[Greek] διακρίνω (diakrinō), [Latin] discernere, [Latin] dijudicare, [Latin] ostendere, [Latin] haesitare, [Latin] dubitare, [Latin] advertere, [Latin] iudicare: to judge, to evaluate, to distinguish, to discern, to separate, to discriminate, to make a distinction; Mt.16:3, Mt.21:21, Mk.11:23, Acts 10:20, Acts 11:2,12, Acts 15:9, Rom.4:20, Rom.14:23, 1Cor.4:7, 1Cor.6:5, 1Cor.11:29,31, 1Cor.14:29, Jas.1:6, Jas.2:4, Jud.1:9,22

Yet, Pope Francis and his inner circle are now discerning what the world wants. Pope Francis is remaking Jesus’ Church into a worldly synodal Church in the image of man.
Background information:
Greek Hellenism: This term means to separate, to part, to join others, to set apart, to distinguish, to decide, to consult (the birds), to doubt, to hesitate, and to waver.
Homer’s Iliad 2.475: “Even as goatherd separate easily the wide-scattered flocks of goats, so did their leaders marshal them on this side and that.”
Homer’s Iliad 7.292: “Hereafter, shall we fight again until God judges between us, and give victory to one side or the other.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 8.8: “They parted and each hurried gladly to his own place of refuge.”
Homer’s Odyssey 8.195: “Even, a blind man could distinguish this mark, groping it with his hands.”
Herodotus’ The Histories 1.11: “Now, Gyges, you have two ways before you decide which you will follow.”
Aristophanes’ Birds 719: “Before undertaking anything, you consult the birds by reading the omens, and you give this name of omen to all signs that tell of the future.”
Plato’s Philebus 46b: “Protarchus, we can probably never settle the point at issue.”
Old Testament: This term means to judge, to examine, to litigate, to separate, to distinguish, to contend, to choose, and to litigate. Willful rejection rather than doubt plays an important in man’s relationship with God.
New Testament: This term means to judge, to doubt (waver), to confront, to discriminate, to distinguish, distinction, and to discern. Sometimes it is often difficult to make the “distinction” between these meanings. (Sorry for the pun–just couldn’t resist) ☺☺☺
Mt.16:3: You [Pharisees and Sadducees] cannot judge the signs of the times
Mt.21:21-22: If you have faith and do not waver…Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive
Acts 11:12: The Spirit told me [Peter] to accompany them without discriminating
Rom.4:20: Abraham did not doubt God’s promise in unbelief. Rather, Abraham was empowered by faith and gave glory to God.
1Cor.4:7: Who confers distinction (knowing better) upon you? What do you possess that you have not received?
1Cor.11:29: For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself
Perseverance in trials: Jas.1:1-8
- Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials
- For you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance
- Let that perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing
- If you lack wisdom, ask God who gives generously
- But one should act in faith, not doubting
- The one who doubts (divided) is like a wave that is driven and tossed by the wind
- This person is divided (between God and himself)
Jas.2:4: Have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil designs
Synod of Synodalities summary statement:
- Desires increased laity decision making and responsibilities
- No one should be excluded
- Walk and listen to the people
- Seek consensus building
- Support and respond to those who are marginalized as a result of fidelity to Church teachings
- Discern together controversial issues and open questions
- Discern together whether a doctrinal issue can or must remain
- The faithful cannot err in matters of faith if they can manifest universal consent
Fiducia Supplicans: (a back-handed way to recognize and bless same-sex unions)
Why would this blessing be needed in the first place? A general blessing can be bestowed on anyone (despite their sinful state). Therefore this blessing becomes redundant, other than to recognize this relationship. Blessing of same-sex unions is evil!
Why would this blessing be needed if individuals in an “irregular” relationship are seeking to be right with God? If they would be seeking to be right with God, these individuals would be ending this “irregular” relationship and seeking forgiveness and conversion of heart. Otherwise, they would have the intent to continue this irregular relationship. This blessing would only exist for those who intend to remain in their same-sex union.
What will this document’s confusion and ambiguity result in? Modernist (progressive) clergy will bestow blessings on same-sex unions. Individuals in same-sex unions will perceive this blessing as the Church’s affirmation of their relationship. This will result in the blessing of evil (a disordered relationship according to God’s moral laws). Fiducia Supplicans says that the Church teachings against marriage has not changed. But at the same time, this blessing UNDERMINES Church teachings on marriage. More and more bishops are coming out opposed to this blessing. And yet, there appears to be a sharp increase in the number of same-sex couples making requests for blessings from Pope Francis! More confusion and chaos! Are you surprised???
What is Pope Francis intent? To expand the notion of blessing outside of moral concerns. Bestowing a blessing with moral conditions evidently is too restricting and rigid for some people. In other words, evidently Catholic moral principles need not apply to these individuals. This is just another example of Pope Francis watering down Church doctrine and teachings of marriage.
Why does Pope Francis have no intention for applying morals standards? Pope Francis’ inner confident Fr. James Martin is metaphorically happily “doing cartwheels” with Fiducia Supplicans. Fr. Martin is already excitedly blessing same-sex couples. Progressive (Modernist) bishops and priests are already taking upon themselves to willingly bless same-sex unions.
