s Church, authority, and creation.
We all must still mindful that there are Catholics, Christians, and Jews being persecuted. They all need our prayers so that they may find courage in their difficulties.
We all must have the courage to respond to the evils and ignorance of those promoting anti-Semitism. Perhaps we should call upon St. Brandsma to intercede for us.
The Bergoglian Reign of Terror (part 1): The faithful Bishop Strickland, being removed from office, has become a “white martyr” in boldly speaking out for upholding traditional Catholic teachings. And Bishop Strickland continues to boldly speak out.
We all must thank Cardinal Mueller, Cardinal Zen, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Schneider, Archbishop Vigano (and other cancelled clergy ) for boldly speaking out on various issues.
We also must give great thanks to the many UNSUNG HEROES already in the trenches speaking out in media, social media and blogosphere: Catholic journalists, Catholic bloggers and Catholic content creators. They continue to instruct, edify, and inspire many Catholics and Christians. They have sounded the clarion call to return to tradition.
The Bergoglian Reign of Terror (part 2): During Pope Francis’ papacy, clergy talking about and defending traditional Catholic teachings (priestly celibacy, no women priests, Traditional Latin Mass, tradition, etc) unfortunately is now being seen as an act of courage.
The Bergoglian Reign of Terror (part 3): More and more Catholics are being called to persevere (have courage) as more and more Traditional Latin Mass venues are being shut down.
We all must have a supplicating trust (fiducia supplicans) in speaking boldly and courageously in faith for Christ.
[Greek] δειλία (deilia), [Latin] timor, [German] shrecken, [Old Irish] fer: cowardice, timidity, fear, lack of moral strength; 2Tim.1:7
Pope Pius X prophetically warns us (both laity and clergy) that we MUST NOT be silent, cowardly, or indifferent in response to evil (serious moral concerns and issues). Our silence only serves to strengthen and embolden the wicked.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means timidity, cowardice, accused of being cowardly, and misery.
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.37: “Although you have seen neither cowardice nor lack of spirit in me. With what face can I now show myself whenever I go to?”
Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 536: “Come, tell me, in the name of the gods was it cowardice or folly which you saw in me and which led you to plot this thing.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 8.26: “Then Tigranes uttered a most noble saying but the king deemed him a coward for it.”
Old Testament: This term means terror, dread, ruin, destruction, weakness, sluggishness, and laziness.
New Testament: This term means cowardice, lack of moral strength, and timidity.
“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather a power of love and self-control.” 2Tim.1:7
Spirit of cowardice:
Timidity and shrinking from daily difficulties that a Christian faces.
The Holy Spirit is not found in the cowardice of the person.
Shrinking from doing one’s duties and responsibilities. (Clergy, this means you!)
Deficiencies in moral qualities and activities.
Having the power to fight for Christ (God).
Having the ability to patiently endure, to have steadfastness, and to resist temptation.
Being well-balanced, sober-minded, prudent which is necessary for performing one’s office (ministry).
Ultramontanism: “papa ultramontano” (a pope beyond the mountains):
This is an 18th century political heresy thatplaces a strong emphasis on the desires and powers of the Pope.
The term ultramontain referred to Catholics who supported papal authority in French affairs.
Ultramontane Catholics emphasized the pope’s authority over temporal affairs (of civil governments) and spiritual affairs (of the Church).
Interestingly, ultramontanism became closely associated with the Jesuits.
A new variation (hyper-papalism) seems to have presented itself during Pope Francis’ papacy.
Hyperpapalism in Pope Francis papacy?”
Many have claimed that it is required that you must follow and accept Pope Francis’s actions, teachings, and statements.
You are required to follow Pope Francis at all times.
If you do not follow Pope Francis, then you are being divisive or schismatic.
There exists a large contingent of “pope-splainers” (Pope Francis’ inner circle, journalists, media organizations who will defend, propagandize, and clarify for Pope Francis).
But what happens when Pope Francis causes confusion, chaos, and controversy? Are you still supposed to follow him?
This issue has really come to the forefront in light of Fiducia Supplicans!
The new theological litmus test in the Church: “Where do you stand on Fiducia Supplicans?” (blessing of sin)
Fiducia Supplicans has introduced the notion of offering blessings to same-sex couples. This is the blessing of sin.
Cardinals, bishops, and priests each will ultimately have to take a stand on this issue.
Clergy’s weakness, moral cowardice, and silence on this issue will no longer be satisfactory. To many, silence will be seen as tacit acceptance of this notion.
Many cardinals, bishops, and priests will inevitably face pressure (opposition) from the Vatican, fellow clergy, and the laity.
Some cardinals, bishops, and priests will inevitably face difficult decisions: potentially losing out on on advancement/appointments from Church leadership.
Cardinals also need to be reminded why their wear blood red garments. They are called to die for their faith.
Quotes on cowardice and weakness:
“It is up to you, the laity, to remind our priests to be priests, and our bishops to be bishops.” Archbishop Sheen (Archbishop Sheen reminds clergy to stand up.)
“The most deadly poison in our times is indifference. Let us strive therefore to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.” St. Maximillian Kolbe (St. Maximillian Kolbe reminds all of us that we must be engaged. Not getting involved is just not good enough.)
“Sin makes man a coward, but life in the Truth of Christ makes him bold.” St. John Chrysostom (St. John Chrysostom reminds all of us that stating the truth often requires one to be bold and courageous.)
“If God sends you many suffering, it is a sign that He has great plans for you, and He certainly wants to make you a saint.” St. Ignatius of Loyola (St. Ignatius reminds all of us there could be a cost [difficulties, persecution, and martyrdom] in following Christ.)
“Grace and truth will in turn give rise to courage. Following Christ has always demanded courage.” St. John Paul II
Timid, timidity, shriek, fear, fearful
Paul, a prisoner in Rome, sent his letter to a somewhat weak and timid Timothy. Paul was trying to give Timothy some encouragement and consolation.
Update: We must not forget that Bishop Strickland was the only clergy present when protesting the Los Angeles Dodgers’ organization honoring the scandalous ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’. Why was Bishop Strickland the only one there?? (It was because other clergy were afraid of offending their superiors, the Vatican, Pope Francis, and the LGBTQ community!)
Cardinal Dolan decided to PRIVATELY hold a Mass of Reparations for that scandalous funeral service at St. Patrick. It seems he did not want to offend the LGBTQ community. Sounds cowardly!
In light of the aftermath from Fiducia Supplicans, some clergy have responded either favorably or negatively to this document.
It now seems that Fiducia Supplicans has become an important inflection point in determining what type of Church we will have!
Hyperpapalism is just another human invention derived from an earlier heresy. This skewed thinking believes that the pope has become an “oracle of God”.
Even Cardinal Fernandez, the Vatican’s doctrinal chief, espouses and defends the notion of “the doctrine of the Holy father”!
Yet many clergy have remained quiet and afraid of the potential repercussions from the Vatican and religious superiors. Perhaps some remain silent in being fearful of losing out on appointments or advancement in the Church hierarchy. Or perhaps some remain silent, hoping that this issue will just blow over.
In light of the controversies, confusion, and chaos in Pope Francis’ papacy, Pope Francis’ “pope-splainers” have continued the battle cry of “You must obey Pope Francis!” (for whatever issue that occurs).
It can be said that Pope Francis’ “pope-splainers” may be likened to modern-day “Ultramontaine” Catholics
It is very interesting that Jesuits are tied to both Ultramontanism and Hyperpapalism. Is that a coincidence?
For a spiritual head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis seems to engage heavily into the political realm, perhaps more than he should! Sounds like a Modernist. That is not a coincidence!
The Ivy League college presidents could not find in themselves to condemn genocide in their testimony before Congress.
“The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.” Pope Pius X
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” Pope Pius X
[Greek] διανοίγω (dianoigō), [Latin] aperture, [French] decouvrir, [French] denuder: to completely open, to explain, to open the womb, to understand (open the mind); Mk. 7:34-35, Lk.2:23, Lk.24:31-32, Lk.24:45, Acts 16:14, Acts:17:3
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to lay open, to connect, to reveal, and to explain.
Old Testament: This term means to bring forth, to bring out, to explain to glorify, to scatter, to open up the womb, to break apart, and to loosen.
New Testament: This term means to open, to open the womb, to understand (open the mind), and to explain.
Mk.7:34: Jesus looked up to heaven and said to the deaf man, Ephphatha! (Be opened!)
Mk.7:34: The man’s ears were opened.
Lk.2:23: Every male that opens the womb [being born] shall be consecrated to the Lord.
Lk.24:31: With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight.
Lk.24:32: They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?’
Acts 16:14: Lydia, a worshipper of God, listened, and the Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what Paul was saying.
Acts 17:3: Paul was expounding and demonstrating that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead.
Etymology: This Greek verb means to open (-anoigo) throughly (dia-). The Latin verb apertare means and to lay bare. An aperture is an opening, hole, and gap. The verb denude means to uncover.
uncover, aperture, denude
Lk.24:31: What hindered their sight (and knowledge) was taken away. When they saw what Jesus was doing, they perceived who He was. Upon recognizing this, Jesus vanished.
Lk.24:32: Jesus explained the scriptures to them. Their minds “were opened” with understanding.
Acts 16:14: Lydia receives graces and the Spirit to listen to Paul.
Acts 17:3: Paul brings forth what is concealed or obscure about the Messiah suffering and rising.
Update: Through the Biden administration actions and inactions, the US southern border remains. open.
Pope Francis continues to open his papacy to confusion and chaos.
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to engage in sacrilegious false ecumenism by allowing Anglican services into the Vatican cathedrals
Pope Francis and his inner, in their efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into worldly synodal Church in the image of man, are opening the Church with worldly values and sin.
Pope Francis and inner circle are opening discussion with other denominations about potential inquiries of deaconesses and women priests?
As time goes by, more and more Catholics (and Christians) are understanding (opening their eyes and minds) the destruction that Pope Francis is causing to the Church.
We are now facing open schism in the Church. The German Church is continually going off the doctrinal rails. Faithful conservative and traditional Catholic are in open battle with the Modernists.
[Greek] κλείω (kleiō), [Latin] claudare, [Latin] clausa: to shut, to close, to shut up, to shut up compassion, to block the entrance, to have no pity, to lock (with a key); Mt.23:13, Mt.25:10, Lk.4:25, Lk.11:7,Jn.20:19, Act.5:23, Act.21:30,
Background Information:
Old Testament: This term takes on the sense of shutting or closing. In Gen.7:16, Noah was making preparations to place his family and animals into the ark. The Lord had shut Noah in the ark. This term also is associated with its related noun form kleis (key). Interestingly, this is what a key precisely does: to control access (close or shut). Therefore, the holder of the keys (kleis) had substantial authority.
Eliakim: Isa.22:15,19-24:
Eliakim, the prime minister for King David, managed and controlled access to the palace.
Eliakim was responsible for executing the will of King David.
Eliakim held the keys (authority of the master of the palace).
Provisions are made for a successor in the event of the death of this gate keeper.
Eliakim becomes a precursor to Peter as a holder of the keys of authority.
Peter also essentially becomes a prime minister to Jesus.
Provisions are also made to provide for the popes (successors to Peter).
New Testament: This term means to close, to lock, to close off (refuse). For purposes of brevity, I will exclude scriptural examples of closed doors and closing doors.
Mt.6:6:”When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret
Mt.25:10: “While they [virgins] went off to buy it (oil), the bridegroom came and those who were ready went to wedding feast. Then the door was locked
Scribes and Pharisees lock the kingdom of heaven before human beings: Mt.23:13
Woe to you: scribes and Pharisees: a prophetic warning against the horrors and punishment for sin
The scribes and Pharisees are hypocrites in their actions and speech. They seek to embellish their reputation
By their authority they have the key (control) of knowledge of heaven
They are restricting access (entrance) into heaven
They shut up access by teaching false doctrines, human traditions, and restricting the truth of Jesus
The scribes and Pharisees do not themselves through this entrance.
Love for one another: 1Jn.3:11-18
We should love one another.
Cain, whose works were evil, belonged to the evil one.
Do not be amazed if the world hates you.
Whoever does not love remains in death.
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.
You know that a murderer has no eternal life remaining in him.
As Jesus did for us, we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
If one who has worldly means sees a brother and refuses (closes off) him compassion, how can God’s love remain in him?
Let us love in deed and truth and not in word and speech.
Why is everyone who hates his brother a murderer?
One who has within his heart has the spirit of the murderer leading the destruction of others.
God will hold one responsible as God will judge people for what is “in their hearts”.
God regard the inward disposition as to the tantamount act which would flow from it.
This “murderous spirit” contrasts with one laying down one’s life for the good of others.
Whoever hates his brother can potentially “murder” others’ souls and even “murder” one’s own soul.
Moral life: the intention and outward act is primary consequence.
Jn.8:44: The devil was a murderer from the beginning.
“If you excuse yourself in confession, you shut up sin within your soul, and shut out pardon.” St. Augustine
“What is reprehensible is that while leading good lives themselves and abhorring those of wicked men, some, fearing to offend, shut their eyes to evil deeds instead of condemning them and pointing out their malice.” St. Augustine
“You will never enjoy the sweetness of a quiet prayer unless you shut your mind to all worldly desire and temporal affairs.” St. Norbert
“Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times.” Unknown
“It is not an external enemy we dread. Our foe is shut up within ourselves. An internal warefare is daily waged by us.” St. John Cassian.
Keys, conclude, exclude, include, clause
Old Testament: Isa.22:15-19-24 provides the Catholic basis for Peter as the first prime minister for Jesus and first pope. Provisions were made for Peter’s successors.
I think many of us just take for granted what keys do: to control access to something. Keys open and shut (close) things. Keys are instruments of authority.
Mt.6:6: Besides being good advice, praying in secret provides for a more intimate relationship with the Father.
Mt.25:10: One must be prepared and ready to be able into the kingdom. Otherwise, the door will be shut.
Update: Although perhaps well-intentioned, Vatican II has resulted in a spiritual and pastoral disaster, resulting in the loss of vocations and church attendance. Pope VI’s “Smoke of Satan” (liturgical confusion and chaos) still remains enclosed in the Church.
Pope Francis has enacted Traditiones Custodes in order to shut down the thriving interest in the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Pope Francis evidently sees this as a threat (and hindrance) to his Modernist agenda.
In their “outreach” to the LGBTQ community, Pope Francis and his inner circle are evidently restricting access to forgiveness and conversion. These clergy are failing to point out the sinful nature of homosexuality and same-sex unions. They fail to mention Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). They are are now opening the door to giving blessings to same-sex couples.
Perhaps while claiming to be merciful, tolerant, and compassionate, these clergy could be guilty of “spiritual “manslaughter” for putting many souls into mortal danger and peril.
Those who engage in serious and those who permit others to engage in serious sin could both be “spiritually murdering” their own souls.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, promoting their Modernist ideology, has contributed to more liturgical chaos and confusion in the Church.
At least, Texas is making an effort to close the southern border. One cannot make this same statement for President Biden or Congress.
The Superbowl commercial “He gets us” is understandably creating controversy with its misleading and evil message of a different Jesus who “gets us” (accepts and tolerates) our sinful state. There is no mention of repentance. However, Satan is the actual one who “gets us” and affirms us in our sin.This sounds eerily similar to 2Cor.11:4.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to endure, to bear, and to abide.
Plato’s Phaedo 109e: “If this nature was strong enough to bear the sight, he would recognize that this is the real heaven.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 660: “Ever since I took into my hand this gift from Hector, my greatest enemy, I have gotten no good from Greeks. The gifts of enemies are not gifts and bring no good.”
Homer’s Iliad 1.586: “Be patient, my mother, and endure for all your grief.”
Old Testament: This term means to endure, to bear, to put up with, to restrain oneself, and to receive (accept) someone or something.
New Testament: This term means to endure, to accept (tolerate), and to forbear (be patient with). If you will put up with me, I will illustrate scriptures pertaining to questionable behavior. ☺☺☺
Mt.17:17: Jesus disappointingly puts up with the disciples’ lack of faith (in healing a boy with a demon).
Acts 18:14: The Roman consul would only consider (bear) hearing serious crimes rather than Jewish doctrinal issues.
2Cor.11:1: Paul asks for the Corinthians to put up with his foolishness.
2Cor.11:19: Paul points out that the Corinthians gladly put up with fools because they are ‘wise’.
2Tim.4:3: The time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, follow their own desires and curiosity, and accumulate teachers.
2Thess.1:4: Paul acknowledges the Thessalonians’ endurance and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions they endure.
“For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit form the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough.” 2Cor.11:4
Paul’s opponents in Corinth are identified with the cunning serpent. The battle of minds pertains to the Corinthians’ understanding of Jesus. The Corinthians are flirting with a different understanding (of Jesus) other than what Paul is preaching. Paul points to the Corinthians’ “tolerance” for immorality, corruption, and satanic influences.
Marcionism: This is a 2nd century heresy stating that the Old Testament scriptures were not as authoritative for a Christian. Marcion claimed that the Old Testament God was not the same as the New Testament God. Polycarp (85-160 AD) referred to Marcion as “the first-born of Satan” (for causing confusion).
False Compassion: “A person in authority who deprives his subject of the truth when he says, even with the best intention of helping them, ‘You may ignore the teachings of the Magisterium: God’s laws are too hard for you.’ By that he says in effect, ‘You are not and never be strong and good enough to adhere to these laws.’ Catholic psychiatrist Conrad Barrs
New Marcionism: Pope Francis and his inner circle are preaching another Jesus who accepts, tolerates, and accepts homosexuality and same-sex unions. In Fiducia Supplicans there is no mention of the Church’s teachings on Jesus’ command to sin no more nor on the need for repentance. And you wonder why the Vatican creates a new human tradition (innovation) of a non-liturgical blessing specifically for persons in an “irregular relationship”! Do you also notice that this document says irregular rather than sinful?
Soft bigotry of low expectations: Affirmative action, DEI, ESG, removing, lowering, and “dumbing-down” standards and requirements. These actions are often done in the name of “equity and equal outcomes”. These policies, originally intended to remove racism, are actually racist.
Etymology: The Greek verb anechomai derives from (ana-) up and (-echo) to sound. The Latin verb subportare means to carry (-portare) under (sub-). The Latin verb patere means to suffer, to endure, and to permit. The Latin noun passionem means suffering. Patient means capable of enduring misfortune and suffering. The Latin verb suffere means to carry (-ffere under (sub-). The Latin verb sustinere means to hold (-tenere) under (sub-).
Quotes promoting the new Marcion heresy:
Cardinal Hollerich: “When the Church doctrine was being created, the concept of homosexuality did not not even exist. Homosexuality is a new word. Even in St. Paul’s time, people had not idea that there could be men and women attracted to the same sex.” (Cardinal Hollerich, along with others in Pope Francis’ circle, is seeking to redefine, de-stigmatize, and normalize homosexuality).
Fr. Casey Cole: “There is no passage that speaks to the concept of homosexuality, per se. There are few passages that speak of homosexual acts mixed together with other circumstances that make any definite statement of homosexuality difficult to make.”(Fr. Cole believes that there must be further interpretation of scripture regarding same-sex unions. This further study is necessary in light of changing cultural values. Is he trying to find a way for the Church to be find this practice acceptable? Does he imply absence of the contrary means its acceptance?)
Sophocles makes reference to the notion of accepting gifts (beware of Greek bearing gifts).
2Cor.11:1: Paul alludes ironically to the Corinthians’ ‘toleration’ for others. Paul qualifies his actions as ‘foolishness’.
2Cor.11:19: Paul ironically compares his suffering to the Corinthians’ own illusion of ‘wisdom’. (“we’re good here, you can move along…”)
2Tim.4 :3: Paul prophetically alludes to Catholics (and Christians) who will not tolerate sound doctrine, following their own desires (curiosities, innovations, and novelties).
2Thess.1:4: Faithful Christian followers inevitably may face persecutions and afflictions.
Update: The mainstream and social media (aside from X) would gladly tolerate and accept censorship, political narratives, and content moderation if they can serve their political purposes. The mainstream media presenting President Biden as fit for office is one example of gaslighting the American people.
One can also easily imagine that Adam and Eve would say of the serpent: “he gets us.”
Pope Francis and his inner circle (like Fr. James Martin) are preaching a new form of Marcionism. They are preaching another Jesus who tolerates and accepts the sinful behavior of homosexuality. The Vatican is evidently ignoring and disregarding Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11).
Pope Francis’ document Fiducia Supplicans is opening the door to blessing same-sex unions. Fr. James Martin is already blessing same-sex unions.
Fr. James Martin claims that St. Paul was wrong on homosexuality. Are you surprised?
Soft bigotry of low expectations: You are not capable do it. Therefore, we need to lower the standards or cancel it altogether.
The misleading “He gets us” commercial is also preaching a different Jesus who is tolerant and accepting of our sinful state. We are flirting with a new “tolerant” Jesus. This commercial intentionally does not illustrate Jesus’ command for us to sin no more (Jn.8:11). This evil commercial would be something that Satan would be proud of (in creating confusion)!
What is Fr. Casey seeking to accomplish in being provocative about the Bible teachings on homosexuality? That the Church is incorrect on its teachings of homosexuality? That the he does not believe in the Church’s teachings? That the Church needs to re-evaluate its teachings? No wonder Fr. Jason Charron has called Fr. Casey “the firstborn son of Satan”. This accusation may sound inflammatory. But you can understand where Fr. Charron is coming from. Yet, Fr. Casey is causing confusion, opening the door to another Church who accepts and tolerates homosexuality.
St. Patrick’s Church staff claimed it was tricked in hosting a transgender activist’s funeral. This caused a sacrilege in the Church. Shocker! Yet someone at St. Patrick’s Church allowed and permitted this to happen.
Some school officials advocate for removing math because it is racist.
Some graduations, meetings, and gatherings are now being formed to cater to excluding whites.
More and more parents are not tolerating teachers teaching gender ideology to their kids.
More and more parents are not tolerating their kids being exposed to drag queens.
Quotes by Archbishop Sheen on tolerance:
“America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance, It is not. It is suffering from tolerance: tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos.”
“Christian love bears evil, but is does not tolerate it.”
“Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience toward evil. Tolerance applies only to persons… never to truth.”
[Greek] ἀποστρέφω (apostrephō), [Latin] mutare, [Latin] trader, [Latin] avertere, [French] se changer, [French] tourner: to turn away (back), to avert, to return, to bring back, to pervert, to remove, to prevent, to alienate, betray; Mt.5:42, Mt.26:52, Mt.27:3, Lk.23:14, Acts 3:26, Rom.11:26, 2Tim.1:15, 2Tim.4:4, Heb.12:25
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to turn away, to drive back, to divert, to dissuade, to abandon, to divide, and to rebut.
Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 5.5.36: “And you will not turn away from me as you did a little while ago.”
Aeschylus’ Agamemnon 850: “We will endeavor to avert mischief of the disease.”
Aristophanes’ Clouds 776: “How could you overturn that suit, because you had no response?”
Plato’s Sophist 239d: “He will easily take advantage of your poverty of terms to make a counter-offer, twisting our words to the opposite meaning.”
Old Testament: This term means to restore, to turn back, to return, to go home, and to turn away. These examples are found in everyday situations and in God’s relationship with His people.
New Testament: This term means to turn back, to put in, to return, to incite, to turn (away), to deviate, to repudiate, and to divert.
Teaching about retaliation: Mt.5:38-42
Lev.24:20: anyone who inflicts an injury on his neighbor shall receive the same in turn
But now offer no resistance to one who is evil
When someone strikes you (on your right cheek), turn the other one as well
If anyone goes to law with you on your tunic, hand over your tunic
Should anyone press you into service, go with him
Do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow
God raised up His Servant to bless you by turning each of you from your evil ways: Acts 3:26
Blessing is found in a change in heart, in turning away from sin and wickedness
Sin is the source of all woes
If people turn away from sin, they will be happy
God’s irrevocable call: Rom.11:25-27
In God’s design, Israel’s unbelief is being used to grant the light of faith to the Gentiles
You [Israel]: will not become wise in your own estimation
A hardening has come upon you [Israel]: until the full number of Gentiles come in
The Deliverer will turn away godlessness from Jacob
Grave need to preach the Gospel message: 2Tim.4:1-5
You [Timothy]: you must persistently proclaim when it is convenient or inconvenient
You [Timothy]: must convince, reprimand, and encourage through all patience and teaching
The time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine
They will follow their own desires and insatiable curiosities
They will accumulate false teachers
They will stop listening (turn away) to the truth
They will be diverted to myths
You [Timothy]: must put up with hardship; fulfill your ministry
Turning the other cheek:
How did the Roman soldiers view the Jews? The Jews were viewed as second-class citizens by the Romans. Soldiers tended to be right-handed. When a Roman soldier struck an “inferior” person, he would give a back-handed slap on that person’s right cheek.
How does a Roman soldier strike someone who is considered his equal? The soldier would would punch that person’s left cheek with his fist.
What does turning the other cheek accomplish? The Jewish person forces his Roman attacker to treat him as an equal, in striking his left cheek. This action serves to activate the soldier’s conscience in forcing show respect as an equal.
Apostrophe (rhetorical device): This is a rhetorical device where the speaker breaks away from addressing the audience in a play. The speaker speaks to an absent person or inanimate object.
Literal compositions:
“Hello, darkness, my old friend…” Simon and Garfunkle
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star…”
“Oh, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo…” Shakespeare
Update: Fiducia Supplicans opens the door to blessings to same-sex couples (in a sinful relationship). This document makes no mention for measures for forgiveness or turning away from this disordered relationship. This document proposes to bless sin!
Fortunately, there has been overwhelming and universal opposition to Fiducia Supplicans (blessing of sin). This indicates there are many who have not hardened their hearts in recognizing the evils of Fiducia Supplicans. The African bishops, still viewing homosexuality as morally undesirable, still recognizing the sinfulness of same-sex unions.
In the Western world (and other parts), many have hardened their hearts in accepting this homosexual lifestyle (and same-sex unions) as unsinful. Hopefully, the Western world will follow the Africa’s example in opposing homosexuality and same-sex unions.
Same-sex couples will falsely perceive that the Church will recognize their relationship as valid. Same-sex couples are already asking the Vatican for such blessings!
The Vatican, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community and same-sex couples fail to mention Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). In their failure to point this sin, these clergy are failing in their duty to bring souls to heaven. Rather, these persons’ souls are being put into a perilous mortal danger.
In our post-Christian secular world, many of us deny, ignore, or are unaware of what is sin and sinful.
Throughout Pope Francis’s papacy, there have many examples of human traditions, novelty, changed Church teachings, and questionable and heretical encyclicals. Sound doctrine is being excluded, dismissed, and changed.
The Modernists are fulfilling their desires to change Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. This is how worldly values and sin enter into the Church!
Pope Francis has gathered like minded Modernist clergy and “pope-splainers” to criticize others for their rigid and ideological beliefs. They even criticize their opponents for causing division and schism. (This is like the pot calling the kettle black).
Clergy and laity (who uphold traditional Catholic teaching in opposing Pope Francis) may often face hardship and persecution (being criticized, replaced, and cancelled).
An in-depth catechetical analysis of Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis: The Doctrine of the Modernists
This is a theologically dense and profound encyclical. This document CANNOT be grasped in one glance.
I have attempted to break down this encyclical into small “bite-size” pieces in a question/answer format (with the original words).
I have inserted my questions/answers throughout inside this encyclical.
I have inserted my thoughts and observations concerning the Church throughout this encyclical. Refer to MS:
I am a catechist, not a theologian. Therefore, I am offering a catechetical perspective.
Insights, observations, and conclusions:
With a few rare exceptions, Modernists can essentially be likened to Progressives.
Modernists can take on a wide range of beliefs, rather than a specific doctrine.
Modernists take on several roles: philosopher, believer, theologian, historian, critic, apologist, and reformer.
Pope Pius X felt compelled to respond to and warn us about the problematic Modernist ideology entering into the Church.
Modernists seek to find an explanation for religion INSIDE THEMSELVES (sentiment, perceptions, and experiences), producing changing dogma.
Finding an explanation [for religion] inside themselves rather than from a teaching Church magisterium sounds rather Protestant!
Modernists will ignore external objective supernatural reality because it is outside of their lived experiences and religious sentiment.
Pope Pius X states that Modernism is a “synthesis of all heresies”. This cumulative embracing of human subjective errors ultimately leading to atheism.
Vatican II’s naive intentions to “bring fresh air into the Church” has allowed Modernism to spread throughout the Church.
To be fair, all of the recent popes after Vatican II can be included. Pope Francis becomes the logical end result and consequence of Modernism creeping into the Church.
A careful examination of Pascendi Dominici Gregis provides a prophetic and clear explanation for what is happening in the Church.
This encyclical can also shed light on the problematic issues and concerns in Pope Francis’ encyclicals (and documents), and synodal documents.
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” Pope Pius IX
“On Tradition, the Modernists wage unrelenting war.” Pope Pius X
When was Pascendi Dominici Gregis written? Sept 8, 1907
To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops
and other Local Ordinaries in Peace
and Communion with the Apostolic See.
Venerable Brethren, Health and Apostolic Benediction.
The office divinely committed to Us of feeding the Lord’s flock has especially this duty assigned to it by Christ, namely, to guard with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words and oppositions of knowledge falsely so called. There has never been a time when this watchfulness of the supreme pastor was not necessary to the Catholic body; for, owing to the efforts of the enemy of the human race, there have never been lacking “men speaking perverse things” (Acts xx. 30), “vain talkers and seducers” (Tit. i. 10), “erring and driving into error” (2 Tim. iii. 13). Still it must be confessed that the number of the enemies of the cross of Christ has in these last days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ’s kingdom itself. Wherefore We may no longer be silent, lest We should seem to fail in Our most sacred duty, and lest the kindness that, in the hope of wiser counsels, We have hitherto shown them, should be attributed to forgetfulness of Our office.
What is the responsibility of the divine office of the Pope? To guard with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints. To reject the profane novelties of words and suppositions of falsely called knowledge.
Who are these enemies? Modernists
Why is there a need for such watchfulness? This is owing to the efforts of the enemy of the human race. There is never a lacking of men speaking perverse things (Acts 10:30), vain talkers and seducers (Tit.1:10), and erring and driving into error (2Tim.3:13).
Why is there concern about the enemies of the Church? They have increased exceedingly. They are striving by arts, with new and full subtlety. They destroy the vital energy of the Church. If they can they seek to utterly overthrow Christ’s kingdom itself. We may be no longer silent, lest we fail in our most sacred duty.
MS: Pope Pius led the Catholic Church from 1903 to 1914. It is quite evident that there was a growing Modernist concern back then within the Church. This became such a serious problem that Pope Pius X felt compelled to produce an encyclical to respond to these Modernists. We are also currently having to contend with these Modernists now in the Church!
Gravity of the Situation
2. That We make no delay in this matter is rendered necessary especially by the fact that the partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church’s open enemies; they lie hid, a thing to be deeply deplored and feared, in her very bosom and heart, and are the more mischievous, the less conspicuously they appear. We allude, Venerable Brethren, to many who belong to the Catholic laity, nay, and this is far more lamentable, to the ranks of the priesthood itself, who, feigning a love for the Church, lacking the firm protection of philosophy and theology, nay more, thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the enemies of the Church, and lost to all sense of modesty, vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church; and, forming more boldly into line of attack, assail all that is most sacred in the work of Christ, not sparing even the person of the Divine Redeemer, whom, with sacrilegious daring, they reduce to a simple, mere man.
Where are the enemies of the Church? They are open enemies and enemies lying hidden in the Church.
Why are these hidden enemies need to be deeply deplored and feared? They reside in the Church’s very bosom and heart. They are mischievous. They are less conspicuous when they appear. Many belong to the Catholic laity and ranks of the priesthood. They feign a love for the Church. They lack the firm protection of philosophy and theology. They are are imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the enemies of the Church. They have lost all sense of modesty. They vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church. They form more boldly into the line of attack. They assail what is most sacred in the work of Christ. They reduce the person of the Divine Redeemer to a simple, mere man.
MS: When you reflect on the gravity of this situation warned by Pope Pius X, you can also tie this to Pope’ Francis’ papacy. Pope Francis and his inner circle often play subtlely fast and loose with doctrinal teachings. They also create confusion and chaos in both intentional and unintentional ways. They often minimize and belittle philosophy and theology. Pope Francis continually calls for a renewal of the Church. Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to reform Jesus’ Church in a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. This is all accomplished at the higher levels of the Church. Pope Francis continues to preach a merciful Jesus who walks with us rather than a divine Jesus who calls us to sin no more. Mercy above all else trumps sinning no more.
3. Though they express astonishment themselves, no one can justly be surprised that We number such men among the enemies of the Church, if, leaving out of consideration the internal disposition of soul, of which God alone is the judge, he is acquainted with their tenets, their manner of speech, their conduct. Nor indeed will he err in accounting them the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church. For as We have said, they put their designs for her ruin into operation not from without but from within; hence, the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church, whose injury is the more certain, the more intimate is their knowledge of her. Moreover they lay the axe not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the faith and its deepest fires. And having struck at this root of immortality, they proceed to disseminate poison through the whole tree, so that there is no part of Catholic truth from which they hold their hand, none that they do not strive to corrupt. Further, none is more skillful, none more astute than they, in the employment of a thousand noxious arts; for they double the parts of rationalist and Catholic, and this so craftily that they easily lead the unwary into error; and since audacity is their chief characteristic, there is no conclusion of any kind from which they shrink or which they do not thrust forward with pertinacity and assurance. To this must be added the fact, which indeed is well calculated to deceive souls, that they lead a life of the greatest activity, of assiduous and ardent application to every branch of learning, and that they possess, as a rule, a reputation for the strictest morality. Finally, and this almost destroys all hope of cure, their very doctrines have given such a bent to their minds, that they disdain all authority and brook no restraint; and relying upon a false conscience, they attempt to ascribe to a love of truth that which is in reality the result of pride and obstinacy.
How does God view these enemies? They are the most pernicious of all adversaries of the Church.
What are their designs? The put their design for the Church’s ruin not from without but from within.
Where is this danger present? The danger is present in the very veins and heart of the Church. They lay the axe not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root to the faith and its deepest desires.
How do they attack the Church? They proceed to disseminate poison through the whole tree, so that there is no part of Catholic truth from which they hold their hand. There is no parts which they hold their hand that they do not strive to corrupt.
How do they accomplish this? They employ a thousand noxious arts. They double the parts of rationalist and Catholic. They do this so craftily that they easily lead the unwary into error. They are audacious in their actions. They deceive souls.
What are their doctrines? Their very doctrines have given such a bent to their minds, that they disdain all authority and brook no restraint. They rely upon a false conscience. They attempt to ascribe a love of truth which is in reality a result of pride and obstinacy.
MS: Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to “renew” the Church by tearing it down. Cardinal Roche stated, “the theology of the Church has changed.” Despite Jesus’ Church functioning the same way over 2000 years, the Modernists think they know better. This change is occurring at the very basic structure of the Church, because the Modernists are able to do this at the highest levels. Traditionally minded faithful bishops and priests are now being removed from their offices for refusing to “tow the Modernist line.” Pope Francis and his inner circle (Fr. James Martin) are failing to state traditional Church teachings on homosexuality and same-sex unions. The Vatican is now opening the door for blessings for same-sex unions. Many souls are now being led into sin and moral peril for believing that this is an acceptable lifestyle before God. They are producing a reality of tolerance, false compassion, and the blessing of sin.
Once indeed We had hopes of recalling them to a better sense, and to this end we first of all showed them kindness as Our children, then we treated them with severity, and at last We have had recourse, though with great reluctance, to public reproof. But you know, Venerable Brethren, how fruitless has been Our action. They bowed their head for a moment, but it was soon uplifted more arrogantly than ever. If it were a matter which concerned them alone, We might perhaps have overlooked it: but the security of the Catholic name is at stake. Wherefore, as to maintain it longer would be a crime, We must now break silence, in order to expose before the whole Church in their true colors those men who have assumed this bad disguise.
What is the concern about the Modernists? The Modernists did not respond to kind correction. The they were treated with severity. It was of great reluctance that they must be publicly criticized. However, these actions were unfruitful.
How did these Modernists respond back? They bowed their head for a moment, but they became more arrogant than ever.
Why is this a matter of great concern? This issue had become an issue of the security of the Catholic Church. It was necessary to break this silence and expose these Modernists who has assumed this bad disguise. To maintain silence any longer would be a crime.
MS: It can be said that the Modernists are “true believers” in their cause. Modernists honestly believe that they are actually improving, bettering, and renewing the Church. Pope Francis and his inner circle, thinking that they know better in their pride and arrogance, believe that Jesus’ Church must become a Synodal Church. As in Pope Pius X’s time, many faithful traditional, conservative, and moderate Catholics are becoming very alarmed about what is happening in the Church that Jesus established. One can no longer be silent as to what is happening.
Division of the Encyclical
4. But since the Modernists (as they are commonly and rightly called) employ a very clever artifice, namely, to present their doctrines without order and systematic arrangement into one whole, scattered and disjointed one from another, so as to appear to be in doubt and uncertainty, while they are in reality firm and steadfast, it will be of advantage, Venerable Brethren, to bring their teachings together here into one group, and to point out the connection between them, and thus to pass to an examination of the sources of the errors, and to prescribe remedies for averting the evil.
How do Modernists operate? They employ a very clever artifice. They present their doctrines without order and systemic arrangement into one whole, scattered and disjointed from another. Their doctrines appear to be in doubt and uncertainty, while they are in reality firm and steadfast.
Why is this encyclical necessary? It will be of advantage to bring their teachings together here in one group, to point out the connection between them, to examine the sources of their errors, and to prescribe remedies for averting this evil.
MS: Pope Francis and his inner circle, are often very clever in their efforts to “reform” the Church. They either will respond to circumstances or deliberately affect systemic change in order to promote their ideology. Oftentimes, their efforts continue to create chaos and confusion. Although we see their results and “fruits” of the Modernists’ efforts, we often do not see the Modernists’ theological, and psychological, and intellectual perspectives, motivations, and intentions. Pope Pius’ encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis offers great insight into how the Modernists think and act. This encyclical astonishingly offers great insights into the motivations of Pope Francis and his inner circle.
5. To proceed in an orderly manner in this recondite subject, it must first of all be noted that every Modernist sustains and comprises within himself many personalities; he is a philosopher, a believer, a theologian, an historian, a critic, an apologist, a reformer. These roles must be clearly distinguished from one another by all who would accurately know their system and thoroughly comprehend the principles and the consequences of their doctrines.
What sustains and comprises every Modernist? Every Modernist has many personalities: a philosopher, a believer, a theologian, a historian, a critic, an apologist, and a reformer. These roles must be clearly distinguished from each other to thoroughly comprehend the principles and the consequences of their doctrines.
MS: It would make sense that Modernists, in their efforts, would put on different personas. Pope Francis has become a vehement critic against Tradition. He has become a reformer in creating a synodal Church. He has become a theologian in advocating for a new Catholic paradigm for the Church. He has become a reformer by seeing a person marginalized by rigid teachings.
Agnosticism its Philosophical Foundation
6. We begin, then, with the philosopher. Modernists place the foundation of religious philosophy in that doctrine which is usually called Agnosticism. According to this teaching human reason is confined entirely within the field of phenomena, that is to say, to things that are perceptible to the senses, and in the manner in which they are perceptible; it has no right and no power to transgress these limits. Hence it is incapable of lifting itself up to God, and of recognizing His existence, even by means of visible things. From this it is inferred that God can never be the direct object of science, and that, as regards history, He must not be considered as an historical subject. Given these premises, all will readily perceive what becomes of Natural Theology, of the motives of credibility, of external revelation. The Modernists simply make away with them altogether; they include them in Intellectualism, which they call a ridiculous and long ago defunct system. Nor does the fact that the Church has formally condemned these portentous errors exercise the slightest restraint upon them. Yet the Vatican Council has defined, “If anyone says that the one true God, our Creator and Lord, cannot be known with certainty by the natural light of human reason by means of the things that are made, let him be anathema” (De Revel., can. I); and also: “If anyone says that it is not possible or not expedient that man be taught, through the medium of divine revelation, about God and the worship to be paid Him, let him be anathema” (Ibid., can. 2); and finally, “If anyone says that divine revelation cannot be made credible by external signs, and that therefore men should be drawn to the faith only by their personal internal experience or by private inspiration, let him be anathema” (De Fide, can. 3). But how the Modernists make the transition from Agnosticism, which is a state of pure nescience, to scientific and historic Atheism, which is a doctrine of positive denial; and consequently, by what legitimate process of reasoning, starting from ignorance as to whether God has in fact intervened in the history of the human race or not, they proceed, in their explanation of this history, to ignore God altogether, as if He really had not intervened, let him answer who can. Yet it is a fixed and established principle among them that both science and history must be atheistic: and within their boundaries there is room for nothing but phenomena; God and all that is divine are utterly excluded. We shall soon see clearly what, according to this most absurd teaching, must be held touching the most sacred Person of Christ, what concerning the mysteries of His life and death, and of His Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.
Modernists as philosopher:
Where do Modernists place the foundation of religious philosophy? In the doctrine of agnosticism.
Where is human reason? Human reason is entirely confined within the field of phenomena, the things that are perceptible to the sense, and in the manner in which they are perceptible. Human has no right or power to transgress these limits. Human reason is incapable of lifting itself up to God and recognizing His existence, even by means of visible things.
What can be inferred from this? God can never the direct object of science and history. God must not be considered as an historical subject.
MS: Modernists limit their human reason to what is only perceptible to the senses. It is not possible that human reason can comprehend God’s transcendent nature. The Modernist’s belief systems and dogma come primarily from their limited human understanding, perceptions, and sentiment. These human perceptions regarding their surrounding often provide the catalyst for needed change and reform. It can be said that Pope Francis perceives that current circumstances necessitates the need for to change Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man).
What does the Vatican Council say about those who claim that the one true God cannot be known by the light of human reason by means of the things that are made? Let that person be anethema. (Let that person be condemned).
What does the Vatican Council say about those who say it is not possible that God’s divine revelation can be made known by external signs? Let that person be anathema. (Let that person be condemned).
What does the Vatican Council say that man should be drawn to the faith only by their personal internal experience or by private revelation? Let that person be anethema. (Let that person be condemned).
MS: Pope Francis and his inner circle greatly minimize the importance that divine revelation (the full deposit of faith) has already been revealed. Instead, Pope Francis calls for that the Church and theology must be changed. He states there must be a new paradigm of Catholic theology responsive to the culture.
What is agnosticism? Agnosticism is a state of pure nescience (lack of knowledge or awareness, ignorance). This is a negative system of the Modernists’ belief system.
What is atheism? Scientific (and historic) atheism is a doctrine of positive denial.
What are the Modernists’ reasoning process? They start from ignorance as to whether God has in fact intervened in the history of the human race. They proceed, in their explanation of this history, to ignore God altogether, as if He really had not intervened.
What can be concluded from this? Modernists have a fixed and established principle that both science and history must be atheistic. Within their boundaries, there is room for nothing but phenomena. God and all that is divine are utterly excluded.
MS: Modernists already start from a very limiting human perspective, excluding divine revelation and teachings. Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBT community, seem to focus more on the worldly experience of mercy, inclusion, and tolerance. At the same time, they exclude or diminish the Church’s teachings on the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions. Some of the inner circle (Fr. James Martin and Cardinal Hollerich are now seeking to redefine, de-stigmatize, and normalize homosexuality. Cardinal Marx has stated that homosexuality is not a sin. Calling for a new understanding of Catholic theology pertaining to the culture perfectly ties in with their Modernist perspective.
Vital Immanence
7. However, this Agnosticism is only the negative part of the system of the Modernist: the positive side of it consists in what they call vital immanence. This is how they advance from one to the other. Religion, whether natural or supernatural, must, like every other fact, admit of some explanation. But when Natural theology has been destroyed, the road to revelation closed through the rejection of the arguments of credibility, and all external revelation absolutely denied, it is clear that this explanation will be sought in vain outside man himself. It must, therefore, be looked for in man; and since religion is a form of life, the explanation must certainly be found in the life of man. Hence the principle of religious immanence is formulated. Moreover, the first actuation, so to say, of every vital phenomenon, and religion, as has been said, belongs to this category, is due to a certain necessity or impulsion; but it has its origin, speaking more particularly of life, in a movement of the heart, which movement is called a sentiment. Therefore, since God is the object of religion, we must conclude that faith, which is the basis and the foundation of all religion, consists in a sentiment which originates from a need of the divine. This need of the divine, which is experienced only in special and favorable circumstances, cannot, of itself, appertain to the domain of consciousness; it is at first latent within the consciousness, or, to borrow a term from modern philosophy, in the subconsciousness, where also its roots lies hidden and undetected.
What is vital immanence? This is the positive part of the Modernists’ belief system. This is how they advance from agnosticism (negative part).
What are the consequences of vital immanence? Religion, whether natural or supernatural, must be explained. Natural theology is destroyed (dismissed). The road to revelation is closed through the reject of arguments of credibility. All external revelation is absolutely denied. Therefore, revelation must be sought inside man himself.
What does vital immanence accomplish and seek? The explanation for revelation will be sought (looked for inside man). Since religion is a form of life, the explanation must certainly be found in the life of man.
What is the first actuation (movement) of vital immanence? This comes from from the movement of the heart, which is called a sentiment. This is due to a certain necessity or impulsion.
MS: Modernists perceive revelation only through their human reason (inside themselves). From this comes Church teachings and dogma. One’s understanding of religion comes from this human reasoning, as external natural theology is excluded. So a clear explanation (religious immanence) must come from inside from himself. Faith is this movement (sentiment) which originates from a need of the divine. This faith (sentiment) produces dogma.
What is faith? God is the object of faith. Faith is the basis and the foundation of all religion, which consists in a sentiment which originates from a need of the divine. This need of the divine cannot belong to the domain of consciousness. It is at first latent within the consciousness (in the subconsciousness) where its roots lie hidden and undetected.
Should anyone ask how it is that this need of the divine which man experiences within himself grows up into a religion, the Modernists reply thus: Science and history, they say, are confined within two limits, the one external, namely, the visible world, the other internal, which is consciousness. When one or other of these boundaries has been reached, there can be no further progress, for beyond is the unknowable. In presence of this unknowable, whether it is outside man and beyond the visible world of nature, or lies hidden within in the subconsciousness, the need of the divine, according to the principles of Fideism, excites in a soul with a propensity towards religion a certain special sentiment, without any previous advertence of the mind: and this sentiment possesses, implied within itself both as its own object and as its intrinsic cause, the reality of the divine, and in a way unites man with God. It is this sentiment to which Modernists give the name of faith, and this it is which they consider the beginning of religion.
How does this subconscious need of the divine (within an man) grow up into a religion? Modernists reply that science and history are confined within two limits: one external (the visible world) and the internal (consciousness).
What is outside this visible world and consciousness? This beyond is the unknowable. This can be outside of man, beyond the visible world of nature, and lie hidden within the subconscious. The need of the divine excites in a soul with a propensity toward religion a certain special sentiment. This sentiment (inside the mind) possesses within it the reality of the divine, which in a way unites with God. It is this sentiment to which Modernists call faith, which is the beginning of religion.
MS: From his limited ability to grasp only the visible world and within himself, the Modernist invokes the reality of the divine from within himself. This religious sentiment within himself about God becomes the starting point for religion, faith, and dogma. Modernists fail to consider the divine reality outside their human perspective.
What is fideism? This a religious view or belief that faith must be held without the use of reason. This is blind faith. Faith can grasped only by forgoing rational inquiry.
8. But we have not yet come to the end of their philosophy, or, to speak more accurately, their folly. For Modernism finds in this sentiment not faith only, but with and in faith, as they understand it, revelation, they say, abides. For what more can one require for revelation? Is not that religious sentiment which is perceptible in the consciousness revelation, or at least the beginning of revelation? Nay, is not God Himself, as He manifests Himself to the soul, indistinctly it is true, in this same religious sense, revelation? And they add: Since God is both the object and the cause of faith, this revelation is at the same time of God and from God; that is, God is both the revealer and the revealed.
What also do Modernists find in this sentiment? They find revelation abides here.
Hence, Venerable Brethren, springs that ridiculous proposition of the Modernists, that every religion, according to the different aspect under which it is viewed, must be considered as both natural and supernatural. Hence it is that they make consciousness and revelation synonymous. Hence the law, according to which religious consciousness is given as the universal rule, to be put on an equal footing with revelation, and to which all must submit, even the supreme authority of the Church, whether in its teaching capacity, or in that of legislator in the province of sacred liturgy or discipline.
What do Modernists claim about every religion? Every religion must be considered as both natural and supernatural. Therefore, religious consciousness and revelation are synonymous.
What is the consequence of this? Even the supreme authority of the Church, whether in its teaching capacity, sacred liturgy, and discipline must must submit.
MS: Modernists may minimize, dismiss, or avoid the infallible Catholic teaching: “Outside the Church there is no salvation” stated by Pope Pius IX because it pertains to the unknowable which is outside of one’s frame of reference. Rather, one’s own religious experience and conscience provide the means for obtaining revelation. This religious sentiment (experience) takes on such importance that it equals or exceeds the Church’s supreme authority. The individual’s experience prevails.
It is interesting to note that Pope Francis (and previous popes) have undertaken questionable ecumenical efforts with other religions. In 2016 Pope Francis calls for a diversity of religions. Pope Francis implies that all religions are blessed and guided from above. Yet this notion is in stark contrast to St. Augustine’s statement that no one can find salvation in the Catholic Church. Modernists often elevate the reality and importance of one’s religious sentiment. To be fair, this sentiment is now currently held by many people as of today in the Church.
Deformation of Religious History the Consequence
9. However, in all this process, from which, according to the Modernists, faith and revelation spring, one point is to be particularly noted, for it is of capital importance on account of the historico-critical corollaries which are deduced from it. – For the Unknowable they talk of does not present itself to faith as something solitary and isolated; but rather in close conjunction with some phenomenon, which, though it belongs to the realm of science and history yet to some extent oversteps their bounds. Such a phenomenon may be an act of nature containing within itself something mysterious; or it may be a man, whose character, actions and words cannot, apparently, be reconciled with the ordinary laws of history. Then faith, attracted by the Unknowable which is united with the phenomenon, possesses itself of the whole phenomenon, and, as it were, permeates it with its own life. From this two things follow. The first is a sort of transfiguration of the phenomenon, by its elevation above its own true conditions, by which it becomes more adapted to that form of the divine which faith will infuse into it. The second is a kind of disfigurement, which springs from the fact that faith, which has made the phenomenon independent of the circumstances of place and time, attributes to it qualities which it has not; and this is true particularly of the phenomena of the past, and the older they are, the truer it is. From these two principles the Modernists deduce two laws, which, when united with a third which they have already got from agnosticism, constitute the foundation of historical criticism. We will take an illustration from the Person of Christ. In the person of Christ, they say, science and history encounter nothing that is not human. Therefore, in virtue of the first canon deduced from agnosticism, whatever there is in His history suggestive of the divine, must be rejected. Then, according to the second canon, the historical Person of Christ was transfigured by faith; therefore everything that raises it above historical conditions must be removed. Lately, the third canon, which lays down that the person of Christ has been disfigured by faith, requires that everything should be excluded, deeds and words and all else that is not in keeping with His character, circumstances and education, and with the place and time in which He lived. A strange style of reasoning, truly; but it is Modernist criticism.
What is the Unknowable? This [religious sentiment] is in close conjunction with some phenomenon. It belongs to the realm of science and history yet to some extent oversteps their bounds. Such phenomenon may be an act of nature within itself something mysterious. It may be a man, whose character, actions, and words cannot be reconciled with ordinary laws of history. Faith is united with the phenomenon, by its elevation above its own true conditions.
What is meant by the transfiguration of the phenomenon? Its true conditions are elevated. It becomes more adapted to that form of the divine which faith will infuse into it. Faith has transfigured the phenomena to something beyond reason. This phenomena qualities adapts quality of the divine.
What is meant by the disfigurement of the phenomenon? Faith has made the phenomenon independent of the circumstances of place and time. Disfigurement attributes to it [phenomenon] qualities which it has not. This is true particularly of phenomenon of the past. They older they are, the truer it is.
From these two principles, what can the Modernists deduce? Two laws, when united with a third law, constitute the foundation of historical criticism.
What is the person of Christ? Science and history encounter nothing that is not human. Whatever there is in His history suggestive of the divine, must be rejected. The historical Person of Christ has been disfigured by faith. This requires that everything should be excluded, deeds and words and all else that is not in keeping with His character, circumstances, education, and with the place and time in which He lived. This is Modern criticism.
MS: Certain phenomena cannot be fully explained by science. Yet according to the Modernist, the unknowable is a phenomenon, yet belonging to the realm of science and history, oversteps the bound of human understanding. Faith permeates this phenomenon. Transfiguration (adapting qualities of the divine) distorts the historical aspect of the phenomenon. Anything that raises phenomenon above historical considerations must be rejected. Disfigurement (giving qualities outside of place and time) of phenomenon gives it qualities which it has not. Modernists employ historical criticism which excludes and diminishes aspects of faith. Modernists often reduce or exclude the supernatural aspects of Jesus in the place and time He lived. Christ is purely a historical person but disfigured into the divine.
10. Therefore the religious sentiment, which through the agency of vital immanence emerges from the lurking places of the subconsciousness, is the germ of all religion, and the explanation of everything that has been or ever will be in any religion. The sentiment, which was at first only rudimentary and almost formless, gradually matured, under the influence of that mysterious principle from which it originated, with the progress of human life, of which, as has been said, it is a form. This, then, is the origin of all religion, even supernatural religion; it is only a development of this religious sentiment. Nor is the Catholic religion an exception; it is quite on a level with the rest; for it was engendered, by the process of vital immanence, in the consciousness of Christ, who was a man of the choicest nature, whose like has never been, nor will be. – Those who hear these audacious, these sacrilegious assertions, are simply shocked! And yet, Venerable Brethren, these are not merely the foolish babblings of infidels. There are many Catholics, yea, and priests too, who say these things openly; and they boast that they are going to reform the Church by these ravings! There is no question now of the old error, by which a sort of right to the supernatural order was claimed for the human nature. We have gone far beyond that: we have reached the point when it is affirmed that our most holy religion, in the man Christ as in us, emanated from nature spontaneously and entirely. Than this there is surely nothing more destructive of the whole supernatural order. Wherefore the Vatican Council most justly decreed: “If anyone says that man cannot be raised by God to a knowledge and perfection which surpasses nature, but that he can and should, by his own efforts and by a constant development, attain finally to the possession of all truth and good, let him be anathema” (De Revel., can. 3).
What is the religious sentiment? This is, through the agency of vital immanence, is the germ of all religion. Religious sentiment emerges from the subconsciousness. Religious sentiment is the explanation of everything that has been or ever will be in any religion. The sentiment is a form. This is the origin of all religion, even supernatural religion.
How is the religious sentiment shaped and formed? The religious sentiment is gradually matured under the influence of this principle with the progress of life.
What does Pius X point out? There are many Catholics and Catholic priest who say these things openly. They boast that they are going to reform the Church by these ravings.
What does the Vatican Council say about anyone who says that man cannot be raised by God to a knowledge and perfection that surpasses nature. But he can by his own efforts can attain a possession of all truth and good (by himself)? Let that person be anathema. (Let that person be condemned).
MS: Modernists develop their religion through this religious sentiment, shaped by the progress of life. This progress of life is shaped and defined by Modernists seeing and responding to the human condition and surroundings. This in turn produces and shapes religion, theology, doctrine, and theology. This notion partly provides the basis for Pope Francis and his inner circle in perceiving themselves as reformers of the Church. They continually believe that the Church must be changed and renewed.
The Origin of Dogmas
11. So far, Venerable Brethren, there has been no mention of the intellect. Still it also, according to the teaching of the Modernists, has its part in the act of faith. And it is of importance to see how. – In that sentiment of which We have frequently spoken, since sentiment is not knowledge, God indeed presents Himself to man, but in a manner so confused and indistinct that He can hardly be perceived by the believer. It is therefore necessary that a ray of light should be cast upon this sentiment, so that God may be clearly distinguished and set apart from it. This is the task of the intellect, whose office it is to reflect and to analyze, and by means of which man first transforms into mental pictures the vital phenomena which arise within him, and then expresses them in words. Hence the common saying of Modernists: that the religious man must ponder his faith. – The intellect, then, encountering this sentiment directs itself upon it, and produces in it a work resembling that of a painter who restores and gives new life to a picture that has perished with age. The simile is that of one of the leaders of Modernism. The operation of the intellect in this work is a double one: first by a natural and spontaneous act it expresses its concept in a simple, ordinary statement; then, on reflection and deeper consideration, or, as they say, by elaborating its thought, it expresses the idea in secondary propositions, which are derived from the first, but are more perfect and distinct. These secondary propositions, if they finally receive the approval of the supreme magisterium of the Church, constitute dogma.
What is noteworthy about sentiment by itself? Sentiment is not knowledge.
According to Modernists, how does God present Himself to man? God presents Himself in a manner so confused and indistinct that He can hardly be perceived by the believer. It is necessary for intellect to cast a ray of light on this sentiment, so that God may be clearly distinguished and set apart from it.
What is the task of the intellect? Its office is to reflect and to analyze. It provides the means by which man first transforms the vital phenomena (which arise within him) into mental pictures. The intellect expresses them in words.
What is the common saying of Modernists? The religious man must ponder his faith.
What does the intellect accomplish? The intellect directs itself upon the sentiment. The intellect produced in it a work resembling that of a painter who restores and gives life to a picture that has perished with age. This is a simile of the Modernist leaders.
What are the operations of the intellect? The intellect, in a natural and spontaneous act, expresses it concept in a simple and ordinary statement. The intellect, on deeper reflection and consideration, expresses the idea in more perfect and distinct secondary propositions, which is derived from the first.
What does these secondary propositions constitute? Dogma
MS: The Modernist, with his sentiment acting upon his intellect, perceives himself as a restorer or reformer. This intellectual notion (statement or reflection) produces dogma. Pope Francis and his inner circle, perceiving that individuals (in an irregular union) are being marginalized. The Vatican develops a new human innovation (novelty) of blessing individuals in same-sex unions. Yet this creates confusion pertaining to Church teachings on marriage and blessings. Pope Francis claim that this is a non-liturgical blessing. Yet this blessing becomes redundant as unnecessary as general blessings for the individual (in whatever sinful state he is in) already exist. One then can easily surmise that this was a specific blessing intended for same sex unions.
12. Thus, We have reached one of the principal points in the Modernists’ system, namely the origin and the nature of dogma. For they place the origin of dogma in those primitive and simple formulae, which, under a certain aspect, are necessary to faith; for revelation, to be truly such, requires the clear manifestation of God in the consciousness. But dogma itself they apparently hold, is contained in the secondary formulae.
What is the origin and nature of dogma according to the Modernists? Revelation requires the clear manifestation of God in the consciousness. This in turn produces dogma.
To ascertain the nature of dogma, we must first find the relation which exists between the religious formulas and the religious sentiment. This will be readily perceived by him who realizes that these formulas have no other purpose than to furnish the believer with a means of giving an account of his faith to himself. These formulas therefore stand midway between the believer and his faith; in their relation to the faith, they are the inadequate expression of its object, and are usually called symbols; in their relation to the believer, they are mere instruments.
How does one ascertain dogma? One must first find the relation which exists between religious sentiment and religious formulas. These formulas have no other purpose than to furnish the believer with a means of giving an account of his faith to himself. Religious sentiment precedes religious formulas.
Where do these formulas reside? They stand midway between the believer and his faith. They are usually called symbols. In the relationship to the believer, they are mere instruments.
Its Evolution
13. Hence it is quite impossible to maintain that they express absolute truth: for, in so far as they are symbols, they are the images of truth, and so must be adapted to the religious sentiment in its relation to man; and as instruments, they are the vehicles of truth, and must therefore in their turn be adapted to man in his relation to the religious sentiment. But the object of the religious sentiment, since it embraces that absolute, possesses an infinite variety of aspects of which now one, now another, may present itself. In like manner, he who believes may pass through different phases. Consequently, the formulae too, which we call dogmas, must be subject to these vicissitudes, and are, therefore, liable to change. Thus the way is open to the intrinsic evolution of dogma. An immense collection of sophisms this, that ruins and destroys all religion. Dogma is not only able, but ought to evolve and to be changed. This is strongly affirmed by the Modernists, and as clearly flows from their principles. For amongst the chief points of their teaching is this which they deduce from the principle of vital immanence; that religious formulas, to be really religious and not merely theological speculations, ought to be living and to live the life of the religious sentiment. This is not to be understood in the sense that these formulas, especially if merely imaginative, were to be made for the religious sentiment; it has no more to do with their origin than with number or quality; what is necessary is that the religious sentiment, with some modification when necessary, should vitally assimilate them. In other words, it is necessary that the primitive formula be accepted and sanctioned by the heart; and similarly the subsequent work from which spring the secondary formulas must proceed under the guidance of the heart. Hence it comes that these formulas, to be living, should be, and should remain, adapted to the faith and to him who believes. Wherefore if for any reason this adaptation should cease to exist, they lose their first meaning and accordingly must be changed. And since the character and lot of dogmatic formulas is so precarious, there is no room for surprise that Modernists regard them so lightly and in such open disrespect. And so they audaciously charge the Church both with taking the wrong road from inability to distinguish the religious and moral sense of formulas from their surface meaning, and with clinging tenaciously and vainly to meaningless formulas whilst religion is allowed to go to ruin. Blind that they are, and leaders of the blind, inflated with a boastful science, they have reached that pitch of folly where they pervert the eternal concept of truth and the true nature of the religious sentiment; with that new system of theirs they are seen to be under the sway of a blind and unchecked passion for novelty, thinking not at all of finding some solid foundation of truth, but despising the holy and apostolic traditions, they embrace other vain, futile, uncertain doctrines, condemned by the Church, on which, in the height of their vanity, they think they can rest and maintain truth itself.
What are these symbols? They are images of truth. It is impossible for these symbols to express absolute truth. They are images of truth and must be adapted to the religious sentiment in its relationship to man. Instruments are vehicles of truth, which in turn are adapted to man in his relationship to the religious sentiment.
What is the object of the religious sentiment? Since it embraces the absolute, it possesses and infinite variety of aspects which may present itself. He who believes may pass through different phases. Therefore, dogmas must be subject or liable to change.
What is the consequence of this? This points to the intrinsic evolution of dogma. Dogma is not only able to evolve and change. These principles are clearly affirmed by the Modernists. These can become an immense collection of sophisms that ruins and destroys religion.
What is the principle of vital immanence? Religious formulas ought to be living and to live the life of the religious sentiment. It is necessary that these religious formulas be accepted and sanctioned by the heart. Dogmas must proceed under the guidance of the heart. These formulas, to be living, should be and should remain adapted to the faith and to him who believes.
What if this religious sentiment ceases to exist? They lose their first meaning and accordingly must be changed. Therefore dogma should change.
MS: Modernists, rather than focusing on absolute truth, focus more on images of truth which are adapted the religious sentiment of the person. This allows for changing and different perceptions of truth. Changing perceptions of truth provides the basis for the need to continually renew an old ancient Catholic Church. Subjectivity rather than objectivity becomes of greater significance. Cumulative changes, influenced by human errors and subjectivity, gives greater credence to Pope Pius X’s notion that Modernism leads to atheism (moving farther away from God’s truth).
What is Pope Pius IX’s view toward to the Modernists? Modernists have little regard for the consequences of changing dogma. The Modernists charge the Church for taking the wrong road for its inability to distinguish the religious and moral sense of formulas. The Modernists cling tenaciously to meaningless formulas. Modernists pervert the eternal concept of truth and the true nature of the religious sentiment. Modernist are seen to be swayed by the blind and unchecked passion for novelty. They think that they can rest and maintain truth itself.
What is the consequences of this passion for novelty? Modernists do not think at all for finding some solid foundation of truth. Modernists despise the holy and apostolic traditions. Modernists embrace other vain, futile, and uncertain doctrines condemned by the Church. In their vanity, they think they can rest and maintain truth itself.
MS: Pope Francis, in his attempts to renew the Church, is actually undermining and tearing down the traditions of the Church. Traditiones Custodes seeks to shut down the Traditional Latin Mass. According the Pope Francis and his inner circle, traditional and conservative Catholics must therefore be instructed and educated in accepting the Novus Order Mass. In Pope Francis’ view, having two forms of Mass is “divisive” for the Church. Pope Francis views the traditional priest, in his cassock, as a scandal to the Church.
The Modernist as Believer:
Individual Experience and Religious Certitude
14. Thus far, Venerable Brethren, of the Modernist considered as Philosopher. Now if we proceed to consider him as Believer, seeking to know how the Believer, according to Modernism, is differentiated from the Philosopher, it must be observed that although the Philosopher recognizes as the object of faith the divine reality, still this reality is not to be found but in the heart of the Believer, as being an object of sentiment and affirmation; and therefore confined within the sphere of phenomena; but as to whether it exists outside that sentiment and affirmation is a matter which in no way concerns this Philosopher. For the Modernist .Believer, on the contrary, it is an established and certain fact that the divine reality does really exist in itself and quite independently of the person who believes in it. If you ask on what foundation this assertion of the Believer rests, they answer: In the experience of the individual. On this head the Modernists differ from the Rationalists only to fall into the opinion of the Protestants and pseudo-mystics. This is their manner of putting the question: In thereligious sentiment one must recognise a kind of intuition of the heart which puts man in immediate contact with the very reality of God, and infuses such a persuasion of God’s existence and His action both within and without man as to excel greatly any scientific conviction. They assert, therefore, the existence of a real experience, and one of a kind that surpasses all rational experience. If this experience is denied by some, like the rationalists, it arises from the fact that such persons are unwilling to put themselves in the moral state which is necessary to produce it. It is this experience which, when a person acquires it, makes him properly and truly a believer.
Modernists as believer:
What is the object of faith? It is an object of sentiment and affirmation. This is contained within the sphere of phenomena. If it exists outside the sentiment and affirmation, it is of no concern to the philosopher.
What is of concern to the believer? Divine reality does really exist in itself and quite independently of the person who believes it.
What foundation does this assertion of the believer rest on? It is the experience of the individual. Unlike the Rationalist, the Modernist fall into the opinion of the Protestants and pseudo-mystics.
What is the Modernists’ religious sentiment? One must recognize a kind of intuition of the heart which puts man in immediate contact with the very reality of God. This infuses such a persuasion of God’s existence and His action within man and without man.
What is the existence of a real experience? This is of a kind that surpasses all rational experience. When a person acquires this experience, it makes him truly a believer. If this experience is denied, this arise from the fact that such persons are unwilling to put themselves in a moral state which is necessary to produce it.
MS: It is very important to realize one excludes the supernatural reality outside of his reason and phenomenon. What is outside is of no concern. Divine reality itself independent of the person does not exist. It is the experience (reality) of the person that takes precedence. The experience of bestowing mercy, tolerance, and false compassion given to others is more important than stating Church teachings. This explains why one can disregard, minimize, or even ignore Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). This results in less focus on sin, forgiveness, and conversion of heart. The reality of God is infused within one’s experience and sentiment.
How far off we are here from Catholic teaching we have already seen in the decree of the Vatican Council. We shall see later how, with such theories, added to the other errors already mentioned, the way is opened wide for atheism. Here it is well to note at once that, given this doctrine of experience united with the other doctrine of symbolism, every religion, even that of paganism, must be held to be true. What is to prevent such experiences from being met within every religion? In fact that they are to be found is asserted by not a few. And with what right will Modernists deny the truth of an experience affirmed by a follower of Islam? With what right can they claim true experiences for Catholics alone? Indeed Modernists do not deny but actually admit, some confusedly, others in the most open manner, that all religions are true. That they cannot feel otherwise is clear. For on what ground, according to their theories, could falsity be predicated of any religion whatsoever? It must be certainly on one of these two: either on account of the falsity of the religious sentiment or on account of the falsity of the formula pronounced by the mind. Now the religious sentiment, although it may be more perfect or less perfect, is always one and the same; and the intellectual formula, in order to be true, has but to respond to the religious sentiment and to the Believer, whatever be the intellectual capacity of the latter. In the conflict between different religions, the most that Modernists can maintain is that the Catholic has more truth because it is more living and that it deserves with more reason the name of Christian because it corresponds more fully with the origins of Christianity. That these consequences flow from the premises will not seem unnatural to anybody. But what is amazing is that there are Catholics and priests who, We would fain believe, abhor such enormities yet act as if they fully approved of them. For they heap such praise and bestow such public honor on the teachers of these errors as to give rise to the belief that their admiration is not meant merely for the persons, who are perhaps not devoid of a certain merit, but rather for the errors which these persons openly profess and which they do all in their power to propagate.
Why does this Modernist belief system can ultimately lead to atheism? Once this doctrine of experience is united to the doctrine of symbolism, every religion, even that of paganism, must be held true. What is to prevent such experience from being met within every religion. What right will Modernist deny the truth of an experience affirmed by a follower of Islam?
What is the consequence of this? Modernist actually admit that all religions are true. Falsity and religious predicated of any religion can be held true. Falsity of the religious sentiment or the falsity of the formula (pronounced by the mind). The intellectual formula has to respond the religious sentiment.
What can Modernist claim about the Catholic faith? The Catholic has more truth because it is more living and it corresponds more fully with the origins of Christianity.
MS: Instead of reliance on absolute truth, Modernists perceive their own religious sentiment (experience) as their own truth. Any form of religion will then have its own truth. Yet Pope Francis and his inner circle have no problem with questionable ecumenical efforts with other faiths. According to the Modernist, this personal reality (truth) takes precedence over absolute truth. This strays from the Catholic Church’s teaching that there is no salvation outside Jesus’ Church. Subjective changes in religion and revelation ultimately lead to atheism.
Religious Experience and Tradition
15. But this doctrine of experience is also under another aspect entirely contrary to Catholic truth. It is extended and applied to tradition, as hitherto understood by the Church, and destroys it. By the Modernists, tradition is understood as a communication to others, through preaching by means of the intellectual formula, of an original experience. To this formula, in addition to its representative value, they attribute a species of suggestive efficacy which acts both in the person who believes, to stimulate the religious sentiment should it happen to have grown sluggish and to renew the experience once acquired, and in those who do not yet believe, to awake for the first time the religious sentiment in them and to produce the experience. In this way is religious experience propagated among the peoples; and not merely among contemporaries by preaching, but among future generations both by books and by oral transmission from one to another. Sometimes this communication of religious experience takes root and thrives, at other times it withers at once and dies. For the Modernists, to live is a proof of truth, since for them life and truth are one and the same thing. Hence again it is given to us to infer that all existing religions are equally true, for otherwise they would not live.
Why is doctrine of experience contrary to Catholic truth? It is extended and applied to tradition. This doctrine of experience destroys tradition.
How does Modernists view tradition? Tradition is seen as a communication to others of an original experience, through preaching by means of the intellectual formula.
How does this religious sentiment view tradition? The religious sentiment is stimulated, propagated among the people, among contemporaries by preaching, and among future generation by books and oral transmission. This communication of religious experience can thrive or die.
How do the Modernists view life? Living is a proof of truth, since life and truth are one and the same thing. Therefore all existing religions are equally true.
MS: Doctrine of experience, as opposed to Catholic truth, brings in worldly values, sin, falsity (lack of truth) which become immersed in religion, faith, dogma, and doctrine. This alters and destroys tradition. The Modernist sees tradition as communication of an original experience. Modernists view their experience as truth. Therefore, one can have his own truth. Absolute truths become just one type of truth. Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, are undertaking efforts to redefine, de-stigmatize, and normalize homosexuality. Homosexuality must now be viewed in a different context today. This is contrast to St. Paul’s biblical teachings about the sinful aspects of homosexuality. Pope Francis employs the doctrine of experience when seeks to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. A historical Tradition is changed to experiential tradition.
Faith and Science
16. Having reached this point, Venerable Brethren, we have sufficient material in hand to enable us to see the relations which Modernists establish between faith and science, including history also under the name of science. And in the first place it is to be held that the object of the one is quite extraneous to and separate from the object of the other. For faith occupies itself solely with something which science declares to be unknowable for it. Hence each has a separate field assigned to it: science is entirely concerned with the reality of phenomena, into which faith does not enter at all; faith on the contrary concerns itself with the divine reality which is entirely unknown to science. Thus the conclusion is reached that there can never be any dissension between faith and science, for if each keeps on its own ground they can never meet and therefore never be in contradiction. And if it be objected that in the visible world there are some things which appertain to faith, such as the human life of Christ, the Modernists reply by denying this. For though such things come within the category of phenomena, still in as far as they are lived by faith and in the way already described have been by faith transfigured and disfigured, they have been removed from the world of sense and translated to become material for the divine. Hence should it be further asked whether Christ has wrought real miracles, and made real prophecies, whether He rose truly from the dead and ascended into heaven, the answer of agnostic science will be in the negative and the answer of faith in the affirmative – yet there will not be, on that account, any conflict between them. For it will be denied by the philosopher as philosopher, speaking to philosophers and considering Christ only in His historical reality; and it will be affirmed by the speaker, speaking to believers and considering the life of Christ as lived again by the faith and in the faith.
How do Modernists view the relationship between faith and science (and history)? The object of the one is quite separate from the object of the other.
Where does faith occupy? Faith occupies itself solely with something which science declares to be unknowable for it. Each has a separate field assigned to it. Faith concerns itself with the divine reality which is entirely unknown to science.
Where does science occupy? Science is entirely concerned with the reality of phenomena, into which faith does not enter at all.
What can be concluded from this? There can be never any dissension between faith and science, since each is separated (each kept on its own ground). They can never meet and be in contradiction.
How do Modernists respond when, in the visible world there are some thing which appertain to faith? The Modernists reply be denying this. They have been removed from the world of sense and are translated to become material for the divine.
MS: It is noteworthy that science, philosophy, and history will fall back closer to an agnostic or atheistic perspective. Faith does not enter into this realm of science (phenomenon). Instead, faith, within the unknowable realm is minimized, denied, or excluded.
Faith Subject to Science
17. Yet, it would be a great mistake to suppose that, given these theories, one is authorized to believe that faith and science are independent of one another. On the side of science the independence is indeed complete, but it is quite different with regard to faith, which is subject to science not on one but on three grounds. For in the first place it must be observed that in every religious fact, when you take away the divine reality and the experience of it which the believer possesses, everything else, and especially the religious formulas of it, belongs to the sphere of phenomena and therefore falls under the control of science. Let the believer leave the world if he will, but so long as he remains in it he must continue, whether he like it or not, to be subject to the laws, the observation, the judgments of science and of history. Further, when it is said that God is the object of faith alone, the statement refers only to the divine reality not to the idea of God. The latter also is subject to science which while it philosophizes in what is called the logical order soars also to the absolute and the ideal. It is therefore the right of philosophy and of science to form conclusions concerning the idea of God, to direct it in its evolution and to purify it of any extraneous elements which may become confused with it. Finally, man does not suffer a dualism to exist in him, and the believer therefore feels within him an impelling need so to harmonize faith with science, that it may never oppose the general conception which science sets forth concerning the universe.
Can it be assumed that faith and science are independent of one another? No. On the science side, the independence is complete.
What is on the side of faith? When you remove the divine reality, religious experience of it, and the religious formulas, this aspect now belongs to the sphere of phenomena. This aspect now falls under the control of silence.
What can be concluded when it is said that God is the object of faith alone? This statement only refers to the divine reality, but not to the idea of God.
What is the idea of God? The idea of God is subject to science. It is the right of philosophy and of science to form conclusions concerning the idea God. This entails the need to direct it in its evolution. This entail the means to purify any of its elements which may become confused with it. The believer feels within him an impelling need to harmonize faith with science.
MS: For the Modernist, one’s perception of God is framed up within philosophy, science, and history. This provides a flawed and incomplete picture of God. This impels the need to contemplate within himself the nature of God and religion.
Thus it is evident that science is to be entirely independent of faith, while on the other hand, and notwithstanding that they are supposed to be strangers to each other, faith is made subject to science. All this, Venerable Brothers, is in formal opposition with the teachings of Our Predecessor, Pius IX, where he lays it down that: In matters of religion it is the duty of philosophy not to command but to serve, but not to prescribe what is to be believed but to embrace what is to be believed with reasonable obedience, not to scrutinize the depths of the mysteries of God but to venerate them devoutly and humbly.
What do the Modernists believe? They believe that science is to be entirely independent of faith. Faith is made subject to science.
What does Pope Pius IX state about what philosophy? In matters of religion, it is the duty of philosophy to serve what is believed, to embrace what is to be believed with reasonable obedience. It is the duty of philosophy to venerate matters of religion devoutly and humbly.
MS: In this post-Christian secular world, the Church’s teachings must not impose itself on one’s beliefs and rights. The Church’s teaching must not impose itself on same-sex marriages, gender ideology, homosexuality, and lived experiences. These peoples’ truths cannot and must not be subjugated by the Church. The Synod of Synodalities proposes that the laity and clergy share in decision making. The German Synod proposes that the laity have decision making authority in the selection of bishops. This German Synod proposes that homosexuality will be permitted. At the end of the day, worldly values and sin will creep into the Church.
The Modernists completely invert the parts, and to them may be applied the words of another Predecessor of Ours, Gregory IX., addressed to some theologians of his time: Some among you, inflated like bladders with the spirit of vanity strive by profane novelties to cross the boundaries fixed by the Fathers, twisting the sense of the heavenly pages . . .to the philosophical teaching of the rationals, not for the profit of their hearer but to make a show of science . . . these, seduced by strange and eccentric doctrines, make the head of the tail and force the queen to serve the servant.
What does Pope Gregory IX state about the Modernists? Modernists inflate (like bladders) the spirit of vanity by profane novelties. Modernists use these novelties to cross boundaries fixed by the Fathers. Modernists twist sense the sense of the heavenly pages to the philosophical teaching of the rationals.
MS: Pope Francis’ papacy continues to create and develop new human traditions, novelties, and innovations into the Church, creating more and more confusion and chaos. With vanity and pride, Pope Francis states is remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. It is very significant to point out that Pope Gregory IX, who reigned during 1227-1241, warned us about strange and eccentric doctrines (human innovations and novelties). Pope Francis’ papacy has been synonymous with human traditions and novelties.
The Methods of Modernists
18. This becomes still clearer to anybody who studies the conduct of Modernists, which is in perfect harmony with their teachings. In the writings and addresses they seem not unfrequently to advocate now one doctrine now another so that one would be disposed to regard them as vague and doubtful. But there is a reason for this, and it is to be found in their ideas as to the mutual separation of science and faith. Hence in their books you find some things which might well be expressed by a Catholic, but in the next page you find other things which might have been dictated by a rationalist. When they write history they make no mention of the divinity of Christ, but when they are in the pulpit they profess it clearly; again, when they write history they pay no heed to the Fathers and the Councils, but when they catechize the people, they cite them respectfully. In the same way they draw their distinctions between theological and pastoral exegesis and scientific and historical exegesis. So, too, acting on the principle that science in no way depends upon faith, when they treat of philosophy, history, criticism, feeling no horror at treading in the footsteps of Luther, they are wont to display a certain contempt for Catholic doctrines, or the Holy Fathers, for the Ecumenical Councils, for the ecclesiastical magisterium; and should they be rebuked for this, they complain that they are being deprived of their liberty. Lastly, guided by the theory that faith must be subject to science, they continuously and openly criticize the Church because of her sheer obstinacy in refusing to submit and accommodate her dogmas to the opinions of philosophy; while they, on their side, after having blotted out the old theology, endeavor to introduce a new theology which shall follow the vagaries of their philosophers.
What do Modernists frequently advocate? They frequency advocate one doctrine now so that another can be disposed (as vague or doubtful).
Why do Modernists do this? It is found in their notion of the separation of science and faith. They draw distinctions between theological (and pastoral) exegesis and scientific (and historical) exegesis. They act on the principle that science in no way depends on faith.
What are the consequences of the Modernists’ notion that faith must be subject to science? The criticize the Church for its obstinacy in refusing to submit and accommodate her dogmas to the opinions of philosophy. They endeavor to introduce a new theology to follow the vagaries (inexplicable changes) of their philosophies.
MS: For the Modernist, doctrines are frequently subject to change by philosophy, science, and history. Therefore, doctrines and dogma are subject to change. In Pope Francis’ papacy, there seems to be greater focus on the sins of the world (ecology, global warming, etc.) rather than the sins of man. Under Pope Francis’ leadership, the Vatican appears more like a United Nations NGO rather than a church in the business of saving souls. The notion of sin, forgiveness, and conversion of heart are now being overshadowed by mercy above all else, tolerance, and false compassion.
The Modernist as Theologian:
His Principles, Immanence and Symbolism
19. And thus, Venerable Brethren, the road is open for us to study the Modernists in the theological arena – a difficult task, yet one that may be disposed of briefly. The end to be attained is the conciliation of faith with science, always, however, saving the primacy of science over faith. In this branch the Modernist theologian avails himself of exactly the same principles which we have seen employed by the Modernist philosopher, and applies them to the believer: the principles of immanence and symbolism. The process is an extremely simple one. The philosopher has declared: The principle of faith is immanent; the believer has added: This principle is God; and the theologian draws the conclusion: God is immanent in man. Thus we have theological immanence. So too, the philosopher regards as certain that the representations of the object of faith are merely symbolical; the believer has affirmed that the object of faith is God in Himself; and the theologian proceeds to affirm that: The representations of the divine reality are symbolical. And thus we have theological symbolism. Truly enormous errors both, the pernicious character of which will be seen clearly from an examination of their consequences. For, to begin with symbolism, since symbols are but symbols in regard to their objects and only instruments in regard to the believer, it is necessary first of all, according to the teachings of the Modernists, that the believer do not lay too much stress on the formula, but avail himself of it only with the scope of uniting himself to the absolute truth which the formula at once reveals and conceals, that is to say, endeavors to express but without succeeding in doing so. They would also have the believer avail himself of the formulas only in as far as they are useful to him, for they are given to be a help and not a hindrance; with proper regard, however, for the social respect due to formulas which the public magisterium has deemed suitable for expressing the common consciousness until such time as the same magisterium provide otherwise. Concerning immanence it is not easy to determine what Modernists mean by it, for their own opinions on the subject vary. Some understand it in the sense that God working in man is more intimately present in him than man is in even himself, and this conception, if properly understood, is free from reproach. Others hold that the divine action is one with the action of nature, as the action of the first cause is one with the action of the secondary cause, and this would destroy the supernatural order. Others, finally, explain it in a way which savors of pantheism and this, in truth, is the sense which tallies best with the rest of their doctrines.
Moderinists as theologian:
What do Modernists seek to accomplish? They seek conciliation of faith with science. Science has primacy over faith. The Modernist theologian uses the same principles employed by the Modernist philosopher. The principles of immanence and symbolism is applied to the believer.
What does the Modernist philosopher declare? The principle of faith is immanent in man. The representations of the object of faith are merely symbolical.
What does the Modernist’s theologian declare? The principle of God is immanent in man. This principle is God. The representation of the divine reality are symbolical. Thus we have theological immanence.
What is symbolism? Symbols are but symbols in regard to their objects and only instruments in regard to the believer. It is necessary that the believer do not lay too much stress on the formula, but avail himself of it only with the scope of uniting himself to the absolute truth which the formula at once reveals and conceals. This endeavors to express but without succeeding in doing so. They would also have the believer avail himself of the formulas only in as far as they are useful to him.
What is immanence? Some understand it in the sense that God working in man is more intimately present in him than man is in even himself. This conception is free from reproach. Others hold that the divine action is one with the action of nature (which is one the action of the secondary cause). Other say it is of pantheism.
MS: The Modernist seeks to reconcile science and faith, but with science having primacy. Immanence (the sense of God and faith working in man) reduces dogma to something optional, which can be accepted or rejected at the subjective whim of the individual. This dogma would be easily changed.
20. With this principle of immanence is connected another which may be called the principle of divine permanence. It differs from the first in much the same way as the private experience differs from the experience transmitted by tradition. An example will illustrate what is meant, and this example is offered by the Church and the Sacraments. The Church and the Sacraments, they say, are not to be regarded as having been instituted by Christ Himself. This is forbidden by agnosticism, which sees in Christ nothing more than a man whose religious consciousness has been, like that of all men, formed by degrees; it is also forbidden by the law of immanence which rejects what they call external application; it is further forbidden by the law of evolution which requires for the development of the germs a certain time and a certain series of circumstances; it is, finally, forbidden by history, which shows that such in fact has been the course of things. Still it is to be held that both Church and Sacraments have been founded mediately by Christ. But how? In this way: All Christian consciences were, they affirm, in a manner virtually included in the conscience of Christ as the plant is included in the seed. But as the shoots live the life of the seed, so, too, all Christians are to be said to live the life of Christ. But the life of Christ is according to faith, and so, too, is the life of Christians. And since this life produced, in the courses of ages, both the Church and the Sacraments, it is quite right to say that their origin is from Christ and is divine. In the same way they prove that the Scriptures and the dogmas are divine. And thus the Modernistic theology may be said to be complete. No great thing, in truth, but more than enough for the theologian who professes that the conclusions of science must always, and in all things, be respected. The application of these theories to the other points We shall proceed to expound, anybody may easily make for himself.
What is divine permanence? Private experience differs from the experience transmitted by tradition.
Dogma and the Sacraments
21. Thus far We have spoken of the origin and nature of faith. But as faith has many shoots, and chief among them the Church, dogma, worship, the Books which we call “Sacred,” of these also we must know what is taught by the Modernists. To begin with dogma, we have already indicated its origin and nature. Dogma is born of the species of impulse or necessity by virtue of which the believer is constrained to elaborate his religious thought so as to render it clearer for himself and others. This elaboration consists entirely in the process of penetrating and refining the primitive formula, not indeed in itself and according to logical development, but as required by circumstances, or vitally as the Modernists more abstrusely put it. Hence it happens that around the primitive formula secondary formulas gradually continue to be formed, and these subsequently grouped into bodies of doctrine, or into doctrinal constructions as they prefer to call them, and further sanctioned by the public magisterium as responding to the common consciousness, are called dogma. Dogma is to be carefully distinguished from the speculations of theologians which, although not alive with the life of dogma, are not without their utility as serving to harmonize religion with science and remove opposition between the two, in such a way as to throw light from without on religion, and it may be even to prepare the matter for future dogma. Concerning worship there would not be much to be said, were it not that under this head are comprised the Sacraments, concerning which the Modernists fall into the gravest errors. For them the Sacraments are the resultant of a double need – for, as we have seen, everything in their system is explained by inner impulses or necessities. In the present case, the first need is that of giving some sensible manifestation to religion; the second is that of propagating it, which could not be done without some sensible form and consecrating acts, and these are called sacraments. But for the Modernists the Sacraments are mere symbols or signs, though not devoid of a certain efficacy – an efficacy, they tell us, like that of certain phrases vulgarly described as having “caught on,” inasmuch as they have become the vehicle for the diffusion of certain great ideas which strike the public mind. What the phrases are to the ideas, that the Sacraments are to the religious sentiment – that and nothing more. The Modernists would be speaking more clearly were they to affirm that the Sacraments are instituted solely to foster the faith – but this is condemned by the Council of Trent: If anyone say that these sacraments are instituted solely to foster the faith, let him be anathema.
What are the shoots (end results) of faith? The Church, dogma, worship, Sacred Books.
Where is dogma born inside the Modernist? It is born of the species of impulse or necessity by virtue of which the believer is constrained to elaborate his religious thought so as to render it clearer to himself and others.
How is doctrine elaborated (created)? This is the process of penetrating and refining the primitive formula, as required by circumstances. Secondary formulas continue to be formed. These are subsequently grouped into bodies of doctrine or doctrinal constructions. This is a response to the common consciousness.
What is theological speculation? They have utility as serving to harmonize religion with science and to remove opposition between the two. This may provide grounds to prepare for future dogma.
Why do Modernists fall into grave errors when pertaining to the Sacraments? The Sacraments are the resultant of a double need. Everything in their Modernist system is explain by inner impulses and necessities. The first need is that of giving some sensible manifestation to religion. The second need is that of propagating it, which could not be done without some sensible form and consecrating acts.
How do Modernists view the Sacraments? Sacraments are mere symbols or signs, having a certain efficacy which have caught on. They have become the vehicle for certain great ideas which strike the public mind. The Sacraments are the religious sentiment. Sacrament are instituted solely to foster the faith.
What does the Council of Trent say about this Modernist notion of sacraments solely instituted to foster the faith? Let him be anathema (Let him be condemned).
MS: The Modernist holds that sacraments were instituted to foster faith, which runs counter to the Council of Trent. One can only wonder if this provides the basis (mercy, outreach) for Pope Francis’ encyclical Amoris Laetitia for changing, loosening, or watering down the requirements for receiving the sacrament. Pope Francis is perhaps considering the necessities of extending these sacraments to others.
Vatican II naive efforts to “bring some fresh air into the Church” has actually lead to a pastoral and theological disaster. Liturgical sacrilege, declining vocations, diminished catechesis, and Novus Order Masses with declining attendance have followed. Now Pope Francis is shutting down the Traditional Latin Mass where Catholic attendance is thriving. There is increasing lack of Mass attendance and decreasing belief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist among Catholic.
The Holy Scriptures
22. We have already touched upon the nature and origin of the Sacred Books. According to the principles of the Modernists they may be rightly described as a collection of experiences, not indeed of the kind that may come to anybody, but those extraordinary and striking ones which have happened in any religion. And this is precisely what they teach about our books of the Old and New Testament. But to suit their own theories they note with remarkable ingenuity that, although experience is something belonging to the present, still it may derive its material from the past and the future alike, inasmuch as the believer by memory lives the past over again after the manner of the present, and lives the future already by anticipation. This explains how it is that the historical and apocalyptical books are included among the Sacred Writings. God does indeed speak in these books – through the medium of the believer, but only, according to Modernistic theology, by vital immanence and permanence. Do we inquire concerning inspiration? Inspiration, they reply, is distinguished only by its vehemence from that impulse which stimulates the believer to reveal the faith that is in him by words or writing. It is something like what happens in poetical inspiration, of which it has been said: There is God in us, and when he stirreth he sets us afire. And it is precisely in this sense that God is said to be the origin of the inspiration of the Sacred Books. The Modernists affirm, too, that there is nothing in these books which is not inspired. In this respect some might be disposed to consider them as more orthodox than certain other moderns who somewhat restrict inspiration, as, for instance, in what have been put forward as tacit citations. But it is all mere juggling of words. For if we take the Bible, according to the tenets of agnosticism, to be a human work, made by men for men, but allowing the theologian to proclaim that it is divine by immanence, what room is there left in it for inspiration? General inspiration in the Modernist sense it is easy to find, but of inspiration in the Catholic sense there is not a trace.
How do Modernists view Sacred Books? According to Modernist principles, they may be rightly described as a collection of experiences which have happened in any religion. Experience is something belonging to the present. It may derives its material from the past, inasmuch the believer by memory lives the past over again in the manner of the present. One can live the future already by anticipation.
How does God speak in these books? God speaks through the medium of the believer by vital immanence and permanence.
What is inspiration? Inspiration is distinguished is only the strong feeling from the impulse that stimulates the believer to reveal the faith that is in him by words or writing.
How does inspiration occur? There is God in us. When He stirs us, He sets us afire. God is said to be the origin of the inspiration of the Sacred Books.
How is the bible views by the tenets of agnosticism? The Bible is a human work, made by men for men. Agnosticism allows the theologian to proclaim that the Bible is divine my immanence. This is a form of general inspiration. There is no trace of inspiration in the Catholic sense.
MS: For the Modernist, experience is something belonging to the present. God does not speak in scripture, but God speaks always by virtue of His being immanent in the author (like the Modernist). Inspiration is nothing more than a powerful poetic stirring of the soul. God’s authorship ends with the imparting of this impulse to communicate that stirring. Inspiration ultimately does not mean what the Church means. Quite frequently, Pope Francis and his inner circle often create confusion and chaos in their writings or actions which seemingly stray from Church teachings. Yet, Pope Francis continually provides a rationalization (based on ones’ experience) for his motives. A Church following ancient Tradition is like an old relic or fossil. Therefore, the Church must be renewed.
The Church
23. A wider field for comment is opened when you come to treat of the vagaries devised by the Modernist school concerning the Church. You must start with the supposition that the Church has its birth in a double need, the need of the individual believer, especially if he has had some original and special experience, to communicate his faith to others, and the need of the mass, when the faith has become common to many, to form itself into a society and to guard, increase, and propagate the common good. What, then, is the Church? It is the product of the collective conscience, that is to say of the society of individual consciences which by virtue of the principle of vital permanence, all depend on one first believer, who for Catholics is Christ. Now every society needs a directing authority to guide its members towards the common end, to conserve prudently the elements of cohesion which in a religious society are doctrine and worship.
How do Modernists view the Church? The Church has its birth in a double need. The first need is the need of the individual believer, having some original and special experience, to communicate his faith to others. The second need is the need of the mass to form itself in a society and to guard, increase and propagate the common good.
What is the Modernists’ perception of the Church? It is the product of the collective conscience of the society of individual conscience. By the principle of vital permanence, all depend on one first believer (Christ). Every society needs a directing authority to guide its members toward the common end. This prudently conserves the elements of cohesion (doctrine and worship) in a religious society.
MS: The Modernist holds that the Church is the product of the collective conscious of all believers. The threefold authority of the Church (pastoral, magisterial, and sacerdotal) derives not directly from God, but from the consent of all believers. If the laity demands democratic governance, the Church must democratize. The Synod of Synodalities planners are actually making efforts to allow greater laity participation in decision making. The German Synod are seeking for the laity have influence on the selection of the bishops. These Modernist views only seek to undermine the authority of the Church.
Hence the triple authority in the Catholic Church, disciplinary, dogmatic, liturgical. The nature of this authority is to be gathered from its origin, and its rights and duties from its nature. In past times it was a common error that authority came to the Church from without, that is to say directly from God; and it was then rightly held to be autocratic. But his conception had now grown obsolete. For in the same way as the Church is a vital emanation of the collectivity of consciences, so too authority emanates vitally from the Church itself. Authority therefore, like the Church, has its origin in the religious conscience, and, that being so, is subject to it. Should it disown this dependence it becomes a tyranny. For we are living in an age when the sense of liberty has reached its fullest development, and when the public conscience has in the civil order introduced popular government. Now there are not two consciences in man, any more than there are two lives. It is for the ecclesiastical authority, therefore, to shape itself to democratic forms, unless it wishes to provoke and foment an intestine conflict in the consciences of mankind. The penalty of refusal is disaster. For it is madness to think that the sentiment of liberty, as it is now spread abroad, can surrender. Were it forcibly confined and held in bonds, terrible would be its outburst, sweeping away at once both Church and religion. Such is the situation for the Modernists, and their one great anxiety is, in consequence, to find a way of conciliation between the authority of the Church and the liberty of believers.
What are the sources of authority in the Catholic Church? Discipline, dogma, and liturgy. The nature of this authority is gathered from its origin. Its rights and duties comes from its nature.
What was considered a past viewpoint toward the Church? It was a common error that authority came to the Church from without (directly from God). It was thought to rightly held as autocratic. This perception has become obsolete.
What is the Modernist perception of the Church? The Modernist holds the Church to be vital emanation (product) of the collective consciences of all believers. So this is where authority emanates in the Church. Authority has its origin in the religious conscience and authority is subject to it. To disown this dependence invites tyranny
What is the kind of age we are currently living in? We are living in an age when the sense of liberty has reached its fullest development. The public conscience has introduced popular government.
How does this apply to the Church? Ecclesiastical authority must shape itself to democratic forms, unless it wishes to provoke unrest and conflict in the consciences of mankind. The penalty of refusing to do this is disaster. It is madness that the sentiment of liberty must surrender.
What is the primary motivation for Modernists? To find a way of conciliation between the authority of the Church and the liberty of believers.
MS: Pope Francis has quite frequently spoken of the Church magisterium as ancient, old fashioned, and rigid, in need of change. Pope Francis often speaks of the scandal of the traditional priest in his cassock as a scandal. Therefore, many aspects of the Church must be changed or renewed. Yet, in their attempts to “renew” the Church, they are actually tearing it down. Pope Francis refers to the need to de-masculinize the Church. Yet, they often forget or ignore that the Church is the Bride of Christ! This opens the door for women to potentially become homolists, deaconesses, or priests. Rather than seeing these roles as vocations, they are seeing these roles as jobs that women could potentially fill. Then this becomes a fairness (women’s rights) issue. Perhaps, most importantly, this undermines the notion that the priest stands in the person of Christ (in persona Christi). Theological doctrine then takes a back seat to gender rights. This is how a Modernist thinks.
These efforts to allow laity decision-making authority will ultimately change the authority structure of the Church. More worldly values and sin will creep into the Church. This will also inevitably allow changes in Church teachings, responsive to the laity’s concerns and desires. In other words, the Church must change its “harsh and rigid teachings” against the LGBTQ community.
The Relations Between Church and State
24. But it is not with its own members alone that the Church must come to an amicable arrangement – besides its relations with those within, it has others outside. The Church does not occupy the world all by itself; there are other societies in the world, with which it must necessarily have contact and relations. The rights and duties of the Church towards civil societies must, therefore, be determined, and determined, of course, by its own nature as it has been already described. The rules to be applied in this matter are those which have been laid down for science and faith, though in the latter case the question is one of objects while here we have one of ends. In the same way, then, as faith and science are strangers to each other by reason of the diversity of their objects, Church and State are strangers by reason of the diversity of their ends, that of the Church being spiritual while that of the State is temporal. Formerly it was possible to subordinate the temporal to the spiritual and to speak of some questions as mixed, allowing to the Church the position of queen and mistress in all such, because the Church was then regarded as having been instituted immediately by God as the author of the supernatural order. But his doctrine is today repudiated alike by philosophy and history. The State must, therefore, be separated from the Church, and the Catholic from the citizen. Every Catholic, from the fact that he is also a citizen, has the right and the duty to work for the common good in the way he thinks best, without troubling himself about the authority of the Church, without paying any heed to its wishes, its counsels, its orders – nay, even in spite of its reprimands. To trace out and prescribe for the citizen any line of conduct, on any pretext whatsoever, is to be guilty of an abuse of ecclesiastical authority, against which one is bound to act with all one’s might. The principles from which these doctrines spring have been solemnly condemned by our predecessor Pius VI. in his Constitution Auctorem fidei.
What is the relationship between the Church and the state? The Church does not occupy the world all by itself. The Church must necessarily have contact and relationships with the world (state). The rights and duties of the church toward civil society must therefor be determined by its own nature. The Church is of the spiritual realm. The State is of the temporal realm.
What has been the traditional understanding of the Church’s role? It was possible to subordinate the temporal to the spiritual, recognizing the Church as having been instituted by God (author of the supernatural order).
How is this doctrine being repudiated? By philosophy and history. The State must be separated from the Church, and the Catholic from the citizen. Every Catholic person has the right and the duty to work for the common good in the way he thinks best, without troubling himself about the authority of the Church. The Catholic person need not concern himself with its wishes, councils, orders and reprimands. To do otherwise is to be guilty of its ecclesiastical authority.
Have these Modernist principles been condemned? Yes, by Pius VI
MS: According to the Modernist, the individual must not be bound or hindered by Catholic authority (or teaching). To do otherwise would be perceived as an abuse of authority. Pope Francis has often claimed that the Lord will save everyone. Pope Francis also posed the idea of hell being empty. These beliefs refer to the heresy of universalism in which all humankind will eventually be saved. Perhaps, this provides the motivation for Pope stressing the notion of mercy above all else and de-emphasizing the notion of sinning no more. This perhaps also provides the basis for Pope Francis’ desires in Amoris Laetitia.
The Magisterium of the Church
25. But it is not enough for the Modernist school that the State should be separated from the Church. For as faith is to be subordinated to science, as far as phenomenal elements are concerned, so too in temporal matters the Church must be subject to the State. They do not say this openly as yet – but they will say it when they wish to be logical on this head. For given the principle that in temporal matters the State possesses absolute mastery, it will follow that when the believer, not fully satisfied with his merely internal acts of religion, proceeds to external acts, such for instance as the administration or reception of the sacraments, these will fall under the control of the State. What will then become of ecclesiastical authority, which can only be exercised by external acts? Obviously it will be completely under the dominion of the State. It is this inevitable consequence which impels many among liberal Protestants to reject all external worship, nay, all external religious community, and makes them advocate what they call, individual religion. If the Modernists have not yet reached this point, they do ask the Church in the meanwhile to be good enough to follow spontaneously where they lead her and adapt herself to the civil forms in vogue. Such are their ideas about disciplinary authority. But far more advanced and far more pernicious are their teachings on doctrinal and dogmatic authority. This is their conception of the magisterium of the Church: No religious society, they say, can be a real unit unless the religious conscience of its members be one, and one also the formula which they adopt. But his double unity requires a kind of common mind whose office is to find and determine the formula that corresponds best with the common conscience, and it must have moreover an authority sufficient to enable it to impose on the community the formula which has been decided upon. From the combination and, as it were fusion of these two elements, the common mind which draws up the formula and the authority which imposes it, arises, according to the Modernists, the notion of the ecclesiastical magisterium. And as this magisterium springs, in its last analysis, from the individual consciences and possesses its mandate of public utility for their benefit, it follows that the ecclesiastical magisterium must be subordinate to them, and should therefore take democratic forms. To prevent individual consciences from revealing freely and openly the impulses they feel, to hinder criticism from impelling dogmas towards their necessary evolutions – this is not a legitimate use but an abuse of a power given for the public utility. So too a due method and measure must be observed in the exercise of authority. To condemn and prescribe a work without the knowledge of the author, without hearing his explanations, without discussion, assuredly savors of tyranny. And thus, here again a way must be found to save the full rights of authority on the one hand and of liberty on the other. In the meanwhile the proper course for the Catholic will be to proclaim publicly his profound respect for authority – and continue to follow his own bent. Their general directions for the Church may be put in this way: Since the end of the Church is entirely spiritual, the religious authority should strip itself of all that external pomp which adorns it in the eyes of the public. And here they forget that while religion is essentially for the soul, it is not exclusively for the soul, and that the honor paid to authority is reflected back on Jesus Christ who instituted it.
What is the Modernist perspective on the relationship of The Church and the State? As faith is to be subordinated to science, the Church must be subject to the State in temporal matters. In temporal matter, the State possessed absolute master.
What can be consequences of this? Even such external acts (administration or reception of the sacraments) could potentially fall under the control of the State. This inevitable consequence impels many among liberal Protestants to reject all external worship, religious communities. This may make others call for individual religion.
What is the Modernist teachings on doctrinal and dogmatic authority? No religious society can be a real unit unless the religious consciousness of its members be one (unified) and also one (unified) on the formula which they adopt. This double unity requires a common mind whos office is to find and determine that corresponds best with the common conscience. Therefore it must have an authority sufficient to enable it to impose on the community the formula which has been decided upon.
What is the Modernist ecclesiastical magisterium? A common mind creates a common formula which is to be implemented. This ecclesiastical magisterium must be subordinate to the common formula. The ecclesiastical magisterium takes on democratic forms.
What is the consequence of preventing or criticizing individual consciences from freely and openly revealing their impulses? This becomes an abuse of power. To condemn and prescribe one’s work summarily borders on tyranny.
What do Modernists seek for the Church? Since the Church is entirely spiritual, the religious authority should strip itself of all that external pomp which adorns it in the eyes of the public.
What do Modernist forget? They forget that religion is essentially for the soul. Yet is not exclusively for the soul. Honor must be paid to authority that is reflected back on Jesus Christ who instituted it.
MS: It seems that Vatican (and Pope Francis) are more concerned about global warming and the environment (sins of the world) rather than individuals mortal souls (sins of man). The Vatican seems more like an NGO rather than a Church leading souls to heaven.
The Evolution of Doctrine
26. To finish with this whole question of faith and its shoots, it remains to be seen, Venerable Brethren, what the Modernists have to say about their development. First of all they lay down the general principle that in a living religion everything is subject to change, and must change, and in this way they pass to what may be said to be, among the chief of their doctrines, that of Evolution. To the laws of evolution everything is subject – dogma, Church, worship, the Books we revere as sacred, even faith itself, and the penalty of disobedience is death. The enunciation of this principle will not astonish anybody who bears in mind what the Modernists have had to say about each of these subjects. Having laid down this law of evolution, the Modernists themselves teach us how it works out. And first with regard to faith. The primitive form of faith, they tell us, was rudimentary and common to all men alike, for it had its origin in human nature and human life. Vital evolution brought with it progress, not by the accretion of new and purely adventitious forms from without, but by an increasing penetration of the religious sentiment in the conscience. This progress was of two kinds: negative, by the elimination of all foreign elements, such, for example, as the sentiment of family or nationality; and positive by the intellectual and moral refining of man, by means of which the idea was enlarged and enlightened while the religious sentiment became more elevated and more intense. For the progress of faith no other causes are to be assigned than those which are adduced to explain its origin. But to them must be added those religious geniuses whom we call prophets, and of whom Christ was the greatest; both because in their lives and their words there was something mysterious which faith attributed to the divinity, and because it fell to their lot to have new and original experiences fully in harmony with the needs of their time. The progress of dogma is due chiefly to the obstacles which faith has to surmount, to the enemies it has to vanquish, to the contradictions it has to repel. Add to this a perpetual striving to penetrate ever more profoundly its own mysteries. Thus, to omit other examples, has it happened in the case of Christ: in Him that divine something which faith admitted in Him expanded in such a way that He was at last held to be God. The chief stimulus of evolution in the domain of worship consists in the need of adapting itself to the uses and customs of peoples, as well as the need of availing itself of the value which certain acts have acquired by long usage. Finally, evolution in the Church itself is fed by the need of accommodating itself to historical conditions and of harmonizing itself with existing forms of society. Such is religious evolution in detail. And here, before proceeding further, we would have you note well this whole theory of necessities and needs, for it is at the root of the entire system of the Modernists, and it is upon it that they will erect that famous method of theirs called the historical.
What do Modernist say about the development of doctrine? In a living religion, everything is subject to change and must change. This includes dogma, Church, worship, the Books we revere as sacred.
How do Modernists view faith? The primitive form of faith rudimentary and common to all men alike. Faith had its origin in human nature and human life. Vital evolution with it progress by an increasing penetration (pressure) of the religious sentiment in the conscience.
What is this negative pressure? Eliminating foreign elements, family sentiment, and nationality.
What is this positive pressure? Intellectual and moral refining of man. The idea was enlarged and enlightened while the religious sentiment becomes more elevated and intense. This applies to religious geniuses whom we are called prophets. But it fell to their lot to have new and original experiences fully in harmony with the needs of their time.
What is the progress of dogma due to? It is due chiefly to the obstacles which faith has to surmount, to the enemies it has to vanquish, and to the contradiction it has to repel. This also included a perpetual striving to penetrate profoundly its own mysteries.
What is the chief stimulus for the evolution in worship? This consists in the need of adapting itself to the uses and customs of people.
What is the evolution in the Church fed by? It is fed by the need of accommodating itself to historical conditions and for harmonizing itself with existing forms of society. The theory of necessities and needs is at the root of the entire system of the Modernists. Upon this, they erect this historical model.
MS: As Pope Francis often perceives the Church’s magisterium as ancient, rigid, and outdated, doctrine must adapt to a living religion. Faith is a response to human nature but not a response to God’s call. If liturgy is to remain relevant, it must be adapted and modified to the customs and culture of the people who celebrate it. Pope Francis has stated that the Church and theology must change. Traditional practices are outdated for the current culture. Therefore, the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) must be restricted and later removed. Those who favor the TLM must be “educated” in order to accept the Novus Order Mass. Unfortunately, as a result of Vatican II’s naive desire to “bring some fresh air into the Church, Modernist ideology has flooded into the Church.
Pope Francis has shown a consistent pattern of action in how he enacts reform in the Church. Essentially, Pope Francis initiates his actions in a piece-meal manner in order to get to his desired end point. Pope Francis will deliberately take a seemingly moderate position (by comparison to others) who have taken a more extreme position. Pope Francis’ relationship with the German bishops are illustrative examples. This is quite evident in his stated positions in comparison to the German bishops’ positions. Pope Francis criticizes the German bishops not necessarily for the positions they have taken. Rather, Pope Francis criticizes the German bishops for moving too fast in getting to get there. In other words, Pope Francis states that the German bishops need to “slow-walk” this process in order for it to be publicly accepted by the people.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are intentional in their outreach to the LGBT community. Yet the Vatican has continued to deal with the reality of the Church’s teachings against same-sex unions. Homosexuality is officially declared as a sinful behavior. How can this barrier to homosexuality be overcome? Pope Francis recently declared that a new paradigm shift in Catholic thinking is needed based on the new cultural transformations. The culture now accepts same-sex unions as a recognized family relationship. In the document Fiducia Supplicans, there is no mention of seeking repentance from the sinful behavior of homosexuality and same-sex unions. A very telling point is that same-sex unions are referred to as ‘irregular relationships”. These non-liturgical blessings become the starting point for these “irregular couples”. It is very evident that the Vatican (and Pope Francis) have every intention of changing Church teachings to accommodate the LGBTQ community. The Vatican is playing the “long game” in accomplishing this.
27. Still continuing the consideration of the evolution of doctrine, it is to be noted that Evolution is due no doubt to those stimulants styled needs, but, if left to their action alone, it would run a great risk of bursting the bounds of tradition, and thus, turned aside from its primitive vital principle, would lead to ruin instead of progress. Hence, studying more closely the ideas of the Modernists, evolution is described as resulting from the conflict of two forces, one of them tending towards progress, the other towards conservation. The conserving force in the Church is tradition, and tradition is represented by religious authority, and this both by right and in fact; for by right it is in the very nature of authority to protect tradition, and, in fact, for authority, raised as it is above the contingencies of life, feels hardly, or not at all, the spurs of progress. The progressive force, on the contrary, which responds to the inner needs lies in the individual consciences and ferments there – especially in such of them as are in most intimate contact with life. Note here, Venerable Brethren, the appearance already of that most pernicious doctrine which would make of the laity a factor of progress in the Church. Now it is by a species of compromise between the forces of conservation and of progress, that is to say between authority and individual consciences, that changes and advances take place. The individual consciences of some of them act on the collective conscience, which brings pressure to bear on the depositaries of authority, until the latter consent to a compromise, and, the pact being made, authority sees to its maintenance.
How do Modernists view evolution? Evolution is described as resulting from the conflict of two forces. One force tends toward progress. The other tends towards conservation.
What is tradition? It is the conserving force in the Church. Tradition is represented by religious authority. This notion is both by right and in fact. By right is in the very nature of authority to protect tradition.
What is this progressive force? This force, which responds to the inner needs, lies in the individual conscience and ferments there.
How does evolutionary change and advantage take place? There is a species of compromise between the forces of conservation (authority) and progress (individual consciences). The individual consciences of some of them act on the collective conscience, which brings pressure on authority. This forces authority to consent to a compromise or pact made.
MS: Pope Francis quite often speaks of Tradition and traditional Church teachings in a negative way. This inner collective conscience continues to pit itself with Traditional ways. Pope Francis believes the Church must reform itself in becoming a synodal Church who walks with the person.
With all this in mind, one understands how it is that the Modernists express astonishment when they are reprimanded or punished. What is imputed to them as a fault they regard as a sacred duty. Being in intimate contact with consciences they know better than anybody else, and certainly better than the ecclesiastical authority, what needs exist – nay, they embody them, so to speak, in themselves. Having a voice and a pen they use both publicly, for this is their duty. Let authority rebuke them as much as it pleases – they have their own conscience on their side and an intimate experience which tells them with certainty that what they deserve is not blame but praise. Then they reflect that, after all there is no progress without a battle and no battle without its victim, and victims they are willing to be like the prophets and Christ Himself. They have no bitterness in their hearts against the authority which uses them roughly, for after all it is only doing its duty as authority. Their sole grief is that it remains deaf to their warnings, because delay multiplies the obstacles which impede the progress of souls, but the hour will most surely come when there will be no further chance for tergiversation, for if the laws of evolution may be checked for a while, they cannot be ultimately destroyed. And so they go their way, reprimands and condemnations notwithstanding, masking an incredible audacity under a mock semblance of humility. While they make a show of bowing their heads, their hands and minds are more intent than ever on carrying out their purposes. And this policy they follow willingly and wittingly, both because it is part of their system that authority is to be stimulated but not dethroned, and because it is necessary for them to remain within the ranks of the Church in order that they may gradually transform the collective conscience – thus unconsciously avowing that the common conscience is not with them, and that they have no right to claim to be its interpreters.
The psychological mind of the Modernist:
Why are Modernists express astonishment when reprimanded or punished? Modernist see their acts as a sacred duty. Modernists do not see this as a fault.
What is the Modernist’s motivation? Being in intimate contact with consciences, they know better than anybody else. The Modernists certainly think they know better than the ecclesiastical authority. Modernists see this as their duty. They believe with certainty they deserve praise but not blame. After all, there is no progress without a battle. There is no battle without its victims. Victims are willing to be prophets for their cause. They have no bitterness in their hearts against authority. This is their duty as Modernists.
How do Modernists view their setbacks? Their sole grief is remains deaf to their warnings. These delays multiply the obstacles which impede progress. While still in defeat, the Modernists are more intent than ever on carrying out their purposes.
How do Modernist achieve their objectives? It remains necessary for authority to be challenged (stimulated) but not dethroned. It is necessary for Modernist to remain within the ranks of the Church in order that they may gradually transform the collective conscience. The Modernist have the right to claim to be its interpreters.
MS: The division in the Church is aptly presented as a conflict between Modern (and progressive) Catholics and traditional (and conservative) Catholics. Progressives and the secular society typically frame traditional (conservative) Catholics in political terms: “right-wing”. The Magisterium is perceived as conservative. The laity is perceived as progressives pitted against the Church itself. The Modernist assumes the need to correct and reform the hierarchy. The Modernist (Progressive) is shocked when rebuked by opposition. Modernists are compelled to speak the “truth” of the collective conscience. The Vatican (and Pope Francis) have a whole legion of “pope-splainers” available to defend and propagandize Modernist policies within the Church and in the secular world. Pope Francis, being known for causing confusion and chaos, laughably criticizes his opponents for being “divisive”.
The Modernists perceive their efforts to be of a high-minded and noble purpose. Modernists recognize that needed reform and changes can only accomplished when in positions of power. Pope Francis is taking upon himself every opportunity to enact Modernist ideology. Pope Francis, perhaps recognizing that he has just a few years of living, continues to energetically and recklessly implement his Modernist practices. Pope Francis and his inner circle are already implementing measures to potentially unofficially designate his successor (like a Pope Francis II)!
28. Thus then, Venerable Brethren, for the Modernists, both as authors and propagandists, there is to be nothing stable, nothing immutable in the Church. Nor indeed are they without precursors in their doctrines, for it was of these that Our Predecessor Pius IX wrote: These enemies of divine revelation extol human progress to the skies, and with rash and sacrilegious daring would have it introduced into the Catholic religion as if this religion were not the work of God but of man, or some kind of philosophical discovery susceptible of perfection by human efforts. On the subject of revelation and dogma in particular, the doctrine of the Modernists offers nothing new – we find it condemned in the Syllabus of Pius IX., where it is enunciated in these terms: Divine revelation is imperfect, and therefore subject to continual and indefinite progress, corresponding with the progress of human reason; and condemned still more solemnly in the Vatican Council: The doctrine of the faith which God has revealed has not been proposed to human intelligences to be perfected by them as if it were a philosophical system, but as a divine deposit entrusted to the Spouse of Christ to be faithfully guarded and infallibly interpreted. Hence the sense, too, of the sacred dogmas is that which our Holy Mother the Church has once declared, nor is this sense ever to be abandoned on plea or pretext of a more profound comprehension of the truth. Nor is the development of our knowledge, even concerning the faith, impeded by this pronouncement – on the contrary it is aided and promoted. For the same Council continues: Let intelligence and science and wisdom, therefore, increase and progress abundantly and vigorously in individuals and in the mass, in the believer and in the whole Church, throughout the ages and the centuries – but only in its own kind, that is, according to the same dogma, the same sense, the same acceptation.
How do the Modernists view the Church? There is nothing stable, nothing immutable in the Church.
What did Pope Pius IX say about the Modernists? Pertaining to divine revelation, Modernists were extolling human progress to the skies. Modernists, with rash and sacrilegious daring, would have introduced new revelation as if this religion was the work of man, not of God. There can be some kind of philosophical discovery susceptible of perfection by human efforts.
Why do Modernists offer nothing new in revelation and dogma? Modernists are condemned by Pius IX for stating that divine revelation is imperfect and therefore subject to continual and indefinite progress, corresponding with the progress of human reason.
What does Vatican I say about doctrine? The doctrine of faith which God has revealed has not been proposed to be perfected by human intelligences. This doctrine is a divine deposit entrusted to the Church to be faithfully guarded and infallibly interpreted.
MS: Pope Francis continually claims that the Church and theology must change. Pope Francis intentionally or unintentionally allowed or permitted sacrilege in worship and liturgy. A Panchamama fertility idol was allowed in a liturgical celebration on the Vatican grounds. The Vatican has permitted Anglican liturgies in the Vatican cathedrals. Pope Francis is seeking advice from Anglican women priests in how to set up the process for allowing deaconesses and potentially women priests. These practices are undermining traditions and practices of Jesus’ Church. Modernists believe that they must reform, modernize, and perfect the Church. Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists believe that divine deposit faith is insufficient and must be adapted to the current times.
The Modernist as Historian and Critic
29. After having studied the Modernist as philosopher, believer and theologian, it now remains for us to consider him as historian, critic, apologist, reformer
30. Some Modernists, devoted to historical studies, seem to be greatly afraid of being taken for philosophers. About philosophy, they tell you, they know nothing whatever – and in this they display remarkable astuteness, for they are particularly anxious not to be suspected of being prejudiced in favor of philosophical theories which would lay them open to the charge of not being objective, to use the word in vogue. And yet the truth is that their history and their criticism are saturated with their philosophy, and that their historico-critical conclusions are the natural fruit of their philosophical principles. This will be patent to anybody who reflects. Their three first laws are contained in those three principles of their philosophy already dealt with: the principle of agnosticism, the principle of the transfiguration of things by faith, and the principle which We have called of disfiguration. Let us see what consequences flow from each of them. Agnosticism tells us that history, like ever other science, deals entirely with phenomena, and the consequence is that God, and every intervention of God in human affairs, is to be relegated to the domain of faith as belonging to it alone. In things where a double element, the divine and the human, mingles, in Christ, for example, or the Church, or the sacraments, or the many other objects of the same kind, a division must be made and the human element assigned to history while the divine will go to faith. Hence we have that distinction, so current among the Modernists, between the Christ of history and the Christ of faith, between the sacraments of history and the sacraments of faith, and so on. Next we find that the human element itself, which the historian has to work on, as it appears in the documents, has been by faith transfigured, that is to say raised above its historical conditions. It becomes necessary, therefore, to eliminate also the accretions which faith has added, to assign them to faith itself and to the history of faith: thus, when treating of Christ, the historian must set aside all that surpasses man in his natural condition, either according to the psychological conception of him, or according to the place and period of his existence. Finally, by virtue of the third principle, even those things which are not outside the sphere of history they pass through the crucible, excluding from history and relegating to faith everything which, in their judgment, is not in harmony with what they call the logic of facts and in character with the persons of whom they are predicated. Thus, they will not allow that Christ ever uttered those things which do not seem to be within the capacity of the multitudes that listened to Him. Hence they delete from His real history and transfer to faith all the allegories found in His discourses. Do you inquire as to the criterion they adopt to enable them to make these divisions? The reply is that they argue from the character of the man, from his condition of life, from his education, from the circumstances under which the facts took place – in short, from criteria which, when one considers them well, are purely subjective. Their method is to put themselves into the position and person of Christ, and then to attribute to Him what they would have done under like circumstances. In this way, absolutely a priori and acting on philosophical principles which they admit they hold but which they affect to ignore, they proclaim that Christ, according to what they call His real history, was not God and never did anything divine, and that as man He did and said only what they, judging from the time in which he lived, can admit Him to have said or done.
Modernist as historian and critic:
Why are Modernists reluctant about being called philosophers? Modernists are reluctant to be seen having philosophical theories which would lay them open to the charge of not being objective. However, the truth is that their history and criticism are saturated with their philosophy. Their historical-critical conclusion are the natural fruit of their philosophical principles. This is patent to anyone who reflects
MS: When Modernists exclude and reject objective moral truth and rely on their subjective experience, then how can they be objective? It is simply not possible. They continually have an instinctive and subjective need to change and reform the Church.
What three laws are contained in those three principles of their philosophy? Agnosticism, transfiguration, and disfiguration.
What does agnosticism tell us? History, like every other science, deals entirely with phenomena. The consequence is that God and every intervention of God in human affairs are to be relegated to the domain of faith.
What are things with a double element? The divine and the human mingle. Such examples include Christ, the Church, the sacraments. A division must be made. The human element is assigned to history. The divine element goes to faith.
What is the consequences of this? There is a distinction between the Christ of history and the Christ of faith, between the sacraments of history and the sacraments of faith
MS: History, only dealing with subjective phenomena, must be remain neutral with regard to God’s intervention in human history.
What is transfiguration? The human element has been raised above its historical condition. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the accretions (growth or increase) which faith has added. One must assign them to faith itself and to the history of faith. Transfiguration involves supernatural realities and non-naturalistic attributes.
What is the task of the historian? The historian must set aside all that surpasses man in his natural condition, according to the psychological perception of him or according to the period or place of his existence.
MS: Historical figures must be stripped of all supernatural realities. This transfiguration distorts the historical character.
What is disfiguration? Disfiguration pertains to those things outside the sphere of history and relegated to faith, which are not in harmony with the character with the persons. They will not allow those things that Christ uttered to outside this natural realm. They delete Jesus’ real history and transfer to faith all the allegories found in His discourses.
What does this accomplish? They argue from the character of the man, from his condition of life, from his education, from the circumstances under which the facts took place. This comes from subjective material.
What is their method? They put themselves into the position and person of Christ, and then attribute to Him what they would have done under like circumstances. They proclaim that Christ, according to what they call His real story, was not God and never did anything divine. As man He did and said only what they, judging from the in which he live, can admit Him to have said or done.
MS: Transfiguration refers to all those non-naturalistic attributes of historical figures. This disfiguration also distorts the historical character.
Criticism and its Principles
31. And as history receives its conclusions, ready-made, from philosophy, so too criticism takes its own from history. The critic, on the data furnished him by the historian, makes two parts of all his documents. Those that remain after the triple elimination above described go to form the real history; the rest is attributed to the history of the faith or as it is styled, to internal history. For the Modernists distinguish very carefully between these two kinds of history, and it is to be noted that they oppose the history of the faith to real history precisely as real. Thus we have a double Christ: a real Christ, and a Christ, the one of faith, who never really existed; a Christ who has lived at a given time and in a given place, and a Christ who has never lived outside the pious meditations of the believer – the Christ, for instance, whom we find in the Gospel of St. John, which is pure contemplation from beginning to end.
What does the critic do with history? The critic devises two histories: real history and internal history. This produces a double Christ: a real Christ, and a Christ, the one of faith, who never really existed.
What is internal history? This is history of the faith. This produces a Christ, one of faith, who never really existed. This is a Christ who never lived outside the pious meditations of the believer. This is the Christ whom we find in John’s gospel.
What is real history? This is history outside of faith. This is a Christ who has lived at a given time and place.
32. But the dominion of philosophy over history does not end here. Given that division, of which We have spoken, of the documents into two parts, the philosopher steps in again with his principle of vital immanence, and shows how everything in the history of the Church is to be explained by vital emanation. And since the cause or condition of every vital emanation whatsoever is to be found in some need, it follows that no fact can ante-date the need which produced it – historically the fact must be posterior to the need. See how the historian works on this principle. He goes over his documents again, whether they be found in the Sacred Books or elsewhere, draws up from them his list of the successive needs of the Church, whether relating to dogma or liturgy or other matters, and then he hands his list over to the critic. The critic takes in hand the documents dealing with the history of faith and distributes them, period by period, so that they correspond exactly with the lists of needs, always guided by the principle that the narration must follow the facts, as the facts follow the needs. It may at times happen that some parts of the Sacred Scriptures, such as the Epistles, themselves constitute the fact created by the need. Even so, the rule holds that the age of any document can only be determined by the age in which each need had manifested itself in the Church. Further, a distinction must be made between the beginning of a fact and its development, for what is born one day requires time for growth. Hence the critic must once more go over his documents, ranged as they are through the different ages, and divide them again into two parts, and divide them into two lots, separating those that regard the first stage of the facts from those that deal with their development, and these he must again arrange according to their periods.
How does the philosopher view history? The philosopher uses the principle of vital immanence and shows how everything in the history of the Church is to be explained by vital emanation. Since the cause or condition of every vital emanation is to be found in some need. (vital emanation–>need). It follows that the need cannot precede the cause or condition (need before vital emanation).
How does the historian work from this principle? The historian draws up a list of successive needs, whether relating to dogma or liturgy. He then hand his list over to the critic
How does the critic work from this principle? The critic is always guided by the principle that the narration must follow the facts, as the facts follow the needs. he follows the rule that the age of any document can only be determined by the age in which the need manifested itself in the Church. A distinction must be made between the beginning of a fact and its development. For what is born requires for growth. The critics must further divide these documents, separating the the first stage of the fact with their development.
MS: The Modernist perceives that faith is always a reaction to some internal need found in man.
Need: The Church felt the need to distinguish itself from the Jews on matters of the law==> What appears in scripture: everything Jesus said in opposition to the Pharisees about the law.
33. Then the philosopher must come in again to impose on the historian the obligation of following in all his studies the precepts and laws of evolution. It is next for the historian to scrutinize his documents once more, to examine carefully the circumstances and conditions affecting the Church during the different periods, the conserving force she has put forth, the needs both internal and external that have stimulated her to progress, the obstacles she has had to encounter, in a word everything that helps to determine the manner in which the laws of evolution have been fulfilled in her. This done, he finishes his work by drawing up in its broad lines a history of the development of the facts. The critic follows and fits in the rest of the documents with this sketch; he takes up his pen, and soon the history is made complete. Now we ask here: Who is the author of this history? The historian? The critic? Assuredly, neither of these but the philosopher. From beginning to end everything in it is a priori, and a priori in a way that reeks of heresy. These men are certainly to be pitied, and of them the Apostle might well say: They became vain in their thoughts. . . professing themselves to be wise they became fools (Rom. i. 21, 22); but, at the same time, they excite just indignation when they accuse the Church of torturing the texts, arranging and confusing them after its own fashion, and for the needs of its cause. In this they are accusing the Church of something for which their own conscience plainly reproaches them.
What is the criticism against the critics and historians’ methods? They take on the mantle of the philosopher. From beginning to end everything in is a priori, a theoretical deduction, rather than an empirical observation, that reeks of heresy. They are accusing the Church of something for which their own conscience plainly reproaches them.
How the Bible is Dealt With
34. The result of this dismembering of the Sacred Books and this partition of them throughout the centuries is naturally that the Scriptures can no longer be attributed to the authors whose names they bear. The Modernists have no hesitation in affirming commonly that these books, and especially the Pentateuch and the first three Gospels, have been gradually formed by additions to a primitive brief narration – by interpolations of theological or allegorical interpretation, by transitions, by joining different passages together. This means, briefly, that in the Sacred Books we must admit a vital evolution, springing from and corresponding with evolution of faith. The traces of this evolution, they tell us, are so visible in the books that one might almost write a history of them. Indeed this history they do actually write, and with such an easy security that one might believe them to have with their own eyes seen the writers at work through the ages amplifying the Sacred Books. To aid them in this they call to their assistance that branch of criticism which they call textual, and labor to show that such a fact or such a phrase is not in its right place, and adducing other arguments of the same kind. They seem, in fact, to have constructed for themselves certain types of narration and discourses, upon which they base their decision as to whether a thing is out of place or not. Judge if you can how men with such a system are fitted for practicing this kind of criticism. To hear them talk about their works on the Sacred Books, in which they have been able to discover so much that is defective, one would imagine that before them nobody ever even glanced through the pages of Scripture, whereas the truth is that a whole multitude of Doctors, infinitely superior to them in genius, in erudition, in sanctity, have sifted the Sacred Books in every way, and so far from finding imperfections in them, have thanked God more and more the deeper they have gone into them, for His divine bounty in having vouchsafed to speak thus to men. Unfortunately, these great Doctors did not enjoy the same aids to study that are possessed by the Modernists for their guide and rule, – a philosophy borrowed from the negation of God, and a criterion which consists of themselves.
Why can it no longer be assumed that scriptures can be attributed to their original authors? Modernists have no hesitation in affirming that these books (Pentateuuch and first three Gospels) have been gradually formed by additions by theological allegorical interpretation, transitions, by joining different passages together. We must admit vital evolution.
What is vital evolution? This a springing from and evolution of faith. These traces of evolution are so visible that a history can be made of them.
What would this history indicate? The writers were at work through the ages amplifying the sacred books.
What is textual criticism? This criticism shows that such a fact or phrase is not in the right place. It is assumed that they have constructed for themselves certain type of narration and discourses upon which they base their decision as to where a thing is out of place or not.
What can be assumed about this? That none of these writers of these books could determine that before them (Modernists) what is defective or truthful. These multiple Doctors could have not have the wisdom or study aids which are possessed by the Modernists. This is a philosophy borrowed from the negation of God.
MS: Modernists lean towards doubting the authorship and authority of scripture. Modernists also lean towards presuming they have more knowledge and insight than the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. In other words, Modernists presume that they know better.
We believe, then, that We have set forth with sufficient clearness the historical method of the Modernists. The philosopher leads the way, the historian follows, and then in due order come internal and textual criticism. And since it is characteristic of the first cause to communicate its virtue to secondary causes, it is quite clear that the criticism We are concerned with is an agnostic, immanentist, and evolutionist criticism. Hence anybody who embraces it and employs it, makes profession thereby of the errors contained in it, and places himself in opposition to Catholic faith. This being so, one cannot but be greatly surprised by the consideration which is attached to it by certain Catholics. Two causes may be assigned for this: first, the close alliance, independent of all differences of nationality or religion, which the historians and critics of this school have formed among themselves; second, the boundless effrontery of these men. Let one of them but open his mouth and the others applaud him in chorus, proclaiming that science has made another step forward; let an outsider but hint at a desire to inspect the new discovery with his own eyes, and they are on him in a body; deny it – and you are an ignoramus; embrace it and defend it – and there is no praise too warm for you. In this way they win over any who, did they but realize what they are doing, would shrink back with horror. The impudence and the domineering of some, and the thoughtlessness and imprudence of others, have combined to generate a pestilence in the air which penetrates everywhere and spreads the contagion. But let us pass to the apologist.
What is the Modernists’ method? The philosopher leads the way, the historian follows, then comes internal and textual criticism.
What can be concluded from this? This is an agnostic, immanentist, and evolutionist criticism. Whoever embraces it, employs it, and professes it places himself in opposition to Catholic faith
MS: Catholics who defend traditional reception and reading of Sacred Scripture are publicly scorned as ignorant and old fashioned.
The Modernist as Apologist
35. The Modernist apologist depends in two ways on the philosopher. First, indirectly, inasmuch as his theme is history – history dictated, as we have seen, by the philosopher; and, secondly, directly, inasmuch as he takes both his laws and his principles from the philosopher. Hence that common precept of the Modernist school that the new apologetics must be fed from psychological and historical sources. The Modernist apologists, then, enter the arena by proclaiming to the rationalists that though they are defending religion, they have no intention of employing the data of the sacred books or the histories in current use in the Church, and composed according to old methods, but real history written on modern principles and according to rigorously modern methods. In all this they are not using an argumentum ad hominem, but are stating the simple fact that they hold, that the truth is to be found only in this kind of history. They feel that it is not necessary for them to dwell on their own sincerity in their writings – they are already known to and praised by the rationalists as fighting under the same banner, and they not only plume themselves on these encomiums, which are a kind of salary to them but would only provoke nausea in a real Catholic, but use them as an offset to the reprimands of the Church.
Modernist as apologist:
How does the Modernist depend on the philosopher? By indirectly his theme as history. By directly taking both his laws and his principle from the philosopher. The new apologetics must be fed from psychological and historical sources.
What do Modern apologists proclaim? They proclaim to the rationalists that they are defending religion. But they have no intention of employing the date of the sacred books or this histories in current use in the Church, composed according to old methods. They use real history written on modern principles according to modern methods.
What are these Modern apologists stating? They are stating that the truth is to be found only in this kind of history.
MS: For the Modernist, religion is spread by the communication of an original experience to others.
But let us see how the Modernist conducts his apologetics. The aim he sets before himself is to make the non-believer attain that experience of the Catholic religion which, according to the system, is the basis of faith. There are two ways open to him, the objective and the subjective. The first of them proceeds from agnosticism. It tends to show that religion, and especially the Catholic religion, is endowed with such vitality as to compel every psychologist and historian of good faith to recognize that its history hides some unknown element. To this end it is necessary to prove that this religion, as it exists today, is that which was founded by Jesus Christ; that is to say, that it is the product of the progressive development of the germ which He brought into the world. Hence it is imperative first of all to establish what this germ was, and this the Modernist claims to be able to do by the following formula: Christ announced the coming of the kingdom of God, which was to be realized within a brief lapse of time and of which He was to become the Messiah, the divinely-given agent and ordainer. Then it must be shown how this germ, always immanent and permanent in the bosom of the Church, has gone on slowly developing in the course of history, adapting itself successively to the different mediums through which it has passed, borrowing from them by vital assimilation all the dogmatic, cultural, ecclesiastical forms that served its purpose; whilst, on the other hand , it surmounted all obstacles, vanquished all enemies, and survived all assaults and all combats. Anybody who well and duly considers this mass of obstacles, adversaries, attacks, combats, and the vitality and fecundity which the Church has shown throughout them all, must admit that if the laws of evolution are visible in her life they fail to explain the whole of her history – the unknown rises forth from it and presents itself before us. Thus do they argue, never suspecting that their determination of the primitive germ is an a priori of agnostic and evolutionist philosophy, and that the formula of it has been gratuitously invented for the sake of buttressing their position.
How does the Modernist conducts his apologetics? He sets to make the non-believer attain the experience of the Catholic religion as the basis of faith.
What are two ways open to Modernist apologist? The object approach and subjective approach.
What is the objective approach? This proceeds from agnosticism. It tends to show that Catholic religion is endowed with such vitality as to compel every psychologist and historian of good faith to recognize that its history hides some unknown element.
What is necessary to prove about religion, as it exist today? It is a product of the progressive development of the germ He brought into the world. It is imperative to first of all to establish what this germ was.
What is this germ that He brought into this world? Christ announced the coming of the kingdom of God, which was to be realized within a brief period of time and of which He was to be come the Messiah.
What must be shown about this germ? This was an always immanent and permanent germ which has gone on slowly developing in the course of history, adapting itself successively to the different medium through which it has passed, borrowing from them by vital assimilation all the dogmatic, cultural, and ecclesiastical forms that served its purpose. And it surmounted all obstacles, vanquished all all assaults and combats.
What are the failures of this Modernist apologetic method? They fail to recognize the unknown aspects of faith. They employ a self-fulling a prior conclusion through their agnostic and evolutionist philosophy
36. But while they endeavor by this line of reasoning to secure access for the Catholic religion into souls, these new apologists are quite ready to admit that there are many distasteful things in it. Nay, they admit openly, and with ill-concealed satisfaction, that they have found that even its dogma is not exempt from errors and contradictions. They add also that this is not only excusable but – curiously enough – even right and proper. In the Sacred Books there are many passages referring to science or history where manifest errors are to be found. But the subject of these books is not science or history but religion and morals. In them history and science serve only as a species of covering to enable the religious and moral experiences wrapped up in them to penetrate more readily among the masses. The masses understood science and history as they are expressed in these books, and it is clear that had science and history been expressed in a more perfect form this would have proved rather a hindrance than a help. Then, again, the Sacred Books being essentially religious, are consequently necessarily living. Now life has its own truth and its own logic, belonging as they do to a different order, viz., truth of adaptation and of proportion both with the medium in which it exists and with the end towards which it tends. Finally the Modernists, losing all sense of control, go so far as to proclaim as true and legitimate everything that is explained by life.
What must the Modernist apologists have to admit? That even dogma is not exempt from errors and contradiction. This is right and proper. In the sacred books there are many passages referring to science or history where errors are found. The subject of these books are religion and morals.
What do history and science serve to show? They serve as a species to enable the religious and moral experiences to be wrapped up in them to more readily penetrate among the masses. The masses understand science and history.
How do Modernists view the sacred books? These books, being essentially religious, are consequently necessarily living. Life has its own truth and logic. Everything that is explained by life can also be true and legitimate
We, Venerable Brethren, for whom there is but one and only truth, and who hold that the Sacred Books, written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, have God for their author (Conc. Vat., De Revel., c. 2) declare that this is equivalent to attributing to God Himself the lie of utility or officious lie, and We say with St. Augustine: In an authority so high, admit but one officious lie, and there will not remain a single passage of those apparently difficult to practice or to believe, which on the same most pernicious rule may not be explained as a lie uttered by the author wilfully and to serve a purpose. (Epist. 28). And thus it will come about, the holy Doctor continues, that everybody will believe and refuse to believe what he likes or dislikes. But the Modernists pursue their way gaily. They grant also that certain arguments adduced in the Sacred Books, like those, for example, which are based on the prophecies, have no rational foundation to rest on. But they will defend even these as artifices of preaching, which are justified by life. Do they stop here? No, indeed, for they are ready to admit, nay, to proclaim that Christ Himself manifestly erred in determining the time when the coming of the Kingdom of God was to take place, and they tell us that we must not be surprised at this since even Christ was subject to the laws of life! After this what is to become of the dogmas of the Church? The dogmas brim over with flagrant contradictions, but what matter that since, apart from the fact that vital logic accepts them, they are not repugnant to symbolical truth. Are we not dealing with the infinite, and has not the infinite an infinite variety of aspects? In short, to maintain and defend these theories they do not hesitate to declare that the noblest homage that can be paid to the Infinite is to make it the object of contradictory propositions! But when they justify even contradiction, what is it that they will refuse to justify?
What is the Catholic view of the sacred books? They contain but one and only truth, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirt. They God as their author.
What are the consequences of the Modernist view toward the sacred books? This is essentially attributing (accusing) God of uttering lies. If everything explains by life is true, then everybody will believe and refuse to believe what he likes or dislikes.
How do Modernists illustrate their inconsistency? Sacred books, based on prophecies, have no rational foundation to rest on. but artifices of preaching can be justified by life.
What are the consequences of Modernists stating that Christ was subject to the laws of life? Dogmas can change. They may not be subject to symbolical truth.
Subjective Arguments
37. But it is not solely by objective arguments that the non-believer may be disposed to faith. There are also subjective ones at the disposal of the Modernists, and for those they return to their doctrine of immanence. They endeavor, in fact, to persuade their non-believer that down in the very deeps of his nature and his life lie the need and the desire for religion, and this not a religion of any kind, but the specific religion known as Catholicism, which, they say, is absolutely postulated by the perfect development of life. And here We cannot but deplore once more, and grievously, that there are Catholics who, while rejecting immanence as a doctrine, employ it as a method of apologetics, and who do this so imprudently that they seem to admit that there is in human nature a true and rigorous necessity with regard to the supernatural order – and not merely a capacity and a suitability for the supernatural, order – and not merely a capacity and a suitability for the supernatural, such as has at all times been emphasized by Catholic apologists. Truth to tell it is only the moderate Modernists who make this appeal to an exigency for the Catholic religion. As for the others, who might be called intergralists, they would show to the non-believer, hidden away in the very depths of his being, the very germ which Christ Himself bore in His conscience, and which He bequeathed to the world. Such, Venerable Brethren, is a summary description of the apologetic method of the Modernists, in perfect harmony, as you may see, with their doctrines – methods and doctrines brimming over with errors, made not for edification but for destruction, not for the formation of Catholics but for the plunging of Catholics into heresy; methods and doctrines that would be fatal to any religion.
What does subjective arguments of the faith lead to for the non-believer? Modernists persuade their non-believer that very deep nature (and life) and their desire for religion leads them to Catholicism. There is in human nature a true and rigorous need for the supernatural order.
What do moderate Modernists must acknowledge? This makes an appeal for Catholicism.
The Modernist as Reformer
38. It remains for Us now to say a few words about the Modernist as reformer. From all that has preceded, some idea may be gained of the reforming mania which possesses them: in all Catholicism there is absolutely nothing on which it does not fasten. Reform of philosophy, especially in the seminaries: the scholastic philosophy is to be relegated to the history of philosophy among obsolete systems, and the young men are to be taught modern philosophy which alone is true and suited to the times in which we live. Reform of theology; rational theology is to have modern philosophy for its foundation, and positive theology is to be founded on the history of dogma. As for history, it must be for the future written and taught only according to their modern methods and principles. Dogmas and their evolution are to be harmonised with science and history. In the Catechism no dogmas are to be inserted except those that have been duly reformed and are within the capacity of the people. Regarding worship, the number of external devotions is to be reduced, or at least steps must be taken to prevent their further increase, though, indeed, some of the admirers of symbolism are disposed to be more indulgent on this head. Ecclesiastical government requires to be reformed in all its branches, but especially in its disciplinary and dogmatic parts. Its spirit with the public conscience, which is not wholly for democracy; a share in ecclesiastical government should therefore be given to the lower ranks of the clergy, and even to the laity, and authority should be decentralized. The Roman Congregations, and especially the index and the Holy Office, are to be reformed. The ecclesiastical authority must change its line of conduct in the social and political world; while keeping outside political and social organization, it must adapt itself to those which exist in order to penetrate them with its spirit. With regard to morals, they adopt the principle of the Americanists, that the active virtues are more important than the passive, both in the estimation in which they must be held and in the exercise of them. The clergy are asked to return to their ancient lowliness and poverty, and in their ideas and action to be guided by the principles of Modernism; and there are some who, echoing the teaching of their Protestant masters, would like the suppression of ecclesiastical celibacy. What is there left in the Church which is not to be reformed according to their principles?
Modernist is reformer:
Does Catholicism need to be reformed? No
To the Modernist, how must philosophy be reformed? Scholastic philosophy is to be relegated to the history of philosophy among obsolete systems. Young men are to be taught modern philosophy which alone is true and suited to the times in which we live.
To the Modernist, how must dogma be reformed? Dogmas are to be inserted except those that have been duly reformed and are within the capacity of the people.
To the Modernist, how must devotions be reformed? The number of devotions is to be reduced. Steps must be taken to prevent further increase. Some admirers of symbolism are to be more indulgent.
To the Modernist, how must ecclesiastical government be reformed? All branches must be reformed, especially in its disciplinary and dogmatic parts. A share in ecclesiastical government should be given to the lower ranks of the clergy, and even to the laity. Authority should be decentralized. The Roman congregations are to be reformed. The ecclesiastical authority must change its line of conduct in the social and political world.
How must political and social organizations be reformed? They must be adapted so that the spirit may penetrate them.
MS: The Modernist has this drive to update, to change, and to subvert everything in Church: philosophy, theology, history, dogma, the liturgy, the magisterium, morals, clergy. Everything must evolve or die. In the Synod of Synodalities, the “Holy Spirit of Surprises” is an agent of change needed to reform Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. The notion of the “Holy Spirit of Change” allows this process to happen. Pope Francis takes these steps and “slow-walks” this process to get to that needed change. Pope Francis calls for a change in an paradigm shift in Catholic theology. The Church must evolve from the Traditional Latin Mass to the Novus Order Mass. Pope Francis and the Modernists are saying that the Traditional Latin Mass is no longer compatible with the Church’s ecclesiology after Vatican II.
Pope Francis, consulting with women Anglican priests, is looking into the possibility of woman deaconesses and perhaps women priests. The Synod of Synodalities is calling for greater laity participation in the decision making authority in the Church. The German bishops are already proposing that the laity in have authority in selecting priests and bishops. This list could potentially go on and on!
Modernism and All the Heresies
39. It may be, Venerable Brethren, that some may think We have dwelt too long on this exposition of the doctrines of the Modernists. But it was necessary, both in order to refute their customary charge that We do not understand their ideas, and to show that their system does not consist in scattered and unconnected theories but in a perfectly organized body, all the parts of which are solidly joined so that it is not possible to admit one without admitting all. For this reason, too, We have had to give this exposition a somewhat didactic form and not to shrink from employing certain uncouth terms in use among the Modernists. And now, can anybody who takes a survey of the whole system be surprised that We should define it as the synthesis of all heresies? Were one to attempt the task of collecting together all the errors that have been broached against the faith and to concentrate the sap and substance of them all into one, he could not better succeed than the Modernists have done. Nay, they have done more than this, for, as we have already intimated, their system means the destruction not of the Catholic religion alone but of all religion. With good reason do the rationalists applaud them, for the most sincere and the frankest among the rationalists warmly welcome the modernists as their most valuable allies.
What can be said about the Modernist doctrines? They are in a perfectly organized body, in which all parts are solidly joined. This is a synthesis of all heresies. This system seeks the destruction of Catholicism and all religion. Rationalists applaud and warmly welcome the Modernists as their most valuable allies.
MS: Modernism does not have an official creed. Modernism embraces every heresy and compounds every human error. Modernism eventually leads to atheism. Modernism is not a means of obtaining supernatural knowledge, but a symbol of a unknowable reality and human expression.
For let us return for a moment, Venerable Brethren, to that most disastrous doctrine of agnosticism. By it every avenue that leads the intellect to God is barred, but the Modernists would seek to open others available for sentiment and action. Vain efforts! For, after all, what is sentiment but the reaction of the soul on the action of the intelligence or the senses. Take away the intelligence, and man, already inclined to follow the senses, becomes their slave. Vain, too, from another point of view, for all these fantasias on the religious sentiment will never be able to destroy common sense, and common sense tells us that emotion and everything that leads the heart captive proves a hindrance instead of a help to the discovery of truth. We speak, of course, of truth in itself – as for that other purely subjective truth, the fruit of sentiment and action, if it serves its purpose for the jugglery of words, it is of no use to the man who wants to know above all things whether outside himself there is a God into whose hands he is one day to fall. True, the Modernists do call in experience to eke out their system, but what does this experience add to sentiment? Absolutely nothing beyond a certain intensity and a proportionate deepening of the conviction of the reality of the object. But these two will never make sentiment into anything but sentiment, nor deprive it of its characteristic which is to cause deception when the intelligence is not there to guide it; on the contrary, they but confirm and aggravate this characteristic, for the more intense sentiment is the more it is sentimental. In matters of religious sentiment and religious experience, you know, Venerable Brethren, how necessary is prudence and how necessary, too, the science which directs prudence. You know it from your own dealings with sounds, and especially with souls in whom sentiment predominates; you know it also from your reading of ascetical books – books for which the Modernists have but little esteem, but which testify to a science and a solidity very different from theirs, and to a refinement and subtlety of observation of which the Modernists give no evidence. Is it not really folly, or at least sovereign imprudence, to trust oneself without control to Modernist experiences? Let us for a moment put the question: if experiences have so much value in their eyes, why do they not attach equal weight to the experience that thousands upon thousands of Catholics have that the Modernists are on the wrong road? It is, perchance, that all experiences except those felt by the Modernists are false and deceptive? The vast majority of mankind holds and always will hold firmly that sentiment and experience alone, when not enlightened and guided by reason, do not lead to the knowledge of God. What remains, then, but the annihilation of all religion, – atheism? Certainly it is not the doctrine of symbolism – will save us from this. For if all the intellectual elements, as they call them, of religion are pure symbols, will not the very name of God or of divine personality be also a symbol, and if this be admitted will not the personality of God become a matter of doubt and the way opened to Pantheism? And to Pantheism that other doctrine of the divine immanence leads directly. For does it, We ask, leave God distinct from man or not? If yes, in what does it differ from Catholic doctrine, and why reject external revelation? If no, we are at once in Pantheism. Now the doctrine of immanence in the Modernist acceptation holds and professes that every phenomenon of conscience proceeds from man as man. The rigorous conclusion from this is the identity of man with God, which means Pantheism. The same conclusion follows from the distinction Modernists make between science and faith. The object of science they say is the reality of the knowable; the object of faith, on the contrary, is the reality of the unknowable. Now what makes the unknowable unknowable is its disproportion with the intelligible – a disproportion which nothing whatever, even in the doctrine of the Modernist, can suppress. Hence the unknowable remains and will eternally remain unknowable to the believer as well as to the man of science. Therefore if any religion at all is possible it can only be the religion of an unknowable reality. And why this religion might not be that universal soul of the universe, of which a rationalist speaks, is something We do see. Certainly this suffices to show superabundantly by how many roads Modernism leads to the annihilation of all religion. The first step in this direction was taken by Protestantism; the second is made by Modernism; the next will plunge headlong into atheism.
What is agnosticism? In agnosticism, every avenue that leads the intellect is barred. The Modernists seek to open other avenues available for sentiment and action.
What is another avenue? The sentiment. The sentiment is the reaction of the soul on the action of intelligence and senses. Sentiment become its slave. Common sense tells us that emotion and everything that leads the heart become a hindrance instead of a help to the discovery of the truth.
What is subjective truth? Subjective truth is the fruit of sentiment and action. It juggles words. It is of no use to the mean who wants to know above all things outside of himself and of God.
What is the consequences of Modernists adding experience to sentiment? This adds nothing beyond a certain intensity and deepening conviction of the reality of the object. Experience and sentiment do not offer anything more to sentiment. By further blocking access to knowledge, this causes deception. This causes their experiences to be false and deceptive.
What does the vast majority of mankind hold firmly? Sentiment and experience alone, when not enlightened and guided by reasons, do not lead to knowledge of God. What remains is the annihilation of religion (atheism).
What is the consequence of this doctrine of symbolism? If all intellectual elements of religion of pure symbols, this could lead to God also being a symbol. This could led to pantheism. This is the identity of man with God.
What is the doctrine of immanence? This holds and professes that every phenomenon of conscience proceeds from man as man. Immanence affirms that God is contained within the world, and thus within the limits of human reason, or within the norms and resources of human society and culture.
What is the object of science? This is the reality of the knowable.
What is the object of faith? This is the reality of the unknowable. This is associated with the intelligible. The unknowable remains and will eternally remain unknowable to the believer and the man of science. If any religion at all is possible, it can only be the religion of an unknowable reality.
What is transcendence? Transcendence denies that God is contained in the world.
40. To penetrate still deeper into Modernism and to find a suitable remedy for such a deep sore, it behooves Us, Venerable Brethren, to investigate the causes which have engendered it and which foster its growth. That the proximate and immediate cause consists in a perversion of the mind cannot be open to doubt. The remote causes seem to us to be reduced to two: curiosity and pride. Curiosity by itself, if not prudently regulated, suffices to explain all errors. Such is the opinion of Our Predecessor, Gregory XVI., who wrote: A lamentable spectacle is that presented by the aberrations of human reason when it yields to the spirit of novelty, when against the warning of the Apostle it seeks to know beyond what it is meant to know, and when relying too much on itself it thinks it can find the fruit outside the Church wherein truth is found without the slightest shadow of error (Ep. Encycl. Singulari nos, 7 Kal. Jul. 1834).
What are the causes of Modernism? The immediate cause consists in a perversion of mind. The remote cause seems to be curiosity and pride. Curiosity suffices to explain all errors.
What Pope Gregory XVI state about a perversion (aberration) of human reason? Aberrations of human reason yields to the spirit of novelty. This spirit of novelty seeks to know beyond what it is meant to know. This human reason think it can find the fruit (answer) outside the Church, wherein truth is already found.
But it is pride which exercises an incomparably greater sway over the soul to blind it and plunge it into error, and pride sits in Modernism as in its own house, finding sustenance everywhere in its doctrines and an occasion to flaunt itself in all its aspects. It is pride which fills Modernists with that confidence in themselves and leads them to hold themselves up as the rule for all, pride which puffs them up with that vainglory which allows them to regard themselves as the sole possessors of knowledge, and makes them say, inflated with presumption, We are not as the rest of men, and which, to make them really not as other men, leads them to embrace all kinds of the most absurd novelties; it is pride which rouses in them the spirit of disobedience and causes them to demand a compromise between authority and liberty; it is pride that makes of them the reformers of others, while they forget to reform themselves, and which begets their absolute want of respect for authority, not excepting the supreme authority. No, truly, there is no road which leads so directly and so quickly to Modernism as pride. When a Catholic laymen or a priest forgets that precept of the Christian life which obliges us to renounce ourselves if we would follow Jesus Christ and neglects to tear pride from his heart, ah! but he is a fully ripe subject for the errors of Modernism. Hence, Venerable Brethren, it will be your first duty to thwart such proud men, to employ them only in the lowest and obscurest offices; the higher they try to rise, the lower let them be placed, so that their lowly position may deprive them of the power of causing damage. Sound your young clerics, too, most carefully, by yourselves and by the directors of your seminaries, and when you find the spirit of pride among any of them reject them without compunction from the priesthood. Would to God that this had always been done with the proper vigilance and constancy.
What are consequence of pride of the Modernist? Pride exercises a greater sway over the soul to blind it and plunge it into error. Pride find sustenance in doctrines and occasion to flaunt itself in all its aspects. Pride fills Modernist with that confidence in themselves and leads them to hold themselves up as the rule for all. Pride puffs them up with vainglory which allows them to embrace all kinds of the most absurd novelties. Pride rouses in them a spirit of disobedience. Pride causes them to demand a compromise between authority and liberty. Pride makes of them reformers of others, while they forget to reform themselves. Pride begets their absolute want of respect for authority, not accepting supreme authority.
How can the Catholic layman or priest be subject to the errors of Modernism? This happens when he forgets the precept of the Christian life which obliges one to renounced himself in following Jesus Christ. This person neglects to tear pride from his heart. He is ripe for the errors of Modernism.
What can be done to thwart this person? One needs to employ them in the lowest or most obscure office. The higher they try to rise, the lower they need to placed, so that you may lower or deprive them of the power of causing damage.
What can be done for the seminaries? Reject and remove them from the priesthood.
MS: Pope Francis and his inner circle, have pridefully claimed that Jesus’s Church must be reformed and remade into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. Pride provides the impetus for developing new human traditions, novelties, and innovations. Fiducia Supplicans has introduced the notion of blessings for same sex-unions. Pope Francis has claimed that the Traditional Latin Mass must end.
Pope Francis unfortunately also is of need of reform for himself. He appoints, promotes, and hides clergy with questionable moral character (Fr. Rupnik, Cardinal McCarrack, Cardinal Fernandez). Pope Francis deposes faithful Bishops (Bishop Strickland) for having the audacity for refusing to follow the Modernist line. Pope Francis denigrates and rebukes any mention of tradition (traditional priests, traditional (conservative) Catholics, Tradition, TLM). Pope Francis, who intentionally and intentionally causes confusion and chaos, criticizes his opponents for being divisive and disloyal. It has been said that the younger generation of priests and seminarians are becoming more conservative. This fact actually bothers Pope Francis. This is a good sign for thwarting this Modernist disease in the Church.
41. If we pass from the moral to the intellectual causes of Modernism, the first which presents itself, and the chief one, is ignorance. Yes, these very Modernists who pose as Doctors of the Church, who puff out their cheeks when they speak of modern philosophy, and show such contempt for scholasticism, have embraced the one with all its false glamour because their ignorance of the other has left them without the means of being able to recognize confusion of thought, and to refute sophistry. Their whole system, with all its errors, has been born of the alliance between faith and false philosophy.
What are the intellectual causes of Modernism? The chief cause is ignorance. This person speaks of modern philosophy and shows contempt for scholasticism. They embrace modern philosophy because their ignorance of scholasticism has left them without the means of being able to recognize confusion of thought and to refute sophistry. The whole system of Modernist errors has been born of the alliance between faith and false philosophy.
MS: Modernists show their ignorance as they show contempt for tradition and scholasticism and foolishly rely on modern philosophy.
Methods of Propagandism
42. If only they had displayed less zeal and energy in propagating it! But such is their activity and such their unwearying capacity for work on behalf of their cause, that one cannot but be pained to see them waste such labor in endeavoring to ruin the Church when they might have been of such service to her had their efforts been better employed. Their articles to delude men’s minds are of two kinds, the first to remove obstacles from their path, the second to devise and apply actively and patiently every instrument that can serve their purpose. They recognize that the three chief difficulties for them are scholastic philosophy, the authority of the fathers and tradition, and the magisterium of the Church, and on these they wage unrelenting war. For scholastic philosophy and theology they have only ridicule and contempt. Whether it is ignorance or fear, or both, that inspires this conduct in them, certain it is that the passion for novelty is always united in them with hatred of scholasticism, and there is no surer sign that a man is on the way to Modernism than when he begins to show his dislike for this system. Modernists and their admirers should remember the proposition condemned by Pius IX: The method and principles which have served the doctors of scholasticism when treating of theology no longer correspond with the exigencies of our time or the progress of science (Syll. Prop. 13). They exercise all their ingenuity in diminishing the force and falsifying the character of tradition, so as to rob it of all its weight. But for Catholics the second Council of Nicea will always have the force of law, where it condemns those who dare, after the impious fashion of heretics, to deride the ecclesiastical traditions, to invent novelties of some kind . . . or endeavour by malice or craft to overthrow any one of the legitimate traditions of the Catholic Church; and Catholics will hold for law, also, the profession of the fourth Council of Constantinople: We therefore profess to conserve and guard the rules bequeathed to the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church by the Holy and most illustrious Apostles, by the orthodox Councils, both general and local, and by every one of those divine interpreters the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Wherefore the Roman Pontiffs, Pius IV. and Pius IX., ordered the insertion in the profession of faith of the following declaration: I most firmly admit and embrace the apostolic and ecclesiastical traditions and other observances and constitutions of the Church. The Modernists pass the same judgment on the most holy Fathers of the Church as they pass on tradition; decreeing, with amazing effrontery that, while personally most worthy of all veneration, they were entirely ignorant of history and criticism, for which they are only excusable on account of the time in which they lived. Finally, the Modernists try in every way to diminish and weaken the authority of the ecclesiastical magisterium itself by sacrilegiously falsifying its origin, character, and rights, and by freely repeating the calumnies of its adversaries. To all the band of Modernists may be applied those words which Our Predecessor wrote with such pain: To bring contempt and odium on the mystic Spouse of Christ, who is the true light, the children of darkness have been wont to cast in her face before the world a stupid calumny, and perverting the meaning and force of things and words, to depict her as the friend of darkness and ignorance, and the enemy of light, science, and progress (Motu-proprio, Ut mysticum, 14 March, 1891). This being so, Venerable Brethren, no wonder the Modernists vent all their gall and hatred on Catholics who sturdily fight the battles of the Church. But of all the insults they heap on them those of ignorance and obstinacy are the favorites. When an adversary rises up against them with an erudition and force that render him redoubtable, they try to make a conspiracy of silence around him to nullify the effects of his attack, while in flagrant contrast with this policy towards Catholics, they load with constant praise the writers who range themselves on their side, hailing their works, excluding novelty in every page, with choruses of applause; for them the scholarship of a writer is in direct proportion to the recklessness of his attacks on antiquity, and of his efforts to undermine tradition and the ecclesiastical magisterium; when one of their number falls under the condemnations of the Church the rest of them, to the horror of good Catholics, gather round him, heap public praise upon him, venerate him almost as a martyr to truth. The young, excited and confused by all this glamour of praise and abuse, some of them afraid of being branded as ignorant, others ambitious to be considered learned, and both classes goaded internally by curiosity and pride, often surrender and give themselves up to Modernism.
How do Modernists seek to delude men’s minds? To remove obstacles from their path and to devise (and apply) patiently every instrument that can serve their purpose.
What are three main obstacles for the Modernists? Scholastic philosophy, the authority of the Fathers and Tradition, and the magisterium of the church. Modernists wage unrelenting ware on these obstacles.
How do Modernists view scholastic philosophy and theology? Modernists have ridicule and contempt for them. Modernists’ ignorance, fear, and passion for novelty contribute to their hatred of scholasticism. There is no surer sign on the inclination toward Modernism than that of their dislike of this system.
What does Pope Pius IX warn about the Modernists? Modernists believe that the method and principles which have served the scholastic doctors when treating of theology no longer correspond with the urgencies of our time or the progress of science.
How do Modernists view Tradition? They seek to diminish and falsify the character of tradition, so as to rob it of all its weight.
What does the second Council of Nicea say about Modernists? This council condemns those heretics who deride ecclesiastical traditions and who invent novelties. These heretics seek by malice and craftiness to overthrow the legitimate traditions of the Catholic Church.
What do Modernists say about the Fathers of the Church? These Modernists pass judgment on these Fathers. Modernists claim that these Fathers were entirely ignorant of history and criticism, because of the time period in which they lived.
What do Modernists seek to do with the ecclesiastical magisterium? These Modernists try in every way to diminish and weaken the magisterium’s authority by falsifying its origin, rights, repeating calumnies (slanderous statements) of its adversaries.
What does Pope Leo XIII say about the Modernists? They bring contempt and odium on the Spouse of Christ. These children of darkness have cast in her face a stupid calumny, perverting the meaning and force of things and words. They tried to depict her as the friend of darkness and ignorance, the enemy of light, science, and progress.
How do Modernist act towards Catholics? Modernist even their gall and hatred toward Catholics. The insults that Modernist heap consist of ignorance obstinacy. Modernists nullify attacks against them with a conspiracy of silence around them. Modernist load constant praise on writers who sympathize with them, hailing their works. Modernists perceive a writer’s scholarship is in direct proportion of one’s attacks on antiquity and efforts to undermine tradition and the magisterium.
How do Modernists respond to one of their own who is being criticized or attacked by the Church? The Modernists praise that person and venerates him almost as a martyr to truth.
MS: Modernists seek to undermine scholastic philosophy, the Church Fathers and Tradition, and the Church magisterium. Modernists claim that scholasticism is hopelessly outdated and unable to deal with the advances of modern thought and the progress of the natural sciences. Modernists claim that the Church Fathers and Tradition are no longer reliable guides to faith. Modernists point out supposed evolutions, contradictions, and errors in the magisterium’s decisions. Pope Leo XIII claims that Modernists bring contempt upon the Bride of Christ.
43. And here we have already some of the artifices employed by Modernists to exploit their wares. What efforts they make to win new recruits! They seize upon chairs in the seminaries and universities, and gradually make of them chairs of pestilence. From these sacred chairs they scatter, though not always openly, the seeds of their doctrines; they proclaim their teachings without disguise in congresses; they introduce them and make them the vogue in social institutions. Under their own names and under pseudonyms they publish numbers of books, newspapers, reviews, and sometimes one and the same writer adopts a variety of pseudonyms to trap the incautious reader into believing in a whole multitude of Modernist writers – in short they leave nothing untried, in action, discourses, writings, as though there were a frenzy of propaganda upon them. And the results of all this? We have to lament at the sight of many young men once full of promise and capable of rendering great services to the Church, now gone astray. And there is another sight that saddens Us too: that of so many other Catholics, who, while they certainly do not go so far as the former, have yet grown into the habit, as though they had been breathing a poisoned atmosphere, of thinking and speaking and writing with a liberty that ill becomes Catholics. They are to be found among the laity, and in the ranks of the clergy, and they are not wanting even in the last place where one might expect to meet them, in religious institutes. If they treat of biblical questions, it is upon Modernist principles; if they write history, it is to search out with curiosity and to publish openly, on the pretext of telling the whole truth and with a species of ill-concealed satisfaction, everything that looks to them like a stain in the history of the Church. Under the sway of certain a priori rules they destroy as far as they can the pious traditions of the people, and bring ridicule on certain relics highly venerable from their antiquity. They are possessed by the empty desire of being talked about, and they know they would never succeed in this were they to say only what has been always said. It may be that they have persuaded themselves that in all this they are really serving God and the Church – in reality they only offend both, less perhaps by their works themselves than by the spirit in which they write and by the encouragement they are giving to the extravagances of the Modernists.
How do the Modernists win new recruits? They seize upon chairs in seminaries and universities. From these authority positions they spread their seeds of their doctrines. They proclaim their teachings without disguise in congresses. They introduce these ideas in social institutions. Modernists use their own names and pseudonyms to publish book, newspapers, and reviews.
What is the consequence of this? Many young men and women go astray. They are found in the clergy and laity.
MS: The Modernist uses every means available to spread errors and confusion intended to corrupt both clergy and laity. The Modernist believes that the hierarchy must adapt to these changes. Pope Francis has become a great cause (source) of causing confusion and chaos in the Church. Enough said about this. Pope calls the traditional priest wearing the cassock a scandal to the Church. Pope Francis often denigrate priests with claims of clericalism.
44. Against this host of grave errors, and its secret and open advance, Our Predecessor Leo XIII., of happy memory, worked strenuously especially as regards the Bible, both in his words and his acts. But, as we have seen, the Modernists are not easily deterred by such weapons – with an affectation of submission and respect, they proceeded to twist the words of the Pontiff to their own sense, and his acts they described as directed against others than themselves. And the evil has gone on increasing from day to day. We therefore, Venerable Brethren, have determined to adopt at once the most efficacious measures in Our power, and We beg and conjure you to see to it that in this most grave matter nobody will ever be able to say that you have been in the slightest degree wanting in vigilance, zeal or firmness. And what We ask of you and expect of you, We ask and expect also of all other pastors of souls, of all educators and professors of clerics, and in a very special way of the superiors of religious institutions.
I. – The Study of Scholastic Philosophy
45. In the first place, with regard to studies, We will and ordain that scholastic philosophy be made the basis of the sacred sciences. It goes without saying that if anything is met with among the scholastic doctors which may be regarded as an excess of subtlety, or which is altogether destitute of probability, We have no desire whatever to propose it for the imitation of present generations (Leo XIII. Enc. Aeterni Patris). And let it be clearly understood above all things that the scholastic philosophy We prescribe is that which the Angelic Doctor has bequeathed to us, and We, therefore, declare that all the ordinances of Our Predecessor on this subject continue fully in force, and, as far as may be necessary, We do decree anew, and confirm, and ordain that they be by all strictly observed. In seminaries where they may have been neglected let the Bishops impose them and require their observance, and let this apply also to the Superiors of religious institutions. Further let Professors remember that they cannot set St. Thomas aside, especially in metaphysical questions, without grave detriment.
What is to the basis for the sacred sciences to counter the Modernists? Scholastic philosophy. Scholastic philosophy must be required for the seminaries and religious institutions.
MS: Scholastic philosophy must remain the basis of the Church’s intellectual life in order to thwart Modernist thinking.
46. On this philosophical foundation the theological edifice is to be solidly raised. Promote the study of theology, Venerable Brethren, by all means in your power, so that your clerics on leaving the seminaries may admire and love it, and always find their delight in it. For in the vast and varied abundance of studies opening before the mind desirous of truth, everybody knows how the old maxim describes theology as so far in front of all others that every science and art should serve it and be to it as handmaidens (Leo XIII., Lett. ap. In Magna, Dec. 10, 1889). We will add that We deem worthy of praise those who with full respect for tradition, the Holy Fathers, and the ecclesiastical magisterium, undertake, with well-balanced judgment and guided by Catholic principles (which is not always the case), seek to illustrate positive theology by throwing the light of true history upon it. Certainly more attention must be paid to positive theology than in the past, but this must be done without detriment to scholastic theology, and those are to be disapproved as of Modernist tendencies who exalt positive theology in such a way as to seem to despise the scholastic.
What is need to solidify this theological foundation? Promote the study of theology.
What does Pope Leo XIII say about theology? Theology is so far in front of all others that every science and art should serve it.
What is positive theology? That part of theology which seeks to establish the truth the Church’s teaching from the evidence of scripture, tradition, and faith, to which could be added the evidence of history. More attention must be paid to positive theology than in the past. This must be done without detriment to scholastic theology.
What do Modernists seek to accomplish? They exalt positive theology which diminishes scholastic theology.
MS: More focus must be placed on positive theology (theology which seeks to establish the truth of the Church’s teaching, tradition, and faith) to thwart Modernist influences.
47. With regard to profane studies suffice it to recall here what Our Predecessor has admirably said: Apply yourselves energetically to the study of natural sciences: the brilliant discoveries and the bold and useful applications of them made in our times which have won such applause by our contemporaries will be an object of perpetual praise for those that come after us (Leo XIII. Alloc., March 7, 1880). But this do without interfering with sacred studies, as Our Predecessor in these most grave words prescribed: If you carefully search for the cause of those errors you will find that it lies in the fact that in these days when the natural sciences absorb so much study, the more severe and lofty studies have been proportionately neglected – some of them have almost passed into oblivion, some of them are pursued in a half-hearted or superficial way, and, sad to say, now that they are fallen from their old estate, they have been dis figured by perverse doctrines and monstrous errors (loco cit.). We ordain, therefore, that the study of natural science in the seminaries be carried on under this law.
What does Pope Leo XIII say about studying the natural sciences? One must energetically apply yourselves to the study of natural sciences. The brilliant discoveries and bold and useful application application will be an object of perpetual praise for those that come after us. This must be done without interfering with sacred studies.
What does Pope Leo XIII say about the cause of these errors? You will find that the study of the natural science was neglected and passed into oblivion. They have been disfigured by perverse doctrines and monstrous error. The study of natural science must be carried out in the seminaries.
MS: Natural science must be studied as a way in part to stop the spread of perverse doctrines and errors.
II – Practical Application
48. All these prescriptions and those of Our Predecessor are to be borne in mind whenever there is question of choosing directors and professors for seminaries and Catholic Universities. Anybody who in any way is found to be imbued with Modernism is to be excluded without compunction from these offices, and those who already occupy them are to be withdrawn. The same policy is to be adopted towards those who favour Modernism either by extolling the Modernists or excusing their culpable conduct, by criticizing scholasticism, the Holy Father, or by refusing obedience to ecclesiastical authority in any of its depositaries; and towards those who show a love of novelty in history, archaeology, biblical exegesis, and finally towards those who neglect the sacred sciences or appear to prefer to them the profane. In all this question of studies, Venerable Brethren, you cannot be too watchful or too constant, but most of all in the choice of professors, for as a rule the students are modelled after the pattern of their masters. Strong in the consciousness of your duty, act always prudently but vigorously.
What must be done when choosing directors and professors? Proper scholastic philosophy and theological requirements must be used in selecting presidents, directors, and professors for Catholic institutions. Those candidates espousing Modernist beliefs must be excluded and withdrawn.
What are some of these Modernist beliefs? Criticizing scholasticism, criticizing the Holy Father, refusing obedience to ecclesiastical authority, having a love of novelty (in history, archaelogy, biblical exegesis, and neglect and profaning of sacred sciences.
49. Equal diligence and severity are to be used in examining and selecting candidates for Holy Orders. Far, far from the clergy be the love of novelty! God hates the proud and the obstinate. For the future the doctorate of theology and canon law must never be conferred on anybody who has not made the regular course of scholastic philosophy; if conferred it shall be held as null and void. The rules laid down in 1896 by the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars for the clerics, both secular and regular, of Italy concerning the frequenting of the Universities, We now decree to be extended to all nations. Clerics and priests inscribed in a Catholic Institute or University must not in the future follow in civil Universities those courses for which there are chairs in the Catholic Institutes to which they belong. If this has been permitted anywhere in the past, We ordain that it be not allowed for the future. Let the Bishops who form the Governing Board of such Catholic Institutes or Universities watch with all care that these Our commands be constantly observed.
What is need for selecting candidates for Holy Orders? Strict requirement must be used in this selection process. These candidates must not have a love or desire for novelty. The candidates must not show pride obstinacy. The candidates must be exposed with scholastic philosophy. Clerics and priest must be inscribed in a Catholic institution.
MS: The prospective seminarian must be tradition oriented, averse to novelty, averse to pride, and well versed in scholastic philosophy.
III. – Episcopal Vigilance Over Publications
50. It is also the duty of the bishops to prevent writings infected with Modernism or favorable to it from being read when they have been published, and to hinder their publication when they have not. No book or paper or periodical of this kind must ever be permitted to seminarians or university students. The injury to them would be equal to that caused by immoral reading – nay, it would be greater for such writings poison Christian life at its very fount. The same decision is to be taken concerning the writings of some Catholics, who, though not badly disposed themselves but ill-instructed in theological studies and imbued with modern philosophy, strive to make this harmonize with the faith, and, as they say, to turn it to the account of the faith. The name and reputation of these authors cause them to be read without suspicion, and they are, therefore, all the more dangerous in preparing the way for Modernism.
What is the duty of the bishops? Their duty is to prevent writings infected or favorable to Modernism from being read. Bishop must hinder production of Modernist publications. No Modernist papers or periodical must ever be permitted to seminarians or university students. The injury to them is likened to immoral reading and poison. Bishops must restrict and remove writing of some Catholics who have been poorly instructed in theology and imbued with modern philosophy.
51. To give you some more general directions, Venerable Brethren, in a matter of such moment, We bid you do everything in your power to drive out of your dioceses, even by solemn interdict, any pernicious books that may be in circulation there. The Holy See neglects no means to put down writings of this kind, but the number of them has now grown to such an extent that it is impossible to censure them all. Hence it happens that the medicine sometimes arrives too late, for the disease has taken root during the delay. We will, therefore, that the Bishops, putting aside all fear and the prudence of the flesh, despising the outcries of the wicked, gently by all means but constantly, do each his own share of this work, remembering the injunctions of Leo XIII. in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum: Let the Ordinaries, acting in this also as Delegates of the Apostolic See, exert themselves to prescribe and to put out of reach of the faithful injurious books or other writings printed or circulated in their dioceses. In this passage the Bishops, it is true, receive a right, but they have also a duty imposed on them. Let no Bishop think that he fulfils this duty by denouncing to us one or two books, while a great many others of the same kind are being published and circulated. Nor are you to be deterred by the fact that a book has obtained the Imprimatur elsewhere, both because this may be merely simulated, and because it may have been granted through carelessness or easiness or excessive confidence in the author as may sometimes happen in religious Orders. Besides, just as the same food does not agree equally with everybody, it may happen that a book harmless in one may, on account of the different circumstances, be hurtful in another. Should a Bishop, therefore, after having taken the advice of prudent persons, deem it right to condemn any of such books in his diocese, We not only give him ample faculty to do so but We impose it upon him as a duty to do so. Of course, it is Our wish that in such action proper regard be used, and sometimes it will suffice to restrict the prohibition to the clergy; but even in such cases it will be obligatory on Catholic booksellers not to put on sale books condemned by the Bishop. And while We are on this subject of booksellers, We wish the Bishops to see to it that they do not, through desire for gain, put on sale unsound books. It is certain that in the catalogues of some of them the books of the Modernists are not unfrequently announced with no small praise. If they refuse obedience let the Bishops have no hesitation in depriving them of the title of Catholic booksellers; so too, and with more reason, if they have the title of Episcopal booksellers, and if they have that of Pontifical, let them be denounced to the Apostolic See. Finally, We remind all of the XXVI. article of the abovementioned Constitution Officiorum: All those who have obtained an apostolic faculty to read and keep forbidden books, are not thereby authorised to read books and periodicals forbidden by the local Ordinaries, unless the apostolic faculty expressly concedes permission to read and keep books condemned by anybody.
What must be done at the diocese level? Bishops must remove questionable books in circulation. Bishops must denounce questionable books.
IV. – Censorship
52. But it is not enough to hinder the reading and the sale of bad books – it is also necessary to prevent them from being printed. Hence let the Bishops use the utmost severity in granting permission to print. Under the rules of the Constitution Officiorum, many publications require the authorisation of the Ordinary, and in some dioceses it has been made the custom to have a suitable number of official censors for the examination of writings. We have the highest praise for this institution, and We not only exhort, but We order that it be extended to all dioceses. In all episcopal Curias, therefore, let censors be appointed for the revision of works intended for publication, and let the censors be chosen from both ranks of the clergy – secular and regular – men of age, knowledge and prudence who will know how to follow the golden mean in their judgments. It shall be their office to examine everything which requires permission for publication according to Articles XLI. and XLII. of the above-mentioned Constitution. The Censor shall give his verdict in writing. If it be favourable, the Bishop will give the permission for publication by the word Imprimatur, which must always be preceded by the Nihil obstat and the name of the Censor. In the Curia of Rome official censors shall be appointed just as elsewhere, and the appointment of them shall appertain to the Master of the Sacred Palaces, after they have been proposed to the Cardinal Vicar and accepted by the Sovereign Pontiff. It will also be the office of the Master of the Sacred Palaces to select the censor for each writing. Permission for publication will be granted by him as well as by the Cardinal Vicar or his Vicegerent, and this permission, as above prescribed, must always be preceded by the Nihil obstat and the name of the Censor. Only on very rare and exceptional occasions, and on the prudent decision of the bishop, shall it be possible to omit mention of the Censor. The name of the Censor shall never be made known to the authors until he shall have given a favourable decision, so that he may not have to suffer annoyance either while he is engaged in the examination of a writing or in case he should deny his approval. Censors shall never be chosen from the religious orders until the opinion of the Provincial, or in Rome of the General, has been privately obtained, and the Provincial or the General must give a conscientious account of the character, knowledge and orthodoxy of the candidate. We admonish religious superiors of their solemn duty never to allow anything to be published by any of their subjects without permission from themselves and from the Ordinary. Finally We affirm and declare that the title of Censor has no value and can never be adduced to give credit to the private opinions of the person who holds it.
What must be done about the production of questionable books? It is necessary to sometimes to prevent them from being printed. Bishop must use the utmost severity and caution in granting permission to print. May publications require the authorization of the Ordinary.
Priests as Editors
53. Having said this much in general, We now ordain in particular a more careful observance of Article XLII. of the above-mentioned Constitution Officiorum. It is forbidden to secular priests, without the previous consent of the Ordinary, to undertake the direction of papers or periodicals. This permission shall be withdrawn from any priest who makes a wrong use of it after having been admonished. With regard to priests who are correspondents or collaborators of periodicals, as it happens not unfrequently that they write matter infected with Modernism for their papers or periodicals, let the Bishops see to it that this is not permitted to happen, and, should they fail in this duty, let the Bishops make due provision with authority delegated by the Supreme Pontiff. Let there be, as far as this is possible, a special Censor for newspapers and periodicals written by Catholics. It shall be his office to read in due time each number after it has been published, and if he find anything dangerous in it let him order that it be corrected. The Bishop shall have the same right even when the Censor has seen nothing objectionable in a publication.
V. –Congresses
54. We have already mentioned congresses and public gatherings as among the means used by the Modernists to propagate and defend their opinions. In the future Bishops shall not permit Congresses of priests except on very rare occasions. When they do permit them it shall only be on condition that matters appertaining to the Bishops or the Apostolic See be not treated in them, and that no motions or postulates be allowed that would imply a usurpation of sacred authority, and that no mention be made in them of Modernism, presbyterianism, or laicism. At Congresses of this kind, which can only be held after permission in writing has been obtained in due time and for each case, it shall not be lawful for priests of other dioceses to take part without the written permission of their Ordinary. Further no priest must lose sight of the solemn recommendation of Leo XIII.: Let priests hold as sacred the authority of their pastors, let them take it for certain that the sacerdotal ministry, if not exercised under the guidance of the Bishops, can never be either holy, or very fruitful or respectable (Lett. Encyc. Nobilissima Gallorum, 10 Feb., 1884).
VI – Diocesan Watch Committees
55. But of what avail, Venerable Brethren, will be all Our commands and prescriptions if they be not dutifully and firmly carried out? And, in order that this may be done, it has seemed expedient to Us to extend to all dioceses the regulations laid down with great wisdom many years ago by the Bishops of Umbria for theirs.
“In order,” they say, “to extirpate the errors already propagated and to prevent their further diffusion, and to remove those teachers of impiety through whom the pernicious effects of such dif fusion are being perpetuated, this sacred Assembly, following the example of St. Charles Borromeo, has decided to establish in each of the dioceses a Council consisting of approved members of both branches of the clergy, which shall be charged the task of noting the existence of errors and the devices by which new ones are introduced and propagated, and to inform the Bishop of the whole so that he may take counsel with them as to the best means for nipping the evil in the bud and preventing it spreading for the ruin of souls or, worse still, gaining strength and growth” (Acts of the Congress of the Bishops of Umbria, Nov. 1849, tit 2, art. 6). We decree, therefore, that in every diocese a council of this kind, which We are pleased to name “the Council of Vigilance,” be instituted without delay. The priests called to form part in it shall be chosen somewhat after the manner above prescribed for the Censors, and they shall meet every two months on an appointed day under the presidency of the Bishop. They shall be bound to secrecy as to their deliberations and decisions, and their function shall be as follows: They shall watch most carefully for every trace and sign of Modernism both in publications and in teaching, and, to preserve from it the clergy and the young, they shall take all prudent, prompt and efficacious measures. Let them combat novelties of words remembering the admonitions of Leo XIII. (Instruct. S.C. NN. EE. EE., 27 Jan., 1902): It is impossible to approve in Catholic publications of a style inspired by unsound novelty which seems to deride the piety of the faithful and dwells on the introduction of a new order of Christian life, on new directions of the Church, on new aspirations of the modern soul, on a new vocation of the clergy, on a new Christian civilisation. Language of this kind is not to be tolerated either in books or from chairs of learning. The Councils must not neglect the books treating of the pious traditions of different places or of sacred relics. Let them not permit such questions to be discussed in periodicals destined to stimulate piety, neither with expressions savouring of mockery or contempt, nor by dogmatic pronouncements, especially when, as is often the case, what is stated as a certainty either does not pass the limits of probability or is merely based on prejudiced opinion. Concerning sacred relics, let this be the rule: When Bishops, who alone are judges in such matters, know for certain the a relic is not genuine, let them remove it at once from the veneration of the faithful; if the authentications of a relic happen to have been lost through civil disturbances, or in any other way, let it not be exposed for public veneration until the Bishop has verified it. The argument of prescription or well-founded presumption is to have weight only when devotion to a relic is commendable by reason of its antiquity, according to the sense of the Decree issued in 1896 by the Congregation of Indulgences and Sacred Relics: Ancient relics are to retain the veneration they have always enjoyed except when in individual instances there are clear arguments that they are false or suppositions. In passing judgment on pious traditions be it always borne in mind that in this matter the Church uses the greatest prudence, and that she does not allow traditions of this kind to be narrated in books except with the utmost caution and with the insertion of the declaration imposed by Urban VIII, and even then she does not guarantee the truth of the fact narrated; she simply does but forbid belief in things for which human arguments are not wanting. On this matter the Sacred Congregation of Rites, thirty years ago, decreed as follows: These apparitions and revelations have neither been approved nor condemned by the Holy See, which has simply allowed that they be believed on purely human faith, on the tradition which they relate, corroborated by testimonies and documents worthy of credence (Decree, May 2, 1877). Anybody who follows this rule has no cause for fear. For the devotion based on any apparition, in as far as it regards the fact itself, that is to say in as far as it is relative, always implies the hypothesis of the truth of the fact; while in as far as it is absolute, it must always be based on the truth, seeing that its object is the persons of the saints who are honoured. The same is true of relics. Finally, We entrust to the Councils of Vigilance the duty of overlooking assiduously and diligently social institutions as well as writings on social questions so that they may harbour no trace of Modernism, but obey the prescriptions of the Roman Pontiffs.
VII – Triennial Returns
56. Lest what We have laid down thus far should fall into oblivion, We will and ordain that the Bishops of all dioceses, a year after the publication of these letters and every three years thenceforward, furnish the Holy See with a diligent and sworn report on all the prescriptions contained in them, and on the doctrines that find currency among the clergy, and especially in the seminaries and other Catholic institutions, and We impose the like obligation on the Generals of Religious Orders with regard to those under them.
57. This, Venerable Brethren, is what we have thought it our duty to write to you for the salvation of all who believe. The adversaries of the Church will doubtless abuse what we have said to refurbish the old calumny by which we are traduced as the enemy of science and of the progress of humanity. In order to oppose a new answer to such accusations, which the history of the Christian religion refutes by never failing arguments, it is Our intention to establish and develop by every means in our power a special Institute in which, through the co-operation of those Catholics who are most eminent for their learning, the progress of science and other realms of knowledge may be promoted under the guidance and teaching of Catholic truth. God grant that we may happily realize our design with the ready assistance of all those who bear a sincere love for the Church of Christ. But of this we will speak on another occasion.
58. Meanwhile, Venerable Brethren, fully confident in your zeal and work, we beseech for you with our whole heart and soul the abundance of heavenly light, so that in the midst of this great perturbation of men’s minds from the insidious invasions of error from every side, you may see clearly what you ought to do and may perform the task with all your strength and courage. May Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, be with you by His power; and may the Immaculate Virgin, the destroyer of all heresies, be with you by her prayers and aid. And We, as a pledge of Our affection and of divine assistance in adversity, grant most affectionately and with all Our heart to you, your clergy and people the Apostolic Benediction.
Given at St. Peter’s, Rome, on the 8th day of September, 1907, the fifth year of our Pontificate.
Texas, citing the US Constitution, is taking upon itself to secure the border from the invasion of illegals at the southern border.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term security, assurance, precaution, safe-conduct, caution, and certainty.
Antiphon’s First Tetralogy 2.28: “I should take the precaution of not being present at the scene of the crime.”
Lysia’s Against Philon 31.7: “I will demonstrate that Philon here has set his private safety above the public danger of the city.”
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 4.6.15: “Homer gave Odysseus the credit of being “a safe speaker” because he had a way of leading the discussion from one acknowledged truth to another.”
Old Testament: This term means to trust, to be confident, security, safety, foundation, sound knowledge, wisdom, keeping faith, and following.
New Testament: This term means certainty (of teachings), securely locked, and security.
Certainty of the teachings that Luke has received: Lk. 1:1-4
Luke was 2nd or 3rd generation acknowledges his debit to earlier eyewitnesses of the Word.
Eyewitness and ministers of the Word had undertaken to take compile a narrative of events that had been fulfilled.
Luke investigated these events and written these down in an orderly fashion.
Luke is interested in Jesus’ deeds, words, birth, ministry, death, and resurrection.
Luke provides Theophilus (and others) with certainty of the teachings he has received from Jesus.
The need for vigilance for Christians: 1Thess.5:1-3
Times and season: the time for preparation for the coming of the Lord.
You have no need that I [Paul] write you: general information should make you watchful.
You already know that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
Peace and security: complacency, laziness, and unpreparedness.
Destruction and disaster will be sudden, unexpected, painful, and unavoidable.
The Apostles escaping from jail: Acts 5:23-39
The Apostles performed many signs and wonders.
The Sanhedrin, worried and jealous of the Apostles’ popularity, arrested them and put them in jail.
The angel of the Lord freed the Apostles and told them to the temple area.
The Sanhedrin learned about this and brought the Apostles again before them.
The Sanhedrin asked the Apostles why their refused their orders to stop teaching.
The Apostles responded, “We must obey God rather than man.”
The Sanhedrin was furious and wanted to put the Apostles to death.
The Pharisees Gamaliel warned the Sanhedrin to be careful about what to do with these men.
Wisdom from Gamaliel: Acts 5:38-39
If this activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself.
If this activity comes from God, you will not be able to destroy it. You may even find yourself fighting against God.
Etymology: The Greek noun asphaleia is derived from (a-) without and the Greek verb sphallo (to fall).
Latinization of the Greek verb sphallo: Originally, the Greek verb sphallo meant to deceive, to conceal, to dissemble, and to stumble (into error). Dissembling and concealing creates an obstruction for someone. With this obstruction, one does not know what he is dealing with. Therefore, one “falls for” what is presented to him. When something is presented, that person “falls for it.” Obstructing, dissembling, and concealing now result in the false. It is interesting to note that the Roman verb fallere is the Latin term for the Greek verb sphallo.
Verb, verbiage, word, diligence, diligent, asphalt, security, fall, falling
Update: The Modernists, like Pope Francis and his inner circle, continue to despise Tradition which was handed down by the Apostles.
Many human doctrines, innovations, and novelties regarding Church teachings and practices have occurred under Pope Francis’ papacy. These human actions will essentially harm the Church. Yet, these human endeavors will ultimately destroy themselves.
Universal resistance against Fiducia Supplicans continues to persist. This opposition is based on traditional Church teachings. These actions will not be destroyed. Pope Francis and his inner circle are actually fighting against God (God’s teachings).
Pope Francis seems to focus more on welcoming (fellowship) welcoming rather than on the truth. Rather than falling for this notion of being welcoming, more and more Catholics are seeing Pope Francis’ vindictiveness in his criticism against his opponents’ ideologies.
Many times Pope Francis and his “pope-splainers” cannot see or refuse to acknowledge their scandalous or heretical actions. They constantly resort to accusing their critics for their traditional or conservative views. They accuse their critics for having a “disease of nostalgia.” Some cardinals and bishops are even claiming you are being evil for opposing Pope Francis.
Rather than accepting and continuing traditional beliefs and practices, Pope Francis and his inner are remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man.
The Vatican, in their “outreach” to the LGBTQ community, are failing to point the sinful nature of homosexuality and same-sex unions (based on the certainty of Church teachings). As a result, these clergy are putting many people’s eternal souls in peril when they face God’s judgment. Many are being led to believe that this lifestyle is acceptable to God. These clergy are failing in their primary task to lead souls to heaven.
The Biden Administration, not being vigilant about the border, is either intentionally our unintentionally not providing for a secure southern border in the United States. The Biden Administration will be harshly judged for their their failure to stop potential terrorists, human slave trade, and the fentanyl trade across state lines.
President has just cynically stated, “I’ve done all I can do” with securing the border. This statement shows with certainty that he has no intention in closing the border. President Biden has all the required executive authority he needs to secure the border. He will just not do it.
Gov. Abbot is now citing the US Constitution in order to stop the invasion of illegals across the border. Texas, along with other supporting states, are now placing barbed wire along the border.
Support for Gov. Abbot is increasing and resonating with many Americans. They are seeing that Govt. Abbot (and Texas) are actually making efforts to close the border. President Biden, refusing to secure the border, is finding himself at odds with (fighting against) the American people.
The American people are no longer falling for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro’s excuses in not doing his job. Instead of closing the border, his go-to response always is: “the immigration system is broken.”
More and more Americans are realizing, “Why is my representative or senator more interested in securing Ukraine’s border than securing our country’s border?” And you wonder why there is decreasing support for sending money to Ukraine!
Next post: A country without control over its borders has no borders at all!
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to surrender, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 120 scriptural passages
This monk made this prophetic statement in the 5th century. He reminds all of us that heresies undermine, divide, and ruin the Church. He also reminds us to reject heresies and cling to Tradition (antiquity).
Greek Hellenism: This term means to hand over, to transmit, to hand down, to surrender, to entrust, to teach, to send, to receive, and to betray.
Plato’s Timaeus 42d: “He delivered over to the young gods the task of molding mortal bodies.”
Xenophon’s Cyropaedia 8.6.17: “He has the proper official appointed to receive the letters that were delivered to and to forward the on.”
Euripides’ Orestis 64: “Hermione was entrusted to my mother’s keeping.”
Plato’s Philebus 16c: “The ancients handed down the tradition that all the things which ever said to exit are sprung from one.”
Old Testament: This term means to give (be given), to cause, to put, to place, to produce, to allow, to appoint, to pay, to buy, and to hang. The more nuanced meanings include:
to marry (to be taken in marriage)
to slander (to take abuse)
to have sexual relations (to take someone)
to avenge (to take advantage)
to sit (to take a seat)
to give retribution (to take revenge)
to be stubborn (to turn the back)
New Testament: This term, used quite exclusively, means to hand over (to punish, to arrest, to crucify), to betray, to entrust, to bring forth, to abandon, and to be devoted to. For purposes of brevity, I have excluded the many examples of Jesus being handed over.
Handing over/entrusting:
Mt.11:27: “All things have been handed over to Me by My Father. No one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.” (There is a perfect reciprocity of knowledge between Jesus and the Father.)
Mt.25:14: “It will be as when a man who was going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them”. (Pertaining to the kingdom of heaven, faithful use of one’s gifts will lead to participation in the fullness of heaven. Lazy inactivity leads to exclusion from it.)
Lk.4:6: “The devil said to Him, I shall give to you all this power and glory (kingdoms of the world); for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.” (Satan has been given authority over the values of the material (secular) world [in contrast the heavenly values of the kingdom].)
Rom.8:32: “He who did not spare His Son but handed Him over for us all, how will He not also give us everything else along with Him?” (The Father literally hands over (sacrifices) His Son for our redemption. This illustrates the Father’s and Jesus’ infinite love for all of us.)
Handing down/delivering:
Mk.7:13: “You nullify the word of God in favor of your tradition that have handed down. And you do many such things.” (The Pharisees and scribes, like hypocrites, nullify and disregard God’s commandments when they introduce human tradition and novelties.)
Lk.1:2: “Just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed down to us.” (Luke, a 2nd or 3rd generation Christian, acknowledges the trustworthiness of the eyewitnesses and ministers who provide a complete and accurate account [oral tradition].)
Jn.19:30: “When He had taken the wine, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ Bowing down His head, He handed over the Spirit.” (Jesus gives us His last breath and passes on the Holy Spirit.)
Acts 6:14: “For we have heard him [Stephen] claim that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.” (These oral customs and traditions were handed down to subsequent generations over time.)
1Cor.11:2: “I [Paul] praise you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you.” (Paul calls upon his congregation to follow the oral instructions and traditions given to them.
2Cor.4:11: “For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.'” (There some times when we are called to suffer unjustly or for His sake. We can join our sufferings with Him and offer them up for others.)
More quotes from St. Vincent of Lerins:
“All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.”
“Resist heresies and cling to ancient tradition.”
“When a foulness invades the whole Church, we must return to the Church of the past.”
“Hold fast that faith which has been believe everywhere, always, by all.”
Etymology: The Greek verb paradidomai means to give (didomi) beside (para-). The Latin verb tradere means to hand over, to surrender, or to deliver. The Latin verb aperire means to open, to disclose, and to reveal. The Latin verb producere means to bring out, to promote, and to induce.
Early Church history:
Traditores were those bishops and Christians who willingly turned over their scriptures and betrayed their fellow Christians to the Roman authorities.
Lapsi were those apostates who renounced their faith under persecution by the Roman authorities.
Trade, treason, traitor, tradition, remit, aperture, produce, bring, discover, lapse
Catholic perspective: Jesus’ Church has been bestowed with a teaching authority (magisterium). The Catholic faith stands on three legs (pillars): sacred scripture, apostolic Tradition, and the living Magisterium (teaching authority of the Church).
Update: Pope Francis, in his efforts to continually “renew” and “reform” the Church, continues to betray, tear down, and destroy Church Traditions. These Modernists, surrendering to the world’s values, continue to cause ruin to Jesus’ Church.
Pope Francis and his inner circle of Modernists are introducing new human traditions (novelties) in remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man).
One does NOT need to be fully possessed by Satan to be controlled by him. Satan works in more subtle ways: he encourages to be self-absorbed with our world. He also seeks to make us forget about God.==> sin, busy, distractedness, noise, fame, idols, worldliness, celebrity, temptation, and spiritual dryness.
Pope Francis, by seemingly appearing more moderate in comparison to others (German Church), sneakily engages in a “piece-meal” manner to attain large scale change to the Church and Church teachings.
Fiducia Supplicans introduces the novelty of offering blessings to same-sex couples. This is essentially blessing evil! The Vatican is encouraging a new paradigm in Catholic teaching to make homosexuality acceptable.
Traditiones Custodes is essentially throwing away (setting aside) the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) which has been in existence throughout the Church’s history.
The Synod of Synodalities seeks to have SHARED CLERGY/LAITY DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY. This brings in worldly values, sin, and changing and deciding doctrine (teachings) [by the laity] in the Church.
The Synodalists are essentially doubling down on what Vatican II has caused.
It has to be said that some evil clergy may NOT enter into heaven. Some may even find themselves in eternal damnation for their actions or (lack of actions).
Young people (priests, seminarians, and laity) are continually drawn being to the the richness, beauty, and depth of Traditional Catholicism. These young people sense something deeper. This is in great contrast to the older liberal and progressive priests since Vatican II.
Protestants are also seeking to find more meaning in their faith. More and more Protestants are becoming Catholic.
Bishop Strickland, faithful to traditional Catholic teachings, have been persecuted and deposed by the Bergoglian Reign of terror for being divisive to the synodal Church. Bishop Strickland has become a white martyr for Jesus.
Pope Pius X: “Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators, they are traditionalists.”
[Greek] παραδίδωμι (paradidōmi), [Latin] tradere, [Latin] producere, [Latin] aperire, [French] remettre, [French] decouvrir, [German] hervorbringen: to give over, to entrust, to transmit, to hand over, to instruct, to betray, to allow; 120 scriptural passages
Point of clarification: This quote actually comes from St. Anthony of the desert, not St. Anthony of Padua. I had to hand over a fuzzy picture (with the right name) for a clear picture (with the wrong name). However, the wrong name does not betray the meaning of this quote. ☺☺☺ Pope Francis’s synodal Church has unfortunately become the fulfilment of this prophet statement.
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.45: “The murderer stood before the body and gave himself up to Croesus.”
Euripides’ Phoenissae 1393: “Polyneices, seeing a chance of dealing him a blow, aimed at him.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 5.37: “Iatragoras handed the banished tyrants over to their respective cities, which he wished to please.”
Old Testament: This term means to give (be given), to cause, to put, to place, to produce, to allow, to appoint, to pay, to buy, and to hang. The more nuanced meanings are to marry (to be taken in marriage), to slander (to take abuse), to have sexual relations (to take someone), to dominate (to take advantage), to sit (to take a seat), to avenge (to take retribution), and to be stubborn (to turn the back).
New Testament: This term, used quite extensively, means to hand over (to punish, to arrest, to crucify), to betray, to entrust, to bring forth, to abandon, and to be devoted to. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude the many examples of Jesus being handed over. In my first post on this term, I will bring forth other examples of betraying, arresting, handing over. The second post will include scriptural examples of entrusting, handing down, and bringing forth.
Handing over/arresting:
Mt.4:12: When He heard that John had been arrested, He withdrew to Galilee
Mt.10:17-21: Coming persecutions: when they hand you over, do not worry about what to say
Mt.18:34: The master handed him over to torturers until he could pay back his debt
Mk.13:12: Brother will hand over brother to his death
Lk.20:20: They tried to trap Him in speech to hand Him over to the authorities
Acts 8:3: Saul handed them over for imprisonment
Acts 12:4: King Herod had James taken into custody and put him in prison
Acts 27:1: They handed Paul over to in prison
Handing over/betray:
Mt.26:21: Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me
Handing over/giving up one’s life:
2Cor.4:11: We who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus
Gal.2:20: I live by the faith in the Son of God who has given Himself up for me
Eph.5:25: Husbands: love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and handed Himself over to her
Handing over/abandoning:
Acts 7:42: God turned and handed them over to worship the host of heaven
Rom.1:24: God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of the hearts for the degradation of their bodies. God handed them over to degrading passions
Rom. 8:32: God did not spare His own Son but handed Him over for us
Eph.4:19: They have become callous and have handed themselves to licentiousness
False teachers: 2Pet.2:1-14
Who will introduce destructive heresies
Who deny the Master who ransomed them
Who will bring swift destruction upon themselves
Many will follow their lasciviousness
Because of them the way of truth will be reviled
Who will exploit you with fabrications
Their destruction does not sleep
Who will be punished just as surely as the fallen angels
Who are bold and arrogant
Who seduce unstable people
2Pet.2:4: God handed them [false teachers] over to kept for judgment
“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust when all hope seems gone.” Pope John Paul II
“The more we surrender to God, the greater our ability to see Him in our life.” Unknown
“Jesus gives all to those who surrender all.” St. Bernadette Souubirous
Traditores: The Traditores refer to those bishops and Christians who willingly turned over their scriptures and betrayed their Christians to the Roman authorities under the threat of persecution. The Lapsi were apostates who renounced their faith under persecution by the Roman authorities. This also term refers to those those who have lapsed or fallen from the faith, only to return to it later.
Trade, treason traitor, tradition, remit, aperture, produce, bring, lapse
Mt.10:20: Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will provide the words for you when you are persecuted.
Mt.18:34-35: The Father’s forgiveness will be contingent on whether or not one show forgiveness to others.
Mk.13:12: During persecution and struggles, others may betray you for your faith in His name.
Lk.20:20: The religious were using trickery (and verbal gymnastics) to trap Jesus in speech so that He could be handed over to the authorities.
Eph.5:25: Paul points out that the husband/wife relationship should emulate Jesus’ relationship with His Bride (the Church).
Acts 7:42: God allowed and permitted the people to act on their own desires
Eph.4:18-9: Paul points out those who have lasciviousness (lack of restraint and excessive indulgence), darkened understanding, alienation from God, and hardness of heart.
Update: The Supreme Court soon later rule on whether the government had violated the law in censor information and redefining media content.
The Supreme Court has essentially handed down the issue of abortion rights to the state. Now these abortion issues are occurring at the state level.
Governments are now even arresting abortion supporters for praying and reciting scripture. Praying is now grounds for prosecution. Scripture is now becoming “hate speech”.
Pro-Gaza and Pro-Hamas are ironically being betrayed by their ignorance of politics, history, and racism.
Many voters are abandoning their support for President Biden.
In its naive attempt to “bringing in some fresh air into the Church,”(surrendering to the current age), Vatican II has lead to liturgical, theological, and pastoral problems.
Surrendering to the current age: (I could go on and on with such examples from Pope Francis’ papacy)
Pope Francis and his inner circle have intentionally created more liturgical chaos and confusion in the Church.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man.
Pope Francis’ encyclicals continue to push the envelope in changing Church teachings.
Pope Pope VI made reference to the “smoke of Satan entering into the Church”==> liturgical chaos and confusion
False teachers:
Destructive heresies: blessings for same sex couples, watering down access to sacraments, inserting pagan images in Mass, normalizing homosexuality
Deny the Master: ignore and deny Jesus command to sin no more (Jn.8:11), focusing on “mercy above else”, synodal path: bringing in sin and worldly values into the Church
Bringing swift destruction upon themselves: failing to state to others the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions
Many will follow their lasciviousness: Some clergy remain in the homosexual lifestyle, financial scandals, hiding and protecting sexual abuse and sexual predators in the Church
The truth will be reviled: Morally corrupt clergy in positions of authority in Vatican, opposition to Fiducia Supplicans, scandalous encyclicals and publications by clergy
Exploiting with fabrications: Fiducia Supplicans: confusing terminology and “verbal gymnastics”, cottage industry of pope-splainers
Will be eventually punished and judged by God: Clergy misleading others about what is sinful or not sinful
Seducing unstable people: many will believe that blessings for same-sex unions will be possible, many will think that homosexuality and same-sex unions are not sinful, many will ask for same-sex blessings
“You will never be happy if your happiness depends on soley what you want. Change the focus. Get a new center. Will what God wills, and your joy no man shall take from you.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Archbishop Fulton Sheen taps into the notion that true joy can be found in what God wills for that person. This ties to the notion that God has “hard-wired us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him.)
Next post: Paradidomi: entrusting, handing down, and bringing forth
[Greek] ἀπέχω (apechō), [Latin] abstinere, [Latin] sufficere, [Latin] recipere, [Latin] acceptare, [French] maintenir, [French] recevoir: to refrain, to abstain, to hold off, to be away from; Acts 15:20,29, 1Thess.4:3, 1Thess.5:22, 1Tim.4:3, 1Pet.2:11
Pope Pius XII was very prophetic about the future in how sin is disregarded, ignored, or redefined. Jesus’ command to sin more (Jn.8:11) is often excluded or diminished.
Background information:
New Testament: This term means to avoid, to forbid, to refrain, and to keep away.
Acts 15:20: But tell them to avoid pollution from idols, unlawful marriage, meat of strangled animals, and blood.
James tells the Christians to avoid partaking food (from animal sacrifices) to avoid the appearance of scandal and offense.
Fornication (porneia) refers to illicit sexual intercourse, adultery, incest and licentiousness.
Harlots and temple prostitutes would offer their sexual services in honor of the goddess.
Sexual vice was practiced without shame or remorse among the Gentiles.
Great efforts were made to instill Christian moral principles for those who would be converts from paganism.
Sin, immorality, and idolatry are all related in those actions against God.
1Thess.4:3: This is the will of God, your holiness: that you refrain from immorality
The Gentiles already recognized the wickedness of adultery and incest.
For the Gentiles (Greeks), it was a new idea (novelty) that fornication was considered as a deadly sin.***
Immorality was considered unlawful marriage
[Paul]: The first part of sanctification is in overcoming the desires to do evil in our nature
[Paul]: The second part of sanctification in cultivating Christian principles of holiness in the soul.
[Paul]: The body is a vessel because it contains a soul.
***Gentiles (Greeks): “So now in Christianity, are you saying that fornication is sinful? This is a new one on me!”
Gentiles and Greeks were already accustomed to engaging in fornication in their culture.
Paul tells them that fornication is now a sinful act in Christianity.
Paul tells them that they will have to abstain from fornication.
The idea that fornication is sinful in Christianity was almost like a foreign concept to them.
1Thess.5:22: Refrain from every kind of evil
1Pet.2:11: I urge you as aliens and sojourners to keep away from worldly desire that wage war against your soul.
Aliens and sojourner: strangers in a foreign land (country).
These strangers do not belong of this world. The home of the believer is heaven.
Fleshy lusts are engaged against the immortal part of man.
Abstaining means being on guard and observing moral conduct.
Etymology: The Greek verb apecho means to hold (-echo) back (apo-). The Latin verb abstinare means to withhold and to avoid. The Latin verb sufficere means to be sufficent, to be capable, to suffice, and to choose a substitute. The Latin verb recipere means to keep back and to receive. The Latin verb acceptare means to receive, to take, and to submit to.
Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season, a time of reflection, penance, and abstinence.
Update: Pope Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans opens the door to blessing same-sex unions but has no mention for the need of forgiveness/repentance of the sinful nature of this behavior.
Many will not abstain from homosexuality either because they choose not to do so or they are unaware that this lifestyle is sinful*** (because they are not being told by clergy).
Some same-sex couples will not be holding back in seeking blessings from the Vatican. Same-sex couples are already asking the Vatican for such blessings! Many will perceive these blessings as the Church’s affirmation of this union.
Fiducia Supplicans is already creating a scandal for faithful clergy and laity. Some priests are being forced by their bishops to give these blessings. Some bishops think this is infallible teaching!
Pope Francis continues to hide Fr Rupnik, who is accused of sexually molesting nuns. Yet he continues to remain in ministry.
Pope Francis continues not to hold back in cancelling or deposing his opponents (like Bishop Strickland): faithful clergy who uphold traditional Catholic teachings.
Cardinal Marx (of the German Church) states that homosexuality is not a sin!
How does Pope Francis react to the German Bishops?Pope Francis, in his attempt “to hold back” the German bishops, criticize them for being too parliamentarian. Pope Francis criticizes their processes rather than their beliefs and ideas!Pope Francis is more upset that the German bishops are going too fast in their reforms! Are you surprised that Fiducia Supplicans is, in large part, a response to the German bishops? While the German bishops want the Church to change its teachings on homosexuality, Fiducia Supplicans introduces non-liturgical blessings for same-sex couples. (Pope Francis responds to this in a piecemeal fashion!)
Pope Francis modus operandi (means of working): Pope Francis holds back and seemingly takes on a more moderate position (in comparison to others). By doing so, Pope Francis does not appear to be so extreme. He will then take small incremental steps to get to that extreme position. Pope Francis “slow-walks” this process. Human novelties or inventions may be implemented. Pope Francis is essentially saying the the German Bishops: “Don’t do this without the rest of the Church!”
What does the German Synodal way seek? Homosexuality to be accepted, laity choosing bishops, women priests, married priests, etc.
What pattern do we see with the German Church and Pope Francis? The German bishops take these positions, then Pope Francis follows.
Now do you see the pattern? Pope Francis “slow-walks” it to where he wants to take the Church!
Fuducia Supplicans: blessings of same-sex couples==> (leads to a new “Catholic” understanding on families ==> (leads to possible accepting same-sex unions as an accepted family structure ==>[where homosexuality would be acceptable])
Amoris Laetitia: expand the opportunity for marginalized people to receive the sacraments==> (leads to possible sacraments for divorced people and homosexuals)
Traditiones Custodis: require permission to offer Traditional Latin Mass==> (leads to more restrictions of Traditional Latin Mass==> possible complete restriction of Traditional Latin Mass )
Synod of Synodalities: increased laity decision making authority in the Church==> (leads to worldly values /sin in the Church, possible changed Church teachings by laity)
Pope Francis recently meeting with Anglican women priests: the Vatican getting advice on how to allow women deacons==> (leads to possible women deaconesses and women priests)
I have put together an in-depth catechetical analysis of Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis: The Doctrine of the Modernists. I have presented this information in a small “bite-size” question/answer format (using the original words in the encyclical).Then I add my comments, observations, opinions, etc.
Pope Pius X does not hold back in exploring the psychology and motivations of the Modernist. This encyclical can help to provide great insight in understanding about what is happening in the Church today.
“Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies” Pope Pius X
[Greek] κατέχω (katechō), [Latin] habere, [Latin] requierere, [Latin] retinere, [Latin] tenere, [Latin] detinere, [Latin] possidere, [Latin] tradere : to control (someone or something), to hold fast, to hold back, to restrain, to prevent, to hinder, to occupy; 24 scriptural references
Pope Francis and his inner circle are now currently making further efforts to restrict the TLM.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to hold fast, to withhold, to keep, to take, to dwell, to occupy, to prevail, to have an effect, to arrest, and to hold.
Herodotus’ The Histories 5.72: “He went up to acropolis with the intention of taking possession of it.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.29: “For they were bound by solemn law to abide for ten years by whatever laws Solon should make.”
Sophocles’ Trachinae 249: “Most of that time he was held in Lydia, not free but sold in servitude.”
Plato’s Meno 72d: “But I still do not yet grasp the meaning of the question as I could wish.”
Old Testament: This term means to hold fast and to possess.
New Testament: This term means to acquire, to prevent, to restrain, take hold, to have, to hold fast, and to hand on. For purposes of brevity, I will take on the more important scriptural examples.
Mt.21:38: “But when the tenants saw the son, they [tenants]: said ‘This is their heir. Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.” (The Parable of the Tenants alludes to enemies to seek to kill and destroys Jesus’ authority.)
Lk.4:42: “The crowds were preventing (would have restrained) Jesus from leaving Capernaum. (The crowds’ eagerness for Jesus in Capernaum is contrast with the people in Jesus’ hometown who rejected Him.)
Lk.8:15: “But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it (hold it) with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.” (The Parable of the Sower illustrates the seed (word of God) which takes root. This person’s faith bears fruit during trials.)
Lk.14:9: ” [Host]: ‘Give your place to this man’, and then you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place.” (Rather, one must first go and take the lowest seat. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled. Everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.)
Rom.1:18: “The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth of their wickedness.” (Paul makes references to the punishment of idolaters. There is a close relationship with idolatry and immorality. God’s wrath goes into action at each present moment in human history.)
1Cor.11:2: “Hold fast to the traditions, just as I [Paul] handed on them to you.” (Paul calls upon others to uphold the oral traditions which is handed down to them. What was known as scripture was referred to the Old Testament. The New Testament canon had not yet been formulated at this time.)
2 Thess. 2:6-7 Katechon (one who restrains):
The Thessalonians were already aware of the battle between Christ and the Lawless One.
The identity of the restrainer is subject of endless debate
It has been speculated that the restrainer could be Paul, the Holy Spirit, Michael, the Archangel, or the Roman Empire
Some have even claimed that Pope Benedict is the restrainer who held back Pope Francis
2Thess.2:8-10: “We are treated as deceivers and yet are truthful, unrecognized and yet acknowledged, dying and we live, chastized and yet not put to death, poor and yet enriching, having nothing and yet possessing all things.” (Paul perceives affirms a paradoxical inner reality with outward circumstances. Poor/enriching and nothing/all things illustrate apostolic experience.)
Oral tradition: The early Church began to grow the oral transmission of the faith. The only scriptures in existence were the Old Testament. There was no defined or establish scripture regarding the New Testament. Traditores were those early Christians who willingly handed over their bible to the authorities. Can you say traitor?
Accommodating the culture (failing to upholding the teachings of the Apostles):
Council of Nicaea: the Emperor wanted the bishops to compromise in the interests of achieving “unity” in the Church. The council tacitly approved of Arianism. Athanasius, upholding traditional Church teachings, was excommunicated.
Mid 20th century: many Church leaders relented to the errors of secularism, “enlightenment thought”, and theistic evolution
Theistic evolution: science replaced Scripture and Tradition as the primary revealer of God, faith, and morals
Vatican II: Church leaders advocating overturning the Church’s teaching on contraception and introducing sex education and other acceptable sexual expression
Pope Francis has consistently refused to affirm and defend the traditional Church teachings on marriage, the family, and sexual morality.
Synodality: Jesus’ Church is now being remade in the image of man and his lived experiences, paying lip service on traditional Church teachings on homosexuality.
Synod of synodalities: Bishop Strickland, upholding traditional Church teaches, criticizes synodality and the bishops’ failure to speak out against synodality. Bishop Strickland is removed from office.
The Modernists’ efforts to remove the TLM:
Quotes by Archbishop Roche:
“The Latin Mass is just a pastoral concession not aligned with the post-Vatican II Church” (Archbishop Roche claims that the TLM is not in line with the fundamental changes that Vatican II has introduced. Yet, he cannot claim that the TLM is not an illegitimate form of worship).
“The aim of Traditones Custodes was to bring people closer to an understanding of what the Council required.” (This document is intended to let us know how wonderful the Novus Order Mass and how to love this Mass. We need to “get with the program of Vatican II”
“It is not about some Catholic having a personal preference for Latin. It goes to the heart of how the Church sees it itself and its mission.” (Pope Francis and his inner circle evidently think that they know better has to which liturgical worship the Church must have.)
“The idea that things will change under a new pontificate reveals and enormous ignorance about the mandate given to the Church. To stand against Peter is an astonishing act, full of hubris.”
“The post Vatican II liturgy is much richer than the Latin Mass. The reform of the liturgy had not yet been fully understood.”
“Seminary formation is lacking, as evidenced by strong currents pushing for a return to pre-Vatican II style of dress and liturgy with seminaries.”
Etymology: The Greek verb katecho means to hold (-echo) down (kata-). The Latin verb habere means to have, to hold, and to dwell. The Latin verb requiere means to require and to search for. The Latin verb retinere means to retain, to restrain, and to hold back. The Latin verb tinere means to hold and to possess. The Latin verb possidere means to possess and to hold, The Latin verb detinere means to detain, to hold off, to keep away, to retain, and to keep away. The Latin verb tradere means to hand over and to trade.
Popesplainers: holding fast in supporting Pope Francis
They will generally support Pope Francis to great extremes.
They will tend to downplay Pope Francis’ questionable or heretical statements or documents.
They will scrub the internet to illustrate what Pope Francis originally meant to state.
They will hold fast to the ‘doctrine of the Holy Father’ which really does not exist.
Pope-splainer: “Even if you say something true that causes anyone to stumble, you are guilty of the sin of scandalizing”.
Pope-splainer: “If you say say anything negative against the Church, that causes weaker Catholics to stumble or walk away from the Church”.
They seek to have it both ways: to claim the mantle of Tradition to insulate Pope Francis from criticism.
Update: Cardinal Newman states that it was mainly by the faithful that Paganism the worst of the heresies was withstood and stamped out.
It will be through the laity: synodality will be quashed, the TLM will be restored, priests and seminarians will be more conservative and Traditionally minded, will restore Tradition, reverence, and piety, increase Mass attendance, and increase Catholic identity. (The laity, not the clergy, will restore the Church.)
There interesting parallels of the acceptance (accommodation) of Arianism to the acceptance of Modernism and Synodalism.
Our society unfortunately continues to be taken hold by a culture of death, racism, anti-Semitism.
It seems that the Vatican is making efforts to remove the coat of arms of Pope Benedict? Why do they view Pope Benedict as an adversary?? It has alleged that the Vatican had blocked and intercepted Pope Benedict’s mail. It is true that Pope Benedict often disagreed with Pope Francis.
Traditiones Custodes, in curtailing the Traditonal Latin Mass, had intentionally undone Pope Benedict’s desire that the TLM and NO mass both remain.
Pope Francis and Archbishop Roche are conceding that the TLM and the Novus Order Mass are opposing ecclesiologies. Therefore, Vatican II advocates for a different new ecclesiology for the Church.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, having no theological reason to ban the TLM, are arrogantly promoting the Novus Order Mass like an idol.
In his arrogance, Pope Francis is not holding back in his efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal (in the image of man). This is how you let in worldly values and sin into the Church.
The Vatican’s “pope-splainers” continue to accuse those who oppose Pope Francis as schismatic. This has become the most recent adaptation of the Monatanism heresy (total obedience to the pope).
Pope Francis, rather than upholding traditional Church teachings, continues to demonize them. Pope criticizes and chastizes traditional (conservative) Catholics as rigid, backward looking, or holding onto ecclesial ideologies.
Pope Francis seeks to reject and destroy the reputation of traditional priests in calling them for their scandal and spiritual worldliness.
Pope Francis’ chaos and confusion has indirectly allowed opponents and adversaries to re-examine, re-discover, and re-appreciate their Catholic faith. Pope Francis’ policies have also created soft martyrs who are standing up to Pope Francis. Examples include Bishop Strickland, Bishop Scheneider, Archbishop Vigano, and other cancelled priests.
“The whole world groaned to find itself Arian.” St. Jerome
[Greek] ψηλαφάω (psēlaphaō), [Latin] palpare, [Latin] tractare, [Latin] temptare, [French] toucher, [French] essayer, [German] prufen: to handle, to grope about, to manipulate, to touch, to search for; Lk.24:39, Acts 17:27, Heb.12:18, 1Jn.1:1
The notion of gaslighting comes from the 1944 noir movie Gaslight. Gaslighting is manipulating (emotionally or psychologically abusing) someone. This tactic seeks to make someone question oneself or to deny one’s reality.
Background information:
The 1944 movie Gaslight:
Where is the origin of the term gaslighting? The wife (Ingrid Bergman) sees a flickering gaslight in the house. The husband (Charles Boyer) manipulates his wife (Ingrid Bergman) in thinking that she is going crazy.
How does the husband convince his wife that she is going crazy? The husband claims that he went away somewhere. In actuality, he is searching for something valuable to her in the attic. When he turns on the light in the attic, the gaslight in the house flickers. She sees the gaslight flickering. He claims the flickering gaslight is a product of her imagination. She knows what she sees, but her husband convinces that she is going crazy.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to feel about, to grope, to touch, and to test.
Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazusae 315: I woke up and hunted in the darkness for my shoes.”
Aristophanes’ Peace 691: “Formerly we only directed our business by groping in the dark; now we shall only deliberate by lamp light.”
Plato’s Phaedo 99b: “Whoever talks in that way is unable to make a distinction and to see in reality a cause is one thing and a thing without a cause is quite another thing. Most people, when they give the name of cause of the latter, are grouping in the dark, and are giving it a name that does not belong to it.”
Old Testament: This term means to grope, to feel, and to stroke.
Gen.27:22: “So Jacob moved up closer to his father Isaac [with failing eyesight]. When Isaac felt him, he said, ‘Although the voice is Jacob’s, the hands are Esau’s'”
New Testament: This term means to touch, to grope, and to try to find.
“Look at My hands and My feet, that it is Myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” Lk.24:39
Jesus seeks to prove to His disciples that He is not just Spirit. Jesus asks for food to indicate to His disciples that He has a physical body.
“So that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for Him and find Him, though indeed He is not far from any one of us. Acts 17:27
Seeking out (groping for God): Acts 17:22-31
Paul appeals to the Athenians’ religiosity.
The Athenians construct an altar to an ‘Unknown God’.
God does not dwell in human made sanctuaries.
God gives life and breath to everyone.
God is not far from anyone of us.
We are too God’s offspring.
God’s divinity cannot be contained in idols, stone, or art.
God overlooks ignorance but demands repentance.
“What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hand concerns the Word of life.” 1Jn.1:1
This hearkens back to Judas kissing Jesus, the disciples touching Jesus’ nail wounds, and Thomas touching Jesus’ wounds.
How the Modernists gaslight the Church and the laity:
That the Church’s ecclesiology (how it acts in the world) has changed. The Traditional Latin Mass must go.
That the Church must become a synodal Church made in the image of man.
Those who favor Tradition are “backward looking”, “have a disease of nostalgia”, and are “rigid”.
The Traditional Latin Mass impoverishes. The Novus Order Mass rejuvenates.
Vatican II has become a great renewal for the Church.
Reform and renewal of the Church are necessary.
The Modernist would prefer empty churches to cathedrals full of people who reject the New Mass.
That continued interest in the Traditional Latin Mass is causing division. One must get with the program and love the New Mass.
If you criticize Pope Francis, then you are schismatic. This becomes a new heresy of “hyper-papalism”.
“The emperor has no clothes”==> “President Biden no longer has the physical and mental capabilities necessary to be President of the United States.”
This is a situation where “no one believes, but everyone believes that everyone else believes.”
This is a situation that everyone is afraid to criticize something, but it is apparent that it exists.
Jill Biden continues to insulate, indulge, and placate her husband from his physical situation and reality. Could this be elder abuse??
The political operatives, politicians, and media, sycophants and propagandists have been gaslighting the public in stating that President is physically and mentally fit.
The recent presidential debate has helped to “remove the curtain” in exposing many lies (statements) and President Biden’s physical condition.
What has been publicly revealed [about President Biden] can no longer be covered up, “politically spun”, or unseen.
Find any evidence to indict your political opponent.
Rig (tip the scales) of the presidential selection process. Continue to protect and hide a mentally and physically diminished presidential candidate.
Continue to lie and mislead about a presidential candidate physical abilities.
Risk being exposed for covering up a feeble presidential in a debate. Risk having to explain why you lied, misled, and acted like a sycophant in support of your nominee.
Risk propping up an feeble candidate against a strong opponent. Risk losing in a landside electoral loss.
Risk facing the backlash from Democratic, Progressive, and Liberal supporters. Further losing trust in the media and political establishment.
Etymology: This Greek verb psao means to touch. The Greek verb aphao means to manipulate. The Latin verb palpare means to strike and to flatter. The Latin verb tractare means to haul, to drag, to handle, to manage, and to discuss. The Latin verb temptare means to touch, to test, and to urge.
Aristophanes illustrates the notion of walking (feeling about) in darkness.
Plato illustrates the notion of ignorance or obliviousness.
Paul appeals to the Athenians’ religiosity as a means to help them understand God.
Update: In Finland a prosecutor sought to charge a pro-life Finnish politician for hate speech for quoting scripture! Does that also mean that God is hateful?
It is also not surprising that Pope Francis is also supportive of Fr. James Martin’s efforts to normalize homosexuality. Fr. James Martin was excitedly “doing cartwheels” right after Fiducia Supplicans. Fr. James Martin is already blessing same-sex couples!
Pope Francis, claiming that he knows better, states that Jesus’ Church must be remade into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man. Pope Francis is just following through on this Modernist agenda to finish what Vatican II started.
The Democrats, while claiming to protect democracy, are destroying democracy by rigging the Democratic nominee selection process and by removing Trump off the ballot. Yet Trump is the threat to democracy.
The Vatican sycophantic “pope-splainers” continue to defend Pope Francis when he gets into trouble.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal: “The Biden administration is enforcing immigration laws.”
Nancy Pelosi: “There’s never been a question about Democrats’ commitment to securing the border.”
President Biden says the border problem is the Republicans’ fault.
Jill Biden continues to be seen helping President Biden to walk. Jill Biden helped President off the debate stage. Jill Biden is seen praising President Biden like a toddler for answering all the questions in the debate!
More and more valid attention will now be put on Jill Biden for potential elder abuse. Why is Jill Biden continuing to put her husband through all this scrutiny and criticism??
The curtain has been revealed. President Biden has become a feeble president. The public finally knows what the media and political insiders have already known.
Fiducia Supplicans: Pope Francis equates this general blessing with a specific blessing for same-sex couples. Pope Francis is gaslighting in mixing and conflating these two different types of blessings.
The media and Democratic political establishment have been gaslighting the American public about President Biden for so long. This has been revealed from the debate and “cheep fake” videos! ☺☺☺ For many months, President Biden’s sycophants (“Biden-splainers”) and supporters have been telling other that Biden is physically and mentally fit. “Nothing to see here, folks!”
Saying that President Biden did poorly in the debate because he had a cold or because he was “jet-lagged”. President Biden even said as much in the interview.
Father James Martin: “The Church accepts homosexuality as a practice and that the traditional teachings of the Church (and natural law) on the subject can be cast aside.” (FR. JAMES MARTIN IS SAYING THAT ST. PAUL WAS WRONG ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY! Does this mean applying two different standards of morality? Does this mean homosexuality is not a sin? This is Fr. James Martin gaslighting about the Church’s teachings on homosexuality. This is evil! Yet, there is no mention of criticism from Pope Francis. Shocker!
Bishop Strickland was removed for having the audacity to state traditional Catholic teachings. Yet the Jesuit Fr. Rupnik, credibly accused of sexually abusing nuns, is still being protected by the Vatican. Again, punishing your ideological enemies.
New heresies: Hyper-papalism and “doctrine of the Holy Father”: if you criticize Pope Francis, you are in schism. The Vatican’s “pope-splainers” are out in full force explaining and using verbal “gymnastics” to defend Pope Francis’ heretical teachings, statements, and documents.
Archbishop Vigano, criticizing Pope Francis heretical actions, has now been excommunicated. Rather than those who act heretically, Pope Francis only seems to go after his ideological enemies, NOT those who are actually heretical! It is as if we are living in an upside-down bizarro post-Christian world.
Greater efforts are being made to protect seminaries (and seminarians) from the corrupting influences of “evil” Catholic podcasters and social media. They believe that they must protect these seminarians from being afflicted with the “mental illness of becoming a Trad.” This speaks to the current spiritual battle between traditional (conservative) Catholics and Modernists.
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” Pope Pius IX
“All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.” Pope Pius V
Pope Pius XII foresaw Catholic critics (clergy and laity) who would claim that conservative (traditional) Catholics are “rigid” in their faith. Yet, this really speaks more about the Modernists’ disdain for Tradition and traditional teachings.
Background information:
Agora: the central public gathering place or assembly
Agoreuo: this Greek verb means to speak in the public assembly
Kategoreo: this Greek verb means to accuse (-agoreuo) against (kata-) someone in the public assembly
Kategoria: this Greek noun means accusation. In a sense, the one accused is often categorized or labeled by that accusation. (Crime ==> criminal)
This term means “fig-revealer” (sykos: fig, phaneroo: to reveal).
Folklore suggests that sycophants would shake down trees to reveal the figs.
Private individuals were often hired to make false prosecutions and accusations (“shake-down artists”).
Fig farmers would often hire informants (fig revealers) to spy on their competitors who engaged in criminal activity.
In current times, a sycophant is a “yes-man/woman” or one who “sucks up” to someone.
In current times, a sycophant is a “pope-splainer” who explains, defends, or employs “verbal gymnastics”.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to accuse, to betray, to make known, to speak against (before judges), and to inform.
Plato’s Euthyphro 2c: “What sort of indictment has been brought against you?”
Demosthenes’ On the Crown 18.266: “You have already the reputation of an informer. And the question is whether you still to continue in that trade.”
Plato’s Apology 18a: “Then it is right for me to defend myself against the false accusations brought against me.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 907: “But by whose hand can the ill-fated man have contrived this end? He did it with his own hand; it is obvious.”
Old Testament: The Hebrew noun satan means accuser. The Greek noun diabolos means one who accuses or cast through. The Greek verb diaballo means to slander, to throw across, and to accuse. The accuser hates (Psa.38:20), attacks with contempt and scorn (Psa.71:13), slanders (Psa.109.4), speaks evil (Psa.109.20), adversary (prosecuting attorney) in Lord’s heavenly courtroom (Zech.3:1).
New Testament: This term means to accuse, to bring charges against, and to trap (catch).
“The scribes and the Pharisees watched Him closely to see if He would cure on the sabbath so that they might discover a reason to accuse Him.” Lk.6:7
The scribes and Pharisees, acting like the ancient sycophants, were essentially looking for evidence to incriminate Jesus. The scribes and Pharisees were seeking to find evidence of blasphemy (acting like God) in charging Jesus as ==> a blasphemer.
“So Pilate came out to them and said, ‘What charge do you bring against this man [Jesus]’?” Jn.18:29
The Jews hoped that Pilate would order the execution of Jesus.
Pilate felt that Jesus could be not be charged for such a serious nature.
Yet, the Romans, not the Jews, were legally able to exact the punishment of crucifixion.
Crucifixion was a Roman punishment exacted for slaves and criminals.
Pilate, yielding to public pressure, authorized the crucifixion of Jesus.
“Do not accept an accusation against a presbyter unless it is supported by two or three witnesses.” 1Tim.5:19
The public position of a presbyter subjects them to criticism, whether warranted or not. Multiple (two or three) witnesses were needed to ascertain the validity of any such accusations against presbyters. This notion alludes to Deut.19:15 (committing sins and iniquities) and Deut.17:6 (punishment deserving of death). This provides the basis for “where two or three are gathered…”
Tit: 1:5-6: Appoint presbyters who are not accused of licentiousness or rebellious. (licentiousness, self-indulgence, recklessness, wastefulness, extravagance, disobedience, negligence)
Quotes by Pope Francis:
“One must abandon your ecclesial ideologies.” (As a Modernist, Pope Francis sincerely believes that the LGBTQ community is being marginalized by “RIGID” Church teachings. In other words, your ideology is making you rigid!). Yet, not surprisingly, Fiducia Supplicans, has no mention for forgiveness and conversion of heart.)
“God is love and the one who loves does not remain RIGID. They do not remain rigid in their own positions, but allow themselves to be moved and touched.” (At the Synod of Synodalities, Pope Francis suggested the notion of the “Holy Spirit of Surprises”. BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT CONDONE SIN! Pope Francis is seeking a “new morality” that would accommodate ‘irregular relationships’ as an acceptable marriage relationship. In this new morality, this behavior should not be called sinful!)
“Beware of RIGIDITY, it is a perversion. Behind the rigidity there is no holy spirit.” (Pope Francis evidently is more concerned about mercy than following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). What is more compassionate is being MORE CONCERNED about one’s eternal mortal soul!)
The agora was essentially the central public square for commercial, social, religious, political, and judicial activities.
Jesus loved us so much that He would be willing to be crucified like a slave or criminal.
I can categorically say that is a very interesting term. ☺☺☺It was interesting to discover the nuanced meanings which are still applicable today. To this day we still have informants and sycophants (“yes-men”, “yes-women, “pope-splainers”).
And now you know why informants are sometimes called “shake-down artists” or extortionists.
In the Old Testament, the devil is an accuser, adversary, and slanderer who seeks to undermine God, the Church, God’s moral laws, and man.
Update: The Vatican “pope-splainers” (papal sycophants) have been in full crisis- mode defending Fiducia Supplicans and Cardinal Fernandez’s “hard-core porno” theology. These “pope-splainers” have become well versed in verbal gymnastics.
If you oppose Fiducia Supplicans, you may be deemed as a hater, mean-spirited, or intolerant to those who are “marginalized by rigid Catholic teachings”.
Pope Francis continues to hide Fr. Rupnik, accused of sexually abusing nuns. Fr. Rupnik unfortunately continues to produce grotesque artwork.
Evidently, one can accuse the Vatican for having bad taste in artwork. The Vatican continues to promote Fr. Rupnik’s grotesque artwork in various cathedrals and churches.
Bishop Strickland was greatly criticized for protesting against the scandalous ‘Sisters of the Perpetual Indulgence’ being honored at ‘Pride Night’ at Los Angeles. Bishop Strickland had the audacity to stand up for traditional Church teachings.
Bishop Strickland was later accused of not being a “team-player” for not towing the Modernist line. As a result, he was removed from his office.
Many cardinals, bishops, and priests can be rightly be accused of being cowardsin not supporting Bishop Strickland and in not speaking out against Fiducia Supplicans.
Cardinal Fernandez has a history of being accused of heresy and writing scandalous books about kissing and theological porn. Yet, this did NOT stop Pope Francis from appointing him as the Vatican’s doctrinal chief. This is criminal and scandalous in itself.
Cardinal Sarah was accused of heresy by Pope Francis’ biographer for criticizing Fudicia Supplicans.
Pope Francis calls it a scandal to see young priests and seminarians wearing cassocks, hats or lacey albs. (So it is scandalous to see a priest look like a priest??)
Fr. JesusMary Missigbeto, documenting Pope Francis’ actions and documents, has accused Pope Francis of ten heresies. This suspended priest now expects to be expelled (for being too Catholic??)
Pope Francis has accused traditional Catholics for having a nostalgic disease of backwardness. Pope Francis says that this is a Traditional disease (indietrismo) for restoration.
Because of Pope Francis’ ‘great mercy’, more and more clergy are being removed or cancelled. We continue to live during the Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are preaching a new morality by creating a worldly Church in the image of man (with worldly values, “lived experiences”, paganism, and sin.) , the official news arm of the German bishops conference, claims that “the Chrism Mass is a breeding ground for clericalism.” (There is just too much clericalism!)
Pope Francis at the Chrism Mass: “We must not fall into clerical hypocrisy. We need to be set free from harshness, recrimination,…rigidity.”
“Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the cunning statements of those who persistently claim to be with the Church and to love the Church. But judge them by their works.” Pope Pius X
Pope Pius V lead the Catholic Church from 1566-1572. He resided during the important Council of Trent. Pope Pius prophetically warned us about the consequences of the actions of luke-warm Catholics.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means disobedience.
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 3.5.5: “Ah, I am aware of that. For confidence breeds carelessness, lackness and disobedience; fear makes men mor attentive, more obedient, and more amenable to discipline.”
Old Testament: This term denotes disobedience and a sinful attitude toward God.
Isa.6:52: Who walks in evil paths and follow their own thoughts
Prv.1:25: Who disdains My counsel and ignore My reproof
New Testament: This term means disobedience and rejection of belief.
Rom.11:25-29: In God’s design, Israel’s unbelief is being used to grant the light of faith to the Gentiles
Rom.11:30: Just as you [Gentiles] have disobeyed God, but now have received mercy because of Israel’s disobedience
Rom.11:32: Where sin increases, mercy increase ever more
Eph.2:1-2: You are dead in sins living in the age of this world, following the spirit (ruler) that is now at work in the disobedient
Eph.5:6: Let no one deceive you with arguments. The wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” Pope Pius IX
“The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.” Pope Pius X
“Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep’s clothing. You will be called clerical, retrograde, intolerant. But pay no heed to the derision and mockery of the wicked.” Pope Pius X
“I have always condemned liberal Catholicism and I will condemn it forty times over if it be necessary.” Pope Pius IX
Etymology: The Latin noun incredulitas originally meant disbelief or unbelief. Now this term means unbelievable, surpassing belief, and extraordinary. The Latin noun diffidentia means distrustful and not confident. The Greek noun apathea means unbelief, indifference, freedom from suffering, and without feeling. After 1733, this term means indifferent, disengaged, and luke-warm.
This term can essentially mean disobedient in any time in history.
God’s mercy is much more than one’s disobedience. The age of this world (including modern times) is filled with disobedience in many forms.
Update: Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to ignore Jesus’s command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). By not stating this Church teaching, many souls (living in the homosexual lifestyle)are in eternal danger.
Instead, Pope Francis’ inner circle is seeking to de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality.
For so many years, many Catholics (and Christians) have been luke-warm, indifferent in their faith. There continues a trend of decreasing church attendance.
“Nones” (those who have religious affiliation) continue to grow.
For many years under Pope Francis’s papacy, many Catholics have grown indifferent, helpless, and unsettled about what is happening to Jesus’ Church.
Interestingly, the public’s reaction (both clergy and laity) are becoming more energized and vocal about the evils of Pope Francis’ document Fiducia Supplicans. They are no longer staying quiet!
Rather than being indifferent to the minutae of papal documents, the people are being energized and very concerned on the notions of blessing sin. Quite understandable.
Pope Francis continues to show his disdain and disobedience regarding faithfulness to Tradition and traditional Church teachings.
Pope Francis, in his arrogance and disobedience to Jesus, has taken upon himself to remake Jesus’ Church in a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man).
In his disobedience, Pope Francis continues to flout Tradition in order to change Church teachings.
Not surprisingly, Pope Francis has called Traditional (conservative) Catholics as rigid or backward-looking.
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis warned us about Modernists who would seek to undermine the Church from within.
[Greek] καταστέλλω (katastellō), [Latin] sedare, [French] lapaiser: to keep down, to keep quiet, to appease, to quiet, to send down; Acts 19:35-36
Pope Pius X prophetically stated that conservative and traditional Catholics (Christians) would be called called intolerant and “rigid”. We all must now call out the Modernists who are creating havoc in Jesus’ Church.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to put in the right place, to equip, to clothe, to let down, to pacify (in the case of panic, unrest, and revolt), to restrain, and to reduce.
Euripides’ Bacchae 933: “But I who ought to wait on you will rearrange it. Hold up your head. Here you arrange it, for I depend on you.”
Euripides’ Iphenia in Aulis 934: “I will by every effect in a young man’s power, set right, investing you with that amount of pity.”
Old Testament: This term, used in a positive sense, means to settle the affair, to stop a disturbance, and to adorn. This indicates a person with authority.
New Testament: This term means to restrain, to calm, and to bring under control.
“The town clerk restrained the crowd, and said, ‘You Ephesians, what person is there who does not know that the city of Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis?” Acts 19:35
Because of his authority, the clerk pacifies and settles down the excited crowd in Ephesus. Otherwise, Ephesus would have received retribution from the Roman authorities for this disturbance.
“Since these things are undeniable, you must calm yourself and not do anything rash.” Acts 19:36
No one can all into question the Ephesians’ devotion to Artemis. The town clerk seeks to convince the Ephesians that this matter must be settled in an orderly way.
Riot of the Silversmiths: Acts 19:23-36
Demetrius called a meeting to discuss how Paul persuaded and “misled” the people by saying that these gods were not gods at all. (Paul “misleads” by stating the Christian view of idols. According to Demetrius, Paul is stating “disinformation”.)
This danger was harming their business and tarnishing the image of Artemis. (These pagans must not have this Christianity ruin their pagan livelihood.)
The city was filled with confusion and chaos and the people seized Paul’s companions.
The disciples would not let Paul go before the crowd. (I think we all can imagine that Paul was more than eager to respond to the silversmiths.)
Some of the crowd prompted the Jew Alexander to speak the gathering.
When the people recognized that Alexander was a Jew, they responded in protest. (In contrast, Alexander, having no authority, could not prevail against the crowd.)
The town clerk restrained the crowd and told them not to do anything rash. (The town clerk held the authority needed to quell the crowd.)
The town clerk told the crowd to let this matter be sorted in the assembly (courts).
The town clerk was fearful of this gathering being charged with rioting by the Roman authorities. (If Rome hears of this disturbance, there would be dire consequences for Ephesus.)
“The Jews from the province of Asia noticed Paul in the temple, stirred up the crowd, and had laid hands on Paul.” Acts 21:27
In contrast, Paul, hated by the Jews, does NOT have authority according to the contemporary world. Paul’s authority comes from being an apostle of Christ.
Quotes by Pope Francis:
“Be aware of rigidity, it is a perversion. Behind the rigidity, there is no Holy Spirit.” (This is a perfect illustration of Pope Francis’ disdain for anything (anyone) associated with Tradition.)
“The danger today is indietrismo, the reaction against the modern. It is a nostalgic disease.” (This notion was part of Pope Francis’ reasoning for issuing Traditionis Custodes for removing the Traditional Latin Mass.)
“It is a mistake for the Church to try to hold onto old traditions or to have clear answers for everything.” (It can be said that Pope Francis continues to create liturgical confusion in the Church. Unfortunately, Pope Francis thinks that is a good thing!)
Sedate, sedation, appease, appeasement
Update: In their own German synodal way, the German Catholic Church continues to doctrinally go off the rails into heresy and schism. Pope Francis criticizes them not for their heresy, but for their process (“they are going too fast”). Pope Francis seeks to slow-walk the process to get to that more extreme position.
Pope Francis accuses young priests who wear traditional priestly garments of “clericalism”. It is a “scandal” to go to ecclesiastical tailors. Pope Francis is criticizing priests who look like priests! A typical Modernist.
It also seems that the Vatican’s “pope-splainers” are out in full force pacifying, defending, and explaining the actions (statements) of the Vatican.
As Novus Order Mass attendance declines and churches are closing, attendance at Traditional Latin Masses (where permitted) is increasing. Yet, Pope Francis is implementing Traditiones Custodes in order to shut down the TLM. The Vatican is certainly not “reading the room” in inspiring Catholics and growing the Church. It is quite the opposite!It is as if the Modernists are managing the decline of Jesus’ Church.
In response to the German Churches push or blessing same-sex unions, Pope Francis produces Fiducia Supplicans (the non-liturgical blessings of “irregular couples.” (Pope Francis responds in “piece-meal” fashion.)
It seems that the Vatican is appeasing (only giving “lip-service”) the German bishops because Germany brings in much needed revenue to the Vatican.
In their outreach to the LGBT community, Pope Francis and his inner circle are appeasing the world’s values in not following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). As a result, there continues to be efforts (by clergy) to redefine, destigmatize, and rationalize the sinful nature of homosexuality and same-sex unions.
As a result, the Vatican, Pope Francis and others are abdicating their clerical authority in stating Church teachings (on sin) and failing in their responsibility to lead souls into heaven.
The most wicked liberal Catholics are those who support abortion!
The Vatican is appeasing the women’s rights constituencies in starting the process for potentially creating the position of deaconesses (woman deacons). The Vatican is succumbing to the worldly value that Church vocations are jobs. Therefore, this becomes a “women’s rights issue”.
The American Catholic Church seems not to want to fall in line with the Vatican. And that is a good thing!
The Church in America seems to be getting more conservative and the Modernists (and the Vatican) do not like it. And that is also a good thing!
Continuing interest in the Traditional Latin Mass (where it is still permitted).
The younger priests and seminarians are more conservative minded.
The older moderate and liberal clergy are retiring or dying out.
More women are wearing veils at Mass.
More younger people are seeking a much more meaningful and reverent liturgical celebration.
My person opinion: I sense that the Catholic faithful have seen enough (opening their eyes and minds) of the liturgical chaos, confusion, and problems in the Church. We are beginning to see a movement for the desire to bring back and restore the traditions of the Catholic Church! The Holy Spirit is at work in this. And that is a good thing!
Quotes by Pope Pius X
“The primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas.”
“Behind those who accuse the Church of Christ of being rigid there is only the perversion of the false prophets who attempt against the Truth of Christ.”
“If a future Pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic faith, do not follow him.”
[Greek] νικάω (nikaō), [Latin] vincere, [Latin] victoria, [Latin] supervenire, [French] surprendre, [French] agresser, [French] surpasser, [French] conquerir, [German] seigen: to conquer, to overcome, to prevail, to overpower; Lk.1:22, Jn.16:33, Rom.3:4, Rom.12:21, 1Jn.2:13-14, 1:Jn.4:4, 1Jn.5:4-5
The Christian sect Nicolaitans wreaked havoc in the early Church with their toleration, inclusion, compromise, worldliness (lived experiences), and sin. Sound familiar? Christ hated the deeds of Nicolaitans because they failed to live a life of separation from the world’s values. In their efforts to create a new synodal Church, theModernists (Synodalists) have essentially become the new Nicolaitans.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to surpass, to prevail, to conquer, to be victorious, to carry the majority, to appeal to the mob, and to yield to excellence.
Sophocles’ Ajax 1357: “I yield to his excellence much more than his hostility.”
Plato’s Phaedrus 56b: “For they have truly conquered the Olympic contests.”
Aeschylus’ Eumenides 88: “Remember, do not let fear overpower your heart.”
Sophocles’ Antigone 233: “The view prevailed that I should come to you.”
Euripides’ Orestis 944: “The villain spoke and gained his point by appealing to the mob.”
Mythology: Nike is the goddess of victory. Throughout history mortals (man) have called upon the gods seeking favor, fortune, and victory. The Greeks worshipped Nike, believing that she could grant them the strength and speed to be victorious. The related Roman goddess is Victoria.
Old Testament: This term means to excel, to be pre-eminent, to be permanent, to be innocent, to be clean, to stand victorious as a martyr, and to stand innocent before the judgment. God’s victory is the only answer one can give to the meaning of evil.
New Testament: This term means to overcome, to conquer, and to be victorious. Victories and defeats may be temporary in life, but Christ has the ultimate victory. One must conquer evil with good. The victor is the Christian who holds fast to his faith and does God’s will in the face of opposition and persecution.
Lk.11:21-22: “When a strong man fully arms his palace, his possessions are safe. But when one stronger (Jesus) than he attacks and overcomes him (Satan), Jesus takes away the armor on he relied and distributes the spoils.” (The strong man is the devil. The palace is the world (kingdom of the devil.)
Lk.11:21: The strong man’s possessions (those whom the devil secures in their sinful state):
Ignorance: This includes of God, ourselves, truth, busyness, and salvation. The devil blinds our eyes and hardens our hearts.
Unbelief: Our fallen nature, doubts, disobedience, barriers against God.
Hardness of heart: Inability to fill sorrow from sin, closemindedness, failure to acknowledge sin, inclination for sin, lack of need for conversion.
Hatred and enmity toward God: failure to acknowledge God’s ways, corruptness, failure to acknowledge Truth, inclination for hatred.
Pride: Selfishness, self-exultation, self-indulgence, vanity, arrogance, rebellion, “I will not serve”, “I know better…”
Jesus attacks and overcomes Satan’s armor: (Jesus overcomes Satan’s control over his subjects.)
Jesus distributes the spoils: (Jesus releases those who are possessed and controlled by the devil.
Jn.16:33: “I have told you this so that you may have peace in Me. In the world, you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (Trouble in this world: great tribulation, malice, persecution, affliction, torment, pride, treachery, sin, arrogance, ignorance, and “being of this world”.)
Rom.12:20-21: “For by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head. Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.”
Rom.12:21: Conquering evil with good (kindness):
Being conquered by evil is a sign of weakness, not strength. To repress this desire for revenge because a personal victory for oneself.
Your actions will illustrate the power of the gospel.
Your actions may serve to disarm your enemies of their rage.
Your actions may serve to confound the evil one, who seeks to stir up one’s passions and desires.
Allow God to repay with vengeance upon others.
“Kill” your enemies with kindness (serving, feeding, and serving them).
Showing them kindness is like heaping burning coals upon their heads: make them feel the pain of shame, embarrassment, remorse, and repentance.
Who were the Nicolaitans? They were an early Christian sect who resided in Ephesus and Pergamum (Rev.2:17). Their beliefs consisted of a doctrine of tolerance and compromise, paganism, and sin. The Nicolaitans’ teachings and deeds ultimately conquered and subdued the people. Jesus hated the Nicolaitans’ deedsbecause they failed to live a life of separation from the world’s values.
Why did Christ hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans?
They advocated for a watered-down form of Christianity where sin is ignored and and repentance is disregarded. (Change Church teachings to accommodate the world.)
This was a doctrine of tolerance, inclusion, and compromise. (Sound familiar?)
The Nicolaitans were luke-warm in faith and paganistic. (Having nothing substantial to believe in. Believing in idols.)
The Nicolaitans made a mockery of their faith. (Ignoring, normalizing, and blessing sin.)
Holy living and separation from the world was not encouraged. (Removing the distinction between clergy and laity.)
These “Christians” sought a truth in the world. (Adapting the Church to the world’s values. Sounds like lived experiences. Sound familiar?)
Absolute truth, doctrinal truth, and biblical truth were minimized. (Adjust the truth to the culture.)
No exclusionary belief that Christ alone is the way to heaven. (Dismissing the idea that Christ is only way to achieve salvation.)
They do not believe that Christ alone is the way to heaven. (Engaging in questionable ecumenism.)
Scriptural references about the Nicolaitans:
Acts 20:29: Savage wolves will come among you
Acts 20:30: Some will come forward perverting the truth to draw the disciples away
Acts 20:33: I have never wanted anyone’s silver or gold (pagan worship of Artemis)
Jud.1:8: These dreamers nevertheless defile the flesh, scorn lordship, and revile glorious beings.
Rev.2:7: “But you have this in your favor; you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.”
It is interesting that even Plato acknowledges that one can live a harmonious and virtuous life, yet one may succumb to evil influences.
In the Old Testament, some Maccabeeans overcame temptation, persecution, even to the point of martyrdom in remaining faithful to their faith. Innocence and cleanliness can also make reference to one’s faithfulness.
We all must NOT forget that the world is the kingdom of Satan. Oftentimes, we forget this fact.
Update: Potential examples of Nicolaitanism (compromising, tolerating, or watering down the faith) from the Modernists:
In their “outreach” to the LGBTQ community, the Vatican is tolerating, overlooking, and denying sin (homosexuality) under the guise of tolerance and inclusion.
Pope Francis claims criticizes the traditional priest as a “scandal” who represents “spiritual worldliness,” “rigidity,” and “clericalism” for having the audacity to remain seen as a priest. (Pope Francis criticizes the audacity of a priest being separate from the laity.)
The Synod of Synodalities continue to make efforts to decentralize doctrinal authority to the local bishops. This sounds very Protestant. Are they trying to creating a new Church?
Pope Francis accuses Catholics of being “too rigid” (for clinging on to doctrine). Tradition must go by the wayside, because the Church needs to change.
Pope Francis claims that it is a mistake to try to hold onto tradition for to have clear answers for everything. The Church must be messy! Mission accomplished.
Pope Francis claims that we can accomplish miraculous things in this world by merging our faiths. (Catholicism must no longer be pre-eminent.). Pope Francis continually gets in trouble with questionable and heretical statements about different faiths.
Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia expands and waters down the requirements for receiving the sacraments. Lowering standards for the sake of inclusion and toleration.
Pope Francis’ Fudicia Supplicans seeks to bestow blessings on same sex unions. This is permitted because of a new situational morality. (Non-liturgical blessingsseek to bless evil.)
Pope Francis is remaking Jesus’ Church in a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man). (Worldly values, secularism, relativism, and sin creep into the Church.)
The Synod of Synodalities seeks to permit the poorly catechized laity to share decision-making authority in the Church??? Whatever could go wrong when the laity making decisions about Church teachings and doctrine?
Pope Francis’ Dignitas Infinita states that man has infinite dignity??? Man does NOT have infinite dignity. That is something that the serpent would say to confuse Adam and Eve!
The Vatican inserted a Panchamama fertility idol into a Mass. Now it is OK to insert local cultural and pagan influences in the Mass.
Bold and courageous clergy who dare to speak out in support of traditional teachings and criticizing the Vatican (and Pope Francis) are quickly cancelled, excommunicated, deposed, and laicized. Many clergy are often fearful of speaking out during this Bergoglian Reign of Terror.
It is as if the Vatican views synodality like an idol. Synodality is favored over maintaining traditional Church teachings. This is essentially remaking and undermining Jesus’ Church into a Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
This new synodal Church is more concerned with lived experiences rather than fidelity to Christ and Church teachings (doctrine.)
This synodal walking with the world will inevitably lead to a practical (implicit) atheism==> only paying “lip-service” to Christ.
Lax criminal policies and emboldened criminal activity have overcome liberal cities. Many businesses and individuals are leaving these cities. These policies are contributing to creating ghost-towns.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, by failing to point out the sinful nature of homosexuality and same-sex unions, are putting many people eternal mortal souls in jeopardy. These clergy will ultimately be held accountable for these actions before God.
Gender ideology, transgenderism, and the tyranny of relativism (one can be any gender one wants) are now undermining and conquering the traditional understanding of two genders created by God. (This is pridefully saying to God: “I know better than you [God] in what gender I should be!)
Many are now poorly catechized, having a little or no faith. Many have left the Church. Many more have become “nones”, unaffiliated with any organized religion.
This modern secular post-Christian world often makes it very difficult for one to separate one’s Christian values from the world’s values. Society’s denial of sin is greatly contrasted with Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11).
In a sense, many of us are also like “little pagans” bowing our heads down to our electronic devices, and other gods (money, fame, power, social media, possessions, stuff, etc.)
The Modernists are very hard-hearted in implementing their Modernism and synodality upon the Church, to the exclusion of all else!
Many Modernists (both clergy and laity) in this post-Christian secular world are acting like modern Nicolaitans. I suggest you discover this yourself. Just do it! ☺☺☺
More smoke of Satan: Pope Francis’s papacy has been primarily defined by liturgical confusion and chaos in the Church. Prove me wrong!
G. K. Chesterton:
“We do not want a Church that will move with the world. We want a Church that moves the world.”
[Greek]σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), [Latin] offendere, [French] huerter, [French] indigner, [German] shockieren: to offend, to scandalize, to cause to sin, to stumble, to trip up, to trap; 45 scriptural references
Yet Pope Francis and his inner circle are “honoring” same-sex couples with “non-liturgical blessings”! No wonder this has become a scandal and stumbling block for many people!
Background information:
Skandalon: A skandalon can be a dead-fall trap, snare, obstacle, and stumbling block.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to set traps, to cause to stumble, to give offense, to take offense, and to stumble.
Aristophanes’ Archarnians 687: “The accuser, desirous of conciliating the younger men, overrules us with his ready rhetoric; he drags us before the judge, presses us with questions, and lays verbal traps for us.”
Epictetus: “If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in this provocation.”
Old Testament: This term means to stumble, to slip, to be trapped (in a spiritual context). The action of falling always takes on a more serious sense than the stumbling block. This action of falling results in a ruined relationship with God.
Spiritual harlotry: This is an intercourse of the mixing of Old Testament values with worldly values, idolatry, paganism, and sin. Abandoning the Lord for a foreign god was called prostitution or adultery. Against God, the harlot prostitutes oneself with idolatry, paganism, and sin. Interestingly, the related Greek word is porneia ===> pornography, porn! Not a good look!
New Testament: This term means to cause one to sin, to take offense, and to fall away. No offense, but I will just mention some noteworthy scriptural examples. ☺☺☺
Causing one to sin:
Mt.18:6: Whoever cause one of these little ones to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone around his neck and be drowned in the sea. (The gravity of this sin is so great that it would be better to have been drowned. A MILLSTONE MOMENT! See the very end of this post!)
To take offense:
Mt.11:6: Blessed is the one who takes no offense at Me
Mt.13:57: They took offense at Him. A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house. (Seeing Jesus as only carpenter, the Nazoreans rejected Jesus as being pretentious.)
Mt.15:12: [Disciples]: do you know that the Pharisees took offense when they heard what You said. (The Pharisees were scandalized about what Jesus said about their vain worship, empty hearts, and human traditions.)
Jn.6:61: The disciples were offended (shocked) that Jesus would tell the disciples they must eat His flesh and drink His blood to have eternal life. (Jesus did not try to convince His disciples to come back by saying, “I was only speaking figuratively!” The GREAT AND SAD IRONY is that the Jews were forbidden to drink the blood because of Jewish customs (the life is in the blood [Deut.12:23]. This Jewish restriction prohibited the Jew from partaking of the blood. But partaking of Jesus’ Body and Blood gives us life everlasting!)
To fall away:
Mt.13:21: The seed sown on rocky ground is like one whose faith falls away during worldly anxiety and the lure of riches.
Mt.26:31: This night all of you will have your faith shaken.
Rom.14:21: It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes someone to stumble. (There are serious consequences to cause others to sin (stumble.)
Monsignor Nicola Bux’s thoughts on Fiducia Supplicans:
There are no non-liturgical blessings.
A blessing is a formula of approval from above, that is, from God.
The good shepherd does not bless the lost sheep because it has gone astray. But rather the good shepherd brings it back to the fold.
No prayer can be made to God to confirm the state of sin into which one has fallen.
Healing prayers are called liturgical if they are found in approved liturgical books. Otherwise, they are spontaneous prayers.
These prayers are not effective if the believer does not want to abandon the state of sin.
A blessing is not compatible with a state of sin.
Literature: The Catholic Douay-Rhims translation of the New Testament, published in 1582, caused quite a stir when it replaced the words “offend” and “stumbling block” with “scandalize” and “scandal.” Despite initial criticism, this terminology was accepted in the European continent accustomed to scandals in many aspects of life. Medieval and Renaissance writers, including Shakespeare, quickly adopted these terms. Interestingly, Shakespeare’s play Hamlet makes references to mousetraps and scandals.
Quotes on scandal:
“It is better that scandals arise than the truth be suppressed.” Pope St. Gregory the Great
“We should even go beyond doing what is required in order to avoid scandal.” St. Basil
“Those who commit these types of scandal are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of murder.” St. Francis De Sales
“Those who take scandal-who allow scandals to destroy their faith are guilty of spiritual suicide.” St. Francis De Sales
“It is not the sinner, but the wicked who should despair; it is not the magnitude of one’s crime, but contempt of God that dashes one’s hopes.” St. Peter Damian
“God has not given man liberty in order to carry out a moral evil (sin) or an intellectual evil. The more we live in accord with God’s will, the more our freedom grows.” Bishop Athanasius Schneider
It is quite interesting that Epictetus already understood the notion of someone “living rent-free” in another person’s head. (Trump Derangement Syndrome perhaps?)
Jesus often speaks in purposely exaggerated terms (cutting off limbs and eyes) to illustrate the more serious consequences of sin.
Update: It is unfortunately scandalous (but not surprising) that the Vatican has recently restricted the Traditional Latin Mass in seminaries in France. Are you surprised?
It is scandalous that Pope Francis protects and hides Fr. Rupnik (accused of sexual crimes), while deposing Bishop Strickland and Cardinal Burke for upholding traditional Church teachings. This is a real example of clericalism.
It is also scandalous that too many Cardinals, bishops, and priests are still remaining silent because they are FEARFUL AND AFRAID OF OFFENDING their superiors, the Vatican, the laity, and the LGBQT community!
By failing to catechize the faithful about the sinful nature of the the homosexual lifestyle, Cardinals, bishops, and priests are putting many immortal souls in a grave moral situation. This is a serious and grave matter!
Because of Fudicia Supplicans, some same-sex couples will perceive this as the Church’s affirmation of this union. Same-sex couples are already calling upon the Vatican for such “blessings”. Fr. James Martin is already doing this! Some priests are being forced by their superiors to bestow these “blessings”.
However, Pope Francis states that Africa is a “special case because homosexuality is something bad from a cultural point of view. They don’t tolerate it.” (Why should this apply only to Africa? Why is this acceptable in other parts of the world? This is the scandal, which is more so an indictment on our culture, values, and society.)
It is very significant to note that Fiducia Supplicans has NO mention for forgiveness and conversion of heart from this homosexual lifestyle. The Vatican hopes that African bishops and others will eventually recognize this “teaching”. Are they setting the stage for same-sex unions to be later recognized as an acceptable marriage relationship?? That is the scandal in all of this!
It was St. Peter Damian in the 11th century who had shed light on the scandal of homosexuality in the priesthood (promotion of this lifestyle, sexual abuse, silence, and covering up). Sound familiar?
Pope Francis continues to despise Tradition and traditional Church teachings.
Traditiones Custodes scandalously seeks to eventually do away with the Traditional Latin Mass.
Cardinal McElroy claims you are a “hater” if you oppose Fiducia Supplicans. (The cardinal essentially claims that Church teachings (Deposit of Faith) can be changed due to evolving moral conditions. Just another Modernist in Pope Francis’ inner circle.)
Modern-day syncretism (harlotry) of Christianity with worldly values, paganism, and sin in the Church:
Remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church (in the image of man)
A Panchamama idol at Mass at the Vatican and other pagan rituals in Mass
Allowing Anglican services in Vatican cathedrals
Dialog with Freemasons
Appointing a Vatican doctrinal chief with a questionable past: (works of hard-core theological porn, accusations of heresy)
Overlooking, ignoring, and normalizing sin
Bringing worldly values, laity decision-making, “lived experiences”, and sin into the Church (Synods)
Allowing sacrilegious gatherings in Church (St. Patrick’s Cathedral)
Cardinals supporting Fiducia Supplicans
Kyle Clement, assistant to exorcist priest Fr. Ripperger, warned that blessing homosexual couples flings the door open to the demonic. (This is a grave scandal which affirms the soul in mortal sin! Very interesting! A MILLSTONE MOMENT!)
[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus: evil, wicked, bad men, bad things, wickedness, ugly, to do harm: 51 scriptures
Pope Francis’ document Fuducia Supplicans confusingly (and intentionally) introduces the notion of offering blessings to people in irregular (same-sex) relationships. However, blessing of sin is evil and against Church teachings. Not surprisingly, there has become universal opposition against this document. This document also points to the clergy who still have remained silent about this contentious issue.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means evil, ugly, mean, unskilled, pernicious, doing harm, ill, and to have trouble in store. Sin and sickness are closely related. Sickness is an inner corruption which causes failings.
Old Testament: This term means evil, foolishness, folly, wickedness, idolatry, vanity, confusion, contention, strife, and controversy. Pertaining to moral guilt, Yahweh seeks a contrite heart. There is a transcendent connection between guilt and judgment. The sick man is stamped as a sinner. A conscience which does not recognize sin rebels against this.
Isa.5:20: “Woe to them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness or light, and light for darkness!”
New Testament: This term means wretched, evil, bad things, to speak wrongly, wickedness, wrong, harm and reckoning the bad.
Being accused of being evil (doing evil): Mt.27:23, Jn.18:23, Acts 23:9
[Pilate]: What evil has He done?
[Jesus]: If I have spoken rightly, why did you strike Me?
We find nothing wrong with this man [Paul].
Evil comes from within: Mk.7:21, Rom.7:19, Jas.1:13, 3Jn.1:11, Col.3:5
From within people, from the heart, come evil thoughts.
[Paul]: I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do want.
No one should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for He tempts no one.
Do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does what is good is of God; who does what is evil has never seen God.
Put to death the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed, idolatry.
Receiving judgment from the Lord: 2Cor.5:10, 2Tim.4:14, Rom.2:9
We all must appear before the judgment seat, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what one did, whether good or bad.
The Lord will repay Alexander according to his deeds.
Affliction and distress will come upon every human being who does evil.
Being aware of evil and evil-doers: Acts 9:13, Rom.1:30, Rom.16:19, 1Cor.15:33
I have heard what evil things Saul has done to your holy ones in Jerusalem.
They are ingenious in their wickedness.
[Against those factions] I want you to be wise as to what is good and simple as to what is evil.
Do not be led astray. Bad company corrupts good morals.
Those who live in the flesh: Rom.8-5-13
Are only concerned with the things of the flesh.
The concern of the flesh is death.
The concern of the flesh is hostility toward God.
The concern of the flesh does not submit to the law of God.
Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him.
Evil in the Church: Satan (the serpent) has been exerting its influence since the Garden of Eden. The serpent tempted and confused Adam and Eve to disobey God, leading them to their fall. Satan also tempted Peter to defy and impede Jesus. Satan’s evil influence now continues to show itself in the Church today in subtle, confusing, and misleading ways. It is naïve to say otherwise in light of what is happening is currently happening in the Church.
What is the mission of Jesus’ Church?
To make us perfect (Mt.5:48). To shape us in His image.
To call us to penance, sacrifice, and hardship.
All that matters is what Jesus wants. Our wants are irrelevant.
What is Pope Francis and his inner circle are trying to accomplish?
To remake Jesus’ Church into worldly synodal Church in the image of man.
To fail to understand Jesus’ mission for the Church.
To have a blindness (confusion) to the consequence of sin.
To have an acceptance and tolerance to sin and evil.
Quotes about Fudicia Supplicans:
“Bergoglio’s ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples show he is a servant of Satan.” Archbishop Vigano
“Blessings for gay couples are blasphemous.” Cardinal Muller
“We conclude that such blessing are pastorally and practically inadmissible.” British Confraternity of Clergy
“I think the blessings of such unions would in fact, lead to confusion and scandal among the faithful.” Msgr. Charles Pope
“Blessings would confuse the faithful over the actual theology of marriage and human sexuality.” British Association of Priests
“A sinful practice and union cannot be blessed.” Bishop Eleganti
“Pressure for homosexual relationships to be recognized as a different form of family, which are also entitled to the right to adopt is a ‘violation of God’s law’ and an ‘ideology of evil seeking to use human rights and humanity against the family.’” Pope John Paul II
Why is Fiducia Supplicans evil?
One must expand the notion of blessing: From a Modernist perspective, traditional blessings and general blessings are too limiting for people. Therefore, one must have a blessing for people in “irregular” relationships. (Evidently, Catholic moral teachings must need not apply to the LGBTQ community.)
This blessing applies to the persons, not the relationship. (This document seeks to affirm individuals in a same-sex union but not the same-sex union itself??? This will only seek to create confusion as to the Church’s position on same-sex marriage. Some will perceive this is an affirmation of their irregular relationship).
Irregular relationship must not be called immoral relationships. (The term irregular must be used to be potentially be able to obtain benefits. This is just another example of ‘verbal gymnastics in terminology.)
One must extol mercy above all else for these people. (The Vatican evidently refuses or ignores Jesus’s teaching to sin no more [Jn.8:11]. This would undermine the Vatican’s outreach to the LGBT community. However, this failure to state the Church’s teachings against homosexuality does a great disservice to many peoples’ eternal moral state for failing to recognize grave sin. This is evil!)
The Church’s teachings on marriage has not changed. Therefore this blessing will not affirm an alternate marriage relationship. (However, this blessing actually undermines the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and same sex marriages.)
This blessing will create confusion contributing to the Church’s tacit approval of same-sex unions. (Bishops and priests, as representatives of the Church, must not present themselves endorsing or tacitly endorsing same sex marriage.)
Bishops and priests will be forced to give blessings against their faith beliefs. (Bishops and priests may be often forced by their superiors to act against the Church teaching and their own personal beliefs.)
Individuals in same sex unions will perceive this blessing as tacit affirmation of their relationship. (Individuals do not act in nuanced ways. These individuals will perceive that these blessings will become the Church’s affirmation of their same-sex relationship. It seems that this document was intentionally written to create this scenario.)
Liturgy and personal behavior must be separated. (Evidently, Catholic moral principles need not apply to the LGBTQ community. This is evil. This is another Modernist human invention and novelty.
Pope Francis Modernist agenda: Pope Francis seeks to push his Modernist in piece-meal fashion. (One must first create a category of blessings for persons in same sex unions. This must be the first step in the Church eventually recognizing same-sex relationships a genuine family arrangement. This appears to be Pope Francis modus opperandi: to first appear moderate in his efforts to seek his objectives.)
Malevolent, malevolence
Pope Francis’ modus opperandi (method of doing something): In his desire to move to a certain position, Pope Francis will “slow-walk” this process in order to be seen as taking a moderate position by comparison. Then Pope Francis will take another small step in arriving to that position.
Same-sex blessings
Pope Francis criticizes the German Catholic Church (bishops) for blessing same-sex unions.
In his criticism of the German bishops, Pope Francis appears as moderate in comparison to them. The German bishops “have gone too far!”
Pope Francis’ document Fiducia Supplicans creates a new category of liturgical blessings to same-sex unions but claims that the Church’s views on marriage have not changed.
Fiducia Supplicans intentionally creates confusion, opening the door to some thinking that the Church recognizes same-sex unions.
The Vatican intentionally does not mention the need for forgiveness and conversion in leaving this lifestyle and union.
This will further open the door in many thinking that same-sex unions can be accepted as a recognized marriage relationship.
Then blessings would be later allowed for same-sex unions. This will be the inevitable next step in this process.
Traditional Latin Mass (TLM):
Pope Francis, in his Modernist thinking concludes that the Tradition Latin Mass must be restricted.
Pope Francis claims that the Church must change into a new synodal Church.
Pope Francis Traditiones Custodes requires the Vatican’s or the bishop approval to celebrate the TLM.
Further restrictions will occur, making it more difficult to celebrate this mass.
The TLM will inevitably be forbidden and non-existent
Allowing non-Catholic celebrations in Catholic cathedrals:
Vatican officials: “It was just an over-sight or poor communication as to why this happened.”
At a later time, the Vatican is now allowing a non-Catholic (Anglican) service in the cathedrals.
Cardinal Fernandez has written books on kissing and hard-core porn theology. Pope Francis, already knowing this, still appoints him as Vatican doctrinal chief. Evidently, Pope Francis sees no problem with this!
The Vatican has just permitted another Anglican service in a cathedral in Rome. Pope Francis continues to engage in false ecumenism.
Recent pontiffs have continually engaged in actions contrary to Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Ubi Primum which states that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.” Pope is actually going against Pope Leo’s XIII’s teachings. Are you surprised?
After criticizing the German bishops for going too far in blessing same-sex unions, Fiducia Supplicans is now opening the door to blessing same sex unions! This is evil!
Father James Martin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, is now excitedly blessing same-sex couples! This evil is already occurring under Pope Francis’s papacy!
“Through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the Church of God.” Pope Paul VI
What is this smoke? Liturgical chaos and confusion. (This is Satan’s modus operandi against the Church!)
From within the Church, Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man). This is how worldly values and sin enter into the Church.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means threat, boasting promise, and threatening conditions.
Herodotus’ The Histories 6.32: “Then the Persian generals were not false to the threats they had made against the Ionians when they encamped opposite against them.”
Homer’s Iliad 16.200: “Myrimidons, let no man, I bid you, be forgetful of the threats wherewith the swift ship ye threatened the Trojans throughout all the time of my wrath.”
Old Testament: This term means terror, dread, idols, rebuking, crying out, indignation, anger, and range.
New Testament: This term means to warn (never to speak again), to perceive threats, making threats, and, and to bully.
Peter and John being brought before the Sanhedrin: Acts 4:17-22
Peter and John were preaching about Jesus and healing others.
The Sanhedrin asked, ‘By what power or by what name have you done this?”
The Sanhedrin was amazed Peter’s and John’s boldness.
The Sanhedrin ordered Peter and John to leave the Sanhedrin.
The Sanhedrin asks, ‘What are we to do with these men?’
The Sanhedrin gave these men a stern warning never again to speak to anyone in His name.
Paul and John say it is impossible not to speak about what they have seen and heard.
The Sanhedrin found that there was no way to punish them.
Acts 4:29: Lord, take note of their threats and enable your servant to speak you word will all boldness
Acts 9:1: Paul breathed murderous threats against the disciple of the Lord.
Eph.6:9: Masters, act in the same way toward servants, and stop bullying.
The Bergoglian reign of terror:
Pope Francis removed Bishop Strickland for having the audacity for upholding Church teachings.
Pope Francis removed Cardinal Burke from his premises for criticizing him.
Pope Francis has criticized Catholics favoring tradition as ones who have a “disease of nostalgia.”
Another cancelled priest refuse to sign a loyalty oath to modernism.
Traditiones Custodies is essentially shutting down the Traditional Latin Mass in Pope Francis’ effort to promote his Modernist ideology.
Pope Francis rewards an Australian bishop with Synod advisor role for removing a priest for celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass.
Etymology: The Latin verb loquere means to say to speak, and to tell. A soliloquy is a speaking out loud one’s thought. The Latin verb minare mean to drive, to push, to force, and to threaten. The French verb parler means to talk. The French verb chasser means to hunt.
In the Old Testament, this term also refers to idols, causes of terror, storming, and indignation.
In the New Testament, the Sanhedrin were essentially powerless in curtailing the efforts of Peter, John and the other Christians. These warning and threats further emboldened the Christians.
Update: It is significant to note that Pope Francis had to issue Traditiones Custodies in order to clamp down on the GROWING POPULARITY AND DEVOTION of the Traditional Latin Mass. Pope Francis has perceived the growing interest in TLM as a threat to his Modernist agenda.
As, a result, Pope Francis just marginalized conservatives and traditional Catholics. Pope Francis has continued to fuel for division and chaos in the Church. Pope Francis has become a threat to Church unity. Pope Francis accuses his critics for “they have not abandoned their ecclesial ideologies.” Not very welcoming from someone who seeks a welcoming Church.
Fiducia Supplicans: This document calls for blessings for same-sex couples, essentially BLESSING SIN. Pope Francis criticizes his opponents for being divisive. Can you say ‘the pot calling the kettle black’???
Pope Francis continues to present himself as a bullying and vindictive clerical authority who removes others who do not tow the “Modernist” line.
And yet Bishop Strickland has become more and more emboldened in stating the truth and upholding Church Teachings.
Pope Francis has inadvertently created a growing and thriving underground network of Catholics who seek the Traditional Latin Mass.
Pope Francis continues to show disdain for Tradition, traditional priests, and conservative Catholics.
In his efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into worldly synodal Church, Pope Francis continues to foment confusion, chaos, and uncertainty in church teachings and practices. This is what Pope Pius X warned us about!
Pope Francis punishes faithful bishops and hides, appoints, and promotes questionable priests.
In response to the Biden Administration’s failure to secure the border, Governor Abbot has invoked Articles I and IV in the US. Constitution to defend Texas (and other states) against this invasion of illegals crossing the border.
Jan. 25: Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle (who was previously a great threat to Jesus)
This 1973 Marian prophecy is just one of many warnings (and prophecies) which are becoming true in the Church. There continues to be battle of ideas (among clergy and laity) as to what type of Church should we have: A divine Church based on Tradition or a worldly synodal Church based on one’s lived experiences.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to deliberate, to negotiate, to give a response to, to receive an answer to, and to call.
Old Testament: This term means to speak, to declare, to command, and to reveal. A deity becomes the answering authority.
New Testament: This term means to warn (through a dream), to reveal (by the Holy Spirit), to be directed (by an angel), and to call out.
Mt.2:12: The magi had been warned in a dream not to return to Herod. (This sets the stage for Israel’s rejection and the Gentiles’ acceptance of Jesus. Magi were perceived as having more than human knowledge.)
Mt.2:22: Joseph had been warned in a dream to depart to a region in Galilee.
Lk.2:26: It had been revealed to Simeon by the Holy Spirit that he had seen the Messiah. (Simeon was awaiting the consolation of Israel. Jesus’ birth brings to fulfillment the hopes and expectations of the restoration of God’s rule in Israel.)
Acts 10:22: Cornelius was directed by an angel to summon Peter. (Peter is prepared to admit that Gentiles, previously considered unclean, into the Christian community.)
Acts 11:26: It was in Antioch where Jesus’ disciples were first called Christians. (These Gentiles are now able to distinguish themselves from the Jews.)
Heb.11:7: By faith Noah warned about what was not yet seen, with reverence, built an ark, for the salvation of his household. (In faith Noah acts in response to God’s impending divine warning. Noah was obedient to God’s divine warning.)
Heb.12:25: If they did not escape when they refused Moses on earth, how much serious it is for one to turn away from the one who warns from heaven. (They could not reject and escape from the one who warned you on earth. How much more difficult it is to reject and escape from the one in heaven!)
Marian prophesies:
Akita (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops opposing bishops. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”
(Cardinals and bishops are opposing each other in matters of doctrine and theology concerning traditional Catholic teaching and Modernist teachings. Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, compromise, toleration, and inclusion of sin and worldly values.)
Our Lady of Good Success (1635): “The sacred sacrament of holy order will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised. These corrupted priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will incite the hatred of bad Christians, enemies. The apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings to the good pastors of the Church.”
(Liturgical sacrileges, faithful priests removed from office, diminished vocations, clerical sexual abuse, priestly homosexuality, clergy paying lip service [ignoring, questioning, ignoring] to Church teachings against homosexuality.)
Our Lady of Good Success (1635): “The clergy will become careless in their sacred duties, will stray from the road traced by God for their priestly ministry. They will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will duly strive to obtain.”
(Priests having huge multi-media companies, priests involved with NGO’s, questionable business relationships between NGO’s, charitable organizations, government agencies, and the Vatican, greater emphasis in social justice and political ideology)
Fatima (1917): “There will be a wicked council planed and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the faith. Confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for the shepherds in vain. A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. The Church will bleed from Her wounds.”
(Confusion permeates throughout Pope Francis’ papacy. There is schism and heresy in the German Church. There is already a defacto schism in the larger Church between faithful Catholics and the Modernists. Synods are introducing worldly and evil ideas, remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man. One can only speculate as to which council (or councils) does this prophecy refer to.)
Garabandal (1965): “Many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.”
(This “unofficially unapproved” prophecy clearly illustrates the situation in the Church. Evidently, this also indicates that a prophecy does not necessarily need to be deemed “approved” in order to become true. We are now experiencing that “millstone moment” with Fiducia Supplicans.)
Synod of Synodality:
Agenda item: Synod organizers asked for discernment on the “possibility for women with adequate training to preach in parish settings and a female diaconate.”
Desired end goal: Non-ordained deaconesses (installed in a specific “liturgical” ceremony, given a special “liturgical” garb to wear) ==> will be perceived as an ordination ==> some bishop will “ordain” this deaconess ==> “woman priest.” (Don’t be surprised. It could happen this way! See the link below.)
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Modernists’ doctrine towards the Church Magisterium): [refer to my pinned post on X (Twitter) @mikeszcz]
The Magisterium must be under the dominion of the State.
Magisterialauthority must be internalized.
Magisterial authoritymust be democratized. (deaconesses and possible woman priests??)
This common mind (individual consciences) must exercise authority.
An explanation for religion inside themselves (sentiment, perceptions, and experiences) produces dogma.
You will see that the Vatican may need to create another “non-liturgical blessing” for a deaconess! Then they will “slow-walk” this process to get to where they want to go: a woman priest! A PRECEDENT HAS ALREADY BEEN SET TO CREATE A “NON-LITURGICAL BLESSING”.
One must be aware that Cardinal Hollerich intends to be a major advocate for women deaconesses!
Do not forget that the Vatican has already recently met with Anglican woman priests for advice on women deacons and women priests??
Worldly influences and political rights are infringing on the Church. There continues to be a clamor for women priests and deacons. Vocations are now being deemed as positions. Therefore, women deserve the right to become priests and deacons because of justice and social equity.
It seems that Pope Pius X encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis pretty much nailed it when he foresaw that the Modernists would bring in “lived experiences” into the Church!
Expect to hear this common sentiment by those who are supporting a woman deaconess: “She does all this work helping and serving the Church. Why can you not just recognize her as a deacon?”
The Vatican is now redefining the criteria for the justification and legitimacy for Marian apparitions: if it does not cause division in the Church? This becomes a non-starter as past Marian apparitions have historically been pronouncing chastisement and judgment against the Church. Approving such Marian apparitions will force the Church to acknowledge problems in the Church. Therefore, these Marian apparitions will never be approved. Shocker!
Are you surprised that these prophecies are coming true?
[Greek] κρύπτω (kryptō): [Latin] abscondere, [Latin] metus, [Latin] occulare, [French] cacher, [French] dissimuler: to hide, to conceal, to keep secret, to keep hidden; Mt.5:14, Mt.13:35,44, Lk.18:34, Lk.19:42, Jn.8:59, Jn.12:36, Jn.19:38, Col.3:3, 1Tim.5:25, Heb.11:23
Pope Paul VI even acknowledges that Satan has entered into the Church. In his efforts to undermine and destroy the Church,Satan HIDES among many in influencing both clergy and laity.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to hide, to retreat, to be an exile, to bury, to entomb, to keep secret, and to cover.
Homer’s Odyssey 8.272: “When Hephaestus heard the grievous tale, he went away to his pondering evil in the deep of his heart.”
Sophocles’ Ajax 246: “The time has come for each of us to veil his head and steal away on foot.”
Sophocles’ Philoctetes 588: “You must not hide from us any part of their plans that you have heard.”
Sophocles’ Electra 957: “There, I can have not more secrets from you anymore.”
Old Testament: This term means to hide, to cover, and to bury. God, because of His nature, remains hidden from man. Sinful man often hides from God who sees all. Nothing is hidden from God. Although hidden, God still provides protection, guidance, and wisdom. He reveals Himself through the Messiah.
New Testament: This term means being hidden, hiding, being buried, being ignored, being misunderstood, and escaping.
Mt.5:14: You are the light of the world. A city set on the mountain cannot be hidden. (Just like a city on a hill that can be seen, Christ’s followers shine forth their light to others. Our actions influence the world. If one fails in good works, he is useless as flavorless salt.)
Mt.13:35: I will open My mouth in parables. I will announce what has laid hidden from the foundation of the world. (Jesus speaks what is hidden in parables.)
Mt.13:44: The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field.
Lk.18:34: They understood nothing of this; the word remained hidden from them and failed to understand. They failed to comprehend what He said. (Their prejudices, unwillingness, and ignorance hindered their understanding of Jesus.)
Lk.19:42: If this day you only knew what makes for peace-but now it is hidden from you. (By not accepting Jesus, Jerusalem will not find peace. This alludes to the Romans’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.)
Jn.19:38: Joseph of Arimathea was secretly a disciple of Jesus for fear of the Jews.
Col.3:3: For you have “died”, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
1Tim.5:24: Some people sins are public, preceding them to judgment. But other people are followed by their sins. (Their hidden sins come later.)
Peoples sins, preceding them to judgment:
These sins are already known and public.
One can already see these peoples’ character.
These people are to be rejected and be subject to human judgment.
Peoples’ conduct, followed by their sins:
Their conduct is fully not understood.
They practice deception and conceal their plans.
Their character will be later discovered.
Their sins are made manifest (present) by their judgment).
1Tim.5:25: Good works are also public; and even those works (not public) cannot remain hidden
Good works cannot remain hidden:
These acts may be accomplished by those who are modest, retiring, obscure, and unknown.
These people’s good character may be eventually made known.
Divine providence may allow these peoples’ character, actions, and deeds to be made known.
Pope Francis’ explicit intentions to “renew” and “reform” the Church (outreach to the LGBTQ community):
Pope Francis’ efforts to “slow-walk” these “reforms” often remain hidden or are unknown by many people!
Pope Francis intentionally takes on a “more moderate position” in comparison to others(like the German Bishops).
How does Pope Francis criticize the German bishops? Instead of condemning the German bishops sinful actions, he condemns their process!
How does Pope Francis respond to the German bishops? He introduces the human novelty of non-liturgical blessings for “irregular couples”.
“Irregular couples”: This “marriage” relationship must not be called sinful anymore. (This is evil: redefining sin).
Pope Francis and his inner circle is now encouraging a new paradigm shift in Catholic to recognize this an an acceptable marriage relationship.
A new Catholic theology will could provide the means for a potential new “liturgical blessing” for same-sex couples. (This would need to be a step by step process for this to happen.)
Father James Martin, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, claims that Paul was wrong on homosexuality.
Pope Francis and his inner are actually “walking in darkness”*** in their outreach to the LGBT: (They are ignoring Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11.)
Pope Francis’ document Fiducia Supplicans does not make any provision for forgiveness and conversion of heart.
***Jn.8:11-12: Do not sin any more. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (The Vatican is not following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11). Therefore, THEY ARE WALKING IN DARKNESS.)
St. Padre Pio: “The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.”
Pope Pius IX: “In this age some men are found who, moved and excited by the spirit of Satan, have reached to that degree of impiety from denying our Ruler and Lord.”
Fr. Gabrielle Amorth: “Satan is always hidden and what he wants most is for us not to believe in his existence.”
Pope Francis: “Beware of the devil, who wants an angry, jealous, and DIVIDED Church.”
Pope Francis actually deflects and hides the cause for the division of the Church. Pope Francis actually needs to look at himself in the mirror.
The Modernists’ efforts to “reform” and “renew” Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church has been a great cause of division.
Hyperpapalism (the pope knows best): if you criticize Pope Francis, then you are being divisive.
Blessing of sin: this is something that Satan would approve of!!! (What better way to undermine the Church than to mislead others about what sin is.)
In the Old Testament, God is more intentional in His hiddenness, while the Greek gods were fickle and capricious (flighty).
A useless or ineffective disciple (follower) of Christ is likened to useless salt. Each of us all have to make a choice: whether to be an active (seasoned) disciple or to be an indifferent (bland) bystander.
Jesus uses parables for those who have heard but had difficulty understanding His message.
Those who follow Christ will be free or less influenced by worldly concerns.
Update: Cardinal Gregory: “Tradition dies a slow death, sometimes a bloody death.” (Cardinal Gregory does not hide his disdain against Tradition!)
Too many clergy (cardinals, bishops, and priests) COWARDLY remain hidden and silent in not speaking out against the evil that exists in the Church and the culture.
Pope Francis’ and his inner circle also do not hide their disdain for Tradition.
The notion of crypto-currency financing still remains hidden to me. ☺☺☺
The notion of blessing a sinful relationship is essentially blessing evil. Satan would happily approve of this evil act if it can seek to undermine God’s plans for marriage and procreation.
Pope Francis to continues to hide and to protect Fr. Rupnik who is accused of sexually abusing religious nuns. (This unfortunately speaks volumes to the character of Pope Francis.)
The Biden administration still hides from accountability when it comes the security of the southern border.
The mainstream media continue to hide from or ignore President Biden’s involvement with Hunter Biden’s financial transactions.
The Church sexual abuse crisis has brought to light some of the sexual sins, abuses, silence, and the hidden homosexual lifestyle of many clergy over the years.
A Roman lawyer, seeking to tell the world of Pope Francis’ efforts to protect Fr. Rupnik, is being confronted by the Vatican. This lawyer is being put on trial for slandering Pope Francis and for allegedly revealing secrets. (Another example of the Bergoglian Reign of Terror.)
The document Dignitas Infinita cannot hide the fact that this document is built entirely on a false premise. HUMANS DO NOT HAVE INFINITE DIGNITY. One can only wonder if this can be attributed to Modernism, arrogance, ignorance, and shoddy theology!
[Greek] ἀθετέω (atheteō), [Latin] contristare, [Latin] facere, irritum, [Latin] spernere, [Latin] reprobare, [Latin] abicere, [French] abandoner, [French] desoler, [French] rejeter, [French] condemner: to do away with, to set aside, to nullify, to reject, to despise, to make void; Mk.6:26, Mk.7:9, Lk.10:16, Jn.12:48, 1Cor.1:19: Gal.2:21, 1Thess.4:8, 1Tim.5:12, Heb.10:28, Jd.1:8
Bishop Aguiar, part of Pope Francis’ inner circle, sets aside and mocks Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations. Evidently, this seems to be part of Pope Francis’ efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into “a worldly synodal Church that looks less Catholic.”
Greek Hellenism: This term means to declare invalid, to act treacherously, to break with, to reject, and to disprove.
Polybius’ Histories 12.14.6: “In the present instance, we may fairly reject the stories to the discredit of Philoctetes. For he has put himself beyond the pale and beyond all bounds of propriety.”
Polybius’ Histories 9.36.10: “On what grounds are you so careful of breaking faith.
New Testament: This term means to break one’s word, to set aside, to reject (disregard), to nullify, and to scorn.
Mt.6:26: King Herod did not want to break his word to Herodia’s daughter’s request for John the Baptist’s head. (Despite Herodias’s horrendous request, King Herod felt it was important not to break his word to her.)
Mk.7:9: You disregard God’s commandments but cling to HUMAN TRADITIONS. (These human traditions only serve to further their own interests and agenda.)
Lk.7:30: But the Pharisees and scholars of the law rejected the plan of God for themselves. (The plan of God is essentially for our salvation.)
Rejecting the plan of God:
Men (and women) cannot frustrate the real purposes of God.
But they can have contempt for and violate the God’s command.
These efforts lead to one’s harm and detriment as God knows what is best for us.
Men (and women) reject the plan of God because they often think they “know better.”
Lk.10:16: Whoever rejects you rejects Me. Whoever rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me. (This rejection takes on a more serious nature in further rejecting Christ and the Father.)
1Cor.1:19: I will also destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the learning of the learned I will set aside.
Human wisdom and learning:
The wisdom of the age includes human wisdom, philosophical wisdom, and arrogance (“knowing better”).
The wisdom of wise will perish.
The ‘foolishness’ of God is wiser the than human wisdom.
Christ crucified is a stumbling block for the Jews.
Christ crucified is foolishness to Gentiles.
1Thess.4:8: Who disregards this [sexual immorality] disregards God
Sexual immorality pertains to fornication, adultery, and unlawful marriage.
God calls us to holiness, not immorality.
Jewish law had forbidden irregular Geek marriages [marrying within the family in order to to retain inheritances].
Jn.12:48: Whoever rejects me and does not accept My words has something to judge him. (One will become accountable to judgment for rejecting God.)
Etymology: The Greek verb atheteo means to set aside (a-) what is placed (-theteo). The Latin verb contristare means to sadden to afflict, and to discourage. The Latin facere irritum means to make void or to nullify. The Latin verb spernare means to scorn and to despise. The Latin verb reprobare means to condemn and to reject. The Latin verb abicere means to throw aside and to abandon.
Update: Pope Francis and his inner circle are rejecting and setting aside Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11) in favor of toleration, inclusion, and “mercy above all else”.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, are breaking the priestly responsibilities to the LGBTQ community in not pointing out the sinfulness of homosexuality and same-sex unions (irregular marriages). The Vatican is putting many mortal souls in peril.
Those clergy who refuse to follow and preach Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11) will be held accountable to God.
Under the guise of his Modernist agenda, Pope Francis and his inner circle think they know better in remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man.)
Pope Francis, in his efforts to remake Jesus’ Church, has introduced much liturgical chaos, liturgical confusion, and human doctrines (novelties).
Pope Francis’ Traditiones Custodes seeks to essentially set aside the Traditional Latin Mass. As a result of his efforts, Pope Francis has been marginalizing many faithful conservative and traditional Catholics.
Cardinal Aguiar, in his comments about World Youth Day, has essentially mocked Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations (Mt.28:19). Offering a “watered-down Catholic faith to the young people causes great harm to them. No more than ever, the younger generations are entitled to the unvarnished truth of Christ.
Pope Francis: “Evangelization does not begin by seeking to convince others, but by bearing witness to the love.” (Pope Francis seeks to do away with evangelization. He equates evangelization with proselytization (as if evangelization is a bad thing!)
It seems that Pope Francis is continuing to keep his word with the “St. Gallen’s Mafia” (Modernist cardinals) in implementing their Modernist agenda (to the detriment of the Church).
Pope Francis has set aside papal decorum in removing Bishop Strickland and other clergy for upholding traditional teachings and not towing the Modernist agenda.
Evidently, Pope Francis has evidently set rejected high standards in integrity and moral character in appointing, and promoting clergy. Examples include Cardinal Fernandez (past accusations of heresy, books on kissing and theological porn) and Fr. Rupnik (accused of sexual abuse of nuns, removed from the Jesuits). Yet, Pope Francis continues to hide Fr. Rupnik from prosecution.
The Vatican has consistently dismissed and set aside Marian prophecies pertaining to evil, chastisement and punishment because God can only be merciful. This is not only naive but also deluded in not recognizing the perilous sinful state of the Church and society.
Many voters, seeing the perilous state of our nation, will ultimately set aside their anger, antipathy, and TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and vote for the policies of that “Big Orange Meany Trump”.
Many of us oftentimes need to set aside our electronic devices (and social media) to find that quiet time to hear the voice of God.
At a campaign stop in Florida promoting reproductive rights for abortion, President Biden makes the sign of the cross. Once again, he mocks and sets aside his “Catholic” faith. Disgraceful!
Pope Pius IX: “Liberal Catholics are worst enemies of the Church.”
[Greek] παρουσία (parousia), [Latin] adventus, [Latin] praesentia, [French] arrivee: presence, arrival, advent, being in person; 24 scriptural references
Commemorative Advent coins were minted and merch was sold in celebration of the emperor coming to the cities.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means presence, arrival, occasion, advent, and assistance. This term is found in the arrival and celebration of an emperor, ruler, or military leader. Localities sometimes would undertake infrastructure building projects in preparation for this event. Advent coins were produced in commemoration of the visit of this leader.
Sophocles’ Ajax 50: “Then why is his presence delayed?”
Sophocles’ Electra 948: “Hades has taken our friends away, and we two are left alone.”
Eurpides’ Hecuba 227: “Recognize the limits of your strength, and presence of your troubles. Even in adversity it is wise to yield to reason’s dictates.”
New Testament: This term means coming, arrival, and presence. This term generally refers to the second coming (advent) of Christ. This idea of the coming of Christ in Messianic glory made its way into primitive Christianity with Paul.
Mt.24:3: “The disciples approached Him privately and said, ‘Tell us, when will this happen, and what sign will there be at your coming, and of the end of the age?'” (The disciples allude to Jesus’ parousia (coming). This is also used by Christians to refer to the final coming of Jesus in glory.)
Mt.24:27: “For just as lightning comes from the east and seen as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man.” (The coming of the Son of Man is clear as lightening is to all. There is clear identification of the Son of Man.”)
Mt.24:37: “As it was in the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (The coming of the Son of Man will be unexpected as the coming of the flood upon those who were unprepared for it.)
2Cor.10:10: “For someone will say, ‘His letters are severe and forceful, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible.” (Paul acknowledges those find him lacking in personal forcefulness. Yet, Paul intends to make his presence known.)
Php.2:12: “So then, my beloved, obedient as you have always been, not only when I am present but all the more now that I am absent, work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” (Paul calls others to be faithful and obedient, even more so in his absence. Paul indicates the seriousness of these actions.)
Jas.5:87: “You too must be patient. Make your heart firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.” (Those oppressed and suffering are reminded of the need for patience and endurance. In their expectation of the Lord, they will receive their reward.)
2Pet.3:3-4: “Scoffers [false teachers] will come to scoff, living according to their own desires, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’” (The false teachers tried to justify their immorality by pointing out that this promised coming of the Lord has not yet occurred. They insinuate that God is not guiding the world’s history anymore, since nothing has changed.)
St. Pope Gregory the Great’s Homily on Advent (590 A.D): This homily, reflecting on Lk. 21:25-33 and Lk.21:10-11, addressed the current societal, environmental, and spiritual calamities of the time. Records of this homily still remains! This homily is often referenced to the first week in Advent.
What were the problems of this time?
Plagues and epidemics
Wars and bloodshed
Arianism (a heresy of the nature of God)
Simony (buying or selling of a spiritual benefits)
Donatism (a heresy of the priest’s faculties)
Manichaenism (a heresy of the nature of God)
Advent, arrival, arrive, present, presence
It was interesting to discover that this term has its beginning with the arrival of emperors, rulers, and military leaders. This takes on a quasi/religious/secular sense regarding the visit of the emperor. The emperor was often seen as divine. One can easily imagine vendors, concession stands, merch, and commemorative coins associated with these visits.
Jesus also can be seen as a royal leader being welcomed by the people.
The coming of the Son of Man will be unexpected, yet clear to all.
Paul reminds us to remain faithful even when others are not present. Our rejoicing only remains when we are in His presence.
St. Pope Gregory the Great reminds that we are not alone in when facing both societal and spiritual crises (heresies and schism).
Update: In light of the removal of faithful clergy, we must remain faithful to Jesus’ Church.
We also must pray that cardinals, bishops, and priests will become present (in making their voices known [not being silent or cowardly] in supporting these removed (cancelled) clergy.
We all must remain faithful in spite of scoffers (both outside and within the Church) mocking the teachings and traditions of Jesus’ Church.
Even when there is division and turmoil in Jesus’ Church, we must remain in Jesus’ presence and remain in His Church.
[Greek] προκόπτω (prokoptō), [Latin] proficere, [Latin] praecedere, [French] advancer, [German] bewirken, [French] marcher: to advance, to progress, to accomplish, to cut forward, to grow, to increase; Lk.2:52, Rom.13:12, Gal.1:14, 2Tim.2:16, 2Tim.3:13,16
This “progress” has produced Fiducia Supplicans, written by Cardinal Fernandez, which has opened the door to same-sex blessings. This is the same person who has also written The Mystical Passion: Spirituality and Sensuality, a hard-core porno theology book. This is the Vatican’s doctrinal chief!
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to cut forward, to make progress, to make improvements, to promote, and to advance.
Euripides’ Hippolytus 23: “I have already come a long way with my plans and I need little further effort.”
Euripides’ Alcestis 1079: “But what good will you accomplish if you lament forever?”
Polybius’ Histories 1.12.7: “Having succeeded in engaging the enemy, he killed a large number of them, and forced the rest to flee to the neighboring towns.”
New Testament: This term means to advance, to increase, to progress, and to draw to a close.
Lk.2:52: Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man
Awareness of the end of time: Rom.3:12-14
The night is advanced, the day is at hand
Let us throw off the works of darkness
Put on the armor of light
Armor of light: helmet, sword, shield
Means of defense: truth, righteousness, faith, hope
Christian grace: to oppose deeds of darkness
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
Make no provision for the desires of the flesh
Gal.1:14: [Saul]: I progressed in Judaism beyond my contemporaries among my race
Warnings against useless disputes: 2Tim. 2:14-16
Paul charges Timothy to remind others what has been taught (remembered).
There was a grave danger such disputes would distract and deceive minds.
Such disputes and arguments would unsettle and shake the true faith.
Doctrines should be preached in such a manner God will approve.
The object of ministry is not to please man.
Shun profane and profane babblings which will increase ungodliness, impiety, blasphemy, evil, and error.
This will destroy the body like gangrene.
2Tim.3:9: Sinners and false teachers will not make further progress, for their foolishness will be plain to all.
2Tim.3:13: Wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.
Synod of Synodalities summary statement:
Desire increased laity decision making and responsibilities
No one should be excluded
Walk and listen to the people
Seek consensus building
Support and respond to those who are marginalized as a result of fidelity to Church teachings
Discern together controversial issues and open questions
Discern together whether doctrinal issues can or must remain
Repercussions from Fiducia Supplicans:
An Argentinian Catholic lawyers association has pleaded for the Vatican to rescind Fiducia Supplicans.
A priest, refusing to uphold Fiducia Supplicans, was falsely excommunicated by his superior (bishop) who believed that Fiducia Supplicans was infallible.
A priest in France has been placed in legal jeopardy for refusing to follow Fiducia Supplicans.
Some have now demanded “blessing certificates” from the Vatican for these blessings of same-sex couples in Fiducia Supplicans.
“Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision, instead we are always changing the vision.” GK Chesterton
“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.” Charles Baudelaire
“All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics.” St. Pope Pius X
“In the post-Christian vision, progress replaces God’s presence as the engine of history.” Mark Sayers
“All the cunning of the devil is exercised in trying to tear us away from the Word.” Martin Luther
Proficient, advance, work, precedent, precedence, march
Lk.2:52: Jesus’ in the temple ends the infancy narrative
Gal.1:14: Saul becomes more a zealous persecutor of the Christians
2Tim.3:9: The frivolous and superficial will become victims to those who pervert and falsify the faith.
Update: The day is at hand where there isa battle between faithful Catholics and the Modernists, led by Pope Francis and his inner circle, who are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man). This is how sin and evil enter into the Church!
According to Pope Francis, “progress” dictates that Catholic theology must engage contemporary science, culture, and people’s lived experiences. This is a big red flag for sin!
Faithful Catholics are called to put on the armor of truth, tradition, prayer, and faithfulness in this post-Christian secular world.
The Modernists, led by Pope Francis and his inner circle, are welcoming darkness (worldly values, sin, and the refusal to acknowledge sin), and “mercy above all else”.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are making provisions for the desires of the flesh (homosexuality and same-sex unions) into Church teachings. Their “progress” is to de-stigmatize, normalize, and rationalize homosexuality.
The primary purpose of the Synod of Synodalities: to change the Church structure so that the clergy and laity will both have decision making authority!
Next steps: This will allow the laity to change Church doctrine and teachings according to their desires!
The object of the Church (and clergy) should be directed to the salvation of souls and not walking with the world.
The Vatican is acting more like a NGO (non-governmental organization) than a Church saving souls.
Grave danger: The clergy are failing to be forthcoming and truthful about the sinful nature of homosexuality and same sex unions. Therefore many peoples’ eternal mortal souls are at stake!
Pope Francis and his inner circle seeking to destroy the traditional aspects of Jesus’ Church.
More and more seeing the damage, chaos, and marginalization (of faithful Catholics) that Pope Francis and his inner circle are inflicting on the Church. This foolishness is becoming more and more plain to see.
It is also concerning that the Modernists are becoming more and more emboldened in their efforts. They have become “true believers” in their cause.
Cardinal Fernandez’s obsession with sex is now becoming plain to see! This is greatly unsettling the Catholic world!
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, written on Sept 8, 1907, warned us about the Modernists!
Future prediction: There will come a time when the laity and clergy will become so alarmed by the “progress” being made by the Modernists in the Church. They will say, “enough is enough”! (I think we are coming close to getting there!)
We also must not forget that Holy Spirit will also guide the Church (behind the scenes) to bring back the Church to what Jesus intended.
“The greatest disaster that can happen to man or a nation is not to do evil; it is to deny that evil exists by calling evil another name like progress.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
[Greek] φιμόω (phimoō), [Latin] mutescere, [Latin] tacere, [Latin] alligare, [Latin] imponere silentium, [French] amuir, [French] etablir, [French] brider, [French] edifier, [German] verbinden: to keep under control, to muzzle, to say nothing; Mt.22:12,34, Mk.1:25, Mk.4:39, Lk.4:35, 1Cor.9:9, 1Tim.5:18, 1Pet.2:15
Where are the the cardinals, bishops, and priests in support for Bishop Strickland? Are they afraid of speaking out for fear of reprisals and punishment from superiors? Or does their silence give consent (tacit support) for Pope Francis’ actions?
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to muzzle, to close, to seal up, to put to silence, to be mute, and to be silent.
Euripides’ Hippolytus 336: “I’m silent now. The word henceforth is yours.”
Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus 9680: “For I will not be silent, when you have gone so far in impious speech.”
Euripides’ The Suppliants 298: “No. I will not hold my peace to blame myself afterwards for having kept silence to my shame.”
Aeschines’ On the Embassy 2.86: “How could the thing have been hushed up?”
Euripides’ Hippolytus 312: “I beg you by the gods to say nothing of this man again.”
Old Testament: This term means to muzzle and to stop up.
New Testament: This term means to muzzle, to silence, and speechless.
Mt.22:12: How is that you came in here without a wedding garment? But he was reduced to silence.
Mt.22:34: Jesus had silenced the Sadducees.
Mk.1:25: Jesus rebuked the demoniac and said, ‘Quiet! Come out of him!
Mk.4:39: Jesus woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ The wind ceased and there was great calm.
1Tim5:18: You shall not muzzle an ox when it is threshing: (pertaining to those who labor for the welfare of the Church)
Rules for presbyters (bishops): 1Tim.5:18-21
Presbyters possess the responsibility of preaching and teaching.
Presbyters are to be supported by the community.
Their position is to be only subject to valid criticism.
Do not accept and accusation unless it is supported by 2 or 3 witnesses.
Reprimand those who do sin, so that the rest will be afraid.
Keep these rules without prejudice and favoritism.
Christian slaves and Christian servants: 1Pet.2:15-21
Slaves and servants are to show respect to their superiors.
It is God’s will that by doing good one may silence the ignorance of foolish people.
Ignorance and foolish can refer to intolerance, hatred, ignorance of Christian principles, political opposition, religious opposition, moral depravity, and fear.
True Christian freedom comes from being servants of God and having reverence for God.
Whenever anyone who patiently bears unjust suffering because of God’s will, that is a grace.
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving and example that you should follow.
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.” Archbishop Sheen
“The Church is dying because her pastors are afraid to speak in all truth and clarity. We are afraid of the media, afraid of public opinion, afraid of our own brethren. The good shepherd gives life for his sheep.” Cardinal Robert Sarah
“The Church is suffering; She is trampled on, and her enemies are within. Let us not abandon her.” Cardinal Robert Sarah
“The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.” Pope Pius X
Etymology: The Latin verb muscere means to become silent. The Latin inponere silentium means to put upon silence. The Latin alligare means to bind and to detain. The Latin verb tacere means to be silent. Taciturn means non-talkative. Tacit means understood or implied without being stated. Alligation is the process of binding or tying. An alligator is a creature that ties or binds.
Mt.22:12: The man, with no wedding garment, had nothing to say for himself. This Christian who lacks the wedding garment of good deeds will suffer the same fate as those Jews who have rejected Jesus.
Mt.22:34: The Sadducees were attempting to trick Jesus about the state of marriage in heaven. Instead, Jesus reduced them to silence in stating that none marry nor or given to marriage in heaven.
Mk.1:25: Even the demons recognized Jesus as the Holy One of God.
Mk.4:39: Jesus rebukes the wind and subdues the turbulence of the sea by a mere word.
1Pet.2:15: One of the best way to respond to enemies is to just live a life of integrity.
1Pet.2:18: This scripture (at this time in history) was also written to provide encouragement to existing slaves.
Update: Unfortunately, there have been very few cardinals, bishops, and priests coming out in support of Bishop Strickland.
The laity has certainly not been silent in voicing their support for Bishop Strickland.
Bishop Strickland provides for us an example of one who suffers unjustly because of circumstances (God’s will). Yet you can clearly see the joy in his face in doing this for the Lord!
It is very important to remind everyone that Bishop Strickland was the only bishop to protest the Los Angeles Dodgers’ honoring the scandalous ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’. Why were many US cardinals, bishops, and the Vatican silent? Did they fear reprisals from Pope Francis’ outreach efforts to the LGBTQ lobby?
The Vatican had no other excuse to offer other than saying that Bishop Strickland was removed because he was not a “team player” in promoting Pope Francis’ Modernist agenda in the Church. (What a great badge of honor to have in upholding Catholic teachings!)
Next bishop to be cancelled: Monsignor Dominique Rey, bishop of Frejus-Toulon in Francis. Msgr. Rey was suspended in his ability in ordain priests by the Vatican because he welcomed traditionalist communities!
Even the Vatican ‘pope-splainers’ are unable to be on the “same page” in explaining Bishop Strickland’s removal. They are also attempting to mislead, to obfuscate, and to spin it that even Bishop Strickland was at fault. The faithful can clearly see through their schemes.
Many cardinals, bishops, and priests are perhaps very hesitant in voicing their support for Bishop Strickland. Many of us can probably imagine that Pope Francis and his inner circle are telling them: “Keep quiet!”
It has been reported that Bishop Strickland was warned aboutkeeping quiet about the Deposit of Faith. Cardinal Pierre stated that “there is no deposit of faith”!
Like the disciples, we in the Church are clearly in stormy waters when Pope Francis and inner circle are seeking to transform Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man). Yet the laity (and some clergy) are not keeping quiet in pointing out the harms and evils against the Church.
It is important to be reminded that Archbishop Fulton Sheen call us (the laity) to call out bishops and priests to act like bishops and priests! Most importantly, this includes: to speak out! Yet, we hear much silence from the cardinals, bishops, and priests
Bishop Strickland reminds each of us that we are called to be faithful to traditional Church teachings. Bishop Strickland is not going to let himself be muzzled despite facing opposition and persecution.
U.S. Catholic seminaries: catholic priests identifying as liberal or progressive have all but vanished from seminaries. I can imagine that this information is something the Vatican wants to keep quiet. It is very encouraging that THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ACTUALLY WORKING (QUIETLY BEHIND THE SCENES) IN BRINGING THE CHURCH BACK TO TRADITIONAL WAYS!
It is perhaps not surprising or even predictable that those who uphold Church teachings are often accused of being “right-wing” in this post-Christian secular world. Modernists and secular critics often attach these political labels to the Church. In other words, traditional equals right-wing.
We all must pray for that hopefully more clergy will have the freedom and courage to speak out in their support for Bishop Strickland.
[Greek] δέχομαι (dechomai), [Latin] recipere, [Latin] suscipere, [Latin] accipere, [Latin] excipere, [Latin] adsumere, [Latin] percipere, [French] adopter, [French] prendre, [French] recevoir: to receive, to welcome, to believe, to take hold of; 59 scriptures
Do Church leaders and laity actually follow and accept Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11)?Or do they preach another Jesus who accepts others’ lived experiences?
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to receive, to accept, to take, to take in, to forgive, to choose, to take upon, to offer hospitality, to undertake, to expect, to hear, to approve, and to expect.
Old Testament: This term means to receive, to grasp, to accept, to suffer, to select, to take away, to use, to be pleased, to enjoy, and to favor.
New Testament: This term means to welcome (receive), to believe (accept), to take hold, to take up into, to take part (contribute), and to receive (hear and do). For purposes of brevity, I will exclude examples of receiving people.
If you are willing to accept it that John the Baptist is like Elijah
Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it
The Gentiles and Samaria has accepted the Word of God
The natural person does not accept what pertains to the Word of God
Do not receive the grace of God in vain
If someone comes and preaches anotherJesus or spirit, you put up with them well (you accept it)
You have been receiving the Word in great affliction
Humbly welcome the Word that has been planted in you
Faith not securely planted will fall away during trials
Take hold:Lk.2:28, Lk.22:17, Eph.6:17
Simeon took Jesus into His arms and blessed God
Take this cup and share it among yourselves
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit
Be taken up: Lk.16:9, Acts 7:59
You be welcomed into eternal dwellings
Lord Jesus, receive my [Stephen] my spirit
2Cor.8:4: Taking part in the service to the holy ones
Being doers of the Word: Jas.1:19-25
Only hearers of the Word delude themselves (do not teach or follow these words)
Hears of the Word looks at his own face in a mirror and forgets what he looks like
Doers of the Word is one who peers in the perfect law of freedom and perseverance
Doers of the Word acts and shall be blessed
Synod of Synodalities summary statement:
Desire increased laity decision making and responsibilities
No one should be excluded (not accepted)
Walk and listen to the people
Seek consensus building
Support and respond to those who are marginalized as a result of fidelity to Church teachings (Does this mean calling for repentance and conversion? Or does this mean ignoring Jesus’ command to sin no more? Jn.8:11)
Discern together controversial issues and open questions
Discern together whether a doctrine issues can or must remain
Etymology: The Latin verb recipere means to keep back and to receive. The Latin verb suscipere means to undertake, to support, and to take up. The Latin verb accipere means to take, to grasp, to receive, and to accept. The Latin verb excipere means to take out, to receive, and to ward off. The Latin verb percipere means to secure, to perceive, and to learn, The Latin verb adsumere mean to take up, to adopt, and to raise up.
Mt.11:12: The kingdom of heaven suffers violence: opponents of Jesus are trying to prevent people from accepting the kingdom
Mt.16:9: Making friends with dishonest wealth: make prudent use of wealth in accumulation spiritual treasures
Mk.10:15: “Amen, I say to you…”: This indicates that Jesus will say something very important.
1Cor.2:15: The spiritual person can judge everything but is not subject to judgment by anyone
2Cor.6:1: One squanders and mocks God’s grace and reconciliation (not being truly remorseful)
2Cor.8:4: Paul tells the Corinthians to look to the Macedonians’ example of generosity.
2Cor.11:4: Paul points out that the Corinthians’ minds are corrupted with a different understanding of Jesus than the Jesus that Paul had presented to them. Corruption of minds can be a result of satanic activity [the serpent deceiving Eve] (Paul says this, not someone in our current times!)
Update: In remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in man’s image, this synodal process is welcoming worldly values, sin, and the failure to acknowledge sin into the Church.
While Jesus associated with sinners, He told them to sin no more (Jn.8:11). (Unfortunately, we hear nothing about this now!)
Jesus exercised forgiveness and called for conversion, true compassion, and evangelization. In contrast, the Vatican seeks tolerance, inclusion, and false compassion. Pope Francis: “we must NOT have evangelization because that is proselytization which is bad”!
Pope Francis claims that the “Holy Spirit of Surprises” can allow for what will happen at the Synod. Is this another spirit that allows for sin? The Holy Spirit cannot bless sin!
The Synod is encouraging greater laity decision making in seeking consensus for acceptance of sinful behavior.
The Synod believes that inclusion and welcoming of sinful behavior is more important than stated Church teachings on sinful behavior.
Under Pope Francis’ papacy, more and more Catholics are being criticized for upholding traditional teachings. They are being labeled as “rigid” and “having a nostalgic disease”.
Total obedience and dependence on the gospel are necessary for entry into heaven. Clergy are failing in their tasks to save souls as this does a great disservice to the people.
Natural persons (who do not want to accept the Church’s teachings on homosexuality) want the Church to accept their lifestyle. The Synod is actually trying to accomplish this.
Many seek to obtain God’s grace in vain while remaining in a sinful lifestyle. The clergy promoting these “teachings” are also guilty of receiving God’s grace in vain.
Evidently, Pope Francis and his inner circle are NOT preaching Jesus’ commandment to sin no more! They are preaching ANOTHER JESUS who accepts a person’s lived experiences.
Next posts: Advent and Christmas posts. “Regular” posts to resume in Jan 2024
[Greek] συμφωνέω (symphōneō), [Latin] consentire, [Latin] conventio, [Latin] concordare: to be in harmony, to be in accord, to agree, to “sound together”, to have singleness in mind; Mt.18:19, Mt.20:2,13, Lk.5:36, Acts 5:9, Acts 15:15
Moral principles do not change even when there is consensus (or synodality). Yet, others may say that there could be situational morality.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to sound together, to be in harmony, to agree, to conspire, and to come to terms.
Plato’s Republic 617b: “And from all the eight there was a concord of a single harmony.”
Plato’s Laches 263b: “For our deeds do not accord with our words.”
Plato’s Phaedrus 263b: “Then in some things we agree and in other we do not.”
Old Testament: This term means to commonly act (plan), to conspire, to have common acceptance, to have agreement, and to commonly strive.
Where two or three are gathered (Lev.17:6): This pertains to the investigation of bringing a person into custody for being accused of doing something evil in the sight of God. You shall bring this person into custody out to the gates for punishment. Only on the testimony of two or three witnesses shall this person be punished. An accusation from a single individual was insufficient to bring action against the person.
New Testament: This term means to agree and to match. Ordinary examples of agreeing will be excluded.
Mt.18:19: “Again, Amen, I say to you, if two or three agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by My heavenly Father.” (In the heavenly court, Jesus is in the midst of these witnesses. If their prayer requests (petitions) are in accordance with the Father’s will, these will be granted to them. When two or three gathered in His name, He is in their midst. When Jesus says, “Amen, I say to you…” Jesus will begin to say something very important!)
Mt.20:13: “[Jesus]: the landowner said to the worker, ‘My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?'” (The vineyard worker was upset because the latecomer received a full days’ wage. This alludes to God’s equal generosity to all.)
Lk.5:36: Jesus told them in a parable, “No one tears a piece from a new cloak to patch an old one. Otherwise, he will tear the new and the piece from it will not match the old cloth.” (It is unsuitable and impractical to combine the old and the new. Jesus’ teaching cannot be contained within the limits of the Mosaic law.)
Why do you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Acts 5:1-11
Ananias and Sapphira retained some of the land’s purchase price before the Apostles.
Ananias’ heart was filled by Satan.
Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit.
Ananias fell down and died upon hearing these words.
Sapphira fell down and died.
Ananias and Sapphira were not deserving of the honor accorded to them by the community.
A great fear came upon the whole Church.
Activities of human origin: Acts 5:38
Have nothing to do with these persons. Let them go.
It will destroy itself.
Activities of God’s origin: Acts 5:39
You will not be able to destroy them.
You may even find yourselves fighting against God.
Synod of Synodalities summary statement:
Desire increased laity decision-making and responsibilities.
No one should be excluded.
Walk and listen to the people.
Seek consensus building (to “sound together” in agreement).
Support and respond to those who are marginalized as a result of fidelity to Church teachings.
Discern together controversial issues and open questions.
Discern together whether a doctrinal issue can or must remain.
The faithful cannot err in matters of faith if they can manifest universal consent. (CONSENSUS DOES NOT OVERRIDE OBJECTIVE MORAL TRUTHS!)
Update: Pope Francis’ synodal efforts seek consensus with the people of God, yet exclude and marginalize traditional and conservative Catholics. This represents only 1% of total Catholics. This do not exactly inspire confidence for consensus!
The Synod of Synodalities seeks to find “consensus” by selecting hand-picked allies to approve their agenda. This sounds like a stacked deck!
The coordinators of the Synod could NOT promise to abide by Catholic principles as this Synod seeks the consensus of the laity’s concerns and desires. This illustrates a Church made in the image of man (and his lived experiences.) This now becomes a man-focused Church rather than a Christ-focused Church!
The Germans, seeking “consensus” in their synodal pathway, have gone off the rails doctrinally into heresy and schism. They are promoting priestly homosexual behavior and the laity choosing bishops.
Pope Francis claims that the Holy Spirit was present at the German Synod! But the Holy Spirit cannot bless sin! What spirit is Pope Francis talking about? Sounds like Modernism, relativism, and situational morality.
The Vatican sent an apostolic coadjutor Bishop Francois Touvet to the diocese of Frejus-Toulon for the ordination of seminarians. THESE SEMINARIANS WERE FORCED TO SIGN A LOYALTY OATH NOT TO CELEBRATE THE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS! However, some of these seminarians refused to sign this oath. So their ordinations are being held in limbo. This is just another example of requiring priests to be in conformity to synodality! They are creating a new Church!
Here is still another example of further suppression of the Latin Mass under this synodal Bergoglian reign of terror. (refer to number 12 below)
Activities of human origin:
German synodal path is going doctrinally off the rails into heresy.
The Vatican’s synodal path: remaking Jesus’ Church into a Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Pope Francis finds himself fighting against Tradition, traditional (conservative) priests, and traditional (conservative) Catholics. (Not a good look!)
St. Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding of the Lord’s Flock”), written on Sept. 8, 1907, warned us about the Modernists undermining Jesus’ Church.
Pope Francis removes his opponents who dare to uphold Catholic teachings and those who rightly criticize him.
Pope Francis calls for a new paradigm shift in Catholic theology to explain and permit new situational moralities. (lived experiences, moral relativism, and sinful behavior. This was also predicted by Pope Pius X.)
The Vatican allowing for “non-liturgical blessings” for irregular unions. (One must first remove the social stigma of “same-sex unions” to make it sound less sinful. This begins the process for creating a new subjective situational morality.)
The Vatican’s Synod is using the “Holy Spirit of Surprises” to rationalize anything they want.
The Vatican has concluded that women priests and deacons are not possible. This in turn has even created more opposition and anger from feminists, Modernists, and progressives. Efforts will now be in made in re-examining ordinations of deacons.
The Synod co-ordinators seek to decentralize doctrinal decision-making authority to the local level. This sounds very Protestant! These efforts were fortunately stopped by the laity.
The Modernists’ perspective of unity: The Church MUST HAVE UNITY WITH THE WORLD. Tradition must go. Tradition is old, stale, and rigid. Forget about maintaining the timeless nature of Jesus’ Church (because the Church ecclesiology has changed).
Further suppression of the Latin Mass: the Vatican orders the cessation of the Latin Mass at the Cathedral of St. Eugene in Santa Rosa, California
Activities of God’s origin: (very encouraging signs that the Church (with the work of the Holy Spirit) is moving back to what Jesus intended)
More and more of the younger generations of priests (and seminarians) are becoming CONSERVATIVE and TRADITIONAL!
The Modernist and progressive priests are declining and the older generations of priests are dying out!
More and more of us are becoming concerned and alarmed by the LITURGICAL CHAOS AND CONFUSION in the Church that has been brought about by the Modernists!
More and more younger Catholics are becoming attracted to Tradition! They are looking for something much deeper in their faith!
At the Synod, the laity vociferously opposed the Modernists’ efforts to decentralize doctrinal decision-making authority to the local level. Unlike the Synod coordinators, the laity seek to maintain the oneness of the Catholic Church.
The only way for the Church to grow and thrive is to embrace Tradition and retain the timeless nature of Jesus’ Church!
Seminarians are refusing to sign a loyalty oath not to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass.
[Greek] περιπατέω (peripateō), [Latin] ambulare, [Latin] quarere, [French] demander, [French] marcher, [French] voyager: to walk around, to live, to conduct the walk of life; 97 scriptures
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists continue to walk with the world in their efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church (in the image of man). Walking with God (in the world) is NOT the same as walking with the world.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to walk around, to prowl, to traverse, to have a discourse (walk while teaching), and to argue.
Demosthenes’ Orations 54.7: “I was taking a walk, as my custom was, in the agora with Phanostratus of Cephisia.”
Aristophanes’ Lysistrata 706: “Why do you come in sorrow in your eyes?”
Old Testament: This term means to walk (with God) in the world, to tread, and to go around. Walking with God was very important for the Hellenized Jew who lived outside of Jerusalem.
New Testament: This term means to walk, to conduct oneself, and to live. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude scriptural examples of ordinary walking and focus more on walking away from Jesus (rather than walking with Jesus).
Following the tradition of the elders: Mk.7:5, Mk.12:38, Lk.11:44, Acts 21:21
Why do you eat a meal with unclean hands? (greater concern for rituals)
Scribes (in long robes) accepting greetings in the marketplace (more concerned about status)
You [Pharisees & scribes] are like unseen graves bringing ritual impurity (being exposed for hypocrisy)
The Jews claim that Paul is not telling Jews to observe their customs
Walking on water: Mt.14:25,29, Jn.6:19
Mt.14:25: Jesus came toward them, walking on the sea. Peter later attempted to walk on water toward Him, yet began to sink. Jesus said that Peter had little faith.
Jn.6:19: As the sea was stirred up, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water. The disciples were afraid. Jesus told them to not be afraid.
The devil prowls around: 1Pet.5:8
God calls upon one to show humbleness. (This becomes a powerful defense against Satan. Satan hates this!)***[see quote below]
One must be sober and vigilant about the devil prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
One must resist the devil with steadfastness in faith.
One must realize that your fellow believers may undergo the same sufferings.
God Himself will restore, confirm, and strengthen you after you have suffered a little.
Walking away from Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse: Jn.6:52:71
Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life in you.'”
The Jews quarreled and murmured among themselves, saying that this is a hard saying.
But Jesus saw that some would not believe Him.
Jesus did NOT say to His disciples, “I was just speaking figuratively! Come back!”(Jesus let them go.)
As a result, many of His disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied Him.
Mt.6:66: It is quite interesting that this scripture references the disciples returning to their way of lives. (666 references Satan. Is this just a coincidence?)
Walking away from Jesus:
Jn.8:12: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman accused of adultery before Jesus. Jesus forced them to walk away, unable to bring charges against her. Jesus told the woman to SIN NO MORE! Jesus states that NOT following His command (to sin no more) essentially means to walk in darkness.)
2Thess.3:6: “We instruct you to shun any brother who conducts himself in a disorderly way and not according to the tradition they received from us.” (Paul stresses the importance of one’s faith coming from the traditions.)
1Cor.3:5-7: “Put to death, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil, desire, greed, and idolatry.”
Heb.13:9: “Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching.” (Hebrews’ author mostly referred to Jewish food laws and Mosaic sacrificial banquets.)
Those conducting themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ: Col:3:18
The Jews
Those who seek such sexual appetites
Strangers to the gospel
MORE CONCERNED WITH WORDLY AFFAIRS (secularism, status, worldly values, sin, and evil)
Who pretend to teach Christ (sounds like practical atheism)
Who refuse to take up his cross for Christ (sounds like cowardly and silent laity and clergy)
Who are opposed to the doctrines of Christianity
Following the traditions of the Modernists: Synod of Synodalities summary statement:
Encourage increased laity decision-making authority and responsibilities. (Allowing the poorly catechized laity to make decision on doctrine. What could possibly ever go wrong with that?)
No one should be excluded. (Yet, this involves only 1% of Catholics.)
Walk and listen to the people. (Bringing in worldly values, paganism, and sin into the Church)
Seek consensus building. (Does this mean changing and adapting Church doctrine and teachings to accommodate the world?)
Support and respond to those who are marginalized as a result of fidelity to Church teachings (Does this imply that Church teachings and God are offensive, evil and hateful?)
Discern together controversial issues and open questions. (Does this mean to change, destigmatize, and normalize sin?)
Discern together whether a doctrinal issue can or must remain. (Does that mean consensus is more important than doctrine?)
The faithful cannot err in matters of faith if they can manifest universal consent. (Does that mean laity can also determine doctrine?)****[see quote below]
Vatican Synod of Synodalities Penitential Celebrations: A church walks together to make up new sins: sin against creation, sin against peace, sin against migrants, sin against poverty, SIN AGAINST SYNODALITY (listening), SIN OF USING DOCTRINES AS STONES TO BE HURLED (in other words, traditional (conservative) Catholics are like Pharisees and stone-throwing Jews).
Old Testament: It was very important for the Jews (Hebrews) to walk with God in being faithful to Him.
Update: Pope Francis and his inner circle are implementing new human traditions decreeing that Jesus’ Church has become a worldly synodal Church.
The Synod of Synodalities is not promising to uphold Catholic principles. These cardinals, bishops, and priests are walking together with the laity in listening to what the world wants. The clergy and laity are working together to develop new doctrine and theology.
Unfortunately, there currently remains a large percentage of Catholics who do not believe in Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. Many have walked away from the faith.
Bishop Strickland, Fr. Missigbeto, and others are walking with God, being faithful to traditional Church teachings. They have been facing opposition and persecution under the Bergoglian Reign of Terror. It seems that Fr. Missigbeto will most likely be the next priest to be removed and canceled.
Pope Francis and fellow Modernists are walking with the world in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, seeking to gratify the community’s desire for the acceptance of homosexuality and same sex unions (desires for the flesh).
Pope Francis’ scandalous and heretical interpretations of the Holy Spirit:
Pope Francis makes reference to the ‘Holy Spirit of Surprises’ in justifying the approval of non-Catholic and heretical policies at the Synod of Synodalities. (With this logic, anything can approved at this Synod. This notion insults the Holy Spirit, whom that we may abide in truth. [Jn.14:16-18])
In Papua New Guinea Pope Francis makes reference to the Holy Spirit being challenged by human conditions. (How is the Holy Spirit responsible for man’s condition?)
Pope Francis stated, “Every religion is a way to arrive to God. Each has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.” (This statement is an illustration of the heresy of indifferentism: that all religions are equally valid paths to God.)
*** “The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility.” St. Vincent de Paul
“We do not want a Church that will move with the world. We want a Church that will move the world.” GK Chesterton
****”Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right.” Archbishop Sheen
[Greek] ὑπομένω (hypomenō), [Latin] persevere, [Latin] permanere, [Latin] sustinere, [Latin] remanere, [Latin] patientia, [Latin] suffererre, [French] persister, [French] continuer, [French] endurer, [French] maintenir: to stay behind, to expect, to wait for, to endure, to persevere, to suffer, to expect; Mt.10:22, Mt.24:13, Mk.13:13, Lk.2:43, Acts 17:14, Rom.12:12, 1Cor.13:7, 2Tim.10,12, Heb.10:32, Heb.12:2-3,7, Jas.1:12, Jas.5:11, 1Pet.2:20
Sometimes it is in these struggles and difficulties that some are even called to be saints. Nov.1 (All Saints Day)
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to remain, to be patient, to stand firm, to suffer, and to endure.
Herodotus’ The Histories 6.51: “Demaratus, son of Aniston, remained at Sparta.
Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War 1.8: “The possession of capital enabled the powerful to reduce the smaller towns to subjection.”
Plato’s Gorgias 478c: “Because one is relieved of a great evil, and hence it is worthwhile to endure pain and be well.”
Andocides’ On the Mysteries 1.121: “He saw that I was standing my ground, intending to have me either put to death without a trial or banished.”
Old Testament: This term means to wait upon God, to wait patiently, and to be expectant. This term takes on more of a religious sense rather than of opposing evil.
New Testament: This term means to persevere, to remain behind, to bear, and to endure. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude normal (mundane) examples.
Parable of the weeds: Mt.7:36-43
The Son of Man is the one who sows good seed
The field is the world
The good seeds are the children of the kingdom
The weeds are the children of the evil one
The enemy who sows the weeds is the devil
The harvest is the end of the age
The harvesters are the angels
The Son of Man will send His angels to collect the weeds and throw them into the fiery furnace
The beginning of calamities: Mt.24:3-14
Nations will rise against nations
There will be famines and earthquakes
They will hand you over to persecutions and will kill you
You will be hated by all nations because of My name
Many will be led into sin
Many false prophets will arise and deceive many
But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved
2Tim.2:10: [Paul]: I bear with everything for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they obtain salvation in Christ Jesus.
Jesus shows us how to endure and persevere: Heb.12:2-7
He endured the cross, despising its shame
He endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart
Endure your trials as discipline; God treats you as sons (and daughters) like a loving Father
The Christian life is likened to a race:
Blessed is the one who perseveres in temptation, for when he has been proved he will with the crown of life. (Jas.1:12)
The crown is the reward given to victorious statesmen, soldiers, and athletes
Let us persevere in running the race that lies before us (Heb.12:1)
[Paul]: I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. (2Tim.4:7)
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me. (2Tim.4:8)
1Pet.2:20: For whenever anyone bears the pain of unjust suffering because of consciousness of God (through circumstances beyond one’s control), that is a grace.
My own personal experience: For many years, I really did not understand why I never experienced dating, getting married and having a family. In addition to career struggles, I had experienced profound loneliness all my life. I was never called to be priest. (This was never on my spiritual radar, since I had no spiritual understanding of this whatsoever!) I was such in a very bad place that I just wanted to find some way to shift the focus from my situation. Then God brought someone into my life, he asking me if I would be interested in helping out in teaching a 9th RE class at my church. As they say, the rest is history. (Such a cliche, but it’s true!)
Later over the years, I inexplicably discovered a great joy (not knowing how or why) in being a catechist. As a result, I have been a catechist since 1993, serving teenagers, young adults, and now adults with my catechetical blogging site. It took many years for me to finally figure out my path. God allowed me to tap into understanding why God created us in the first place: to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. Shortly after, I discovered that God had called me to a lay single vocation. I am not lonely anymore!
The Baltimore Catechism states: Why did God make you? “God made you to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world and to be happy with him forever and the next.”
Not surprisingly, this is my favorite scripture:
“No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.” 1 Cor.10:13
2Tim.2:10: This can be considered a concise summary of Paul’s mission.
Jas.5:11: Faithful perseverance can yield great rewards.
1Pet.2:20: This patient suffering can be likened to that of Jesus.
Update: There can be some comfort (consolation) in knowing that loved ones killed (from acts of terrorism) will receive great blessings from God.
Our post-Christian secular world is rampant with worldly values filled with sin. It is a constant challenge for faithful Catholics (Christians) to endure and withstand these influences.
Many faithful Catholics are now the enduring effects of Pope Francis and his inner circle’s efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church. Examples include changing Church teachings, restricting the Traditional Latin Mass, worldly values, “inclusion”, “listening”, acceptance of sin (and sinful behavior), refusal to recognize sin, and diluted Church teachings.)
In his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Sept. 8, 1907), Pope Pius X warned us about the Modernists’ harmful actions to the Church.Faithful Catholics are called to remain perseverant and faithful to Church teachings.
Faithful Catholics are called to remain ever vigilant against the confusion and insidiousness of Pope Francis’ words, encyclicals, and synodal actions. It becomes more and more difficult to distinguish between the weeds and the wheat in the field. Many false prophets (in the Church) will rise up and deceive and confuse many with liturgical chaos.
We all must be reminded that Jesus provides us with an example of what it means to suffer unjustly. Jesus gives us an example for us as to how to endure and to not grow weary and lose heart. This is how oftentimes one becomes a saint. Bearing unjust suffering can become a grace before God.
The faithful Christian, remaining faithful and perseverant, is one who has reached the finish line, receiving the crown of glory. Sometimes, this may become the crown of martyrdom.
“God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessings can come out of difficulty.” Unknown
[Greek] διώκω (diōkō), [Latin] pati persecutionem, [Latin] persequere, [French] endurer, [French] souffrir, [French] marcher: to pursue, to persecute, to press forward, to strive to; 48 scriptures
God shows His infinite mercy to all those who suffer because of persecution, sickness, war, and natural disasters. It is through their suffering that they will discover the God of eternity. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to denounce, to pursue, to urge, to prosecute, to impel, and to prosecute.
Aristophanes’ Knights 368: “I denounce you for cowardice.”
Antiphon’s First Tetralogy 2.1.5: “It is clear from the circumstance of death themselves that the victim was deliberately murdered.”
Aristophanes’ Knights 968: “You shall pursue Smicythe and her spouse, standing in a chariot of gold.”
Homer’s Odyssey 18.8: “He came now, and was driving Odysseus from his own house.”
Old Testament: This term means to pursue, to be driven, to persecute, to strive, to pass way, and to follow. The ungodly is often perceived as that of one who is hunted.
New Testament: This term means to persecute (being persecuted), to pursue, and to strive for something. For purposes of brevity, Jesus being persecuted will be excluded.
Being persecuted (and receiving blessings): Mt.5:10-12, Mt. 5:44, Rom.12:14
For the sake of righteousness, receiving the kingdom of heaven
Being insulted and persecuted because of Jesus
Receiving your great reward in heaven
Bless those who persecute you and do not curse them
Pray for those who persecute you
We are persecuted but not abandoned
Mt.23:34: I send some disciples (prophets, wise men, and scribes) whom you will pursue from town to town
Jn.15:20: If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you
Saul, who persecutes the Christians: Acts 22:4, Acts 26:11, 1Cor.15:9
I persecuted the Way to death, binding them to prison
I pursued the Christians even to foreign cities
For I am least of the apostles because I persecuted the Church of God
Striving for [fill in the blank]: Rom.9:30, Rom.12:13, Rom.14:19, 1Cor.14:1, Php.3:12, 1Tim.5:15
The Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have achieved from faith
Contribute to the needs of the poor and pursue hospitality
Let us pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another
Pursue love, but strive for spiritual gifts
[Paul]: I continue my pursuit of to be taken possession of by Christ
Mt.5:10: Righteousness essentially means being in conformity to God’s will
Mt.5:12: The prophets who were before you: Christian disciples
Mt.5:43-44: In the Old Testament, one’s countryman was considered as one’s friend. Others were taught to be considered as enemies.
Acts 22:4: Prior to his conversion, Saul was a rabid Pharisaic persecutor of Christians
Rom.12:14: Scripture states that it is not necessary for one to take justice into one’s hand against evil. However, the reality is that nations (countries) must and should appropriately take measures to protect themselves. God will ultimately deal justly with evil.
Rom.9:30: The Jews (Israelites) had not been interested in God’s righteousness, for fear that this would jeopardize the validity of the Mosaic law.
1Cor.15:9: God’s grace and mercy allowed Paul to become an apostle
2Cor.4:9: Christian discipleship often comes with trials and affliction
Update: In God’s infinite mercy, He will provide comfort, blessings, and graces upon those (Christians, Jews, Palestinians, etc) who have been persecuted or killed in the Middle East.
Suffering takes us to the edge of eternity—
If death is the end of everything, then a life filled with suffering isn’t fair. But if the end of this life brings us to the threshold of eternity, the most fortunate people in the universe are those who discover, through suffering, that this life is not all we have to live for. Those who find themselves and their eternal God through suffering have not wasted their pain. They have let their poverty, grief, and hunger drive them to the Lord of eternity. They are the ones who will discover to their own never-ending joy when Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Experiencing unjust suffering (because of circumstances beyond one’s control): This is a grace before God. For this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you. (1Pet.2:19-21)
Hamas, seeking to destroy Israel (Israelis), is the very embodiment of evil.
Israel is now in the process of retaliating against Hamas, seeking to root out and eliminate their cells.
It is very telling that some countries, media organizations, and politicians would want to first pursue an unverified (false) narrative (Israel bombing a Gaza hospital) criticizing Israel, rather than verifying its authenticity beforehand. It seems that they initially want to “prosecute” Israel in the court of public opinion.
Unfortunately, many Palestinians in Gaza will be unfortunately be impacted from Israel’s ground intervention in Palestine.
There are many pro-Palestine and Pro-Hamas supporters, while pushing for a cease-fire and peace, remain silent about the Hamas atrocities.
For many observers, the silence in criticizing Hamas has been perceived as tacit support for Hamas.
Efforts are now being made, despite resistance from Hamas, to provide support and aid to the Palestinians in Gaza.
During difficulties, trials, and tragedies, each of us must have possess trust in God.
It is very concerning that universities have become places where students have been taken possession of anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas sentiments.
Bishop Strickland and others, seeking to uphold Church teachings are criticized for not following the “Modernist program” of Pope Francis
Traditional and conservative Catholics are often viewed with suspicion for being concerned and alarmed about the changes to Jesus’ Church.
Pope Francis has just removed Bishop Strickland from his office. Pope Francis has been persecuting Bishop Strickland for having the audacity to uphold traditional Catholic teachings!
[Greek] καταφρονέω (kataphroneō), [Latin] contemnere: to show contempt for, to think little of, to despise, to look down upon; Mt.6:24, Mt.18:10, Lk.16:13, Rom.2:4, 1Cor.11:22, 1Tim.4:12, 1Tim.6:2, Heb.12:2, 2Pet.2:10
What is the mission of Jesus’ Church? To make us perfect and to shape us into His image (Mt. 5:48). Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle are remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly (humanistic) synodal Church. This “listening” and “welcoming” will inevitably bring in worldly values, sin, and the failure to recognize sin into the Church.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to look down upon, to think slightly of, to despise, to think contemptuously, and to presume.
Herodotus’ The Histories 4.134: “Darius asked about the clamor among the enemy; he said to those who he was accustomed to speak, ‘These mean hold us in deep contempt.'”
Isocrates’ Archidamus 6.108: “Let us therefore challenge one another to pay back to our fatherland the price of our nurture, and not suffer to be outraged or contemned.”
Euripides’ Bacchae 199: “Having been mortal, I do not scorn the gods.”
Plato’s Euthydemus 273d: “I saw they despised me for it, and they both laughed.”
Lysias’ Against Eratosthenes 12.78: “Twice over did he enslave you, despising what was present, and longing for what was absent, setting himself as instructor in most monstrous acts.”
Mammon: Mammon is considered the Syrian god of riches, wealth, and the greedy pursuit of gain. This word may have been present throughout the Canaanite languages. Devotees would kneel down on their knees at this statue. Mammon in Hebrew means money. Abundantia is the Roman god of riches. Plutus is the Greek god of riches.
Old Testament: This term means to act treacherously, to offend, to despise, to take advantage, to hold in contempt, to be vile, and to ridicule.
New Testament: This term means to despise, to hate, to hold in low esteem, to show contempt, and to disdain.
Mt.6:24: No one can serve two masters. He will either be devoted to one and despise the other.
Mt.18:10: [Parable of the Lost Sheep]: See that you do not despise one of these little ones.
Abuse and neglect regarding the Lord’s Supper: 1Cor.11:17-22
[Paul]: Your meetings are doing more harm than good
When you meet, there are divisions among you
There have to be divisions among you so that you may know those who are faithful
There is careless and irregular eating at the Lord’s table
The Church of God is not a place for revelry, feasting, and ordinary meals
Do you despise this place that you conduct yourselves shamefully?
Heb.12:2: Jesus endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken His seat at the right of the throne of God.
False teachers denounced: 2Pet.2:1-12
They will introduce destructive heresies
They will even deny the Master
Many will follow them as the truth will be reviled
They will exploit you with fabrications
Their destruction does not sleep
They are not afraid to revile glorious beings
In their destruction, they will also be destroyed
“If I be worthy, I live for God to teach the heathen, even though they may despise me.” St. Patrick
“Those that despise people will never get the best out of others and themselves.” Alexis de Tocqueville
“Holding onto resentment is letting a person, who you despise, occupy a portion in your mind forever.” Unknown
“Before the sin, Satan assures us that it is of no consequence; after the sin, he persuades us that is unforgivable.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
“God is full of compassion and never fails those who are afflicted and despised, if they trust Him alone.” St. Teresa of Avila
“Even if we are entirely despised in the eyes of men, let us rejoice that we are honored in the sight of God.” St. John the Short
“Jesus points out our mission, which is to despise what the world loves and seeks.” St. Padre Pio
“A simple soul is one who seeks only God and does not fear being laughed at or despised.” St. Julie Billiart
This provides an interesting picture which depicts “paying homage” or “worshiping” at the “altar of wealth”. To be dependent on wealth is opposed to what Jesus says in being dependent on the Father.
Isocrates points out that it is good to have respect, not contempt for one’s country. (Too many sheepish people today are easily outraged, offended, or triggered by something they do not like!)
In the Old Testament, contempt can be associated with ridicule, foolishness, and lack of sense.
Mt. 6:24: Loving/being devoted is contrasted with hating/despising. Jesus states that it is not possible to be devoted to both masters (God and wealth). One may become a slave (enslaved) to these masters. This could also be applicable to sin.
Mt.18:10: These little ones can be faithful disciples and believers. Disciples must seek out these sinners who go astray. No one must cause a fellow disciple to sin (go astray). They must be brought back into the fold. (This also further points to the responsibilities of the shepherd (cardinal, bishop, and priest). But one must first recognize what sin is.
1Tim.4:12: Paul tells Timothy (a young person) not to act in such a manner that they should despise you on account of your youth. Be mature in your ministry.
Heb.12:2: Jesus humbly accepted the shameful act of crucifixion to redeem humanity
Update: In our current secular post-Christian culture, many of us are acting like “little pagans” bowing down to our electronic devices. Many are also paying homage to fame, wealth, celebrity, notoriety, and convenience. Some have also actually experienced a medical condition called “tech-neck”, shoulder and neck strain from bowing down too much at electronic devices.
Many also have “bowed down” on the altar of convenience in obtaining an abortion. In our society, this has almost become an evil “sacrament” in our secular culture.
It is important to be reminded that we all should strive to attain spiritual (heavenly) treasures rather than earthly treasures. Heavenly treasures, much more important in God’s ‘eyes’, are much longer lasting.
By all means, influential, powerful, and wealthy individuals can also use their resources (in helping others) as a means of accumulating heavenly treasures.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, under the guise of welcoming and listening, are having meetings (Synod of Synodalities) in order to see what the world (culture) wants. It is through these efforts that they are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into man’s image. It is also important to note that these meetings, involving the laity, do not promise to uphold Catholic teachings. (This is very alarming!)
Faithful traditional and conservative Catholics, upholding traditional Catholic teachings, are understandably alarmed by what the Modernists are doing to Jesus’ Church. The Modernists continue to marginalize, castigate, and despise faithful Catholics.
Unfortunately, there continues to be instances of sacrilege found at Mass (homilies, distribution of Communion, priest’s words, World Youth Day, etc.)
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to despise Tradition, ignore Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11), and overlook (ignore) sin and sinful behavior (homosexuality).
Pope Francis and his inner circle think little of forgiveness, conversion, evangelization, and true compassion and think more about welcoming, listening, toleration, inclusion, and false compassion.
Pope Francis and inner circle are introducing destructive heresies leading to the blessing and potential acceptance of same-sex marriages. This is possible because of the ‘Holy Spirit of surprises’??? But, the HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT BLESS SIN! (This becomes another human fabrication to justify sin and sinful behavior!)
Pope Francis, in his encyclicals, continues to open the door to offering lax (fewer restrictions) regarding the receiving of sacraments. Pope Francis is essentially diluting teachings.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, acting like a harlot, is engaging in syncretic intercourse with the world. By allowing in worldly values, sin, and the refusal to acknowledge of sin, Jesus’ Church is being remade in the image of man.
Pope Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominic Gregis (Sept. 8, 1907) warned us about the Modernists’ efforts against Jesus’ Church. Today, more and more people are becoming aware of what Pope Francis and his inner circle are doing to Jesus’ Church! More people are recognizing that Pope Francis is essentially doubling down on the liturgical chaos, disastrous results, and consequences from Vatican II.
At the Synod of Syodalities, German bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, managing the decline of the heretical train-wreck of the German Church, stated that Apostolic Tradition must be abandoned! (The bishop says this in light of the failure of declining vocations and Germans leaving the Church in droves. Can you say “the pot calling the kettle black?” )
As to the future of the Church: I get a sense that the prophecies of the Apparition of the Lady of Good Success and Archbishop Lefebvre’s foreknowledge will both play a part in the downfall (destruction) of the Modernists.
“You are priests, not social or political leaders. Let us not be under the illusion that we are serving the gospel through an exaggerated interest in the wide field of temporal problems.” St. John Paul II
“The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.” St. Padre Pio
[Greek] τυφόομαι (typhoomai), [Latin] superbia, ]Latin] voluptas: to be conceited, to be foolish, to inflate with self-conceit, to be lifted with pride, to be proud, to be “puffed up”, to be high-minded, to “wrap in smoke”, to be “clouded with smoke”, to give off smoke; 1Tim. 3:6, 1Tim.6:4, 2Tim.3:4
“Through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the Church of God.” (A quote by Pope Paul VI) The smoke of Satan is the LITURGICAL CHAOS that followed from Vatican II. This information was revealed by Cardinal Noe in an interview.
Background Information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to delude, to be crazy, demented, vain, and arrogance
Plato’s Greater Hippias 290: “You lunatic, do you think Phedias is a bad craftsman!”
Demosthenes’ Against Timocrates 24.158: “You talk like a fool.”
Related term: [Greek] Typhlos, [Latin] caecus, [German] blind
Old Testament: Pride, taken too far, can become a hindrance in our relationship with God. The negative sense of pride predominates in the Old Testament. This prideful behavior may result in inflating our self-image, in diminishing our humbleness, in ruining our relationship with God, and leading to brokenness. God favors the lowly and humble.
New Testament: This term takes on a negative sense of being conceited, extremely proud, and being foolish. The proper candidate for bishop must not have a spiritually immature faith. This lack of faith may lead one to be subject to the conceit of power or the conceit of the devil. Those who teach things opposed to Jesus’ words show conceit. In the last days, the self-centered people will express qualities such as conceit.
“He should not be a recent convert, so that he may not become conceited and thus incur the devil’s punishment.” 1Tim.3:6
Recent convert (novice): This person is one who is lacking in faithfulness, experience, testing, resistance to struggles, and temptations. This does not refer to one who is “young in years”, but rather to one who is “young in faith”.
Becoming conceited: This person is “puffed up” in one’s own pride, arrogance, and in worldly ways.
Being influenced by the devil: This person is more concerned about worldly (human) concerns, rather than heavenly concerns. This person is unfaithful, lacking in faith, and more susceptible to the blatant or more subtle influences of the world and the devil. This person is more open to changing doctrine and Church teachings to suit man.
“Whoever teaches something different and does not agree with the sound words of Lord Jesus Christ and the religious teaching is conceited, understanding nothing, and has a morbid disposition for arguments and verbal disputes.” 1Tim.6:3-4
Paul warns Timothy of those who give false teachings. False teachers can be discerned by their pride, envy, quarrelsomeness, and greed for material gain. Paul is concerned about the preservation of the purity of the Church’s doctrine against false teachings.
The true meaning of the smoke of Satan:
Who was Cardinal Noe? This cardinal was a long-time master of ceremonies for papal ceremonies for Pope Paul VI. Cardinal Noe was a full supporter of the changes implemented in Vatican II. Cardinal Noe revealed this information in an interview.
What has been the consequences from the smoke of Satan? Doubt, lack of trust, secular sciences, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, and confrontation have entered into the Church
What was the hope (purpose) of Vatican II?TO OPEN THE CHURCH TO THE WORLD. To let some “fresh air in”. It was naively hoped that sunny and wonderful days would come for the Church. Instead, clouds of darkness entered into the Church.
What is the smoke of Satan? Pope Paul VI spoke of those priests, possessed of the vainglory and pride of the Evil One, who turned the Holy Mass into dry straw in the name of creativity. This problem was the mentality (human thinking) which wanted to distort the traditional canons of the Eucharistic ceremony.
What did Paul VI conclude?The smoke of Satan was the liturgical chaos that came after Vatican II.
What does this ultimately call back to? Jesus points out that Peter becomes an obstacle to Him. At this point, Peter was being “inspired” by Satan to oppose and obstruct Jesus’ mission. Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, You are an obstacle to Me. You are thinking not as God does, but as humans do.” Mt.16:23
Synod of Synodalities:
A LifeSite reporter asked Cardinal Lacroix if there is a promise or commitment to adhere to Catholic teachings during their discussions. The cardinal responded saying, “The object of the synod is not to address doctrinal aspects, but to look at our attitudes and way of discerning, to learn to journey together….This is not a doctrinal synod” (Another human invention!)
Typhoon: Like a hurricane, a typhoon is a well-developed circular weather pattern. These storms are characterized by low pressure, high humidity, heavy winds, and hot air.
Typhoon, superb, voluptuous, blind, caecum
An arrogant and conceited person is like a typhoon, filled up with hot air and high-winded. Sometimes we encounter people who are “full of hot air” or “puffed up“. You know them. They talk a lot and say nothing. They may also be proud and full of themselves. Yet, sometimes we ourselves can be “wrapped up in our smoke” that we can’t see what we are doing.
2Tim.3:4: In the last day there will be moral depravity and false teaching. There will be lovers of money, pride, disobedience, pleasure, pretense of religion but denying its power, opposing truth, and foolishness.
One cannot and should not be surprised that being “puffed up” and being blind can both be related.
Update: It is important to note that maturity of faith is more important than maturity of age.
We now have Pope Francis and his inner circle seeking to redefine and remake Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church asking what the world wants!
Pope Francis is unilaterally claiming that the theology of the Church has changed. The Traditional Latin Mass must be discontinued.
We now have a pope who claims that doctrine and theology is rigid and repressive. If you prefer tradition, then you must have a “nostalgic disease”.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, under the guise of “accompanying”, “listening”, and “inclusion”, have welcomed worldly values, diluted teachings, sin and ignorance of sin, de-stigmatizing and rationalizing homosexuality.
Pope Francis’ synodal process deviously introduces sin (“Who am I to judge?”) into the Church. This sounds like a tactic that Satan would approve!
The Modernists and Satan are actually achieving the same goals for Jesus’ Church: to upend, to redefine, and to remake the Church into man’s image. Let that sink in!
Perhaps Pope Francis’ “greatest” human invention” is to turn Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church.
Our current post-Christian secular society is filled with moral depravity: abortion, sacrilege, euthanasia, terrorism, hatred, cancel culture, etc.
We now have Christian pastors who have mansions and enormous wealth, preaching the “wealth and prosperity gospel”.
We now have Catholic and Christian clergy who often remain silent when scandals occur. This behavior is also scandalous. They either do not speak out, must think it is OK, or make a pretense of their faith. Such examples include abortion, sacrilege, honoring scandalous “sisters”, LGBTQ agenda, gender ideology, transgenderism, and gay marriage.
The proponents of the Synod are essentially seeking to know what the culture wants and to change Church teachings for them accordingly. They are seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into the image of man!
Vatican II, perhaps having the best of intentions, ultimately created a pastoral (and spiritual) disaster for the Church!
“I want to tell you something. What is it that I expect as a consequence of World Youth Day? I want a mess. We knew that in Rio there would be great disorder, but I want trouble in the dioceses!” Pope Francis
Quite prophetic words. Perhaps the most accurate description of Pope Francis’ chaotic papacy!
Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists have been essentially doubling-down on the efforts (and results) of Vatican II. And so it is really not surprising that Pope Francis’ papacy has created even MORE LITURGICAL CHAOS in the Church. (“You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Mt.16:23)
What does all this say about Pope Francis’ papacy? You will have to draw your own conclusions. What do you think?
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Charles Baudelaire
“The devil is capable of confusing the most brilliant mind.” St. Padre Pio
In this day and age, one does not need to be full-blown possessed to be influenced by the devil. The devil makes its influence known by evil, hatred, pride, rebellion, deceit, busyness, and confusion. More subtle and devious forms of influence may include “tolerance”, “inclusion”, “compassion”, and “mercy”. The devil seeks to upend, remake, and destroy the Church. Yet, at the same time, there are now human efforts to remake Jesus’ Church into a more worldly synodal Church (asking what the world wants).
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means perception, thought, purpose, idea, design, concept, and understanding.
Homer’s Odyssey 14.273: “But in my heart Zeus himself put this thought.”
Homer’s Iliad 10.104: “Not all his purposes shall Zeus the counselor fulfill for Hector.”
Homer’s Odyssey 20.346: “Pallas Athena roused unquenchable laughter, and turned their thoughts awry.”
Old Testament: This term means evil plan, attack, and wrath.
New Testament: This term means purpose, perception, thought, and mind.
2Cor.2:11: So that we might not be taken advantage of by Satan, for we are not unaware of his purposes
How to respond to the offender? 2Cor.2:5-11
The measures taken must be appropriate to the situation
One should forgive and encourage him
Otherwise, the person may be overcome with pain (hatred)
One should reaffirm him
Then Satan will not be able to take advantage of him
2Cor.3:14: Their thoughts were rendered dull
2Cor.4:4: The god of this age (Satan) has blinded the mind of unbelievers
Satan (god of the world):
Ruler of the world
Source of hate, violence, falsehood, selfishness, and pride
Who led men from light to darkness
Who works against God
Spiritual wickedness in high places
Who has subdued the world to himself
Who receives homage from his worshippers
2Cor.10:5: We destroy arguments and pretension raising itself against the knowledge of God
2Cor.11:3: As the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts might be corrupted
Etymology: The Latin noun cogitatio means reasoning, thinking, intention, and plan. The Latin noun sensus means perception, feeling, and sensation. The Latin noun mens means mind and reason. The Latin noun scientia means knowledge and reason.
Synod of Synodalities:
A reporter asked the vice-director of the Holy See office: “But how do you know that it’s the Holy Spirit [that is the protagonist of the Synod]?The vice-director could not answer the question! This person’s silence speaks volumes about their erroneous and deceitful claim that the Holy Spirit is present. Rather, they claim that the ‘Holy Spirit of surprises’ is present. Yet, the Holy Spirit cannot bless sin!
Cardinal Tobin says (out of mercy) he hopes that the Synod will “open the doors of the Church” to those who felt excluded from the Church due to their sexuality. This cardinal deviously implies that the Church needs to change its exclusionary, and hateful views toward these people. This cardinal refuses the acknowledge that the Church is already open to the faithful who seek forgiveness. The Cardinal also refuses to acknowledge the sinful nature of homosexuality (which is stated in the Catechism). Sounds like spiritual wickedness (deception) in the high places in the Church for the inclusion for sinful behavior!
2Cor.2:11: We all must be aware of Satan’s cunning, deceit, trickery, subtlety, manipulation, seduction, undermining belief systems, taking advantage of souls, transformation into angels of light, and attacking churches.
2Cor.3:14: Thoughts rendered dull: lack of understanding of sin, worldly thinking (values), confusion, distractions, busyness, and lack of faith.
2Cor.4:4: Unbelievers, blinded by Satan, often cannot see the light of the gospel. The gospel is often veiled to these non-believers.
2Cor.10:5: Paul states that we must spiritual weapons (strong persuasion, power of truth, and wisdom) capable of destroying fortresses (false ideologies, philosophies, human wisdom, pride, and self-conceits)
2Cor.11:3: Paul fears a repetition of devil’s deceit, seduction, and corruption of man. Corruption of minds is satanic activity.
Update: The LGBTQ lobby continues to promote the notion of same sex unions, which offend God’s moral laws of marriage and procreation.
Rather than pointing out their sinful behavior, the Vatican has instead made a concerted effort to de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality in their outreach to the LGBTQ community. Under the guise of mercy, the Vatican, failing to uphold Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11), is now accepting their sinful lifestyle.
Insidious wickedness (under the guise of “mercy” and “inclusion”): In 2019 Cardinal Tobin called for changing the Catechism’s teaching because holding to the Truth was “not welcoming”! This cardinal saying it is Ok to bring in sin and sinful behavior into Jesus’ Church. Is Cardinal Tobin implying that the Church (and even God) is “hateful”? That certainly sounds like human thinking. Let that sink in!
Rather than calling out abortion supporters receiving the Eucharist, some clergy will say: “You are politicizing the Eucharist”. They ignore this sacrilege in order so as to seek favor with the culture.
Many people’s thoughts are rendered dull by gender ideology in not accepting the objective reality of two sexes: male and female. Instead, many just claim any gender they want.
Many may not be aware that Satan (god of this age) can sow confusion, distraction, mental dullness, busyness, rebellion, pride in the minds of people.
Many are not aware that Satan seeks to undermine, to upend, to oppose God’s laws and remake Jesus’ Church in man’s image.
What are some fruits (results) of Satan’s efforts:
Homosexuality and gay marriage: upending God’s plans for marriage and procreation
Abortion: devaluing the unborn life
Euthanasia: devaluing the elderly
Upending Church teachings and remaking Jesus’ Church in man’s image
We must not forget what Jesus said to Peter when he tried to prevent Jesus from carry out His mission by His Father: “Get behind Me, Satan! You are thinking but as humans do.”
The Church has been diminished by poor catechesis, liturgical sacrilege, Modernism, fewer vocations, and diminished focus on traditional teachings and practices.
True accompanying means forgiving, conversion (and sinning no more), encouraging, and bringing one back into the fold. Accompanying does not mean welcoming (accepting) the sin and sinful behavior.
In its efforts to be a listening and accompanying Church, the Vatican is welcoming sin and sinful behavior. The Vatican is deceiving others in saying that is ratified by the ‘Holy Spirit of surprises.’ But the Holy Spirit cannot bless sin!
The Hamas attack on Israel is the embodiment of pure evil!
The Vatican is being deceitful in remaking Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church into man’s image under the guise of accompaniment and mercy.
Vatican II’s effort to renew the Church in the world has been a catastrophic pastoral and theological failure. This has led to more and more people leaving the Church.
Oct 13, 2023: Today is the 50th anniversary of the final message from Our Lady of Akita. The Blessed Virgin Mary said to Sister Agnes Sasagawa:
“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.” (It seems that this prophecy has come to fruition!)
We have cardinals, bishops, and priests opposing other cardinals, bishops, and priests promoting the Synod of Synodalities.
We have some churches being burned or vandalized.
We have clergy changing (compromising on) church teachings and listening to the culture as to what it wants in the Church.
Under the guise of “listening” and “accompanying”, Jesus’ Church is now being re-made into a synodal Church into the image of man.
We have faithful cardinals, bishops, and priests being criticized for upholding traditional Church teachings.
Under the guise of “compassion” and “inclusion, we have clergy seeking to dilute and mix Church teachings with worldly values.
We have clergy welcoming sin (and sinful behavior), and de-stigmatizing, re-defining, and normalizing the sinful nature of homosexuality.
Perhaps it is time to renew the Church again, going back to tradition and traditional practices. We must come up with some better spiritual weapons (tradition and sound doctrine) to destroy this secular post-Christian fortress in which we live in.)
[Greek] κακῶς (kakōs), [Latin] malus: evil, wicked, bad men, bad things, wickedness, ugly, to do harm; 51 scriptures
Pope Francis’ papacy is now being defined by confusion, division, scandal, sacrilege, human traditions, changing Church teachings and practices, acceptance of sin, and syncretic intercourse (mixing and diluting Church teachings with the worldly values). Yet many clergy remain silent and cowardly in responding to this evil. The most insidious aspect of evil presents itself through subtle UNDERMINING and UPENDING of Church teachings.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means evil, ugly, mean, unskilled, pernicious, doing harm, ill, and to have trouble in store.
Old Testament: This term means evil, foolishness, folly, wickedness, idolatry, vanity, confusion, contention, strife, and controversy.
Deception, confusion, and evil in the Garden of Eden:
Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden (where the Serpent tricked Adam and Eve):
Serpent: “Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat from any of the trees in the garden?”(The serpent is already planting seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind.)
Serpent: “You certainly will not die!Therefore, you shouldn’t believe what God is saying. You can do whatever you want”! (The serpent is already calling God a liar!)
Serpent: “God well knows that when you eat of the fruit, your eyes will be opened and you will be like the gods, who know good and evil.”(The serpent is telling Eve: ‘God is holding you back from understanding wisdom’. ‘God doesn’t want you to know this! Don’t you want to be like God’ and [have infinite dignity]?)
New Testament: This term means wretched, evil, bad things, to speak wrongly, wickedness, wrong, harm, and reckoning the bad.
Being accused of being evil (doing evil): Mt.27.23, Jn.18:23, Acts 23:9
[Pilate]: What evil has He done?
[Jesus]: If I have spoken rightly, why did you strike Me?
We find nothing wrong with this man [Paul]
Evil comes from within: Mk.7:21, Rom.7:19, Jas.1:13, 3Jn.1:11, Col.3:5
From within people, from the hearts, come evil thoughts
[Paul]: I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do want
No one should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for He tempts no one
Do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does what is good is of God; whoever does what is evil has never seen God
Put to death the parts of you that are earthy: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed, idolatry
Receiving judgment from the Lord: 2Cor.5:10, 2Tim.4:14, Rom.2:9
We must all appear before the judgment seat, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what one did, whether good or bad
The Lord will repay Alexander according to his deeds
Affliction and distress will come upon every human being who does evil
Being aware of evil and evil-doers: Acts 9:13, Rom.1:30, Rom.16:19, 1Cor.15:33
I have heard what evil things Saul has done to your holy ones in Jerusalem
They are ingenious in their wickedness
[Against those factions] I want you to be wise as to what is good and simple as to what is evil
Do not be led astray. Bad company corrupts good morals
Those who live in the flesh: Rom.8:5-13
Are only concerned with things of the flesh
The concern of the flesh is death
The concern of the flesh is hostility toward God
The concern of the flesh does not submit to the law of God
Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him
Evil in the Church: Satan’s evil influence now continues to show itself in SUBTLE, CONFUSING, and MISLEADING ways. Satan also tempted Peter to defy and impede Jesus. Satan’s influence continues to makes it presence known in the Church today. (It would be naïve to say otherwise in light of what is currently happening in the Church. We must also not forget that Pope Paul VI stated, “The smoke of Satan has entered into a crack in the Church.”)
“Peter took Jesus and began to rebuke Him, ‘God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.’” Mt.16:22 (At first glance, this sounds like a reasonable statement: Peter does not want Jesus to die. However, under the “inspiration” of Satan, Peter was actually making a satanic and evil statement in order to UNDERMINE Jesus’ mission to die on the cross and redeem humanity.)
“Jesus said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are an obstacle to Me. You are thinking not as God does, but as humans do.” Mt.16:23 (Satan was using clever subterfuge through Peter to undermine Jesus.Even seemingly human motivations may be satanically inspired. It is naïve to think that this could never happen to Church leaders in later (modern) times.)
Quotes about the Synod of Synodalities:
“Hatred for the Church, doctrine for the faith. A DEMONIC force has been unleashed.” Archbishop Vigano
“The synod leads to an implicit APPROVAL OF SIN and to a FALSE TOLERANCE that sympathizes with sin.” Archbishop Aguer
“I clearly see a whole plan of manipulation.” Cardinal Zen
“[In the synodal process]…there is not a single word about the obedience due to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit that are always consistent with truth of the perennial doctrine.” Cardinal Burke
Malevolent, malevolence
Update :The Christian teacher Enoch Burke has been held in prison so far for 442 days for opposing transgender ideology. THIS WOKE MIND VIRUS IS EVIL!
Pope Francis’ troublesome statements about salvation UNDERMINE the Church’s teaching that Jesus and the Church are the only means for salvation.
The human traditions of the Modernists are UNDERMINGING AND DESPISING TRADITION.
Mercy above all else (under the guide of “false compassion”): Some Church leaders are seeking to REDEFINE OBJECTIVE MORAL TRUTHS into subjective situational morality (Adapting objective morality to the world.)
The German bishops’ efforts to UPEND and UNDERMINE Jesus’ Church: Blessing same-sex unions, ending clerical celibacy, allowing laity to choose bishops, allowing the laity to preach homilies, allowing woman priests and deacons, redefining (permitting) homosexuality, and allowing the laity to govern the German dioceses.
How does Pope Francis respond to the German Bishops’ demand for blessing same-sex unions?
Instead of criticizing the German bishops for their heresy, Pope Francis tells them that they are moving too fast. (Does this mean heretical teachings can become more palatable over time? What does say about Pope Francis slow-walking heretical teachings??)
Pope Francis “slow-walks” this process in allowing for “non-liturgical blessings for “irregular couples.” (They must no longer be called same-sex unions [to remove any social stigma].)
Therefore new Catholic social teaching (for new situational morality) must be developed to allow for acceptance of liturgical blessings for “irregular couples”.
Then liturgical blessings for “irregular couples” would be necessarily the next logical step in validating a new accepted marriage relationship. (You know some progressive bishop will eventually start this.)
A Catholic exorcist has recently referred to Fiducia Supplicans as the Church’s “millstone moment.”
The is the Synod of Synodality’s efforts to UNDERMINE and UPEND Jesus’ Church:
Redefining, de-stigmatizing, and normalizing homosexuality.(Father James Martin, a very close confident of Pope Francis, is leading this LGBTQ “outreach”. Fr. James Martin actually believes that St. Paul got it wrong about homosexuality. Let that sink in!)
Ignoring Jesus’ command to sin no more [Jn.8:11].(They are allowing and permitting sinful behavior! There is hardly any mention of the salvation of souls. Many people’s eternal mortal souls could be in peril!)
Accepting sinners (and their sinful lifestyle) without repentance under the guise of “inclusion”, “mercy”, tolerance, and outreach. (Mercy, false compassion, and lack of repentance are excusing or rationalizing this sinful behavior [because of a new subjective situational morality]).
Welcoming the laity’s world1y values and morals into the Church under the guise of “listening”. (Rebuilding the Church into man’s image [including the world’s wants and desires!])
Accepting and allowing sinful behavior because the ‘Holy Spirit of surprises’ ratifies it. (This becomes a DEVIOUS means and rationale for accepting, approving, ratifying, and blessing anything!THE HOLY SPIRIT CANNOT BLESS SIN! This is an offense against the Holy Spirit.)
Looking at other ways to potentially consider woman priests and women deacons. (After completely shutting down the idea of women priests and women deacons, efforts are now being made to find ecclesiological work-arounds of ordinations.)
Creating “non-liturgical blessings” for same sex couples. (This becomes a DEVIOUS means in allowing for the next step in eventually recognizing and blessing same sex “marriages”! This is where establishing “new” Catholic social teachings to open the door for this. This is how you would “slow-walk” this process.)
This synod structure more easily provides the framework for introducing, immorality, worldly values, heresy, and evil into the Church. (Satan and the Modernists are actually achieving the same end result! To REFORM, TO RENEW, TO UPEND, to REMAKE, and to UNDERMINE the Church that Jesus established. In other words, create a new Church. LET THAT SINK IN! Even Archbishop Sheen makes mention of the “Ape of the Church.”)
Seeking to democratize the Church. (This involves sharing decision-making authority between the Magisterium and the most poorly catechized laity in generations. Letting the laity having a voice in determining doctrine!! Why should the laity have a voice in determining doctrine? What could ever go possibly wrong with this?)
Seeking to downgrade the papacy’s authority. (There are now efforts to make the papacy more ecumenical, likeable, and shareable with other faiths. This totally UNDERMINES the notion that salvation is obtained only through Jesus and His Church!)
Opening the door to new forms of situational morality. (At the next consistory, one shudders to think about what could happen next about Fiducia Supplicans and transgenderism. This is a very sobering and troubling reality!)
What is the mission of Jesus’ Church?
To make us perfect (Mt.5:48). To shape us into His image (NOT in man’s image and lived experiences).
Tocall us to penance, sacrifice, and hardship.
All that matters is what Jesus wants. Our wants are irrelevant.
Did the Apostles ask the Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes what they wanted in the Church? No!
Did St. Augustine ask the pagans what they wanted in the Church? No!
Did past Catholic cardinals and bishops (councils) ask the Protestants what they wanted in the Church? No!
Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle claim that we now have a “listening Church” ASKING THE CULTURE FOR WHAT IT WANTS in the Church! They seekto REFORM and RENEW Jesus’ Church in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Someone created a ChatGPT program in a scenario where the pontificate was in the hands of Satan. What would this look like? How would this look like in comparison to current times? Something to ponder.
Recently, the German Bishops have been “going off the rails” doctrinally with their German Synod, heading into heresy and schism. Now many are greatly concerned about the potential heresy, schism, and evil resulting from the upcoming Synod of Synodalities. Both synods have been engaging in “syncretic” intercourse (like a harlot) mixing religion and worldly cultural values. Both synods are seeking to remake the Church in man’s image (which is a scandal!)
Background information:
Original meaning: snare, trap, movable stick (with bait) to catch animals
Greek Hellenism: This term means offense, scandal, vulnerability, obstacle, trap, and moral fault.
Aristophanes’ Archarnians 687: “The accuser, desirous of conciliating the younger man, overwhelms with his rhetoric, drags us before the judge, presses us with questions, and lays verbal traps for us.”
Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 1189-1196: “Imitation is scandalous, creating obstacles for us. We see that person who has what we also want. That person becomes and an obstacle for what we desire.”
Epictetus: “If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in this provocation.”
Old Testament: This term means stumbling block, blindness, deafness, slander, idolatry, stupidity, folly, and obstacle. This term can be used in a literal, figurative, moral, metaphorical and spiritual context.”
New Testament: Scandal is an obstacle to faith and a cause of going astray. Woe is a word to express regret or distress about some impending doom or condemnation from God. Woe speaks to the grave seriousness of the matter.
Mt.13:41: Who cause others to sin and evildoers
Mt.16:23: Get behind Me Satan [Peter]; you are an obstacle to Me
Mt.18:7: It would be better to be drowned at see rather than to cause the little ones to sin.
Rom.9:33: Jesus, a rock that will (result in) making them fall
Rom.14:13: Putting a stumbling block (hindrance) against a brother
Rom.16:17: Watch out for those who create dissension and obstacles to the faith you have learned. Avoid them.
1Cor.1:23: Christ crucified is a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles
The German bishops’ scandalous requests (to remake the Church into their own image) to the Vatican for the Catholic Church:
Create a permanent body of bishops and laity to govern the German Church
Allow the laity to choose the bishops instead of the Vatican
Allow the laity to preach homilies at Mass
End clerical celibacy
Allow for woman deacons
Re-examine John Paul II’s declaration that the priesthood is only allowed for men. They want women priests.
Interestingly, Epictetus makes reference to the notion of having someone “living rent-free in one’s mind” in upsetting a person. (Ex. Trump Derangement Syndrome)
Mt.13:41: Who cause others to sin? who have unbelief in sin, who cause division, who cause stumbling blocks for others
Mt.16:23: Who are the obstacles to Jesus? Satan, those who think as human beings do, those who have worldly ways
Peter said to Jesus, “God, forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.” Strictly speaking, Peter has just made a satanic (and evil) statement! (This statement seeks to undermine Jesus’ mission from the Father.)
Mt.18:7: Very great penalties for those who cause others to sin. Little ones can also refer to faithful Christians
Rom.9:33: Jesus’s commands can be a source of stumbling for some people
Rom.14:13: Passive scandal: one’s own corruption can lead one to sin. Active scandal: Others’ words or actions can cause one to sin.
Rom.16:17: Those who create dissension and obstacles to the faith are the scandalmongers.
Rev.2:14: Balaam instructed Balak, a religious compromiser, to put a stumbling block before the Israelites and to play the harlot.
Update: Why are the German bishops are so concerned about homosexuality? Do they have this problem in their clergy? Do they think that normalizing homosexuality will remove the Church’s sexual abuse problem?
Pope Francis and his inner circle are making concerted efforts de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality. Evidently, they don’t seem to believe anymore that homosexuality is a sin. (They have an unbelief in the sinful nature of homosexuality). They are also ignoring Jesus’ command to sin no more. (Jn.8:11)
Yet, Catholics, who claim to know and uphold traditional teachings, are now perceived by the Modernists as “being on the road to heresy and schism”.
If a bishop (like Bishop Strickland) does not follow Pope Francis Modernist ideology, then this bishop is considered “schismatic”. (Like living in an upside-down bizarro post-Christian secular world!)
At first glance, Peter’s statement toward Jesus sounds reasonable: Peter does not want Jesus to die. However, this statement is scandalous and evil, in that it seeks to deflect Jesus’ mission to die on the cross.
Even evil Satan-inspired statements can be subtle and misleading. Therefore, statements by Pope Francis and his inner circle, are often misleading, requiring great scrutiny. Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to change and remake the Church in the image of man!.
Yet, many (not isolated examples) have stated Pope Francis’ papacy has been defined as evil (papal statements, synods, Mass restrictions, attacks against traditional (conservative) Catholics.
Clergy normalizing, ratifying, and even blessing the sin of homosexuality (in causing others to sin) may become the modern-day equivalent example for being thrown into fiery Gahenna. Homosexual relations are in direct opposition to God’s designs for marriage and procreation.
Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11) has become a great stumbling block to those who engage in the homosexual lifestyle and to those clergy who preach that homosexuality is not sinful.
In not following Jesus’ command to sin no more, Pope Francis and his inner circle are actually hindering (putting a stumbling) block against potential conversion and forgiveness for the sin of homosexuality. These actions may influence one’s eternal mortal state.
It is the Modernists who are creating dissension and obstacles, remaking and changing the Church in opposition to the teaching handed down from the Apostles. We need to be wary of their actions and avoid the evil that comes from them.
Pope Francis’s papacy has been defined by compromise, “mixing”, scandal, “mercy”, “inclusion”, evil, and false compassion.
Like Balak, Pope Francis and his inner circle have played the harlot in syncretic intercourse (mixing religion with the world’s values). Pope Francis is embarking on creating a synodal church that moves with the world, rather than moving the world.
Here is another novelty (new idea) by Pope Francis, that Pope St. Pius X warned us about: It is “blessing sin” which is scandalous and evil! Under the guise of “mercy” and “pastoral prudence”, Pope Francis is open to blessing same sex couples. Again, Pope Francis dismisses and ignores the sinful nature of this behavior and continues to remake the Church in man’s image. WOE to this Modernist Pope!
The Nicolaitans’ religion mixed Christianity, paganism, and the occult, developing into a very much watered-down faith. This is why Jesus hated the works of the Nicolaitans. (Rev.2:6) How are these synods (mixing and diluting religion with worldly values) that much different? WOE to these synods!
And you wonder why many have called all of this SCANDALOUS!
“We do not want a Church that will move with the world. We want a Church that will move the world.” GK Chesterton
[Greek] ἐλαττόω (elattoō), [Latin] minuere, [Latin] minus, [French] petit: to make less, to decrease, to make lower, to have less status; Jn.3:30, Heb.2:7,9
Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to diminish the importance of sin. In a recent interview Cardinal Hollerich made the above statement. He and others are using “verbal gymnastics” to de-stigmatize, rationalize, and normalize homosexuality in their outreach to the LGBTQ community. They undertake these efforts as they undermine Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11)! The notion of validating or even “blessing” sin is evil! These actions are of what human beings do (opposing Jesus), not as God does!
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means smaller, lesser, to be worse off, below average, subservient, and inferior.
Demosthenes’ Against Midias 21.187: “Do not let the present crisis carry more weight and influence with you than the whole course of his life.”
Aristophanes’ Knights 441: “Now you can travel under full sail. The wind has lost its violence.”
Aeschylus’ Persians 813: “Altars have been destroyed, statues of the gods have been thrown from their bases in utter ruin and destruction. There they wrought such evil.”
Old Testament: This term means to lack, to fail, to become small, and to diminish.
New Testament: This term means to make less and to become less.
“He must increase; I must decrease.” Jn.3:30
John the Baptist’s mission eventually ends and Jesus’ mission begins.
“You made Him for a little while lower than the angels; you crowned Him with glory and honor.
Jesus lived a truly human existence suffering and eventually dying. The Father crowns Him with glory and honor.
Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical promulgated on Sept. 8, 1907, exposes the tactics uses by the Modernists to spread errors. Modernists seek to:
Hide (escape notice) in the Church
Attack Church teachings
Manipulate (diminish) the media: silencing Modernist critics, avoiding debate with critics, supporting and praising Modernist statements and documents
Minute, miniscule, minus, petit
Strictly speaking, in Mt. 16:23, Peter’s statement to Jesus: “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.” can actually be considered a SATANIC or EVIL statement. At this moment, Peter’s statement was a satanic attempt to deflect Jesus from carrying out His mission. It would be naive to think this could never happen again to clergy in this day and age. Any yet we hear about the evil that is coming from the German Bishops and the Synod on Synodalities!
Update: It cannot be stressed enough that the devil can and may play a part (however small or great) in influencing the laity and clergy in changing and remaking the Church to accommodate the world’s values. Only God knows to what extent. One does not need to be full-blown possessed to be influenced by the devil. Heresy and schism can actually be by-products of evil (satanic) influences.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are remaking and undermining Church teachings with more accompaniment and less doctrine.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are being deceptive to the faithful and to LGBT community in their efforts to change the sinful notion of homosexuality. Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to claim something sinful to be no longer sinful. One must not forget that homosexuality is a disordered state opposed to God’s plan for marriage and procreation. “You certainly will not be sinning in your same-sex unions.” This sounds very similar to the serpent saying in the garden: “You certainly will not die.”
To unilaterally make the claim that something is no longer sinful because of the world’s values is something that devil would make to confuse man, to upend and destroy God’s creation plans.
Pope Francis has downplayed the importance of doctrine because of its rigidity and oppressiveness.
Bishop Strickland, upholding Church teachings, is being asked to “voluntarily resign.” He has refused to do so.
Critics (Cardinal Burke, Archbhishop Vigano, Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Athanasius Schneider, etc.) are continually criticized by the Vatican and media surrogates.
Liberal Catholic media and secular media continually support and praise Pope Francis’ statements and documents.
Pope Francis’ Amoris Latetitia seeks to downplay (minimize) the requirements for divorced couples in receiving the sacraments.
“We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or the Catholic Church or anything like that at all.” Bishop Aguiar This bishop seems to diminish (ignore) Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. Then forget about conversion and evangelization!.
Pope Francis and recent popes, in the spirit of inclusion and ecumenism, seemed to have diminished the notion that Jesus and the Church is sole means for salvation. Instead, the Church becomes embroiled in liturgical and ecumenical sacrileges and abuses . (Panchamama idols at Mass, Anglican ceremonies in the Vatican, participation with Islamic teachers, etc.)
The spiritual and pastoral consequences from Vatican II has producedempty churches (diminished Church attendance) and loss of vocations (diminished attendance in seminaries). These efforts to “reinvigorate the Church” has tragically and ironically resulted in many Catholics later leaving the Church. And yet, Pope Francis wants to double down on these efforts??
Pope Francis and his inner circle focus more on accompaniment, false compassion, mercy, “inclusion” and focus less on doctrine, conversion, evangelization, and true compassion (sin no more).
When Pope Francis appears to be in general agreement with the German bishops, Pope Francis will typically take a more moderate or “reasonable” position by comparison for better public acceptance in his efforts to remake the Church. It is as if Pope Francis is saying to the German Bishops: “I already agree with you. But we need to slow walk this.” Pope Francis is already accepting some elements from the German synod, who is already going off the “doctrinal rails” into schism and heresy.
Pope Francis claims that the “Holy Spirit of surprises” is at play validating the efforts of Fr. James Martin and the German Bishops’ efforts?? However, this is non-sense as the Holy Spirit CANNOT VALIDATE SIN!
Argentinian Archbishop Aguer, in a LifeSight news interview, warns about the poisonous evil coming from the Francis’ Synod diminishing the importance of sin and relying more on what humans think. (SATAN ALSO ACTING LIKE AN OBSTACLE BEHIND THE SCENES.)
Next post: obstacles against (and within) the Church–> Scandalous!
[Greek] πείθω (peithō), [Latin] persuadere, [Latin] confidere, [Latin] suadere, [Latin] consentire, [Latin] confirmare, [Latin] certus, [Latin] fidens, [Latin oboedire, [French] convaincre, [French] affirmer: to influence, to persuade, to convince, to rely, to trust, to make confident; 62 scriptures
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to persuade, to dissuade, to compel, to obey, to have confidence, to be certain, and to take one’s word.
Homer’s Iliad 9.112: “I, for mine own self, urgently sought to dissuade thee, but thou didst yield to the lordly spirit.”
Lysias’ On the Scrutiny of Evandros 26.7: “What are we to expect of the man who will have persuaded the outgoing magistrates to commit illegality in his interest.”
Xenophon’s Anabasis 7.7.29: “You understand, then, that those who have now become your subjects were not persuaded to live under your rule out of affection for you.”
Homer’s Iliad 4.398: “Maeon sent forth in obedience to the portents of the gods.”
Mythology: Peitho is the Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction. The related Roman goddess is Suada.
Old Testament: This term means to trust, to have confidence, to deceive, to obey, to dissuade, and to confide.
New Testament: This term means to persuade, to trust, to convince, to obey, to dissuade, and to confide. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on persuading (convincing), obeying, appeasing, and dissuading, and relying on others.
Persuading others:
Mt.27:40: Chief priests and elders persuaded the crowds to release Barabbas
Lk.18:9: The Pharisees were convinced of their own righteousness
Acts 5:40: Many were persuaded by Gamaliel: [if it comes from human action, it will destroy itself, if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy it]
Acts 14:19: Some Jews from Antioch and Iconium won over the crowds
Acts 19:26: Paul persuaded and “mislead” many saying that the gods made by hands are not gods at all
Gal.5:7: Who hindered you from following the truth?
Obeying others:
Lk.16:31: They will not listen to Moses and the prophets
Acts 23:21: Do not believe the Jews who are planning to kill Paul
Rom.2:8: Those who disobey truth and obey wickedness
Gal.3:1: O stupid Galatians! Who has bewitched you.
Appeasing others:
Mt.28:14: We will satisfy the governor and keep you out of trouble
Gal.1:10: If I were to please people, I would not be a slave to Christ
Relying upon others:
Lk.11:22: The one stronger takes away the armor (devil’s protection) on which he relied on
2Tim.1:12: I am confident that he is able to guard what has been entrusted to me
Dissuading others:
Acts 21:14: Paul was not dissuaded by his friends not wanting Paul to go to Jerusalem
Acts 26:26: [Paul]: I cannot believe that Jesus and the Church has escaped his attention
Pascendi Domonici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical promulgated on Sept 8, 1907, exposes the tactics used by Modernists to spread errors, Modernists seek to:
Hide (escape notice) in the Church
Attack Church teachings:
Manipulate media: disseminating messages (narratives) through liberal media platforms and ‘pope-splainers’
This term, pertaining to human behavior, can be applicable to any period in history.
Paul ‘misleads” (changes the focus) the silversmiths in saying the truth about gods and graven images.
Being attached to riches means being persuaded by its value.
Lk.11:22: The heart of an unconverted sinner is the devil’s palace where a sinner rules in sinful behavior.
Update: Fortunately, ‘cancel culture’ is beginning to lose its influence in the culture and social media.
Many Americans are still not persuaded that there is an equal application of justice for all Americans.
Many Americans are no longer persuaded that President Biden is a ‘uniter’.
More and more theologians are persuading others not to follow the recommendations (policies) of the Vatican synods.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, by potentially changing (diluting) Church teachings, are persuading and satisfying the LGBTQ community that there is a place for them in the Church.
The homosexual lifestyle and same sex unions are also cloaked in a devil’s palace of sinful activity.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, cloaked in their righteousness, claims that the Church (and doctrine) has changed. The Traditional Latin Mass is no longer relevant.
Many are persuaded that these encyclicals and synods are dangerous and potentially heretical. They must be undone.
The Vatican, acting like Vatican Inc, (nongovernmental organization) has won over the secular world with its efforts in global warming and environmentalism.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are persuading others that the ‘God of Suprises” ratifies these synodal proclamations. However, the Holy Spirit cannot ratify sin.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are tolerating wickedness (sinful activity) in their efforts to de-stigmatize and to normalize homosexuality.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, under the guise of mercy, tolerance, and false compassion, are currying favor with the secular world.
Many are betwixted by the notion that the Vatican seems to be minimizing the importance of sin.
The Vatican seems to be hindered from following Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11).
Many are confident that Bishop Strickland, although under public opposition, is upholding Church teachings that came from the Apostles.
The Vatican is only very happy to utilize ‘loyal’ liberal Catholic media and “pope-splainers” to promote its Modernistic narrative.
“This world and the world to come are two enemies. We cannot therefore be friends to both, but we must decide.” Pope St. Clement I
Greek] καταλύω (kataluō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] destruere, [Latin] dissolvere, [Latin] devertere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] demolir, [French] denouer, [French] detourner: to destroy, to overthrow, to lodge, to dissolve, to tear down; 16 scripture references
Pope Francis’ and his fellow Modernists are actually tearing down Jesus’ Church and creating a new synodal Church in the image of man (and his lived experiences). This is a novel human innovation (tradition) which Pope Pius X prophesized that the Modernists would implement.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to put down, to destroy, to dissolve, to dismiss, to abolish, to render useless, to neglect, to bring to an end, and to lodge.
Euripides’ The Trojan Women 1080: “It is this that fills me with anxious thought whether you care at all that my city is destroyed.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.104: “The Medes met the Scythians, who defeated them in battle, deprived them of their rule, and made themselves masters of all Asia.”
Demosthenes’ On The Crown 18.82: “For the ambassador who came here from Cleitarchus and Phillistides lodged at your house and you entertained him.”
Old Testament: This term means to invade, to lodge, to abide, to tear down, and to destroy.
New Testament: This term means to disintegrate, to abolish, to throw down, to destroy, and to lodge.
The destruction of the Temple foretold:
The reconstructed temple began under Herod the Great in 20 B.C.
Two Jews came forward with a charge that Jesus would destroy this temple [made with human hands] and build another temple [not made with human hands] within three days.
The Jews questioned how could anyone remake a temple which takes many years to build.
Jesus may have also probably alluded to the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. at the hands of the Romans.
Mt. 5:17: “Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but but to fulfill.” (Jesus states that the New Covenant surpasses the law.)
Acts 6:14: “For we have heard him [Stephen] claim that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.” (Stephen diminishes the temple’s importance and elevates Jesus’ importance. The differences between Judaism and Christianity become more clearly defined. The Christian movement passes from Jerusalem to Antioch.)
Acts 5:38-39: “For if this endeavor or activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself. But if it comes from God, you will NOT be able to destroy them’ you may even find yourselves fighting against God.” (The rabbi Gamaliel surprisingly offers this wisdom. Perhaps Gamaliel had some sense about God’s influence on these Christians. Perhaps this was also based on God’s influence on the Jews. Oftentimes, human-inspired movements will inevitably fail.)
2Cor.5:1: “For we know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent, should be destroyed, we have a building from God, a dwelling, not made from human hands, eternal in heaven.” (Our earthly life can become temporary, fleeting, fragile, perilous, and uncertain. But in heaven, we are assured of everlasting life in heaven.)
Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical promulgated on Sept. 8, 1907, exposes the tactics used by Modernists to tear down Jesus’ Church. Modernists seek to:
Hide (escape notice) in the Church
Present themselves as reformers yet undermine and tear down the Church
Create and define religion, doctrine, and Church teachings INSIDE THEMSELVES (through their lived experiences). They begin with an agnostic perspective.
Seek to democratize and decentralize Church teachings and Church authority. At the Synod, Non-Catholics and laity are involved in this decision making process. Let that sink in!
Stray from objective moral teachings. Successive human decisions and actions potentially lead to questionable and heretical results. Situational morality is now being considered.
Continually seek to reform and to renew: ==> novelties, human traditions, and innovations ==> rinse and repeat
Seek to adapt Church and Church teachings to the world. Tradition and traditional practices are diminished, excluded, ignored, or changed.
Etymology: The Greek verb kataluo essentially means to loosen (-luo) down (kata-). Loosening down can also refer to resting and lodging. The Latin verb solvere means to loosen and to pay. The Latin verb destruere means to demolish, to tear down, and to destroy. The Latin verb dissolvere means to dissolve and to pay. The Latin verb devertere means to turn away, to detour, and to lodge.
In Greek Hellenism, it was interesting to discover the more nuanced meanings of this term: rendering useless, neglecting, bringing to an end, retiring, disbanding, and dismissing.
Mt.24:2: When Jesus says “Amen, I say to you”, Jesus will soon later state something very important.
Update: Pope Francis’s three problematic (and heretical) statements about salvation tear down and undermine the notion that the Catholic Church is the sole means for salvation. Evidently, Pope Francis was trying to make nice with the other religions and faith. Just trying to get along with the world
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to accompany, lodge, and cater to the LGBTQ community. As a result, the Vatican is allowing “non-liturgical blessings” and “situational morality”.
The Synod’s efforts to decentralize Church authority and Church doctrine to the local bishops are tearing down the traditional understanding of the papacy. Yet, Pope Francis is cool with this! Sounds very Protestant!
Many are becoming alarmed by Pope Francis’ efforts to move the Church with the world. His human-inspired efforts will inevitably be undone by the Holy Spirit-inspired efforts to truly restore the Church. These human-inspired efforts will inevitably fail (Acts.5:38-39).
Although perhaps well and naively intentioned, Vatican II have caused a pastoral and spiritual disaster for the Church. Pope Francis is essentially doubling-down on the consequences of Vatican II.
Pope Francis’ decision to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass has caused great harm, discontentment, and anger in the Church. So much for Church unity!
Pope Francis and his inner circle is building up false compassion [ignoring sin], accompaniment, “inclusion” and tolerance, and tearing down true compassion [mentioning sin], conversion, sacrifice, and repentance.
In his encyclical documents (like Amoris Laetitia), Pope Francis continues to lower (water down) standards for receiving the sacraments.
The Vatican is now signing off on a Mayan (pagan) inspired Mass rite. This is just another example of spiritual syncretism (mixing secularism and paganism with Church teachings). What’s next? a German rite? American rite? African rite? (we probably have this one already).
1Cor.10:20: many have conveniently forgotten or ignored Paul’s warnings about about idols, pagan rituals, paganism, and demons. In other words, the Gentiles’ gods are demons. Yet we are now having enculturated Masses. But Modernists have no problem with this. Again just going along with the world!
“All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy.” St. Vincent of Lerins
“We do not want a church that MOVES WITH THE WORLD. We a want a church that MOVES THE WORLD.” GK Chesterton
“Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision. Instead, were are always changing the vision.” GK Chesterton
Next post: To be [silent], or not to be [silent]: that is the question!
[Greek] λανθάνω (lanthanō), [Latin] latere, [French] cacher: to escape notice, to be hidden, to be ignorant of, to forget; Mk.7:24, Lk.8:47, Acts 26:26, Heb.13:2, 2Pet.3:5,8
Pope Francis and his inner circle are appointing like-minded Modernist Cardinals, bishops, and priests in leadership positions in remaking a synodal Church of accompaniment wherethe importance of sin is minimized. One cannot escape the fact that they are confusing, angering, and marginalizing faithful Catholics. They are intentionally doubling down on the disastrous pastoral and theological results and consequences of Vatican II.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means hidden, to escape notice, to be unaware, to forget, to be unknown, and to pass over.
Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus 1325: “Your presence is not hidden from me, no, blind though I am. Nevertheless, I know your voice full well.”
Sophocles’ Philoctetes 46: “Send your attendant, to keep watch, lest he comes upon me unawares.”
Homer’s Odyssey 19.151: “Thus for three years I kept the Acheans from knowing and beguiled them.”
Homer’s Iliad 23.326: “Now I will tell you a manifest sign that will not escape notice.”
Sophocles’ Antigone 532: “You who are lurking like a viper in my house and secretly gulping my life’s blood.”
Old Testament: This term means to hide, to conceal, to cover up, to act covertly, to act unfaithfully, and to act treacherously.
New Testament: This term means to escape notice, to forget, to neglect, and to not know.
Lk.8:47: When the hemorrhagic woman realized she could not escape notice, she came forward trembling toward Jesus
Acts 26:26: I cannot believe that this [Jesus and the Church] has escaped the king’s notice
Heb.13:2: Do not neglect hospitality, for some have unknowingly entertained angels (escaping their notice)
2Pet.3:5: False teachers deliberately ignored the fact that the heavens existed of old and earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God
2Pet.3:8: Do not ignore that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years
Pascendi Dominici Gregis (“Feeding the Lord’s Flock”): Pope St. Pius’ encyclical, promulgated on Sept 8, 1907, exposes the tactics used by Modernists to spread their errors. Modernists seek to:
Hide (escape notice) in the Church: staying within the Church, acting like wolves in sheep’s clothing, using mischievous and subtle ways to change Church doctrine and teachings
Attack Church teachings
Manipulate (change) public opinion
Latent, cache
Lk.8:47: The hemorrhagic woman, aware of everyone seeing her, approached Jesus and touched His tassel. She was healed because of her faith.
Acts 26:26: Not done in a corner: this is a Greek proverb stating that something is already well known
Heb.13:2: It may be possible that angels may appear in the form of persons. Because of Abraham’s hospitality to the strangers, he was given a son Isaac.
2Pet.3:5: False teachersinsinuated that God is not guiding the world’s history anymore.
2Pet.3:8: We should not ignore that God, who has patience, often works slowly. This can be often frustrating for many of us.
Update: We can no longer escape notice of The immigration problem as larger cities are experiencing these consequences (influx of illegal migrants).
Politicians can no longer hide that fact that illegal immigration is becoming a national problem.
The Vatican continues to act more like Vatican Inc. NGO (a non-governmental organization), rather than like Jesus’ Church. They are not even hiding this fact anymore. (Just look at how much effort they put in regarding the environment and global warming rather than being a church!)
One cannot ignore the fact that the Vatican views Bishop Strickland more so as a disobedient regional manager not following the Modernist line of Vatican Inc., rather than as a bishop. Pope Francis is asking Bishop Tyler for his “resignation” for upholding Church teachings.
One cannot escape notice that traditional (and conservative) Catholics are now being called “rigid”, “right-wing”, and “backward”. These categories are byproducts of Modernistic and secular political thinking about the Church.
One cannot forget that Pope Francis has falsely insinuated that a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time. This is in contrast to already stated Church’s teaching that the full Deposit of faith has been released.
When a synod or council promulgates doctrinally questionable, extreme, or potentially heretical views, Pope Francis shows a pattern of later taking a more moderate theological position, accepting parts of these views. Pope Francis has actually accepted parts of the German Synod’s statements and recommendations.
Pope Francis has insinuated that the Church has changed into a synodal Church where accompaniment is more important than doctrine (ideology).
One cannot ignore the fact, that Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to minimize the importance of sin (seeking to de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality).
Pope Francis (and the Vatican) has been accused of hiding the Jesuit priest Fr. Rupnik, known for his ugly art and his sexual proclivities toward women religious. It seems his excommunication was not genuine. He has been free to operate at his residence.
In light of the upcoming Synod on Synodalities, Pope Francis and his inner circle are now clamping down on releasing information on this synod.
One must not forget that the Vatican has down-played Marian apparition messages of impending chastisement (for man’s sinful behavior) because God is merciful and would never chastise man! (The Vatican seems to have its proverbial head in the sand!)
“Many cardinals, many bishops, and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.” Garabandal 1965 (This is actually happening!) Yet are you surprised that this Marian apparition has not been approved? To do so would acknowledge chastisement is evident. According to the Vatican, this is foolish nonsense!
[Greek] ἀπατάω (apataō), [Latin] seducere, [Latin] decipere, [French] surprendre, [French] separer: to deceive, to seduce, to beguile; Eph.5:6, 1Tim.2:14, Jas.1:26
[Greek]ἐξαπατάω (exapataō): [Latin] seducere: to seduce wholly, to deceive wholly; Rom. 16:18
Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle are now remaking and “reforming” Jesus’ Church into a synodal Church in the image of man. This then follows with changes in Church teachings.
Background information:
Mythology: The Greek goddess of deceit, fraud, and trickery is Apate. The corresponding Roman goddess is Fraus.
Greek Hellenism: This term means to trick, to fool, to deceive, to beguile, and to cheat.
Aristophanes’ Peace 1070: “If only the Nymphs had not fooled Bacis; and if the Nymphs had not tricked Bacis a second time.”
Plato’s Gorgias 499c: “And yet I started with the notion that I should not have to fear any intentional deception on your part. But now I find I was mistaken.”
Plato’s Cratylus 413d: “Perhaps I may deceive you into thinking that all I am going to say is my own.”
Old Testament: This term means to deceive, to entice, to be tempted (into idolatry), and to tempt.
Jdgs. 14:15: Coax your husband to answer the riddle
Jdgs.16:5: Beguile him and find the secret of his strength
Judith 13:16: It was my face that seduced Holofernes
Jer.20:7: I let myself be duped
Job 31:27: To blow them (sun or moon) a kiss
Blowing kisses to idols: Idol worshippers would ordinarily kiss the idols in their presence. When an idol was unavailable or unreachable, the idol worshipper would kiss his hand and wave it toward the idol (sun and moon god).
New Testament: This term means to deceive, delude, and to trick.
“Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient.” Eph.5:6
Paul was warning his followers against the empty (deceptive) arguments from the age of the world. Paul warned against worldly beliefs that argue against accepted moral, religious, and social norms. These things: fornication, sin, uncleanness, covetousness, filth, foolish talking, jesting.
“Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed.” 1Tim.2:14
The serpent used trickery to deceive Eve.Yet, Adam failing to protect or help Eve, is also culpable.
“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, his religion is vain.” Jas.1:26
If anyone thinks he is religious, while not holding his tongue, and deceiving his own heart, this person’s religion is shallow. The tongue can defile with unkindness, untruth, wickedness, malice, slander, pride, rebellion, and blasphemy.
“For such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites, and by their flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the innocent.” Rom.16:18
Paul warns others to avoid those who create dissensions and obstacles in opposition to the faith. These people seek their own agenda. Paul also warns others to be aware of what is good and evil.
What does Satan seek to accomplish?
Satan seeks to deceive, destroy, and undermine the Church, Church teachings, social precepts (morals), social institutions, and people.
Satan is all in for creating and fostering divisions, heresies, schism, confusion, and affirming and encouraging sin in the Church. (One can only imagine Satan grinning and giving a big “thumbs-up”.)
[Paul]: Where there is evil in the Church, there is the devil.
One does not need to full-blown possessed to be influenced by the devil. Satan can subtlely influence one through distractedness, weakness, busyness, and preying upon our weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
One must not forget that the world and worldly values are part of earthly domain of the devil.
If homosexuality can be used to undermine traditional marriage, procreation, and priestly orders, Satan will happily encourage this in his efforts to undermine the Church.
If transgenderism and gender ideology can be used to undermine the traditional understanding of God’s plan for gender (male and female), Satan will happily encourage this in his efforts to undermine the Church.
“Satan’s number one weapon is pride, God’s number one weapon is humility.” Larry Burkett
Those who are most caught up in sin are the most potentially vulnerable to the devil’s influence.
“You most certainly will not die! God knows well that when you eat of the fruit, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, who know good and evil.” Gen.3:4 (The serpent lies and confuses Adam and Eve about God’s intentions. The serpent tricks Even into eating the fruit. Adam is also culpable.)
“Get, behind Me, Satan! You are an obstacle to Me (Mt.16:23): (At first glance, this seemingly sounds reasonable. Satan does not want Jesus to die!However, Satan wanted to disrupt and undermine Jesus’ plans and actions. Peter was thinking as human beings do.)
St. Hildegard of Bingen (born in 1098) prophesies that Antichrist will deceive through sexual immorality:
“The Antichrist will be infused by the devil when he opens his mouth to teach perversity…He will destroy all that God established within the ancient and the new law, and he will assert that sexual immorality and other like things are not sins at all…He will say: ‘Your law of sexual restraint was established contrary to the way of nature…Consider that Christ gave you unjust commands.…So see here and do not be misled any longer by an unjust teaching, for with me you get to do whatever you want, or not….For your first teacher [Christ] deceived you and didn’t help you in anything. But I inspire you really to learn about yourselves and to know what you are.‘
“That wretched son of perdition [Antichrist] will mislead people, teaching them to live according to the flesh’s fiery appetite and to achieve their flesh’s every want–despite the fact that both the old and the new law encourage humans to chastity. In this way, Lucifer will reject God’s justice through that son [Antichrist].”
“The Book of Divine Works” (Part III, Vision 5) c.1163
Indifferentism: This is a heresy in which one believes that all religions are equally valid.
The Old Testament introduces the notion of deceiving (and being deceived) through the enticement of idolatry and idol worship.
It is important to note that teachers (popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, and RE teachers will judged more harshly by God!
APPROVED Marian apparition (prophecy) from our Lady of Akita (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops and against bishops.”
“Through some crack the smoke of satan has entered into the Church of God.” Pope Paul VI
Update: In a sense, many of us are like little pagans worshipping various “gods” such as: social media, electronic devices, fame, celebrity, power, wealth, status, etc. Many of us already bow down our necks to our electronic devices. In fact, many suffer from a medical condition called “tech neck” (shoulder and neck strain and tightness).
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to bring confusion, chaos, human traditions, novelties, and evil into the Church.
At first glance, it may seem reasonable and compassionate for the Church to recognize same sex unions. However, this idea undermines God’s plans for marriage and procreation and blesses (ratifies) sinful activity. The devil would wholeheartedly support these efforts if it will seek to undermine and upend God’s laws.
The Vatican continues to be deceptive in not pointing out the sinful nature of same-sex unions. The Vatican is leading many souls into eternal peril. The Vatican is also seeking to bless same-sex unions. This becomes an affirmation of sin!
In addition to the clergy, the laity must not remain quiet in response to what the Vatican has been doing. The laity has a role to criticize the clergy and voice their concerns.
It cannot be stressed enough to realize that Satan is the ultimate cause (source) for creating division, confusion, upheaval, and pride in the Church.
Pope Francis: “There is no Catholic God. God wills the plurality of religions.” (So all other religions are the same as Catholicism??? Sounds like a statement of Indifferentism from Pope Francis!)
Cardinal McElroy, part of Pope Francis’s inner circle, claims you are a “hater” if you oppose Fiducia Supplicans. Do not be deceived when this cardinal believes that the Deposit of Faith can be changed in order to accommodate moral conditions.
“Whilst Jesus was kind to sinners and to those who went astray. He did not respect their false ideas, however sincere they might have appeared.” Pope St. Pius X
“The primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas.” Pope St. Pius X
“Progress of dogmas is, in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas. I absolutely reject the heretical doctrine of the evolution of dogma, as passing from one meaning to another, and different from the since in which the Church originally held it.” Pope St. Pius X
[Greek] λύω (luō), [Latin] solvere, [Latin] dimittere, [Latin] dissolvere, [French] detacher, [French] acquitter, [French] dispenser: to break, to loose, to untie, to remove, to destroy, to set aside, to dissolve; 46 scriptures
In contrast, Pope Francis and his fellow Modernists seek to set aside Tradition, Church authority, and the concerns of Traditional (conservative) Catholics.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to unfasten, to dissolve, to relax, to relieve, to break up, to loosen, to unravel, to give one license to, to slacken, to undue, to solve, and to break an obligation.
Old Testament: This term means to take up, to carry off, to divest, to clear away, to untie, to remove, to destroy, to loose, to unravel, and to separate.
Eliakim (prime minister of David’s kingdom): Eliakim was given the keys (authority) to control access into the temple of David. Eliakim has binding and loosing authority. This authority also includes interpreting and judging rules, laws, obligations, practices, forbidding, and permitting. [Isa.21:15-25]
New Testament: This term means to break (set free), to loose (permit), to untie (loosen), to remove, to destroy, to set aside, to destroy, and to dissolve.
Notable scriptures:
Mt.5:19: Whoever breaks one of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be least in the kingdom of heaven. (These commandments refer to the Mosaic law commandments. During Jesus’ ministry, the kingdom of heaven is already breaking in into the world.)
Mt.16:19: I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you [Peter] bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you loose shall be loosed in heaven. (Loosing refers to permitting and freeing the law. Binding refers to prohibiting and putting under the law.)
Jn.2:19: “Jesus said to them, ‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.'” (The Jews thought Jesus was referring the temple. Jesus refers to Himself as the temple who will be raised in three days.)
Jn.10:35: “If it [the Law] calls them gods to whom the word of God came, and scripture cannot be set aside.” (Scripture cannot be made null and void. There is no contradicting or objecting to it.)
Lk.13:16: “This daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound for eighteen years now, ought she not to have been set free on the sabbath day from this bondage?” (Jesus’ adversaries show their warped priorities in their actions on the sabbath. They are upset that Jesus would heal a possessed woman on the sabbath. Jesus’ ministry reveals the gradual wresting of Satan’s control over humanity and the establishment of God’s kingdom.)
Acts 24:26: “At the same time he hoped that a bribe be offered him by Paul, and so he sent for him very often and conversed with him.” (A bribe would be used to free Paul.)
1Cor.7:27: “Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek a separation. Are you free of a wife? Then do not look for a wife.” (Paul believed that a single path was the best way to promote the gospel. Being married imposes a necessary and important responsibility [obligation] to a spouse.)
Secular binding and loosing: These actions indicate the power (authority) to hold and to release, dependent on the time and context in history. Binding and loosing can mean placing or releasing a prisoner from prison. Barons and knights often would publicly give their allegiance to their reigning master (king, queen, prince, regent, etc.). The master would have the authority to bind or free the serf.
Loosening standards for Church teachings: permitting subjective situational morality
“When Church doctrine was being created, the concept of homosexuality did not even exist.” Cardinal Holleric. (Pope Francis and his inner circle are seeking to de-stigmatize, rationalize, and normalize homosexuality. POPE FRANCIS’ CONFIDANTE FR. JAMES MARTIN HAS EVEN STATED THAT ST. PAUL GOT IT WRONG ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY. Let that sink in! By not recognizing and acknowledging this sin, these Modernists are essentially making these scriptures null and void!)
Loosening requirements for discipleship: evangelization (proselytization) is now a bad thing.
“We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or the Catholic Church or anything like that at all.” Bishop Aguiar (This Cardinal-elect evidently seeks to relax (diminish) the importance of evangelization and conversion for accompaniment. So encouraging someone to be Catholic is a bad thing?? This is minimizing the importance of discipleship. So accompaniment is more important than evangelization and conversion. Not surprising for a synodal Church.
“Never, never bring the gospel by proselytizing. If someone says you they are a disciple of Jesus and comes to you with proselytism, they are not a disciple of Jesus.” Pope Francis (So Pope Francis equates evangelism with proselytism? Does that mean speech should never be used to convince a non-believer of the truths of the Catholic faith? However, this undermines Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nation. So it seems that Pope is also only concerned with accompaniment.)
Loosening requirements for clarity and ideology:
“Mercy above else.” Pope Francis (Relaxing, loosening, and watering down the need for conversion and accountability. Pope Francis believes that ideology can be oppressive and less important.)
“It is a mistake for the Church to try to hold onto old traditions or to have clear answers for everything.” Pope Francis(This is a very disturbing comment. So the Church having clear answers is a bad thing? Pope Francis has intentionally created a mess, confusion, and chaos in the Church.)
Etymology: The Latin verb solvere means to melt, to loosen, to resolve, and to pay. A solution is an issue (problem) being “melted” or “dissolved away”. The Latin verb dimittere means to send away, to let go, and to dismiss. The Latin verb dissolvere means to dissolve and to pay.
The Synod’s efforts to decentralize (loose) doctrinal authority for local bishops:
This notion could potentially risk seeing the Catholic Church break up into numerous, different, and contradictory bodies.
This notion would make the Catholic Church look like Protestant churches.
This would undermine the Catholic Church as One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
This would give more power to the bishop’s conferences to define and teach the faith in an inculturated way. (mixing secularism, world values, and paganism with the faith)
Local episcopal conferences must recognize liturgical, disciplinary, theological, and spiritual expressions of socio-cultural diversity. (adapting the Church to the world)
Fortunately, there has been widespread laity opposition to these Synod proposals.
Conciliarism: This HERESY was a movement in the 14th-16th Catholic Church which held that supreme authority in Church resided with an ecumenical council apart or against the Pope. This heresy was both condemned by Pope Pius II and Pope Pius VII. The Synod of Synodalities is now seeking to decentralize Church doctrine and authority to the local level.
Final document on the Synod of Synodality:
Councils [clergy and laity]: given co-equal decision-making authority in determining and decentralizing Church doctrine. (Laity involved in Church teachings: what could ever could possibly go wrong with this??)
The question of women’s access to the diaconal ministry remains open. (The Vatican continues to succumb to political pressure of women’s rights groups.)
The text states that papal authority cannot over-rule the joint-concession of assorted consultative bodies. (This is already tying down the Pope’s authority.)
Listening serves to seek a changing of the Church’s life and governance. (Listening is seeking to democratize Church authority.)
There is a call to revise Canon Law to mandate the style of decision making shared by the Pope and the consulting bodies.
This Synod was essentially given the status of a Vatican III!!!! (And this involved the LAITY AND NON-CATHOLICS ! A huge red flag! Just another human innovation!)
It was interesting to discover the more nuanced meanings of this term: to relax, to give one license to, to unravel, to slacken, to solve a problem, and to break an obligation.
Eliakim, David’s prime minister, becomes the precursor to Peter who also receives the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Update: Amoris Laetitia: opens the door to relaxing (lowering) the standards and requirements for those who could receive the sacraments.
Fiducia Supplicans: permitting non-liturgical blessings for sinful behavior (same-same sex unions).
Panchamama idol in the Mass on the Vatican grounds: mixing pagan elements in the Mass.
Vatican’s LGBT “outreach”: minimizing, ignoring, and de-stigmatizing the sinful nature of homosexuality. Employing false compassion in permitting and ignoring sin.
Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Satis Cognitum’s message:[there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church]: Pope Francis’ problematic and heretical statements about salvation undermines the Catholic Church’s teaching.
Pope Pius X’ Domenici Paschendi Gregis: Pope Pius X correctly predicted that the Modernists would seek to decentralize and democratize doctrinal authority at the local level.
Both Pope Pius II and Pope Pius VII both condemned the heresy of conciliarism.
Vatican II’s efforts exploring women priests and women deacons: After the Vatican II closed this issue [at this time], this has opened up a Pandora’s box of further political pressure for women priests and women deacons.
Vatican II’s naive intentions “to bring fresh air into the Church” has not surprisingly opened to the door to this creeping form of conciliarism. This has given the Modernists further license to double down on the consequences of Vatican II.
Conciliarism has allowed for the creation of “autonomous” non-heretical and heretical groups and conferences: The German Synod and the Synod of Synodalities. Let that sink in!
Giving canonical status and power to ecumenical groups (with LAITY and NON-CATHOLICS involved) is unprecedented in Church history.
Just as expected, Cardinal Cupic and Cardinal McElroy are calling upon the US Catholic Bishops’ Conference to revamp its governance structure to better reflect a synodal Church. Shocker!
Pope Pius X: “The primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration [permitting] of false ideas.”
[Greek] κατακρίνω (katakrinō), [Latin] condemnare, [Latin] damnare], [Latin] iudicare, [French] declarer coupable, [French] obliger, [French] juger: to condemn, to give judgment, to judge down; 22 scriptural references
Pope Pius IX was very prophetic in his condemnation of Liberalism and Modernism in the Church. Such examples include President Biden and any given Modernist theologian (Pope, cardinal, bishop, or priest).
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to sentence against, to pass sentence, to condemn, and to deem guilty.
Herodotus’ the Histories 2.133: “An oracle came to the king from city of Buto, announcing that he had just six years to live.”
Euripides’ Andromache 496: “And you, my child, how luckless you are, put to death because of your mother’s bed.”
Xenophon’s Hiero 7.10: “I tell you, Simonides, he lives day and night like one condemned by the judgment of all men to die for his wickedness.”
Old Testament: This term means to destroy, to divide, to exclude, to decide, and to cut off.
New Testament: This term essentially means to condemn. For purposes of brevity, I will exclude examples of Jesus being condemned and Jesus condemning sin.
Notable scriptures:
Mk.16:16: Whoever does not believe will be condemned
Jn.8:10: Has no one condemned you [adulterous woman]?
Jn.8:11: Neither I condemn you. But sin no more!
Rom.2:1: By the standard you judge another, you condemn yourself
Rom.14:23: Whoever has doubts is condemned for what he eats or causes himself or others to stumble. This is not from faith but sin.
1Cor.11:32: We are judged and disciplined by the Lord, so that we may not be condemned along with the world
2Pet.2:6: He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, making an example for the godless people of what is happening
Etymology: This Greek verb katakrino means to judge (-krino) down (kata-). The Latin verb damnare means to pronounce judgment, to find guilty, and to oblige. The Latin verb condemnare means to find guilty. The Latin verb iudicare means to decide, to judge, and to sentence.
Papal Quotes:
“The accusation of oppressive rigidity made against the Church, in reality, attacks in the first place, the adorable Person of Christ Himself.” Pope Pius XII
“The primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas.” Pope St. Pius X
“‘Progress’ of dogmas is, in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas.” Pope St. Pius X
“All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.” St. Pope Pius V
“I accept with sincere belief, the doctrine of faith as handed down from the apostles, always in the same sense and with the same interpretation.” St. Pope Pius X
“Liberal Catholic are wolves in sheep’s clothing. You will be called clerical, retrograde, intolerant. But pay no heed to the derision and mockery of the wicked.” Pope St. Pius X
“The greatest obstacle in apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.” Pope St. Pius X
“The Church alone, being the Bride of Christ, and having all things in common with her Divine Spouse, is the depository of the Truth.” Pope St. Pius X
“If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the faith, do not follow him.” Pope Pius IX
“Modernity is a Christian heresy” Bishop Robert Barron
Mk.16:16: It would seem doctrine really becomes a requirement for believing in Jesus
Jn.8:10: No one remained without sin to condemn the adulterous woman. Jesus raises the notion of sin
Jn.8:11: Jesus did not tolerate the adulterous woman’s behavior. He forgave her and told her to sin no more.
Rom.2:1: The Gentiles stand on equal footing with the Jews. The Jews cannot condemn the Gentiles without condemning themselves.
Rom.14:23: It is wrong to be a stumbling for oneself or others by eating, drinking, or other actions. Whoever has doubts about these actions becomes condemned, for it is because of sin, not faith.
1Cor.11:32: God’s corrective judgment may be manifested in illness, infirmity, or death. These are signs that Jesus’ are not yet acknowledged or recognized
Whoever eats the unworthily eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord will eat and drink judgment upon himself.
2Pet.2:6: False teachers will be punished a severely as the fallen angels. These false teachers’ arrogance will bring condemnation up them and to those who have sinned.
Update: Catholics and Christians must be careful in not becoming a stumbling block for themselves and others in ratifying, accepting, or blessing sinful activity (ex. same sex unions). This applies to both clergy and the laity. This may bring condemnation upon themselves.
It is significant to note that Pope Pius IX prophetically warns against popes like Pope Francis who claims that the Church has “changed”.
Pope Pius XII is interestingly prophetic about Pope Francis’ animosity towards others’ “rigidity” of their faith. Pope Francis recently blasted the “backwardness of some U.S. conservatives with replacing faith with ideology.
Pope Pius IX is prophetic about the dangers of the toleration of new ideas (changing attitudes toward homosexuality) in the Church. It is more charitable to be faithful to Church teachings.
This recent World Youth Day unfortunately engaged in Eucharistic liturgical sacrilege: storing the Eucharist in plastic containers (like green beans!) and untrained Eucharistic ministers.
Pope Francis recently stated that doctrine is like tasteless distilled water and is not true Catholic doctrine. (Then what is the doctrine that Pope Francis is talking about?)
Pope Francis states that a “correct” understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time. Pope Francis fails to understand that the full deposit of faith has been released. But the understanding of this deposit of faith changes. Yet, Pope Pius X says that progress of dogmas is a corruption of dogmas.
Pope Francis accuses traditional priests of “spiritual worldliness and clericalism. (Cardinals, bishops, and priests are supposed to be separate from the world).
Pope Francis calls those who support the Traditional Mass as those who have a nostalgic disease.
Pope Francis allowed a Panchamama fertility idol be inserted at a Mass on the Vatican grounds. Pope Francis was more offended that this idol was thrown into the Tiber River.
The Vatican permitted an invalid Anglican Mass at St. John Lateran Cathedral in Rome. (The Vatican deeply regretted this event due to a breakdown in communication).
Pope Francis and his inner circle, under the guise of mercy above all else, seem to minimize, ignore, or dismiss Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn. 8:11).
Archbishop Fernandez, soon to be Pope Francis’ doctrinal chief, states that there is a ‘doctrine of the Holy Father’. Archbishop Fernandez makes this statement in response to the valid criticisms of Pope Francis’ statements. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ‘THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY FATHER’! BUT ONLY THE SACRED DEPOSIT OF FAITH RECEIVED FROM OUR LORD AND HANDED DOWN BY THE APOSTLES ! This is an alarming statement from a Vatican doctrinal official! (Again, another human doctrinal invention.)
What can be implied from this? Can it be inferred that Pope Francis is referring to another doctrine?? If so, then that is also very alarming!
1 Cor. 11:32: We (humanity) are not discerning ourselves. We are now being disciplined so that we not we may not receive full condemnation along with the world. We are now being disciplined with floods, storms, earthquakes, and outbreaks of diseases. The utterly predictable human response for these causes is “global warming”. (But we have no verifiable proof for this claim! What if the explanation for the cause of these events is God’s chastisement! Besides, how can one claim global warming is causing earthquakes!)
Needless to say, there are many valid reasons why the Vatican, Pope Francis, and his inner circle can be rightly condemned and criticized. And these criticisms will obviously continue.
Next post: Modernists being loosed to wreak havoc on the Church
[Greek] ἐλέγχω (elegchō), [Latin] arguere, [Latin] audire, [Latin] diiudicare, [French] affirmer, [French] asserter, [French] prouver, [French] incriminer, [French] discerner, [French] refuter, [French] reprimander: to expose, to admonish, to find fault, to rebuke; 18 scriptures
Pope Pius X prophetically foresaw what the Modernists would do to the Church.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to contrive, to put to shame, to expose, to show contempt, to test, and to refute.
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 1.72: “He must never accept an engagement of crowds, or he will expose himself to ridicule as an incompetent player or imposter.”
Plato’s Gorgias 458a: “Of what sort am I? One of those who would be glad to be refuted, if I say anything true, and glad to refute anyone who might speak untruly.”
Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers 851: “I wish to see the messenger and put him to the test again.”
Aristophanes’ Clouds 1043: “On this very account, that I first contrived to speak against both law and justice.”
Old Testament: This term means to do wrong (become guilty), to examine, to search, to convict, to rebuke, to disturb, and to strike. This term often denotes the disciplining and education of man by God as a result of His judicial actions.
New Testament: This term means to expose, to censure, to convict, to charge, to convince, to reprimand, to admonish, to exhort, and to reproach. I will expose the more notable scriptural examples.
Mt.18:15: If your brother sins against you, tell him his fault
Jn.3:20: The wicked person hates the light, so that his works might not be exposed
Jn.8:9: They went away (convicted by their own conscience) one by one
Jn.8:46 Can any of you charge me [Jesus] with sin?
Jn.16:8: The Advocate will convict the world in regard to sin, righteousness, and condemnation
1Tim.5:20: Reprimand publicly those presbyters (bishops) who do sin
Tit.1:9: A bishop must exhort with sound doctrine and refute opponents
Tit.1:13: Admonish bishops sharply, so that they may be sound in their faith
Heb.12:5: Do not disdain the Lord’s discipline and do not lose heart when reproved by Him
Etymology: The Latin verb arguere means to prove, to allege, to disclose, to accuse, to argue, and to charge. The Latin verb audire means to hear and to listen. The Latin verb diiudicare means to decide and to distinguish.
It goes without saying that being exposed and being put to the test is indicative of human nature in any time in history.
Jn.8:9: It is important to note that Jesus forgave the adulterous woman. Jesus did not tolerate her behavior. He told her to sin no more (Jn.8:11).
Jn.8:46: Jesus speaks the truth. Those who oppose Him does not belong to God
Jn.16:8: As Jesus departs, He will send the Holy Spirit to provide guidance to the disciples
1Tim.5:20: The bishops, in their public position of preaching and teaching, are necessarily subject to criticism if needed
Tit.1:9: Bishops are called to hold fast to the true message and to refute opponents
Heb.12:5: Sometimes suffering can serve as an affection correction by the Lord
Update: Bishop Strickland correctly holds fast to the traditional teachings of the Church and correctly calls out against the changes implemented by Pope Francis’ synodal ways.
With the exception of Bishop Strickland, very few cardinals, bishops, and priests protested the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’. Why? Was it because of pressure from the Vatican (and clerical hierarchy)? Was it because of cowardice? Or was it because they did not see it as a problem?
Yet, Bishop Strickland is criticized for upholding traditional Church teachings. Bishop Strickland is often accused of schism for not supporting Pope Francis!
Pope Francis and his inner circle are the ones who are being exposed for changing the Church. They are more schismatic than Bishop Strickland could ever be.
Church leaders often must resort to condemning fellow Church leaders for changing Church teachings in order to accommodate the LGBTQ community.
Yet, many Church leaders (Pope Francis’ allies) continue to advocate for changing Church teachings.
Some Church leaders, under the guise of “inclusion” and mercy, are making concerted efforts to de-stigmatize and normalize homosexuality. These Church leaders do not want to condemn this sinful behavior. These Church leaders are being exposed for not upholding Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11).
The German bishops are being exposed for supporting gay unions. This “marriage” relationship is explicitly in opposition to God’s designs for marriage and procreation.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are being exposed for advocating “mercy above all else” This practice stresses false compassion, “inclusion”, and mercy over true compassion, conversion, and repentance.
Bishop Robert Barron has been criticized for saying that the faith has been dumbed down for too long. Many modernists are saying that this is a good thing, for this can open the faith to everyone??
Modernists are now being exposed for diminishing tradition, ideology, Traditional teachings, and doctrine (for this can be “oppressive”).
These Modernists are showing their true colors by deliberately changing the Church.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, often erroneously claim that the Holy Spirit (“God of surprises”) is guiding them in their synodal process. The reality is that a pre-approved human inspired agenda is being approved by hand-picked allies. They say this in order to DISGUISE THEIR INTENTIONS.
When a synod approves a sinful or questionable practice: the Holy Spirit, being God, CANNOT CONDONE OR APPROVE OF SIN! (This notion is both misleading, wicked, and disingenuous as for being “Holy Spirit inspired” as this idea goes against the nature of the Holy Spirit.
If sinful activity is condoned or approved, it inspired by human motivations, by the culture, or by possible satanic motivations. It also must be stated that one does not need to be fully possessed to be influenced by the devil. (The devil’s influences can be very subtle.)
Pope Francis has mildly criticized the German Synod but yet he has also said that this is the “work of the Holy Spirit”??? Yet, Pope Francis’ Synod of Synodality has moved toward the same German positions regarding women deacons and the LGBTQ agenda. One wonders if Pope Francis agrees with the German bishops intentions, but only wants to “slow-walk” these “reforms” to get a better public reception (acceptance) from the people for these ideas. (Pope Francis seems to be “talking from both sides of his mouth” about the German Synod!)
Pope Francis and his inner circle’s irrationality and foolishness are clearly exposed when they say: “If you criticize the Synod, you must mistrust the Holy Spirit.” With this logic, we should trust that the Holy Spirit will also approve of sinful behavior??? We cannot trust this nonsense!
Pope Francis’s inner circle of cardinals and bishops are continually being publicly criticized for their teachings on homosexuality and gay unions.
Pope Pius IX was quite prophetic on the dangers of Modernism in the Church
“Modernity is a Christian heresy” Bishop Robert Barron
Sept. 13: Modernists being criticized
Sept. 17: Modernists being loosed to wreak havoc on the Church
St. Peter Damian (1007-1072) already saw the problems with immorality, homosexual predatory behavior, laxity, moral relativity, and silence within the clergy. (Sound familiar?) St. Peter Damian is essentially asking, “IS IT TOO MUCH TO HOPE FOR TO HAVE GOOD PRIESTS?” Feb. 21 is the feast day for St. Peter Damian.
Background information:
New Testament: This term means unlawful marriage, unchastity, homosexuality, and immorality. Immorality can include fornication, evil, harlotry, and licentiousness.
Unlawful marriage: Mt.5:32, Mt.19:9, Acts 21:25
Involves serious sexual sin, incest, adultery, and annulment grounds.
Marriages involving Mosaic law violations and sanctions.
Jesus’ admonitions apply only to valid marriages.
Paul asks Gentiles to abstain from unlawful marriages.
Evil thoughts and deeds, coming inside from the heart, defile the person.
There is a need for separation from the unholy.
Sexual satisfaction becomes as commonplace as food.
The immoral person sins against his own body.
One must have an understanding of one’s own limitations.
You [Corinth] have not repented of your impurity, immorality, and licentiousness.
Put away parts of you that are earthly (worldly).
God wills that you refrain from immorality.
Born of fornication: Jn.8:41
If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works of Abraham.
You are trying to kill me [Jesus] who has told you the truth.
You are doing the works of your “worldly” father [the devil].
Your father is the father of lies.
You do not belong to God (priests and laity prostituting themselves to other idols).
Prostitution in Corinth:
Corinth was considered the “Amsterdam of the ancient world”.
Aphrodite was the patron goddess of Corinth.
Women slaves, prostitutes, and courtesans were sold into prostitution.
[Paul]: any woman unveiled brings shame upon her.
Adulterous women’s hair was cut short (so others may see their shame).
Prostitutes and lesbians were thought to have to short hair.
Church in Pergamum: (Jesus hated the works of the Nicolaitans [Rev.2:6])
The Nicolaitans practiced a mixture of Christianity, paganism, and the occult (which becomes a mockery of their faith).
The Nicolaitans had a shallow “dumbed down” faith.
The Nicolaitans practiced eating of meat sacrificed to idols.
The Nicolaitans practiced free sexual intercourse.
The Nicolaitans followed the doctrine of the cult of Balaam (abortion).
The Nicolaitans valued tolerance and compromise.
The Harlot of Rome (Babylon):
The greatest seducer of nations and their kings.
The kings of the earth have syncretic “intercourse” with this harlot. (exchanging worldly values and sin with the Church).
This harlot is the center of paganism and apostasy from God.
This harlot mixed idolatry, lusts, religion, worldly ways, and philosophies
Babylon is filled with fornication and pleasures.
Babylon is contrasted with the pure community of God.
Rev.14:8: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon, the great that made all nations drink the wine of her licentious passion (fornication).” (This harlot seduces and intoxicates the nations (and leaders) with idolatry, paganism, superstition, worldly ways (human traditions), fornication, and lusts.)
Rev.17:2: “The kings of the earth have intercourse with her, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk on the wine of her harlotry.” (The kings of the earth commit spiritual adultery with this harlot. The great harlot seduces them with unfaithfulness, idolatry, passions, and corruption.)
Homosexuality (fornication) in the Church:
Who was St. Peter Damian (1007-1072)? He was an Italian cardinal and Doctor of the Church. He had shed a spotlight on the sexual immorality, laxity, clerical homosexuality, and moral relativity among the clergy.
What does St. Peter Damian say about homosexuality in the clergy?
Homosexuality is incompatible with the dignity of the priest.
There is a correlation between liturgical abuse and an indifference to the moral demands of the gospel.
Fundamental disorientation regarding the natural complementarity of the sexes.
Devastating psychological and spiritual effects of homosexuality.
This can lead to a continuum of sins that depart from the nature of the sexual act.
The tendency to recruit others into their lifestyle.
Quotes by St. Peter Damian:
“Sodomy raging like a cruel beast within the sheepfold of Christ” (Peter Damian observed homosexuality rapidly spreading within the clergy.)
“Why do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with burning passion?” (Peter Damian observed self-seeking promotion of this deviant lifestyle within the clergy.)
“Undoubtedly, those who turn a blind eye to the sins of their subjects that they are obliged to correct.” (Peter Damian observed the secrecy, silence, and lax disclosure of homosexuality within the clergy.)
“If such a priest is barely permitted to enter the church pray, how is it that he can approach the altar to intercede for others” (Peter Damian states homosexuality is deeply related to the dignity of the priest.) Questionable behavior==> questionable priesthood
“What do you seek in a man, that you are unable to find yourself, you seek in vain in another body?” (Peter Damian sees that the priest has a disorientation about the natural complimentarity of the sexes.)
Fr. Heimerl: “Francis’ synodal church is controlled by old homosexual men”
The synodal Church no longer teaches the traditional faith (about homosexuality).
The bishops’ failure (silence and cowardice) in criticizing the synodal Church indicates a “new normality.”
Where does this silence and indifference come from? From Satan, the father of lies (1Jn.3:8)
Fiducia Supplicans: permitting of blessings of “irregular couples” [homosexuals and adulterers]
The clergy has historically been infiltrated by homosexuals. Serious estimates: over 60%
There is little opposition because the Church has fallen into the hands of older homosexual men.
There is now a belief by some people that homosexuality is “willed by God and is by no mean a sin” (This is contrary to Church teachings and very concerning!)
The Church is in the Babylonian captivity of homosexual senior clergy.
Pope Francis is associating himself with these older homosexual clergy!
The workings of Satan has now been exposed [for all to see] in the Church. This is perhaps God’s providence in allowing for a true reform of clergy in the Church.
It is now all the more important to listen to voices like Bishop Strickland! (“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”) Mt.11:14)
It is important to note that the New Testament makes references to unchastity, unfaithfulness, and unlawful marriage.
In the New Testament, it can be inferred that an unlawful marriage is in contrast to God’s laws for marriage and procreation [man and woman]. (Yet, Fiducia Supplicans is a result of the Vatican’ acquiescence to pressure from the German bishops’ curious “concern” about homosexuality.)
Jesus overrules the Old Testament’s allowances for divorce. Jesus reaffirms God’s original designs for marriage (man and woman become one flesh. (It is as if Jesus is going to treat the New Testament folks like adults in talking about the original purpose for marriage.)
The New Testament reaffirms that immorality comes from within (the heart).
It is significant to note that fornication, immorality, disobedience, pride, and the devil are all tied together. Really not surprising, since the devil also seeks to undermine, upend, and destroy God’s laws and creation. “We are not illegitimate (born of fornication)” Jn.8:41
The Nicolaitans had overcome the culture the Christian culture by its introduction ofpaganism, occult, and “tolerance”. Jesus HATED their lukewarm mockery of the Christian faith.
How did Pope Leo IX respond to homosexuality in the priesthood? He approved a canon decreeing excommunication for those guilty of sodomy.
Update: It seems like the Nicolaitans and Modernists and Synodalists have much in common: watered-down faith and teachings, tolerance, compromise, and human traditions, and adapting to the world. This synodal Church is becoming a new Church made in the image of man and his lived experiences.
Pope Francis follows the German bishops in doctrinally go off the rails into heresy and schism.
The German bishops now affirm that homosexuality is normal!!
Pope Francis and his inner circle continue to follow after the German bishops in “piece-meal” fashion.
Fiducia Supplicans: allowing “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex unions, while stating Church teachings. This is paying lip service to Church teachings.
Church leaders are engaging in spiritual harlotry. Clergy are questioning, ignoring Church teachings. Some clergy are de-stigmatizing and normalizing homosexuality.
Church leaders do not mentions Jn.8:11 (“Sin no more!), Jn.8:12: (“Whoever does not follow Me will walk in darkness”)
Church leaders stress inclusion, false tolerance, and mercy above all else. Sin, true compassion, repentance, conversion, and the salvation of souls are excluded.
Pope Francis continues to be two-sided. Pope Francis champions Fr. James Martin’s LGBTQ outreach efforts and then also states the Church’s teachings against homosexuality.
There unfortunately seems to be a current trend of self-absorbed clergy “coming out” with their homosexuality. A noble priest would keep this inclination secret for the sake of the kingdom.
The German bishops state that the Church must accept the reality of homosexuality. The Church must get with the times!
If the Church was serious in teaching against homosexuality, there would be more conversions away from the homosexual lifestyle and less need for the LGBTQ “outreach”. Yet, the Church continues to increase its LGBTQ “outreach”. (Paying lip service to Church teachings!)
If homosexuality in the clergy is not a problem, then what caused the Church sex abuse scandal?? St. Peter Damian was right all along: “IS IT TOO MUCH TO HOPE TO HAVE GOOD PRIESTS?”
The Church has reached a pivotal “millstone movement” as a result of Fiducia Supplicans’ caving in to the LGBTQ lobby. This has now created an inflection point in the Church: Do we want a Church that blesses sin and evil?
A female Anglican presbyter was invited to “concelebrate” at Archbishop Magri’s installation Mass. It was more important to be “inclusive” with other religions than following proper liturgical norms. Archbishop Magri later published a letter stating that this was “inadvertent” and was committed to liturgical orthopraxy. Shocker! This is just another example of spiritual harlotry.
Feb.21: Today is the feast day of St. Peter Damian. I hope all clergy will take to heart what this saint says about their moral character in being a priest.
“Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in hell than else, because this is the worst sin there is.” St. Bernadine of Siena
Babylon Marriage Market: painting by Edwin Long (1875)
Background information:
Babylonian Marriage Market: (early precursors of harlotry: prostituting oneself)
Every woman of the land is compelled to sit in the temple of Aphrodite.
She does not go home until some stranger puts money in her lap and have intercourse with her.
She cannot refuse for that would be a “sin” as the money becomes sacred.
The money is given to the temple as a devotion or prayer to the goddess to ensure fertility (financial sexual transaction).
After intercourse, she is discharged from her “sacred duty” and now can leave the temple grounds.
Greek Hellenism: This term means fornication, licentiousness, adultery, prostitution, idolatry, and unchastity.
Aristophanes’ Plutus 155: “You speak of male whores; yet some of them are honest, and it’s not money they ask of their patrons.”
Xenophon’s Memorabilia 1.6.12: “For to offer one’s beauty for money to all comers is called prostitution. But we think it is virtuous to become friendly with a lover who is known to be a man of honor.”
Demosthenes’ Against Neara 59.41: “She charged higher fees from those who sought her favors as being now a respectable woman living with her husband.”
Cultic prostitution:
Prostitution practiced in service to mother deities (prostituting oneself to idols)
Daughters of prominent families practiced prostitution in payment to the fertility gods
Prostitution cults found in Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt
Extra-marital intercourse:
Masters have access to female slaves and concubines
Prostitution arises with increased prosperity and commerce
Alien women, as 2nd class citizens, become self-supporting professional “friends” in Greek society (“working women”)
Extra-marital intercourse was forbidden to the wife (but not for the husband)
Greek tolerance allowed for intercourse between young men and harlots
Homosexuality developed and spread throughout Greece
Harlots were slaves, musicians, dancers, and singers
Harlots of brothels charged higher prices for their services
Greek stoicism rejects prostitution. Chastity is best.
Old Testament: This term means prostitution, soliciting, unfaithfulness, idolatry, fornication, and unchastity.
Leading into fornication can mean “whoring after other gods” and “turning aside from God” (SPIRITUAL HARLOTRY!) [More of this to come in next post]
Canaanite cults (Baal and Astarte) enter into the religion of Israel
The harlot is a familiar figure in national life
Extra-marital sanctions did not apply to men involving relations with alien women
Israel patriarchal culture comes into conflict with the matriarchal nature religion of Canaan
Any toleration (or promotion) brings the threat of God’s divine judgment
God has a metaphorical marriage relationship with Israel
Israel, in being unfaithful to God, is likened to a harlot (Nations and institutions can become spiritual harlots)
Harlotry: Spiritual harlotry (whoredom) can also refer to unfaithfulness to God, unchastity, “whoring after other gods”, and turning aside from God.
Hos.4:12: The land gives itself to harlotry, turning away from God
Exo.34:16: They render their wanton worship to their gods
2Chr.21:11: He led the inhabitants of Jerusalem into idolatry and seduced Judah
Hos.1:2: The land prostitutes itself, turning away from the Lord
Eze.16:26: You played the harlot with the Egyptians
Jdg.2:17: They prostituted themselves by following other gods, bowing down to them
Hos.4:18: They play the harlot; in their arrogance they love shame
It is very instructive that this term encompasses more than prostitution and fornication.This term also refers to IDOLATRY, UNCHASTITY, and UNFAITHFULNESS.
It is quite interesting that Xenophon states that utilizing one’s beautiful attributes for profit is a form of prostitution. (This old fashioned cultural attitude can be a technically true explanation as it pertains to prostitution. One is not wrong in saying this. Yet, as it is with today, many beautiful women can and are utilizing their beautiful attributes (assets) in productive and wholesome ways.
Chastity refers to remaining in a virtuous state in one’s sexual interactions, conduct, behavior, and intentions.
Greek Stoicism, sharing similar characteristics of Christianity, also held that chastity was an admirable trait. Chastity continues to become a time honored admirable quality.
Yet, the “working woman” (harlot) has also become a well known figure throughout human history.
Perhaps mother deity cults developed in response partly to patriarchal cultural attitudes. Could this be one of the earliest appearances of a type of feminism as a response toward a male-dominated culture? Just makes you think.
Cultic prostitution perhaps brought a certain status to prostitution.
The Old Testament culture develops the important metaphorical notion that Israel is a bride to God. Therefore, an unfaithful Israel is likened to a harlot.
Harlotry can also be seen as unfaithfulness to God and whoring in prostitution to other gods.
Update: Many in our post-Christian secular culture continues to prostitute themselves in sin, to “worship gods”, or to become like little pagans worshipping various idols: (fame, celebrity, wealth, social media, technology, etc). We are all guilty of this to some extent.
NEVER DISCOUNT THE PRESENCE OF THE DEVIL when one is being seduced or enchanted by the world. After all, we often forget that the world is the devil’s domain! What better way to draw someone away from God!
Pope Francis and other Modernists, in their arrogance, claim that Church theology has changed. They are now creating a synodal and worldly Church made in the image of man. They are engaging in syncretic “intercourse” (bringing into the Church worldly values, lived experiences, and sin from the world). They are also acting like spiritual harlots.
In our secular post-Christian culture, homosexuality, abortion, and other sins are now accepted and praised.
In spite of the Church’s teachings against homosexuality lifestyle, some Church leaders are questioning the Church’s teaching and seeking to destigmatize and normalize the sinful nature of homosexuality. It can be said that they are playing the harlot in accommodating the LGBTQ community’s demand for recognition of their lifestyles. Now we have “non-liturgical blessings” for same-sex unions!
These Church leaders do this under the guise of tolerance, “compassion”, “walking with them”, and “mercy above all else”. Yet, recognition of sin, repentance, and conversion of heart are ignored or excluded.
“Let it be well recorded that a harlot is a gate which leads to death.” Latin proverb
Next post: spiritual harlotry: New Testament culture to the present
The Modernist leadership in the Church, in its outreach to the LGBTQ community, is attempting to redefine the sinful aspect of homosexuality for those in same sex “marriage” unions. This is creating a schism within the Church against those who uphold traditional teachings. This acceptance of this sinful nature undermines the Church’s teachings and God’s designs for marriage and procreation. We also must not underestimate the culture’s and Satan’s influence in these matters.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means division of opinion, leaving aside, split, division, shattering, separation, and fraction.
Herodotus’ The Histories 2.17: “We leave the Ionians’ opinion aside, and our own judgment about the matter is this: Egypt is all that country which is inhabited by Egyptians.”
Aeschylus’ Agamemnon 623: “It is not easy to conceal when true and good are split apart.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 7.219: “The Hellenes then took counsel, but their opinions were divided.”
Old Testament: This term means split, cleaving, division, break, tear, and a calling out.
New Testament: This term means tear and division.
Mt.9:16: No one patches an old cloth with a piece of unshrunken cloth, for the tear get worse
Jn.7:43: A division occurred in the crowd because of Him
1Cor.1:10: I [Paul] urge you that there be no divisions among you
1Cor.11:18-19: There are divisions among you. There have to be factions in order that those who are approved may be known
1Cor.12:24-25: God constructed the body so that there may be no division in the body
Etymology: The Latin schisma means split, separation, and schism. The Latin scissura means tearing and cleft. The Latin dissensio means disagreement, dissension, and rift. From past history, scissor meant tailor, carver, and cutter. “Oh scissors!” was a 19th century exclamation of impatience or disgust.
Schism, schismatic, dissention, scissor
Herodotus illustrates the political aspect of creating dissension and division.
The Old Testament uses this term to call out (address) others by name.
Mt.9:16: Attempting to combine the old with the new often does not work. The Gospel cannot be contained within the narrow limits of the Mosaic law.
Jn.7:43: The crowd could not agree on the nature or origin of Jesus
Jn.9:16: There was a division among the Pharisees regarding Jesus’ miracle on the Sabbath. Some were impressed or dismissive.
Jn.10:19: Some Pharisees thought Jesus was possessed? Other Pharisees said He could not be possessed.
1Cor.1:10: In Corinth, there were factions following Paul, Peter, Apollos, Hellenistic philosophy, and Jewish-Christian mixing of doctrine.
1Cor.11:18-19: Paul states there have to be factions among you in order that those faithful groups may become known.
1Cor.12:24-25: One body, many parts: the body is one, though it has many parts.
Peter Damian was responding to the epidemic of sodomy, especially in the priesthood.
Update: There continues to be a division as to what the resolution should be for the war between Ukraine and Russia. (Complete or partial reclaiming of Ukraine land?)
There remains division among voters about whether Trump and Biden should be the 2024 presidential nominees.
There continues a huge division as to what the Catholic Church should be: a traditional Church or a synodal Church?
Pope Francis and his inner circle and German bishops continue to introduce potentially heretical ideas as they create their synodal Church. (This is causing a schism in the Church). Some want to bless “same sex unions”!
Pope Francis and his inner circle, like the Nicolaitans, under the guise of “inclusion”, have permitted (and are permitting) pagan practices into the Mass. Remember the Pachamama idol fiasco on the Vatican grounds!
There is now a division in the Church regarding the acceptance of sin. Pope Francis and his inner circle, in their outreach to the LGBTQ community, seek to destigmatize and normalize homosexuality. Orthodox and traditional Catholics oppose this.
There is now a division within the Church regarding the notion of sin. Modernists advocate false compassion (tolerance, acceptance, and “inclusion”). Traditionalists advocate true compassion (acknowledgement of sin and conversion).
There is a now a division as to whether or not to accept Jesus’ proclamation: Jn.8:11: go and sin no more! Unfortunately, many Christians cannot agree that some actions are considered sinful.
Vatican II sought to makes changes to the Church to make it more “relevant” to the culture. Yet, in doing so this has created disastrous results for the Church and the faithful.
Pope Francis and his inner circle are changing the Church in their efforts to create a synodal Church. As a result, they are creating more confusion, problems, anxiety, syncretism, heretical creep, sacrilege, and generating anger from the faithful. Pope Francis is causing many problems for the faithful.
Cardinal Burke and Bishop Strickland warn that Pope Francis is risking confusion and even schism with the upcoming Synod on Synodality.
Some people think Bishop Strickland is causing schism by not following Pope Francis?This notion ignores reality. The public knows that Bishop Strickland is the one who is upholding tradition. Pope Francis is the one who is changing the Church. (How does one cause schism by upholding tradition?)
Pope Francis says a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time???
Aug 30: prostitution and harlotry: ancient history to the Old Testament culture
Sept 3: prostitution and harlotry: New Testament culture to the present
A 16 year-old Spanish pilgrim at World Youth Day 2023 at Fatima, Portugal miraculously recovered her sight during Mass. She stated that she and others had been praying for nine days asking the Virgin for her healing.
Background information:
Old Testament: This term means physical strength, wealth, ability, troops, character, group, vigor, and competence.
New Testament: This term means ability, power, mighty deed, ruler, supernatural power, and meaning. For purposes of brevity, I will focus on miracles and related power.
Mt.7:22: Did we not do mighty deeds in Your name?
Mt.11:20: Jesus reproached the towns who had not repented (where most of His mighty deeds had been done)
Mt.13:54: The people in Jesus’ native place were astonished by Jesus’ wisdom and mighty deeds
Mk.5:30: Jesus was aware that power had gone out from Him
Lk.1:35: The power of the Most High will overshadow you [Mary]
Lk.5:17: The power of the Lord healed the leper
Rom.9:17: God raised up Pharaoh (to be hard-hearted) to show His power through you [Pharaoh]
Recent eucharistic miracles:
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Thomastown Ct. (Multiplication of Eucharistic hosts): More Eucharistic hosts appeared in the ciborium (chalice) after the distribution of Communion at Mass.
Donegal Parish, Ireland (Eucharistic host mysteriously lands in ciborium): The priest, after finishing distributing the Eucharist to congregation, went to the tabernacle to empty the ciborium into main ciborium. In another part of the church, a man received but did not consume the Eucharist. A woman then noticed that the Eucharist lifted out of the man’s hand. This Eucharist host flew through the air and landed into empty ciborium in front of the priest.
Diocese of Gracias, San Juan, Honduras (Blood inexplicably found on the corporal): A Eucharistic minister opened up the tabernacle and saw blood on the corporal covering the ciborium containing the Eucharist hosts. Scientific investigation determined that the blood was AB+, the same blood type of the Shroud of Turin.
Other miracles:
Benedictine Abbey, Gower, Missouri (Incorrupt body): Sr. Wilhelmina Lancaster’s body was found incorrupt after four years.
World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal (Miraculous physical healing): Jimena, a 16 year-old Spanish participant, miraculously recovered her sight after receiving the Eucharist at Fatima, Portugal, during a Mass there. Jimena, 95% blind, stated that she (and others) had been praying for nine days asking the Virgin for her healing.
Mt. 7:22: Only those who do the will of God will enter the kingdom of heaven. Corrupt miracle workers will be rejected by Jesus.
Mt.11:20: Jesus reproached these towns because the people did not repent or seek conversion by Jesus’ actions. They lacked faith.
Mt.13:54: Jesus did not work mighty deeds because of their lack of faith.
Mk.5:30: The hemorrhagic woman was saved because of her faith that she could be healed by Jesus.
Lk.1:35: Mary faithfully permits God’s will be done to her in becoming the mother of Jesus.
Lk.5:17: The leper had faith that Jesus could heal him.
Rom.9:17: God, in His Providence, permitted Pharaoh to remain hard-hearted in order to show His severity in punishing those who oppose Him.
It is important to note that Jimena had the faith that she could be healed.
Update: It has been speculated that an angel could have carried the Eucharistic to the ciborium.
In this post-Christian secular world, many have lost faith or have no faith. Perhaps God is allowing these miracles to help us rekindle our faith and to remind many of us that He still exists.
Perhaps God in His Providence is permitting Pope Francis to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) at this time in history. God may be allowing Pope Francis’ hard-heartedness to inspire and awaken many other peoples’ interest in this ancient celebration.
At this time in history, Pope Francis is doubling down on the actions, results, and “fruits” of Vatican II (which have already been disastrous for the Church). Pope Francis is intent on creating a synodal Church, leading to further problems in adapting the Church to the world. This could lead to an inflection point for many in seeing that the Church has gone too far. This could perhaps inspire a great longing back for Tradition and traditional ways in the Church. (“Our future is our past.” Archbishop Lefebvre)
The historic Maria Lanakilia (“Victorious Mary”) Catholic Church was miraculously still standing and unscathed after devastating wildfires in Hawaii . Here is a brief video.