Etymology: There are many Latin derivations: Diakrino: to divide (decide) in one’s mind. Dijudicare: to make a decision about a matter. Discernere: to recognize a difference or distinction. Ostendere: to show or to make clear. Decider: to cut off or to determine. Montrer: to show. Separer: to pull apart. Haesitare: to stick or to be undecided. Dubitare: to doubt or to be of two minds. Advertere: to turn towards. Condamner: to find guilty.
Dijudicate, discern, discerning, decide, decision, ostentation, monstrance, separate, separation, hesitation, hesitate, distinguish, doubt, dubious, turn, advertise, condemn, judge
In the Old Testament, the focus is on rejection of God’s word rather than on doubt.
Mt.16:3: The Pharisees and Sadducees consistently held a spiritual blindness regarding the kingdom of heaven and Jesus’ deeds.
Mt.21:21-22: Jesus makes a very important statement that faith must not be wavering (weak) in order o be effective or fruitful. When Jesus starts with, “Amen, I say to you…” He will make an important declaration.
Acts 11:2: The Jewish Christians were scandalized that Peter would visit the Gentile Cornelius household
Acts 11:12: The Holy Spirit teaches that we must accompany all (Jews and Gentiles), without distinction, without hesitation, and without doubt.
1Cor.4:6-7: Paul asks the Corinthians what gives them the right be inflated with pride among themselves
Rom.4:20: Faith can help make us confident and strong
1Cor.11:29-31: Improperly eating and drinking the Body and Blood of the Lord unworthily (without discernment) will bring upon judgment upon oneself. One must understand the meaning of Jesus’ intentions and His death. To do otherwise, one will be guilty of a sin against the Lord Himself.
Jas.2:4: When Christians show favoritism, they are guilty of prejudice and discrimination. Such Christians set themselves up as judges who judge by self-serving motives.
Update: Perhaps with the best of intentions, Vatican II, responding to the signs of the times, has caused disastrous results and changes for the Church. Liturgical chaos has later followed.
The Vatican, responding to the signs of the times, has diminished tradition, has created confusion, have marginalized the Catholic faithful, and have been seeking to remake Jesus’ Church into the image of man.
Pope Francis and his inner circle, rather than being mindful of problems from Vatican II, are actually doubling down and creating further liturgical chaos.
Many Catholics have lost faith in Pope Francis stewardship of Jesus’ Church. We still all need to unwavoringly pray for the Church and for Pope Francis.
We all must have confidence in the one Holy Spirt who accompanies all of us in our path. This is the Holy Spirit who cannot bless in. So what spirit is present at the Synod?
The Vatican and other Church leaders often erroneously claim that the ‘Holy Spirit of surprises’ accompanies them in their synodal process, allowing them to even ratify sin. This becomes an example of SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS TO SIN! Or are they calling upon another spirit which allows for sin?? With this logic, they claim anything they want from this synod.
The Vatican and their inner circle claim that no distinction must be made for the LGBTQ community’s behavior or sexual inclinations. They must be accepted in the Church, despite their sinful lifestyle. Evidently, Catholic moral principles need not apply. Pope Francis and his inner circle are making efforts to de-stigmatize, redefine, and normalize homosexuality. They are ignoring Jesus’ command to sin no more (Jn.8:11).
Lackadaisical Eucharistic reception (among Catholics), liturgical abuses (and sacrilege), and lack of belief (in the Eucharist) all play a part in receiving the Eucharist unworthily. Those who receive the Eucharist in mortal sin also receive the Eucharist unworthily.
Some Church leaders themselves judge and make distinctions by showing false compassion. Rather than following Church teachings, acknowledging sin, exercising true compassion, and extolling forgiveness and conversion, these Church leaders ignore sin in being “tolerant” and accepting of their lifestyle.
“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” Supreme Court justice John Roberts
Affirmative action and DEI are now being seem by more and more people as a form of reverse racism.
The Synod of Synodalities is essentially seeking to diminish the differences between the clergy and the laity. This part of Pope Francis’ efforts to create a worldly synodal Church into the image of man.
The Synod seeks to have the clergy and laity become co-decision makers in discerning together doctrinal issues, controversial issues, and open issues. This will further bringing in worldly values, sin, sinful behavior into the Church.
Before too long, it will difficult to distinguish the Synod of Synodalities with the heretical and schismatic German Synod. Fiducia Supplicans is a prime illustration of this. The German Church is already blessing same sex-unions. Fiducia Supplicans is also already allowing the same result.
This is how Pope Francis operates: Pope Francis slow-walks this path to get to the more extreme position. He takes a more moderate stance by comparison, then he later moves further to that extreme position.
Pope Francis seems to continue to create chaos and to scandalize the Church with his words and actions! It is one scandal after another scandal.
Harvard’s president Claudine Gay evidently cannot discern the evils of genocide and plagiarism. She discerned she had to resign because of racism.
“Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen